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Upon call of the Vice Governor, a special meeting of the Federal
Reserve Board was held in the office of the Federal Reserve Board at
11:40 a.m., April 4, 1924.
: Vice Governor Platt
1,7r. Hamlin
1,7r. Filler
Fr. James
17r. CunninghaM
Yr. Dawes
Fr. Eddy, Secretary
Present also Fessrs. Jay, Heath and rartin, Federal Reserve Agents
at Hew York, Chicago and St. Louis, respectively, and Fr. ,4, 7att, General
The Vice Governor announced that Yessrs. Jay, Heath and Fartin,
17310 are rembers of the Federal Reserve Agents' Committee on Yember Bank
Relations had been in conference this morning on the subject of Regulation
4, Series of 1924, adopted by the Board an Yarch 27th.
On behalf of the Committee, 1:±0 Jay suggested several changes in

the wording of various sections of the Regulation, stating that these
l'evisions were agreed upon only by the three Federal Reserve Agents


1)r sent who had no authority to speak for the other Federal Reserve banks.
After a full discussion of
the Federal Reserve Agents were
Regulation 7 in accordance with
and to submit the revised draft
consideration later.

the various changes,
requested to redraft
their suggestions
to the Board for its

The Vice Governor then presented two telegrams dated April 3rd.
. tl'om the Federal Reserve Agent at San Francisco - one inquiring as to the
effective date of Regulation 7, and the other stating that if any hearing



As to be held on Regulation

the San Francisco 3an;:. would like to be

Yr. Janos roved that Lr. Perrin be advised that
tile Regulations became effective the day they were
adopted and are in effect at the present time, but that
distribution amonr member banks had been deferred on
account of possible ,r7rarrnatical irregularities, and
further that the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
is invited to send to the Board by wire anN constructive
criticisms or suggestions it may have to rake regarding
the Regulation.
At this point (1:05 p.m.) the meeting was adjourned by
the chair.

41Dproved :

Vice Governor.