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A meeting of the Federal Reserve board was held in the office of the
Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday, April 19, 1927 at 12:00 o'clock noon.

Governor Crissinger
Mr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. James
mr. Cunningham
Lr. Eddy, Secretary
:.1r.n3Clelland, Asst. Secretary

The minutes of the meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held on April
15th Were
read and approved and the minutes of the meeting of the Federal
Reserve Board held on April 18th were read and approved as amended.
Llemorandum dated April 18th from the Division of Examination referring
to the
Board's action of March 15th in approving an application on behalf of
the Bedford
National Bank and Trust Company of Brooklyn for 450 shares of
at"k in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, effective if and when the
battk was authorized by the Comptroller of the Currency to commence business;
the m
enorandum stating that trust powers have not as yet been granted to the
and that the Comptroller of the Currency has authorized it to begin busi11"s under the
title "The Bedford National Bank of Brooklyn, New York."
Report of Committee on Exaninations on letter dated April 18th from
the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, recommending ap1Dr
.41 of an application of the West Philadelphia Title and Trust Company
I" ratification of its action in establishing a branch at 36th and Walnut
'"u. Philadelphia; the Committee recommending that the application be
3143ted with
Upon motion, the Committee's recommendation was


Report of Committee on Salaries and Expenditures on letter dated
1'3l15th from the
Federal Reserve Agent at Kansas City, requesting approval
°f an increase from „2800 to „MOO per annum, effective April 1, 1927, in
the 8a1ary of Mr. C. L. Ellers of the Bank Relations Department; the Committee
recommending approval.
Report of Committee on Salaries and Expenditures on letter dated
April 15th
from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, requestaPpreval of the action of the Executive Committee of that bank in voting
t° extend with
full pay for a period of 30 days, or so much thereof as may be
IlecessarY, from A.011 12th, leave of absence on account of illness granted Miss
T. Schremp,
an employee of the bank; the Committee also recomnending apProm
Letter dated April 14th from the Deputy Governor of the Federal

-arlic of Ni York, transmitting copy of letter from the President of

the national City Bank of New York in which is quoted advice received from
--nacer of that Bank's Cuban Branches with reference to conditions on
the island,

Letter dated April 14th from the Deputy Governor of the Federal

e Bank of New York, transmitting copy of a confidential letter addressed

Governors of all Federal Reserve benIts, advising that the Bank of

auel will make no use of the ,,;2,000,000 credit extended. to it by the
Peci ,
A„41 Reserve banks between April 14th and. May 14th, when the credit will
alltomatica, y
t11 expire.



Letter dated April 14th from the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank
ef Atlanta,
transmitting a statement published by the First National Bank
Of Orlando,
Fla. containing a letter addressed. by the Governor of the Federal
Reserve Bank to the president of the institution, complimenting him upon the
baakes condition.
Letter dated April 13th from the Chainnan of the Federal Reserve
Of Dallas, referring to the Board's letter of March 31st (X-4820) on
the subject
"Changed. Procedure in 3lections of Class A and B Directors'',


submitting certain questions with reference to the plan outlined in

the report
transmitted with that letter.
The Secretary stated that the matters referred.
to in the Chairman's letter would be investigated and
a report submitted to the Board later.
Letter dated April 14th from the Vice President of the First National



Jefferson City, Mo. complaining against the present practice of

the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis in the matter of handling non-cash
collection items.
Ordered circulated.
Memorandum from Counsel dated April 15th on letters dated March
241th ancl 25th from the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
alla the Federal Reserve Agent at Atlanta, with reference to a practice
rie"slitlY adopted by the First National Bank of Hartford, Alabama, of
atajamna. on
Its cashier's checks the phrase "Not payable through the
‘°cierea• Reserve Bank of Atlanta"; Counsel recommending: (1) That this



subject be put on the program for discussion at the next Governors' Conference;
(2) That prompt action should be taken with a view of putting an end. to the
practice outlined; (3) That whatever action is taken should be taken with a
view of obtaining a final decision by the Supreme Court of the United States
011 the legal questions involved; (4) That before determining the form of its
legal action in the premises, the Board decide 7,hether or not it desires to

special counsel to handle the matter; (5) That if the Board decides

retain Special counsel he be retained imediately and be consulted be-

fore the Board, determines upon its form of legal action, in order that he

have an opportunity to frame the legal issues which he is to argue

before the Supreme Court in accordance with his own views; and (6) That
if the Board decides to retain special counsel, it retain Honorable Newton

Baker, in orier to have the benefit of his recent experience in the

Paecageula case.
After discussion, Lir. Hamlin moved that the Board.
authorize the employment of Honorable Newton D. Baker,
and that the question under consideration be referred
to him for an opinion as to whether the points involved
could be successfully contested in the co-arts and on
what grounds; such opinion to be submitted., if possible,
in time for reference to and discussion at the next Conference of Governors of the Federal Reserve banks to be
held. in ::ashington on May 9th.
Mr. Hamlin's motion being pit by the Chair
was carried.
lletnorandum from Counsel dated April 14th with reference to the action
Of the Bank of Locust Grove, Ga.


merging with the Citizens Bank of Locust

Without the approval of the Federal Reserve Board; Counsel stating




that the action
of the Bank of Locust Grove violates the provisions of
the Board's Regulations and subjects it to expulsion from membership
in the System
after a formal hearing by the Board, under the provisions
Of Section 9
of the Federal Reserve Act.

Counsel referred to recommenda-

tion received
from the Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta that the bank Olould be expelled from the System unless the directors
eaul/or the
stockholders remove certain worthless and doubtful assets and
auggested that before any formal steps are taken looking toward the exOf the Bank of Locust Grove the Federal Reserve Agent at Atlanta

be requested to communicate with the directors and/or stockholders of
the bank and ascertain whether or not they will remove the estimated losses
44a doubtful assets
mentioned in the recommendation of the Executive CoinOf the Federal Reserve bank.
After a discussion, upon motion by Mr. Janes, it
was voted to request Counsel to prepare formal notice
to the Bank of Locust Grove requesting it to appear
before the Board for the purpose of showing cause why its
membership in the Federal Reserve System should not be
Letter dated April 15th from the Secretary of the Federal Advisory
-- 14, requesting if possible thnt prior to the nest meeting of the
14011 all members be furnished with copies of certain memoranda relating
to the establishment and operation of the Cuban Agency, submitted to the
11(14ra by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and by the Governor of the
Pederal Reserve
Bank of Boston. The Secretary stated that the memoranda
In r,
'tuestion were read into the record at the time of the hearing on the
C1113411 46*-ncie3 held by the Board on November 11, 1926, that of the Governor



the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston being in the form of a personal letter

to L:r.
After discussion, the Secretary was directed
to furnish copies of the memoranda to the members
of the Federal Advisory Council.
Uftorandum from the Secretary dated April 15th, submitting draft of
letter to the Federal Reserve Agent at Minneapolis, requesting certain
batormation with regard to a proposed reorganization of the Bank of Boulder,
--r. Montana, involving a reduction in the capital of the bank from
475,000 to 425,000 and the charging off of . 100,000 of bad assets after
)25 °00 of new capital is paid in.
Upon motion, the proposed letter to the Federal
Reserve Agent was approved.
The Governor announced that he had intenied to bring up at this
Iteeting the question of changes which the Board may desire to make during

the Year, effective January 1, 1928, in the office of Federal Reserve Agent
t several of the Federal Reserve banks.

He stated, however, that he would

Ill up this matter because of the illness of Dr. Miller.
Upon motion, the question of making this matter
special order of business for a later meeting was left
in the hands of the Governor.

Aprjl 18th, Recommending changes in stock at F....ral Reserve Banks,
Book of this date.
19th, as set forth in the Auxiliary Mi
Recommendations appro




