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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Systern Was
held in Washington on Saturday, January 16, 1943, at 11:00 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinatter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federa"
Reserve System held on January 15, 1943, were approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated January 11, 1943, from Mr. Goldenweiser, DirecOI

the Division of Research and Statistics, submitting the resignatioh
"°f Miss Helen Gervais as a clerk-stenographer in that Division, to
effective as of the close of business on February 1, 1943, and
reectirnending that the resignation be accepted as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Memorandum dated January 14, 1943, from Mr. Goldenweiser, Direc-


of the Division of Research and Statistics, submitting the resignati-on
Of Miss Eleanor C. Giovanetti as a clerk-stenographer in that

1(3n, to become effective as of the close of business on January
743, and recommending that the resignation be accepted as of that

The resignation was accepted.


-2Letter to Mr. Milo Perkins, Executive Director of the Board of

Economic Warfare, reading as follows:
"This is in response to your letter of January 6, addressed to Chairman Lccles, in regard to your desire to use
the services of Mr. Lewis N. Dembitz in the staff of your
Enemy Branch in the American Embassy at London, England.
"Mr. Dembitz is a very able member of our organization,
Whose services have been exceptionally valuable in enabling
the Board to
meet important new responsibilities which have
been placed upon it in connection with the War program.
N aturally, therefore, this organization regrets that the
Prospect of losing his services has arisen. However, the
Board does not feel that it should interpose any objection
to his acceptance of the position which you have in mind
for him and
therefore I have been requested to advise you
that his resignation will be accepted so that he may enter
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Paddock, President of the Federal Reserve Bank

8°st0n, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of January 4,
1943, regarding various actions taken by your Board of Directors at the meeting January 4, 1943.
has been noted that all of the officers of the Bank,
exception of the President and First Vice President,
Whose terns
of office are governed by the statutes, were reappointed to serve during the year 1943, and that Mr. Phillips
4etchum likewise was reappointed Associate Uounsel.
"It has been noted also that Mr. William I). McRae was
reappointed Chief Examiner, and that his salary was fixed subject to the approval of the Board of Governors at ;r7,500 per,
as provided in the Bank t s personnel classification plan,
linich is the same salary heretofore paid him. Since the salary
18 within the range provided under the personnel classification
plan for the position, specific approval of the Board for the
salary is not required.
L. "The Board aporoves the reappointment of Messrs. lidnthrop
Carter Carl P. Dennett, Paul A. Draper, Edward M. Graham
taind Ralph
E. Thompson as members of the Industrial Advisory
ommittee for the First Federal Reserve District to serve for
_?rrils of one year each beginning March 1, 1943, in accordance
with the action
taken by your Board of Directors.




"It is noted that Mr. Charles E. Spencer, Jr., President of The First National Bank of Boston, was reappointed
as a member of the Federal Advisory Council, to represent
the First Federal Reserve District for the year
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Sproul, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of m
Llew York, reading as follows:
"In accordance with request contained in your letter
?f January 8, 1943, in which you advise of certain changes
111 the official staff
of your Bank, the Board of Governors
N?praves the Payment of salaries as fixed by your Board of
Directors for the period January 1, 1943 to March 312 1943,
to the
following officers at the rates indicated:
Annual salary
Horace L. Sanford
Assistant Vice President
Daniel J. Liddy
Manager, Foreign Department
Robert H. Brome
Assistant Counsel and
Assistant Secretary
Harold A. Bilby
Manager, Check Department
"It is noted that the above officers were appointed for
lle period until the first meeting of the board of directors
In 1944, and that all other officers of the Bank and Branch,
except the President and First Vice President, whose terms
of office are governed by the statutes, were reappointed for
the same
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Ur. Dillard, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank

°Itch-icago, reading

as follows:

"Referring to your letter of January 8, 1943, the Board
)! Governors approves the reappointment of Messrs. Max
?stein, Edward M. Kerwin, G. Barret Moxley, Walter HarIt,
11 chfeger, and Martin H. Kennelly, as members of the Indus,r?a1 Advisory Committee for the Seventh Federal Reserve Disrict to serve for terms of one year each beginning March 1,


Approved unanimously.


-4-Letter to Mr. Hitt, First Vice President of the Federal Re-

Bank of St. Louis, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in your letter of January 8, the Board approves the payment by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of a supplemental contribution
to the Retirement
System in an amount which will provide an
additional allowance sufficient to give Miss Mary E. Tolmie,
an employee of your Bank, an immediate retirement allowance
$720 a year on a life basis. It is understood that this
W111 require a supplemental contribution of approximately
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Charles IL E. Treadwell, Senior Investigating
Assistant, U. S. Army, P. S. b., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, reading
"In your letter of December 23, 1942, to Mr. W. B.
Pollaral Assistant Chief of the Board's Division of Examinations, you requested that examiners for the Federal Re8erve Banks of New York and Philadelphia be instructed to
scrutinize, during
their examinations of State member banks
in the two districts, the accounts of certain individuals
aad concerns named in the lists submitted. This is to adyou that it will not be Practicable for the Board to
e°mPlY with the request contained in your letter."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the officer in charge of examinations at each Federal
4eserve Bank,
reading as follows:
"As you know, the national plan of ration banking ap?roved by the Office of Price Administration will be placed
operation on January 27, 1943. There are being sent to
You, under
separate cover, copies of The Ration Banking Plan
1. sufficient number to supply each member of your examining
with a copy. There are also being sent a supply of
ithe Ration banking Questionnaire and of the Ration Banking
?port form which have been prepared for use in connection
With examinations of State member banks.




"After numerous conferences on the subject, represent—
atives of the ComptrolLer of the Currency, the Federal De—
posit Insurance Corporation, and the Board agreed that the
use of the questionnaire and a simple report form, at least
for the time being, would probably be the most desirable
method of handling the necessary investigation in connec—
tion with the operation of the plan. The other two agencies
are going to use forms substantially the same as the ones
developed for our use.
"it will be necessary, of course, to issue instructions
tO members of
the examining staffs of the Federal Reserve
Banks. The enclosure is a suggestion for your use and em—
bodies in substance the instructions being issued by the
Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insur—
ance Corporation to their examiners.
"The executed questionnaire is for the examiner's use
and shoUld be
filed with his work papers, and no copy need
forwarded to the Board. The ration banking report should
be prepared by the examiner in connection with each examina—
tion and a copy transmitted to the Board, which copy is not
to be bound
in the regular report of examination. No copy
of the ration banking -report is to .be furnished to the bank
"Under the present plan reports will be made to the
Office of Price Administration by the Board only in those
?aces in
which the exceptions noted by the examiner appear
T,0 be serious and were not corrected during the course of
examination or subsequent to the examination. Therefore,
it is requested that the Reserve Bank submit to the Board
ul information in connection with any case involving ex—
ceptions which
the Reserve Bank considers material and in
c?nnection with
which it has been unable to obtain correc—
tlon through its
own supervisory efforts.
"Additional supplies of the questionnaire and report
f°rm may be obtained upon request."

Approved unanimously.
Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
