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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Tuesday, January 20, 1948.


Eccles, Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Morrill, Special Adviser
Thurston, Assistant to the Chairman

Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
eral Reserve System on January 19, 1948, were approved unani1110Usly.
Memorandum dated January 16, 1948, from Mr. Carpenter
liecc)mmending the appointment of Mrs. Ludmila Gloria Pelletier

file clerk in the Office of the Secretary, on a temporary

114816 for a period of six months, with basic salary at the rate
cif $1,954 per annum, effective as of the date upon which she

upon the performance of her duties after having passed

tile Usual physical examination.

The memorandum also stated that

it Iras contemplated that Mrs. Pelletier would become a member
f the Federal Reserve retirement system.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Gidney, President of the Federal Reserve
8e4k of Cleveland, reading as follows:




"The Board of Governors approves the reappointments of Messrs. Ssm W. 'Emerson, C. F. Hood, H. P.
Ladds, Herman R. Neff and W. Withington as members
Of the Industrial Advisory Committee for the Fourth
Federal Reserve District to serve for terms of one
Year each, beginning March 1, 1948, in accordance
with the action taken by the Board of Directors as
reported in your letter of January 14, 1948."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Leedy, President of the Federal Reserve
Ban.k of Kansas City, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of December 31, 1947,
regarding the operation of your Bank's cafeteria. We
note from your letter that the cafeteria expenses you
are now absorbing are at a rate less than the 50 per
cent authorized by the Board; that to discontinue the
servi,Lib of free lunches to service employees will entall increases in the salaries of the employees affected; and that you feel it would be premature to
make this change prior to the outcome of the cafeteria study now being made by the Presidents' Conference Subcommittee on Personnel Classification and Job
Evaluation. It is also noted that according to Horwath
and Horwath your Bank would save the salaries of about
SiX employees, whose salaries aggregate slightly less
than $7,000, if your Bank substituted cafeteria for
table service, and that such saving would amount to
around 4 per cent (apparently 14 per cent) of the absorbed expense.
"It is understood that the Presidents' Conference
Subcommittee on Personnel Classification and Job Evaluation is now studying the question as to the portion
of cafeteria expenses that may be justifiably absorbed
bY the Federal Reserve Banks with a view to presenting
a proposal that would be more acceptable than the one
°ffered by the Board, rather than the question of the
desirability of serving free meals to certain employees.
AS indicated in its letter of December 10, the Board
feels that each employee should be paid a salary comMensurate with the work performed and that he should





charged for whatever meals are served to him by
the Bank. Your letter states that the most effective
thing that could be done to reduce further the portion
Of the expense which your Bank absorbs would be to
make a charge for lunches served to service employees,
Other than those in the cafeteria itself. The Board
believes that this should be done promptly without
waiting for the report of the Subcommittee.
"Since it is indicated that the substitution of
cafeteria for table service would effect a saving of
aPproximately 14 per cent in the cafeteria expense
absorbed by your Bank, and as indicated in the rePort of Horwath and Horwath, cafeteria service is
much more economical than table service and gives
the employees a wider selection of food and a more
flexible menu generally, it is the view of the Board
that your Bank should take prompt steps to change to
a cafeteria basis of operation and to eliminate the
deduction of a monthly charge for meals from employees'
It is understood that with the completion
of changes now in progress, your Bank will be the only
one still furnishing table service to its employees."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated January 19, 1948, from Mr. Smead, Direc-

tor of the Division of Bank Operations, recommending, for the
l'eas°ns stated in the memorandum, that $75 be added to the item
°fRePair and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment) in the 1947
versonal budget of that Division.
Approved unanimousl

