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A meetin

of the Federal Reserve Board V.V..S held in the

o:L'ice of the Board. on 1.'onda,y, 'February 14th, at 11:15 a.m.
PRESOTT: Governor liarding
• ITarrain
12r. 17i11er
Mr. Wills
• '71.11 lams
• Hox ton, Secretary.
mutes of the meeting of the Board held February 9th were
read. ,

.3. on motion, ao-oroved.
flutes of the netin

of the

ecut ive Committee held

.?ebruary 10th were read, and the action of the Commit tee set forth


The Governor r eL)o rted the reserve pos iti ons of the several

Pedfzal Reserve banks as at close of business February 11th, and
the status of rediscounts between the Federal Reserve banks as of
tile same date.
Draft of letter 1I redly to a letter of Jmiu,ary 10th


the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, with reference
to the elir;ibility for rediscount of renewal notes drawn by stock
men and farmers who have met losses =account of last year's or)erat ion.
Letter dated February 1st, from the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas, requesting app ro val o f t he appointment of
-'• 7. Titgen as Marr.L,fer of the 7:ember Bank Relations Denartment,



at a salary of i,3,300 per annum.
Letter dated February 10th, from the Chairman of the Fed) the reconmendati on of
eral Reserve Bank of Dallas, trananittin!
the Board of Directors of that bank that the salary of 1.`:r.Talley,
Deputy Governor, be increased from .13,200 to

].5,000 per annum.

Approved, effective February 1, 1921, upon
recomneniation of Mr. r'latt mid. Mr. Wills, who recertly visited the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Letter dated February 10th, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, recole,iendinc- the termination
Of the membership in the Federal Reserve System of the Farmers
State Bank of Allen, 7:ebraska, and ,71.vin7, reasons therefor.
Referred to Governor Harding.
Letter dated January 29th, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of


Francisco, transmittinc., the recommend-

ation of t re Board of Directors of that 'bank that the salary of
Governor Calkins 'be increased to '30,000 per annum.
Uoon motion, the recomnendat ion of the Board
of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco was not approved.
Governor Ha -dine samitted to the :Board a letter of February 10th from Senator Fletcher of Florida, and a letter of
February 11th from Senator I`el':ellar of Tennessee, nrkin7 inquiry
regarding the published convent upon the letter of December 28,
1920, addressed by Mr. Williams to Governor Harding, concerning


Which publication the Board took action at its meeting of February 8, 1921.
Upon motion, ilevernor Harding was requested to address to Senator Fletcher a letter giving the information desired, and asking Senator
leteher for specific inforrnat ion as to the
charges indicated in his letter, and the source
of such charges.
At this point Mr. Williams entered the meeting, and
Crevernor Harding handed to him for his perusal the letters
Of Senators Pletcher and McKellar above referred to, at the
ware time informing 7.:r. Williams of the act ion of the Board
;just taken in repp..rd thereto.

Letter dated February 6th, from the Chair= of the
Federal Reserve Bank of 3'civi York, requesting authority to
take a leave of absence extending approximately from June 30th
to September 30, 1921.
Mr. Williams stated that National Bank lbc2miner Morris
had returned from Cuba and would be glad to appear before the
Federal Reserve Board and narrate his experiences in that Republic.
Upon motion. it was resolved_ to receive the
report from Mr. Morris tomorrow, February 15th,
at 12 o'clock.
Letter dated February 11th, from the Chairman of the
Feder al Reserve Bank of Richmond, mating recommendations for



certain Pfljustments in salaries of employes, exclusive of
officers, as of l'arch 1, 1921, in accordance with the anniversary plan of salary adjustments previously authorized by the Federal Reserve Board.


Letter dated February 10th, from the Chairman of
the Federal Tleserve Bank of '.;e1,7 York, making recommendatiens for certain adjustments in salaries of employes,
exclusive of officers, as of February 1st, 1921, in accordance wi th the anni ver sary plan of sah ry adjustment s
Previously authorized by the Federal Reserve Board.


Letter: dated February 10th, from the Chairran of
the Federal Reserve Bank of ITew York, reportinf; details of
the so-called "12,000,000 Culaan Su,car Commercial Acceptance

:;ot ed.

At this point Lir. Williams withdrew from the meetin;.



'Letter dated Febrm.ry 11th, from the Railway Loan Advisory Committee, requesting approval of the fifth instalment,
amounting to 1700,000, of a form of loan previously authorized
Of 19,630,000, to the New York, Mew Haven (c1; Hartford Railroad
Company, under the provisions of Section 210 of the Transportation Act, 1920, as amended.
Approved, n7. Hamlin not voting.
Letter dated Febrmry 11th, from Senator rcLean, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking & Currency, transmitting
for the opinion of the Federal Reserve Bourd Senate Bill :To.
4994, providing that iz'ederal Reserve banks may buy Federal
Farm Loan bonds, and that mombor banks may accept drafts drarm
aMinst such bonds as security.
Referred to Governor Harding and Hr. Hamlin
for adverse reply.
Draft of letter dated. February 14th, to the Governor of
the Federal*Reserve Bank of Dallas, expressing the disapproval
of' the Federal Reserve Board of the practice of returning without
Presentation cash items drawn upon banks which are

on the par

list and which are open and doing bus mess.
Letter dated Febrmry 9th, from the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Hew York, transmitting the details of an
arrz?-1gem3nt by which that tank will maintain an additional account




20,000,000 with

the Bank of Japan.

,anizat ion CommitLetter dated. February 7th, from the Orc,
tee of the International Acceptance Bank, Inc.. enclosin7 copy
Of the organization certificate under which said bank eypects to
ora'anize, and reouesting that the Federal Reserve Board grant applications of national banks applyii1

for power to purchase and.

hold_ stock in the International Acceptance Bank, Inc., when organize, within the limitations of the law.
Referred to Gov(_,rnor Harding with authority to
accept the :pro]?osed. certificate, sho-ald he deem
roper after consultation with Counsel.

Dated February 5th, Recomnendine; approval of applications for
9th, fiduciary powers, as set forth in the auxiliary minute book as of this date.
Dated February 3rd, Recommending admission of :3tate institu4th, tions as set forth in the auxiliary minute
5th, book as of this date, subject to the con8th, ditions stated. in the individual reports
9th, attached to each application.
Dated February 14th,Recornmendino; that authority be given to
certain l'ational banks to purchase stock
in corporations organized under the ?Age
Act, as set forth in the auxiliary minute
book as of t his dat e.
Dated. February 5th, Recommending approval of the qpplicat ion
of Er. J. A. Pondrom to serve at the same
tine as director of the City TTational Bank
of Dallas, and the Texarkana TTational Bank
of Texarimna, Texas.



ry 3rd, Reconndin holding the anpilcation of
Mr. Barton Millard to serve at the sarrE
time as director of the Stock Yards
ional Bank of S. Omaha, and the Omaha
7-ational 73ank of Ormha, iTeb.
appro val of the application
of Mr. Douglas Crocker to serve at the
same time as director of the Fitchburg
Trust Co., Fitchburg, Miss. and
the rerchant s Mat io21::',1 Bank, Rost on.
L:'ebriz.ry 0th, ecommending approval of the application
of Mr. A.D.r.Osborhe to serve at the same
time as director of the First National
Bank, Balm rsviel d, Cal. and the First
:rational Bank, naftett, Calif.
Ap pro ved.
1 of the aprilcation
February 9th, flecorrnirniding aT)pr
to so rve at the
of Mr. 71 S. McC
the First nationof
same time
al Bank
?obruary 9th, Recormendin,-; ap pr oval of the application
of Mr. Sherman Stevens to serve at the
sane t ime as director of the First :Tati onal Bank of Santa Lila, Calif., and the First
National Bank of Tustin, Calif.
Appro yea.
February 2nd, Recommending approval of the application of
Mr. Al den Anderson to serve at the sane
tire as director of the Capital Mat ional
Bank of Sacramento, the Redding National
Bank of Bedding. and the Red. Bluff -at ional
Bank of Bed Bluff, all of California.
A p oro ved.
February 4th, Recoil-mending approval of the application
of Mr. John C. Eisele to serve at the same
time as director of the Public 2-ational
Bank, Mew YOr": City, Fidelity Union Trust
Co., 37ewar1C, U.J., and the West Side Trust
Co., Newark, N. J.
February 4th, Recommending a.pgroval of the application of
Mr. Russell B. Lowe to serve at the same
time as director of the Fitchburg Bank ec
Trust Co. of Fitchbtrrg, Mass. and the Merchants Mational Bank of Boston, Mass.




Dot ed







Dated. Febrmry 5th, Recommendin.7 approval, subject to revocation in the near future, of the application of Kr. Charles II. Sabin to serve at
the sarrn time as director of the quaranty
Trust Co. of -ew York City, the Union
7,xchangeio m"_..)1 Bank of Kew "'Zeit City,
and the First .Tht io nal ;lank of Sout ham-oton,
:Tow York.
Apm oved.
Dated -?ebruary 12th,Recommendin7 approval of the appointment of
Mrs. Flora S. Devereu.x as Key Punch Operator
Statistics, at
in the Division of 'leports
a salary of '1200 per annum, effective as of
February 16th.

Letter dated February 10th, from the -Deputy Comptroller
Of the Curremy, adv-isin,-; the Federal Rescrve Board. of certain
changes irade in the T -at ional Bank _,;45cafinine; fbrce during the
month of January, 1921.
Application dated Febrtnry 8th, of the Wheeling Bank e:
Trust Company, Wheeling, "lest Virginia, for aithority to accept
drafts and. bills of exchange up to 100t;

f its capital and. surplus,

under the provisions of Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act.
Application dated Febri.v.ry 3rd , of the American Bank
Trust company, Savannah, qeorgia, a member bank, for permission
to operate a branch.
At 1:30 p.m. the me et ing adjourned.

