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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System was held in Washington
on Monday, April 12, 1937, at 2:30 p.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
Consideration was given to each of the matters hereinafter
referred to and the action stated with respect thereto was taken by
the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve
System held on April 10, 1937, were approved unanimously.
Telegramd to Mr. Powell, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of Minneapolis and Mr. McKinney, President of the Federal Reserve Bank

Of Dallas,

stating that the Board approves the establishment without

change by the respective banks today of the rates of discount and purchase in their
existing schedules.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Young, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Boston, reading as follows:
In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of April 7, the Board approves the designation of
he twenty-nine employees listed as assistant examiners
for the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston in order that they


"may lend clerical assistance to your regular examiners
when needed in the examinations of State member banks.
Please keep the Board's Division of Examinations currently advised of any deductions from the list."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Hamilton, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Kansas
City, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of April 6, 1937,
and, in accordance with the request contained therein,
the Board approves the designations of Wm. R. Young and
George E. Keck, Employees of the Denver Branch, as assistant examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City in order that they may lend clerical assistant to
your regular examiners when needed in the examinations
of State member banks.
"In its telegram of May 21, 1936, the Board approved
the use of 14 employees of the Denver Branch to lend
Clerical assistance in examinations, and you inquire as
to whether such
approval may also be taken as approving
the designations of these employees as assistant examiners.
Since the Board's telegram was not specific in this respect and in order that there may be no question as to
he right under the law of such employees to participate
in examinations, the Board approves their designations as
assistant examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City. It has been noted in this connection that because
of a resignation and a transfer, two of the employees listed Would no longer
be authorized to participate in examin.
ations. . "You are correct in your assumption that the Board's
Division of Examinations should be kept currently advised
of any deductions from the list of employees of the Denver
Branch, as well as the main office, who have been designated as assistant examiners in order to lend clerical
assistance to your regular examiners."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. McRae, Chief Examiner, Federal Reserve Bank of
Boston, reading
as follows:



"Reference is made to your letter of April 3, 1957,
submitting the application of 'The Carroll County Trust
Company, Conway, New Hampshire, for permission to exercise the fiduciary powers authorized under its charter
and the applicable provisions of State law.
"It is understood that the trust company, which was
last examined as of July 6, 1936, will be subject to another examination prior to July 1, 1937. It is understood
also that the institution's need for trust powers is not
urgent, and in view of that fact and of the uncurrent dating of the latest available report of examination, the
Board will defer consideration of the application until a
new report of examination is available. In the meantime,
no objection will be made to the trust company's administeri116
- the one trusteeship which it now holds."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Clark, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
Bank Of
Atlanta, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of April 5, 1937,
in regard to the exercise of trust powers by the 'Greene
County Bank', Greeneville, Tennessee, without having
first obtained the permission of the Board, in accordance
With its so-called general condition of membership, which
requires that except with the permission of the Board
there shall be no change in the general character of its
business or in the scope of the corporate powers exercised by it at the time of admission to membership.
"It is understood that the bank is administering
two small guardianship accounts which were accepted without realizing the applicability of the condition of membership in question; that the existence of the accounts
will probably be of short duration, and that the bank does
not desire to extend the scope of its fiduciary activities.
"In the circumstances, the Board will raise no objection to the bank's administering the two guardianship accounts it now holds, with the understanding that it will
not acquire any other fiduciary business without first obtaining the permission of the Board. Please advise the
bank accordingly."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to "The National Deposit Bank of Arnold", Arnold, Pennreading as follows:



"This refers to the resolution adopted on September
24, 1936, by the board of directors of your bank signifying the bank's desire to surrender its right to exercise
the trust powers which have heretofore been granted to it
by the Federal Reserve Board, now known as the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
"The Board understands that your bank has been discharged or otherwise properly relieved in accordance with
the law of alt of its duties as fiduciary. The Board,
therefore, has issued a formal certificate to your bank
certifyinE that it is no longer authorized to exercise
any of the fiduciary powers covered by the provisions of
section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended.
This certificate is inclosed herewith.
"In this connection, your attention is called to the
fact that, under the provisions of section 11(k) of the
Federal Reserve Act, as amended, when such a certificate
has been issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System to a national bank, such bank (1) shall no
longer be subject to the provisions of section 11(k) of
the Federal Reserve Act or the regulations of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System made pursuant
thereto, (2) shall be entitled to have returned to it any
securities which it may have deposited with the State or
similar authorities for the protection of private or court
trusts, and (3) shall not exercise any of the powers covered by section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act except
With the permission of the Board of Governors of the Federal .eserve System."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Sproul, First Vice President of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, readin_; as follows:
"Your letter of April 1, enclosinz copies of recent
between Mr. Harrison and Mr. Montes de
°0a, Director General of the Banco de Mexico, has been
brought to the Board's attention. The Board wishes me
to state that
it regards cooperation with the Banco de
11?xlco in developing its research department as most desirable. Presumably in arranging for one or more of
Y(3ur men to assist the Banco de Mexico in this respect,
Y:01-1 will make it clear that these men are acting only
in their capacities as individuals and not as representatives of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The

"Board requests that it be kept informed of the progress
of the arrangement and that it receive copies of any major
reports which may be made in connection with it."

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

Assistant Secretary.
