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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
8Ystem was held
in Y;ashington on Thursday, December 16, 1943, at 11:30



Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred
to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Fecieral Reserve System held on December
15, 1943, were approved unani11184.
Memorandum dated December 13, 1943, from Kr. Paulger, Chief
(11* the D
ivision of Examinations, submitting the resignation of J.
English as an Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner, to become efve as of the close of business on December 31, 1943, and recomkerwIng that
the resignation be accepted as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Memorandum dated December 14, 1943, from Mr. Morrill, submit4110,
° the resignation of Miss Dorothy M. tLcGough as a stenographer in
the s
ecretarY's Office, to become effective as of the close of business



December 20, 1943/ and recommending that the resignation be accepted
as of
that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Memorandum dated December 11, 1943, from Mr. Morrill, submit6



resignation of Mrs. Clara Mock as a charwoman in the Secretary's
e) to become effective as of the close of business on December 24,
and recommending, for the reasons stated in the memorandum, that
8.1gnation be accepted as of that date without deduction for over(11°411 sick leave of 13
days, 3 hours, and 20 minutes.
The resignation was accepted as recommended.
Memorandum dated December 13, 1943, addressed to the Personnel
-e b7 Mr. Leonard, Director of the Division of Personnel Administratj
- recommending that during the present influenza epidemic, and

g a revision of the leave regulations, the heads of divisions
44d ices of the Board's staff be authorized, in their discretion,

to vo.
'lye the requirement that an application for sick leave for a
Period i
-n excess of three days shall be supported by a certificate


registered practicing physician or other practitioner and to ap1)1.'"
'e sick leave for
more than three days without a doctor's certificate
when, in
the opinion of the head of the division or office, such
is justified.

Approved unanimously.

-3Telegram to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks,
reading as
"Representatives of National War Labor Board have
advised that proposal to increase authorization to pay
supplemental compensation from 10 per cent to 15 per cent
would be inconsistent with their Board's policies and
could not be approved.
"During discussions it was pointed out that not all
Reserve Banks are paying supplemental compensation at
a3cimilm rates permitted in Board's letter, :!'arch 3, 1942.
Thepresentatives of War Labor Board advise that any Reserve
'ank which is not making payments at such maximum rates
do so without certification to, or approval by, National War
Labor Board. Representatives of Office of
mmissioner of Internal Revenue also agree as to salaries
-ng within jurisdiction of that office. This repreio
a reversal of the former position of the War Labor


"Accordingly, any Reserve Bank not paying supplemental
comoensation at maximum rates permitted by Board's
Letter of March 3, 1942 may make current and future sayWithin those limits without further approval."
Approved unanimously.
Barlit of

Letter to Mr. Gidney, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
New York, reading as follows:

lett "1n accordance with the request contained in your
el' of December 2, 1943, the Board approves the apP,:intment of H. Jordan Overturf as an examiner for the
r deral
Reserve Bank of New York.
to t
has been noted that Mr. Overturf is indebted
, he Warren
National Bank, Vvarren, Pennsylvania, in
le amount or s"4,856 and to the First National Bank,
1,rren, Pennsylvania, in the amount of :4 1,295, both
ans being secured by listed securities and cash surB,
nder value of life insurance. As you know, it is the
feeling, as expressed in its letter X-7638 (LooseLeaf
#9180), that members of the examining staffs
Federal Reserve banks should not be indebted to



"banki g,
institutions and particularly to member banks.
:in this particular case, however, it is understood that
the applicant is
being employed on a temporary basis and
it has also
been noted that the creditor banks are located
utside the New York Federal Reserve District. Therefore,
the appointment has been approved without requiring liquida41°n of the indebtedness or financing through sources other
ul.lan banks, but it will be expected
that regular reductions
111 be made during the temporary employment and that prior
1 3 employing the applicant on a permanent basis, if that
Zie_ done, the matter will be brought into conformity with
41e Board's policies in this connection."



Approved unanimously.
Letters to "The Citizens Bank", Attica, New York, and "The
1C4/Nrood Bank",
Kirkwood, Missouri, reading as follows:
,, "The Board is glad to learn that you have completed
;la arrangements for the admission of your bank to the
1 ederal Reserve System and takes pleasure in transmitting
"erewith a formal
certificate of your membership.
It will be appreciated if you will acknowledge receipt of
this certificate."
Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared for the signature of Chairman Eccles to Mr.
(311 L, Ford)
General Counsel of the Special Committee to Investigate
Agencies, House of Representatives, reading as follows:
Dee.. :This will acknowledge
receipt of your letter of
, er 7, 1943, on the question of whether or not there
atr7j 8 on the part of this Board a policy discriminatory
hostile to branch banking in general, and Transamerica
.411tereets in particular.
reply, permit me to say that any allegation of
xistence in this Board of an anti-branch banking
co leY is entirely false. In respect to Transamerica
and its interests this Board follows no policy
eh is not or would not be followed with respect to any




"Other institutions under similar circumstances.
"In the absence of more definite information as to
Particular action of the Board concerning which complaint
.188 been
made, it is very difficult to advise the Committee as to the
statutory authority under which Board policy
'With respect to any such action has been formulated. How;
e eerriLci,
Ienclose a copy of the Federal Reserve Act, as
which, in addition, contains certain other banklag statutes. The statutes which probably will be of
zost interest
to the Committee are those dealing with
1!1!mbership of
State banks in the System (pp. 19-31);
those dealing with branches, State and national (pp. 20,
1d4); and those dealing with affiliate and holding cornPa
affiliate relationships (pp. 28-31, 130-132, 155,
156, 158, 178-183).
, "Trusting this is the information which the Committee
Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared in Spanish for the signature of Chairman Eccles

to the

Idanco Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, reading as follows:
"The representatives of this Board, Messrs. Bray
i Tlond and Robert Triffin, who recently visited your
i24 in the course of an extensive trip made by them to
049lortant centers in South America, have just returned
on. They confirm and emphasize in their verbal
1reports the account they had already given us more briefly
of the abundant and gracious hospitality which
_11 accorded them. We wish to assure you that these
urtesies to our representatives are deeply appreciated,
"We are also pleased to know that our project for
..!,;e Preparation and
publication of a series of studies
t,'.1ercentral banking in the Latin American countries inElbl ests You and that we may look forward to your invaluto'! collaboration in completing it. A similar reception
th:the project elsewhere indicates that the prospect of
ne7se studies is welcomed, that there is general willingth:Lt° cooperate in their preparation, and that they will
the -fore be of practical usefulness. Le have completed
the nu4Y °f central banking in Colombia and have had
-neat of corrections and improvements made by mem'
of the staff of the Banco de la Republica, Bogota.




!We hope to
publish this study in the Federal Reserve
18,14.1.etin in the near future. Progress on our program
vial be delayed by the war, but we look forward to communicating with you later regarding that portion of the
Program in which you will be most interested.
,L. "One of the chief benefits that we anticipate from
21sprogram will be the closer contacts it will bring
U8 with
our sister institutions in Latin America. The
"Portunity to exchange views from time to time on the
central banking problems of our respective countries is
certain to be of great mutual advantage. To that end,
and also in
order that we may show our genuine apprecia1°n of your thoughtfulness, courtesy, and generous kind,
',tess to our representatives, we look forward to having
?ma time to time in the future the pleasure of visits
'ora your directors, officers, and other members of your
"Please accept this renewed assurance of our cordial
Approved unanimously, together with
similar letters for Chairman Eccles' signature to the Banco Central de Reserva
del Peru, Lima, Peru, the Banco do Brasil,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Banco Central
de Chile, Santiago, Chile, and the Banco
Central de la Republic Argentina, Buenos
Aires, Argentina.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


