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At an adjourned meeting of the Federal
Reserve Board hold in the office of the Board at
3:30 p. m., on Saturday, February 26,
hr. Hamlin, presiding

Mr. Warburg

Mr. Williams

Mr. Harding

Mr. Miller
Yr. Willis, Jocretary.
On motion the Board, in order to meet
a special emergency, authorized the


Of Mrs. Louise M. Marble and Mr. Isidore Rudash'
as statistical clerks at a rate of not

to ex-

ceed N'3,00, per diem for each day actually worked, their term of employment to last as long as
necessary not exceeding 30 days each.
On motion the resolution offered at
the morning meeting with reference to the conversion of 2% into 3% bonds, was considered,
amended, and adopted as follows:
WHEREAS, The Federal Reserve Act
lays upon the Federal Reserve Board


the duty to recommend to the Secretary of the Treasury approval or disapproval of applications made by banks
for the conversion of 4 bonds hold by
national banks into 3 bonds, and
71HEREAS, From time to time different members of the Board have prepared
informal memoranda expressing their
views on this whole subject, and
WHERES, The Board has approved
the views expressed in said memoranda
as filed from time to time, without,
however; taking action thereon in any
formal way, and
WHEREAS, It is desirable that such
a formal expression of opinion be made
a matter of record,
the following be stated as the sense
of the Board:
That it is important to give.
full effect to the provisions of the
law relating to the reduction of bondSecured currency and the conversion of
into 3% bonds and to give opportunity for the transfer to the public of
such bonds converted into 3's in so far
as not needed for purposes of circulation.
That such a policy will help
to create a field for the circulation
of Federal reserve bank issues, and also enlarge the operations of Federal aoserve Banks in so far as commercial paper

Is gradually substituted for bonds as
a basis for the country's circulation.
That it is considered impor3.
tant that. the opinions recently rendered
by the Solicitor of the Treasury Department and by the Counsel of the Federal
Reserve Board, that said limit of compulsory purchase shall not be regarded
as the limit to be fixed for the conversion of 27'J into 3% bonds, be observed.
It is the sense of the Federal Reserve
Board that the Secretary of the Treasury
should not limit the sum he is willing to
convert from 2% into 3,; securities during
the year 1916 to said limit of compulsory
purchase inasmuch as such action might
create a harmful precedent and might likewise hamper the operations of the Federal
reserve banks, preventing them from proceeding freely in the purchase of bonds.

The text of amendments to the Federal
Reserve Act, designed to carry into effect the
proposals already made in the Board's report,
WS taken up,furthor considered, modified and
tentatively adopted.
On motion at 5:10 p. m., the Board
adjourned to meet on Monday, February 28, at