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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Was

held in Washington on Wednesday, April 17, 1946, at 10:30 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Morrill, Special Adviser
Mr. Thurston, Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Vardaman was absent from Washington on official business

attending a
meeting of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank

of Ne—
vy York and visiting other banks in that city.
The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter
Tseferred to
was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal

Reserve System held on April 16, 1946, were approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated April 11, 1946, from Mr. Bethea, Director of

the Division of Administrative Services, recommending that the appoint"
of Mrs. Mary A. Weikel, telephone operator in that Division, be
nla'cle Permanent
effective at the expiration of her present temporary apP°1ritillent on April
17, 1946, without change in her present salary at the

of $1,704 per annum.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated April 10, 1946, from Mr. Thomas, Director of
theDividon of Research and Statistics, recommending that the salaries
°1r the P
-Lollowing members of that Division be increased as indicated,
eltive at the
beginning of the next pay roll period:





Salary Increase

Bauer, Helene F.
Vincent, Helen
Ruth H.
Taylor, Alice M.
Fauteux, Blanche D.
lvorsen, Ruth J.




Approved unanimously, effective
April 21, 1946.
Memorandum dated April 11, 1946, from. Mr. Thomas, Director
of the

Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that Saul B.

Iciaman be
appointed as an Economist in that Division on a temporary
indefinite basis with salary at the rate of $2,980 per annum, effective as of the date upon which he reports for duty after having
Passed the usual physical examination. The memorandum also stated
"Lr. Klaman would become a member of the Federal Reserve RetireMs
"System unless he still has funds in the Civil Service Retirement
- -rom

his previous employment in Government departments.
Approved unanimously.

Memorandum from Mr. Thomas, Director of the Division of Research and
Statistics, dated April 112 1946, recommending that Mrs.
Hill Fowler be reappointed as a Clerk in that Division on a
—'arY indefinite basis at a salary at the rate of $21100 per annum,
effective as of the date upon which she reports for duty, after having
Passed the usual
physical examination. The memorandum also stated that
Mrs. p
°Wier would again become a member of the Federal Reserve Retire-

systen if

her appointment is approved by the Board.
Approved unanimously.


-3Letter to Mr. Powell, First Vice President of the Federal

Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of April 9,
1946, submitting a list of 21 additional employees whose
salaries as a result of the blant:et increase authorized
in the Board's telegram of March 19, 19L6, are more than
15 per cent in excess of the maximum established under
the personnel classification plan.
"It is noted that through error the names of these
employees were not submitted to the Board at the time
the blanket increase was under consideration.
"The Board's records have been adjusted to reflect
extension of the approval to these additional cases."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable P. L. Goldsborough, Director of the

ral Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C., reading



"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of April 12, 1946, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System hereby grants written consent,
Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (k)(2) of Section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act, for examiners for
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to make an
examination of the Jefferson Bank and Trust Company,
St. Louis, Missouri, in connection with its application
for continuance of insurance after withdrawal from membership in the Federal Reserve System.
"There are no unfulfilled conditions nor incomplete
corrective programs with respect to the member bank in
connection with which the Board would suggest incorporation of conditions for continuing its status as an insured bank."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to "Citizens Bank & Trust Company", West Point,
glay reading as follows:



"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
has considered the application for permission to exercise
fiduciary powers made by you on behalf of the First National
Bank of West Point, West Point, Georgia, the national bank
into which the Citizens Bank & Trust Company, West Point,
Georgia, is to be converted, and grants such national bank
authority, effective if and when it is authorized by the
Comptroller of the Currency to commence business, to act,
when not in contravention of State or local law, as trustee,
executor, administrator, registrar of stocks and bonds,
guardian of estates, assignee, receiver, committee of estates of lunatics, or in any other fiduciary camicity in
which State banks, trust companies or other corporations
Which come into competition with national banks are permitted to act under the laws of the State of Georgia, the exercise of all such rights to be subject to the provisions of
the Federal Reserve Act and the regulations of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
"After the conversion of the Citizens Bank & Trust
Company, West Point, Georgia, into the First National Bank
Of test Point becomes effective and the Comptroller of the
Currency authorizes the national bank to commence business,
you are requested to have the board of directors of the national bank adopt a resolution ratifying your application
for permission to exercise fiduciary powers, and a certified
Copy of the resolution so adopted should be forwarded to the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta for transmittal to the Board
for its records. When a copy of such resolution has been received by the Board, a formal certificate covering the national bank's authority to exercise trust powers will be forwarded."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Tiltse, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of New
York, reading as follows:
"In view of the recommendation contained in your letter
of April 15, 1946, the Board of Governors approves the proposed increase of approximately $1,100,000 in the carrying
value of bank premises by the Bank of New York, New York,
New York, for the purpose of acquiring a building at 52
!alliad Street adjoining its present quarters and needed
for expansion."

Approved unanimously.


-5Letter to Mr. Williams, President of the Federal Reserve

Bank of Philadelphia, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of April 11,
1946, advising that the directors had authorized the Bank
to assume two-thirds of the cost of providing hospital
care and surgical benefits for officers and employees
of the Reserve Bank and their dependents through the Blue
Cross organization at an estimated annual cost to the Bank
of approximately $23,000, based on the number of employees
at the Bank on April 2,
"The Board approves the expenditure under the program
as submitted."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Leach, President of the Federal Reserve Bank


-4-ohmond, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letters of March 7 and
March 30, 1946, concerning the air conditioning of the
Charlotte Branch building. It is understood that in the
?pinion of your architects all of the necessary equipment
18 of a type foreign to what will be required for the veteran& housing drive and that the project could not be
held as competing or conflicting with the housing program.
It is also noted from the copy of the letter dated February
from the architect that 'much of the equipment required
I? not available at the moment and many contractors are unwilling to accept a firm contract due to the uncertainty
as to material and labor prices which they will pay, during
the next few months, when the machinery is delivered and
erected.' It is also noted 'from the architects' letter that
they can give very little definite information in regard
to the completion of the installation.
. "In view of the above and of the Board's position that
building operations should not be undertaken by the Federal
?Serve Banks at this time, and of the recent order of the
Civilian Production Administration referred to in the
Board's letter of April 8, 1946(S-906), the Board believes
that the installation of air conditioning at the Charlotte
Branch should be deferred until a later date. The Board
takes this position reluctantly as it feels that air conditioning in Federal Reserve buildings, particularly in the



"South, should be among the first building projects to
be undertaken by the System."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Davis

President of the Federal Reserve Bank

Of St. Louis, reading as follows:
"This is in reply to your letter of March 14, 1946,
in which you ask for an additional authorization from the
Board of ,112,000 to cover work contracted for on the
Nugent property. This $112,000 is in addition to and
aPproximately 34 per cent of the $328,532 previously
authorized by the Board for this work.
"If the Federal Reserve Banks were operated under
appropriations of Congress, such an over expenditure
might require a supplemental appropriation, which in the
circumstances might be difficult to obtain, and the
Board feels that in view of its statutory responsibility
tor general supervision over the Federal Reserve Banks
1.t cannot look with complacency on cases in which authorizations are exceeded by such substantial amounts as in
"Under the circumstances, the Board has approved
YoUr request, but in doing so it wants to call the attention of your directors to the importance in the future
of conforming to the understanding that obligations in
connection with expenditures approved by the Board will
not be incurred by the Federal Reserve Banks in excess
of amounts authorized by the Board."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Davis, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
ofSt. Louis,
reading as follows:
"Referring to your letter of March 23, 1946, and
to your discussions with Governor Szymczak, the Board
does not feel that this would be an appropriate time
to proceed with the construction of a garage on the
%gent property. Such construction at this time would
be contrary to the Board's policy that all, except emergency, construction should be deferred, and would
not be in accord with the policy of the Veterans'
H°using Program which was announced on March 27.



"Governor Szymczak more fully expressed the Board's
views to you on this matter in his talk with you on
March 26, 1946."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Davis, President of the Federal Reserve Bank



reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of April 2, 1946,
concerning the air conditioning of the third story of
the Memphis Branch building. It is noted that when this
additional floor was constructed the heating system was
so designed that the ducts, filters, fan, coil, etc.,
would be available for air conditioning and all that remains to be done is to cross-connect the piping with the
refrigeration machinery
and increase the size of the
motors. It is also noted that the motors can be obtained
from the RFC at a cost probably less than $1,000 and that
labor and material other than motors, not counting contractor's overhead and profit, should not exceed $1,500.
"In view of the nature of this project and your
statement that none of the materials nor the type of
labor involved have any direct connection with housing
although such projects seem to be covered by the freeze
order, the Board of Governors will interpose no objection
to the air conditioning of the third story of the Memphis
Branch building. Before entering into contracts for the
Work, however, it is requested that you advise the Board
of the total
estimated cost of the project.
"It is our understanding that applications for authorization by the Civilian Production Administration to undertake construction will be processed locally, and in accordance with the Board's letter of April 8, 1946 (S-906),
the Board approves
your Bank's making application to the
appropriate Construction Field Office of the Civilian
Production Administration for authorization of the cons
Approved unanimously.
Thereupon the meeting


