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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office
°f the Board on Tuesday, August 16, 1921. at 10:35 a.m.
PRESENT: Governor Harding
Mr. Miller
Mr. Mitchell
Mr. Crissinger
Mr. Hoxton, Secretary.
Minutes of the meeting of the Board held August 9th


read and on motion approved.
The Governor reported rediscount transactions, member bank
Pr omissory notes secured by Goverment obligations, rate 6%, as follows:
pat e

Bank rediscounting


August 8th Dallas
Alagust 9th Richmond
Allgust 10th Dallas

New York

"gust 12th Richmond
Iguet 12th Dallas

New York

August 12th Minneapolis
AAUgt2E t 15th Atlanta
Vagt1 St 15th Richmond
t 15th Minneapolis

Ni York
New Yo
Ni York


Al 000.9000


11-15 days
11-15 days
11-15 days
1-90 dys.(Com)
11-15 days
1-90 dys.(Com)
11-15 days
1-90 dys.(Com)
11-15 days

The Governor reported the reserve positions of the several
Reclel'al Reserve banks as at close of business August 8, 9, 10, 11. 13,
olad the
status of rediscounts between tle Federal reserve banks as of



Letter dated August 10th, from the Governor of the Federal ReEIE"e Bank of Minneapolis. requesting wproval of the Board for the


establishment by that Bank of a maximum penalty rate of 10% for deficient reserves of menber banks.
Letter dated August 10th, from the Governor of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, advising the Federal Reserve Board of the
intention of that Bank to pzoceed with letting contracts for the
111Pletion of the new bank building.
Governor Harding was requested to advise the
Federal Reserve Bank of Ni York that the Federal
Reserve Board intezposes no objections to that
Bank's proceeding vith the contracts in question.
Letter dated August 8th, from the Acting Deputy Governor of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, advising of certain action taken
13Y the Board of Directors of that Bank at its meeting August 6th,
with a view to reaching an agreement in those matters ensuing from
the 4.
'allure of the First National Bank of Hearne, Texas.
Governor Harding was request ad to advise the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas that the Board intezposes
no objections to a settlement on the part of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas of the matters in controversy,
along the lines indicated in Mr. Emerson's letter.
Letter dated August 8th, from tle Secretary of the Treasury
fcrmal notice that the tine of payment of any special certit•leatee
of indebtedness issued in favor of the Treasurer of t1-1)
United States, maturing on or after August 20, 1921, and prior to
August 20, 1922, is extended in the case of each sith maturing certiv
-Leate one year from the date of such maturity. Also, advising


that Copies of this notice have been sent from the Treasury

of thie

United States to the Comptroller of the Currency and to the Governor
Of each Federal reserve bank.
Letter dated August 1st, from Mr. Albert Strauss, suggesting
that the Board make public the figures covering the reports of foreign
"change operations which were secured by the Board during the time
that such operations were under its supervision ani control.
Governor Harding was requested to instruct the
Director of the Division of Analysis & Research to
compile the material suggested in Mr. Strauss' letter
and to submit the compilation to the Federal Reserve
Board for its inspection with a view to possible publicat ion thereof.
Letter dated August 10th, from the Federal Reserve Agent
at Chicago, expressing a wish to secure two additional employes to
assist, on the part of the Federal Reserve Agents' Department, in
Passing upon applications for loans made to the Federal Reserve Bank

Of Ohicago.
Referred to Governor Harding, with the request
that further information be obtained.
Letter dated August 11th, from the Chairman of the Federal
vrve Bank of Boston, requesting approval of the action of the
'cl- of Directors of that Bank in appropriating the slam of p5,000
the relief of employes who, through sickness or other causes,
rraST be

in need of financial assistance, and authorizing the cashier





vcq to the Govemorand the Chairman the said sum of ,'3'5,000, to be

1°811e1 by them from time to time for such relief, in accordance with
Ch arrangements as they may deem advisable in individual
cases, and
recting that every six months a report shall be made to the Board
Of Directors of the condition of said fund.
Letter dated August 10th, from the Chairman of the Federal
/lese rve Bank of Dallas-, recommending adjustment in salaries of certain
°f the

junior officers of that Bank.

Referred to Governor Harding for reply.

Letter dated August 11th, from the Chairman of the Federal
lIeserve Bank of Richmond, transmitting recommendations for certain
BalarY adjustments authorized by the Board of Directors of that Bank,
ill accordance with the plan of anniversary adjustments previously
8.131roved by the Federal Reserve Board.
Appro ved.
Governor Harding suggested that the Federal Reserve Board fix
Ober 25th as the date for the next Joint Conference of the Govern(*a alla Federal Reserve Agents of the several Federal reserve banks.
Upon motion, October 25th was so fixed.
With reference to the application for reduction in reserve
Ilecilliranents for certain outlying banks in the city of Chicago, Gove)
r Harding called attention to the action taken by the Federal
ileserve Board at the meeting of August 9, 1921, whereby these appli-


cations were approved, with the understanding that the approval would
be effective upon the affirmative vote of five members of the Board,
tour menbers having voted at the said meeting of August 9th.
Mr. Miller and Mr. Mitchell announced their affirmative vote in this matter ani the authority for the reserve requirement reduction was ordered.
Letter dated August 10th, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, transmitting a list of salaries of employes of

Bank as of July 1, 1921, with proposed adjustments indicated.
Letter dated August 11th, from the Chairman of the Federal

Ilesc3rve Bank of Minneapolis, reporting upon the Group Conference held
°4 the 8th of August by the Federal Beserve Banks of San Francisco,
Xaasas City and Minneapolis.
Ordered circulated.
Letter dated August 13th, from the Chairman of the Federal Re"
Bank of Minneapolis, transmitting copy of a statement given by
him to the press on August 12th and issued by him with a view to
straightening out misapprehensions as to the course of the Federal ReBank of Minneapolis in dealing with the rediscount rate.
Ordered circulated.
Governor Harding stated that the Board of Directors of the
41erel Reserve Bank of Kansas City had unrier consideration the purse of a certain lot in Denver, for the purpose of a branch bank
blIl-44ng, said lot to cost $350,000.


Upon motion, the expenditure of so large a sum
as 350,000 was disapproved, and it was the sense
Of the meeting that an expenditure of about 125,000
would meet all reasonable requirements.
Governor Harding stated that the Board of Directors of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta were contemplating the purchase of
a lot in Birmingham, with a view to the ultimate erection of a branch

building in that city.

No action.

Letter dated August 11th, from the Federal Reserve Agent at
Dallas, enclosing, with favorable recommendation, the application of
the Southmest National Bank of Dallas for authority to make accept4:4ces up to 100% of its capital and surplus.
Appro ved.
Memorandum dated August 11th, from the Assistant Secretary of
e Board, requesting authority for the temporary employment of two

comptometer operators, the employment to run for not ex-

ceeding ten days, and at salary at the rate of (1640 per annum each.
Memoraddum dated August 11th, from the Chief of the Division
f RePorts and statistics, requesting authority for the appointment of

R. Grossman as Technical Clerk in the Division of Reports and
istics, at an annual salary of


Approved, upon favorable recommendation of the
Assistant Secretary.

Mr. Mitchell advised the Board that upon the request of the
Partment of State, he had assigned his Secretary, Mr, Leonard, to
that Departrrent
for the purpose of assisting in compiling preliminary
data for the Disarmament Conference, and that therefore Mr. Leonard
Will be absent from his post of duty with the Federal Reserve Board
fel. a period of several months, said. absence to be without pay.

Five letters dated August 9th and 15th, iespectively, from the
C°IiiptrollEr of the Currency, requesting the Board's approval of


salaries for the following National Bank Examiners:

Wm. F. Sheehan, 9th District:
Frank L.Thomas, 12th
Henry B. Hane, 4th
Win. B. Hamilton, 6th
Wm. H. Baldridge, 9th "

3,000 per annum.

ilZPOlm OF
a",eci• August 9th, Recommending changes in stock at Federal reserve
12th, banks, as set forth in the auxiliary minute book
as of this date.
batea A
—11gust 15th, Recommending action on applications for fiduciary
powers, as set forth in the auxiliary minute book
as of this date.
At one o'clock p.m. the meeting adjourned.
