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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYstem was held in Washington on Friday, December 3, 1943, at 10:30


Mr. Ransom, Vice Chairman
Mr. Draper
Mr. Evans
Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter

referred to was taken by the Board:
Telegrams to Messrs. Treiber, McCreedy, and Clouse, Secretaries

of the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Cleveland,
resPectivelY, Mr. Dillard, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of Chicago,
Mr. Stewart, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Loui_,
a Mr. Caldwell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kan8" citY, and Mr. Hale, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank of San
.‘l'anoisco, stating that the Board approves the establishment without


ge by the Federal Reserve Banks of St. Louis and San Francisco on

4°17"lber 30 and the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia,
Cleveland, Chicago,Kansas City, and San Francisco on December 2,
1943, of
the rates of discount and purchase in their existing sched-

Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Neil G. Greensides, Acting Chief of the Division




°r Examination,

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington,

D. C*,
reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of November 29, 1943, the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System hereby grants written consent,
pursuant to the provisions of subsection (k)(2) of Section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act, for examiners for
idle Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to make an
examination of the Bank of Millen, Millen, Georgia, in
connection with its application for continuation of insurance after withdrawal from membership in the Federal
Reserve System.
"There are no unfulfilled conditions nor incomplete
corrective programs with respect to the member bank in
Connection with which the Board would suggest incorporation of conditions for continuing its status as an insured bank."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. D. J. Needham, General Counsel for the American
Association, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"I have read with interest the letter from Mr. Hugh
McLean of the Colorado National Bank, Denver, Colorado,
dated November 1, 1943, to Mr. Selecman, which was enclosed with your letter of November 9, 1943. We have
recently had under consideration a number of questions
(3wing out of the Board's ruling regarding the absorption
exchange charges which was published in the Sep1943 issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin; and
swur letter has been delayed because of its
to these questions.
"It is my understanding that in the case mentioned
by Mr.
McLean, the bank in question, in analyzing its
earnings and expenses, credits its trust department with
a share of the net earnings of the bank in the same ratio
as the net available balance carried by the trust department in the commercial department bears to the total



-3earning assets of the bank. I assume that this credit
given the trust department only as a part of the bank's
internal plan of analysis, and that no part of the credit
is given to any beneficiary of funds in the trust department or to any other person outside the bank.
"As you know, the Board based its ruling with respect
to the absorption of exchange charges on the ground that
such absorption involved a 'payment' by the particular
member bank to its depositors as compensation for the use
c)1 funds. It is my opinion that the allocation of a por-?ion of the earnings of a bank to its trust department
in the manner described in Mr. McLean's letter, merely
as a part of the bank's internal analysis of its earnings
and expenses, cannot be considered a 'payment' of interest
for the reason that no outside party receives any benefit
from this allocation.
"In accordance with your request, I am returning to
You the copy of kir. McLean's letter."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Ernst, The Dealers Building Products Company,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, reading as follows:
"This is in reply to your letter of November 10,
1943, suggesting that section 8(m) of Regulation V:which
exempts certain fuel conservation credits, and which was
,added to the regulation by Amendment No. 6 dated July
1942 he amended to include the installation of
Plain o; granule surfaced rigid insulation'. You mention a recent change in Conservation Order L-41 of the
.ion Board which exempted this material from
t l=t
"The Board has no present intention of changing
Regulation V: to parallel Conservation Order L-41. That
Order limits construction in order to conserve materials,
construction equipment, labor and transportation. As
understand it, the War Production Board has concluded
that restrictions can be relaxed on 'plain or granule
surfaced rigid insulation' because the supply of that
material is not seriously inadequate.
"Regulation V:, on the other hand, is designed to
control consumer credit, to place some restraint on the
addition of
credit dollars to the already greatly swollen




purchasing power of the public and thus to help in some
measure to keep prices from getting entirely out of hand.
The Board has felt that it was justified in providing exemptions from this control only in those cases where there
were very strong reasons for doing so. In considering the
Problem of fuel conservation, the Board concluded that it
could not go so far as to exempt all activities that in
some degree would save fuel, but could exempt only those
of relatively
low cost and with high fuel conservation
value in proportion to cost. It was suggested to us at
tLie time Amendment No. 6 was adopted, and subsequently,
that the materials you refer to, as well as a number of
?thers, should be included in the exempt category, but
it was decided that they fail to meet the requirements."
Approved unanimously, together with
a similar letter to Mr. A. F. Goodman,
Assistant Manager of the Finance Department, The Cleveland Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.



Vice Chairman.