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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Monday, April 12, 1954.

The Board met

in the Board Room at 10:00


Martin, Chairman

Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Thurston, Assistant to the Chairman
Vest, General Counsel

Consideration was given to fixing the time for discussion of
several matters currently before the Board and it was decided that there
Itoilld be a discussion of the present discount rate of the Federal Reserve
Banks at the meeting tomorrow, April 13.

It was also agreed that the

revised Federal Reserve Bank budgets for 1954, submitted by the Banks
PlIrsuant to the Board's letter approved at the meeting on December 17,
1953/ would be taken up at the meeting on Wednesday, April 14, and that
Metaber bank reserve requirements would be discussed at the meeting on
?I'laaY, April 16.
Governor Vardaman stated that although he would not be present
°la April 14, he had gone over material concerning the revised Federal Re"I've Bank budgets that had been submitted by the Division of Bank Operations and would have no objection to the matter being taken up by the
41ard in his absence.
Chairman Martin stated that the executive committee of the Conof Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Banks had suggested that the
IlsZt meeting of the Conference be set tentatively for Thursday and Friday,
°etdber 28 and 29, 1954, or, preferably, Monday and Tuesday, November 8

and 9, 1954.

He felt that this was primarily a matter for the Chair-

men to decide and said that he would be inclined to concur in the view
Of the executive committee of the Conference that a meeting this spring
be omitted.
The other members of the
Board indicated that they agreed
with the views expressed by
Chairman Martin.
Chairman Martin and Governor Robertson commented informally on
the trips to the West Coast and the Southwest, respectively, from which
they had just returned.

In the course of his remarks, Governor Robertson that he had discussed with officers of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas and with the directors of the El Paso and Houston branches the
selection of sites for new branch buildings at El Paso and Houston.
The meeting then adjourned.

During the day the following addi-

tional actions were taken by the Board with all of the members except
Governors Szymczak and Mills present:
Governors of the FedMinutes of actions taken by the Board of
eral Reserve System on April 7, 1954, were approved unanimously.
Governors of the FedMinutes of actions taken by the Board of
eral Reserve System on April

8 and 9, 1954, were approved and the actions

recorded therein were ratified unanimously.
Bank of Boston,
Letter to Mr. Erickson, President, Federal Reserve
l sading as follows:
The Board of Governors authorizes the expenditure
approximately *175,000 in

11. 12/54


from the four thirty-three year old Otis elevators to
others of modern design, in accordance with the program
outlined in your letter of April 2, 2954, and authorized
by the Board of Directors of your Bank.

Approved unsnimously.

Assistant S

