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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held. in the office of the
Ped•ez'al Reserve Board on Thursday, February 25, 1926 at 11:15 a.m.


Governor Crissinger
Mr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. McIntosh
Mr. Eddy, Secretary
Mr. McClelland, Asst. Secretary
Mr. Janes Inglis, Director of the
Detroit Branch.

Vr•r• Inglis discussed with the members of the Board the desire of the
cill'eotors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the Detroit Branch
Ile°Elive approval by the Board to their proposal to have introduced in. Congress
4 joint
resolution authorizing the Federal Reserve bank to expend .a sum of
hot •
111 excess of %;600,000 for the erection of a building to house the Detroit
131‘atich: this figure to cover only the building proper and not to include
l'allitet permanent equipment, furniture and fixtures.
?allowing the discussion, Mr. Inglis left the meeting.
The Governor then read a formal report dated February 25th from the
-ee on District 47, with reference to the above matter, based on a
lette1' addressed to the Committee under date of February 19th by the Chairman
ot the :Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago quoting the proposed joint resolution
t° be

offered in Congress; the Committee recommealing (1) That the Federal



Board offer no objection to the introduction in Congress of the
adopted by the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of

°IlleagO; (2) It should. be fully understood that the Board in offering no
to the introduction of the resolution passed by the board of
tore of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, shall in no way be considered



48 az, advance approval of the project by the Federal Reserve Board; (3) The
80ard. will give careful consideration to the plans and specifications as

to it by the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of

°Ilicogo when accompanied by an act of Congress authorizing and approving
the Proper expenditure for the erection of said building.
Upon motion by Mr. Platt, the recommendations
of the Committee were unanimously adopted and the
Governor was directed to so advise the Federal
..ieserve Bank of Chicago.
Letter dated February 24th from the Chairman of the Committee on Banking
kci Currency of the Senate, requesting the views of the Board on 3enate Joint
Resolution /11., authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to invest a
811111 rlot to exceed 4600,000 in the pumhase of a site and the building now
standing thereon for its branch at Buffalo.

The Secretary called attention

to the fact that a similar resolution introduced in the House of Representa*reel Haase Joint Resolution 131, was approved by the Board at the meeting
ela January
After discussion, upon motion by Mr. Hamlin
it was voted that a letter, similar to that addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on Banking
and Currency of the House of Representatives, should
be forwarded to the Chairman of the Senate Committee.
Telegram dated February 24th from the Governor of the Federal Reserve


Boston, advising that the board of directors, on that day male no

/Th'e in their existing schedule of rates of discount a.nd purchase.
ileport of Committee on Eyaminat ions on letter dated February 19th
the Federal Reserve Agent at Cleveland., recommending approval of an




application of the Citizens and Savings Bank, Columbus, Ohio, for
11"Ilission to establish a branch in Clintonville, a suburb of Columbus;

COfliflittee also recommending approval
2.ePort of Committee on Salaries and. Expenditures on the matter

Ileferred. back to it at the meeting yesterday, namely, letter dated February
18th from the Federal _leserve Agent at Atlanta, requesting approval of the
Eteti°11 Of the board of directors of that bank. in aithorizing payments of
additional compensation totaling ,:J595, made under date of December 24, 1925,
to liessrs.

L. ::agrader

and H. C. -Frazer and 'Lasses Sylvia Tiatallier and

lace Brown, employees of the Havana Agency; the Committee submitting a.
Itieni°randum calling attention to action taken by the Board in the string of
1924- in increasing salaries of employees of the Havana Agency, including
Itesars• :iagruder and Frazer, -.-iith the understanding that allov,ances for
1D1 services were to be discontinued.
After discussion, Mr. Cunningham moved that the
pavments authorized by the board of directors of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta be disapproved by the
Federal Reserve Board.
e tea, reb

ry 24th,

'Pebrury 24th,

_.-tecommending changes in s took at Federal 2,eserve
Banks as set forth in the Auxiliary Minute Book
of this date.
_lecommending approval of the applicat ion of Mr.
Henry 1. Bennett for permission to serve at the
same time as director of the Indiana National Bank
of Indianapolis, Ind. and as director of the Union
2rust Company, Indianarolis, Ind.



11Z.L'ZLSE_STANDING CCUaalin:13: (Cont'd)
Dated, 2ebruary 24th,

Jecommondjng arproval of the application of
William T. Cannon for permission to serve at the
same time as director of the Indiana National
Bank, Indianapolis, Ind. and as director of the
Union Trust Company, Indianapolis, Ind.
Datea, February 24th, Jeconmending auoroval of the application of
71111am A. Steinmeyer for permission to serve at
the same time as director of the Columbia National
Bank, Pittsburgh, 2a. as director of tho L:ast End
Savings and Trust Company, Pittsburgh, 2a. and as
director of the Squirrel Hill Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa.
February 24th, aeconmending approval of the application of
William G. Irwin for nermission to serve at the
same time as director of the Indiana National Dank,
Indianapolis, Ind. and as director of the Union
2rust Comany, Indianapolis, Ind.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 o'clock.