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A meeting of the Executive Comnittee of the Federal Reserve
was held in Washington on Thursday, August 16, 1934, at 3:30 P. m.

Mr. Thomas, Chairmar of the Executive Committee
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. James
Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary

The Committee considered and acted upon the following matters:
Telegram dated August 16, 1934, from Mr. Sargent, Secretary of


Reserve Bank of San Francisco, advising that, at a meeting

board of
directors today, no change was made in the bank's exist-

"uedule of rates of discount and purchase.
Without objection, noted with approval.
Letter to Mr. Williams, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
end, reading
as follows:
"Referring to your letter of June 15 regarding salaries of
118.11.-°Yeea of your bank, it is noted that 1r. V. 0. Stramberg, a
chf"-time employee, is performing special work in the Foreign ExCe FUnction and that it appears Impracticable to provide for
a Position in the bank's personnel classification plan.
the ,"If the position in question is to be made a permanent one,
1„.1, z•oard feels that provision should be made therefor in the
1 8°11ael clasaLfication plan. If, however, it is a temporary
01:, it will not be necessary to provide therefor in the personnel
w,ication plan but where people are taken on for temporary
eZIL and no provision is made for the position in the personnel
b4e4ssitication plan all the facts in connection therewith Should
bl'allIght promptly to the attention of the 1- 2ederal Reserve Board."

Letter to Mr. Fry, Assistant 2edera1
Reserve Agent at the
rle3erva Bank of Richmond, reading as follows:

ihn, "Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of August 10, 1934,
Col:1)8117-g a copy of a letter dated July 24, 1934, frcm hr. D. R.
"er, tendering his resignation as a Class B director of the Fed-



-L-a4 Reserve Bank of Richmond, which you state was accepted at
meeting of the board of directors of the bank on August 9.
"In connection with the last paragraph of your letter, the
Reserve Board interposes no objection to the election of a
c?sec3r to LT
Coker being deferred until the time of the annual
tion of
directors of your bank."



teloik of

Letter to Kr. Walsh,
Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve
Dallas, reading as follows:

el :Receipt is acknowledged of your latter of August 10, 1934, in:
°sing supplementary statements with regard to indebtedness of offics;
s aad employees in the Federal reserve agent's deparLment of the
4 eral Reserve Bank of Dallas, and reporting particularly on indebtedincurred by members of your staff since January 1, 1934.
The Federal Reserve Board appreciates the
careful manner in
1,1°4 this tnformation has been prepared, and it is assumed that,
1- accordance with
the Board's letters of April 29, 1.936, and August
e 1934) You have instituted a procedure under which there will be
,frtad to you, when incurred, any new i: debtedness (other than cur14k, bills for
ordinary personal and household expenses) of the memmn s
Your department in order that statements with regard thereto
-.qY be
submitted promptly to the Federal Reserve Board."
Letters to the followinc, State banks each letter
stating that,
stlbiect to the
conditions prescribed in the letter, the Board approves

tIze b

114°8 aPPlication for membership in the Federal Reserve System and
*c* the
4Propriate anount of stock in the Federal reserve bank of the
cliatt.i ct
il which
the applicant is located:

Federal Reserve Dank

"The First State
Bronson, Michigan. Bank"'
Bank of Rich Hill",
Bich Hill, Missouri.

Kansas City

Letter to
Ur. Case, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve

411k or 1,

York, reading as follows:



'Reference is made to your letter of August 10, 1934, trans1°.1tting the request of the 'West Side Trust Company', Newark, New
'erseY, for an extension of time in which it may comply with the
trovisions of membership condition numbered 21, which provides that
bank shall, as soon as practicable and in any event within six
-,,enths from the date of its admission to membership, dispose of any
4 °61-as which may be secured in whole or in part by its own stock or
Obtain the substitution of other adequate security for each such
It has been noted that the president of the institution has
advised that
there was little market for bank stocks in Newark and
/at it is felt that it would not Ix, to the best interests of the
.snk's customers to sell the stock at this tine.
"In view of all the circumstances and your recommendation, the
2erd Craats an extension of time to January 6, 1935, within which
idest Jide Trust Company may comply with the provisions of mem.,
ellaP condition numbered 21, and it is requested that you advise the


Letter to Lr. Newton, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve

or Atlanta,

reading as follows:

acull, "It has been noted from the report of examination of the Parker
8-10-d Trust Company, Cullmn,n, Alabama, made as of February 6, 1934,
911 the
analysis of that report inclosed with your letter of March 31,
it, that, on December 23, 1933, the bank made an advance of $2,500
s vice president, Yr. R. E. Lee. It has been noted further that
01,11 have exchanged correspondence with dr. M. L. Robertson, President
__ the ,
'arker BFInk and Trust Company, with reference to this advance
;104 that Robert S. Parker, counsel for your bank, has advised
that) after 6iving the matter careful consideration, he has reached
of conclusion that there is no such clear violation of the provisions
1111 section 22(g) of the Federal Reserve Act as would made it incumbent
You to present the facts to the Department of Justice.
."In the light of the circumstances involved in this case, it is
cts ,s,ible that the Department of Justice may reach the same conclusion
aet-r- .Parker; but, in view of the position of the Board that the
lcinaLion of the question whether particular acts constitute violaj
thij.°113 of the criminal provisions of the banking statutes of the
reived States is a function of the Department of Justice, the matter
theell'ed to above has today been reported to the Attorney General of
Illited States as a possible violation of the provisions of section
u °f the 'federal Reserve Act. A copy of the letter addressed to
01110Y General, together with inclosures thereto, is inclosed
11 for Your further information and you are requested to M812B a
--ar report to the local United States District Attorney."



-4Letter to Mr. Austin, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve


f Philadelp
hia, reading as follows:
"The Board

is made to your letter of July 11, 1934, with which
the application of the 'Peoples National Bank in LakeNew Jersey, for full fiduciary powers.
has been advised by the Comptroller of the Currency

"In view of the difficulties experienced in the reorganization of the old bank and in view of the fact that
there does
not appear to be any great necessity for the
exercise of fiduciary powers in Lakewood, this office is
unwilling to make any recommendation in regard to this
aPPlication until after the receipt of a report of examination. The bank will be due for an examination within a
few weeks. The District Chief Examiner will be requested
to advise
the examiner making the examination to consider
!specially the auestion of trust powers. You will be notilied of the receipt of the report of examination by this
view of the foregoing, the Board will take no action on the
application until such time as an examination of the bank has
whell eampleted and the Comptroller's recommendation has been received.
, 4 report of examination is available the Board will be pleased
"ave the benefit of any further recommendation you may wish to makc


Letter to Mr. Hoxton, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve

°r Ric hmend,

reading as follows:

cat. "The Federal
Reserve Board has given consideration to the applir
Citizens National Bank of Petersburg', Petersburg,
pl.,3 1.11111) for permission to exercise full fiduciary powers under the
vlsions of Section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act.
colici "In view of the information submitted with the application, the
colij'tlonally favorable recommendation of yourself and your executive
ttee and the adverse recommendation of the Comptroller of the
the Board is unwilling to approve the bank's application
idueiarY powers. You are requested, therefore, to advise The
National Bank of Petersburg, that the Board has denied its
recom:!ar your information it may be stated that the Co,
iptroller, in
the -l uding that the application be not approved, advised that when
-61:11k was chartered it was understood that at a later date the


"board of directors would strengthen the management
by the selection
(If a well qualified executive, which does not
to have been
as Yet. Special ccnsideration was given to this fact, as well
Ile to the character of the trust business af the predecessor
bank and
ube,lack or
experience in fiduciary matters of the proposed trust
;IfIleera, and to the statement by the president of the bank in his
letter to Tai.
Fry of January 20, 1934, that his committee 'is of the
Jinion that they do not want trust powers at this time if that contitl°11 is imposed,' it being understood that the condition referred
was similar to the one recommended by your executive canmittee to
effect that the bank shall agree not to take over from the ret
of the First National Bank and Trust Company of Petersburg any
arsts which own
any securities, including mortgage notes, sold to
:Lid trusts by any
of the banks which by merger became the First Nauionzi
Bank and Trust Company of Petersburg."


Letter to Lir. Stevens, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal ReOf Chicac;o, reading as

al,,,."The Federal Reserve T- oard has given consideration to the
8114-L3-cation of the
'First National Bank in Council Bluffs', Council
Ilan)Iowa, for permission to exercise fiduciary powers authorized
er the provisions of Section 11(k) of
the Federal Reserve Act.
th "In view of' the information submitted with the application and
itle2clverse recommendation of yourself and your executive canmittee,
ich the Comptroller of the
Currency concurs, the Board is unZ lialg to approve the bank's application for fiduciary powers. You
Ba.,, requested, therefore, to advise the
First National Bank in Council
`'tts, that the Board has denied its
the "The Board will be pleased to
consider a new application from
to sueJect bank at a later date, in the event that it should desire
or ?agElge actively in the building up of a trust business as a part
1411,18 banking operations, and its condition and the other feacures
Irea are such that you are willing to recommend favorable action


Letter to


Stevens, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Re-

Chicago, reading as follows:
tae "Reference is made to your latter ce July 27, 1934, inclosing
tetj13plication of the 'Security National Bank of Battle Creek',
Creek, Eich13an, for full fiduciary powers.


"In accordance with the recommendation of your executive committee, in which the Comptroller
of the Currency concurs, the Board
!ill defer action on the pending application
until an examination
a national bank examiner has been canpleted and a report thereof
48 available, at which time it will be glad to have the benefit of
!AY further recommendation you may wish to make in the premises.
I'lease advise the applicant bank of the
Board's action."
Letter to "The United States National Bank of Eugene", Eugene,

reading as
"The Federal Reserve Board has given consideration to your ap13u-cation for permission to exercise fiduciary powers, and grants
u authority to
act, when not in contravention of State or local
b w, as trustee, executor, administrator, registrar of stocks and
071(18, guardian of estates, assignee, receiver, committee of estates
trhluflatics, or in any other fiduciary capacity in which State banks,
companies or other corporations which came into competition
01,411 national banks are permitted to act under the laws of
the State
Dr °I1cgon, the exercise of all such riEhts to be subject to the
peTrislons of the Federal Reserve Act and the regulations of the
`'el'al Reserve iJoard.
"This letter will be your authority to exercise the fiduciary
set forth above. A formal certificate covering such authori24ti°4 will be forwarded to you in due course."


Letter to !;:r. O'Connor, Uomptroller of the Currency, reading as

the :In accordance with Acting Comptroller walt's recommendation,
ato - ederal Reserve Board appraTes a reduction in the common capital
' 'The First National Bank of Opp', Opp, Alabama, from c;200,000
1c °I
tep°0,000, pursuant to a plan which provides that the released capiElse shall be used to eliminate approximately c64,700 of unsatisfactory
Elgte. and to set up a reserve for contingencies in the amount of
i0,-4:(”clmately :135,300, all as set forth in 1.1r. Awalt's letter of
ust 2, 1934:,


to Mr. ii11iams,

ederal Reserve Agent at the Federal

-g44 of
Cleveland, stating that the Board has given consideration

to the
application of the "Braddock Trust Company
", Braddock, Pennsylvania,
fc)r a votinz
permit under the authority of section 5144 of the Revised
Statttes of
the United States, as amended, entitling such organization to
ITC)te the stock which
it owns or controls in "The First National Bank of
8r4cid°a1 ", Braddock, Pennsylvania, and has authori
zed the issuance of a
Permit to the applicant for the following purpose:
any time prior to November 1, 1934, to act upon a proposal
to Pl
e-Lace said bank in voluntary liquidation and to take such steps
InaY be necessary to effect such liquidation."
ara also authorized the agent to have prepared by counsel for
led _
eral reserve bank, and to issue to the Braddock '.'rust Company,
vating permit in accordance with the telegram.
Telegram to NI-. Sargent, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at the

Reserve Bank of San Francisco, stating thal: the Board has given

NIsideration to the applica
tion of the "Yakima Holding Corporation",
, Washirc
,ton, for a voting permit under the authority of section
':3144 of
the Revised
Statutes of the United States, as nended, entitling
tization to vote the stock which it owns or controls in the


First Nationa
l Bank", Yakima, Washington, and has authorized the


a limited permit to the applicant for the following purpose

to 1,1;
±t any time prior to November 1, 1934, to act upon a proposal
1,rhilitate the capital structure of such bank in accordance with
the '
-`an which has heretofore been approved by the Comptroller of the
and the Federal Reserve Board, which plan includes provisions
:300""e reduction of the bank's common capital stock from 500,000 to
°°0, and the issuance and sale to the Reconstruction Finance
1‘ "
11 of 200,000 par value preferred stock, and to amend the
to " articles 'of association and to do all other things necessary
errect such

-8The tele,
arain also authorized the agent to have prepared by counsel for
Pederal reserve bank, and to issue
to the Yakima Holding Corporation,
4 litaited
voting permit in accordance with the telegram.

Approved, together with a letter to Yr.
O'Connor, Comptroller of the Currency, reading
as follows:
"In accordance with Acting Comptroller of the
currency Awalt's
2commendation, the
Federal Reserve Board approves a reduction in
i'Qs common
capital stock of the 'Yakima First National Bank', Yakima,
ashington, from „)500,000 to „;300,000, pursuant to a plan which pro,Ides that
the bank's capital shall be increased by ;200,000 of pre:
Ired stock to be sold to the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation,
that the released capital
shall be used to eliminate or reduce
;4alssirable assets, all as set forth in Lr. Awalt's letter of July




Letter to Li'. Case, Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New
l ae.ding as
Res "The Board has
reviewed the report of examination of the Federal
Bank at New York made as at the close of business Llarch 10,
copies of which were left with you and Governor Harrison.
Doi; "°11 Page 30 of the report the examiner states that it is the
witiicY of the Reserve Bank to participate at least once
each year
bellk the State banking authorities in examinations of State member
Dat 8 whose
condition is regarded as unsatisfactory and to particitie4
least once every two years in the examinations of other State
pati:f .1?anks. It is further stated that the Reserve Bank's particiin the last examination of some of the large New York City
of the assignment of only one member of the Reserve
8 examini
ng staff. The examiner
has recommended that the RenerVe 151,St4te rm Participate more frequently in the examinations of all
ember banks and to a greater extent in the examination of
reco ar ar State member bnnks. The Board concurs in the
tortendation, ani feels, also, that a definite program should be
olleated whereby each State
member bank would be examined at least
tioll each Year either independently by your examiners or in coopersreT,with the
State banking authorities. The Board would appreciate
Welf°rt from you as to your plans in respect to these matters, as
Or th
a advice relative to the examiner's recommendation that the
acti; Bank Examination Department contain information as to what
illeti44 has been taken on matters criticized in the reports of exam°11 of State member banks.

1343-1-c- ;

-9"It is observed from page 9 of the report that
the Foreign
of the bank has handled transactions involving the purchase and sale
abroad of gold for the United States Treasury ana
.!1.1at it had not been definitely decided at the time of the examina'
10n whether reques
t would be made for reimbursement of expenses in
connection with the transactions, the management feeling at that
iMe that no
such request should be made. The Board would qppreciate
advice as to the amount of expense incurred by the Reserve Bank in
:°11/lection with such gold transactions and the reasons
of the manageent
for feeling that no request for reimbursement should be made.
The Board
would also appreciate advice as to the reasons for the
:)11_ Payment by the Treasury Depart
ment of the expense incurred by
e Reserve Bank
in connection with the operation of the unit estabrl
o shed in the Foreig
n Department to examine and record reports on
,_reiga exchange transactions of all dealers in
foreign exchange
4.10. the
Second Federal Reserve District.
"On Page 32 of the report the examiner comments on the fact
ring a large part of the time since the arrangement was effect
1931, a disproportionate amount of the investment through the Bank
at'' International Settlements has been in bills purchased
by that bank
Dhsa hiEh rate of discount, wherea the origin
al agreement cantem117ted that the investment would
be maintained as nearly as po7,sible
,toecILIal proportion between high and low rate
bills. It is underde,0
4(1 that this
matter was to be discussed with Yr. Leon Fraser, Presith;4 of the Bank for Intern
ational Settlements, on his next visit to
8111,Ua1ted States, and the Board
will appreciate advice as to the rebils Or
such discussion and as to the present distribution of the
'4 •
"It is also
noted from
115 of the report that, on the date
orOe e xamination, the
amount of the Federal Reserve Bank with the
far International Settlements consisted of 2,829,
„131.92 on delet:
t and ;A,390,814.68 invested in bills. As stated in the Board's
al.e —r of Yarch 20, 1933 to Governor Harrison, Federa
l reserve banks
04:1, 11thorized to
establish and maintain accounts in foreign countries
re-?ith the consent of the
Federal Reserve Board and subject to such
iQns as the Board may prescribe; and it is the Board's view that
racil ccounts may be
opened and maintained only for the purpose of
cilad "t t"ing the purchase, sale and collection of bills of exchan
ge .
coaduct of other open market transactions of the kinds speciee,raz in section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act. L:oreover, in its teleclepo ,
e 3-111Y 30, 1931, the Board approved the proposal to make a demand
the Bank for Internationel '-.;ettlements with the understandthe funds were to be invested, as might
be determined and
bYti;ed from time to time, in prime commercial two-name paper guaran
baletii- Bank for Internationa
l Settlements. The maintenance of a deposit
opell ,c
,„! in excess of the amount invested in bills
of exchange or other
Which7Fket Purchases is not consistent with the unders
tanding upon
the 8 fle Board
approved the establishment of such account nor with
cel'd's understanding of the purposes for which
Federal reserve


-10are authorized to open and maintain such accounts under the
13rcvisions of section 14 of the Federal Reserve ,ct.
views expressed in Governor Harrison's letter of 1:ay 15, 1933,
therefore, it is the Board's view that the deposit balance with the
13allk for International Settlements should be reduced as soon as
Practicable to the minimum amount which is actually needed for the
PurPcse of facilitating the
purchase, sale and collection of bills
or exchange
and. the conduct of other open market transactions of the
specified in section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act. In view
°I. the
fact that section 14 (g) of the Federal Reserve Act as nended
l'ecluires the Federal Reserve
Board to exercise special supervision
Over all relationships
and transactions of any kind entered into by
allY :Federal
reserve bank with any foreii bank or banker, it will be
if' yau will advise the Boardpromptly of the action which
011'e Federal
Reserve Bank of New York proposes to take in order to
°111.°Thl with the Board's vi ews on thi s subject.
"°11 Page
of the report, under the schedule 'Loans to Individuals,
Ps, and Corporations', the examiner refers to an advance to
7C.11. Crouse, the purpose of which is not in conformity with the
sl°11s of Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act. The Board would
ezTeciate receiving your
views as to the eligibility of the advance
'clvice as to whether the paper is pledged with you as Agent as
11111 tY for currency
the "It is noted (page 188) that the question of the sufficiency of
tora certificate with
reference to hypothecation agreements from cus1711.0ex
s for whom. banks have made subscription to
Treasury issues and
eusse bonds are
pledged as collateral to -,:ar Loan deposits, was distile8ed with officers
and' counsel of the Reserve Bank who decided that
LerxitRt_serve Bank would obtain specific instructions from the
I L 4ellt as to how this matter should be
handled. It will be
Jek,i;eciated if you will inform
the Board as to the instructions rer
e Treasury Department and the procedure now followed
°Y. tlL
ci Reserve
Bank in this respect.
roe° "ii.t the
time of the examination as of Nay 27, 1933, the examiner
ed- that audits of the Fiscal Agency Department be enlarged
rzeincr L'c Pl'ovide for a
checking of all subscriptions received, aix1 a
as to the suggested general procedure in this connection
Wa,aleft With
the Auditing Department. In Governor Harrison's letter
eluber 7, 1033, forwarded with your letter of the same date, the
kl]. sub-as advised that a complete audit woad be made periodically of
iv:arch ,seriDtions.
On page 189 of the report of examination as of
the ti4.°) 1934, the
examiner states that the procedure recommended at
l c)f the previous examination with respect to the audit of
ackzilitti sub scriptions had not been followed, and
that the Auditing
ecdttc ee had instructed the Auditing Department to follow such proe oni
It is„
---Y in certain test issues to be selected by the Auditor.
beix1„-'"eci, however, that as of the date of
examination the Auditing
"'rent had
completely audited any `2reasury issue, and it will be


-11naPPreciated if
you will advise the Board as to the number of such
test issues
to be audited during the year and also whether the Departrne
has) since the date of examination, completely audited any issue.
"Et has been reported that from
January 1, 1934, to Earch 15, 1934,
PntY Governor Sailer was paid a salary at
the rate of :)35,000 per
which rate is ..,;5,000 per annum in excess of the salary approved
2r, the Board, as you were advised in the Board's
letter dated January
10:L1934. It is assumed, therefore, that refund has been made to the
of the mount Paid 1,1r. Sailer in excess of the
salary qoproved by
6 B°arCL
It is requested, however, that you advise the Board definitely
14 this
Ace "Attention has been
called to certain items carried in Suspense
°unt - General (debit) on date of examination representing
cost of
al and flowers in connection with the death of former
7rnor Gilbart. The Board's views with
respect to expenditures for
a 4 Purposes are outlined in its letter
of October 20, 1932, X-7276,
is assumed that the items referred to above have now been propere.L
"It has been
reported that the manager of the Credit Department
iftiebted to a member bnnk at Bronxville, New York, since 1928,
that the
loan was classified as slow in recent reports of examinezt
e:bank. The Board's views with respect to the
and employees of reserve banks are expressed in its letter
tatr APril 29, 1933,
The Board feels that this is a serious
"which should be brought to the attention of the
directors if
3 not already been done, and the Board desires to be advised as
to .0,h
,4e1a. views.
of „
"After the report and this letter have
received the consideration
to ''..e.board of
directors of the 2ederal Reserve Bank, you are reqlested
04 4.„
°171se the Board as to what
action has been taken or will be taken
"le matters




Lette r to
Ia.. Charles B. Campbell, Assistant Vice-President of the


Bank and Trust Company, New York, New York, reading as fol-


s refers to your letter
of July 20, 1934, regarding the payinterest
by the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company (formerthe
Itral Union Trust Company) on trust funds deposited in its
e';'ILL department.
Nst"4-t is Understood
that, on December 31, 1925, the Central Union
1' acting as
trustee, entered into an agreement with one
the custcraers whereby any moneys paid to or deposited with or to
el'edit of the trustee pursuant to the provisions of the agreement




"miht be deposited by the trustee in its oommercial department
Trithout liability for interest except such as might be agreed upon
froill time to time in a supplemental memorandum. Under date of
anuarY 4, 1926, the Central Union Trust Company addressed a letter
60 its customer stating that interest
at the rate of *to per annum
would be allowed
on all such funds on deposit with it. While not
so stated in
your letter, it is assumed that the deposits in cuesare payable on demand. Since, under the trust agreement, the
,111PallY 'nay at any time resign its trusteeship, you request to be
auvised whether the Company must take such action in order to cornPlY with the provisions
of the Banking Act of 1933.
"The Federal Reserve Board has hitherto ruled that section 19
°Ib the
Federal Reserve Act as amended by the Banking Act of 1933
ohibits a member bank from paying interest on deposits of funds
eld in a fiduciary capacity which are deposited by the trust de'
lartmeat in another department of the bank subject to payment on
al!lalld, except in accordance with a contract entered into in good
!alth before
June 16, 1933, and existing on that date, and such a
'c/.11tract must be modified or terminated by the bank as soon as possible
consistently with its contractual obligation so as to eliminate
a Y Provision for the payment of interest on deposits payable on
iralld. It is assumed that the funds which are the subject of your
eequirY are treated as deposits and are not segregated from the
oz eral assets of the bank and otherwise subjected to the safeguards
as1/444arily imposed upon the custody and use of trust funds. On this
esLunption, it is the view of the Federal Reserve Board that
044tral Hanover Bank and Trust Company may not lawfully pay interest
witslioh deposits which are payable on demand, except in accordance
rheli:EiZact entered into in good faith before Tune 16, 1933,
on that date; and it became the duty of the Company
4,xs°°n as possible after June 16, 1933, to tenninate or modify its
thee"21ant with its customer DO as to eliminate any provision for
resjaYment of interest on deposits payable on demand, either by
co,,,elling its trusteeship or by other action consistent with its
ccm. "In the circumstances, the Central Hanover Bank and Trust
maY wish to consider the possibility of making such changes
the v'e agreement with its customer as may be necessary to convert
a,s d:L1Ts deposited in its commercial department into time deposits
fled in Ref7ulation Q. In that event, of course, interest
. lawfully be paid upon such deposits in accordance with the
visions of the regulation."





Letter to Governor Schaller of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
as follows:

-13"The Federal Reserve Board has given consideration to the
request made by you while at the Board's offices on August 8, 1934,
for a ruling upon the question whether Coal, Incorporated is a business located in the Seventh Federal Reserve District within the
teaning of 6ection 13b of the Federal Reserve Act authorizing a
4'sdera1 reserve bank to make loans, purchases and commitments to
e working capital for an established industrial or commercial
Ilsiness located in its district. It is understood that the question
ellses under subsection (a) of section 13b.
0 , ."It is also understood that Coal, Incorporated is a resident
c iachigan, and has its executive office, books and accounts reeivable in the City of Detroit, Michigan, and that it transacts
ell of its general business, including banking and the sale of its
e°a1) in that city. It is also understood that the corporation owns
6trld operates coal mining propertie
s in Belmont County, Ohio.
."Section III(c) of the Board's Regulation S provides that each
aTleation by an established industrial or commercial business to
t -ederal reserve bank for a loan, purchase or commitment 'must be
tr'llsmitted to the Federal Reserve bank of the district in which the
-rincipal place of business of the applicant is located'.
It is believed that the question of where an applicant's
13 ne1loa1 place of business is located within the meaning of section
utu ls essentially one of fact which depends for its determination
1 0°11 e consideration of all the material circumstrances of the case.
orrr ctiAgly, the Board feels that the l'ederal reserve banks are
ari narilY in a better position to determine such questions as they
emn particular cases than is the Federal Reserve Board.
"Hoever, inasmuch as the question as to the location of Coal,
bvc°z'Porated has been considered by your bank and its counsel and
c°1-Insel for the Federal Reserve Lank of aeveland, and in view
tharl:Ir request for an opinion upon the question, the Board feels
the lt maY properly state that it finds no reason to differ from
a ,c ouclusion reached by such counsel that Coal, Incorporated is
t,usiness located in the Seventh 2ederal Reserve District within
zeaning of section 13b."


Letters to
the following applicants for permits under section
Ban kiug Act of 1933, each letter stating that the relationship
bY the application appears to come within the class which the
lieves section 32 was desigied to terminate, and that the Board


re 13 Unable to find that it would not be incompatible with the
lilterest, as

declared by congress, to crant the application,

-14alth°4gh in the eveiat the applicnnt desires to subNit further facts or
4liaalents in sup:fort of the application
the Board is prepared to give

careful Consideration:

Charles P. Berdell, Jr., for permission to serve at the some
tilne ae a director of the Bank of Suffolk County, Stony Brook,
Ilew York, and as a partner of Berdell Brothers, New York, New

Frederick W. Bacon, for permission to serve at the same time
bts a director of the Tradesmen's National Bank and Trust Company
lid as a director and member of the Executive Committee of the
ecurities Corporation General, both of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Letters to Lir. Case, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve
441C Of

INew York, referring to the following
applications for permits

sectian 32 of the Banking Act of 1935, and stating, in each case,
'°11 the basis
of tne information submitted in support of the application
) the
Board concurs in the agent's opinion that the dealer in se°1111ti s
e- IllaY not be regarded as "engaged primarily in the business of
sellinc, or negotiatinc; securities" witlin the intendment
1'clvi5i0ns of section 32, and that, in the circumstances, a pertlit cot, .
'erl4E; the applicant's service to the organizations referred to
4PPlicatia1 is not necessary and, unless there are other facts
t e
4gent believes should be brought to the attention of the Board,
34ZCested that the agent advise the applicant accordingly.

.Letcher L. Gill, for permission to serve at the same time
of the Bank of The DInhattan Company and as a
or of Tobacco and Allied Stocks, Inc., both of New York,

1.1r. jose
PIA, S. Illaxwell, for permission to serve at the same time
aa an
-°1 iC0r of The New York Trust Company, New York, New York,

-15and as a director of the Reliance International Corporation, New
Y6lic, New York.
1;atthew S. Sloan, for permission to serve at the same time
director of the Irving Trust Company, New York, New York,
and as a director of the Reliance International Corporation, New
Yc3rk) New York.


Letter to ;:r. Stevens, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal 8
ank of Chicago, reading as follows:
z, "There are inclosed letters with copies thereof to Li-. B. C.
leaer and to la% 0. P. laein regarding their applications for
under Section 32 of the Banking Act of 1933 to serve the
)rst lIational Bank of West Bend and B. C. Ziegler and Company, both
Bend, Indiana, notifying those gentlemen that the Board is
ble to Vind that it would not be incompatible with the public
e8t, as declared by Congress, to grant their applications.
The Board has given serious consideration to the arguments
have been advanced in support of the applications as well as
titt"Young's remarks with reference to the same. However, its
antion has not been called to any unusual facts or circumstances
t:f!alaing to the banking situation in West Bend which indicate
there would be any disastrous results to the First National
oluk.ot West Bend by reason of the Board's refusal to grant the
beiztai,lts applied
for. In the circumstances, the Board does not
7-va that it may make an exccption as to 1. -r. Ziegler and Yr.
aad issue permits covering their services to the First NaBank of West Bend and to B. C. Ziegler and Company, since
orlatter company appears to be engaged primarily in the business
Chasing, selling or negotiating securities within the scope
• se
84011 "Therefore,
unless there are other facts which you believe
, be directed to the attention of the Board before it takes
action with reference to these applications, it will be
Dil eclated if you will transmit the inclosed letters to the apO1,,-ants and advise the Board as to the steps which each takes in
Lier to
comply with the provisions of the section."


Letter to
:.1r. Hoxton, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Re-

.ye tiezit

tlie 1,011

Richmond, stating that the Board has given consideration

°Iviag applications for permits under the Clayton Let, and

-16that) upon the basis of the information before it, concurs in the agent's
ree01Mendation5 that the issuance of the permits applied for would be
Datible with the public interest.

The letter also requested the

aEllt to
cazmunicate to the applicants the Board's position in the matter
' and to advise the board promptly as to whether the applicants de31re t°
sub:hit any additional data, and, if not, as to what steps they
ae to take in
order to comply with the provisions of the Clayton

: W. C. 7rvin, for permission to serve at the same time as
Axector and officer of The First National Bank of Morganton,
rgallt°n, North Carolina, and as a director of the :_organton
ustria' Bank, Morganton, North Carolina.


Cs A. Kistler,
for permission to serve at the same time
a director and officer of The First National bank af Morgan01,4'liorganton, North Carolina, and as a director and officer
the Norganton Industrial Bank, Morganton, North Carolina.
Letter to Mr. Hoxton, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Barik
of Richmond, reading as follows:
eltlits"There are inclosed the original and copies of Clayton Act
The , granted to the following directors and/or officers of
Be41-"iret National Bank of Morganton and the Morganton Industrial
both of Morganton, North Carolina:
A. M. Ingold
B. Bristol

I. F. McGimsey
T. H. Giles

-tele "'You will be advised in a separate communication of the action
bY the Board with reopect to the applications of W. C. Ervin
E. Kistler to serve as directors and/or officers of these
url, "Information
obtained from the files of the Comptroller of the
indicated that Mr. C. E. Kistler had apparently committed
f44tion of Section 22(g) of the Federal Reserve Act by borrowby-(1,1"°m the national bank on Tuly 22, 1U33, his loan being approved
"4-rectors of
the bank at a meeting held on Tuly 28, 1933 which

-17"alleged violation was reported to the United States Attorney at
rille, North Carolina by the national bank examiner on Sanuary
13, 1934.
"The Board feels that, in connection with applications in/T(311ring reported violations of law, definite information should be
orbtained regarding the disposition which was made of such cases bepermits under the provisions of the Clayton Act are issued.
11°11 are requested therefore, to ascertain the status of the charges
itgainst i. Kistler and the bank, if any; and in the event the cases
.e been duly considered and closed without prosecution, you are
11 hor1zed to release the inclosed permits to Messrs. A. M. Ingold,
1, F. McGimsey, B. Bristol and T. H. Giles, and to forward copies
.ptereof to the
banks involved, at the same time furnishing the
arc' camplete information with respect to the disposition of these
ivatters in order that its records may be complete.
"The Board also desires that when you submit your recommendaf\.°I
,Is as a result of your annual review of these permits you report
Y as to whether the bank
has further violated any provisions of
e_e law
by maki
and its directors by approving, loans to its own
Aecutive officers."


The ai

aliton Act
permits referred to above are as toiler's:

B. Bristol,

to serve at the same time as a director of
I:ational Bank of Morganton, Morganton, North
ihd line'
, and as a director and officer of the i'organton
"trial Bank, Morganton, North Carolina.


7 H. ailes, to serve at the sem time as a director of
oa Flrst
National Bank of Morganton, Morganton, North
i°114a, and as a director and officer of the Morganton
"trial Bank, 1:organton, North Carolina.
111% A. In-.old to serve at the same time as a director
:Ialltofficer of The First National Bank of Morganton, Mar:Iorth Carolina, and as a director of the Morganton
rial Bank, Morganton, North Carolina.
1.1r. T.
ToGimsey, to serve at the same time as a director
zirst National Bank of laorganton, Lorganton, Lorth
aalik lna, and as a director of the Morganton Industrial
h:organton, North Carolina.


rve Bala: or



to Lr. Hoxton, Federal Reserve Agent
at the Federal Re-

Richmond, inclosing the followinL, Clayton Act permit, and
it is
requested that the agent ascertain whether charges



have been
preferred against Lx'. Penn as a result of possible violations


section 22(g) of the Federal Reserve Act, and if so, the present

Status of
such charges; that in the event the cases have been duly consiclered azd
closed without prosecution, the agent is authorized to rele
Else the Permit to the applicant, at the same time furnishino. the Board
ec'n1P1ete information with reward to the disposition of these matters in
that its records may be complete, and that it is also requested
/.411sn he submits his recommendation as a result of his annual reof

the permit, the agent report fully as to :jr. Penn's at-Gendance



meetings and ascertain and advise whether he and his family

scontinued the practice of overdrawing their accounts:

Lir ,
a (;." S. Penn, for permission to serve at the same. time as
R )
,1-rector and officer of the ;irst I:ational Bank of Reidsville,
1orth Carolina, and as a director and officer of the
6Ystem Inclustrial Bank, Rc,idsville, North Carolina.

to -LT":;0°d, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve
8alik of
st. ouis, stating that the Board has given consideration to the
r°11c)wille! application for a permit under the Clayton Act, and that, upon

b4s1s of
the inforvetion before it, concurs in the agent's opinion
issuance of the permit applied for would be incompatible with



to the

The letter also requested the agent to comunicate

applicant the Board's position in the matter, and to advise the

Protaply as to whether the applicant desires to submit any additi°441
and, if not, as to what steps he proposes to take in order
Ply with the
orovisions of the Clayton Act.



Lawrence V. Huber, for permission to serve at the sane time
as a director of The First iTational sank of Perryville, Perryville) Ndssouri, and -s a director of The Home Trust Company,
rryville, Lissouri.
Letter to Us. 1,:cClure, Federal 71eserve Agent at the Federal
Bank of Kansas City, iaclosin- the following Clayton Act per-

' aad stating that if the agent finds to his satisfaction that the
1)rWi5ions of section 32 of the 13anking Act of 1933 are not applicable
t° the a
Pplicants, he 1.3 authori ed to transmit the Clayton Act permits

C. Beaty, for permission to serve at the same time as
r director of The First :Tational Bank af Ordway, Ordway, Cob0, a
as a director and officer of 1. N. Beaty L Company/
*ells) naazanola, Colorado.

1Y.r.n ,,“.
. Beaty, for permission to serve at the same time as
of The First National Bank of Ordway, Ordway,
,!°rad°, and as a director and officer of T. N. Beaty
--14aY, Bankers, i.:anzanola, Colorado.
Iv'r. Sohn
Beaty, for permission to serve at the same time
icls a director and officer of The First :,:ational Bank of
I'd7laY, Colorado, and as a director of I. N. Beaty
-r=3, :..anzanola, Colorado.
Letter to 11r. McClure, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal
&Ink of Kansas City, inclosiag the followin Clayton Act perkit, an
-d statin::; that it is requested that the agent ascertain the status
or ch41.
"saeainst Er. NOffet as a result of a possible violation of
22 (g)
of the Federal Reserve Act, that in the event the case
4e.e bee

dulY considered and closed without prosecution, the agent i3

zecl to release the permit to the applicant, at the same time


the 3oard complete information with regard to the disposition

or +1,
v le

matter in order that its records may be complete; and that it is

e'le° requested
that, wten he submits his recommendations as a result of
review of the penult the agent report fully as to uhether
et has further violated any provisions of the law.
H. Moffet, for pennission to serve at
director and officer of the First National
tIraacl., Kansas, as a director of the Hanston
Bealis, and as a director and officer of the
e-4Pre, Kansas.

the same time as
Bank in Lamed,
State Bank, Hanston,
Belpre State Bank,

Letter to Mr. McClure, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Re4175 Beilk of Kansas City, inclosing the following Clayton Act permit,
licir(illesting that the agent withhold delivery of the permit until he



that The Mercantile Loan Corporation, Norfolk, Nebraska,

Lir. Liontgomery is serving as director and member of the execu-

4vecullittee, does
not make loans secured by stock or bond collateral,
that Pr
la)ntgomery is complying with the provisions of section 8A
't th
elaYton Act,
in which event the agent is authorized to transmit
13"Mit to
the applicant. The letter also requested that, when he
a"Inits his
recommendations, as a result of his annual review of the
Ev4ent reoort fully as to Mr. Montgomery's attendance at

Meetings during1934:

Tontgomery, for permission to serve at the same time
clirect-or 'and officer of The First National Bank and Trust
44Y of
Chamberlain, Chamberlain, South Dakota, and as a
ebraska.andOfficer of The Security state Bank,


-21Letters to applicants for permits under the Clayton Act, advising
Of eapp

royal of their applications as follows:
'gran van Herwerden, for permission to serve at the same time
a director and officer of' The Rahway National Bank, Rahway,
aew 3-ersey, and as a director and officer of the Rahway Trust
°121PanY, Rahway„ New Jersey.
tlr.Fred C. Hyer, for permission to serve at the same time as
,aTe,ydi_rector and officer of The Rahway National Bank, Rahway,
6r3eY , and as a di rec tor of the Rahway Trust Company,
culwaY, New Jersey.
"enrY L. Tnmphea.r, for permission to serve at the same time
es a director of The Rahway National Bank, Rahway, New Jersey,
as a director and officer of the Rahway Trust Company,
g4t311 1 New Jersey.
for permission to serve at the same time as
a-s'-"Lrector of The Rahway National Bank, Rahway, New Jersey, and
all officer of the Dmpire Trust Company, New York, New York.
14.r. ro •
‘-'-anton L.
Schmoyer, for permission to serve at the same
p;nae as a director of The Fogelsville National Bank, Fogelsville,
11113Ylvatia, as a director of The Kutztown National Bank, Lutz,ret"4) Pennsylvania., and as a directsr of the Macungie Bank,
0rBusick, for permission to serve at the same time as
of the First National Bank of Reidsville, Reidsville,
reith Carolina, as a director and officer of The Bank of Madison,
4-s°11, North Carolina, and as a director of The Bank of 1:ayodan,
-`48'11 1 North Carolina.
O'Farrell, for permission to serve at the same time as
'"reetor of The Citizens National Bank of Covington, Covington,
11lia) and as a director of The Bath County National Bank of
.)Prings, Hot Springs, Virginia.

S. Stuart,
for permission to serve at the same time as
and officer of the West Union Bank, ;fest Union, dest
itlia) and as a director of The Union National Bank of
3131-1-rL, Clarksburg, ;lest Virginia.

}cony, for permission to serve at the same time as a

Fik et°1% and officer of The First National Bank of Pikesville,
1110) Tennessee, and as a director of the Sequatchie County


3. G. iyam, for permission to serve at the same time as
officer of the First National Bank and Trust Company of
T1saPelis, Minneapolis, lannesota, and as a director and
leer of the Mimehaha National Bank of lanneapolis, Einneep°1is, Linnesota.


S. J.-omeroy, for permission to serve at the sane time as
uirector and officer af the First National Bank and Trust
iDallY of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and as a director
;41u1 officer of
the Bloamington-L&kp National Bank of Ldnneapolis,


te!f"• C. Hellickson, for permission to serve at the same time
147 a director of The First National Bank of Harmony, Harmony,
a ls Ineseta, and as a director of the Caledonia State Bank, Calea,
2,:migh, for permission to serve at the sage time as a
alld ector of The First National Bank of Durango, Durango, Colorado
as a director and officer of the Ignacio State Bank, Ignacio,
Mr• \

GuY Draper, for permission to serve at the same time as a
Lie ector and officer of The First National Bank of McGregor,
ilatfeg°r, Texas, and as a director and officer of The First
°nal Bank of Oglesby, Oglesby, Texas.
141% 'e;arl
-- Eagan, for permission to serve at the same time as a
uctor aad officer of the Citizens National Bank in Viaxahachie,
Italhaehie, Texas, as a director of The First National Bank of
or -Y, Italy,
, Texas, and as a director of The First National Bank
Milford, Milford, Texas.
There was then presented a memorandum dated Tune 28, 1934, from





ELIaries and Expenditures, referring to a letter dated

19.3'1. from Mr. Newton, Chairman of the board of directors of the
;eserve Bank of Atlanta, inclo

ing copies of resolutions adopted

11'' the b
eard of
directors of the bank at its meeting on Xnne 8, 1934, apLab. t



gene R. Black as Governor of the bank, and, subject to the

the Federal Reserve hoard, fixing his salary at the rate of

effecboth to be effective immediately following the



tive date of
his resignation as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board.

inemorandum recommended approval by the Board of the salary as

eixed. by the board of directors of the Atlanta bank.

The memorandum

signed by seven members of the Board indicating their approval of
the reoorzkendation.
There were presented the following applications for changes
in stock of Federal reserve
A -4
0ations for CRIGINAL Stock:
xho N
ationaank of Hamburg,
lialthurg, Pennsylvania
The Gehf--37"Cirational Bank of Bethesda,
1411111 rictno10.

--4s1;rict To; 5.
Pirst Clark
liorthfork, - National Bank of Northfork,
aest Virginia
141° ?irFt"-Talyjnal
Bank of Dubuque,
...Z.2" Nos
he Piill- 9.
R*7.11;nal Bank of Plainview,






Total -









The I,. ettiros. 4f7
D.trst National Bank of
tillf,-(7,4-1°111rale, Ohio
of Vlest Alexander,





A lioations
for SURRENDER of Stocks (Continued)
District No. 4.
Gibsonburg Banking Company,
ibsonburg, Ohio
Pg:12.1210.. 6*
rixeflTannal Bank of Millen,


Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


Executive Committee.



