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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Tuesday, August 4, 1953.


Martin, Chairman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary

Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on July 31, 1953, were approved unanimously.
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on August 3, 1953, were approved and the actions recorded therein were ratified unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Rouse, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
14%1 York, reading as follows:
"This is in reply to your letter to the Board and accompanying memorandum, both dated July 27, relating to a proposed arrangement under which the Chase National Bank would
extend to Banco do Brasil a $10,000,000 dollar-exchange acceptance credit, the commitment to run for one year. Presumably a large proportion of the credit would be utilized
shortly after its extension, and your memorandum states that
the arrangement would expressly contemplate renewals at the
end of three, six, and nine months of at least a portion of
the maturing acceptances.
"Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act authorizes member
banks, in specified circumstances, to accept dollar-exchange
drafts 'having not more than three months' sight to run, exclusive of days of grace'. Regulation C contemplates that
such drafts can and will be liquidated at maturity 'through
the proceeds of export documentary bills or from other sources
reasonably available to such foreign bank or banker (that is,
the drawer) arising in the normal course of trade' (section 2
(c)(2)). Under the facts presented, the drafts proposed to




"be drawn by Banco do Brasil would not meet this standard, since
the parties expressly contemplate that each time the bills come
due they would have to be renewed at least in part and could not,
therefore, be liquidated at maturity within the meaning of the
"Apart from the foregoing, your memorandum also raised the
question as to whether, in any circumstances, it is permissible
for a member bank to make a commitment running for as long as
one year (as contemplated in this case) to accept dollar-exchange
drafts. It is the Board's position that, in appropriate circumstances, a member bank may enter into such an arrangement, but
any draft drawn thereunder must conform to all legal requirements, including a maturity of not more than the three months
prescribed by section 13, as outlined above.
"As suggested in your letter, the proposed arrangement was
discussed with representatives of the Export-Import 13i.nk of
Washington, who indicated that current negotiations regarding
the use of the Export-Import Bank's $300,000,000 credit to Banco
do Brasil contemplate that Banco do Brasil will raise from other
sources additional credits of the general order of magnitude indicated in your memorandum - that is, in the neighborhood of
$100,000,000. They were optimistic about the possibility that
Banco do Brasil could work out some satisfactory arrangement
with American banks that would be in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations."

Approved unanimously.