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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve Board
held in the office of the Board at 11 A. M. on Tuesday,
December 19, 1916,
Mr. McAdoo, presiding,

Mr. Delano,

Mr. Harding,

Mr. Miller,

Mr. Hamlin,

Mr. Williams,

Mr. Warburg,

Mr. Willis, Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board on December
18th were read and approved.
On motion, applications for the conversion of 25
bonds into 3; securities were approved as follows:Federal Reserve Bank of New York, . . . $1,042,000.
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, . . . 1,335,500.
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,. 2,000,000.
On motion, the report of the Committee on Staff
approving an increase in the salary of Mr. F. M. Hardt,
Cashier of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from
35,000 to $7,200 was approved.
The minutes of a meeting of the Committee on Clayton
Act, held on December 19th, were read and on motion laid on
the table.

The special business for the day being taken up, the


Board proceeded to the election of Class C directors
whose terms expire on December 31, 1916, and the following action was taken, the following named being elected:Mt. Pierre Jay, Federal Reserve Agent, New York,
Mr. John W. Black,
. . . . Minneapolis.
Mr. James A. Monourel Dep. Fed. Res. Agt., Richmond.
Mr. Henry B. Thompson, Dep. Fed. Fes. Agt., Philadelphia.
Mr. H. O. Wooten,
Mr. W. H. Kettig,
Mr. 'Lyman H. Treadway, Dep. Fed. Res. Agt., Cleveland.
Mr. Walter S. Hackney, Dep. Fed. Res. Agt., Boston.
The following nominations were laid on the table:Yr. Tm. A. Heath, nominated as Fed. Res. Agt. at Chicago.
Mr. T. C. Tupper, nominated as Dep. Fed. Res. Agt. at
St. Louis.
Mr. E. C. Bradley, nominated as Dep. Fed. Res. Aut.,
at San Francisco.
Discussion of the general situation of the directorate of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City ensued, and
it was agreed that action with reference thereto be deferred.
On motion the whole question of the election of directors
for places not yet filled, was made a special order for
Wednesday, December 27th.
A report of the Executive Committee with reference to
the ratification of a proposed contract between the Federal
Reserve Bank of rew York and the Bank of England, was read
and discussed.

On motion the following resolution, shaped

and reported by the Committee on Law, and intended to state


the Board's action in this matter was adoped:"VOTED, - That the federal heserve Bank of New
York be authorized to appoint as its correspondent and
agent the Bank of England of London, En61and, and that
it be further authorized to open and maintain banking
accounts with and for said correspondent and agent for
the ournose of purchasing, selling and collecting bills
of exchange, in accordance with the provisions of Section 14 and other provisions of the federal Reserve Let,
as amended; and for such other purposes as may be oermitted under said Federal Reserve Act, as amended."
The question of amendments to the federal Reserve
Act was then taken up, and the Secretary of the Treasury
made a 6'eneral statement with reference to his position
on the whole subject.
Discussion ensued regarding details of the various
proposed amendments.
It was agreed that further discussion of the amendments be continued at eleven o'clock on Wednesday, December
On motion at 1:07 P. 11. the Boardadjourned


