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A. meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYstem was held in Washington on Monday, August 28, 1939, at 3:55
P. x.


Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Thurston, Special Assistant to
the Chairman
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Wyatt said that Judge Townsend, Acting Assistant Solicitor
.41 at the Department of Justice, bad called on the telephone this
Ilfte11100/1 and said that the President had asked the Attorney General
e list of things that each Government department or agency could
do i,
" the event of war to protect our neutrality and the public inte„
re .
'b. Mr. Townsend wondered, Mr. Wyatt said, whether the Board
e°111(1 give him a statement covering the things that the Board of Govl'ils3r8 could do.

Mr. Wyatt stated that he asked Mr. Townsend whether

4 vien+

everything ,that could be done under any imaginable circumctatr,
-'s, and that Mr. Townsend replied that he understood that some

c.(41rerences had been held, that the Board already had a plan worked
-41d that he would like very much to have a copy of it as soon as

Mr. Wyatt stated further that he inquired whether the Attorney

404erca was
sending out letters asking for this information, to which

Mr, T
"illsend replied that there was not time enough

for that and that



the i nformation should be sent directly to the Attorney General, end

thereupon he (Mr. Wyatt) advised Mr. Townsend that it would be

ilaceesary to submit his request to the Board and that he would be advise
u when that had been done. Mr. Townsend asked, Mr. Wyatt said,
that his secretary be called on the telephone when the matter had been
talcen 11P with the Board.
A discussion ensued during which it appeared that those preset were not aware of any memorandum of the kind requested by Mr.

Reference was made to the various conferences in the past

Mr. Goldenweiser, Director of the Division of Research and
Statistics of the Board of Governors, participated and Mr. Ransom
called Mr. Thomas, Assistant Director of the Division of Research
4hd St
atistics, on the telephone who stated that he knew of no memol'"111L of this character, and that he had a file which contained
14tIlells notes on the general subject but nothing in the nature of a
17t1Eld. or comprehensive memorandum.
It was agreed that Mr. Wyatt should
be asked to draft, in collaboration with
Messrs. Thames and Morrill, a memorandum
with respect to the contents of which
Messrs. Thurston, Parry and Hammond might
be consulted, and that the memorandum
should be submitted to the Board for consideration tomorrow morning.
References were made during the course
of the discussion to various points which
might be covered in the memorandum, each as
the powers which the Federal Open Market Committee had granted to its executive committee
and in turn the powers which the executive


committee had granted to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the power of the
Board to regulate margin requirements under
Regulations T and U, the power to Change
the discount rates at Federal Reserve banks,
and the statement which had been prepared
with respect to loans by the Federal Reserve
banks to nonmember banks on Government obligations at par. While these specific matters were mentioned it was understood that
the draft of memorandum would cover all of
the powers that it was thought desirable to
mention in a brief memorandum.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

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Vice Chairmen.