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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System with the Federal Advisory Council was held in Washington on Tuesday,
February 11, 1936, at 3:50 p. m.


Eccles, Chairman

Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Thurston, Special Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Goldenweiser, Director of the Division of
Research and Statistics
Mr. Smead, Chief of the Division of Bank
Mr. Paulger, Chief of the Division of Examinations
Mr. Parry, Chief of the Division of Security
Messrs. Steele, Perkins, Loeb, Braun, Gohen,
Young, Brown, Smith, Wolo, Kemper, and Frost,
Members of the Federal Advisory Council representing the First, Second, Third, Fourth,
Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth,
and Eleventh Federal Reserve Districts
Mr. Lichtenstein, Secretary of the Federal Advisory
Mr. Smith, President of the Federal Advisory Council, stated that
the Council had held a separate session this morning and had not had sufficient time for deliberation to determine what recommendations it might
desire to make to the Board, but that, as it was understood that three
Of the members of the Board would be out of town tomorrow, the Council
had agreed to the suggestion that a meeting with the Board be held this



afternoon, and that while the Council had nothing to discuss with the
Board at this time, it would be glad to consider any matters which the
Board might desire to present.
Chairman Eccles stated, for the information of the members of
the Board of Governors, that he had met with the Council at luncheon today and, upon inquiry from Mr. Perkins as to the consideration which
the Board was giving to the proposal that the representatives of the
Federal reserve banks on the Federal Open Market Committee be selected
from outside of the Federal reserve banks, had read to the Council the
memorandum which had been prepared by Mr. Dreibelbis, Assistant General
Counsel, under date of February 11, 1936, and had advised the Council
that the Board proposed to send the memorandum to the boards of directors of all Federal reserve banks for their information, and that the
members of the Council had indicated their agreement that such action
was desirable.

Chairman Eccles also stated that he had just conferred

With Governor Harrison of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who had
advised him that Senator Glass had learned of the proposal to have
persons not connected with the Federal reserve banks serve as members
Of the Federal Open Market Committee and was very strongly opposed to
the suggestion.
Chairman Eccles also stated that some of the members of the
Council had expressed an interest in the consideration which was being
given by the Board to Regulation "U" with regard to margin requirements
on collateral loans by banks; that he had advised the Council that the



Board had sent a draft of the regulation to the Federal reserve banks
for the comments of the banks and other interested parties; that the
reports had not all been received; and that the Board, therefore, was

not prepared to discuss the regulation. He added, however, that the
Board would be pleased to receive any comments regarding the proposed
regulation that the Council may wish to submit.
Mr. Eccles then outlined the circumstances surrounding the action taken by the Board on December 28, 1935, and January 270 1936, in
deferring the effective date of subsection l(f) of Regulation "Q", entitled "Interest", which prohibits the absorption by member banks of


exchange and collection charges as indirect payments of interest.
Members of the Federal Advisory Council indicated entire agreement
with the position taken by the Board in the definition of "interest"
as contained in Regulation "Q", and Mr. Smith stated that the Council
would like to see the prohibition relating to the absorption of exchange and collection charges applied to all banks.
Mr. Brown referred to the position previously taken by the Federal Advisory Council that the issuance by the Board of a regulation
relating to margin requirements for collateral loans by banks was not
necessary and he stated that the Council was still of that opinion. In
this connection, the Secretary of the Federal Advisory Council read
the resolution adopted by the Council at its meeting on November 21, 1935
ch this subject.
Several of the members of the Council stated that they had gone



aver the draft of Regulation "U" sent out by the Board to the Federal
reserve banks for comment and criticism and that they felt that the
regulation was entirely too complicated, and Mr. Perkins stated that,
if a simplified regulation could be drawn up in terms of definite objectives, without attempting to prevent all possibilities of evasion
Of the provisions of the regulation, it would be very much more effective.
Mr. Parry stated that the Division of Security Loans had been
studying the matter for a considerable period and would be pleased to
receive any suggestions which would tend to clarify or simplify the
At the conclusion of the discussion
of the draft of Regulation "U", the meeting adjourned.


