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L meet in

of the-Federal'Reserve Board was held in the office of the

Federal 2cserve Board on 2uesday, December 2, 1924, at 11:15 a.m.

Governor Crissinc;er
Ur. Platt
Ur. Hamlin
Ur. hillier
Jr. James
Ur. Cunninjiam
Ur. Eddy, Secretary

Zhe reading of the minutes of the meetinc; of the Federal 'Reserve
Board held on i-oveMber 21st was dispensed v.ith.
The minutes of the meetinG of the Federal Reserve Board held on
November 25th were read and approved.
Letter dated November .8th from Conc;ressman Theodore E. Burton,
referring to his previous communications to the Board and tmnsmitir.;
letter addrcsod to him by 1.1r. Frank ..... DonL,hman of Itlanta, protestin„;
against the appointment of Ur. Oscar 1Tawton as Class "C" Director and
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Ltlanta.
Referred to Oommdttee on District


2e1egram dated Eovember 28th from the Deputy Governor of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York advising of changes in the bank's buyin
rates on bnkers acceptances, effective as of that date.
Uemorandum dated December 1st, approved by the secretary, recommending that stock in the Federal .1eserve Bunk of Ban Francisco in the name
Of the Jefferson L;ounty National Bank of Rigby, Idaho, which went into voluntary,
liquidation in June 1923, be cancelled but that the proceeds be rlaced in
the 2'ederi1 2,eserve bank's expense account until the Amptroller of the




Currency has received

ap-oroved the re,luired resolution of the share-

holders fo=lly plcin; the 1)11k in lijuidation.
Upon motion, the above recommendation was
Letter dated NoveMber 28th from the Comptroller of the Currency, recommending approval of an increase from .;;2,250 to ,3,000 per annum in the salary
of L3sistant National Bank :xminer Charles P. Weigand, during the period of
n thirty day appointment as National Bank :Ixaminer, ending December 31, 1924.
Upon motion, the above recommendation, thich
was approved by the Executive Committee on rovember
28th, was formlly approved by the Board.
Letter dated November 2nd from Nathan Lubcr, submitting his r ,si nation as messmier in the Board's 2e1egraph Office, effective December 15, 1924.
Report of Comittee on Jalaries, Expenditures and ..fficiency on the
Matter referred to it at the meeting on November 25th, namely, recommendation
Of the federal '1. oservo ACent at Ban franciseo that 1,:r. Harry Allan Jproul be

tPDointed :_ssistant federal Reserve -, ont, effective Jecemb-r 1st, to succeed
Lir. Henry C. Brock, resined, and that Mr. ,Troul's slary be increased frem
C4,000 to j5,000 per annum, effective January 1, 1925; the Committee also recommending approval.
Approved, Mr. Miller voting "no".
Report of Committee on Examinations on memorandum dated November 25th
fl'O/11 the Acting Comptroller of the Currency, recommending approval, sub:iect to
conditions, of the application of the first National Bank of Edgewood, 2exas,
for permission to reduce its capital stock from ,50,000 to ,25,000; the Committee :
recommending approval.




..).01,ort of Committee on 7_:xaminations on memoranda dated November 22nd
from the J,ctinF; Comptroller o: the Currency, recoLimending approval of the
application of the first rational Bank of 2ah1e4uah, Okla., for permission
to reduce its capital stock from c:80,000 to .50,000, and the application Of
the Liberty ::tional
Bank of 2ahlequah for permission to reduce its capital
stock from

50,000 to :A0,000 per annum; the Committee recommending approval

of both aplaicLtions.
Report of Committee on Examinations on matter referred to it at the

on November 25th, namely, telegram dated November 22nd from the Ls-

sistant eederal :leserve .1;;ent at San erancisco inquiring rhether Oakland,
Berkeley and idameds, the corporate limits of rhich are separated from the
City of Jan erancisco by Jan erancisco Bay, are considered contiguous to
6a1i erancisco; L'Ar. Platt stating that it is his understanding that these
municipalities are regarded as

contiguous, and fl.r. J:mes recommending that

the mLtter s.:,,ould be considered atmeeting of the full Board.
;fter discussion, :Jr. =or moved that the
Board rule that the cities of Oakland, Berkeley and
Alameda are contiguous to the city of Jan eranciseo.

over2,or Crissin er voting "no".

Report of Committee on i;Ixaminations on letter dated rovember _5th
from the Assistant Pederal Reserve

font at Ban era-ncisco, transmitting and

recommending approval of the application 0: the Lmerican Bank of San erancisco
l'or permission to establish three de novo branches in the city of Oakland;
Lir. Platt, Chairman of the Committee, reco!mending


%of eve,\



After discussion, Mr. Hanlin moved that the
3oard arpreve the application.
Mr. Hamlin's motion LeinG aut by the chair
the members voted as follows:
Mr. Platt, "aye"
Mr. Hamlin, "aye"
Mr. Miller, "aye"
qovernor erissincer, "no"
Mr. James, "no"
Mr. Cunningham, "no"
2he Chairman then stated that the motion was lost
on a tie and the application stood disapproved.
2eport of Law Committee, submitting draft of reply to letter dated
ITovember 24th from the Chairman of the Federal 2eserve Bank of Chicago, regarding the application 02 the Livestock National Bank of Jioux City, lava,
for permission to exercise trust powers; the proposed reply stating that it
Will be satisfactory to tLe Board for the Federal

eserve bank to su


to the applicant that it re4uest that formal consideration of the applicL.
be postponed until another examination has been made.
Upon motion, the proposed letter vas
lteport of Law Committee on letter dated rovember 19th from the Federal
Reserve 1ent at .,Aston, transmitting and recommending approval of the auplication of the Union 2rust Company of -.11sworth, Maine for permission to establish a trust department; the Committee recommending approval.
pp roved.
- ,eserve
Letter dated rovember BOth from the Chairman of the Federal 2
421k Of rev York, advising that beginning December 1st meetings of the Board
Directors of the bank will be held each. 2hursday and of the ..;xecutive Committee each Monday.



2he Govr'rnor then presented the matter approved on initials on November
29th, namely, application of the Home Bank of St. Matthews, South Carolina,
for permission to absorb the Farmers Bank and 2rust Company of St. Matthews;
approval of said application having been recommended by the Federal Reserve
Lgent at Richmond in his letter of November 24th.
Upon motion, the application was formally
Letter dated November 21st from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis, advising that Mr. W. C. Montgomery, director of the
Louisville Branch, has been appointed Chairman of the Road Commission of
Kentucky, and inquiring whethr this appointment makes Mr. Montgomery ineligible to serve as a Branch Director.
After discus.;ion, Mr. James moved that reply
be made to the above letter, advising that Mr.
Liontgomery will be ineligible for reappointment
as a director of the Louisville branch.
Discussion then ensued as to the scope of the Board's circular letter
Of December 27, 1915, advising that in the opinion of the Board persons holdLig political or public office or acting as members of political party committees,
caU not consistently with the spirit and underlying principles of the Federal
Reserve 2.ct, serve as directors or officers of Federal Reserve banks.

Mr. Hamlin moved that the circular be referred
to the Law Committee with directions to report back
a new draft thereof.

12 124


Ur. Mill,r then moved that the Committee
in amending the circular extend its scope
to include ccAidates for political
office :.nd to make it clear that it pertains
to directors, o2ficers ::nd employees of
branches as cli as head offices.
Mr. Miller's motion being put by the
chair was lost, the members voting as
Governor Crissirkzer, "Lye"
hr. Miller, "aye"
Ur. Cunningham, "ye"
Ur. Platt, "no"
Mr. liamain, "no"
Mr. James, "no"
_ale Committee on 2esearch and Statistics then reported on the llytter
referred to it at the meeting on November 25th and sub;Atted an amendment
to the principles adopted by the Board governing research, statistical and
Publication activities of the 2ederal Reserve banks and the 2ederal Reserve
Board, providing that the ;?ederal Reserve banks by Lpril 1, 1925 are to
crrtn_;e to infko a charge sufficient to cover costs :or copies of monthly
letters delivered in bulk for distribution and that the question of imposing
a charge for single copies shall be deferred for ifurther consideration.

Upon motion, the amendment submitted by
the Committee was approved and the principles
stand adopted in the following revised form:


"cope and Purpose. - 2he purpose of the work of the research
and statistical divisions of the Pederal reserve banks and the Board
is to collect and digest information bearing on the problems with
which the ;:lederal Reserve Jystem is concerned, eithor as a matter



"of current op'retion or as the basis of Federal
reserve policies.
:11 such ork is to be under the general supervision of the Federal Reserve Board acting through
its Division of Research and statistics.
Mile research studies and scientific investigations
may be undertaken on the initiative of the Federal Reserve
banks or of the Federal Reserve eoard, the Federal Reserve
banks, before any expense is incurred for their prosecution, are to secure the approval of the Federal R
- eserve
Board. It is not intended, however, that approval be
awaited before studies of small scope are undertaken
which involve no consiuerable expense. in conducting
such studies, the Director of the Board's Division of Research and Statistics may make assignments to one or
more of the Federal reserve banks of such portions as
may seem desirable.
Publications. - beginning with January, 1925, the
monthly pulications of the Federal reserve banks are not
to exceed ei ;ht pages, as a standard, but during 1925,
which may be considered a year of readjustment, the number
of pages is not to exceed twelve.
Free distribution of such publications as a mtter of
course shall be made only to member banks, to other 'Federal
reserve banks, to the Federal Reserve :oard, and to firms
reporting statistical information, non-member par list banks,
and to such others as may be determined through the -oard's
Division of Research and Statistics in contact with a committee of the agents to be entitled to it. The Federal
Reserve banks by 4ril 1, 1925, are to arrange to make a
charge sufficient to cover costs for copies delivered in
bulk for distribution. The question of imposinr, a charge
for tingle copies Shall be deferred for further consideration.
The monthly reviews, published by the Federal Reserve
Agents, are to be under the general editorial supervision
of the Director of Research and Statistics of the Federal
Reserve Board, who is responsible to the Board for the proper
conduct of the research, statistical, and publication activities
undertaken by the Board and authorized for the several banks."
Letter dated rovember 25th from L'ir. A. B. 2rawbridge, Consult mg Irchitect
submitting a statement amounting to e1500, to cover 1:.artial fee for his services
in connection with the buildir6e3 being erected to house the Denver and aeleha
branches of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.



Referred to Committee on Salaries, Expenditures
and Efficiency.
Report of Committee on IgriCultural Credits on matter referred to
it at the meeting on November 25th, namely, statement on the subject
"Relation of the Federal Reserve System to Igriculture", prepared for
submission to the Agricultural Commission through the Under Secretary
Of the Treasury.
liter discussion this statement was referred
back to the Committee with power.
Draft of letter to the Assistant Cashier of the National Bank of
America, Pittsburch, Pa., on the subject of the exercise of fiduciary
Powers by national banks in Pennsylvania; the letter stating among other
things that it appears that national banks desiring to exercise fiduciary
Powers in Pennsylvania may voluntarily submit to examination by State
authorities although they can not be compelled to do so.
Upon motion, the proposed letter was approved.
for today's
The Governor then referred to the special order business
Meeting, namely, the appointment of Class "C" directors of Federal
banks and directors of Branch Federal Reserve banks, which was thereupon
postponed until tomorrow's meeting.
Mr. Miller then offered the following resolution which if adopted
the Board he stated should be communicated to the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York over the telephone at the time of the next meeting of the directors
Of the banks:

"The Federal Reserve Board holds it to be necessary
in the present situation of the money market that the open
market rate of the Federal Reserve System should be sufficiently above the level of market rates to be .effective.




"The Board is of the opinion that Federal Reserve
Bank rates on n11 classes of open market investments
admissible to purchase by Federal Reserve Banks should
in present circumstances be not less than 1/4 of 1 rer
cent above the actual current (sales) rates on such
classes of investments. The Federal Reserve Board
would like an expression of views and a recommendation
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on the subject
of a revision of its open market rates in order to
bring about a better adjustment of such rates to the trend
of rates in.the money market and in order to make its
rates effective."
After discussion, action on the above
motion was postponed until tomorrow's meeting.
Dated, November 26th,
pat ed., December 2nd,

Recommending changes in stock at Federal Reserve
banks, as set forth in the Auxiliary Minute Book
of this date.

13a t ed, December

Recommending action on applications for fiduciary
powers as set forth in the Auxiliary Minute Book
of this date.
Recommending approval of the application of Mr. D. Y.
Fink to serve at the same time as President and Director of the Commercial National Bank, Muskogee, Okla.
as President and Director of the Citizens National
Bank of it. Gibson, Okle., and as Vice President and
Director of the First National Ban.P. of Porter, Okla.
Recommending approval of the application of Mr. F. E
Kenaston to serve at the same time as director of the
Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn., and
as director of the Security National Bank of West
Minneapolis, Hopkins, Linn.
Recommending approval of the application of M r. H. W.
Rowley to serve at the same time as director of the
First National Bank, Seattle, Wash., and as director
of the Midland National Bank, Billinc:s, Montana.

Dated, December


1)ated, November 28th,

Dated, November 28th,



Dated, November 28th,

Recommending approval of the application of Mr.
Andrew Earn to serve at the same time as director
of the Drovers National Bank, and as officer of the
Central Savins Bank 1(1 2rust Company, both of
Denver, Colorado.

The meting adjourned a

:30 p.m.
