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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of the
Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday, April 23, 1930 at 11:20 a.m.

Governor Young
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. McClelland, Asst. Secretary

Mr. Cunningham referred to the action of the Board on march 25th in
voting to refer to the Committee on Examinations for investigation and report the question of whether there is lack of substantial uniformity in the
Practices of the Federal Reserve Agents in making examinations and credit investigations of State member banks and in assessing charges therefor, in which
connection, for the purpose of clarifying the provisions of the Board's letter
of January 26, 1929 (X-6323) it was suggested that a credit investigation be
defined by the Board as an investigation made only for the purpose of ascertaining the loan policies and practices of a member bank.

He stated that at a con-

ference this morning with the Federal Reserve Agents' Committee on Examinations
and the Board's Examiner in Charge, it was voted to suggest to the Board the
following definition:
"A credit investigation should be confined to an investigation of the loan and investment policies and practices of a
member bank and an inspection and appraisal of such of the
assets as are represented by its advances. Any further activity,
in proving the assets or verifying the liabilities to determine
the condition (solvency) of a member bank, is to be considered
an examination, the costs of which must be assessed."
After some discussion, it was moved and voted that the Board tentatively
adopt the following ruling:
"Any entry of a member bank made for the purpose of informing the Federal Reserve bank and the Federal Reserve Board (1)
whether the member bank is complying with the terms of the



"Federal Reserve Act, the Regulations of the Federal
Reserve Board and the conditions of its membership
in the Federal Reserve System and/or (2) as to the
loan and investment practices and policies of the member bank and whether its uses of Federal Reserve credit facilities are consistent with the purposes of the
Federal Reserve Act, as these have been or may be defined by the Federal Reserve Board, shall not be
termed an examination."
The Committee on Examinations was requested to
discuss the above ruling with the Agents' Committee and
report to the Board later if it is felt that uniform
operation is possible under it.
/Latter approved an initials on April 19th, namely, telegraphic request
from the Federal Reserve Agent at Cleveland for permission to make the usual
credit investigation of the Union Banking Company, Columbiana4Ohio, without
expense to the member bank, at the time it is under examination by State
Formally approved.
Memorandum dated April 18th from the Chief of the Division of Bank
Operations, submitting statements showing the expenditures of Federal Reserve
banks during the month of March and for the three months period ending :,arch
31st for educational and welfare work, etc.
Ordered circulated.
Letter dated April 15th from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Atlanta, advising that the firm of Randolph Parker and Fortson, General
Counsel for the Atlanta bank will be dissolved, effective May 1, 1930, and
that at the meeting of the directors on April 11th and 12th it was voted to
employ, temporarily, Mr. Robert 6. Parker as General Jounsel at a salary of
,3,500 per annum withanadditionalcompensation of ca,600 per annum for
hire; the appointment to be effective May 1, 1930.
Upon motion, the salary fixed by the directors
Mr. Parker was approved.




-3Letter dated April 18th from the Chairman of the Federal deserve Bank

of San Francisco, advising that at the meeting of the directors of the bark on
April 17th, it was voted to accept participation in the proposed Open Market
Policy Conference under the revised procedure as set out in the Board's letter
of March 31st, 1930.
deport of Committee an Jxaminations on memorandum aated April 16,1930,
from the Comptroller of the Currency, recommending approval of the application
of the First National Bank of Graford, Texas, for permission to reduce its capital from „;50,000 to 425,000 on condition that no money be returned to the stockholders, but that the amount of the reduction, together with a sufficient amount
Of the bank's undivided profits be used to eliminate losses of

21,035.53 and

to set up a surplus fund of 410,000.
Upon recommendation of the Conmittee, the application
was approved subject to the conditions recommended in
the Comptroller's memorandum.
?,eports of Executive Committee an letters dated April 18th from the
Comptroller of the Currency, recommending approval by the Board of a salary
Of .5,000 per annum for National Bunk Examiner Enevold 0. Detlefsen, assigned
to the Second Federal

eserve District, and increases in the salaries of

National Bank Examiners, as follaas:
W. H. Baldridge
James d. Austin
). A. Cutler


45200 to 45700
3300 to 3600
3900 to 4200

Upon recommendation of the Committee, the proposed
salary and increases were approved.
Letter dated April 15th from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco, advising that, subject to the approval of the Federal Reserve



Board, it has been decided by the Executive Committee of the bank that no
election will be held of a Class A director to succeed Lr. Vernon H. Vawter,
resigned, for the unexpired portion of the term ending December 31, 1930.
Noted, without objection.
Report of Committee an Examinations on letter dated April 21st from the
Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, advising that from a survey of the latest examination reports of State member
banks in that district, it has been found that four of these banks have purchased stocks in other banks and trusts companies in violation of one of their
conditions of membership; the letter also submitting copy of letter dated April
19th from the Columbus Trust Company, Newark, N. J., one of the four banks,
ixlicating a desire to obtain permission to retain the stocks so purchased
by it.
Upon recommendation of the Committee, retention
of the stocks listed in the Columbus Trust Company's
letter of April 19th to the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York was approved.
Letter dated April 22nd from the Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, advising of the contemplated merger an
or about June 1st, of the Utica National Bank and Trust Company and the
Citizens Trust Company, both of Utica, N. Y. under the title of the Citizens
Trust Company of Utica.
Report of Committee an Examinations on letter dated April 19th from
the Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, submitting
a resolution adopted by the board of directors of the Columbus Bank and Trust

Company, Columbus, Ga., requesting permission of the Federal Reserve Board




to take over the assets and assume the liabilities of the Third National Bank
of Columbus; the proposed merger contemplating an increase in the capital stock
Of the applicant bank from ..)250,000 to .850,000, and approval being recommended
by the Executive Committee of the Atlanta bank.
Upon recommendation of the Committee an Examinations,
it was voted to approve the request of the Columbus Bank
and Trust Company for permission to merge the Third National
Bank in accordance with the resolution submitted with the
Agent's letter.
Letter dated April 16th from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, reviewing conditions and operations in the Government securities
and bill markets during the weekly period ending with that date.
Memorandum from Counsel dated April 15th, recommending that a copy of the
Opinion rendered by the Supreme Court of Tennessee in the case of the First
National Bank of Chattanooga vs. Chapman Company, be published in the forthcoming number of the Federal Reserve Bulletin.
Upon recommendation of the Law Committee, the
publication of the opinion was approved.
Memorandum from Counsel dated April 16th, stating that advice has been
received from the Department of Jutice, to which was referred the matter of
a possible violation of Section 22 of the Federal Reserve Act by Lr. C. J.
Shepherd, while employed as Manager of the Los Angeles Branch, that prosecution for any criminal offense committed by Yr. Shepherd would now be barred
by the Statute of Limitations; the memorandum also submitting draft of letter
to the Agent at San Francisco advising of the position of the Department of
Justice and stating that the Board does not consider it necessary for him to
file any report with the local District Attorney.



Upon recommendation of the Law Committee, the proposed
letter was approved.
In accordance with action taken at the meeting on January 23rd, the Governor
then submitted draft of a letter to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta, regarding the contract of indemnity entered into by the Atlanta bank
With reference to the Atlanta Trust Company.
After some discussion as to the advisability of stating
in the proposed letter that the bank was within its lawful
powers in entering into such contract of indemnity or whether
the proposed reply should state that the bank may have been
within its lawful powers, the proposed letter was referred
to LI*. Miller for revision and resubmission to the Board.
Memorandum from Counsel dated April 22nd, recommending that inasmuch as
the opinion requested from the Attorney General as to the legality of the
Detroit office of the Equitable Trust Company of New York City, will, upon
completion of the proposed merger of the Equitable Trust Company with the
Chase National Bank, become merelY an academic question, the Board advise the
Attorney General if and when the consolidation of the Equitable Trust Company
and the Chase National Bank takes place, that it no longer desires to have

the opinion Which it requested with regard to the legality of the Detroit
After discussion, upon motion, it was voted to
so advise the Attorney General and Counsel was instructed to prepare the necessary letter for transmittal through the Secretary of the Treasury, upon
receipt of notice of the completion of the proposed
Memorandum from Counsel dated April 19th, recommending that there be
Published in the Federal Aeserve Bulletin the following bills which have been
Signed by the President and are now law:
H. R. 9046, amending the fourth paragraph of Section 13
of the Federal Reserve Act so as to make the limitations upon
the rediscount by Federal Reserve banks of the paper of one



borrower conform more closely to the limitations on loans
to one borrower by a National bank;
H. J. Res. 227, authorizing the erection of the Pittsburgh
Branch building;
H. R. 8877, authorizing the Federal deserve Board to waive
notice by State banks and trust companies of intention to withdraw from membership;
And, also, in the event it becomes law, H. R. 6604, a bill
to facilitate the cancellation of Federal Reserve bank stock
held by a member bank which has ceased banking operations without a receiver or liquidating agent having been appointed.
Upon motion by the Law Committee, the recommendation of Counsel was approved.
Memorandum from Counsel dated April 10th, reviewing the replies received
from the Federal Reserve Agents to the Board's letter of February 12, 1930,
(X-6507) regarding the proposed plan adopted by the last Federal Reserve Agents
Conference for the designation by member banks of officers to vote in elections
Of Class A

and B directors; the memorandum stating that the Board may appro-

priately (1) decline to approve the uniform plan for designation of voting
Officers recommended by the Agents, (2) approve the plan recommended, (3) adopt
the proposed plan with the qualification that where more than one officer is
designated the second shall be designated to act in the absence or the disability of the first and the third in the absence or disability of the first
and second, etc.
After discussion, upon motion, it was voted to
approve the uniform nlan as adopted by the Federal
Reserve Agents.
Letter dated April 18th from the President of the First Federal Foreign
Banking Corporation, submitting letter from the trust officer of the ChathamPhoenix National Bank and Trust Company, certifying that the First Federal



Foreign Banking Corporation has deposited with the trustee an amount equal to
the principal, premium, and interest to July 15, 1930, of the outstanding
First 2ederal Foreign Investment Trust, 5-Year, 5, gold notes :thich are to
be redeemed on July 15th, and stating that it is the understanding of the
Corporation that it is now at liberty to exercise acceptance powers in accordance with the Regulations of the Board and Section 25 (a) of the Federal
Reserve Act.
The Governor then referred to the authority granted him at the meeting
Of the Board an December 6, 1929, to prepare and submit to the Board a revision of a proposea letter to the Attorney General of the United States, regarding the applicability of the provisions of Section 22 (a) of the Federal
Reserve Act to State Bank Examiners, and recommended. that inasmuch as a bill
is now before Congress to amend the Federal Reserve Act so as to make Section
22 (a) expressly apply to State Examiners who examine State member banks and
Which would dispose of the question raised in the proposed letter to the Attorney General, that the matter be filed without action.
Upon motion, the Governor's recommendation was
The Governor also referred to the proposed letter to the Chairman of the
Board requesting whatever information he may have regarding the Board's responsibility in connection with contemplated offerings of reparations bonds in
the United States, which letter was laid on the table at the meeting of April
15, and suggested that in view of recent discussion of the Board with regard
to the Bank for International Settlements it would not now be necessary to
transmit the letter, and that it be filed without action.



Upon motion, the Governor's suggestion was
of the work
The Assistant Secretary then referred to the close relationship
of the Board's Committee on group, chain, and branch banking to that of the
Federal Reserve banks' committee on reserves which has the same personnel,
and submitted to the Board a suggestion which has been made that the committee
on branch, group, and chain banking be transferred to the Federal Reserve banks
and given a status similar to that of the committee on member bank reserves.
After discussion, upon motion, the Governor was
requested to communicate with all Federal Reserve
banks, advising that, subject to their approval, the
Board has voted to change the committee on group,
chain and branch banking fram.a Board to a bank committee.
The Governor then referred to the proposed consolidation of the Equitable
Trust Company and the Chase National Bank of New York City, and stated that
in order to avoid the exhorbitant tax on the present Paris Branch of the
Equitable Trust Company which, after the merger, under French law, would be
basel on the entire earnings of the new institution, it is proposed either
to organize a small independent National bank in New York which would take
over the existing branch in Paris or to organize an Edge Act corporation to
transact the business now conducted by the Paris branch.
It was the consensus of opinion that there would be no objection on
the part of the Board to the operation of a branch in Paris by the new
Rational bank, if organized.

A discussion was also had, during which Messrs.

Wyatt and Vest joined the meeting, as to restrictions upon suggested names

for the contemplated Edge Act corporation, but no action was taken.



Dated, April 18th,
Dated, April 17th,
Dated, April 18th,

Dated, April 19th,

Dated, April 21st,

Dated, April 21st,

Recommending changes in stock at Federal Reserve banks as
set forth in the Auxiliary Minute Book of this date.
Recommendations approved.
Recommending action on applications for fiduciary powers
as set forth in the AuxiliaryMinute Book of this date.
Recommendations approved.
Recommending approval of the application of Mr. Charles
Baird for permission to serve at the same time as director and officer of the Fidelity National Bank & Trust
Company, Kansas City, Mo., and as director of the InterState National Batik of Kansas City, Mo.
Recommending approval of the application of Mr. Michael
H. Cahill for permission to serve at the same time as
director and officer of the Plaza Trust Company of New
York City, N. Y., as director of the Utica National Bank
and Trust Company of Utica, N. Y., and as director of
the Park Raw Trust Company (organizing) New York, N. Y.
the application of Mr. Charles
serve at the same time as dito
rector of the Lititz Springs National Bank of Lititz,
Pa., and as director of the Colonial-Northeastern Trust
Company, Reading, pa.
Recommending approval of the application of Mr. Willard
H. Pearsall for permission to serve at the same time as
director and officer of the Park RON Trust Company of
New York City, N. Y., and as director of the Flatbush
National Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y.
The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Assistant Secretary.