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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System on Monday, August 15, 1955.

The Board met in the Board'

Roam at 10:00 a.m.


Martin, Chairman
Balderston, Vice Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Vest, General Counsel
Young, Director, Division of Research and Statistics
Mr. Miller, Chief, Government Finance Section,
Division of Research and Statistics
The following matters, which had been circulated among the members

the Board, were presented for consideration and the action taken in each

instance was as indicated:
Memoranda from appropriate individuals concerned recommending
with respect to the Board's staff as follows:

intment, effective upon the
of assuming duties
4aMe and

Mary T.

Research and Statistics

Basic annual salary

,Mona E. Dingle, Economist, Division of Research and Statistics. From
to $8,990 per annum, effective August 28, 1955.
tance of resignation
1955.Roberta S. Black, Stenographer, Legal Division.

Approved unanimously.

Effective September 16,



Memorandum dated August 5, 1955, from Mr. Johnson, Controller,
recommending that Susie Oros Booze, Accounting Clerk in the Office of
the Controller, who had been on maternity leave since March 14, 1955,
be reemployed effective August 15, 1955, with basic salary at the rate
Of $4,890 per annum.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated August 9, 1955, from Mr. Young, Director, Division of Research and Statistics, recommending an advance of 30 days'
sick leave to Mary White, Clerk in that Division, beginning at the exPiration of sick leave previously advanced in accordance with the Board's
leave regulations.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated July 21, 1955, from Mr. Bethea, Director, Division of Administrative Services, discussing a suggestion from the Office
Of Defense Mobilization concerning subscription to telephone company
mobile service. An attached memorandum from Mr. Bethea dated August 2,
1955, stated that Governor Robertson recommended the installation of
sultable equipment in one of the Board's Cadillacs.
Governor Robertson's recommendation was approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Russell G. Smith, Executive Vice President, Bank of
-merica, New York, New York, reading as follows:
This will acknowledge your letter of July 26, 1955, advising that, under the permission granted by the Board under
date of June 2 1953, to purchase at a cost of approximately
y100,000 a total of 850 of the 5,000 shares of capital stock
of a Financiera to be organized in and under the laws of the
Republic of Mexico, you have executed articles of incorporation under Mexican law in connection with the incorporation
of a company to be organized under the name "Descuento Agricola
S. A., Sociedad Financiera Fiduciaria y de Ahorro."
It is understood that the participation by Bank of America
will now be Mexican Pesos 1,000,000 (or approximately U. S.
- v,000) of the Mexican Pesos 10,000,000 paid in capital, an
investment by your bank of about *20,000 less than the originally contemplated purchase of 850 shares. The Board has noted,
Without objection, the modifications in the original proposal.

Approved unanimously, for
transmittal through the Federal


-3Reserve Bank of New York, with
a copy to the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco.

Letter to the Board of Directors, The Silverton Bank, Silverton,
Ohio, reading as follows:
Pursuant to your request submitted through the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System approves the establishment
of a branch on Kenwood Road about 200 feet south of the
intersection with Montgomery Road in Sycamore Township,
Hamilton County, Ohio, by The Silverton Bank, Silverton,
Ohio, provided the branch is established within one year
from the date of this letter.
Approved unanimously, for
transmittal through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Letter to the Board of Directors, American Trust Company, Charlotte,

North Carolina, reading as follows:
Pursuant to your request submitted through the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System approves the establishment of
a branch on Woodlawn Road in the Park Road Shopping Center,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, provided the branch
is established within one year from the date of this letter.
Approved unanimously, for
transmittal through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond.
There were presented telegrams to the Federal Reserve Banks listed
bel°w approving the establishment without change on August 11, 1955, of


rates of discount and purchase in their existing schedules:


Dn1 1 as

Approved unanimously.


-4The following travel requests were presented:

Name and title

Duration of travel

Mr. Vest,
General Counsel

September 27-30, 1955

To travel to Boston, Massachusetts, to attend a meeting of the Legal
Subcommittee of the Insurance Committee of the Federal Reserve Banks.
Mr. Sprecher,
Assistant Director, Division
Of Personnel Administration

August 30-September 8, 1955

To travel to Kansas City, Missouri, and Dallas, Texas, to visit the
Personnel Departments of the Federal Reserve Banks of Kansas City and
Approved unanimously.
There had been circulated to the members of the Board a draft of
letter to Mr. William A. Burkett, Superintendent of Banks for California,
Prepared in response to a letter dated July 22, 1955, from Mr. Maurice H.
SParling, who
resigned as Superintendent of Banks subsequent to the date
his letter was written.

In his letter, Mr. Sparling raised certain ques-

timls regarding the Board's recent action in declining an application of
The California
Bank, Los Angeles, California, to establish a branch at
-\11lerton, California.
The points raised in Mr. Sparling's letter were discussed briefly,
r°11°1ging which Chairman Martin suggested that action be deferred until
after the
return of Governor Robertson unless a check by the Secretary discl°sed reasons why a letter should be sent or other action taken before
that date.

This suggestion was approved


Prior to this meeting the following draft of letter to the Presi-

dents of all Federal Reserve Banks had been circulated to the members of
the Board:
This refers to the Board's letter of July 1, 1955, requesting the Federal Reserve Banks' views as to the desirability of adopting an amendment, by way of an additional
paragraph, to the existing rules for waiver of deficient reserve penalties, for possible use if withdrawals from the Tax
and Loan Accounts of the new Class C depositaries resulted in
reserve deficiencies.
Most of the Reserve Banks were sympathetic to the adoption of the provision. However, one of the Reserve Banks
stated that most of the member banks contacted took the attitude that the Tax and Loan Account is little different from
other large demand deposits, and that unexpected fluctuations
in the account could and should be met without undue difficulty
in the ordinary course of business. The Bank feels that this
is a sound approach to the proposal and one which should be encouraged; and that, although a particular Class C bank might
occasionally have serious difficulty in adjusting its position
as a result of unexpected large withdrawals, the proposed waiver
rule does not appear to be essential to the success of the Treasury's plan for the new Class C depositaries. Another Reserve
Bank expressed essentially the same view; it pointed out also
that the proposed waiver provision would extend further the limits within which reserves might be averaged and introduce another
unnecessary complication into the mechanics of reserve analysis.
In the above circumstances, and after further consideration,
the Board has decided to defer action on the suggested additional
vaiver-of-penalty provision until a definite need therefor is
demonstrated as a result of operations under the plan for Class
C depositaries. If in the meantime a Class C depositary
a deficient reserve penalty as a result of a withdrawal from
Tax and Loan Account on the last business day of the reserve
comPutation period and such penalty can not be waived by the Federal Reserve Bank under the existing rules, a request may be
made to the Board for authorization to waive the penalty. If and
When experience demonstrates the need for a specific provision to
cover such cases, the Board will give further consideration to
this matter.

Approved unanimously.


-6Pursuant to the understanding at the meeting on August

11, 1955,

further consideration was given to the response that should be made to a
letter dated July 15, 1955, from Representative Patman concerning "shorts
elling" in the Government securities market.
Governor Vardaman presented for consideration certain suggestions
for changes in the draft submitted by the staff at the meeting on August

Governor Szymczak stated that he had sent certain suggestions to Mr.

Riefler, and Mr. Riefler said that additional information received from
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicated that there might be a need
for other changes in the draft.
Governor Mills stated that he continued to prefer a letter along
the lines of the shorter of the two drafts originally submitted for the
130ardis consideration, since he felt that the shorter draft represented
an adequate response while the longer draft gave explanations that were
not called for.
• ng

He also noted the lapse of time since the date of the

letter and suggested the desirability of making as prompt a

reply as possible.
Following further discussion, Chairman Martin suggested that the
staff be requested to submit another draft for discussion at the meeting
which, among other things, would explain the reasons for the

mentioned by Governor Mills.

There was unanimous agreement with this suggestion.



-7Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal

Reserve System on August 11,

1955, were approved unanimously.

The members of the staff then withdrew and the Board went into
executive session.
The Chairman later informed the
Secretary that during the executive
session the Board considered a draft
of letter to Mr. Hall, Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,
which previously had been circulated
to the members of the Board and that
unanimous approval was given to a letter
to Mr. Hall over the signature of the
Chairman in the following form:
The expenditures in connection with the celebration of
the fortieth anniversary of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City, listed in the report of examination of the Bank made as
of May 2, 1955, have been noted by the Board and it is concerned with the overall cost of approximately Y)7,000.
As you know, this general problem was the subject of a
recent letter to President Young as Chairman of the Presidents'
Conference and it was also discussed at the last meeting of the
Conference and the Board. For the reasons stated in that letter the Board believes that such expenditures should be kept
Within reasonable bounds.
With respect to the other expenditures listed in the report of examination, there is a question whether the Federal
Reserve Banks should pay the transportation and subsistence
costs of wives or husbands when employees attend Federal Reserve functions.

The meeting then adjourned.

