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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in Washington on
Thursday, August 3, 1933, at 11:15 a. in.


Black, Governor


Merrill, Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Wyatt, General Counsel
Paulgpr, Chief, Division of Examinations
Wingfield, Assistant Counsel
Leonard, Federal Reserve Examiner
Chamberlin, Federal Reserve Examiner.

Messrs. I. Turner Moore, E. S. Richardson and W. A. Rigg, President,
Vice President and General Counsel, and Director, respectively, of the
13el'ke County Trust Company, Reading, Pennsylvania, were also present.



reviewed the considerations which led up to the merger on Tune 30,

1933) of the old Berks County Trust Company with the Colonial Northeastern
TI/lat Conpany of Reading, a nonmember, and said that when the proposed conof the banks was taken up with the Federal Reserve Bank of PhilacielPhia, it was stated to the officers of the Federal reserve bank that the
C°1°134a1 Northeastern Trust Company would not consent to the consolidation
ilttlesa it was to be understood that the new bank was to have membership in
the 1,
ederal Reserve System; that the officers of the Federal Reserve Bank of
1Phia apparently felt that the merger would considerably strengthen
4"ber trust company, and stated that while they could not commit the
Reserve Board on the matter of membership for the new institution,
elt they could recommend the new institution for membership. Mr.
qg also stated that the new institution had followed the general policy
1141ned by the Federal reserve bark, had done everything it could to



carrY out the wishes of the Federal reserve bank with regard to iiuprovement
of the trust company's condition, and would make all other improvements
aUggested as soon as possible; that the new trust company was licensed by
the Secretary of the Treasury as a member bank after the bank holiday; that
tha Federal reserve bank stock held by the old trust company was indorsed
back to the Federal reserve bank when the application for new stock was
tilecle, but that dividends thereon have been paid to the new institution;
that since the merger, the new institution has carried at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia the reserves required of a member bank, and enjoyed the privileges of rediscounting


a member bank until last week when

ite right to rediscount was questioned; and that when it was suggested by
the Federal reserve bank that in lieu of rediscounting as a member bank the
4 company apply for loans as a nonmember, an attempt was made to secure
the necessary approval from the State bank authorities of Pennsylvania, who
4qvised that they regarded the trust company as a member of the Federal

System, and declined to give such approval.
Moore also reviewed the banking situation in Reading, calling

4tt ation to the fact that of the six banks in Reading, following the merger
the two institutions forming the Barks County Trust Company, the trust
()rt1138.1:11r and a smaller State institution are the only banks open at the
laseat time, and stating that if it becomes known that the trust company
18 1133t a member, confidence in the institution will be further shaken.


stated that it is felt, because of the efforts which are now being

by the
Farmers' National Bank and Trust Company and the Pennsylvania


C°mPany, both of which are closed, to sell stock in order that they



4RY reopen, that if the Berks County Trust Company should attempt to sell
additional capital stock in order to improve its condition and comply with
the requirements of the Federal reserve bank, such action would be interPrsted as an attempt to defeat the efforts of the other two banks to reopen.
Governor Black stated that while the Federal Reserve Board desired
to be as helpful as possible in the matter and regretted the misunderstanding
which has arisen with regard to the status of the Berks County Trust Company,
it must be made clear that the Board has not approved the new bank's application for membership, and that the main obstacle to a favorable consideration
t° such application is the unsatisfactory condition of the trust company.
111 this connection, Mr. Morrill referred to the Board's letter of May 4,
19331 to lir. Austin, Federal Reserve Agent at Philadelphia, and the repreaetitatives of the Berke County Trust
Company stated that, so far as they
°°111d recall, the trust company had not been advised of the attitude of the

as set forth in that letter.
Mr. Moore stated that the purpose of this meeting with the Federal

Re8erve Board was to renew the request that the Board give further consider1 to the trust company's application for membership, because it is felt
that the successful refinancing of the institution by the sale of additional
et001c at the proper time depends upon the trust company being a member of
the Pederal Reserve System.
There followed a discussion as to the improvements which have been
bY the trust company in its condition since the consolidation of the

banks, including changes in management, and as to the steps which

"teht be taken by

the trust company to further improve its condition and to

Imeet the situation in which it finds itself as a nonmember bank.
At the conclusion of the discussion it was suggested that the representatives of the trust company discuss further with Mr. Paulger, Chief of
the Division of Examinations, the condition of the institution, following
Which a report would be made by Mr. Paulger to the Board regarding the
Thereupon, Messrs. O'Connor, Moore, Richardson, Eigg, Paulger,
Leonard, Chamberlin and Wingfield left the meeting.
Mr. Hamlin stated that Mr. Frederic H. Taber, one of the directors
Or the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, had requested of him, for the
confidential information of the Corporation, advice as to the amount of
1°ane made by the Federal reserve banks to individuals, partnerships and

Mr. Hamlin stated that, while it was not the policy of the

l'eclaral Reserve Board to give out this information, there would seem to be
31° objection to its being furnished to Mr. Taber for the confidential use of

Corporation, and suggested that he be authorized to furnish the informa-

ti°11 in a personal letter to Mr. Taber with the understanding that it is for
the confidential use of the Corporation.

The other members of the Board

Ilresent expressed the opinion that there would be no objection to Mr. Hamlin
1\11111ehing, the information to Ur. Taber in the manner suggested.
Governor Black stated that he had discussed further with Mr.
the Director of the Budget, the matter of Mr. Riefler, of the

a Division of Research and Statistics, assisting in the work of

ling and analyzing statistical information for use by the President's
"Ive Council in carrying out the purposes of the National Industrial





Recovery Act, and that in accordance with authority granted at the meeting
O]1 Ally 25 he had advised Lir. Riefler that the Board had agreed to release
him temporarily from his present duties in the Division of Research and
Statistics, in so far as is necessary, in order that he may render the
clesired services, it being understood that there would be no change in his
present status on the payroll of the Federal Reserve Board, and that in the
rendition of such services it would be definitely understood that he was in
110 way
representing, or authorized to express views on behalf of, the Federal
Reserve Board as to the matters covered by his services.
There was then presented a copy of an executive order signed by the
President on July 27, 1933, establishing, pursuant to the authority vested
hirj by the National Industrial Recovery Act, a Central Statistical Board
to tormulate standards for, and to effect coordination of, the statistical
eervices of the Federal Government incident to the purposes of that Act; the
b°erd to consist of representatives designated by the Secretaries of
tenor, Agriculture, Commerce and Labor, by the Governor of the Federal
Reserve Board, by the National Recovery Administrator, and by the Ca=mittee
°11 U°7srament Statistics and Information Services, and such other members
"the President may designate or the Board may invite from time to time
tor 1\111 or limited membership.

The order also stated that the Central

te*tistical Board shall have the power to appraise and advise upon all
"hedialles of all government agencies engaged in the primary collection of
"atieties required in carrying out the purposes of the National Industrial
-"erY Act, to review plans for tabulation and classification of such
statis--es, and to promote the coordination and improvement of the



tical services involved.

The Governor designated Mr. Goldenweiser, Director

Of the Division of Research aad Statistics, as a representative on the
Central Statistical Board.
The designation of Mr. Goldenweiser was
The following matters were then considered and acted upon by the
Memorandum dated August 2, 1933, fromILIr. Goldenweiser, Director of
the Division of Research and Statistics, transmitting and recommending
"ceptance of the resignation of Mrs. Gladys C. Wilson, a stenographer in
the Division, who is discontinuing her service with the Board in order that
her husband may remain in the Department of Commerce.

The namorandim also

leconraended that, in accordance with the usual custom, the Board grant to
4118• Wilson a leave of absence with pay of fifteen days, making her resig44ticn effective as of August 22, 1933.
Resignation accepted as of the close of business on August 22, 1933, in accordance with Mr.
Goldenweiser's recommendation.
Letter to Mr. Stevens, abairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
'Ilicago, stating that in accordance with the action taken by the board of
d4rectar8 of the Chicago bank at its meeting on Tuly 28, 1933, advice of
114/eh waa transmitted in Yr. Stevens' letter of July 29, the Board approves
6. a
elarY at the rate of "i4,800 per annum for Mr. Arthur IL Vogt as
4131-etEuit Cashier at the Detroit branch.
Letter to Mr. Stevens, Federal Reserve Agent at Chicago, stating

the Board notes from his letter of Tuly 28, 193'6, that, at the meeting



of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on that
(late, Mr. C. R. McKay, Deputy Governor, was selected as a member of the
Federal Open Market Committee representing the Seventh Federal Reserve
Telegram dated August 2, 1933, to Mr. Curtiss, Federal Reserve
Agent at Boston, approved by six members of the Board, referring to the
4PP1ication of the Waltham Trust Company of Waltham, Massachusetts, for
PeZaission to withdraw immediately from membership in the Federal Reserve

and stating that the Board waives the usual requirement of six

41°11ths notice of intention to withdraw, and that, accordingly, upon
411rrender of the Federal reserve bank stock issued to the Waltham Trust
C(7.01Pany, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston is authorized to cancel such
latock and make a refund thereon.
Letter to Mr. Stevens, Federal Reserve Agent at Chicago, in reply
t° hie letter of Tuly 14 and telegram of July 21, 1933, transmitting ad4itional information in connection with the application of the National
8°Il4evard Bank of Chicago for permission to exercise fiduciary powers, and
l'el"stinc reconsideration of the application by the Federal Reserve Board.
rePlY requested certain information with regard to the management of
the Ilew national bank; referred to the assets classified as slow, doubtful,
44 1°es which were taken into the national bank from the old Boulevard
41443 Bank, which resulted in an impairment in the bank's surplus; and

that the Board does not feel that the subordination of a,100,000

Of deposits by the William Wrigley, Tr. Company, which does not reduce the
aggregate liabilities of the bank but merely postpones the exercise of the
rights of the subordinated depositor against the bank, accomplishes
elimination of losses from the bank.

The letter also stated that before

a further report is submitted to the Board the agent may wish to consider
this matter with the national bank examiner who made the examination of the
Boulevard Bridge Bank as of Ilexch 25, 1933, and determine whether any inforation developed subsequent to such examination has affected, in any way,

his views with regard to whether the national bank Should exercise trust

Reply to a letter dated July 3, 1933, from Ur. Wood, Federal Re"I've Agent at St. Louis, with regard to the question whether a new State
balik with a capital of

25,000 and situated in a place having a population

11°1 exceeding three thousand inhabitants is eligible for admission to
rtibership in the Yederal Reserve System.

The reply referred to section

the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the Banking Act of 1933, and

4t4ted that, in view of the provisions of the law contained in that section,
Board is of the opinion that a State bank organized on or after Awe
'1933, which is situated in a place haying a population not exceeding
till'ee thousand inhabitants and is entitled to the benefits of insurance
411cler section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the Banking Act


1933, is eligible for admission to membership in the Federal Reserve



at the time of admission, it has a capital of not less than




Reply to letter dated Tuly 26, 1933, from Mr. Geo. L. Browning,
Los Angeles, California, protesting against the granting of a permit, and
requesting a hearing before the Board before any permit is granted, to the
Seaboard National Securities Corporation to vote the stock of the Seaboard
National BRnk of Los Angeles, California, which it owns or controls.


tePly stated that the Board understands from Mr. Browning's letter that the
tational bank is a subsidiary of the securities corporation and that he is
the largest intnority stockholder in the national bark; that the Board has
llot received an application from the Seaboard National Securities Corporafor a voting permit; and that, if and when such an application is
riled, it will be agreeable to the Board to receive and consider any statewhich Mr. Browning may desire to make with reference to the desirability of granting a permit to the securities corporation.
Report of Standing Committee dated August 2, 1933, recommending
"oval of the following change in stock at a Federal reserve bank:
A 14
-kJ-cation for SURRENDER of Stock:
,strict No. 8.
4A-Laland Savings Bank, St. Louis County, Missouri.



Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


