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A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve Board

held in dashington on Viednesday, August 29, 1934, at 3:15 p. m.


Thomas, Vice aovernor


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Martin, Assistant to the Governor
Wyatt, General Counsel

There was presented a memorandum dated August 21, 1934, from Mr.
C"Penter, Assistant Secretary, stating that certain of the messengers

the Board's
staff in the Washington Building are assigned to offices

°t the members of the
Board, and that in order to provide the necessary
488sager service for
the other offices of the Board in the Washington
81111dlag and
between that building and the Shoreham and Treasury Buildings,
additional messenger is needed. The memorandum recommended that the

approve the appointment of William H. Drake as a messenger with

17 at the rate of
4 840 per annum, effective as of the date he enters
415°4 the Performance of his duties after having passed a satisfactory


Reference was made to a letter and telegram dated July 25, 1934,
tram 414

Curtiss, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, advising
et its
meeting on that date, the board of directors of the bank had
subject to the approval of the Board, a minimum rate on commitments
section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act of one-half of one per cent

um during the life
of the commitment with authority to the officers



/large a higher rate in individual cases; the rate on commitments of
1688 than one year to be not less than
one-half of one per cent.

Reference also to a draft of a telegram to Mr. Curtiss, which had been pre-

Darea following

the receipt of his telegram and letter, stating that the

18°41,11 feels that
it is not desirable to approve a minimum rate for commitziellts under section 13(b) with authority to
the officers of the bank to
°114rge. an unlimited higher rate in individual cases, but that the Board has
IJP1)1Trved for
several Federal reserve banks minimum and maximum rates on camlaitzents to make
industrial advances and suggests that the Boston bank fix
44d 811brait to the Board for approval a minimum and maximum rate on commitfor such advances.
In this connection there was also presented a telegram dated July 28,
1924) trom Mr. Young,
Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, stat14 that
the board of directors of the bank at its meeting on July 27 had
13(1, salbject to
the approval of the Board, a rate of one per cant per annum
Mitments for six months under section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act;
the rate
on cammitments for longer than six months to be subject to negotiations d
epending upon the length of time and circumstances.
Mx. James stated that he had objected to the form in which the advice
Ot the b


.00ard's action had been drafted, and that he felt the Board's reply

Boston bank might be in a form approving the minimum rate fixed by

'111c, stating that
other Federal reserve banks have established maximum
tta well
48 zinimum commitment rates, and suggesting that the Federal Reserve
13411k Of
"J°8ton also fix a maximum rate and submit it to the Board for


-3After discussion, the Secretary was requested to advise the Chairmen of the Federal
Reserve Banks of Boston and Chicago along the
lines of Mr. James' suggestion.
There was then presented a memorandum, which had been circulated

841°11g the members of the
Board under date of August 4, 1934, from Mr. Van
()esen, Assistant Chief of the Division of Bank Operations, summarizing
the reports received from the Federal reserve banks in respons
e to the
8°4rd's telegram of July 3, 1934, with respect to the advisability of
1"ering the present maximum rate of 3L on time and savings deposits preeellted in the
Board's Regulation Q. The memorandum stated that six of
-1114&3 recommend that no change be made, four make no recommendations,
44d two, Boston and Dallas, recommend that the maximum rate be reduced to
The memorandum also
stated that the reports indicate a predominating
reeling that no change
should be made in the present maximum rate, the
limPortant considerations for this opinion being as follows:
1. The principle of a general maximum, below which actual
rates may be determi
ned by clearing house associations and
individual banks in
the light of local conditions, is believed
Preterable to the principle of a minutely regulated rate structure.
2. Lowering the rate would not greatly benefit the large
member banks, which
can afford to take such action independent:II/11'2 but it might
embarrass the smaller member banks, which are
h more
affected by postal savings and mutual savings competition.
Upon motion by Mr. O'Connor, it was agreed
that no change should be made in the present maximum rate of 3,0 on time and savings deposits prescribed in Regulation ').
Mr. Thames
referred to a memorandum dated July 6, 1934, from Mr.
tt re
commending that the Board authorize the Legal Division to compile
end h,
-"e Printed a new
edition of the Federal Reserve Act and appendix.



14r. Thomas stated
that he had arranged through Mr. Peyton, Federal Reserve


at Minneapolis, to have lir. Homer P. Clark, Class C Director and Deputy

Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bnnk of Minneapolis, and Chairman of the
West Publishi
ng Company, publishers of law books, stop in Washington on his
. return
from his vacation to confer with regard to the desirability of having

the West Publishing
Company compile and print for the Board a new edition
Of the
Federal Reserve Act.
A discussion ensued as to whether it is desirable to have a new
edition of the Act
printed at this time and Mr. Wyatt stated, if the Board
liculd decide to
have the work done, the Legal Division is prepared to do
the Work of
compiling and indexing, although if the Board should desire to
heve the work
done elsewhere he saw no objection.

There was also some dis-

c488ion as to
whether a new edition of the Act should contain annotations
Of court decision
s and the Board's rulings as printed in the Federal Reserve
but no decision was reached.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the
-Tice 3overnor was requested to consider the matter
further and submit a recommendation to the Board
as to the action to be taken.
Consideration was also given to thirty-eight Clayton Act applicatiaas
Which had been received
, and analyzed by the Board's Division of
from directors and/or officers of the National City Bank,


New York, for permission to serve at the same time as directors

4134/c3r officers of
other banking institutions, and particularly to five
°t the
received from officers and directors of the national
ballk Who,
on the basis of the available information, appear to be partially

"lble for the criticized policies
and practices of the bank.


-5There was read a draft of a letter prepared by Mr. Thomas to the

Federal Reserve Agent at New York setting forth the matters which had been
given consideration by the Board in connection with the applications and
stating that the Board feels it should have further information concerning
the applicants and especially concerning the officers and directors who
have served
as members of the executive committee.

The draft of letter

413° requested that the matter be brouLlht to the attention of the directors of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York so that the Board may have
the benefit
of their views.
Some of the members present questioned the advisability of adal'essing a letter to the Federal Reserve Agent at New York and Mr. O'Connor
411ggested that the
Board might mnl-e an independent investigation to ascertetn the extent
of the responsibility of each of the applicants in connection with the
management of the national bank, after which, if thoucht
4d7ieable, the matter
could be taken up with the directors of the Federal

Bank of New York for their suggestions.
At the conclusion of the discussion, upon
motion by Mr. Hamlin, the Division of Examinations
was requested to develop, through an independent
Investigation, and submit to the Board definite
information as to the nature and extent of the
responsibility of each of the thirty-eight applicants for the criticized policies and practices
of the bank.
Ur. O'Connor stated that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

been giving
consideration during the summer to the question of Postal

68 competition with banks, it having come to the attention of the
-lon that the Postal
Savings System is accepting deposits and perkitti
Ile their
withdrawal without notice and paying the accrued interest



thereon, which
is equivalent to the payment of interest on deposits payable
on demand which, under the regulations of the Board and the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, banks which are members of the Federal Reserve System
O] whose
deposits are insured under section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act,
cannot do. Be said that during the courSe of the summer the Federal Deposit
Iasurance Corporation had forwarded a memorandum to the Post Office Departflient

calline; attention to this matter, that this morning he had conferred

with Postmaster
General Farley regarding it, and that Er. Farley had promised
to look into
the matter.
Mr. O'Connor moved that the Vice Governor
be requested to investigate and report to the
Board with regard to the payment by the Postal
Savings System of interest on deposits in connection with which no notice of withdrawal is
required, and with regard to the effect thereof
on banks which are members of the Federal Reserve
The Committee then considered and acted upon the following matters:
Letter dated August 28, 1934, approved by three members of the
113ard, to MT. O'Connor,
Comptroller of the Currency, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of Acting Comptroller Gough's
memorandum of August 23, 1934, with reference to the proposed reduction in common capital stock of 'The First National
Bank of Durango', Durango,
Colorado, which was approved by the
Board on July 3, 1934,
pursuant to a plan which provided,
aal,ong other things, for the purchase for cash by shareholders
01 the bank of
!20,000 of questionable assets.
"Mr. Gough advises that the maximum of cash that can be
raised by shareholders
of the bank to purchase questionable
assets ilb41,000.
"In accordance with Mr. Gough's recommendation, the Board
ezends its previous approval
to provide that the amount of
questionable assets to be Purchased by shareholders be reduced



"fram ;20,000 to 41,000, with the understanding that the
other provisions of the plan as originally approved remain
Letter dated August 28, 1934, approved by three members of the
Board, to Er. O'Conno
r, Comptroller of the Currency, reading as follows:
"This refers to NI*. Await's memorandum of August 6, 1934,
regarding a possible violation of the Federal Reserve Board's
Regulation Q by The Ludlow National Bank of Ludlow, Missouri,
as disclosed by the statement of one of your examiners.
"It appears from the statement of the examiner that the
bank is carrying two accounts to which are attached agreements
reading as follows:
'This is to state that I will maintain my account
in your bank in the sum of
as an open account
not subject to check unless on 30 days' notice and that
I an to receive
% interest on this deposit for one
. year from this date.'
It is understood
that the bank contends that such deposits are to
be considered
savings deposits, although the bank maintains no
savings department.
"As you know, one of the requirements of a savings deposit
as defined in section V(a) of the Board's Regulation Q is that
the pass book
or other form of receipt, evidencing such deposit,
must be presented to the bank
whenever a withdrawal is made.
Since there does not appear to be any such requirement with
respect to the deposits here in question, such deposits cannot
be regarded
as savings deposits within the meaning of Regulation
Q on which interest may
lawfully be paid. Moreover, it is not
required with respect to the deposits in question that notice
Of withdra
wal shall be given in writing; and, therefore, such
deposits do not conform to the definition of 'time deposits,
Open. accounts',
as set forth in section III(a) of Regulation Q.
If it is
desired to classify the deposits in question as time
deposits, open accounts, it is suggested that the wording of
the agreeme
nt in respect thereto be changed so as to require
written notice of withdrawal and
so as otherwise clearly to
conform to the requirement
ion Q that neither the
Whole nor
any part of such deposits may be withdrawn by check
or otherwise
except on written notice given by the depositor
Of not less
than 30 days."
Letter dated August 28, 1934, approved by three members of the

$ to Mr. Sailer,
Deputy Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of

Of New York,
reading as follows:
"Referring to your letter of August 24, the Board sees
nc objection to your furnishing Er. T. L. Nicholson of the
Standards and Research Division of the United States Department of Labor with the data he requests regarding the job
specifications used by your bank, with the understanding,
Of course, that the data is not to be made public."
Letter to Mr. Stevens, Federal Reserve agent at the Federal ReBank of Chicago, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of Tuly 26, 1934,
With regard to the Board's letter of Tune 20, 1934 (X-7923),
in which the Board advised that it would give consideration to
aPPlications for membership in the Federal Reserve System from
trust companies which do substantially no commercial banking
business. You requested advice as to what will be the basis
for a reserve deposit in the Federal reserve bank if a trust
company which does not receive any deposits is admitted to
membership in the Federal Reserve System.
"It was assumed at the time the Board issued the ruling
contained in its letter of Tune 20, 1934, that the reserve
deposit carried at a Federal reserve bank by an institution of
the kind referred to therein would necessarily be comparatively
small, and a
trust company which does not receive any deposits
and is admitted to membership
in the System under the policy
described in the Board's letter of Tune 20, 1934, would not be
required under the law to maintain a reserve deposit with the
Federal reserve bank. While you have not specifically requested
advice with regard thereto, you have referred to uninvested cash
balances held by a trust company in connection with its trust
business. In this connection, your attention is called to a
ruling of the Board published on page 572 of the Federal Reserve
Bulletin for May 1922, where you will find a detailed discussion
Of the
circumstances under which reserves must be carried by
ember banks against balances of that kind.
"You also requested advice with regard to whether the
status of a trust company which does no commercial banking busi4?88 and does not make loans secured by stock or bond collateral
vi_yth relation
to the provisions of section 8 or section 8A of the
Clayton Antitrust Act would be affected in any way by the admis:ion of such trust company
to membership in the Federal Reserve
irrtam. The Board has heretofore considered this matter, and
4`14 are advised that under the Board's ruling the admission of
e. State bank or trust company to membership La the Federal Reserve



"System does not affect its status with relation to the provisions of section 8 or section 8.L. of the Clayton Antitrust
Act. In this connection, your attention is called to an
opinion of the Attorney General of the United States published
on page 744 of the Federal Reserve Bulletin for October 1917,
and a ruling of the Board published on page 654 of the Federal
Reserve Bulletin for October 1935."
Letter to Mr. Case, 'Pederal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve
Baak of New York,
reading as follows:
"The Federal Reserve Board has under consideration the
applications of Messrs. Harry H. Pond, F. Irving Walsh, Dewitt
Hubbell and Arthur E. Crone for permission under section 8 of
the Clayton Act to serve The Plainfield Trust Company, a member bank, and The Plainfield National Bank, both of Plainfield,
New Jersey. The Board also has under consideration a similar
application of Mr. Patrick McDonough for permission to serve The
First National Bank of South Plainfield, South Plainfield, New
Jersey, and The Plainfield National Bank, Plainfield, New Jersey.
"It has been noted that The Plainfield Trust Company owns
4,248 of the 7,000 outstanding shares of the common stock of
The Plainfield National Bank and thus appears to be a holding
cOmpany affiliate of The Plainfield National Bank within the
meaning of section 2(c) of the &inking Act of 1933. No applicatlon for a voting permit under the provisions of section 5144
Of the Revised
Statutes of the United States, as amended, has
been received by the Board from The Plainfield Trust Company,
and it will be aopreciated
if you will advise the Board whether
the trust campany is now a holding company affiliate of the national bank, and if so, whether the trust company intends to
file an application for
a voting permit.
"The Clayton Act applications disclose that Harry H. Pond,
F. Irving Walsh and Dewitt Hubbell are serving as officers
and/or directors of The Plainfield Title Lnortgage Guaranty
Company, Plainfield,
New Jersey, the business of which is described as 'mortgage loans and title guaranty'. It has been
noted that nr. Dillistin is obtaining information regarding the
aPplicability of section
32 of the Banking Act of 1933 to these
elationships, and that such information, together with counsel's
()Pinion will be
forwarded to the Board upon receipt thereof.
"In answer to auestion No. 12 of F.R.B. Form 94a, three of
the applicants state that The Plainfield Trust Company owns a
majority of
the stock of The Plainfield Title 8:Mortgage Guaranty



"Company. It thus appears possible that the trust company may
be affiliated with the mortgage company within the meaning of
section 2(b) of the Banking Act of 1933 in a manner which falls
Within the prohibitions of section 20 of the Banking Act of 1933.
In this connection reference is made to the ruling published at
page 302 of the Federal Reserve Bulletin for May, 1934, with regard to the question whether mortgage notes are securities
Within the meaning of section 20 and section 32 of the Banking
Act of 1033, and section 5144(e)(3) of the Revised statutes of
the United States, as amended. It vill be appreciated if you
Will obtain information concerning the possible application of
section 20 of the Banking Act of 1933 to the relationship in
question, and furnish such information to the Board. If it
should be found that the trust company has terminated its relationship with the mortgage company in order to comply with the
provisions of section 20, please furnish information as to wham
the stock was sold, and also as to the date of such sale.
"The applications also show that several of the applicants
are serving as partners in Pond & Company, and Hubbell
both of Plainfield, New Jersey, the business of each of which
companies is described as 'Security Nominee'. It also appears
that some of the applicants are serving as officers and/or directors of Dnop Corporation, Plainfield,
New Jersey, the business of
Which is described as 'Property Nominee for Trust Estates'. It
will be appreciated if you will obtain and furnish to the Board
information concerning the nature of the business carried on by
the three above-mentioned
companies, and advise the Board whether,
in your opinion,
service to such companies and to a member bank
violates the provisions of section 32 of the Banking Act of 1933.
"The Board will withhold action upon the above-mentioned
Clayton Act applications pending receipt of a reply to this letter."
Letter to

Williams, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal

Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
inclosing the following Clayton Act permit,
atd stating
that, when he has ascertained that The Nahoning National
8.10k has
taken or is taking the necessary steps to comply with the proof Section 5139 of
the United States Statutes, he is authorized
to release
the permit to the appliennt.
Mr. Benjamin L. Agler, for permission to serve at the same time as
a director of The
Ehhoning National Bank of Youngstown, Youngstown,



Ohio, and as a director and officer of the Morris Plan Bank,
Youngstown, Ohio.
Letter to Mr. Austin, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia
, inclosing the following Clayton Act permit, and
stating that if the agent
finds to his satisfaction that the provisions
of section 32 of
the Banking Act of 1943 are not applicable to the applicant, he is author
ized to transmit the Clayton Act pernit to him.


letter also requested
that, in the event delivery of the permit is made,
the agent report
fully, when he submits his recommendation as a result of

his annual review of
the permit, as to Mr. Donner's attendance at directorat

Ur. William H. Donner, for permis
sion to serve at the same time
as a director of The Mellon Nation
al Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and as a director of the Fidelity-Philadelphi
Trust Company, Philadelphia Pennsy
Letters to Mr. Williams, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Re-

serve Bank of
Cleveland, inclosing the following Clayton Aet permits, each
letter stating
that if the agent finds to his satisfaction that the provisions of
section 32 of the Banking Act of 1933 are not applicable to the
t1313licant, he is
authorized to transmit the Clayton Act permit, but that,
if.he finds that
the applicant's service does came within the provisions
Or section
32, delivery of the permit should not be made until the applicant
conforms with the requirements
of the section:
Ur. Arthur V. Davis,
for permission to serve at the same time as
a director of
The Union Trust Campany of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
ania, as a director of The Mellon National Bark of




Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and as a director
of The
Union Savings Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsbur
gh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Paul Mellon, for permissi
on to serve at the same time as a
director of The Union Trust Company of Pittsbur
gh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, as a director of The Mellon National Bank
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and as a dire
ctor of The
Union Savings Bmik of 'Pittsburgh, Pittsbur
gh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Richard K. Mellon, for permission to serv
e at the same time
as a director and offi
cer of The Mellon National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
, as a director and officer of
The Forbes National Bank
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
and as a director
of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. William L. Mellon,
for permission to serve at the same time
as a director of
The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, as a director of The Mell
on National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
, and as a director of The Union
oavings Bank of Pittsburgh, Pitt
sburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. W. C. Robinson
, for permission to serve at the same time as
a director of
The Union Trust Company of 2ittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, and as a director of The
'Mellon National Bank of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylv
Mx. Alan M. Scaife,
for permission to serve at the same time as
a director of
The Mellon National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, and as a director
of The Forbes National Bank of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylv
Letter to Mr. 'ailliam
s, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, inclosin
g the following Clayton Act permit, and
regilesting that when the agen
t submits his recommendation as a result of
aanual review of the
permit, he report fully as to the applicant's
tendance at
directors' meetings:
Ux.Childs Frick, for perm
ission to serve at the same time as
a director
of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
as a director of The Mellon National Bank of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and as a director of The Unio
Savin2:e Bank of Pittsbur
gh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Federal Reserve Bank
St. Louis

Letter to Lir. Newton, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve
Bauk of Atlanta, inclosing the
following Clayton Act permit for transmisaicra to the
applicant; suggesting that the agent endeavor, in cooperation
with the
Chief National Bank Examiner of his district, to bring about a
engthening of the management and a correction of the conditions which
gave rise to
the examiner's criticisms in connection with the condition of
Piedmont bank; and requesting that when the agent submits his roomzendation
as a result of his annual review of the permit, he report
aS to the
progress made in bringing about an improvement in the management
"d condition of
the Piedmont bank. The letter further requested that,
When t
ransmitting the permit to 1.5r. Wellborn, the agent inform him that
It Was
not necessary to
include permission to serve The First National
1344k of Xacksonville,
Jacksonville, Florida, as the Comptroller of the
CUrl'encY advised that
this bank is in receivership;
Mr. Arthur Wellborn,
for permission to serve at the same time
as a director
and officer of The Commercial National Bank of
Annlston, Anniston, Alabama, and as a
director and officer
or The First
National Bank of Piedmont, Piedmont, Alabama.
Letter to Mr. McClure, Federal
Reserve Agent at the Federal Reeve Bank
of Kansas City,
inclosing the following Clayton Act permit,
114c1 8tating that
if the agent finds to his satisfaction that the pro-

Of section
32 of the Banking Act of 1933 are not applicable to
the aPPlicant,
he is authorized to transmit the Clayton Act permit to
The letter
also requested that,
if the permit is delivered, the agent report
r411Y When he
submits his recommendation as a result of his annual review
°r the
permit as to Mr.
Smith's attendance at directors' meetings;

-14Mr. F. R. Smith, for permission to ser
ve at the same time as a
director and officer of the Loo
keba State Bank, Lookeba, Oklahoma,
and as a director
of the First National Bank in Duncan, Duncan,
Letter to Mr. Sargent, Assist
ant Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal
Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, inclosing the following Clayton Act permit
for tranam
ission to the applicant, and req
uesting that the agent cooperate
with the app
ropriate supervisory authorities
in an endeavor to effect an
i'ovet in
the condition of the applicant's indebtedn
ess to The First
Bank of Oakdale, and
that, when the agent makes his recommendation
"a result
of his annual review of
the permit, he report fully as to the
13I'°gress made
by Mr. Lee in eliminati
ng his line of credit from the national
bank and in
effecting an improvAment in his fin
ancial affairs:


D. E. Lee, for permissio
n to serve at the same time as a
director and office
r of The First National Bank of Oakdale,
Oakdale, Californi
a, and as a director and officer of the Stanis
laus County
Savings Bank, Oakdale, Californi

Letters to applicant
s for permits under the Clayton Act, advising
Of aPproval
of their applications
as follows:
Mr. Samuel H.
Fisher, for permission to ser
aS a tru
ve at the same time
stee of The New York
Trust Company, New York, New York,
and as a
airector and officer of
The First National Bank of Litchfield, Litchf
ield, Connecticut.
Mr. Gourdin
Y. Gaillard, for permis
sion to serve at the same time
as a director
and officer of The New
Haven Bank, National Banking
New Haven, Connecticut,
and as a director of The
Morris Plan
Bank of New Haven,
New Haven, Connecticut.
Mr. Charles
W. Whittlesey, for per
mission to serve at the same time
as a director
of The New Haven
Bank, NationAl Banking Association,
. Haven,
Connecticut, and as a direct
or and officer of The Morris
r-Lan Bank of
New Haven, New Haven,



Mr. William G. Warden, for permission to serv
e at the same time as
a director of The Mellon National
Bank of Pittsburgh, and as a
director of the Germantown Trust Company, Philadelphia
, Pennsylvania.
M. E. R. Crawford, for permissi
on to serve at the same time as a
director of The Mellon National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsbur
Pennsylvania, as a director of The First National Bank of Duqu
Duquesne, Pennsylvania, and as a director of The Nati
onal Bank of
McKeesport, McKeesport, Pennsylvania.
Mr. George W. Crawford, for permissi
on to serve at the same time
as a airector of The Unio
n Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, as a director of The Mellon Nati
onal Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
and as a director of The Union
Savings Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsbur
gh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Roy A. Hunt, for permission to serv
e at the same time as a
director of The Union Trust Company of Pitt
sburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, as a director of The Mellon Nati
onal Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
and as a director of The Union
Savings Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsbur
gh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. B. F. Jones, III, for perm
ission to serve at the same time as
a director of The Union Trus
t Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, and as a director of The Mell
on National Bank of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Sidney S. Liggett, for permissi
on to serve at the same time
as an officer of
The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, as a director of The Farm
ers Deposit National Bank
Of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and as a director of the
Farmers Deposit Trust Company, Pitt
sburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Henry C. licEldowney, for
permission to serve at the same time
as a director and officer
of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a direc
tor of The Mellon National Bank
Of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and as a director and
Officer of The Union Savings
Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Charles R.
Eckert, for permission to serve at the same time as
a director and
officer of The Peoples National Bank of Rochester,
Rochester, Pennsylvania, and as a dire
ctor of The Monaca National
Bank, Monaca, Pennsylv
Mr. John E.
Geist, for permission to serve at the sme time as a
director of The National Bank
of Brookville, Brookville, Pennsylvania, and as a director and offi
cer of the Farmers & Miners Trust
Company, Punxsutawney, Penn

Mr. D. V. Heck, for permission to serv
e at the same time as a
director and officer of The First National Bank
of Jewett,
Jewett, Ohio, and as a director and offi
cer of The Gnadenhutten
Bank, Gnadenhutten, Ohio.
Mr. Matt Herold, for permission to serv
e at the same time as a
director and officer of The American Nati
onal Bank of Newport,
Newport, Kentucky, and as a director and officer of
the Bellevue
Commercial & Savings Bank, Bellevue, Kentucky
Mr. W. T. McCoy, for permission to serve at
the same time as a
director of The First National Bank of Claringt
on, Clarington,
Ohio, and as a director and officer of
The First Tyler Bank and
Trust Company, Sistersville, West Virg
Mr. H. Meade McGee, for permission to
serve at the same time as
a director of The Citizens National
Bank of, Big Run, Big Run,
Pennsylvania, and as a director and officer of The Coun
ty National
Bank of Punxsutawney, Punxsutawney, Penn
Mr. David G. Morgan, for permission to serv
e at the same time as
a director of the Federal Home Loan Bank
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, and as a director and officer of The Haze
lwood Bank,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Mark DePue, for permission to serv
e at the same time as a
director of The First National Bank of Spencer,
Spencer, Test
Virginia, and as a director of The First Nati
onal Bank of Reedy,
Reedy, West Virginia.
Mr. T. V. Foster, for permissi
on to serve at the same time as a
director and officer of The .rirst National Bank
of Spencer,
Spencer, West Virginia, and as a director of The
First National
Bank of Reedy, Reedy, West Virgi
Mr. Grover C. Helm, for perm
ission to serve at the same time as
a director and offi
cer of The First National Bank of Mackinaw,
Mackinaw, Illinois, and as a director and officer of The National
Bank of Bloomington, Bloomington, Illi
Mx. W. Loren Parr, for 1)ermission to serve at the same time as
an officer of The Comm
ercial National Bank of Charles City, Charles
City, Iowa, and as an offi
cer of the Commercial Trust and Savings
Bank, Charles City, Iowa.
Mx. Clarke Washburne, for permission to serve at the same time
as.a director and officer
of The District National Bank of
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, and as a director and officer of
the State Bank of Winnetka Winn
etka, Illinois.



Mr. S. P. Applewhite, for permission
to serve at the same time as
a director of The Bank of Dougl
as, Douglas, .Lrizona, and as a
director of the El Paso Branch, Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas,
El Paso, Texas.
Mr.' T. H. Griffith, for permission to serve at the same time as
a director and officer of The City
National Bank of Taylor, Taylor, Texas, and as a director and offic
er of the Farmers State
Bank, Bertram, Texas.
Mr. E. Avenali, for permission to serve
at the same time as a
director and officer of the Crocker First Natio
nal Bank of San
Francisco, San Francisco, California, as a direc
tor and officer
of The First National Bank of San
Mateo County at Redwood City,
Redwood City, California, and as a director and offic
er of the
San Mateo County Bank, Redwood City, Calif
Mr. Hall C. Ross, for permission to serve
at the same time as a
director and officer of The National Bank of San Mate
o, San Eateo,
California, as a director of The First National Bank
of San Mateo,
County at Redwood City, Redwood City, Calif
ornia, and as a director of the San Mateo County Bank Redwo
od City, California.
Mx. Sohn F. Bennett, for peraission
to serve at the same time as
a director and officer of The
Utah State National Bank of Salt
Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah,
and as a director and officer of
Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Company,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mr. Willard R. Smith, for Permission
to serve at the same time as
a director of The Utah State
National Bank of Salt Lake City, Salt
Lake City, Utah, and as a director
and officer of Lion's Savings
Bank &I Trust Company, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
Ur. Heber X. Grant, for permission
to serve at the same time as
a director and officer of
The Utah State National Bank of Salt
Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah
, and as a director and officer of
Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Compa
ny, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mr. L. F. Brichetto,
for permission to serve at the same time as
a director and offic
er of The First National Bank of Oakdale,
Oakdale, California, and as a direc
tor and officer of the Stanislaus County Savings Bank,
Oakdale, California.
Mr. W. Rodden, for permission
to serve at the same time as a
director and officer of The First Natio
nal Bank of Oakdale, Oakdale, California, and as
a director and officer of the Stanislaus
County Savings Bank, Oakdale, Calif
1dr. P. J. Dougherty, for peraission
to serve at the same time as

-18a director of The
First National Bank of Monterey, Mon
California, and as a director
of The Bank of Carmel, Carmel,
Mr. A. a. Furlong, for per
mission to serve at the snme time as
a director of The Fir
st National Bank of Monterey, Monterey,
California, and as a director
and officer of The First National
Bank of Pacific Grove,
Pacific Grove, California.
Mr. Silas V;. Mack, for
permission to serve at the same time
a director and office
r of The First National Bank of Monter
Monterey, California, as
a director of The Bank of Carmel, Car
mel, California, and
as a director of The First National Ban
k of
Pacific Grove, Pacific Gro
ve, California.
Mr. T. A. Sparolini, for
permission to serve at the same time
a director of The Fir
st National Bank of Monterey, Monter
California, and as a direct
or of The Bank of Carmel, Carmel
Mx. T. A. Work, for permis
sion to serve at the same tim as
director and officer of The
First National Bank of Monter
Monterey, California, as a
director and officer of The Sal
National Bank, Salinas, Cal
ifornia, and as a director and off
of The Bank of Carmel
, Carmel, California.
Ur. W. C. Robbins, for per
mission to serve at the same tim
e as
a director and office
r of the Bank of Suisun, Nat
ional Association, Suisun City, Califo
rnia, and as a director and off
icer of
The First National Ban
k of Fairfield, Fairfield Cal
There were then presen
ted the following applications for cha
in stock of
Federal reserve banks:
h.LpPlication for ORI
GINAL Stock:
District No. 4.
National Bank of
America in Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylva







lication for SUR
RMIDER of Stock:
District No. 5.
itizens Bank and
Trust Company,
Blackstone, Virginia



Thereupon the meeting adjourned.