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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of the
Federal Reserve Board on Thursday, February 28th, 1924, at 11:25 a.m.
PBESEIIT: Governor Crissinger
Mr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Ur. Dawes,
Ur. Noell, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Eddy advised the Board that in the Weekly Statement of Condition
Of Federal Reserve banks discounts for.Intermodiate Credit Banks have in the
past been included in "Other Bills Discounted", and that the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York had within the last day or two purchased .100,000 of debentures from one of.the Intermediate Credit Banks:re(ruesting instructions as
to how these two items should be carried in the weekly statement.
After discussion, the Secretary was instructed
to add the caption "Other Earning Assets" to the
weekly statement, including in it debentures purchased from Intermediate Credit Banks and municipal
warrants, to continue carrying discounts for
Intermediate Credit Banks under the caption "Other
Bills Discounted" and to explain these items in the
summary of the consolidated statement..
The minutes of the meetings of the Federal Reserve Board held on
February 26th were read and approved.
Letter dated February 26th from the Federal Reserve Agent at Philadelphia,requesting approval of the Board to the designation as examiners
of nine employees of the bank Who are needed to assist in pending examinations of four state member banks.
Approved. .
Report of Committee on Examinations on letter dated February 25th
from the Federal Reserve Agent at Atlanta, requesting approval of a


111101,c0 1.1.

salary of

2700 per annup for Mr, James G. Byrne, an employe of the

Nashville Branch, who is to be transferred to the head office as an
examiner; the Committee recommending approval.

Letter dated Fr)bruary 21st, from the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, advising that the directors of that bank
have voted against the establihment of a branch of the Federal Reserve
Bank at Boise, and statin:s that copies of exhibits and of the results of
the questionnaire upon which the directors based such action will be forwarded to the Board if desired*
Noted, and the Secretary instructed to write for the
exhibits and the results of the questionnaire referred to.
Memorandum from the Secretary with regard to letter dated February
27th from Congressman Otis Mngo, recrtzesting statistics covering the cost
of operation of each Federal Reserve bank aarin!„7 the years 190-1923,
separately by items and years; the Secretary stating that statements similar
to that published in the February 1924 Bulletin, upon which Conr,7ressman
vangols vequest is based, can be worked up, as well as figures showing
the volume of business done by the banks durin

the same years.

Referred to the Governor with power.
Leuter dated February 23rd, from the Governor of the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York su;;3esting i:onday, April 28th or Monday, May 5th, as the date
for the next Confrence of Governors.


Upon motion, it was voted to fix lionday, 1.:ay 5th,
1924 as the 'alto for the next Governors' Conference.
Report of Committee on District

Po. 11

on letter dated February 26th

from the Comptroller of the Currency, suggesting that the Board grant
yermission to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to rediscount for the
Hugo National Bank, Hugo, Okla., paper originating from the Bank of Grant,
Grant, Okla., the Committee recommending tho granting of permission for
a period of sixty days with the privilege of extension of time, with the
Board's approval, for sixty days additional and the understanding

that the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas will take no paper dated previous
to today.
Upon notion, the report of the Committee on District
11 was approved.
Report of Committee on Exa,ninations on telegram dated February 26th
from the Federal Reserve -i.ent at

an Francisco, advising that the

Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank has approved the application
Of the ilercantile Trust Company of

an Francisco to take over the !Zarin

County National Bank and the llarin County javinzs 'Bank., of Jan Rafael,and to
establish one branch in the premises now occupied by these banks,which has
Previously had the approval of himself and the Jtate juperintendent of Banks;
the Committee reconaending approval of the application.
Report of Committee on Examinations on letter dated February 5th
from the Federal Reserve Agent at Cleveland, advising that the State


3nperintendent of Banks, the 2,xecutive Committee of the Federal Reserve
bank : nd himself ap:rove of the application of the Cleveland Trust Company
for rermission to operate a branch at the corner of Madison Avenue and
Hilliard Road, Lakewood, Ohio; the Committee recommendin!; approval in view
of the fact that the application has the a preval of all interested parties
and the location is within territory contiuous to Cleveland.
Letter dated 2ebruary 15th, from the President of the Unaka and
city National Bank, Johnson City, 2ennessee, enclosin

letters addressed

by the iederal Reserve Bank of Richmond to the Di kenson County Bank,
Clintwood, Virginia, and the Bank of Haysi, Haysi, Virginia, complaining
against remittances sent by those banks in payment of cash letters.
Upon motion the Jecretary was instructed to
transmit the letter of the Johnson city Bank to the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Ath the reuest
that it suggest form of reply thereto.
Memorandum dated A3bruary „:7th, from Counsel with regard to the
conersion into a national bank of the New Bedford Safe Deposit -nd 2rust
Company of New Bedford, Massachusetts, a stae :amber bank which had been
authorized to is >lie acceptances up to 100„; of its capital and surplus;
Counsel suA;estin

that while it is unnecessary as a matter of law, the

Board might rule that a bank so converting should make a new application for
Permission to accert up to 1.)0, in its now name.
Upon motion the memorandum was referred back to
Counsel for the rreraration of'a letter to the bank
in (raestion, advising that it should file a new application
fJr permission to accept 117 to 100d.



Lemorandum dated February 25th, from Counsel referring to letter
dated February 5th from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Can
Francisco in:!uiring (1) Mother examinations of national banks made by
Federal Reserve banks should be conducted by examiners selected or apiiroved by the Federal Reserve Board;

,:hether special examiners should

be granted certificates of authority valid throuhout tie year;and (3)
Mother examinations made by Federal Reserve banks may be conducted unier
the direction of other officers than the C'hief Examiner; Counsel stating
that the last two 2uestions are purely ones of policy and yTactice and
su:xestins' that the first question be answered to the effect that there
is no legal re,luirement :hat examinations made of national banks by
Federal Reserve banks should be conducted by examiners selected or approved by the Federal Reserve Board.
Referred to the Committee on Examinations,
Letter dzted February 27th, from the Governor of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond, enclosing copy of an opinion by Counsel of
that bank with regard to the recent decision of the Supreme Court in the
"Malloy Case" and suggesting the amendment to Regulation "J" so as to
Provide not only that checks may be sent directly to the banks upon w_ich
they are drawn, but that remittance therefor may be received in the form

exchange draft or otherwise.

Referred to the Committee on Clccrings,


2elegram dated February 20th. from the CI-overnor of the Federal .
Reserve Bank of Kansas City,statin.; that if the re-ent decision of the
Supreme Court in the ":alloy Case" is permitted to stand, that bank will
be in constant jeopardy in their par collection activities.
Referred to the Committee on Clearings.
Report of Committee on Branches on matter referred to it at the
meeting on February 20th, namely, letter chted February 16th from the
Consulting Architect making certain inquiries with regard to tho proposed
buildings for the Denver and Omaha branches, the Committee submitting draft
of a letter to the Consulting Architect to the effect that the rroposed
buildings are to be erected "nt a cost each of not to exceed :A50,000,
including the cost of the vLulta Lnd Permanent e‘luipment, but excluding
the cost of building, site, furniture and fixtures".
Upon motion, the proposed letter was approved.
The Law Comuittee reported on matter referred back to it at the
meeting on January 16th, namely, letter dfited JannLry 11th from the
ovec;lor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Jt. Louis with further reference
to the action of the ',rovers 1Tational Baa.k of Ilast Jt. Louis, Illinois,
In rediscounting with the Federal Reserve bank raper emanating from nonmember banks but not bearing the endorsement of such non-member banks;
the Committee submitting form of a reply stating that paper of this kind
can not hereafter be considered eli:ible for mdiscount with the Federal
Reserve bank and reluesting him to exrlz'in to the Drovers National bank the



reasons influencing the Board in this matter, as set forth in the letter.
Upon motion, the proposed letter was approved.

from the Board's Chief osaminer dated February 15th,

Prepared in accordance With action taken at the meeting of the Board on
January 31st, settin

forth a plan for the si-tultaneous examination of

the Bank of Italy, the Pacific Jouthwest 2rust and 3avings Bank, the
rust Company and the Jacurity 2rust and Javin's Bank and


giving an estimate of the time and expense involved in such examinations.
Ur. Hamlin moved adoption of the plan suggested
by the Chief Examiner, and that the Board proceed with
examinations of the banks mentioned along the lines
set out therein.
Ur. James moved, as a substitute for lir. Hamlin's
motion, that the memorandum of the Chief Examiner be
laid on the table.
James' motion being put by the chair was carried,
the members voting as follows:
Governor Crissiner, "aye"
Er. Miler, 'aye"
Mr. James, "aye"
Ur. Platt, "no"
liaml in, "no"
Letter dated February 25th, from the Federal at
Dallas advising that the Fir

rational Bank of San Angelo, 2axas, vhich

reduced its surplus ;2.5,000 and surrendered seventy-five shares of Federal
Reserve bank stock on October 18, l9.;,3, has now made claim for a reissuanee
Of that stock.

Referred to the Law Committee.



11r. Hamlin thenemoved that the natter referred to the Law
Committee at the mooting on 2ebruary 20th, namely, .reparation of
rogulatios regarding the establishment of branches by member banks,
be made special order of businossfor a meeting to be held tomorrow
morning at 10:30 o'clock.


4.'he meeting adjourned at 1C) p.m.

;.ss istant Secretary.
