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A meeting of the Federal Reserve 13oard vas held in the office of the
Vice Governor on rl'hursday, iilebrtr_ry 1, 192V, at 3:30 p.m. after an informal
ecilfcre cc \ ith T'r. 0. H. Smith, Vice President of the Citizens rational
8•11:1c of 'Zoswell, r,cw L:exico, Pr. 1. B. Stroud, Or., leneral counsel of the
I'ed era]. Reserve Bank of Dallas, rr. 4. 11. roles, Director of the 71 Paso
Brellch and Rat ional Bank ‘,14xaminers Collier and Brewer.

Vice qoverno r Platt
Ir. Hamlin
Pr. TTitchell
Pr. Crissinr,;(x
Pr. TToxton,

The Board discussed a letter dated January 31st, from 1-r. J. T. Rising,
Vice _President of the rational Park Bank of Hew York City, addressed to Fr.
H. Smith, Vice :)resident of the Citizens National Bank of Roswell, Rev r
- exleo, in which 1 tter Pr. Rising outlined a plan designed to promote the rehabilitation of the Citizens Rational Bank of Roswell,

w re:•ico, upon a basis

Of cooperation of the creditors of the said bank inclwins! the federal Reserve
Bank Of

Pr. Trmlin moved that the Acting Governer be requested
to advise the Chairran of the Federal Reserve Bank of 7).11as that
the Board feels that the question of the rehabilitation of the Citizens Rational Bank of Roswell, Hew rexieo, should be vrorled out by
the Board, of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Tz_,11as, but
that if, in the judment of the said. Poprd of Directors, the plan
otztlir.e in Hr. Rising's letter affords the best solution to the
problem, to Federal Reserve ro-rd viii interpose no objection.

he meeting adjoirned at 3:35 p.m.

7.)ecret Cry.