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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys-

tem Was held in Washington on Monday, January 25, 1943, at 9:45 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter

referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the

Pecleral Reserve System held on January 23, 1943, were approved unani14011sly.
Letter to Mr. Davis, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis,
reading as follows:
"In accordance with your request the Board of Governors
approves the following new pages in the personnel classification plan of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and
Branches, covering the creation of new positions as submitted with your letters of January 11, 1943:
Annual Salary
27—B Banking House
Senior Maintenance Man
26—A Banking House
Supervisor of AccountFiscal Agency
ing and Statistics
Credit-Discount Administrative

Approved unanimously.


-2Letter to Lir. Brainard, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of

reading as follows:
"As you may recall, during the discussion of the agenda
for the Conference of Chairmen which was held on October 5,
1942, it was suggested that a brief statement somewhat in the
nature of by-laws be prepared relating to meetings of the
Chairmen's Conference and the selection of the officers and
committees of the Conference. A draft of such a statement is
attached hereto. It has been prepared with a view to permitting the greatest possible flexibility in the activities of
the Conference and, to that end, prescribes only the essentials with respect to organization, meetings, and procedure.
"The statement is being sent to you at this time as
Chairman of the executive committee of the Chairmen's Conference with the thought that you may wish to discuss it with
the other members of the executive committee and to present
the matter for consideration at the next meeting of the Chairmen's Conference.
"The suggestion has also been made that it would be helpful to the Chairmen if they had readily available a brief
statement with respect to other Federal Reserve System meetlngs that are held from time to time. Such a statement is
also attached with the thought that, if you think it worth
While, you might send it to the Chairmen of the other Federal
Reserve Banks."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Major General Blanton tinship, Coordinator of the
Inter-American Defense Board, reading as follows:
"Further consideration has been given to the question
Of reimbursement for the space occupied by the Inter-American
Defense Board in the Federal Reserve Building, in the light
Of previous correspondence and the discussions between Major
hinckley and members of the Board's staff. At the time of
the request for space in this building for the Inter-American
Defense Board, it was the understanding that, because of the
Possible needs of our own organization, the accommodation
would have to be of a temporary nature, and we were assured
that, one way or another, space would be obtained elsewhere
for the Inter-American Defense Board within a period of approximately two months. The space was provided at considerable inconvenience and expense to our own organization. New



"responsibilities may arise which may make it imperative
that we have some or all of the space on short notice for
our °Inn use. With the passage of time, however, because
YOU have not obtained space elsewhere, we feel that we can
not continue to defer the question of reimbursement for
the space occupied by your Board, especially in view of the
fact that, as heretofore pointed out, the Board of Governors derives the funds it uses to pay its expenses, including those of this building, from assessments against the
rederal Reserve Banks.
"In this connection, it is understood that it is not
the practice for one agency or establishment of the Government to charge rent for space which it controls when
used or occupied by another agency of the Federal Government, but that it is the practice in such cases for one
agency to reimburse the other agency for all costs of
maintenance and operation of space so occupied. Accordingly, it is believed that the Inter-American Defense
Board should arrange to pay the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System a proportionate share of the expenses of operating and maintaining the building and facilities which it is utilizing. It is understood, also, that
the Inter-American Defense Board does not have funds available for the payment of expenses incurred prior to the current fiscal year and, therefore, it will be satisfactory
if reimbursement is made for a proportionate share of such
expenses from July 1, 1942, and continuing for such time
as you occupy space in the building.
"As you know, the Federal Reserve Building is fully
air conditioned, and by reason of its construction and deSign, the facilities afforded are of unusually high character. The Inter-American Defense Board has been furnished
with cleaning, heating, lighting, air conditioning, protection, and elevator services for the quarters it occupies,
and has utilized many other facilities furnished in the
building, such as the cafeteria, mail, and emergency rooms.
During the six-months period from July 1, 1942 to December
4, 1942, the cost of operating and maintaining the building was approximately I72,000.
"The Inter-American Defense Board has occupied, since
the latter part of March, 1942, rooms numbered 1202, 1204,
1206, 1208 (A and B), 1212, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218,
1219 and 1221, 1220, 1222 and 1224, 1226, 1228, 1230, 1238,
1240, 1242, 1244, 1245, 1247 and 1249, 1246, 1248, 1250,
1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1258, 1260 (A and B),
1262, 1264, 1266 (A, B, C, D and E), in the "G" Street wing
of the first floor, which amounts to 11.8% of the amount of



"usable office space in the Federal Reserve Building.
The proportionate share for this space of the expenses
for the six-months period from July 1, 1942 to December
31, 1942, would be 11.8% of Ti72,000, or8,496. As the
recent provision for overtime pay did not go into effect
until December, it is reasonable to believe that future
expenses will be at least this much, and that they are
likely to be greater.
"Included in the space enumerated above are five
rooms aggregating approximately 1,080 square feet of
Office space, which were set aside, at the request of the
War Department, for the use of the Brazilian-United States
Defense Commission, and it is understood that your agreement to reimburse us as above outlined will cover this
Space and you will continue the arrangement for the occupancy of the space by the Brazilian Commission.
"As soon as you advise us of your agreement to the
plan outlined in this letter, we will arrange to set aside 10 spaces on the parking lot for your cars, and in
addition will issue 25 other general parking permits
fram time to time to such individuals as may be designated by the Inter-American Defense Board, with the understanding that such permits, as well as the use of the
Space on the parking lot, may be terminated by the Board
of Governors upon thirty days notice, and with the further understanding that the vehicles covered by this arrangement will be removed immediately if we deem it
necessary to make space available for vehicles which the
Public Buildings Administration has recommended be moved
from the basement of the Federal Reserve Building in the
event of an air raid."

Approved, Mr. McKee voting "no".

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

