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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Thursday, January 21, 1954. The Board met
in the Board Room at 10:00 a.m.


Martin, Chairman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Mr. Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Thomas, Economic Adviser to the Board
Mr. Vest, General Counsel
Mr. Young, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics
Mr. Solomon, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Noyes, Assistant Director, Division
of Research and Statistics
Mr. Cherry, Legislative Counsel

The following requests for travel authorization were presented:
Duration of travel.

Name and title
Dwight L. Allen, Director, Division
of Personnel Administration

January 25-26, 1951i

To travel to New York, New York, to attend a meeting of the Retirement Committee of the Retirement System of the Federal Reserve Banks.
Renry Benner, Assistant Director,
Division of Examinations

January 21-22, 1954

To travel to Richmond, Virginia, to survey the Bank Examination
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
Approved unanimously.
Under date of January

18, 1954, the

Board received from the Bureau

Of the Budget a copy of a draft of the proposed Housing Act of 1954, with

the request that the views of the Board be presented at a "clearance
session" to be held on either January 20 or 21. (Subsequently, the
meeting was set for January 21.) Accordingly, there had been prepared
and sent to the members of the Board prior to this meeting a memorandum
dated January 20 from Messrs. Noyes and Solomon discussing various provisions of the proposed Act and suggesting certain comments which might
be offered.
The matter was considered in the light of (1) the provisions of
the proposed Act relating specifically to the banking system, and (2)
the provisions having such broad economic significance as to affect the
general stability of the economy.
In the first category, section 301 of the bill would revise the
National Housing Act to make debentures of the Federal National Mortgage
Association (Which would be reconstituted by Title III) having maturities
of six months or less eligible for purchase by Federal Reserve Banks,
section 303(a) contained another provision to the same effect, and
section 303(b) would make all obligations of the new Federal National
Mortgage Association eligible for 15-day advances to member banks by
Federal Reserve Banks. Section 304 would permit Federal savings and
loan associations to invest in obligations of the Federal National
Mortgage Association. Section 601(1) would change the name of the
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation to the "Federal Savings
Insurance Corporation", section 601(4) would authorize insured savings

and loan shares to be used as lawful investments, or security, for
s and
"all fiduciary, trust, and public funds" of the United State
"all corporations organized under the lams of the United State
alf the amount
and sections 602(1) and (2) would reduce by about one—h
Of Home Loan Bank stock which member savings and loan associations
must own.
In the second category, the terms applicable to
all of the established Federal Housing Administration programs

be substantially liberalized, the liberalizations provided under
significant, and the
sections 203, 207, and 213 being particularly
used housing as would
bill would apply the same liberalized terms to
National Mortgage
apply to new housing. The reconstituted Federal
rt operations, and
Association would engage in substantial suppo
Association would
capital contributions required from users of the

be only 2 per cent of the amount of mortgages sold to the Association.
the draft relating to
(Just prior to this meeting a revised section of
the Budget
the Federal National Mortgage Association was received from
ions from the earlier
Bureau which appeared to contain substantial revis
draft of that section.)
r, during which it
Following a general discussion of the matte
a close ex—
waS pointed out that the time available had not permitted
proposed Act, Governor Robert—
amination of all of the provisions of the
Bureau this afternoon
son suggested that at the meeting at the Budget



the Board's representatives be instructed to express firm opposition to
the provisions referred to above which related specifically to the banking system and to raise questions as to the desirability of the provisions
referred to above as having broad economic significance, making it clear
in the latter connection that the Board had taken no definite positions
Pending additional study and that the Board wished to reserve the right
to comment as it saw fit if its views were requested at a later timeo
Thereupon, Mr. Riefler was
authorized to attend the meeting
this afternoon, taking with him
such other members of the staff
as he wished, with the understanding that his comments would be along
the lines suggested by Governor
Mr. Noyes then withdrew from the meeting.
At the request of the Chairman, Mr. Vest discussed a letter dated
January 191 1954, from Mr. Kenton R. Cravens, Administrator of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to Chairman Martin regarding the proposed
Plan under which banking institutions would participate in a group of RFC
loans to business.

In his letter Mr. Cravens raised certain questions

'With respect to the performance of specific services by the Federal Reserve Banks as fiscal agents of the RFC in connection with the plan.
Mr. Cravens also enclosed with his letter a copy of a letter addressed
to him under date of January 151 19541 by the Comptroller of the Currency,


which the Comptroller advised that his office would have no objection





to the purchase of participations in the loans by national banks under
conditions outlined in the letter.
Mr. vest stated that after discussion of the matter yesterday
With Governors Szymczak and Robertson, a letter was sent to President
Young, Chairman of the Presidents

Conference Committee on Fiscal Agency

Operations, enclosing a copy of Mr. Cravens' letter, with its enclosures,
SO that the Committee on Fiscal Agency Operations might consider the
matter before a reply was made to Mr. Cravens. In addition, a copy of
the letter to President Young, with enclosures, was sent to President
Leach, Chairman of the Presidents' Conference, and a letter of acknowledgment Was sent over Chairman Martin's signature to Mr. Cravens stating
that the matter had been referred to the Committee on Fiscal Agency
Operations for consideration.
During the course of Mr. Vest's comments, Messrs. Leonard, Director, Division of Bank Operations, and Allen, Director, Division of
Personnel Administration, entered the room.
Governor Szymczak stated that following the discussion of the
matter yesterday, he talked by telephone with Ir. Burgess, Deputy to the
Secretary of the Treasury, who represents the Treasury on the policy committee on fiscal agency operations, and that Mr. Burgess said the Treasury
would like to review the matter and would obtain from Mr. Cravens a copy
of the outline of the proposed plan.



Governor Robertson stated that a meeting to discuss the plan
would be held tomorrow at the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and
that among those attending would be the Comptroller of the Currency,
the Superintendent of Banks of New York State, the State Bank Commis—
sioner of Connecticut (who is President of the National Association of
Supervisors of State Banks), and their respective counsel. Governor
Robertson raised the question whether he and Mr. Vest should accept an
invitation to attend the meeting. The Comptroller of the Currency
having ruled regarding participation by national banks, he presumed
that the New York and Connecticut State bank supervisors would be asked
whether banks in those States might participate. If they agreed, he
assumed a decision would be made to put the plan in operation, with
State—chartered banks in other States participating if State laws per—
mitted. He felt that the Board's representatives would have little to
contribute in this connection.
Governor Robertson also said that if he attended the meeting,
he would only expect to say with regard to the fiscal agency aspects of
the plan that the matter was being handled along the lines mentioned by
Mr. Vest. He felt that the question might also be raised as to whether
the Federal Reserve examiners would assist in appraising the RFC loans
which were to be placed in the "pool" of loans to be offered for bank
Participation in order to determine the price at which the loans should
be sold.



Following a discussion of the points raised by Governor Robert—
son, during the course of which Governor Mills withdrew from the meeting
to keep another appointment, Chairman Martin suggested that Governor
Robertson and Mr. Vest attend the meeting in order that the Board might
be kept informed of developments, and that with respect to the use of
Federal Reserve examiners to appraise the RFC loans, Governor Robertson
be authorized to exercise his judgment as to what he should say if the
subject came up.
Chairman Martin's suggestions
were approved unanimously.
All of the members of the staff except Messrs. Carpenter, Vest,
and Allen then withdrew from the meeting.
Governor Vardaman stated that Mr. Boothe, Administrator of the
Office of Defense Loans, had suffered a slight heart attack and would be
away from his desk, on the advice of his physician, for a month or more.
He said that in the interim the work of the Office could be handled ade—
quately by Mr. Connell, Technical Assistant, with assistance from Mr. Hackley,
Assistant General Counsel, on legal matters. Governor Vardaman stated that
in the absence of objection by the Board, he would suggest that the work
of the Office of Defense Loans be handled in this way, with the understand—
ing that the matter would be given further consideration should it develop
that Mr. Boothe would be absent for a longer period than now contemplated.

The arrangement outlined by
Governor Vardaman was approved

The meeting then adjourned. During the day the following additional actions were taken by the Board with all of the members except
Governor Evans present:
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Federa
Reserve System on January 19, 19540 were approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. J. Wayne Reitz, Provost, College of Agricu
nt to action
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, prepared pursua
taken at the meeting on January 18, 1954, and reading as follows:
Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System has appointed you a director of Jacksonville Branch of Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta for unexpired portion of term ending December 310 1954, and will be pleased to have your
acceptance by collect telegram.
It is understood you are not a director of a bank
and do not hold public or political office. Should situation in these respects change during tenure of your apan,
pointment, will be appreciated if you will advise Chairm
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. McGregor Smith, President and General
ed pursuant to
Florida Power and Light Company, Miami, Florida, prepar
g as follows:
action taken at the meeting on January 18, 1954, and readin
Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System has apl
pointed you a director of Jacksonville Branch of Federa
Reserve Bank of Atlanta for unexpired portio
ing December 31, 1956, and will be pleased to have
acceptance by collect telegram.
It is understood you are not a director of a bank
situaand do not hold public or political office. Should
tion in these respects change during tenure
pointment, will be appreciated if you will advise
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

Approved unanimously.



Letter to Mr. Wiltse, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, reading as follows:
In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of January 13, 1954, the Board of Governors approves the designation of Hugh Montgomery (at present
an assistant examiner), Edward M. Reilly, and Raymond E.
Talbot as special assistant examiners for the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Fulton, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
reading as follows:
The Board of Governors approves the reappointments
of Messrs. Sam W. Emerson, Herbert P. Ladds, John P.
McWilliams, Herman R. Neff, and Arthur W. Steudel as
members of the Industrial Advisory Committee for the
Fourth Federal Reserve District to serve for terms of
one year each beginning March 1, 1954, in accordance
with the action taken by the Board of Directors as reported in your letter of January 14, 1954.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Armistead, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond, reading as follows:
In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of January 14, 1954, the Board of Governors approves the designation of the following employees as
special assistant examiners for the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond:
Baltimore Branch
Charles W. Albany
Nils A. Canter
Charlotte Branch
Charles H. Duls
John M. Laming
Appropriate notations have been made in the Boardia
records of the names to be deleted from the list of special
assistant examiners.

Approved unanimously.

Letter to Mr. Diercks, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, reading as follows:
Reference is made to your letter of January 11, 1954,
regarding the proposal of the Security Bank, Lincoln Park,
Michigan, to establish its proposed branch at the inter—
section of Goddard and Cooper Roads in Taylor Center, Michi—
gan, rather than at the southwest corner of Telegraph Road
and Kensington Avenue in Taylor Center, Michigan, as ap—
proved by the Board of Governors on July 102 l953. It is
noted that the proposed new location is "approximately a
few hundred yards" from the site approved by the Board.
The Board of Governors concurs in the Reserve Bank's
recommendation and interposes no objection to the proposal
to establish the branch at the new location, as outlined
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington,


reading as follows:

Pursuant to the provisions of section 4(b) of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act2 the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System hereby certifies that the
Peoples State Bank of Kountze, Kountze, Texas, became a
member of the Federal Reserve System on January 18, 1954,
and is now a member of the System. The Board of Gover—
nors of the Federal Reserve System further hereby certi—
fies that, in connection with the admission of such bank
to membership in the Federal Reserve System, considera—
tion was given to the following factors enumerated in
section 6 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act:
1. The financial history and condition of the bank,
2. The adequacy of its capital structure,
3. Its future earnings prospects,
4. The general character of its management,
5. The convenience and needs of the community to
be served by the bank, and
6. Whether or not its corporate powers are consis—
tent with the purposes of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act.

Approved unanimously.


Letter to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington,



reading as follows:

Pursuant to the provisions of section 4(b) of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act, the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System hereby certifies that the Bank
of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, became a member of the
Federal Reserve System on January 18, 1954, and is now
a member of the System. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System further hereby certifies that, in
connection with the admission of such bank to membership
in the Federal Reserve System, consideration was given
to the following factors enumerated in section 6 of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act:
1. The financial history and condition of the bank,
2. The adequacy of its capital structure,
3. Its future earnings prospects,
4. The general character of its management,
5. The convenience and needs of the community to
be served by the bank, and
6. Whether or not its corporate powers are consis—
tent with the purposes of the Federal De—
posit Insurance Act.

Approved unanimously.