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At a meetini of the Federal

eserve Board hold in

the office of the Board on Friday, April 2, 1020, at
PFESEMT: The Covernor
Mr. Loehlenf.ah
Mr• illjams
Yr. Therso...a, Assistant '3o:tpetr,.

Minutes of meetiL-s of the Federal 7,eserve 17.oard. held
on March 29th and April 1st were read, and on motion aI- T:proved.
71ntxtes of meetinc of the Federal 7.esor7e Board hold

7arch 30th were read, and On




Mnutes of meeting of the Ey.ocutive Committee hcl.


March 31st were road, and on motion azproved.
Minutes of meeting of the 77xoc-utive OommIttee held on.
April 1st were read, and on notion al,pToved as amended.
Business was presented and disposed of as follows:
The Governor reported that during his visit to Mew
* York on 7odnesday, he met five representatives of commercial
banks and acceptance 'houses of New York doing an acceptance
business, for the purpose of discussing the acceptance market,
17,„nd. had.. 1,Jso met certain newspaper representatives with. Mr.. Jay,

iho rolarly call upon the latter, but that he had made no
statments vith reference to the 2

on of the Board or of

. individual r..01.1ers of the Board in connection with the de—
an j

volosa_at or ol)eratioh

the accertance :!larket, as had been

alleged LI certain Mew York Citj,. of A1ril 1st.

The Governor submitted for approval of the Board, a
draft of letter to all Federal reserve banks advising them
of the establishment by the Board of a graduated tax on defioiencies if' reserves against deposits of Federal reserve
(At this point Li..

i11iams withdrew from the meeting)

The Governor read copy of a form letter used by the
Interigitional .3hoe
Corporation of St.. Louis in returning checks,
drawn on lans not on the Federal reserve par list and not collectible at par, to their customers with request for par exchunge and eyplan-Ltion of reasons therefor; together with certain stickers used In the same connection.
Ordered circulated.
The Ohairnan of the Clayton Act Committee reported
that after reviewing the additional data furnished by 1,:ezsrs.
John F. I.:orey and Gerald Hughes, representing the coi=on directors of the InterA.-_tional Trust Company and the First Uational
Bank, both of Denver. Colorado, in their application for permission to serve as directors of both institutions, it being
contended that such institutions were not in substanti 1 competition as defined by section 11 of the Federal ieserve Lc ; the
Coyalttee recontonded to the Lord that the directors be per-

mittod to serve both institutions, since it was the belief
of the committee that the institutions are net in substantial
competition under the -provisions of the section of the Federal
3eserve Act referred to.
On motion duly seconded, it was voted to
approve the recommendation of the Comittee,
'illiams voting "NO".
Telegram dated4ril 2d from the Federal 'Reserve Azeat
at Gan

adviLic the Board that he had received the

2D'iowinc tele,;ran from Assistant Jecretary of the Treasury
Lo:'finL\lell, and that he had comI lied with the instrlotions
contained therein in thif., instance, but that he believed si—llar
instructions in the future should emanate from the Federal Ileserve Baird rather than from the Treasury Department:

"In the event of probable overdraft in
Treasurer's account at close of business today,
after credit of all items of receipts, please
hold open your books for account of Treasury
certificates of indebtedness to be issued in
name of your bank to cover such overJraft.
Please advise me not later than five o'clock
your time the amount necessary for this purpose".
On motion duly seconded, it was voted to
ratify the action taken by Lr. Perrin in this
transaction, and to refer the matter to the
Governor for cOnsultation with the Treasury
Departr-,ent as to the policy to 'be pursued in
similar transactions in the future.

The GovernorAprt d rediscount transactions, pursuant to authority heretofore vested in him; member bank
promissory notes secured by Government obliGations: rate


on paper secured by certificates of indebtedness, and 15-1/2
on paper secured by Liberty bonds and Victory notes, as

Bank Redi




count 1111:




11-15 days

The Governor reported the reserve positions of the
several Federal

eserve banks as at close of business I.!arch

31st, and the status of rediscounts between Federal reserve
banks as of the same date.

Dated April 1st, recommendinrr approval of applications for
fiduciary powers as set forth in the auxiliary
minute book as of this date.
Dated April 2d,

At 12-10


,- of the appointment of nessrs.
Clark and 1. S. Pool as Telecraph Operators
in the Washincton office of the leased wire
system at .•150 per month each, effective
April 1, 1920, in accordance with authority
cranted on March 11, 1920.
the meetinc adjouroed.
