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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Tuesday, April 10, 1951. The Board met
in the Board Room at 10:35 a.m.


Martin, Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Murff, Assistant Secretary
Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Thomas, Economic Adviser to the Board
Leonard, Director, Division of Bank
Mr. Vest, General Counsel
Mr. Young, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics
Mr. Hilkert, Acting Director, Division of
Personnel Administration
Mr. Allen, Assistant Director, Division
of Personnel Administration
Mr. Youngdahl, Chief, Government Finance
Section, Division of Research and
Mr. Leach, Economist, Division of Research
and Statistics
Mr. Evans stated that Mr. Townsend, Solicitor, was en route
to s
an Francisco, California, to confer with counsel for respondent
-"Ltng the correction of testimony in the Clayton Act proceeding
a441113t Transamerica Corporation, and recommended that while in San

Mr. Townsend be allowed reimbursement for travel expenses


same basis as on previous trips to the Coast in connection with






this proceeding, namely, per diem in lieu of subsistence at the rate
of $9 and other allowances authorized by the Board's official travel
regulations, and reimbursement for the rental of a small modest
furapartment or suitable hotel accommodations as shown by receipted
This recommendation was
approved unanimously.
At this point Mr. Vardaman joined the meeting.
Mr. Thomas presented a report on developments in the Government
• .
curities market, which was followed by a general discussion.
Mr. Carpenter stated that according to tentative plans the
Elsidents' Conference
would meet in Washington, D. C. during the latter
t of the week of May 14, 1951, and that meetings of the Federal Open
ket Committee
and the Board of Trustees of the Retirement System of
Federal Reserve Banks also would be held during that period. No
Qbieetion was raised to the meetings at that time.
In response to an inquiry by Mr. Vardaman as to the status of
the 04
"udY being made by the Personnel Committee of the organization and
'4. for the investment of funds of the Retirement System of the
'al Reserve Banks, Mr. Norton said that the Committee would
etudY and present recommendations to the Board before May 16.

At this point Messrs. Youngdahl and Leach withdrew.
Mr. Norton stated that in his opinion the rate of housing
g the
first three months of this year and related circumstances in



the housing field were such as to indicate that housing starts during
1951 would exceed very substantially the target of 800-850 thousand
units for the year 1951 which was set at the time Regulation X) Real
Estate Credit) was first adopted. He also said he had requested the
staff to prepare detailed information on the situation for presentation
to the Board at a meeting next Tuesday. He added that Mr. Foley, Housing and Home Finance Administrator, did not appear to share these views
and suggested, therefore, that after receipt by the Board of the staff
rePort, it might be desirable to invite Mr. Foley to meet with the
B13:.rd for a general discussion of the situation. This suggestion, as
well as a suggestion by Mr. Evans that Mr. Wilson, Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization, be invited to meet with the Board to
review developments relative to the Boardfs selective credit regulatiallm and the voluntary credit restraint program, was discussed but
no conclusion was reached.
Mr. Vardaman reiterated the suggestion which he had made at
the meeting on April 3, 1951, that in order to afford the members of

the Board a complete picture of developments in the credit field there
44111d be presented at the meeting of the Board each Tuesday state441ts with respect to consumer credit, real estate credit, stock
17111*et credit, the guaranteed loan program, and the voluntary credit
1111raint program. After discussion, Chairman Martin suggested that
11*Y- brief reports be made at the meeting of the Board each Tuesday

i-my C7, 0


with the understanding that if there were no significant
to be reported with respect to the
various matters a statement to that
effect would suffice.
This suggestion was approved
Mr. Szymczak commented on recent developments in the stock
ziarket, and said that he and the staff were studying the situation
Closely with representatives of the
Securities and Exchange Commission
to determine whether it might be
desirable to recommend the amendment
of the withdrawal and substitution
privilege or any other action, and
that, if so, suitable recommendations would be presented to the
Before this meeting there were distributed to the members of the
441'd copies of a memorandum from the Personnel Committee dated April 9,

stating that officerst salaries at the Federal Reserve Banks of

14141 York and Chicago for the
year beginning April 1, 1951, and at the
ecteral Reserve Bank of Boston for the year beginning May 1, 1951,
44idered at a meeting of
the Personnel Committee on April

6, and



"as the recommendation of the Committee that proposed salaries as
.11.bmitted by the Reserve Banks be approved, except in the cases of those
mldents and First Vice Presidents for whom increases were
Reserve Banks and others specifically commented upon in attached

from the Division of Personnel Administration. The memorandum

the Division of Personnel Administration relating to the

fk. f)

Ilsserve Bank of Boston called attention to the fact that the First
Vice President of that Bank, Alfred C. Neal, was appointed to that
Position effective March 1, 1951, that at the time of his appointment

the directors of the Bank recommended that the maximum salary for the
First Vice President of that Bank be raised from $18,000 to

20,000 per

annum and that Mr. Neal be paid the latter salary, but that for reasons

then discussed, the Board of Governors approved a salary of 16,000 with
the understanding that it would consider a further increase at an approPilate time. The memorandum also stated that if recommended salaries
811h/flitted by the Boston Dank for two of its Vice Presidents were ap131"oved they would be higher than that of Mr. Neal, and that in the
interest of good salary administration it was the judgment of the Diviion of Personnel Administration that Mr. Nealls salary should be fixed

at $18,000.
Mr. Norton stated that the Personnel Committee, having been
"sed by Counsel for the Board that there appeared to be no objection
Iltder the current wage stabilization regulations to increasing Mr.
a salary from $16,000 to $18,000 per annum, recommended that the
r salary be approved for the reasons set forth in the memorandum

the Division of Personnel Administration.

In a discussion of the proposed salaries it was stated that

neither the Personnel Committee nor the Division of Personnel

inistration had undertaken to appraise the ability of the individual




officers at the Federal Reserve Banks in question, the duties performed
by these officers had been reviewed to insure that the proposed salaries
were not out of line with those paid to officers carrying similar resPonsibilities at other Reserve Banks.
Mr. Vardaman said that while he had no doubt as to the efficiency
of the officers concerned he would vote against the recommendation of the
Personnel Committee because he felt that officers' salaries at the Reserve Banks should not be higher than those paid in the field offices
or Government agencies operating under appropriated funds and because
he felt that the level of Reserve Bank Officers' salaries could be re4,
1ed without any serious impairment of the quality of services rendered.
suggested that a special meeting of the Board be called to review the
Whole question of
Reserve Bank salaries.

After discussion it was under-

stood that a meeting for this purpose would be held at some appropriate
Thereupon, upon motion by Mr.
Norton, letters as follows were
approved, Mr. Vardaman voting "no";
Letter to Mr. Hodgkinson, Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank
c't Boston:
"The Board of Governors approves the payment of salary
to Mr. Joseph A. Erickson as President at the rate of $25,000
Per annum and to Mr. Alfred C. Neal as First Vice President
at the rate of $18,000 per annum for the period May 1, 1951,
through April 30, 1952, provided these rates are fixed by the
board of directors. The Board's Counsel is of the opinion




"that in the light of recent interpretations of regulations
issued by the Wage Stabilization Board it is permissible to
increase Mr. Neal's salary to $18,000 at this time.
"The Board of Governors also approves the payment of
salary to the following officers at the rates indicated
which, according to Mr. Erickson's letter of March 1, 1951,
are the rates which were fixed by the directors, for the
period May 1, 1951, through April 30, 1952, except where
specifically indicated:
Annual Salary
John J. Fogg
Vice President
Robert B.
Vice President &
Ellis G. Hult
Vice President
Earle O. Latham
Vice President
Carl B. Pitman
Vice President
Vice President se General Counsel 17,000
Oscar A. Schlaikjer
Roy- F. Van Amringe
Vice President
Ansgar R. Berge
Secretary & Assistant Counsel
David L. Strong
Edward A. Davis, Jr. Assistant Vice President
Dana D. Sawyer
Assistant Vice President
Louis A. Zehner
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Cashier
Elliot S. Boardman
Frank C. Gilbody
Assistant Cashier
Edward W. O'Neill
Assistant Cashier
John J. Rock
Assistant Cashier
*For the period May 1, 1951, through March 31, 1952
**For the period May 1, 1951, through November 30, 1951
"It is understood that Vice Presidents Fogg and Hult are
to retire before April 30, 1952, and the payment of their
salaries is accordingly approved only until the respective
dates of retirement."
Letter to Mr. Stevens, Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of
Reef York:
"The Board of Governors approves the payment of salary
to the following officers at the rates indicated for the
Period April 1, 1951, through March 31, 1952. The rates approved by the Board are the same as those which, according to
Your letter of February 21 1951, have been fixed by the board
Of directors.


Harold A. Bilby
Herbert H. Kimball
Arthur Phelan
Harold V. Roelse
William F. Treiber
Valentine Willis
Reginald B. Wiltse
Todd G. Tiebout
Rufus J. Trimble
James J. Carroll
Howard D. Crosse
Felix T. Davis
Norman P. Davis
Marcus A. Harris
Silas A. Miller
Horace L. Sanford
Otto W. TenEyck
Charles N. Van Houten
John H. Wurts
Wm, F. Abrahams
Harry M. Boyd
Wesley W. Burt
Paul R. Fitchen
William A. Heinl
Peter P. Lang
Angus A. MacInnes, Jr.
Spencer S. Marsh, Jr.
Michael J. McLaughlin
O. Ernest Moore
Herbert A. Muether
Arthur H. Noa
Gustav Osterhus
Franklin E. Peterson
Walter H. Rozell, Jr.
Ralph W. Scheffer
A. Chester Walton
Walter C. Warner
Roy E. Wendell
Harold M. Wessell
John J. Clarke
Harding Cowan
Edward G. Guy
Curtis R. Bowman

Annual Salary
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Assistant General Counsel
Assistant General Counsel
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Assistant Vice President
Secretary and Assistant
Assistant Counsel
Assistant Counsel and
Assistant Secretary
General Auditor

Insley B.
Donald J.
George J.
Gerald H.
M. Monroe


Buffalo Branch
General Manager
Acting Assistant Manager
Assistant Cashier
Assistant Cashier

Annual Salary

"It is understood that Assistant Vice President TenEyck
will attain retirement age on May 112 19512 and will retire
at the end of that month. Accordingly, the payment of his
salary is approved only until that date.
"The proposed salaries for Messrs. Knoke, Logan, and
Rouse are either equal to or above salaries presently being
paid to Presidents of ten of the Federal Reserve Banks. In
the interest of maintaining a proper salary relationship,
not only within the Bank but also with other Federal Reserve
Banks, the Board feels the salaries which were recommended
should not be approved at this time. In taking this action
the Board did not question the individual performance of
any of the three men involved and, therefore, this action
Should not be a reflection upon their capabilities or
"The Board of Governors does approve the payment of
salary to Mr. Knoke at the rate of $23,500 per annum; to
Mr. Logan at the rate of $251000 per annum; and to Mr. Rouse
at the rate of $27,500 per annum for the period April 12
1951, through March 311 1952, provided these rates are fixed
by the directors.
"The Board of Governors also approves the payment of
salary to Mr. John H. Williams as Economic Adviser for the
Period April 12 19512 through March 312 1952, at the rate
Of $221000 per annum when he is engaged in the work of the
Bank on a full-time basis; and when he is not engaged in the
work of the Bank on a f1111 -time basis, at the rate of $84.62
Per day for each day on which he spends any time, on behalf
of the Bank, at the Bank or at a Federal Reserve or related
meeting elsewhere, plus his reasonable travel, lodging and
subsistence expenses."
Letter to Mr. Lunding, Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of
"The Board of Governors approves the paymen of salary
to Mr. C. S. Young as President at the rate of $35,000 per
annum and to Mr. E. C. Harris as First Vice President at the
rate of $25,000 per annum for the period April 1, 1951,




"through March 31, 1952, provided these rates are fixed by
your board of directors.
"The Board also approves the payment of salary to the
following officers at the rates indicated for the period
April 1, 1951, through March 31, 1952, which, according to
Mr. Dawes's letters of January 12, 1951, and February 21
are the rates which were fixed by the board of directors:
Annual Salary
Neil B. Dawes
Vice President 8c Secretary
Allan M. Black
Vice President
W. R. Diercks
Vice President
W. A. Hopkins
Vice President
A. L. Olson
Vice President
Iff. a. Turner
Vice President
H. J. Chalfont
Vice President (Detroit Branch) 141000
L. H. Jones
M. A. Lies
Assistant Vice President
L. G. Meyer
Assistant Vice President
F. L. Purrington
Assistant Vice President
C. T. Laibly
Assistant Cashier
H. J. Newman
Assistant Cashier
C. P. VanZante
Chief Examiner
Paul C. Hodge
General Counsel
John J. Endres
"The Board does not approve the increased salaries recommended for Vice President Sihler and Assistant Vice President
Lindsten because it feels there are certain salary relationships that should be maintained not only within a given Federal
Reserve Bank but also among Reserve Banks. The Board does
recognize the capabilities and the fine performance records of
Messrs. Sihler and Lindsten. In its judgment, however, the
salary proposed for Mr. Sihler would create a number of inequitable situations under present salary scales which should
be avoided. In the case of Mr. Lindsten, it is the Board's
°Pinion that the proposed salary for his present assignments
nd responsibilities is disproportionately high in consideran of salaries paid for positions of like responsibility
34 the other Federal Reserve Banks.
"The Board of Governors does approve the payment of salary
Mr. Sihler at the rate of $18,000 per annum and to Mr.
"ndsten at the rate of $11,500 per annum for the period
4Pri1 1, 1951, through March 31, 1952, provided these rates
ar0 fixed by
the directors."


-11At this point Messrs. Noyes, Director, Division of Selective

Credit Regulation, and Horbett, Assistant Director, Division of Bank
CPerations, joined the meeting.
Reference was made to a memorandum from Mr. Young dated April 9,
1951, copies of which were distributed to the members of the Board
before the meeting, providing background material for consideration
of the question of raising reserve requirements on demand deposits
central reserve city banks in New York and Chicago by the remaining
IWO Percentage points permissible under existing authorit
y. The memoset forth the arguments for and against such action.
Mr. Young stated that although the memorandum contained no
recommendation he felt that the weight
of the arguments was against
4NV increase in reserve requirements of central
reserve city banks
4.t this time.
There ensued a discussion during which Mr. Powell stated that

Past two weeks' figures on loans of selected New York and Chicago

bellks, broken dawn by purpose classification, indicated that although
for defense purposes were continuing to increase, loans for

Purposes had fallen off, so that on balance there was no increase
111 1 —
Volume. He expressed the opinion that any action to increase
requirements of central reserve city banks to the maximum per-



statute should have been taken during the past winter when

Ifes a heavy demand for loans, that loans did not appear to be




expanding at present although some seasonal increase might be expected,
and that since the proposed action had not been taken earlier when
loans were expanding, it should be postponed pending a further increase
loan activity.
Other members of the Board present expressed similar views
although there was some sentiment that in view of current economic
there might be justification for increasing reserve requirements to the maximum to indicate that the Board was using all the powers
available to it to resist inflationary
Chairman Martin then suggested that the question be considered
allain at the meeting on Tuesday, April 17.
This suggestion was approved
Mr. Vest stated that the attention of the staff had been called
t° the desirability of relaxing the terms of Regulation X, Real Estate
Credit, in cases where a borrower wished to finance the purchase or
e°nstruction of a structure similar to one which had been taken from
--ough eminent domain or condemnation proceedings, for example,
areas where military installations were in process.

Following a discussion, upon
motion by Mr. Szymczak, unanimous
approval was given to Amendment No. 4
to Regulation X, Real Estate Credit,
as follows, to become effective April
16, 1951, if Mr. Foley, Administrator
of the Housing and Home Finance Agency,
concurred in the amendment and the
proposed effective date:




"In subsection (e) of section 5, strike out the period
at the end of the section and add the following: 'or solely
to finance the purchase or construction of a residence,
multi-unit residence or nonresidential structure to be used
in substitution for a similar structure of which the borrower
has been deprived through or by reason of eminent domain or
condemnation proceedings.'"
Secretary's Note: A letter
was received from Mr. Foley, dated
April 11, 1951, stating that he
concurred in the amendment and the
effective date.
Unanimous approval was also
given to the following telegram to
the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks and the Managing Officers of all Federal Reserve Bank
"This wire to all Federal Reserve Banks is also being
sent to all Federal Reserve Bank Branches for their information. Effective April 16, 1951, the Board has adopted amendment No. 4 to Regulation X. The press statement which the
Board is issuing for release in the morning papers of Monday,
April 16, 1951, will be telegraphed to you as soon as
Possible. The amendment follows: ........The Board has
been informed of certain cases where persons have been
deprived of their properties through condemnation proceedings where the equity of the owner is less than the
downpayment needed to acquire a similar property under
Regulation X. To avoid hardship in such instances, and
3-s0 generally to allow persons deprived of their propertles through condemnation to obtain a similar replacement
thereof, the amendment permits the financing on more liberal
terms than those provided by Regulation X of properties
acquired in lieu of those taken through condemnation

eNe CD
1 1W/



"Since the amendment is of limited general interest,
and in view of the expectation that another amendment may
be issued shortly with respect to leasing arrangements,
there will be no objection to deferring mailing of amendment No. 4 until it can be combined with another communication being sent to registrants."
Unanimous approval was also
given to the following statement
for publication in the Federal
"(a) The above amendment is issued by the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System with the concurrence of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator,
under authority of the 'Defense Production Act of 195010
approved September 82 1950, and Executive Order No. 10161,
dated September 9, 1950.
"The purpose of this amendment is to exempt from the
regulation extensions of credit to finance the purchase
or construction of a structure to be used in substitution
for a similar structure of which the borrower has been
deprived through or by reason of eminent domain or condemnation proceedings.
"(b) Section 709 of the Defense Production Act of
1950 provides that the functions exercised under such
Act shall be excluded from the operations of the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 237) except as to the
requirements of section 3 thereof.
"Special circumstances have rendered impracticable
consultation with industry representatives, including
trade association representatives, in the formulation of
the above amendments; and, therefore, as authorized by
the aforesaid section 709, the amendments have been issued
Without such consultation."
There was presented a memorandum dated April 102 1951, from
Chase, Assistant Solicitor, stating that the Federal Reserve Bank



of St. Louis had reported that Sam Kay, doing business as Arkansas
Rome Building and Repairing, Little Rock, Arkansas, had violated
Regulation W, Consumer Credit, by failing to register, by failing
to obtain the required down payment, and by not maintaining records
Which correctly reflected the transactions; and recommending that in
accordance with the suggestion of the Reserve Bank the Board authorize
the issuance of an order for investigation as follows:
At a meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
held at its offices in the City of Washington, D. C.,
on the 10th day of April, A. D., 1951.
In the Matter of
(doing business as Arkansas
}!orie Building and Repairing)


Members of the staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
,c)1.118 have reported information to that Bank, which that Bank
"as transmitted to the Board, which tends to show that:
Arkansas Home Building and Repairing has made instalment sales of home improvements subject to Regulation W:
1. Without filing a registration statement as required by Regulation Ai;
2. Without obtaining the down payment required by
Regulation W;
3. Without maintaining and preserving such books of
account, records and other papers as are relevant
to establishing whether or not credit extended by
it is in conformity with the requirements of said




"The Board having considered the aforesaid report by
members of the staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
and for the purpose of (1) determining whether Arkansas Home
Building and Repairing has violated the provisions of Regulation K and (2) aiding in the enforcement of said Regulation,
deems it necessary and appropriate that an investigation be
made to determine whether Arkansas Home Building and Repairing
has engaged in the acts and practices set forth in paragraph I
hereof, or any acts and practices of similar purport or object.
"IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 604 of the Defense
Production Act of 1950 that an investigation be made to determine the matters set forth in paragraph II hereof.
"IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to the provisions of
Section 604 of the Defense Production Act of 1950 that for
the purpose of such investigation G. Howland Chase and Harold
B. Kline, and each of them, is hereby designated an officer
of the Board and empowered to administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, take
evidence, and require the production of any books, papers,
correspondence, memoranda, or other records deemed relevant
or material to the inquiry, and to perform all other duties
In connection therewith as authorized by law.
"By the Board.
(signed) S. R. Carpenter,
Approved unanimously.
At this point all of the members of the staff with the exception
(1114essrs. Carpenter, Sherman, Murff, and Kenyon withdrew, and the action
111- with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was
ki,57- the Board:
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Reserve System on April 9, 1951, were approved unanimously.


-17Memorandum dated April 6, 1951, from Mr. Betheal Director

Of the Division of Administrative Services, recommending an
in the basic salary of Wayne A. Pollard, Assistant Chief, Fiscal
Section, in that Division, from $5,800 to $6,000 per annum,
APril 151 1951.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated April 4, 1951, from Mr. Sloan, Assistant
Ibirector of the Division of Examinations, recommending that, effective
48 of the date upon which he enters upon the performance of his duties
after having passed the usual physical examination and subject to the
ectPletion of a satisfactory employment investigation, Theodore L.
Iltenburg be appointed as an Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner, on
4temP0rary indefinite basis, with salary at the rate of $4,600 per

and with official headquarters at Baltimore, Maryland.

By unanimous vote, Mr. Theodore
L. Ronnenburg was appointed an Examiner
to examine Federal Reserve Banks, member banks of the Federal Reserve System,
and corporations operating under the
provisions of Sections 25 and 25 (a) of
the Federal Reserve Act, for all purposes
of the Federal Reserve Act and of all
other Acts of Congress pertaining to
examinations made by, for, or under
the direction of the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, and was
designated as an Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner, with official headquarters at Baltimore, Maryland, and with
basic salary at the rate of $4,600 per
annum, all effective as of the date



upon which he enters upon the performance of his duties after having
passed the usual physical examination and subject to the completion
of a satisfactory employment investigation.
Memorandum dated April 4, 1951, from Mr. Sloan, Assistant
Director of the Division of
Examinations, recommending that, effective
as of the date upon which he enters upon the performance of his
duties after having passed the usual physical examination and subject
to the completion of a satisfactory employment investigation, Robert
11. Russell be appointed as an Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner, on
a temporary indefinite basis, with
salary at the rate of
atrium, and with official headquarters at Dallas, Texas.

By unanimous vote, Mr. Robert
R. Russell was appointed an Examiner
to examine Federal Reserve Banks,
member banks of the Federal Reserve
System, and corporations operating
under the provisions of Sections 25
and 25 (a) of the Federal Reserve
Act, for all purposes of the Federal
Reserve Act and of all other Acts of
Congress pertaining to examinations
made by, for, or under the direction
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and was designated
as an Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner, with official headquarters at
Dallas, Texas, and with basic salary
at the rate of $3,450 per annum, all
effective as of the date upon which
he enters upon the performance of his
duties after having passed the usual
physical examination and subject to
the completion of a satisfactory employment investigation.




-19Letter to Mr. Latham, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of March 26, 1951,
submitting the request of the Norfolk County Trust Company,
Brookline, Massachusetts, for permission to establish
branches in Medfield, Westwood, Sharon and East Milton,
all in Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
"In view of your recommendation, the Board of Governors approves the establishment and operation of a branch
in each of the towns of Medfield, Westwood and Sharon,
Massachusetts, and a branch in East Milton, Massachusetts,
by the Norfolk County Trust Company, Brookline, Massachusetts, provided the prior approval of the appropriate
State authorities is obtained and each of the four branches
is established within six months of the date of this letter.
"It is understood that Counsel for the Reserve Bank
Will review and satisfy himself as to the legality of all
steps taken to establish each of the branches."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. DeMoss, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
13411k of Dallas, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of March 28, 1951,
submitting the request of the Security State Bank and
Trust Company of Beaumont, Beaumont, Texas, for approval
under Section 24A of the Federal Reserve Act of an additional investment in bank premises of approximately
$68,000, which will increase the carrying value to an.
amount not to exceed $375,000.
"It is understood that the additional expenditure
is necessary for completion of a store space on the
myund floor of the new building, which is to be leased.
In view of your recommendation, the Board approves the
investment as proposed."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks reading



"At a meeting held on April 4 with representatives
of the guaranteeing agencies regarding the administration
of the V-loan program, one of the principal topics discussed was the length of time required to process applications for guarantees which has been a matter of concern
to the Board, the Federal Reserve Banks and the Department
of Defense.
"It was suggested that it would be a great help to
the Technical Bureaus and Services of the Armed Forces in
determining the essentiality of defense contracts and
subcontracts if the Federal Reserve Banks would impress
upon lending institutions the importance of correctly
listing the numbers of all prime contracts to be financed.
The purchase order numbers of all subcontracts, the name
of the prime contractors and the prime contract numbers
under which the borrower is a subcontractor should also
be listed. Also, it was suggested that it would be very
helpful to indicate the names of the contracting officers
signing the contracts on behalf of the Government and
their stations.
"At the present time when an application for an Air
Force guarantee is received by a Federal Reserve Bank, two
copies of the application are forwarded immediately to the
Board. We send both copies to Air Force Headquarters in
the Pentagon Building where one copy is retained and the
second copy forwarded to Headquarters, Air Material Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, The Air Force
recommends that, in order to save time, the Federal Reserve
Banks adopt the following procedure when forwarding Air
Force applications:
1. One copy of all applications listing only prime
contracts or those listing both prime and subcontracts should be forwarded by the Federal Reserve Bank directly to the Procurement Division,
MCPPX04, Headquarters, Air Material Command,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
The second copy should be forwarded to the Board
to be transmitted to Air Force Headquarters in
the Pentagon.
2. One copy of all applications listing subcontracts
only should be forwarded to the Air Force Procurement Field Office serving the area in which the
Federal Reserve Bank is located. The second copy
should be forwarded to the Board to be transmitted
to Air Force Headquarters in the Pentagon.




"The latter cases will be very few in number.
"This system should result in a material reduction in
transmission time and, in addition, air mail should be
utilized where appropriate to do so.
"The third copy of the application and the Federal
Reserve Bank's financial report and recommendations should
be forwarded to the Board as at present."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks, reading as follows:
"An inquiry has been received concerning the application of Regulation W to the 'Stroll-O-Chair', which
is the manufacturer's trade name for a children& combination or group unit, sold only through authorized 'Stroll0-Chair' distributors. A complete 'Stroll-O-Chair' comprises not only a child's chair, table, high chair, and
crib, but, with the addition of certain accessories, also
a stroller, bassinet, or auto seat. Nhile the 'Stroll-0Chair' normally is sold as an entire unit, it is understood
that the component parts may be purchased separately, if
"The Board is of the view that for the purposes of
Regulation W the 'Stroll-O-Chair' includes pieces of
furniture, such as the chair, table, or crib. When sold
or delivered at substantially the same time, two or more
Of these pieces constitute a single listed article under
section 6(g). The cash purchase of one or more of these
Pieces of furniture would, of course, include any of the
accessories, such as the wheel assembly, that may be sold
Or financed in connection with the sale or financing of
any of the other component pieces of furniture included
in the group."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks, read48 follows:
"For Voluntary Credit Restraint Program use, please
ilire amount of loans of country member banks in places with




"population under 15,000, included in loans of nonweekly reporting country member banks as shown in last
column of monthly reports, Form F. R. 635, submitted
as of December 27, 1950, January 31, 1951, and February
28, 1951. Please show similar information in future
F. R. 635 reports until further notice. Population
basis should be same as used in reporting deposits by
States in semi-monthly report Form F. R. 413."

Approved unanimously.