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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Wednesday, April

6, 1955. The Board met in the

Board Room at 10:00 a.m.


Martin, Chairman
Balderston, Vice Chairman

Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Thomas, Economic Adviser to the
Leonard, Director, Division of Bank
Vest, General Counsel
Young, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics
Volony, Special Assistant to the Board

The following draft of letter to Mr. Leedy, President of the Fed-

el'al Reserve Bank of Kansas City, which had been circulated to the members of the Board, was presented for consideration:
The Board of Governors approves the payment of
salary to Mr. Cecil Puckett as a Vice President of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City for the period
July 1, 1955, through December 31, 1955, at the rate
of *15,000 per annum, which is the rate fixed by the
Board of Directors as indicated in your letter of
March 25, 1955.

Approved unanimously, together
with the following letter for the
signature of the Chairman to Mr.
Cecil Puckett, Dean, College of
Business Administration, University
of Denver, Denver, Colorado:
Your letter of March 16, 1955, to Mr. Hall, ChairMan of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve



Bank of Kansas City, submitting your resignation as
a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
has been brought to the attention of the Board of Governors and the Board accepts your resignation, effective July 1, 1955.
In taking this action, the members of the Board
requested me to convey to you their appreciation of
the contribution you have made to the Federal Reserve
System through your service as a director of the Denver
Branch and subsequently as a Class C director and
Deputy Chairman at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas

The comments contained in your letter with respect to your association with the Federal Reserve
System are most gratifying.
The following requests for travel authorization were presented:
Mr. Vest, General Counsel. To travel to Chicago, Illinois, during
Period May 8-12, 1955, to attend a meeting of the Insurance Corntee of the Federal Reserve Banks.


Mr. Hostrup, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations. To
l'avel to Cleveland, Ohio, during the period April 10-13, 1955, to attend
meeting of the Standing Committee of General Auditors of the Federal
rteserve Banks.
Approved unanimously.
There had been sent to the members of the Board prior to this
meeting copies of a memorandum dated April 5, 1955, from the Division of

Bank Operations reading as follows:
On March 31 the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Purchased ,3,766,000 of bankers' acceptances for its
own account under the March 29, 1955, authorization
of the Executive Committee of the Federal Open Market
Committee. It is understood there is a possibility
that the Reserve Bank might in the near future also
acquire bankers' acceptances under repurchase agreement.
In publishing these items in the Board's weekly
statement of condition, it is recommended that whenever there are holdings of bankers' acceptances in




either category they be described as follows:
Acceptances purchased
Acceptances held under repurchase agreement
When there are no such holdings, the item(s) in
the stub would be omitted except when needed for comparative purposes.
In the combined statement of condition (page 2)
and on the asset page (page 3), such holdings would
be inserted between "Industrial Loans" and "U. S. Government Securities". On the elements analysis page
(page 1), acceptances would be inserted between "U. S.
Government Securities" and "Loans, Discounts and Advances". Appropriate provision would be made at the
bottom of the second page for maturity distribution
Of acceptances by inserting a heading between "Industrial Loans" and "U. S. Government Securities."
Following a discussion, the
procedure recommended in the
memorandum was approved unanimously, with the understanding
that Messrs. Thurston and Molony
would prepare a notice and supplemental material for distribution to interested parties.
Mr. Sherman reported that advice had been received from the Fed-


era.' Reserve Bank of New York that the State Banking Board would meet
and approve the establishment and operation of branches by Bankers

TruS÷ ,-ompany,
New York, New York, at the present locations of the main
"-ce and branches of The Public National Bank and Trust Company of New

According to the Reserve Bank, the State Superintendent of Banks

he4 informed the Banking Board that he was prepared to approve the
Or Public
National Bank and Trust Company into Bankers Trust Company, the
84431'oval to be
effective the afternoon of April 8, 1955.



-4Accordingly, it was understood
that the letter to the Board of Directors of the Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, which was
approved at the meeting of the Board
on March 23, 1955, would be sent to
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
today for transmittal to the member
Chairman Martin suggested that there be a review of business and

economic developments by the Board's staff at the meeting on Friday,
APril 8, 1955.
There was unanimous agreement
with this suggestion.
Mr. Thomas stated that he had received a telephone call from Warren
J. vi
-Lnuon, Assistant Commissioner, Public Housing Administration, who exPressed some concern that the current controversy regarding the proposal
to authorize
commercial banks to underwrite revenue bonds might in some
/lay affect the
authority of commercial banks to underwrite public housing

During a discussion of this
point it was brought out that the
current proposal would appear to
have no bearing on the statutory
authorization for commercial banks
to underwrite public housing bonds,
and it was understood that Mr.
Hexter, Assistant General Counsel,
would discuss the matter with Mr.
At the
instance of Governor Balderston, consideration was given to

dvisability of
bringing in persons from the Federal Reserve Banks and




the Board's staff in the near future for a discussion of discount and
discount rate policy.

Governor Balderston noted that there had been

discussions of various
aspects of these matters, led by Reserve Bank
economists, at the last meeting of the Presidents' Conference and at
the recent joint meeting of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta and its branches.
In this connection, reference was made to the meeting of Reserve Bank discount officers to be held in the Board's offices April 26
41.4 27, 1955) and Chairman Martin suggested that to the extent possible
the members of the Board attend the sessions on those days.


also Was made to the current study of the discount rate mechanism under

the direction of Governor Mills, and Mr. Young commented concerning the
Status of staff work on that study.

He said that although the assign-

ment had been
delayed somewhat due to the pressure of other work at the
Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, it was hoped that major differences

or °Pinion

among members of the staff committee could be reconciled and

that a report would be ready later this year.

At the conclusion of the
discussion, it was the consensus
that additional discussions of
discount and discount rate policy
need not be arranged by the Board
at this time.


utes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Fed-

eral Reserve System on April 51 1955, were approved unanimously.
The meeting then adjourned.

Assistant Secretary