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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYsten was held in Washington on Monday, February 14, 1944, at 3:30


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Pecteral Reserve System held on February 12, 1944, were approved unani1110'1184

It was reported that telephone advice had just been received

—341r. Creighton, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
that at the
regular meeting of the Bank's board of directors today

llnanitilous action was taken, subject to approval by the Board of Gov-

On the following matters which had been the subject of previous
discussions with the members of the Board. Mr. Creighton
stated •
In the telephone conversation that the Board of Governors
be advised by wire of the actions taken, that the resolutioriQ
adopted by the directors would be sent to the Board of Governors


and that it would be appreciated if the Bank could have



egraphic advice of the Board's approval of the actions so that
announcement might be made to the press this afternoon for publication in
tomorrow morning's newspapers:


On the understanding that Mr. Paddock, President
of the Bank, who would become 65 years of age on
April 8, 1944, would retire as of May 1, 1944, the
board of directors approved a contribution by the
Bank in the amount of $14,000 to the retirement
system to provide an additional pension for Mr.
Paddock during the remainder of his lifetime, and
the payment of an additional $14,000 in cash to Mr.
Paddock on January 2, 1945, in further recognition
of his services to the Bank. When Mr. Paddock was
advised of this action, he tendered his resignation
as President of the Boston Bank, effective May 1,
1944, subject to the consummation of the financial
arrangements referred to above, and his resignation
was accepted.

2. Mr. Ralph E. Flanders, a Class B director of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, was appointed President of the Bank, effective May 1, 1944, for the
unexpired portion of the term of five years ending
February 28, 1946.

The salary of Mr. Flanders in his new position was
fixed at the rate of $25,000 per annum for the year
beginning May 1, 1944.
Thereupon, unanimous approval was
given to the following telegram to be sent
upon receipt from Mr. Creighton of a wire
confirming the information conveyed in the
telephone conversation:

'Your wire. With understanding that Mr. Paddock's re,,J-rement will become effective as of May 1, 1944, Board of
Lr?vernors approves payment of sum of $28,000 in accordance your board's resolution. Board also approves (1) apPointment of Ralph E. Flanders as President of Federal
?serve Bank of Boston, effective May 1, 1944, for unexPared portion of five-year term ending February 28, 1946,

"and (2) the salary at the rate of $25,000 per annum fixed
by your directors for Mr. Flanders as President for the
Year beginning May 1, 1944. Understand immediate announcement of Mr. Paddock's retirement and Mr. Flanders' appointment will be made by your Bank. No announcement being
made here."
It was stated that before this meeting Mr. Evans, who was on the Pacific
coast, had been informed by telephone of
the actions contemplated by the board of
directors of the Boston Bank and had advised that if the actions were taken he
would favor their approval by the Board.
Memorandum dated February 12, 1944, from Mr. Morrill, recomMenai---ug that Mrs. Geraldine May be appointed as a charwoman in the Sectset417's Office on a temporary basis for an indefinite period, with
-"; salary at the rate of $1,200 per annum, effective as of the date
111)°11 which she enters upon the performance of her duties after having
Paesed satisfactorily the usual physical examination.
Approved unanimously, with the understanding that if anything derogatory should
develop in the investigation of her references her services might be terminated immediately.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks, readtrig

as follows:
"For your information there is enclosed a copy of
letter from the United States Maritime Commission, dated
10, 1944, signed by Mr. B. B. Griffith, Assistant
60 theryto Director of Finance, regarding renegotiation agreemerits reached by contractors having Regulation V loans
Which are
guaranteed by the Maritime Commission."

Approved unanimously.



-4Memorandum dated February 11, 1944, from Mr. Paulger, Director

Of the Division of Examinations, recommending that the item of Mis—
cellaneous Expenses in the 1944 budget of that Division be increased
bY $213.28 to cover the cost of a copy of the transcript of testimony
of four expert accountants in the Transamerica — Securities and Exchange
C°mmission hearings held in Philadelphia during January 1944.


racalorandum stated that Mr. Dreibelbis, General Attorney, concurred in
the recommendation of the Division of Examinations that the cost of the
anscript be paid.

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
