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Minutes for


Members of the Board


Office of the Secretary

April 10, 1957

Attached is a copy of the minutes of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on
the above date.
It is not proposed to include a statement
with respect to any of the entries in this set of
minutes in the record of policy actions required to
be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal
Reserve Act.
Should you have any question with regard
to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will
advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, if you
were present at the meeting, please initial in column A below to indicate that you approve the minutes.
If you were not present, please initial in column B
below to indicate that you have seen the minutes.

Chm. Martin
Gov. Szymczak
1/ Gov. Vardaman
Gov. Mills
Gov. Robertson
Gov. Balderston


Gov. Shepardson
1/ In accordance with Governor Shepardson's memorandum
of March 8, 1957, these minutes are not being sent
to Governor Vardaman for initial.

Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Wednesday, April

10, 1957.

The Board met in the

Board Room at 10:00 a.m.


Balderston, Vice Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Thomas, Economic Adviser to the Board
Leonard, Director, Division of Bank
Young, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics
Hackley, General Counsel
Cherry, Legislative Counsel
Noyes, Adviser, Division of Research
and Statistics

Items circulated to the Board.

The following items, which had

been circulated to the members of the Board and copies of which are
attached to these minutes under the respective item numbers indicated,
were approved unanimously:
Item No.
Letter to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
approving the appointment of Percival R. Guilder
as Federal Reserve Agent's Representative at the
Detroit Branch.


Letter to Bristol County Trust Company, Taunton,
Massachusetts, approving the establishment of a
branch on the eastern side of Broadway opposite
Avon Street. (For transmittal through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston.)


Letter to Dauphin Deposit Trust Company, Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, consenting to a merger with Carlisle
Trust Company, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and approving




the establishment of a branch at the present office
Of Carlisle Trust Company. (For transmittal through
the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.)
Letter to The Union Commerce Bank, Cleveland, Ohio,
approving the establishment of a branch at 2800
Euclid Avenue and the investment of not to exceed
y125,000 in leasehold improvements at the proposed
branch. (For transmittal through the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.)


Letter to The Planters Bank of Bridgewater, Bridgewater,
Virginia, approving the establishment of a branch in
Dayton, Virginia. (For transmittal through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond.)


Letter to Burke State Bank, Burke, South Dakota, regarding
the termination of the reserve city designation of Sioux
City, Iowa. (With a copy to the Federal Reserve Bank of


Letter to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas extending
the time within which Southern Arizona Bank and Trust
Company, Tucson, Arizona, may establish a branch in the
vicinity of Swan Road and Broadway, Tucson, Arizona.


Letter to California Bank, Los Angeles, California,
approving the establishment of a branch in Tustin,
California. (For transmittal through the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco.)


Letter to State Bank of Suffolk, Bay Shore, New York,
aPproving the establishment of a branch at Ocean Beach,
New York, to be operated as a seasonal agency. (For
transmittal through the Federal Reserve Bank of New


Letters to the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and
Atlanta regarding the selection of two staff members
from New York and one from Atlanta for a mission to
Telegram to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
interposing no objection to calling for bids for construction of a new building for the Salt Lake City Branch.
Report on S. 1694 (Item No. 13).


There had been sent to the

members of the Board copies of a memorandum from Mr. Young dated April 9,

f S



1957, commenting on the provisions of the subject bill, which would
establish a National Mortgage Corporation to make mortgage loans to
organizations and corporations authorized to provide housing for
families and individuals of moderate income and for elderly persons.
The Corporation would also be empowered to make mortgage loans directly
to persons of moderate income purchasing houses
in developments built
under commitments by the Federal Housing Administration for insurance
Of the mortgages.

The Corporation would obtain $100 million of capital

from the Treasury on preferred stock, the rest of its capital would
come from its corporate borrowers, and it would be authorized to
issue its obligations in an aggregate annual amount not to exceed $500

With the memorandum from Mr. Young, there was submitted a

draft of proposed letter to the Chairman of the Senate Banking and
Currency Committee in response to his request for the Board's comments
on the bill.
Following a discussion, unanimous approval was given to the
Proposed letter in the form in which it was submitted.

A copy is at-

tached to these minutes as Item No. 13.
Report on S. 912 (Item No. 14).

This bill would authorize the

Federal National Mortgage Association to purchase, or commit to purchase,
at par, $3 billion of mortgage loans insured under Title II of the National

Rousing Act or guaranteed under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act.


ble loans would bear interest at no more than 4-1/2 per cent per annum,
and would be no larger than $14,000.

The comments of the Board had been


by the Senate Banking and Currency Committee and a draft

Of a proposed reply to the Chairman of the Committee had been distributel to the members of the Board.
Agreement being expressed with the approach taken in the proPosed reply, the letter was approved unanimously in the form submitted.
A copy is attached to these minutes as Item No. 14.

The meeting then adjourned.

Secretary's Note: Pursuant to the
recommendation contained in a memorandum dated April 4, 1957, from
Mr. Johnson, Director, Division of
Personnel Administration, Governor
Balderston, acting as alternate to
Governor Shepardson, approved on
behalf of the Board on April 9, 1957,
acceptance of the resignation of
Lacuta Gasser, Clerk-Typist in that
Division, effective April 3.4, 1957.

Item No. 1

April 10, 1957

Mr. Bert R. Frail, Chairman,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
Chicago 90, Illinois.
Dear Mr. Frail:
In accordance with the action taken by the Board of
Directors as reported in Mr. Dawes' letter of February 25, 1957,
the Board of Governors approves the appointment of Mr. Percival R.
Guilder as a Federal Reserve Agent's Representative at the
Detroit Branch, effective today, to succeed Mr. John T. Neale
upon his retirement on July 1, 1957.
This approval is given with the understanding that
Mr. Guilder will be solely responsible to the Federal Reserve
Agent or, during a vacancy in the office of the Federal Reserve
Agent, to the Assistant Federal Reserve Agent, and to the Board
of Governors, for the proper performance of his duties. When
not engaged in the performance of his duties as Federal Reserve
Agent's Representative he may, with the approval of the Federal
Reserve Agent or, in his absence, of the Assistant Federal Reserve
Agent, and the Vice President in charge of the Detroit Branch,
Perform such work for the Branch as will not be inconsistent with
his duties as Federal Reserve Agent's Representative.
It is assumed that Mr. Guilder has been or will be
fully informed of the importance of his responsibilities as a
member of the staff of the Federal Reserve Agent and the need for
maintenance of independence from the operations of the Bank in
the discharge of these responsibilities.
Mr. Guilder should Execute the usual oath of office
Which should be forwarded to the Board of Governors.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Sherman
Merritt Sherman,

Assistant Secretary.


Item No. 2

April 100 1957

Board of Directors,
Bristol County Trust Company,
Taunton Massachusetts.

Pursuant to your request submitted through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System approves the establishment of a branch on the
eastern side of Broadway opposite Avon Street, Taunton, Massachu—
setts, by Bristol County Trust Company, Taunton, Massachusetts,
Provided the branch is established within six months from the date
Of this letter and the approval of the State authorities is in
effect as of the date of the establishment of the branch.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Shenan
Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary.


Item No. 3


April 10, 1957

Board of Directors,
Dauphin Deposit Trust Company,
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Pursuant to your request submitted through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System hereby gives its written consent under
the provisions of Section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Act to the merger of Dauphin Deposit Trust Company, Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, with Carlisle Trust Company, Carlisle, Pennsylvania,
and approves the establishment of a branch by Dauphin Deposit
Trust Company at the present office of Carlisle Trust Company,
West High Street, provided the merger is effected substantially
ln accordance with the joint plan of merger dated May 28, 1956,
and the merger and establishment of the branch are completed Withln six months from the date of this letter.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Sherman
Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary.

Item No.



10, 1957

Board of Directors,
The Union Commerce Bank,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Pursuant to your request submitted through
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves the
establishment of a branch at 2800 Euclid Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio, by The Union Commerce Bank, Cleveland,
Ohio, provided the branch is established within nine
months from the date of this letter and the approval
of the State authorities is in effect as of the date
of the establishment of the branch.
The Board of Governors also approves, under
the provisions of Section 2bA of the Federal Reserve
Act, the investment of not to exceed $125,000 in leasehold improvements at the proposed branch.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Sherman
Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary.


Item No.


April 10, 1957

Board of Directors,
The Planters Bank of Bridgewater,
Bridgewater, Virginia.
Pursuant to your request submitted through the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System approves the establishment
of a branch on Main Street, Dayton, Virginia, by The
Planters Bank of Bridgewater, Bridgewater,. Virginia, provided the branch is established within six months from
the date of this letter, and the approval of the State
authorities is in effect as of the date of the establishment of the branch.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Sherman
Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary.



Item No.


April 10,


Mr. L. L. Lillibridge, President,
Burke State Bank,
Burke, South Dakota.
Dear Mr. Lillibridge:


This refers to your letter of March 20 relative to the term!on March 1, 1957, of the reserve city designation of Sioux City,

The provision that an existing reserve city may be continued
8 such, upon unanimous request of the member banks in the city, even
!;r the city does not meet the standards prescribed for the reserve city
uesignation, is one of the provisions included in the rule regarding
lassification of central reserve and reserve cities adopted by the
'oard on December 19, 1947. This rule also provides for a triennial
lesignation of reserve cities.
Prior to the adoption of the rule, the Board published in the
eral Re ister on October 24, 1947, notice of a proposed action with
the c assification of cities as reserve and central reserve
ties and the termination of the designation of certain reserve cities.
'flis notice stated that interested persons might submit to the Board
Iritten data, views, and arguments with respect to the proposal.
ordingly, a number of banks submitted letters expressing their views
ld comments. In addition, representatives of banks in a number of the
,;Lties whose status would be affected by the proposal appeared before
0.41e Board and made an oral presentation of their views. In the course
the presentation of these views, it was suggested by the representa,.'Ires of the member banks that, since certain cities then classified as
1,serve cities had held their status for many years, such cities be conQ-nued as reserve cities if all the member banks in the respective cities
,1:equested that this be done. The proposal in the form in which it was
'Zescribed in the Federal Register was amended to meet this suggestion.
requirement that such a request must have unanimous support appeared
18tifiable on the ground that if a city did not meet the standards preit would be unfair to request any bank in such a city to main-1 the higher reserves against its will.


Mr. L. L. Lillibridge


The Board is fully appreciative of the desires of individual
Tember banks for whatever reserve status they deem would best enable
/"em to serve their communities and trade areas. There is no provision
0f law, however, under which the Board could classify individual banks
for reserve purposes. The Board is empowered merely to classify a city
as a central reserve city or a reserve city, or to terminate such clasification. Whatever the classification, it has to apply to all member
panks in the city, the only exception being that the Board of Governors
may, upon affirmative vote of five members of the Board, permit a bank
in an outlying district of a reserve city to maintain the reserve repirements applicable to "country" banks, and it may permit a member
nk in an outlying district of a central reserve city to maintain the
eserve requirements applicable to either reserve city banks or "country"
With regard to your statement that the termination of Sioux
4 -Y. as a reserve city is a backward step so far as the over-all area
concerned, it might be pointed out that member banks located in cities
7se reserve city designations were terminated in earlier years, e.g.,
'lncoln, Nebraska, and St. Joseph, Missouri, appear to have lost no ap121'eciable proportion of their deposits due to correspondent banks, nor
n their other deposits appear to have suffered in comparison with those
ur reserve cities in their general area.

Very truly yours,
(signed) S. R. Carpenter
S. R. Carpenter,

A i••••1


Item No. 7
April 102 1957

Mr. L. G. Pondrom, Vice President,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,
Dallas 13, Texas.
Dear Mr. Pondrom:
As recommended in your letter of March 291
1957, the Board of Governors extends to June 252 1957,
the time within which the Southern Arizona Bank and
Trust Company, Tucson, Arizona, may establish a branch
in the vicinity of Swan Road and Broadway, Tucson,
This extension is granted with the continuing
understanding that the branch will be established as a
successor to the branch now operating at Alvernon and
Broadway, Tucson, Arizona.

Please advise the bank of the Board's action.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Sherman
Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary.

Item No. 8


April 10, 1957

Board of Directors,
Los Angeles, California.
Pursuant to your request submitted through the
Pederal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the Board of Governors
approves the establishment of a branch in Tustin, Orange
County, California, by California Bank, Los Angeles, California,
Provided the branch is established vithin six months from the
date of this letter and that formal approval of the Superintendent of Banks of the State of California is effective at
the time the branch is established.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Sherman
Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary.


Item No. 9


April 10, 1957

Board of Directors,
State Bank of Suffolk,
BAY Shore, New York.
Pursuant to your request submitted through the
Reserve Bank of New York, the Board of Governors of
zhe Federal Reserve System approves the establishment of a
branch of State Bank of Suffolk, Bay Shore, New York, in the
Community House Building of the Incorporated Village of Ocean
!3each, Fire Island, Suffolk County, New York, provided such
branch is operated only as a seasonal agency within the period
from the first Monday in May until the first Friday in October
each year beginning with the calendar year 1957.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Merritt Sherman
Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary.

Item No. 10
April 10, 1957

Mr. Alfred Hayes, President,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
New York 45, New York.
Dear Mr. Hayes:
As stated in your letter of March 29, the National Bank of
Viet-Nam has requested the Federal Reserve System to provide the ser( ces of three banking specialists for a period up to two months
kPlus travel time) for control of cash, for handling credits, and
for general economic advice.
I am glad to inform you that the Board of Governors has acted
!'avorably on this request. We have also obtained the concurrence of
the Department of State to this technical assistance project. In
?.ccordance with established procedures for staffing foreign missions,
the following personnel have been selected for this assignment:
cash man -

Mr. C. Mason Ford, Assistant Cashier,
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
Jacksonville Branch.

credit man -

Mr. C. R. Athern, Special Assistant
in Foreign Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of New York.

economist -

Mr. Frank Schiff, Chief, Domestic
Research Division, Federal Reserve
Bank of New York.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has made Mr. Ford available for
Lhls assignment, and it is understood that Messrs. Schiff and Athern
ef Your Bank are likewise available.
It is our understanding that your Bank will work out the
Ile cessary administrative arrangements for the assignment, that the
salaries of the men will be paid by the Reserve Banks concerned,
s--rIcl that the National Bank of Viet-Nam will pay travel and local
currency expenses.

Sincerely yours,
(Signed) S. R. Carpenter
S. R. Carpenter,

Item No. 11
April 10, 1957

Mr. Malcolm Bryan, President,
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
Atlanta 3, Georgia.
T ear Mr. Bryan:
The National Bank of Viet-Nam has requested the Federal
Reserve System to provide the services of three banking special
fOx' a period up to two months (plus travel
for handling credits, and for general economi
rs has acted
I am glad to inform you that the Board of Governo
ence of
favorably on this request. We have also
the Department of State to this technical
ecordance with established procedures for
he following personnel have been selecte
cash man -

Mr. C. Mason Ford, Assistant Cashier
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
Jacksonville Branch.

credit man -

Mr. C. R. Athern, Special Assistant
in Foreign Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of New York.

economist -

Mr. Frank Schiff, Chief, Domestic
Research Division, Federal Reserve
Bank of New York.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has made Messrs. Schiff and
Athern available for this assignment, and it is understood that
'r. Ford of your Bank is likewise available.
It is our understanding that your Bank will work out the
necessary administrative arrangements for the assignment, that the
salaries of the men will be paid by the Reserve Banks concerned,
fInd that the National Bank of Viet-Nam will pay travel and local
rrency expenses.

Sincerely yours,

S. R. Carpenter

S. R. Carpenter,

Item No. 12

April 10, 1957

*angels - San Francisco
Board interposes no Objection to your Bank's calling
for bids for construction of a new building for the Salt Lake
City ,Branch on the basis of plans and specifications referred
to in your letter of March 21, 1957.
In accordance with customary procedures, a summary reof the bids should be forwarded to the Board together with
lecommendation of the Bank as to acceptance.

(Signed) S. R. Carpenter

Item No. 13
April 10, 1957
The Honorable J. W. Fulbright, Chairman,
Senate Committee on Banking and Currency,
United States Senate,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Senator Fulbright:
This is in response to your request of March 27 for the views
Of the Board of Governors on S. 1694, "relating to the provision of
housing for moderate income families and for elderly persons."
This bill would not only introduce a new Federal agency into
the field of housing and mortgage finance, but would also involve a
fundamental change in the mechanisms by which aid is extended in this
field. The area of Federal assistance rendered by the new corporation
would substantially overlap areas presently covered by FHA programs
and the mortgage acquisition authority of FNMA.
While the bill provides for some investment of private capital,
largely on an instalment basis, its initial capital would come from the
United States Treasury and its operations would generate what are essentially United States Government guaranteed securities. Thus, the establishment of such a corporation would involve both an immediate cash
outlay and an additional strain on the market for guaranteed obligations.
The basic approach embodied in this bill is to use money
borrowed with the benefit of the United States Government's guarantee
to finance the full amount of costs of construction (including a reasonable profit) in return for a commitment to reserve the resultant construction for the use of certain specified groups in the population.
In a sense it can be said to carry over the familiar cost-plus approach
to the field of housing. In our judgment there is serious question that,
despite the safeguards enumerated in the bill, this approach would lead
to economies in the production of essential housing. Experience with
cost-plus contracting in the past has generally tended in the opposite
The bill would also make housing available to the ultimate
(3ccupant on the basis of lower downpayments and longer maturities
t:han have been available to any substantial segment of the population
ln the past and probably more liberal than could be obtained in the
tiarket, even with the benefit of FHA insurance. There is at least a
question as to whether the Government should sponsor the sale of
Property to elderly persons on terms which might well involve mortgage

-2amounts outstanding, over a considerable part of the life of the
mortgage, which would be in excess of the current value of the underlYing property. Prudent assumptions with respect to Obsolescence and
depreciation suggest that this might well be true of properties coilstructed under the provisions of the proposed bill.
From a technical standpoint the bill has been skillfully
drafted and avoids certain technical difficulties which have been
associated with legislation directed to the same general purposes
in the past. If enactedl this legislation would almost certainly
stimulate a substantial amount of construction. There is serious
question, however, as to whether the economies envisaged by the bill
'would be realized and whether the ultimate cost to the consumer might
not be higher than under alternative programs of Government assistance.
If the Congress is favorably disposed toward the establishment
Of a Commission on National Housing Policy, along the lines of S. 1711,
consideration of a new federally-sponsored mortgage financing facility
and such a drastic change in the basic approach to Federal aid to
housing might well await the recommendations of such a Commission.

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) Wm. McC. Martin, jr.
Wm. McC. Martin, Jr.

Item No. 14

April 10, 1957

The Honorable J. W. Fulbright, Chairman,
Senate Banking and Currency Committee,
United States Senate,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Senator Fulbright:
This is in response to your request for the views of the
Board of Governors on S. 912. This bill would authorize the Federal
National Mortgage Association to purchase, or commit to purchase,
at par, *)3 billion of mortgage loans insured under Title II of the
National Housing Act or guaranteed under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act. Eligible loans would bear interest at no more than 4-1/2
Per cent per annum, and would be no larger than $14,000.
In effect, this is a plan for the Treasury, acting through
the Federal National Mortgage Association, to make direct mortgage
loans on terms that are out of touch with market realities. If
enacted, it would add $3 billion to Treasury cash expenditures, to
Treasury borrowing, and to the public debt. The disadvantages of
this approach of Federal assistance to housing are discussed in
more detail in Mr. Riefler's statement before the Subcommittee on
Rousing of the House Banking and Currency Committee and in my statement to the Housing Subcommittee of your Committee, copies of which
are attached.
For these reasons, the Board believes the bill should not
be enacted.
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) Win. McC. Martin, Jr.
Wm. McC. Martin, Jr.