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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the


System on Thursday, February 24, 1949.

The Board

met in the
Board Room at 10:30 a.m.


McCabe, Chairman
Carpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Morrill, Special Adviser
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Vest, General Counsel
Leonard, Director of the Division of
Bank Operations
Mr. Nelson, Director of the Division of
Personnel Administration
Mr. Millard, Director of the Division of
Mr. Townsend, Solicitor

At Chairman McCabe's request, Mr. Townsend discussed a reof the bank holding company bill which had been preDal%

4 the light of discussions by the Chairman and Messrs. Clay-


and Townsend held during recent months with representa-

t41E of
the American Bankers Association, the Association of Re-

4.rve CitY Bankers, independent bankers associations, the National
Ats°ciation of
Supervisors of State Banks, bank holding company
NreEelltatives, and others. Mr. Townsend outlined the changes
ttle‘4 from
the bill introduced In the 80th Congress, S. 829 and
51, stating that the bill had been taken substantially in



the form in which it was previously considered and such changes had
been made as appeared reasonable in the light of the fundamental
1)1/115°Eies of the legislation.

He said that the first of these changes

/148 the elimination of the declaration of policy formerly contained
14 section 2 and he recommended this change since the declaration

not -Important to the bill.

With respect to the definition of


""IK companies formerly contained in section

or the

3, paragraph (a)

there was a discussion of the question whether a bank

°Perating one or
more branches should be considered by definition
to b'
a holding company. It was the consensus of the discussion
that the definition should be changed to provide that if a company
cised a controlling influence over the management or policies

- or more banks or of only one bank if such bank operated

• °r more branches it should automatically be included within

inition of a holding company.

There was also a discussion of the provision contained in
the 6
ectien relating to the acquisition of bank shares or bank
formerly section 6(d)), referring to the "national policy

restraint of trade and undue concentration of economic

alla in favor of the maintenance of competition in the field
41e. Mr. Townsend stated that this language had been obie
bY various organizations and he suggested that it be



provide that, in determining whether to approve any


-3subject to the section, consideration should be given

to ''whether or not the effect of such acquisition may be to expand
the size and extent of a bank holding company system beyond limits
e°11sistent with adequate and sound banking and the public interest".
Ile stated that he felt
this language would give the Board the same
alltbority as the previous language but that it would be highly desirable to have the legislative history of the bill show that the
hellge from the provisions which had been in preceding bills on
riolding company legislation was not intended to change the
ng as contained in the previous bill.

It was the consensus

t118:t the change should be made with the understanding that an eftort
would be made to have the legislative history show that no
hatiqe in
authority was intended by the change in language.
Following a discussion of other
changes in the language, upon motion
by Mr. Clayton, the draft of bill was
approved unanimously for transmission
to the Treasury Department, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation asking for their comments.
During the foregoing discussion Mr. Carpenter withdrew from
*. Eccles withdrew from the meeting at this time.

Reference was made to drafts of letters to the Federal ReellIkS

of Boston, Cleveland, and Minneapolis with respect to



their 1949 budgets, as discussed at the meeting on December 6, 1948.

letters would (1) raise no further question regarding the photoof country checks by the three Banks for the remainder of

tills Year and stated that, since the practice if adopted by all FedReserve Banks would cost the System more than $1,000,000 a
relEti.') the Board felt the matter should be discussed at a Presidents'

ectrererice later this year, (2) ask that Boston review its procedure
'double listing outgoing country checks to see whether it might
11°'411e advantageous to eliminate that operation, (3) approve $5,000
ilIthe budget of the Cleveland Bank for a bank-made movie and a cash

bY Minneapolis of not to exceed ten thousand dollars for a
°4 in the Bank's motion picture "Behind Banks and Business",
4/14(4) state
that the Board would raise no objection to the MinIII44)
— "'"ank proceeding with plans for its annual Federal Reserve
ence but that before any plans were made for a Conference in
Board wished to discuss the matter with Messrs. Shepard
v"°13-, Chairman and President, respectively, of the Minneapolis

Following a discussion, the draft
Of letter to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston was approved unAnimously as
194,"Reference is made to your reply, dated January 19,
ada.'1) to the Board's letter of December 27 requesting
Pea:ti°nal information regarding the 1949 budget of the
,ral Reserve
Bank of Boston for the Check Collection



"function. The material which you submitted has been
helpful in considering the questions which have been
"With regard to the practice of photographing
country checks, it is noted from the information which
You submitted, as well as that received from the other
two Reserve Banks following a similar procedure, that
much emphasis is placed on the resulting improvement
in the service rendered member banks. In the circumstances, the Board will not further question the confor the remainder of the year of the photographing of country checks by your Bank and the other
two Federal Reserve Banks.
"However, since it would appear that if the practice were extended to all Reserve Banks, the annual
cost to the System would be perhaps more than $1,000,000,
the Board feels that this matter should be discussed at
some meeting of the Conference of Presidents later in
the Year, at which time the situation could be reviewed
in the light of the conclusions and experiences of those
IZtinks which do photograph checks and those which do not.
-rne Board is advising Mr. Davis, Chairman of the Presicl"ta l Conference, to this effect.
"With reference to that part of your letter relating
to the practice in effect in your Check Department of
41,ouble-listing all outgoing country checks, it is noted
lat you refer to a letter addressed to the Board by
"ice President Hult under date of September 6, 1945,
III- have summarized the advantages of this procedure
.Z11 set forth in that letter. In view of the fact that
e comparisons then made by Mr. Hult were mainly with
1,1-Itch card procedure and that generally speaking there
been an improvement in the selectivity of personnel
ilnce the war, the Board would be interested in learnwhet. you feel that in the ensuing three years the
yjlciency of employees performing this type of work in
trii"r Check Department has improved to a point where it
tight be advantageous for your Bank to give consideraA:on to the elimination of the double-listing operation.
Zcordingly, it is suggested that your method of handling
efulltrY checks be reviewed before submission of your budgvifor 1950, and your further advice in this connection
it2- be aPpreciated. It would be helpful if this advice
1411;:Luded data with respect to the additional equipment
2- Your letter Indicates would be required if doublewere discontinued."




-6With respect to the proposed letters to the Cleveland and

14111neapolis Banks, Mr. Vardaman expressed the feeling that if funds
Veroto be spent on making moving pictures they should be for a SystelProject and that there was a question whether any expenditure
cltrIl°11eY for the purposes proposed was desirable.

He also raised

theWestion whether, if some expenditure was to be approved, the
11°841 should revise the amount requested by the Banks or whether
Should permit them to proceed on the basis which they outlined.
During the discussion of the moving picture project, Chair41"cCabe suggested that it would be desirable to talk with Messrs.
4;14eY and Peyton, Presidents of the two Banks, respectively, while
'ere in
Washington for the Presidents' Conference during the
llet rev days with a view to asking them whether they would color work together to develop a picture which covered the
ti0118 Of
the Banks and which might afford a basis for developrtlelat later
on of a movie sponsored by the System as a whole.
It was agreed unanimously that
Chairman McCabe and Mr. Vardaman would
talk with Messrs. Gidney and Peyton
concerning the movie project while
they were in Washington attending the
Presidents' Conference.

11,14k r eference
°t its 1949

was then made to the plans of the Minneapolis
Annual Federal Reserve Conference.

Mr. Vardaman


that, inasmuch as the Conference was to be held this spring



and since
plans had already been laid for it, it did not appear pract
icable to request the Bank to make any change in the program. He
"'ed, however, that he felt the Board should ask the Bank not to
ntake Plans for a Conference in 1950 until the matter had been discla4ed with the Board by
Messrs. Peyton and Shepard.
Following the discussion, unanimous
approval was given to a letter to the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland as
"Reference is made to your reply, dated January 18,
949, to the Board's letter of December 27, 1948, re"sting additional information regarding the 1949 budget
°I the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland for the Check
ollection and Bank and Public Relations functions. The
which you submitted has been helpful in considering
the questions which have been raised.
With regard to the practice of photographing country
checks, it is noted from the information which you submitted, as
well as that received from the other two Re:ne BAnks following a similar procedure, that much
s'Pnesie is placed on the resulting improvement in the
rvice rendered member banks. In the circumstances,
BOard will not further question the continuation
the remainder of the year of the photographing of
211ntrY checks by your Bank and the other two Federal
'esrve Banks.
"However, since it would appear that if the practice
tje extended to all Reserve Banks, the annual cost to
e System would be perhaps more than $1,000,000, the
m:ard feels
that this matter should be discussed at some
yeetimg of the Conference of Presidents later in the
thn et which time the situation could be reviewed in
1ght of the conclusions and experiences of those
TC48 which do photograph checks and those which do not.
cies Board is advising Mr. Davis, Chairman of the Presi4t8: Conference, to this effect.
pr,_ No further comment is made at this time about the
b -Yision in the budget for the motion picture project,
Chairman McCabe and Governor Vardaman hope to talk



1 19


"with you about this matter while you are in Washington
for the Presidents' Conference."
Unanimous approval also was given
to the following letter to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis:
"Reference is made to your reply, dated January 12,
1949, to the Board's letter of December 27, 1948, requesting additional information regarding the 1949 budget of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis for the
Check Collection and Bank and Public Relations functions.
The material which you submitted has been helpful in conthe questions which have been raised.
"With regard to the practice of photographing country
checks, it is noted from the information which you submitted, as well as that received from the other two Reserve Banks following a similar procedure, that much
emPhasis is placed on the resulting improvement in the
!!rvioe rendered member banks. In the circumstances,
.re Board will not further question the continuation
r the remainder of the year of the photographing of
14/3u4trY checks by your Bank and the other two Federal
-,eserve Banks.
4, "However, since it would appear that if the pracce were extended to all Reserve Banks, the annual
!" to the System would be perhaps more than $1,000,000,
8"e Board feels that this matter should be discussed at
Ime meeting of the Conference of Presidents later in
i_e Year, at which time the situation could be reviewed
bu the light of the conclusions and experiences of those
Tire which do photograph checks and those which do not.
de Board is advising Mr. Davis, Chairman of the Presilite' Conference, to this effect.
"The Board would like to discuss further with you
uairman Shepard the matter of the Annual Federal
h04:erve Conference. Since it is your usual practice,
ever, to hold this conference in the spring of the
Ijr and in view of the time element, the Board will
erPose no objection to your proceeding with plans
ce,a the 1949 conference. It is believed that this prothtlIre will allow ample time for full consideration of
re - matter and the reaching of definite conclusions in
1,1 41'd thereto sufficiently in advance of the time for
"anning your program for 19,0.





"No further comment is made at this time about the
provision in •the budget for the motion picture project,
as Chairman McCabe and Governor Vardaman hope to talk
With you about this matter while you are in Washington
for the Presidents' Conference."
The following letter to Mr. Davis,
Chairman of the Presidents' Conference,
was also approved unanimously:
"In connection with the review by the Board of the
1949 budgets of the Federal Reserve Banks, it was noted
that the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, Cleveland, and
Minneapolis had made provision in the Check Collection
function for photographing all outgoing country checks.
two, "This matter has been taken up with each of the
concerned, and the Board has been informed that
2ns of the principal benefits of this procedure is to
lUrnish more complete service to member banks. In the
ircumstances, the Board is advising the Presidents of
these three Banks that it will not further question the
°11tinuation of their practice in this respect for the
remainder of the year.
, "However, since it would appear that if all Federal
'eserve Banks photographed outgoing country checks, the
cost to the System would perhaps be somewhat more
than $1
,000,000, the Board feels that this matter should
discussed at a meeting of the Conference of Presii4Ats, at which time the situation could be reviewed
Be. the light of conclusions and experiences of those
"which photograph checks and those which do not.
"It will, therefore, be appreciated if you will
. 17a this topic placed on the agenda for a meeting of
Conference of Presidents later in the year."


the 8


The meeting then recessed and reconvened at 2 p.m. with

6thle attendance as at the close of the morning session except
ccles and Messrs. Thomas, Young, and Solomon, Director
86°ciate Director of the Division of Research and Statistics,
"istant General Counsel, respectively, were also present.



-10A draft of a letter to Bank of America N.T. & S.A., San

?I'alacieco, prepared pursuant to the understanding at the meeting
c3a February 21, 1949, informing the bpnk that the Board had denied
it8 aPPlications for permission to establish three branches in
1‘1118-11,1T and had approved an application for permission to establish
branch in Bangkok, Siam, was read and discussed.
It was understood that the draft
would be revised along the lines of the
discussion and, after it was approved
by Messrs. Szymczak and Clayton, resubmitted to the Board for consideration.
Reference was made to memoranda prepared by Mr. Nelson under
Of February 9, 1949, and furnished to each member of the Board
respect to
contemplated changes in the Bank plan of the Retiretaeiat
Stem of the Federal Reserve Banks.

Mr. Nelson stated that

ersonnel Committee of the Presidents' Conference had prepared


1 report in connection with the study being made by a special
°111111itteof the Chairmen's Conference as discussed at the meeting
fiber 23, 1948, that it was expected that the Presidents'
lice would discuss the report at its meeting later this week,
414 that

c() be etb

the special committee of the Chairmen's Conference hoped

le to submit its final report and recommendations to the


kra con
"lining changes which the Chairmen of the Federal Reserve


telt should
be made to the Retirement System early in March.
stated that if any changes were to be made effective as of



rch 1/ 1949, it would be necessary to act upon them during the
tirst half of
March in order that the Trustees of the Retirement

could adopt the necessary changes in the Rules and Regula-

ti0418 and permit the retirement office to put the changes into
It was agreed imanimously that
the matter should be placed on the
agenda for consideration at the
meeting on Friday, March 4, 1949.
Chairman McCabe stated that he had been giving consideratioh,
(.0 assignments of Board members for the coming year and that
he /pi
°Ilid suggest that in the future he serve as Chairman ex officio
e Personnel Committee, with the understanding, however, that
11411.1Y he would attend meetings only when matters of special
st sueh as appointments of directors or salaries of Federal
e Bank officers were under consideration, that there be two
ar Members of the Personnel Committee with the senior member

as Chairman in the absence of the Chairman, and that Mr.

8• attend
all meetings of the committee as a staff member so
thm h
• 101.11d be in a position to keep the Chairman informed. He
ested that Mr. Szymczak and Mr. Clayton be appointed as
°f the Personnel Committee for the year beginning March 1

Question was raised as to whether other changes in assignor BOard members were to be made at the same time and Chairman



Stated that he had no further recommendations to make at this

ut that he would be glad to receive suggestions from the other

r4erabers of the Board as to any changes they felt should be made.
After a discussion, Chairman McCabe's
suggestions with respect to the Personnel
Committee were approved unanimously with
the understanding that the question of
assignments of members of the Board be
considered at an early meeting of the
Board in executive session.
At this time Mr. Nelson withdrew from the meeting and Mr.
Chief of the Consumer Instalment Credit Section of the Dl810n

°f Bank Operations, and Mr. Pawley, Economist in that Divi-


In connection with a discussion of a possible amendment to
ti°4 14/ Consumer Instalment Credit, Mr. Thomas presented data
4€ changes in consumer credit outstanding during the month of


1949 which indicated that the reduction during that month

.11 substantially greater than In January 1948.

There was a

--°cussion of the questions whether economic conditions

11 1" a change in the terms provided under the regulation at
114e "d if so, what the changes should be, and whether the
should be
made effective immediately or postponed until
41-ic outlook could be further observed.
ChaiMen McCabe raised the question whether the staff had
cl a slIggestion made by Mr. Evans at the meeting on Monday



that maturities be set at 21 months for new automobiles and 18 months
krused automobiles and Mr. Leonard stated that the suggestion had
considered and that the staff committee recommended against such
Et" change.
Various suggestions for changes were discussed further but no
e°4cInsions were reached and it was understood that the matter would
clIsidered again at a meeting next week.
At this point Messrs. Riefler, Vest, Thomas, Leonard, Millard,
Imse14, Young, Solomon, Lewis, and Pawley withdrew and the action
11144";ed vith
respect to each of the matters hereincifter referred to
%14 taken by the Board:
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
al Reserve System on February 23, 1949, were approved unani111°111-Y.
Memorandum dated February 21, 1949, from Mr. Carpenter rece13413ag the appointment of William Russell Corkhum as a minutes


in the Secretary's Office, on a temporary basis for a period

13ttonths, with basic salary at the rate of $3,100.20 per annum,
%trecti e
II- as of the date upon which he enters upon the performance
t his
'uties after having passed the usual physical examination.
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Young, President of the Federal Reserve
t Chicago, reading as follows:


"Board approves application for membership of City
Bank, Detroit, Michigan, effective if and when the bank
is authorized to commence business by the appropriate
State authorities subject to the two standard conditions.
Letter follows."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Honorable A. Willis Robertson, United States

prepared for Chairman McCabe's signature in accordance with

the action taken at the meeting on February 18, 1949, reading as
"I have your letter of February 19, 1949, enclosing copies of S. 80, s. 949, and S. J. Res. 9, which
!!avs been referred to your subcommittee, indicating
l'hat you will be glad for us to be giving them atten(4.on.
"S. J. flee. 9 would provide for the establishment
°D a National Monetary Commission to study the fiscal
of the Government and possible changes in the
relating to banking and credit. Since we underthat the Commission on Organization of the Exacutivs Branch of the Government is expected to make
li,rePort on matters closely related to the subjects
would be studied by the proposed Monetary Comot,ssi°n, we would prefer waiting until we have had an
O 0rtunity to consider the report of the Commission
urganization before expressing any views on S. J.
.les. 9
8. 949 is a bill arising out of a controversy betee
t een the FDIC and a private individual and, accordingly,
tZlls primarily within the jurisdiction of that Corpora.. However, for your information I enclose a copy
amthe letter which I addressed to the Senate Banking
CurrencY Committee last year in which we expressed
opposition to an identical bill.
S. 8o would increase the amount of an insured
sil'usit in an insured bank from $5,000 to $15,000.
this also is a matter which primarily concerns
DIC, I would like to have an opportunity to conai
() r their views concerning it before expressing any
Pi/lion on it.



"I appreciate your writing me regarding these bills
and I can assure you that I shall be only too glad to
see that they are studied and to write you our views on
them at a later date."
Approved unanimously.


?is 6?