Full text of Mint and Coinage Act
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SECOND CONGRESS. 246 S ta tu te S ess . I. Ch. 14, 15,16. 1792. I. XIV.—An Act supplemental to the act for making farther and mare effect March 28, 1792. C hap .ual provision fo r the protection of the frontiers of the United States. [Obsolete.] j ; e enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the sec^s! °h 44> United States o f America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawPresident of ful for the President of the United States, by and with the advice and the U. s. may consent of the Senate, to appoint such number of brigadier generals as moPremthan0tfour may be conducive to the good of the public service. Provided the B. Generals. whole number appointed or to be appointed, shall hot exceed four. A ppr o v ed , March 28, 1792. -----------Statute I. April 2, 1792. C hap . X V . __An Act far finishing the Lighthouse on Baldheat} at ■--------- ------- - [Obsolete.] Secretary of Treasury to fin. ish the light house on Baldhead in North Carolina. Statute I. April 2, 1792. Cape Fear river in the State of North Carolina. Ike mouth of Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury, under the direction of the President of the United States, be authorized, as soon as may be, to cause to be finished in such manner as shall appear advisable, the lighthouse heretofore begun under the authority of the state of North Carolina, on Baldhead at the mouth of Cape Fear river in the said state: And that a sum, not exceeding four thousand dollars, be appropriated for the same, out of any monies heretofore appropriated, which may remain unexpended, after satisfying the purposes for which they were appropriated, or out of any other monies, which may be in the treasury, not subject to any prior appro priation. A ppr o v ed , April 2, 1792. C hap . XVI.—An Act establishing a Mint, and regulating the Coins of the United Staies.{a) S ectio n 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That a mint for the purpose of a national coinage be, and the same is established; to be situate and carried on at the seat of the government of the United States, for the time being: And that for the well conducting of the business of the said mint, there shall be the following officers and persons, namely,—a Director, an Assayer, a Chief Coiner, an Engraver, a Treasurer. Director to S e c . 2. And be it further enacted, That the Director of the mint employ work shall employ as many clerks, workmen and servants, as he shall from men, &c. time to time find necessary, subject to the approbation of the President of the United States. S ec . 3. And be it further enacted, That the respective functions and Mint estab lished at the seat of govern ment. (a) The acta establishing and regulating the mint of the United States, and for regulating coins, have been: An act establishing a mint and regulating the coins of the United States passed April 2, 1792, chap. 16 j an act regulating foreign coins, and for other purposes, February 9, 1793, chap. 5 ; an act in altera tion of the act establishing a mint and regulating the coins of the United States, March 3, 1794, chap. 4; an act supplementary to the act entitled, “ An act to establish a mint and regulating the coins of the United States,” passed March 3, 1795, chap. 47 $ an act respecting the mint, May 27, 1796, chap. 33 j an act respecting the mint, April 24, 1800, chap. 34; an act concerning the mint, March 3, 1801, chap. 21; an act to prolong the continuance of the mint at Philadelphia, January 14, 1818, chap. 4; an act further to prolong the continuance of the mint at Philadelphia, March 3, 1823, chap. 42 ; an act to continue the mint at the city of Philadelphia, and for other purposes, May 19, 1828, chap. 67 ; an act concerning the gold coins of the United States, and for other purposes, June 28, 1834, chap. 95; an act to establish branches of the mint of the United States, March 3, 1835, chap. 37; an act supplementary to an act entitled, “ An act establishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the United States,” January 18, 1837, chap. 3 ; an act to amend an act entitled, “ An act to establish branches of the mint of the United States,” February 13, 1837, chap. 14; an act amendatory of an act establishing the branch mint at Danlonega, Georgia, and defining the duties of the assayer and coiner, February 27, 1843, chap. 46. SECOND CONGRESS S ess . I. C h . 16. 1792. duties of the officers above mentioned shall be as follow: The Director of the mint shall have the chief management of the business thereof, and shall superintend all other officers and persons who shall be em ployed therein. The Assayer shall receive and give receipts for all metals which may lawfully be brought to the mint to be coined; shall assay all such of them as may require it, and shall deliver them to the Chief Coiner to be coined. The Chief Coiner shall cause to be coined all metals which shall be received by him for that purpose, according to such regulations as shall be prescribed by this or any future law. The Engraver shall sink and prepare the necessary dies for such coinage, with the proper devices and inscriptions, but it shall be lawful for the functions and duties of Chief Coiner and Engraver to be performed by one person. The Treasurer shall receive from the Chief Coiner all the coins which shall have been struck, and shall pay or deliver them to the persons respectively to whom the same ought to be paid or delivered : he shall moreover receive and safely keep all monies which shall be for the use, maintenance and support of the mint, and shall disburse the same upon warrants signed by the Director. S e c . 4. And be it further enacted, That every officer and clerk of the said mint shall, before he enters upon the execution of his office, take an oath or affirmation before some judge of the United States faithfully and diligently to perform ths duties thereof. S e c . 5. And be it further enacted, That the said assayer, chief coiner and treasurer, previously to entering upon the execution of their respec tive offices, shall each become bound to the United States of America, with one or more sureties to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with condition for the faithful and diligent performance of the duties of his office. S ec . 6. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed and paid as compensations for their respective services—To the said direc tor, a yearly salary of two thousand dollars, to the said assayer, a yearly salary of one thousand five hundred dollars, to the said chief coiner, a yearly salary of one thousand five hundred dollars, to the said engraver, a yearly salary of one thousand two hundred dollars, to the said treasurer, a yearly salary of one thousand two hundred dollars, to each clerk who may be employed, a yearly salary not exceeding five hundred dollars, and to the several subordinate workmen and servants, such wages and allow ances as are customary and reasonable, according to their respective stations and occupations.(a) S e c . 7. And be it further enacted, That the accounts of the officers and persons employed in and about the said mint and for services per formed in relation thereto, and ail other accounts concerning the business and administration thereof, shall be adjusted and settled in the treasury department of the United States, and a quarter yearly account of the receipts and disbursements of the said mint shall be rendered at the said treasury for settlement according to such forms and regulations as shall have been prescribed by that department; and that once in each year a report of the transactions of the said mint, accompanied by an abstract of the settlements which shall have been from time to time made, duly certified by the comptroller of the treasury, shall be laid before Congress for their information. S ec . 8. And be it further enacted, That in addition to the authority vested in the President of the United States by a resolution of the last session, touching the engaging of artists and the procuring of apparatus 247 Duty of the officers. Assayer. Act of March 3, 1794, ch. 4, sec. 2. Chief Coiner. Engraver. Treasurer. To take oath. And give bond. Act of March 3, 1794, ch. 4, sec. 2. Salaries. Accounts how and where to be settled. President of U. S. to cause buildings to be provided. (a) The acts relating to the salaries of the officers of the mint now in force, are: An act to continue the mint in the city of Philadelphia, May 19,1828, chap. 67, sec. 6 ; an act supplementary to the act en titled, “ An act establishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the United States,” January 18, 1R37, chap. 3, sec. 7 ; an act to establish branches of the mint of the United States, Feb. 13, 1837, chap. 14, sec. 2. 348 expense how to be defrayed. Species of the coins to be struck. Half Eagles. Quarter Eagles* Dollars or Units. Half Dollars. 1& Quarter Dols. Dismes. Half Dismes. Cents. Half Cents. Act of May 8, 1792. Of what de vices. SECOND CONGRESS. S ess . I. C h . 16. 1792. for the said mint, the President be authorized, and he is hereby autho rized to cause to be provided and put in proper condition such build ings, and in such manner as shall appear to him requisite for the pur pose of carrying on the business of the said mint; and that as well the expenses which shall have been incurred pursuant to the said resolution as those which may be incurred in providing and preparing the said buildings, and all other expenses which may hereafter accrue for the maintenance and support of the said mint, and in carrying on the busi ness thereof, over and above the sums which may lje received by reason of the rate per centum for coinage herein after mentioned, shall be defrayed from the treasury of the United States, out of any monies which from time to time shall be therein, not otherwise appropriated. S ec. 9. And be it further enacted, That there shall be from time to time struck and coined at the said mint, coins of gold, silver, and cop per, of the following denominations, values and descriptions, viz. E a g le s — each to be of the value of ten dollars or units, and to contain two hundred and forty-seven grains and four eighths of a grain of pure, or two hundred and seventy grains of standard gold. H a l f E a g le s —each to be of the value of five dollars, and to contain one hundred and twentythree grains and six eighths of a grain of pure, or one hundred and thirtyfive grains of standard gold. Q u a r t e r E a g le s —each to be of the value of two dollars and a half dollar, and to contain sixty-one grains and seven eighths of a grain of pure, or sixty-seven grains and four eighths of a grain of standard gold. D o l l a r s or U n its —each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver. H a l f D o l l a r s —each to be of half the value of the dollar or unit, and to contain one hundred and eighty-five grains and ten sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or two hundred and eight grains of standard silver. Q u a r t e r D o l l a r s —each to be of one fourth the value of the dollar or unit, and to contain ninety-two grains and thirteen sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or one hundred and four grains of standard silver. D ism es —each to be of the value of one tenth of a dollar or unit, and to contain thirty-seven grains and two sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or fortyone grains and three fifth parts of a grain of standard silver. H a l f D ism es —each to be of the value of one twentieth of a dollar, and to con tain eighteen grains and nine sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or twenty grains and four fifth parts of a grain of standard silver. C e n ts —each to be of the value of the one hundredth part of a dollar, and to contain eleven penny-weights of copper. H a l f C e n ts —each to be of the value of half a cent, and to contain five penny-weights and half a penny-weight of copper, (a) S ec . 10. A nd be it further enacted, That, upon the said coins respect ively, there shall be the following devices and legends, namely: Upon one side of each of the said coins there shall be an impression emblematic of liberty, with an inscription of the word Liberty, and the year of the coinage; and upon the reverse of each of the gold and silver coins there shall be the figure or representation of an eagle, with this inscription, “ U n it e d S t a t e s of A m e r ic a ” and upon the reverse of each of the copper coins, there shall be an inscription which shall express the deno mination of the piece, namely, cent or half cent, as the case may require. S e c . 11. And be it further enacted, That the proportional value of gold to silver in all coins which shall by law be current as money within (a) The acts regulating the gold and silver coins of the United States, are : An act establishing a mint and regulating the coins of the United States, April 2, 1792, chap. 16, sec. 9; an act concerning the gold coins of the United States, and for other purposes, June 28, 1834, chap. 9; an act supplementary to the act entitled, “ An act to establish a mint, and regulating the coins of the United States January 18 1837. chap. 3, sec. S, 9, 10. 1 ’ ' SECOND CONGRESS. S ess . I. Ch. 16. 1792. 249 the United States, shall be as fifteen to one, according to quantity in Proportional weight, of pure gold or pure silver; that is to say, every fifteen pounds value of gold to weight of pure silver shall be of equal value in all payments, with one silver. pound weight of pure gold, and so in proportion as to any greater or less quantities of the respective metals.(a) S ec . 12. And be it further enacted, That the standard for all gold Standard for coins, and coins of the United States shall be eleven parts fine to one part alloy; gold alloy how to be and accordingly that eleven parts in twelve of the entire weight of each regulated. of the said coins shall consist of pure gold, and the remaining one twelfth part of alloy ; and the said alloy shall be composed of silver and copper, in such proportions not exceeding one half silver as shall be found convenient; to be regulated by the director of the mint, for the time being, with the approbation of the President of the United States, until further provision shall be made by law. And to the end that the necessary information may be had in order to the making of such further provision, it shall be the duty of the director of the mint, at the expiration Director to of a year after commencing the operations of the said mint, to report to report the prac of the mint Congress the practice thereof during the said year, touching the com tice the position of ^he alloy of the said gold coins, the reasons for such prac touching alloy of gold tice, and the experiments and observations which shall have been made concerning the effects of different proportions of silver and copper in the said alloy.(6) S e c . 13. And be it further enacted, That the standard for all silver Standard for silver coins— coins of the United States, shall be one thousand four hundred and alloy how to be eighty-five parts fine to one hundred and seventy-nine parts alloy; and regulated. accordingly that one thousand four hundred and eighty-five parts in one thousand six hundred and sixty-four parts of the entire weight of each of the said coins shall consist of pure silver, and the remaining one hundred and seventy-nine parts of alloy; which alloy shall be wholly of Alloy. copper.(e) S ec . 14. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Persona may person or persons to bring to the said mint gold and silver bullion, in bring gold and order to their being coined; and that the bullion so brought shall be silver bullion, coined there assayed and coined as speedily as maybe after the receipt thereof, tofree beof expense; and that free of expense to the person or persons by whom the same shall have been brought. And as soon as the said bullion shall have been coined, the person or persons by whom the same shall have been de livered, shall upon demand receive in lieu thereof coins of the same Act of April species of bullion which shall have been so delivered, weight for weight, 24,1800, ch. 34. of the pure gold or pure silver therein contained : Provided neverthe how the director less, That it shall be at the mutual option of the party or parties bring may exchange therefor, ing such bullion, and of the director of the said mint, to make an coins half immediate exchange of coins for standard bullion, with a deduction of deducting per cent. one half per cent, from the weight of the pure gold, or pure silver con tained in the said bullion, as an indemnification to the mint for the time which will necessarily be required for coining the said bullion, and for the advance which shall have been so made in coins. And it shall be Duty of Sec of Treas the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to furnish the said mint from retary time to time whenever the state of the treasury will admit thereof, with ury herein. such sums as may be necessary for effecting the said exchanges, to be replaced as speedily as may be out of the coins which shall have been made of the bullion for which the monies so furnished shall have been The half per exchanged; and the said deduction of one half per cent, shall constitute cent, to consti a fund towards defraying the expenses of the said mint. tute a fund, &c. S ec . 15. And be it farther enacted, That the bullion which shall be Order of de coins to brought as aforesaid to the mint to be coined, shall be coined, and the livering bring equivalent thereof in coins rendered, if demanded, in the order in which persons ing bullion, and (a) See note to section 9. V ol . I.— 32 (6) See note to section 9. (e) See note to section 9. 250 SECOND CONGRESS. S ess . I. C h . 16. 1792. the said bullion shall have been brought or delivered, giving priority according to priority of delivery only, and without preference to any person or persons; and if any preference shall be given contrary to the direction aforesaid, the officer by whom such undue preference shall be given, shall in each case forfeit and pay one thousand dollars; to be recovered with costs of suit. And to the end that it may be known if such preference shall at any time be given, the assayer or officer to whom the said bullion shall be delivered to be coined, shall give to the person or persons bringing the same, a memorandum in writing under his hand, denoting the weight, fineness and value thereof, together with the day and order of its delivery into the mint. S e c . 16. And be it further enacted. That all the gold and silver coins Coins made a lawful tender, which shall have been struck at, and issued from the said mint, shall be a lawful tender in all payments whatsoever, those of full weight accord ing to the respective values herein before declared, and those of less than full weight at values proportional to their respective weights. S ec . 17. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the and to be made conformable to respective officers of the said mint, carefully and faithfully to use their the standard best endeavours that all the gold and silver coins which shall be struck weights, &c. at the said mint shall be, as nearly as may be, conformable to the several standards and weights aforesaid, and that the copper whereof the cents and half cents aforesaid may be composed, shall be of good quality. S e c . 18. And the better to secure a due conformity of the said gold The Treasurer to reserve not and silver coins to their respective standards, Be it further enacted, less than three That from every separate mass of standard gold or silver, which shall pieces or each be made into coins at the said mint, there shall be taken, set apart by coin to be assayed; the treasurer and reserved in his custody a certain number of pieces, not less than three, and that once in every year the pieces so set apart when and by and reserved, shall be assayed under the inspection of the Chief Justice whom, &c. of the United States, the Secretary and Comptroller of the Treasury, the Secretary for the department of State, and the Attorney General of the United States, (who are hereby required to attend for that purpose at the said mint, on the last Monday in July in each year,) or under the inspection of any three of them, in such manner as they or a majority of them shall direct, and in the presence of the director, assayer and chief coiner of the said mint; and if it shall be found that the gold and silver so assayed, shall not be inferior to their respective standards here in before declared more than one part in one hundred and forty-four parts, the officer or officers of the said mint whom it may concern shall be held excusable; but if any greater inferiority shall appear, it shall be certified to the President of the United States, and the said officer or officers shall be deemed disqualified to hold their respective offices. S e c . 19. And be it further enacted, That if any of the gold or silver Penalty on debasing the coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased coins. or made worse as to the proportion of fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or shall be of less weight or value than the same ought to be pursuant to the directions of this act, through the default or with the connivance of any of the officers or persons who shall be employed at the said mint, for the purpose of profit or gain, or otherwise with a fraudulent intent, and if any of the said officers or persons shall embezzle any of the metals which shall at any time be committed to their charge for the purpose of being coined, or any of the coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint, every such officer or person who shall com mit any or either of the said offences, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death. Money of ac S ec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the money of account of count to be ex the United States shali be expressed in dollars or units, dismes or tenths, pressed in dol cents or hundredths, and milles or thousandths, a disme being the tenth lars, &c. part of a dollar, a cent the hundredth part of a dollar, a mille the thou penalty on giv ing undue pre ference, &c. Act of March 3, 1795, ch. 86. SECOND CONGRESS. S ess . I. Ch. 17, 18. 1792. 251 sandth part of a dollar, and that all accounts in the public offices and all proceedings in the courts of the United States shall be kept and had in conformity to this regulation. A ppr o v ed , April 2, 1792. I. C hap. XVII.—Jin Act supplementary to the act fo r the establishment and support April 12,1792. o f lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers. of S e c tio n 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representor Expenses &c. to tives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all beacons, be borne till expenses which shall accrue from the first day of July next, inclusively, July 1793. S ta tu te for the necessary support, maintenance, and repairs of all lighthouses, beacons, buoys, the stakeage of channels, on the sea-coast, and public piers, shall continue to be defrayed by the United States, until the first day of July, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, notwithstanding such lighthouses, beacons, or public piers, with the lands and tenements thereunto belonging, and the jurisdiction of the same, shall not in the mean time be ceded to, or vested in the United States, by the state or states respectively, in which the same may be, and that the said time be further allowed, to the states respectively to make such cession. S ec . 2. And be it further enacted, That the secretary of the treasury be authorized to cause to be provided, erected, and placed, a floating beacon, and as many buoys, as may be necessary for the security of navigation, at and near the entrance of the harbor of Charleston, in the state of South Carolina. And also to have affixed three floating beacons in the bay of Chesapeak; one at the north end of Willoughby’s Spit, another at the tail of the Horse Shoe; and the third on the shoalest place of the middle ground. A ppr o v ed , April 12, 1792. 1793, ch. 27. Floating beacons to be placed at Charleston har bor and Choaapeak bay. I. April 12, 1792. S ta tu te C hap . XVIII.- —Jln Met to erect a Lighthouse on Montok P oint in the state nf New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That as soon as the jurisdiction of such land on Montok Point in the state of New York as the President of the United States shall deem sufficient and most proper for the convenience and accommodation of a lighthouse shall have been ceded to the United States it shall be the duty of the secre tary of the treasury, to provide by contract which shall be approved by the President of the United States, for building a lighthouse thereon, and for furnishing the same with all necessary supplies, and also to agree for the salaries or wages of the person or persons who may be appointed by the President for the superintendence and care of the same; and the President is hereby authorized to make the said appointments. That the number and disposition of the lights in the said lighthouse shall be such as may tend to distinguish it from others, and as far as is practi cable, prevent mistakes. A p p r o v e d , April 12, 1792. Lighthouse on certain condi tions to be built on Mon tok Point in State of N. Y. The following act of Congress, although strictly a private act, has application to so large a body of lands in the state of Ohio, as to justify its insertion in the form of a note. An act fo r ascertaining the Bounds of a Tract of I.and purchased by John Cleves Synanes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled. That the President of the United States be and he hereby is authorized at the request or John Cleves Symmea, or bis agent or agents, to alter the contract made between the late board ot treasury and the said John Cleves Symmcs, for the sale of a tract of land of one m illio n of acres, m such manner that the said tract may extend from the mouth of the Great Miami, to the mouth of the Little Miami, and