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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System was held in Washington on Monday, December 28, 1942, at 11:30 a. m.


Ransom, Vice Chairman

Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System held on December

26, 1942, were approved unanimously.

Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks, reading
as follows:
"In order to reduce the amount of work on the part
of the Reserve Banks in preparing the annual reports to
the Board on salary data, the summary on Form 9746-c has
been simplified and is to be prepared on the basis of basic
salaries, exclusive of any supplemental compensation.
"It has been suggested that the usual list of employees
as of the first of the year be eliminated on the ground that,
in the course of an examination, the Board's examiners check
salaries paid against the maximum salaries in the personnel
Classification plan. Other uses, however, are made of the
lists submitted to the Board. Furthermore, it is anticipated
that, in connection with questions which may arise with respect to adjustments of salaries and wages under the regulations of the Economic Stabilization Director, it will be
helpful to have such information readily available. Accordingly, it is requested that the list be submitted in the
usual form.
"To avoid the necessity for reference to various letters
with respect to annual reports on salary matters, the Board's
letter of November 25, 1936 (X-9746) is canceled and it is

"requested that the following data be submitted:
1. Suramary report as to number and salaries
of officers and employees as of December
31, 1942. (Form 6-604-a)
These figures are for publication in the
Board's annual report for 1942 and it is
requested that they be submitted as promptly
as practicable. The figures should not reflect any changes in either the number or
salaries of officers and employees that become effective January 1, 1943.
2. Summary of salaries of employees by salary
groups. (Form S-604-b)
3. List of employees as of January 1, 1943.
(Form S-604-c)
4. Brief statement as to supplemental compensation, if any, paid during the year 1942.
(Form S-604-d)
5. Brief statement as to the basis, extent,
and practice with respect to the payment of
overtime and the granting of compensatory
leave for overtime.
"The reports referred to above should cover all employees
of the Reserve Bank, including those whose salaries are reimbursable, but should not include employees of the Victory Fund
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Paddock, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Boston, reading as follows:
"Relets December 8 and 22, your Bank is authorized on December 31 to: (1) pay the regular semi-annual dividend; (2) set
aside reserves for estimated losses of 40,000 on industrial
advances specified in December 22 letter; and (3) transfer
q00,000 from surplus to reserves for contingencies. Procedure set forth in Board's December 29, 1936, telegram should
be followed as to any net earnings or net losses for the year
on industrial advances and commitments."

Approved unanimously.



Letter to Mr. Jesse Burkhead, Executive Office of the President,
Bureau of the Budget, reading as follows:
"In further compliance with your request of August
15, 1942, for information regarding the Board's participation in wartime fiscal policy, we enclose a discussion
of topic IV in your outline, 'Financing War Production',
together with copies of the Board's Regulation V, Regulation S, and the most recent press release issued by the
Board regarding loans guaranteed under Executive Order No.
"We assume that you have already obtained, or will
obtain more detailed information on this subject from the
Armed Services and the Maritime Commission."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Leon Henderson, Administrator of the Office
Or Price Administration, reading as follows:
"In connection with your plans to extend ration
banking to a nation-wide basis, the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System is glad to assure you of
its continued cooperation.
"The Board is mindful of the added burden thus placed
upon the Federal Reserve and the commercial banks while
they are already struggling with a serious mAnpower problem.
However, the job has to be done in any event and the banks
can handle it with greater efficiency and conseauently with
less additional manpower and equipment than could any other
available organization. The Board is confident that the
banks will shoulder this new responsibility willingly and
efficiently and that they 'All consider this an opportunity
to make an additional contribution to the country's war
effort on the home front."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Byron Price, Lirector of Censorship, reading
48 follows:
"This letter is in response to yours of December 19
with respect to the protection of the confidential character
and restriction of circulation of information contained in
censorship intercepts.


"Mr. S. R. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary, has been
designated by the Board of Governors to be responsible for
the security of censorship intercepts received by the Board.
"We shall be pleased to comply with your request that
information which we feel does not relate to the war effort
and intercepts which are of no value to the Board be returned
to you, and to destroy all other intercepts when they have
served their purpose so far as this organization is concerned.
"As stated in Mr. Draperts letter of August 7, 1942, the
limited number of persons in our organization who have access
to censorship intercepts have been fully advised of their
strictly confidential character and have been requested, in
sending the intercepts from one office to another, to transmit them in sealed envelopes. As a matter of further precaution the necessity of carefully following this procedure
Will again be brought to the attention of those concerned.
"We have had no occasion to use information contained
in intercepts sent to the Board in a legal proceeding or in
any other way in which the information would be made public
and, of course, we will not do so without your consent.
"If -le can be of any further assistance in this or other
matters relating to censorship, please let us know."

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.