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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of
the Federal deserve Board on Thursday, February 7, 1929, at 12:15 p. m.

Governor Young
Mr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. Noell, Assistant Secretary.

The Governor presented a letter addressed to him under date of
cbrtlerY 6th by the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, acIlftledging receipt of the Board's letter of February 4th and advising that
v iErw of the Board's position as set out in that letter, it has been de-

cided not to call a special meeting of the directors of the Boston Bank for
Purpose of recommending to them an increase in the discount rate of th3
bank. .
With his letter, Governor Harding transmitted copy of one addressed
eclif identially to a selected list of member banks in the first Federal re"district, discussing the financial situation in the district and relilcsting co-operation in averting the development of conditions which might
be serious.
The Assistant Secretary read the circular letter
sent out by the Boston Bank and was instructed to furnish
copies thereof to the members of the Board.
nr. Janes then submitted the following statement:
"As I am leaving tomorrow for a visit to the Pacific
Coast and expect to be gone until March 1st, I desire to
leave with my colleag.ues my feeling as regards any rate
changes that may possibly be proposed or considered in the
near future.
"First: I am in hearty accord with the statement issued
by the Board under date of February 5th (Board's X-6233).
6econd: I am opposed to any increase in rediscount rates at
this time and expect to continue to be so until convinced
that no other method of checking the flow of Federal reserve
funds into speculative loans of one kind or another can be



found or made effective. Third: I feel that the
Bonrd, in view of its statement to the public of
February 5th, should require the officers and
directors of any Federal reserve bank or banks
that propose a raise in discount rates to make
full reports as to what efforts or measures have
been taken toward correcting the situation other
than the proposal to raise rates."
The Governor stated that he talked over the telephone this morning
With Governor
Harrison of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who ad,him that the directors of that bank were discussing the question of
44 increase in rate.

The Governor was advised by Governor Harrison that

the Bank of England this morning increased its rate from 41% to
A discussion then ensued with respect to the press statement issued
1) the Board and the reaction thereto, as expressed in the morning papers.
sear the
conclusion of the discussion, Governor Young was called from the
1."31 to talk over the telephone with Governor Harrison of the New York Bank,
nA a
-,0/1sed him that the New York directors were still discussing the question
of an increase in the rate and inquired what the Governor thought of it.
447ernor Young stated that he replied that he thought the New York directors
63 properly answer the Board's letter of February 2nd before taking any
4cti°n with regard to their discount rate.
The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p. in.

Assistant Secretary

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