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-L SU 3-- k y <2-^ ®fi Workers: An Update U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics May 1983 Special Labor Force Report Marital and Faroolf Patterns ©I An Update U.S. Department of Labor Raymond J. Donovan, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet L. Norwood, Commissioner May 1983 Bulletin 2163 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Pr@fa<§@ This bulletin on marital and family patterns of workers in 1981 is part of the Special Labor Force Reports series. It discusses over-the-year changes in labor force activity of women and men and family earn ings. This article was first published in the Monthly Labor Review, May 1982, and is reprinted with addi tional tabular material and explanatory notes. The data were compiled from supplementary ques tions to the March 1981 Current Population Survey conducted and tabulated by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data for 1980 were rerun from the March 1980 CPS using 1980 census population weights. Therefore, the 1980 data in this report may differ from that previously published. Material in this publication is in the public domain and may, with appropriate credit, be reproduced without permission. (CPS), iii Page Marital and family patterns of workers: An up d ate.................................................................................. . ............... 1 Appendixes: A. Explanatory n o te ............................................................................................................................. ..................... 5 B. Supplementary tables for March 1981: B- 1. Employment status of the population 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1981........................................................................................................... B- 2. Population and civilian labor force 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, and age, March 1981....................................................................................................................................... B- 3. Population and civilian labor force 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, and age, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1981 .......................................................................................... B- 4. Major occupation on group of employed persons 16 years old and over by full- or part-time status, marital status, sex, and race, March 1981.................................................................. B- 5. Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age and presence and age of own children, March 1981 ................................................................................................... B- 6. Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age, presence and age of own children, race, and Hispanic origin March 1981 ........................................................ B- 7. Labor force participation rates of married women, husband present, 16 years old and over by 1980 income of husband, age, and presence and age of own children, March 1981............................................................................................................................................... B- 8. Work experience in 1980 of married women, husband present, 16 years old and over by presence and age of own children, and race, March 1981.......................... ....................................... B- 9. Work experience in 1980 of married women, husband present by work experience of husband in 1980; presence and age of own children and race, March 1981.............. ......................... B-10. Number of earners 16 years old and over and relationship by family income in 1980; type of family and race, March 1981 ..................................................................................................... B -ll. Families by presence and number of own children under 18, number and relationship of earners in 1980, and family type, March 1981 ........................................................................... 9 10 11 13 15 17 19 20 21 23 24 C. Revised tables for March 1980: C- 1. Employment status of the population 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 ..................................................................................................... .. C- 2. Population and civilian labor force 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 ........................................................................................................... C- 3. Major occupation group of employed persons 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, age, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 ...................................................................... C- 4. Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age and presence and age of own children, March 1980 ................................................................................................... .. C- 5. Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age, presence and age of own children, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980........................................................ C- 6. Number of earners 16 years old and over and relationship by family income in 1979; type of family, and race, March 1980..................................................................................................... V 25 26 28 29 31 33 Marital and family patterns o f workers: an update H ow ard Hayghe Table 1. Employment status of persons 16 years and over by marital status and sex, March 1980, and March 1981 A record 18.4 million women with children under age 18 were in the labor force in March 1981, includ ing nearly half of all mothers with preschool children. The high level indicates the continuing impact that women of the “baby boom” generation are having on the job market. Now in their 20’s and early 30’s, many of these women are returning to work while their chil dren are still infants. This is also one reason why today every other married-couple family is in the dual-earner category.1 [Numbers in thousands] C iv ilia n la b o r f o r c e Over-the-year changes Wives. Labor force changes during the 12 months end ing with March 1981 were typical of those that have been observed in recent years in connection with the en try or re-entry into the job market of women born after World War II. About 25.5 million wives, or 51 percent, were working or looking for work in March, 560,000 above the previous year’s level. More than 2 of 3 of these net additions were mothers, and most of them had children under 6 years old. (See table 1 and 2.) The rise in the number and proportion of working mothers, especially those with preschool children, is partly related to a small rebound in births among wom en 20 to 34 years old.2During the 1970’s, women in this age group tended to delay marriage and >postpone childbearing, often acquiring lengthy job experience and strong ties to the labor force. Now most afe married M a rc h 1980 M a rc h 1981 M a rc h 1980 M a rc h O r ig in a l R e v is e d 1981 63.2 63.2 63.6 61,306 15,799 39,674 1,777 544 3,532 76.8 70.7 81.0 79.2 28.7 80.3 76.6 70.6 80.9 79.0 27.9 79.4 76.4 70.6 80.5 78.9 27.9 80.9 46,414 11,628 25,460 2,076 2,416 4,835 51.1 61.2 50.2 59.4 22.5 74.5 51.1 61.5 50.1 59.4 22.5 74.5 52.0 62.3 51.0 60.8 22.3 75.0 O r ig in a l R e v is e d Both sexes ................ 103,339 105,449 107,721 Men' ...................................... Never m arried................ Married, wife present . . . Married, wife absent . . . Widowed ...................... Divorced......................... 59,376 15,134 38,962 1,628 565 3,087 60,514 15,590 39,647 1,629 552 3,097 Women ................................. Never m arried................ Married, husband present Married, husband absent Widowed ...................... Divorced......................... 43,963 10,911 24,466 1,881 2,359 4,347 44,934 11,242 24,900 1,928 2,421 4,443 ’ Population includes male members of the Armed Forces living off post or with their fami lies on post. Note: Estimates of the civilian noninstitutional population have been recalculated using updated weights based on the 1980 Census of the Population; therefore, the 1980 revised data differ from 1980 data previously published. Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal, totals. and many are having children. But, unlike the preceding generation of mothers whose early marriage and childbearing was followed by prolonged withdrawal from the labor force,3 women are now either remaining in the work force or returning to it shortly after childbirth. Reflecting these events, the labor force participation rate of wives with preschool children increased from 45 percent in March 1980 to nearly 48 percent a year later. Even though there was no change in their partici- Howard Hayghe is an economist in the Division of LabpnForce Stud ies, Bureau of Labor Statistics. L a b o r f o r c e p a r t ic ip a t io n r a t e (in p e r c e n t ) M a r it a l s t a t u s a n d s e x 1 Race and Hispanic origin. Although white wives are still less likely to be in the labor force than black ones, their participation rate has been rising faster in recent years, narrowing the difference between the two groups. By March 1981, more than 50 percent of white wives and nearly 60 percent of black wives were in the work force. Ten years earlier, the proportions were about 40 and 53 percent. In contrast, the participation rate, for white husbands and black husbands were nearly identical; both rates have declined by roughly 6 percentage points since March 1971. Hispanic men were more apt than whites or blacks to be in the labor force regardless of their marital catego ry. This is partly because Hispanic men are, on average, younger; in March 1981, their median age (for those 16 years and over) was 32.1 years, compared with 34 years for blacks and 38 years for whites. In contrast to the men, Hispanic women traditionally have had lower par ticipation rates than whites or blacks.4(See table 3.) TabSe 2 . Labor force status of women 16 years and over, by marital status and presence and age of youngest child, March 1980 and March 1981 [Numbers in thousands] L a b o r f o r c e p a r t ic ip a t io n L a b o r fo rc e r a t e (in p e r c e n t ) M a r it a l s t a t u s a n d p r e s e n c e a n d a g e o f c h ild r e n M a rc h 1980 M a rc h O rig in a l R e v is e d 1981 Women, 16 years and over .. No children under 1 8 ......... With children under 18 . . . . Children 6 to 17, none younger ...................... Children under 6 years .. 43,963 26,470 17,493 44,934 27,144 17,790 11,168 6,325 Married, husband present .. . No children under 1 8 ......... With children under 18 . . . . Children 6 to 17, none younger ...................... Children under 6 years .. M a rc h 1980 M a rc h O r ig in a l R e v is e d 1981 46,414 27,992 18,422 51.1 48.0 56.6 51.1 48.1 56.6 52.0 48.7 58.1 11,252 6,538 11,490 6,933 64.4 46.6 64.3 46.8 65.5 48.9 24,466 11,019 13,447 24,900 11,246 13,654 25,460 11,426 14,035 50.2 46.1 54.2 50.1 46.0 54.1 51.0 46.3 55.7 8,381 5,067 8,428 5,227 8,432 5,603 61.8 45.0 61.7 45.1 62.5 47.8 Note: Estimates of the civilian noninstitutional population have been recalculated using updated weights based on the 1980 Census of the Population; therefore, the 1980 revised data differ from 1980 data previously published. Children are defined as “ own” children. Included are never-married daughters or sons, stepchildren, and adopted children. Excluded, are; other related children such as grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins, and unrelated children. Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Earners, income, and poverty During the past decade, the dramatic increase in the proportion of working wives has led to substantial gains in the number of married-couple families where both spouses were earners during the same year. In 1980, there were approximately 25.6 million such dual-earner families, 25 percent more than in 1970.5 Over the same period, the traditional-earner family (married-couple families where the husband, but not the wife, was an earner) declined in importance— falling from 44 percent of all married couples in 1970 to less than 31 percent in 1980.6 However, despite the ongoing rise in the number of pation rate, divorced mothers (regardless of their youn gest child’s age) remained considerably more likely than mothers in any other marital status category to be in the labor force. About 78 percent of all divorced moth ers were working or looking for work in March 1981, compared with around 60 percent of widowed, separat ed, or never-married mothers and 56 percent of married mothers. Even when they were childless, divorced wom en were more apt to be in the labor force than other women with no children under age 18. Single, divorced, and separated persons. Like wives, sin gle persons also accounted for 25 percent of the labor force growth over the year ending with March 1981. The number of single men in the labor force reached 15.8 million while that of single women grew to 11.6 million. These increases were largely because of a rise in the number of persons in their early 20’s and the con tinuing tendency among them to delay marriage. The labor force participation rates: of single men (71 percent) and of women (62 percent) remained relatively stable. As was the case for singles, the number of divorced and separated persons in the labor force rose, primarily because the divorce rate remained high. The labor force participation rates of separated and divorced men were about the same as for husbands (80 percent) while the rates for divorced (75 percent) and separated (61 per cent) women continued to be higher than for wives. In contrast to the other marital groups, the number of husbands who were working or looking for jobs re mained steady over the year ending in March 1981. The participation rate of husbands continued its long-term downward drift. Table 3. Labor force participation rates by marital status, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 revised and March 1981 [In percent] W h it e S e x a n d m a r it a l s t a t u s R e v is e d B la c k 1981 1980 R e v is e d H is p a n ic 1981 1980 R e v is e d 1981 1980 M en T o ta l........................... Never married ...................... Married, wife present ........... Married, wife a b s e n t............. Divorced ............................... Widowed ............................... 77.6 72.6 81.1 83.6 80.7 27.3 77.4 72.7 80.6 82.3 82.4 27.3 68.0 60.4 78.1 67.4 69.9 31.6 68.8 60.5 78.8 71.9 72.8 29.6 80.6 70.0 87.5 85.3 78.3 ( ’) 80.6 71.6 86.3 83.7 84.5 50.9 64.2 49.3 60.4 75.6 22.3 51.8 65.0 50.3 61.8 76.0 21.7 52.1 49.4 59.0 58.0 68.8 24.3 53.2 50.3 59.5 59.9 68.8 26.6 48.0 53.9 46.1 45.3 64.7 26.3 47.5 51.4 47.0 39.9 65.8 22.3 (’) W om en T o ta l........................... Never married ...................... Married, husband present . . . Married, husband absent . . . . Divorced ............................... W idow ed............................... 'Percent not shown where base is less than 75,000. Estimates of the civilian noninstitutional population have been recalculated using updated weights based on the 1980 Census of the Population; therefore, the 1980 revised data differ from 1980 data previously published. Note : 2 wives in the labor force, there was no change in either the number or proportion of dual-earner families from 1979 to 1980. Several factors interacted to produce this result. One was the sluggish economic climate that pre vailed during 1980 which led to greater levels of unem ployment than in 1979. Another was the continuing high level of divorces and the consequent breakup of many married-couple families. Also, the number of mar ried couples without earners continued its long-term climb. From 1970 to 1980, the number of married per sons 65 years and over rose by about a third, and the number of families with no earners reached 5.9 million. (See table 4.) Table 5. Families in poverty in 1980 by family type and number of earners, March 1981 Income. Overall, median income in 1980 was $23,300 for married-couple families, compared with $10,230 for families maintained by women and $17,740 for those maintained by men (no spouse present). A major reason for the differences is that almost 60 percent of all mar ried-couple families contained at least two earners, com pared with 28 percent of the families maintained by women and 42 percent of those maintained by men. (This is not the entire explanation; even when there were two earners or more, families maintained by men or women had lower median annual incomes.)7Who the earners are—husband, wife, children, and so forth—is also an important determinant of family income. To il lustrate, median income of married-couple families in 1980 was $20,500 where the husband was the only earner, but only $13,600 where the wife was the sole earner. For families with two earners or more, the medi N u m b e r (in t h o u s a n d s ) M a rc h 1980 r e la t io n s h ip , a n d t y p e o f f a m ily O r ig in a l R e v is e d Married-couple fam ilies......... No earners........................ One earner........................ Husband only ............... Wife o n ly ........................ Other relative o n ly ......... Two earners or m o re ......... Husband and wife ......... Husband and others, not w ife ...................... Husband non-earner . . . 48,199 5,420 13,598 11,667 1,463 468 29,180 25,148 49,132 5,559 13,912 11,934 1,499 480 29,660 25,595 3,448 585 Maintained by women1 ......... No earners'........................ One earner........................ Two earners or m o re ......... Maintained by men1 ............. No e a rners........................ One earner........................ Two earners or m o re ......... M a rc h 1981 $21,621 8,833 18,092 18,874 12,504 17,061 25,594 25,263 $21,545 8,855 18,073 18,850 12,527 17,072 25,501 25,167 $23,263 10,187 19,368 20,472 13,612 16,148 28,025 27,745 3,476 591 3,380 576 29,146 20,343 29,121 20,361 31,031 22,684 8,834 2,041 4,290 2,503 9,009 2,084 4,391 2,534 9,416 2,216 4,612 2,589 9,773 4,267 9,567 16,973 9,719 4,245 9,513 16,937 10,233 4,494 10,350 18,673 1,742 219 778 745 1,769 225 788 755 1,969 244 891 835 16,600 7,217 14,388 23,040 16,533 7,241 14,347 22,936 17,743 7,790 15,577 23,785 'Divorced, separated, widowed, or never-married persons. Note: Estimates of the civilian noninstitutional population have been recalculated using updated weights based on the 1980 Census of the Population; therefore, the 1980 revised data differ from 1980 data previously published. Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. 6,402 - 10.5 Married-couple fam ilies........................ No e a rners.................................... One earner.................................... Husband .................................... Wife .......................................... Other m ember........................... Two earners or m o re .................... Husband and wife .................... Husband and other(s), not wife . Husband nonearner .................. 3,036 996 1,294 945 237 113 745 540 137 68 100.0 32.8 42.6 31.1 7.8 3.7 24.5 17.8 4.5 2.2 6.2 16.9 9.3 8.1 13.9 19.7 2.6 2.1 4.1 11.8 Families maintained by women1 ........... No e a rners.................................... One earner.................................... Householder ............................. Other ........................................ Two earners or m o re .................... 3,142 1,617 1,267 1,034 233 258 100.0 51.5 40.3 32.9 7.4 8.2 33.4 73.0 27.5 28.6 23.5 10.0 Families maintained by m e n '................ No e a rners.................................... One earner.................................... Two earners or m o re .................... 224 76 115 32 100.0 33.9 51.3 14.3 11.4 31.1 12.9 3.8 Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Poverty. The presence of earners does not guarantee a family freedom from poverty. In 1980, about 6.4 million, or 10.5 percent, of the Nation’s families had incomes be low the poverty level.8These families were approximately equally divided between married couples (47 percent) and those maintained by women (49 percent), with rela tively few maintained by men. (See table 5.) The majority of married-couple families in poverty had income from the earnings of one member or more during 1980. In most of these families, the husband was an earner, but for an unusually large proportion— 21 percent compared with 6 percent for families not in poverty— the earner was the wife or some other mem ber, such as a son or daughter, whose wages were typi cally lower than those of the husband. A third of all families maintained by women had incomes below the poverty level in 1980, with children in more than four-fifths of them. Less than half of these families had earnings and only 8 percent contained more than one earner. As expected, large families face a greater likelihood of poverty than small ones with the same number of earn ers. For instance, among one-earner families in 1980, about 10 percent with only two members were in pover ty, compared with 20 percent of five-member families. The proportions in poverty were less for families with more than one earner. 1980 49,316 5,903 13,900 11,621 1,707 573 29,513 25,557 Total fam ilies......................... an was more than $31,000 where the husband (but not the wife) was among the earners, but only $22,700 when the husband had no earned income. 1979 R e v is e d As percent of all families 'Includes only divorced, separated, widowed, or never-married persons. M e d ia n f a m ily in c o m e O r ig in a l Percent distribution Note: Table 4. Number of earners in families, relationship, and median family income in 1979 and 1980, by type of family, March 1980 and March 1981 N u m b e r o f e a rn e rs , Number in pov erty (in thousands) Type of family, number and relationship of earners T h is 3' report h as pr esented some recent data on the marital-family characteristics of workers. However, the situation may change under the pressure of demograph ic and other trends that are already underway. For ex ample, recent increases in the birth rate indicate that the number of dual-earner families with young children will continue to increase. Thus, the need for adequate child care in the working parents’ absence will probably expand rather than diminish. In addition, if marital breakups—currently at record levels— rise, the demand for child care will grow even further as the number of one-parent families increases. FOOTNOTES vision of Vital Statistics, Natality Statistics. Also see Allyson Sherman Grossman, “More than half of all children have working mothers,” M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w , February 1982, pp. 41-43, for infor mation on trends in numbers of children whose mothers work. 3See Howard Hayghe, “Families and the rise of working wives— an overview,” M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w , May 1976, pp. 12-19; Janet L. Norwood and Elizabeth Waldman, W o m en in th e L a b o r F orce: S o m e N e w D a ta S eries, U.S. Department of Labor, Report 575; and George Masnich and Mary Jo Bane, T h e N a tio n 's F a m ilie s, 1 9 6 0 - 1 9 9 0 (Cam bridge, Mass., Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, 1980), pp. 52-85. 4 For a discussion of some of the factors underlying the labor force patterns of Hispanic women, see Morris J. Newman, “A profile of Hispanics in the U.S. work force,” M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w , December 1978, pp. 3-14. 5Only about two-fifths of the gain in the number of dual-earner families was because of the increase in the number of married-couple families. 6 See Howard Hayghe, “Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data,” M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w , February 1981, pp. 46-53. 7A forthcoming M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w article will focus on women who maintain families. ‘ The average poverty threshold for a nonfarm family of four was $8,414 in 1980. The level varied depending on family size, sex and age of householders, family composition, and farm-nonfarm residence. For further details, see C u r r e n t P o p u la tio n R e p o r ts , Series P-60, No. 124. ' Unless otherwise indicated, data are based on tabulations from the March 1981 Current Population Survey (CPS), conducted for the Bu reau of Labor Statistics by the Bureau of the Census. The data have been inflated using population weights based on results from the 1980 Census of the Population. The March 1980 data discussed in this re port also have been revised to bring them in line with the new popu lation weights and to make them comparable with the March 1981 data. Previously published 1980 data (as they appear in Beverly L. Johnson and Elizabeth Waldman, “Marital and family patterns,” M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w , October 1981, pp. 36-38) reflected population weights projected forward from the 1970 Census of the Population. As shown in table 1, the number of married women in the labor force in March 1980 was revised upward by 434,000. Despite this, and similarly significant changes in other data for 1980, the various relationships and percentages based on new estimates are nearly the same as those based on previously published estimates. For a more complete description of changes in labor force data stemming from the use of 1980 census population weights in the CPS, see Kenneth D. Buckley, Jennifer Marks, and Ronald J. Statt, “Revi sions in the Current Population Survey Beginning in January 1982,” E m p lo y m e n t a n d E a rn in g s, February 1982, pp. 7-15. Estimates based on a sample, such as those shown in the tables, may vary considerably from results obtained by a complete count in those cases where the numbers are small. Therefore, differences based on them may not be significant. For more detail on the interpretation of such differences, see M a r ita l a n d F a m ily C h a r a c te r istic s o f W o rk ers, M a r c h 1 9 7 9 , Special Labor Force Report 237 (Bureau of Labor Statis tics, 1981). 2 Final Natality Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Di 4 Appendix A„ Explanatory Note C h ild ren . Data on children refer to “own” children of the husband, wife, or person maintaining the family and include sons and daughters, stepchildren, and adopted children. Excluded are other related children, such as grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins, and unrelated children. Estimates in this bulletin are based on supplementary questions in the March 1981 and 1980 Current Popula tion Survey conducted and tabulated for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the Bureau of the Census. Basic labor force concepts, sample design, estimating methods, and reliability of the data are described briefly in the following sections.1 The age classification is based on the age of the person at his/her last birthday. A ge. Definitions and Concepts In March 1980 and 1981, trained interviewers collected information from a sample of about 65,000 households in 629 areas in 1,133 counties and independent cities with coverage in every State and the District of Columbia. Estimates in this bulletin in clude persons 16 years old and over in the civilian noninstitutional population in the calendar week ended March 14, 1981. Male members of the Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post (817,000 in March 1981) were also included, but all other members of the Armed Forces were excluded. P o p u la tio n coverage. The population is divided into three groups on the basis of race: White, black, and “ other races.” The last category includes Indians, Japanese, Chinese, and any other race except white and black. R a ce . Persons of Hispanic origin in this report are those persons who indicated that their origin was Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or some other Hispanic origin. The latter category includes persons from Spain as well as persons with combinations of types of Spanish origins. Persons who reported that they were of one of the specific Hispanic-origin categories and a non-Hispanic category were included in the specific category. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. H isp a n ic origin. Persons are classified into the following categories according to their marital status at the time of interview: Single; married, spouse present; and other marital status. The classification “married, spouse pres ent,” applies to husband and wife if both are reported as members of the same household even though one may be temporarily absent on business, vacation, on a visit, in a hospital, and the like at the time of interview. The term “other marital status” applies to persons who are married, spouse absent, widowed, or divorced. M a r ita l s ta tu s. Employed persons are all those who during the survey week (a) did any work at all as paid employees or in their own business or profession, or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of the family; or (b) did not work but had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent because of illness, bad weather, vacations, labor-management dispute, or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid by their employers for the time off, or were seek ing other jobs. E m p lo y e d . A family is a group of two or more persons residing together who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. The number of families as shown in this report includes both primary families and unrelated subfamilies. A primary family includes among its members the married couple or person maintaining the household and all other related individuals within the household. An unrelated subfamily includes no members related to the person or persons maintaining the household and may include lodgers, guests, or resi dent employees. F a m ily . U n e m p lo y e d . Unemployed persons are all those who did not work during the survey week, made specific ef forts to find a job within the preceding 4 weeks, and were available for work during the survey week or would have been available except for temporary illness. Also included as unemployed are those who did not work at all, were available for work, and (a) were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off, or (b) were waiting to report to a new wage .or salary job within 30 days. 1 For a more complete description o f methodology, see C on cepts a n d M e th o d s U sed in L a b o r F orce Statistics D e riv ed F rom the C ur rent P o p u la tio n Survey, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department o f Labor, BLS Report 463, October 1976. 5 not living in the same household, net royalties, and other periodic income. The amount received represents income before deductions for personal taxes, social security, savings bonds, union dues, health insurance, and the like. The total income of a family is the algebraic sum of the amount received by all persons in the family. Labor force. The labor force comprises all persons classified as employed or unemployed according to the above definitions. N ot in the labor force. All persons not classified as employed or unemployed are defined as “ not in the labor force.” Persons doing only incidental, unpaid family work (less than 15 hours) are also classified as not in the civilian labor force. Earnings. Earnings are all money income of $1 or more from wages and salaries, and net money income of $1 or more from farm and nonfarm self-employment. Full-time and part-time workers. Full-time workers are persons who worked 35 hours or more during the survey week, or who usually work full time but worked 1 to 34 hours during the survey week. Part-time workers are those who usually work 1 to 34 hours and worked 1 to 34 hours during the survey week. Persons with a job but not at work during the survey week are classified ac cording to whether they usually work full or part time. Median. The median is the value which divides the distribution into two equal parts; one part having values above the median, and the other having values below the median. The medians as shown in this bulletin are calculated from the corresponding distributions by linear inter polation within the interval in which the median falls. Therefore, because of this interpolation, the median value depends not only on the distribution of income but also on the income intervals used in calculating the median. Work experience. Persons with work experience are those who worked as civilians at any time during the preceding calendar year at full-time or part-time jobs. Weeks worked. Persons with work experience are classified according to the number of weeks in which they did any work during the preceding calendar year as civilians for pay or profit (including paid vacations and sick leave) or worked without pay on a family-operated farm or business. Sums o f distribution. Sums of individual items, whether absolute numbers or percentages, may not equal totals because of independent rounding of totals and com ponents. Percentage totals, however, are always shown as 100 percent. Reliability of the estimates Year-round full-tim e workers. Year-round full-time workers are persons who worked primarily at full-time jobs for 50 weeks or more during the preceding calendar year. Estimating procedure. The estimating procedure used in this survey inflates weighted sample results to in dependent estimates of the civilian noninstitutional population by age, sex, and race. These independent estimates are based on statistics from the 1980 Census of Population and other data on births, deaths, immigra tion, emigration, and strength of the Armed Forces. To these figures were added the male members of the Arm ed Forces living off post or with their families on post. Part-year workers. Part-year workers are persons who worked either full time or part time for 1 to 49 weeks during the preceding calendar year. Occupation, industry, and class o f worker. Data on oc cupation, industry, and class of worker refer to the job held in the survey week. Persons with two jobs or more are classified in the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours in the survey week. The oc cupation and industry categories in this bulletin are the major groups used in the 1970 Census of Population. Variability. Since the estimates are based on a sample, they may differ somewhat from the figures that would have been obtained if a complete census had been taken using the same schedules and procedures. As in any survey, the results are also subject to errors of response and reporting. These may be relatively large in the case of persons with irregular attachment to the labor force. Particular care should be exercised in the interpretation of figures based on relatively small estimates as well as small differences between estimates. The standard error is primarily a measure of sampling variability, that is, of the variations that might occur by chance because a sample rather than the entire popula tion is surveyed. As calculated for this bulletin, the Income. Income is the total amount of money received in the preceding calendar year from (1) money wages and salaries; (2) net income from self-employment; (3) social security; (4) dividends, interest (on savings and bonds), net rental income, and income from estates and trusts; (5) public assistance; (6) unemployment and workers’ compensation, government employee pen sions, and veterans’ payments; and (7) private pensions, annuities, alimony, regular contributions from persons 6 standard error also partially measures the effect of response and enumeration errors but does not measure any systematic biases in the data. The chances are about 68 out of 100 that an estimate differs from a complete census by less than the standard error. The chances are about 95 out of 100 that the difference would be less than twice the standard error. tors must be applied to the standard errors in order to adjust for the combined effect of sample design and estimating procedure on the value of the characteristic. The determination of the proper factor for a percentage depends upon the subject matter of the numerator of the percentage, not the denominator. The following examples illustrate the use of the standard error tables. An estimated 25,460,000 married women, husband present, were in the labor force in March 1981. Two steps, using both tables A-l and A-3 are required to derive an estimate of the standard error for this figure. First, from table A -l, a preliminary estimate of the error (278,000) is found by interpola tion. Next, this estimate is multiplied by the factor 1.0 from tablg A-3. Thus, the chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between the sample estimate and a complete census count would be less than 278,000. The chances are about 95 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 556,000. The 25,460,000 married women represented 51.0 percent of all married women in the population. The standard error for this percent is found by multiplying the standard error (0.4) from table A-2 by the appropriate factor from table A-3 (1.0): 0.4 x 1.0 = 0.4. Thus, the chances are 68 out of 100 that a complete census count would have resulted in a figure between 51.4 and 50.6 percent, and 95 out of 100 that the figure would have been between 51.8 and 50.2. Note when using small estimates. Nummary measures (such as medians, means, and percent distributions) are shown in this bulletin only when the base of the measure is 75,000 or greater. Because of the large stand ard errors involved, there is little chance that summary measures would reveal useful information when com puted on a smaller base. Estimated numbers are shown, however, even though the relative standard errors of these numbers are larger than those for corresponding percentages. These smaller estimates are provided primarily to permit such combinations of the categories as serve each user’s needs. Computation o f standard errors. Tptie figures presented in tables A-l and A-2 provide approximations of the standard errors of estimated numbers and percentages. Standard errors for intermediate values may be found by interpolation. Estimated standard errors for specific characteristics cannot be obtained from tables A-l and A-2 without the use of factors in table A-3. These fac Table A-1. Standard errors of estimated numbers (68 chances out of 100. Numbers in thousands) Size of estimate Standard error Size of estimate Standard error 2 5 ................................ 50 100 250 500 . 1,000 2,500............................ 9 13 19 30 42 59 93 5,000.......................... 10,000....................... 15,000....................... 25,000........................ 50,000........................ 100,000..................... 131 182 221 277 364 424 NOTE: For a particular characteristic, see table A-3 for the appropriate factor to apply to the above standard errors. 7 Table A-2. Standard errors of estimated percentages (68 chances out of 100) Base of Estimated percentage percentage (thousands) 1 or 99 2 or 98 5 or 95 10 or 90 25 or 75 50 7 5 ......................... 1 0 0 ....................... 250 ....................... 500 ....................... 1,000 ................... 2,500 ................... 5,000 ................... 10,000 ................. 15,000 ................. 25,000 ................. 50,000 ................. 100,000 ............... 2.1 1.9 1.2 .8 .6 .4 .3 .2 .15 .12 .08 .06 3.0 2.6 1.7 1.2 .8 .5 .4 .3 .2 .2 .12 .08 4.7 4.1 2.6 1.8 1.3 .8 .6 .4 .3 .3 .2 .13 6.5 5.6 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.1 .8 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 9.4 8.1 5.1 3.6 2.6 1.6 1.1 .8 .7 .5 .4 .3 10.8 9.4 5.9 4.2 3.0 1.9 1.3 .9 .8 .6 .4 .3 NOTE: For a particular characteristic, see table A-3 for the appropriate fac tor to apply to the above standard errors. Table A-3. Factors to be applied to generalized standard errors in tables A-1 and A-2 CPS data collected January 1967 to present Persons Characteristic Total or nonfarm: Total, regional or metropolitan . . N onm etropolitan.......................... Education, te n u r e ........................ Employment status and occupation ................................ F a r m ...................................................... Some household members secondary individuals Families and unreleated individuals, households, householders, or primary individuals All household members Total or white Black Hispanic origin Total or white Black Hispanic origin Total or white Black Hispanic origin 1.00 1.22 1.0 1.20 1.47 1.0 1.13 1.38 1.0 1.10 1.35 1.0 1.45 1.78 1.0 1.60 1.95 1.0 0.63 .77 .63 0.60 .73 .60 0.64 .78 .64 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.38 1.66 1.56 1.52 2.01 2.21 8 .85 .81 .86 Appendix B. Supplementary tables for March 1981 Table B-1. Employment status ©f the population 16 years old and over m arital status, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) MAR I T A L STATUS, SEX AND RACE POPULA TION TOTAL LABOR FORCE PARTIC IPATION RATE C I V I L I A N LAB O R FORCE E 1PL0YED PART FULL TOTAL TI M E 1/ TI M E 2/ UNEMPL OYED UNEM PLOY MENT RATE TOTAL NOT IN LABOR FORCE ARMED F O R C E S 3/ A LL PERSONS BO T H SEXES, TOTAL . . MEN, TOT A L .................... N E V E R - M A R R I E D ............... MARRIED, WIFE PRESENT. . . OTHER EVER MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, WIFE A B SENT . . W I D O W E D .................... D I V O R C E D ................. WOMEN, TOTAL .................. N E V E R - M A R R I E D ............... MARRIED, H U S B A N D P R E S E N T . OTHER EVER MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, HU S B A N D ABSENT. MARRIED, H U S B A N D ABSENT IN ARMED FORCES. WIDOWED. . . . . . . . . D I V O R C E D .................. . . 170,269 107,721 63.6 99,234 8 1 ,235 17,999 8,487 7.9 61,731 817 81,010 61,306 76.4 56,349 5 0 ,439 5,909 4,958 8.1 18,887 817 22,990 99,896 8,629 2,282 1,91(9 9,393 15,779 39,674 5,852 1,777 544 3,532 70.6 80.5 68.3 78.9 27.9 80.9 13,302 37,739 5,307 1,610 510 3,187 9,713 35,861 4,865 1,473 402 2,991 3,589 1,878 442 137 109 196 2,477 1,936 545 167 33 3.45 15.7 4.9 9.3 9,4 6.1 9.8 6,574 9,602 2,711 474 1,405 832 137 619 61 32 «. 29 89,259 46,414 52.0 42,8 8 5 30,795 12,090 3,529 7.6 42,8 4 4 18,679 99,883 20,702 3,912 57 10,81*5 6,945 11,628 25,460 9,327 2,076 44 2,416 4,835 62.3 51.0 45.1 60.8 ( *) 22.3 75.0 10,291 23,995 8,600 1,816 36 2,276 4,508 6,8 3 0 17,028 6,938 1,481 30 1,516 3,941 3,461 6,9 6 7 1,662 335 6 760 567 1,337 1,465 727 260 8 139 328 11.5 5,8 7.8 12.5 << ) 5.8 6.8 7,046 24,4 2 3 11,375 1,336 12 8,429 1,610 198,048 9 4 ,303 64.0 87,7 4 3 71,5 8 7 16,156 6,560 7.0 53,0 6 8 677 70,831 54,328 77.4 50,373 45,1 7 0 5,203 3,955 7.3 15,825 677 18,555 45,337 6,939 1,603 1,608 3,728 13,415 36,125 4,788 1,296 439 3,054 72.7 80.6 69.5 82.3 27.3 82.4 11,529 34,473 4,372 1,193 416 2,762 8,352 32,800 4,019 1,096 327 2,595 3,177 1,673 353 96 89 167 1,886 1,652 417 103 22 292 14,1 4.6 8.7 7.9 5.1 9.5 5,028 8,695 2,102 279 1,169 654 112 517 48 28 20 7 7 ,217 39,9 7 5 51.8 37,370 26,417 10,953 2,605 6.5 3 7 ,242 14,999 45,351 16,867 2,147 30 9,371 5,348 9,744 22,807 7,424 1,327 21 2,031 4,066 65.0 50.3 44.0 61.8 M> 21.7 76.0 8,858 21,587 6,925 1,179 16 1,927 3,819 5,766 15,070 5,580 964 11 1,270 3,346 3,092 6,516 1,344 215 5 657 473 886 1,220 499 149 5 104 247 9.1 5.3 6.7 11.2 (4 ) 5,1 6.1 5,255 22,545 9,443 819 10 7,341 1,282 18,211 10,894 60.2 9,158 7,661 1,497 1,737 15.9 7,211 107 8,172 5,549 68.8 4,651 4,107 544 898 16.2 2 , 517 107 3,184 3,470 1,517 591 309 618 1,917 2,675 957 422 91 444 60.5 78.8 63.6 71.9 29.6 72.8 1,381 2,436 834 361 81 392 1,074 2,282 750 323 63 365 307 153 84 39 18 27 536 239 123 61 11 52 28.0 8.9 12.9 14.4 11.7 11.7 1,249 719 549 165 217 166 18 77 12 4 10,039 5,346 53.2 4,507 3,554 953 839 15.7 4,6 9 4 3,2 0 6 3,379 3,454 1,171 18 1,307 976 1,614 2,010 1,721 702 17 348 671 50.3 59.5 49.8 59,9 <4 > 26.6 68.8 1,192 1,810 1,505 596 16 313 596 903 1,442 1,209 478 15 217 514 289 367 296 118 1 97 81 422 201 216 105 1 35 76 26.1 10.0 12.5 15.0 M> 10.1 11.3 1,592 1,369 1,733 469 1 959 305 8,906 5,616 63.4 4,987 4,270 716 630 11.2 3,246 44 4,299 3,429 80.6 3,047 2,770 277 382 11.1 826 44 1,378 2,443 478 229 71 178 986 2,075 367 190 28 149 71.6 86.3 77.5 83.7 <M 84.5 798 1,922 327 170 26 130 611 1,852 306 161 23 122 187 70 20 10 3 8 188 153 41 19 2 19 19.1 7.4 11.1 10.2 (4 ) 12.9 391 329 107 37 42 27 1 40 4 2 4,607 2,187 47.5 1,940 1,501 439 248 11.3 2,4 2 0 ... 1,104 2,487 1,016 369 3 283 363 568 1,170 450 148 1 63 239 51.4 47.0 44.3 39.9 <<> 22.3 65.8 490 1,055 394 121 1 60 213 . 343 831 327 99 1 45 184 147 224 67 23 77 115 55 26 15 29 3 26 13.6 9.8 12.3 17.8 (4 > M) 10.9 537 1,317 566 222 2 220 124 ... WHITE BO T H SEXES, MEN, TOTAL TOT A L . . .................... NEVER-M A R R I E D . . . . . . . MARRIED, WIFE PRESENT. . . OTHER EVER MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, WIFE A B SENT . . WIDOWED. .................. DIVO R C E D .................. WOMEN, TOT A L . . . . . . . . N E V E R - M A R R I E D ............... MARRIED, HU S B A N D P R E S E N T . OTHER EVER MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, H U SBAND ABSENT. MARRIED, HU S B A N D ABSENT WIDOWED. . . . . . . . . DIVORCED . . . . . . . . IN ARMED FORCES. . . ... BLACK BO T H SEXES, MEN, TOT A L . . TOTAL . . . . . . . . . N E V E R - M A R R I E D ............... MARRIED, WIFE PRESENT. . . OTHER EVER MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, WIFE A B SENT . . WIDOWED. . . . . . . . . D I V O R C E D .................. WOMEN, TOT A L .................. N E V E R - M A R R I E D ............... MARRIED, H U S B A N D PR E S E N T . OTHER EV E R MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, H U S B A N D ABSENT. MARRIED, H U S B A N D ABSENT W I D O W E D .................... D I V O R C E D .................. IN ARMED FORCES. . . - 8 ... HISPANIC ORIGIN BO T H SEXES, TOT A L MEN, TOTAL . . .................... N E V E R - M A R R I E D ............... MARRIED, WIFE PRESENT. . . OTHER EVER MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, WIFE A B S E N T . . WIDOWED. . . . . . . . . DIV O R C E D . . . . . . . . WOMEN, TOT A L .................. N E V E R - M A R R I E D ............... MARRIED, H U S B A N D P R E S E N T . OTHER EVER MARRIED, TOTAL. MARRIED, HU S B A N D ABSENT. MARRIED, H U S B A N D ABSENT W I D O W E D .................... D I V O R C E D ................. IN ARMED FORCES. . . - - - 2 1Full-time workers are persons who during the survey week worked 35 hours or more and those 4Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. who usually work full time but worked 1 to 34 hours. 2 Part-time workers are persons who usually work 1 to 34 hours and worked 1 to 34 hours during NOTE: The number in the labor force and the labor force participation rates and unemployment the survey week. Persons with a job but not at work are classified by whether they usually work rates for males shown in this set of tables excludes male members of the Armed Forces living off full or part time. post or with their families on post. Therefore, the numbers and rates in these tables are not com3Includes only male members of the Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post, parable to those published for March 1975 and prior years. 9 Table B-2. Population and civilian labor force 18 years old and over by marital status, sex, and age, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) WOMEN MEN P O PULATION, C I V I L I A N LAB O R FORCE; AND ASE TOTAL NEVER married, MARRIED SPOUSE TOTAL P R ESENT OTHER E V E R - M A R R I E D MARRIED, DI W I DOWED VORCED SPOUSE ABSENT TOTAL NEV E R MARRIED, MA R R I E D SPOUSE P R ESENT TOTAL OTHER E V E R - M A R R T E MARRIED, DI WID O W E D V O RCED SPOUSE ABSENT POPULATION . . 81,010 22,490 49,896 8,624 2,282 1,949 4,393 89,259 18,674 49,883 20,702 3,412 16 TO 19 YEARS; T O T A L ............. 16 AND 17 Y E A R S .................. 18 AND 19 Y E A R S .................. 20 TO 24 YEARS . . ............... 25 TO 34 YEARS; T O T A L ............ 25 TO 29 YEARS . . . . 1 . . . 30 TO 34 YEARS . . . . . . . . 35 TO 44 YEA R S . . . . . . . . . 45 TO 54 YEARS . . . . . . . . . 55 TO 64 YEARS; T O T A L ............. 55 TO 59 YEARS ................. 60 TO 64 YEARS .................. 65 YEA R S AND OVER; T O TAL . . . . 65 TO 69 YEARS ................. 70 YEARS AND O V E R ............... 8,201 4,134 4,067 10,300 18,625 9,713 8,912 12,806 10,839 10,131 5,430 4,700 10,108 3,878 6,229 7,981 4,090 3,892 7,163 4,741 3,278 1,463 1,085 548 520 285 235 452 194 257 164 19 145 2,747 11,910 5,617 6,293 10,035 8,982 8,275 4,459 3,816 7,783 3,196 4,587 56 26 30 390 1,975 818 1,157 1,686 1,309 1,335 686 649 1,873 488 1,385 51 24 27 196 645 282 364 484 361 310 182 129 234 95 139 _ 4 22 9 13 61 156 410 160 250 1,296 236 1,059 4 2 3 190 1,307 527 780 1,141 792 615 345 271 343 157 186 8,184 4,022 4,163 10,685 19,204 9,978 9,225 13,381 11,653 11,575 6,099 5,475 14,578 4,857 9,721 7,3 9 7 3,873 3,524 5,543 3,139 2,179 960 728 546 486 251 235 834 260 574 670 123 548 4,327 12,918 6,359 6,559 10,038 8,657 7,762 4,246 3,516 5,511 2,571 2,940 116 25 91 815 3,146 1,441 1,706 2,615 2,450 3,326 1,602 1,724 8,233 2,026 6,207 80 19 62 391 1,064 512 552 765 502 371 231 140 237 94 143 22 132 49 83 294 795 2,128 887 1,241 7,474 1,664 5,809 36 7 29 401 1,950 880 1,070 1,555 1,153 827 484 343 522 268 255 37.6 22.3 45.1 46.6 40.1 70.0 41.1 39.9 21.7 42.0 58.8 37.2 70.0 40.4 . . 61,306 15,779 39,674 5,852 1,777 544 3,532 46,4 1 4 11,628 25,4 6 0 9,327 2,076 2,416 4,835 16 TO 19 YEARS; TOTAL. . . . . . 16 AND 17 Y E A R S .................. 18 AND 19 YEARS. . . . . . . . 20 TO 24 YEARS . . . . . . . . . 25 TO 34 YEARS; T O T A L ............. 25 TO 29 YEARS .................. 30 TO 34 YEARS .................. 35 TO 44 YEARS .................... 45 TO 54 YEA R S .................... 55 TO 64 YEARS; T O T A L ............. 55 TO 59 YEARS . . . . . . . . 60 TO 64 YEARS .................. 65 YEARS AND OVER, T O TAL . . . . 65 TO 69 Y E A R S ............... . 70 YEARS AND O V E R ............... 4,531 1,799 2,732 8,537 17,312 8,882 8,431 11,982 9,847 7,222 4,465 2,757 1,875 1,098 777 4,355 1,763 2,592 5,662 4,155 2,856 1,298 896 385 265 184 81 62 36 25 139 19 120 2,534 11,342 5,295 6,047 9,577 8,366 6,169 3,782 2,388 1,547 928 619 37 17 20 341 1,815 730 1,085 1,508 1,096 788 499 288 267 134 132 36 17 19 171 578 244 334 426 301 215 139 76 51 35 16 4 14 8 7 48 124 202 106 96 152 64 88 1 1 167 1,223 479 744 1,035 671 371 254 116 64 35 29 3,978 1,600 2,378 7,282 12,945 6,754 6,191 8,904 7,189 4,872 2,999 1,873 1,244 753 491 3,611 1,548 2,063 4,053 2,593 1,800 793 576 406 275 164 111 114 56 57 308 43 264 2,665 7,955 3,894 4,061 6,279 5,019 2,833 1,817 1,016 402 279 123 59 9 50 564 2,398 1,060 1,338 2,049 1,763 1,764 1,018 746 729 418 311 42 5 37 240 713 333 379 543 328 182 132 50 29 18 11 11 85 28 57 193 537 997 519 478 593 328 265 17 4 13 313 1,600 698 902 1,314 898 586 368 219 107 72 35 35.2 23.1 41.1 39.9 37.4 58.9 38.6 34.2 22.7 37.9 43.0 35.8 58.7 38.7 68.3 78.9 27.9 80.9 45.1 60.8 22,3 75.0 (1 ) - 52.0 - (1 ) - 50.4 (11 55.0 TOTAL; M E D I A N AGE 16 YEARS AND OVER. (YEARS) ............... 10,845 • 6,445 CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E TOTAL; M E D I A N AGE 16 YEARS AND OVER. (YEARS) ............... - - CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION R A T E . . 76.4 70.6 80.5 16 TO 19 YEARS, T O T A L ............ 16 AND 17 Y E A R S ................. 18 AND 19 Y E A R S ................. 20 TO 24 YEARS .................... 25 TO 34 YEARS, T O T A L ............. 25 TO 29 YEARS ................. 30 TO 34 YEARS .................. 35 TO 44 YEARS .................... 45 TO 54 YEARS . . . . . . . . . 55 TO 64 YEARS, TOTAL. . . . . . 55 TO 59 YEARS . . . . . . . . 60 TO 64 YEARS . ............. .. 65 YEARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . . . 65 TO 69 YEARS ................. 70 YEA R S AND O V E R ............... 55.6 43.6 67.9 84.6 94.7 93.3 96.2 95.0 91.0 71.3 82.3 58.7 18.5 28.3 12.5 54.7 43.1 67.0 79.9 88.3 87.9 89.3 82.7 70.2 50.9 64.6 34.4 94.3 TOTAL, 16 YEA R S AND OVER. 13.6 18.7 9.8 ( ') 93.5 96.7 97.5 96.8 98.1 97.2 93.3 74.6 84,9 62.6 19.9 29.0 13.5 ( 1> ( 1) (' ) 90.3 93.4 91.2 94.9 90.1 83.9 59.0 72.7 44,5 14.2 27.5 9.6 (' ) 89.5 92.5 90.8 93.8 88.5 83.8 69,3 76,4 (' ) (' ) (1 ) (1 ) (1 ) 79.5 49.3 66.2 38.5 11.7 59.1 21.7 37.1 11.3 27.1 8.3 1Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. 10 > ( 1) (’ ) (1 91.1 94.2 91.6 96.0 91.5 84.9 60.3 73.8 43.0 18.6 22.2 15.5 52.0 62.3 51.0 48.6 39.8 57.1 68.2 67.4 67.7 67.1 66.5 61.7 42.1 49.2 34.2 8.5 15.5 5.1 48.8 40,0 58.5 73.1 82.6 82.6 82.6 79.1 74.3 56,5 65.2 47.1 13.6 45.9 21.7 9.9 35.4 48.3 61.6 61.6 61.2 61.9 62.5 58.0 36.5 42.6 28.9 7.3 10.8 4.2 69.2 76.2 73.6 78,4 78.4 72.0 53.0 63,6 43.3 8.9 20.6 5.0 (' ) ( 1) 61.3 66.9 65.1 68.7 70.9 65.4 48 o9 57.1 35.4 12.3 18.9 7.9 (ii) 64.6 ill 68.3 65.6 67.6 46 o8 58,5 38,5 7,9 19.7 4.6 (O <1 ) (1 ) 78.1 82.1 79.4 84.3 84,5 77.9 70.9 75,9 63.8 20,5 27.1 13.6 Table B-3. Population and civilian labor force 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, age, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) WOMEN MEN POPULATION, C I V I L I A N LABOR FORCE, AND AGE married, TOTAL SPOU S E NEVER M A RRIED PR E S E N T OTHER E V E R - M A R R I E D MARRIED, DI WI D O W E D VORC E D TOTAL S P OUSE ABSENT TOTAL MARRIED, NEV E R SPOUSE MA R R I E D PR E S E N T TOTAL OTHER EVE 3-MARRlEC DI 8&51RIED, W I DOWED VORCED S P OUSE ABSENT W H I T E POPULATION . . 70,831 18,555 45,337 6,939 1,603 1,608 3,728 77,217 14,999 45,351 16,867 2,147 9,371 5,348 Y E ARS .................... YEARS . .................. YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS . . . ............. Y E ARS .................... AND O V E R .................. 6,837 8,781 16,169 11,205 9,588 9,136 9,115 6,643 5,936 3,849 860 439 453 377 146 2,494 10,700 9,022 8,180 7,616 7,180 49 351 1,621 1,323 970 1,067 1,558 44 166 470 316 232 216 159 _ 2 17 39 109 329 1,113 4 184 1,135 969 629 522 286 6,840 8,942 16,287 11,481 10,129 10,329 13,210 6,120 4,377 2,358 527 424 426 768 624 3,901 11,580 9,034 7,883 7,193 5,137 97 665 2,349 1,920 1,822 2,709 7,305 61 294 655 445 285 244 165 18 87 211 610 1,759 6,688 36 353 1,608 1,264 928 707 452 38.2 22.2 45.4 46.3 38.9 70.0 40.6 40.7 21.6 42.3 61.0 36.4 70,0 40.4 . . 54,328 13,415 36,125 4,788 1,296 439 3,054 39,975 9,744 22,807 7,424 1,327 2,031 4,066 YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS . .................. YEARS .................... AND O V E R ................. 4,001 7,403 15,209 10,601 8,824 6,609 1,682 3,842 4, 773 3,443 737 326 238 57 123 2,319 10,247 8,652 7,653 5,723 1,407 36 310 1,518 1,212 845 648 219 35 145 423 287 206 164 36 2 12 36 94 165 130 1 164 1,083 889 545 320 52 3,542 6,263 10,946 7,563 6,218 4,328 1,114 3,202 3,372 2,050 437 338 244 102 291 2,418 7,047 5,572 4,526 2,592 360 49 473 1,850 1,554 1,354 1,492 652 33 194 447 327 190 122 14 7 63 144 420 854 542 17 272 1,339 1,082 744 515 96 35.5 23.0 41.2 39.4 36.6 59.3 38.1 34.3 22.5 38.0 43.6 34.8 59,4 38.7 . . 77.4 72.7 80.6 69.5 82.3 27.3 82.4 51.8 65.0 50.3 44.0 61.8 21.7 76.0 YEA R S .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... AND O V E R .................. 58.8 86.0 95.7 96.0 92.2 72.4 18.5 58.0 81.2 90.2 85.8 74.3 52.5 (1 ) (1 ) (1 ) 91.2 95.0 92.2 87.5 60.7 14.0 90.1 93.7 91.9 89.4 75,7 22 .7 86.2 50.2 11.7 18 .3 51.8 70.0 67.2 65.9 61.4 41.9 8.4 52.3 77,0 86.9 83.0 79.7 57.3 13.3 46.7 62.0 60.9 61.7 57.4 36.0 7.0 5 1 .2 15 .0 94.8 97.0 97.9 97.5 93.7 75.2 19.6 . . 8,172 3,184 3,470 1,517 591 309 618 10,039 3,206 Y E A R S .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... Y E ARS .................... Y E ARS .................... AND O V E R .................. 1,116 1,208 1,939 1,232 1,004 843 830 1,097 969 733 185 96 61 43 14 206 891 714 609 327 308 5 32 315 333 298 255 279 5 26 147 152 107 92 62 - 2 4 19 40 75 169 4 164 162 151 88 48 1,183 1,445 2,348 1,519 1,255 1,065 1,224 1,134 994 677 173 110 56 63 34.0 22.6 43.7 47.5 42.7 66.8 43.7 35.3 . . 5,549 1,917 2,679 957 422 91 444 YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... AND O V E R .................. 429 925 1,656 1,057 818 502 162 415 719 581 126 49 23 4 13 181 80S 698 549 390 116 2 25 267 272 220 129 42 1 21 132 126 79 50 12 _ 2 2 10 25 32 20 2 133 137 116 47 9 33.5 23.8 40.1 41.8 39.5 56.9 . . 68.8 60.5 78.8 63.6 71.9 29.6 YEARS .................... YEARS . . . . . . . . . YEARS .................... YEA R S .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... AND O V E R .................. 38.6 78.7 87.6 87.3 81.5 59.6 19.5 37.9 75.1 79.6 68.0 P> (’ ) (' ) (1) <1 ) 86.6 82.9 73.9 §0^5 91.3 82.9 74,2 1 5 .0 (' ) TOTAL, 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 Y E ARS 16 Y E ARS AND OVER. M E D I A N AGE (YEARS) ............... CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E TOTAL, 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 YEARS 16 Y E ARS AND OVER. M E D I A N AGE (YEARS) ............... CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION R A T E TOTAL, 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 Y E ARS 16 YEARS AND OVER. _ ( ) ( 1 1) ( ) 92.1 95.9 92.3 87.0 61.2 (1 ) 71.1 78.7 80.9 74.3 55.1 8.9 66.1 68.3 73.5 66.7 50.1 3,379 35 320 954 699 579 468 324 22.4 5,346 378 865 1,647 1,070 793 471 121 41.4 72.8 _ (i > 8.7 68,4 68,9 48.6 8.1 77.0 83.3 85,6 80.2 72.8 21 J 3,454 1,171 1,307 976 15 131 717 646 566 541 838 15 87 381 304 199 118 68 5 45 75 167 314 702 39 292 267 201 109 68 40.4 48.8 38.4 66.2 40.9 1,614 2,010 1,721 702 348 671 358 583 461 117 58 29 9 13 203 693 497 369 198 38 7 42 250 204 127 57 15 „ 4 21 43 107 123 49 = 33 222 209 133 64 10 33.6 23.9 36.9 41.2 37.5 54.8 38.8 53.2 50.3 59.5 49.8 59.9 26.6 68.8 32.0 59,9 70.1 70.5 63.1 44.2 9.9 31.5 58.6 68.1 67.7 (B) P~> (JJ P ) 48 .2 - ' PJ 7 3 .3 BLACK POPULATION TOTAL, 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 YEA R S 16 YEARS AND OVER. M E DIAN AGE (YEARS) ............... CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E TOTAL, 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 YEARS 16 YEARS AND OVER. M E DIAN AGE (YEARS) ............... 7 79' 494 456 366 244 74 CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION R A T E TOTAL, 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 YEARS 16 YEARS AND OVER. 5 0 .6 (D P) 97.2 94.7 94.5 90.1 66.4 22.8 5 4 .0 See footnote at end of table. 11 - (1) (') (<) P I 4 2 .5 12 .1 _ P> 83.0 86.5 76.7 5 3 .6 <1 > (1 ) (1) 63.5 72.6 71.0 63.6 42.3 11 .6 60 .5 68.8 70.6 64.7 45.2 8.9 65.7 67.1 63.9 48 .4 ( ’) < 1) <1! 50 .-2 64.2 39.2 7.0 _ V ) 76.1 78.1 65.9 5 9 .0 PJ Table B-3. Continued—Population and civilian labor force 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, age, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands} MEN POPULATION, C I V I L I A N L A BOR FORCE/ AND AGE married. TOTAL married SPOUSE P R E SENT NEVER OTH E R EVEF -M A R R I E MARRIED, DI S P OUSE WI D O W E D V O RCED TOTAL A B SENT TOTAL (OMEN MARRIED, OTHER EVER -MARRIED DI MARRIED, N E VER SPOUSE w i d o w e d VORCED MA R R I E D PR E S E N T SPOU S E TOTAL ABSENT H IS P A N IC O R IG IN POPULATION . . 4/299 1/378 2/443 478 229 YEARS . . . . . . . . . YEA R S . . . . . . . . . YEARS .................. . YEARS . .................. YEA R S .................... YEA R S .................... AND O V E R .................. 592 715 1/150 728 504 332 278 563 461 238 58 21 23 14 23 227 760 572 409 261 192 5 27 152 98 74 48 72 5 26 82 47 33 23 13 3 6 10 8 43 32.1 21.4 38.7 40.5 35.3 3/429 986 2/075 367 190 336 625 1/067 665 449 233 54 310 391 212 42 18 11 3 22 211 710 534 370 191 37 4 23 145 90 61 32 14 4 21 78 40 26 16 5 31.9 22.3 36.8 36.4 34.2 . . 80.6 71.6 66.3 77.5 83.7 YEA R S .................... YEA R S .................... YEA R S ................................. YEARS .................... Y E ARS . . . . . . . . . YEARS . . . . . . . . . AND O V E R .................. 56.9 88.4 94.7 92.6 89.5 70.3 19.4 55.1 85.0 89.0 (’ ) P> ( 1) TOTAL/ 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 YEARS 16 Y E ARS AND OVER. M E D I A N AGE (YEARS) ............... 178 4/607 1/104 2/487 1/016 369 283 363 _ 2 67 45 31 18 16 572 719 1/247 806 541 418 303 482 308 187 46 34 24 24 75 337 809 568 352 232 114 15 74 251 193 156 161 166 14 51 126 76 47 43 11 5 11 16 38 75 139 1 17 114 101 70 44 15 P> 39.5 32.9 21.1 35.4 43.7 34.4 64.7 39.9 28 149 2/187 568 1/170 450 148 63 239 3 6 9 4 6 2 64 43 26 12 3 208 403 687 444 285 143 18 172 207 122 32 20 10 3 30 165 422 305 168 77 4 6 30 143 107 97 56 10 6 17 54 34 22 14 1 ( .’ ) 37.0 31.8 22.7 34.2 39.2 34.5 - 38.6 - 84.5 47.5 51.4 47.0 44.3 39.9 - 65.8 36.4 56.1 55.1 55.1 52.6 34.1 5.8 35.7 67.3 65.5 P ) P ) P ) 3 9 .9 <1 ) ( ) P) _ < ) ( 1> <1) <1> ( 1) 71 CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E TOTAL/ 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 TO 64 YEA R S 16 YEA R S AND OVER. . . YEA R S .................... YEA R S .................... YEARS .................... YEARS .................... Y E A R S .................... YEARS .................... AND OVER. ............... M E D I A N AGE (YEARS) ............... - «, 7 7 25 17 7 14 82 67 50 24 3 CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION R A T E TOTAL/ 16 20 25 35 45 TO 19 TO 24 TO 34 TO 44 TO 54 55 TO 64 65 YEA R S 16 Y E A R S A N D OVER. (D (D P ) (' ) 96.0 96.1 95.0 90.7 73.2 19.3 96.3 91.0 ( 1) <1 ) P> ( 1> ( ) 9 4 .7 <i) (' > (1 > e > '•Rate not shown where base Is less than 75,000. 12 - (' ) P> P> P> (') _ P> ( 1) <1 ) <1 > ( 1) ( 1) P ) 49.1 52.1 53.6 47.7 33.0 3.5 57.0 55.7 62.1 34 .4 6.3 4 2 .4 4 4 .5 ip (' > to 22.9 4.9 P ) P> 7271 6 5 .9 P ) P ) P> Table B-4. Major occupation] group ©f employed persons 16 years old and ©wer by full- or part-time status, marital status, sex, and race, March 1981 (Percent distribution) M A JOR O C C U P A T I O N GROUP AND F U L L - T I M E OR P A R T - T I M E E M P L O Y M E N T S T ATUS A LL MARRIED. SPOU S E NEVER MARRIED PRESENT TOTAL WOMEN MEN OTHER EVER M A RRIED MARRIED, DI SPOUSE W I DOWED VORCED TOTAL ABSENT TOTAL MARRIED, SPOUSE NEV E R M A R R I E D PR E S E N T TOTAL OTHER EVER M A RRIED DI MARRIED, SPOUSE W I DOWED VORCED ABSENT EMPLOYED PERSONS A L L O C C U P A T IO N GROUPS ALL O C C U P A T I O N GROUPS N U MBER (THOUSANDS) P E R C E N T ............ 56,349 100.0 13,302 100.0 37,739 100.0 5,307 100.0 1,610 100.0 510 100.0 3,187 100.0 42,885 100.0 10,291 100.0 2 3 ,995 100.0 8,600 100.0 1,816 100.0 2,276 100.0 4,508 100,0 16.1 13.9 17.1 14.2 12.4 10.9 15.5 17.2 16.7 18.3 14.6 15.6 9.4 16.9 15.1 6.1 6.3 20.8 11.0 5.4 6.4 0.1 7.3 6.0 8.8 15.2 12.1 4.8 12.1 0.2 17.9 6.1 5.5 22.8 10.5 5.5 4.3 * 14.6 6.2 5.4 20.9 12.1 6,3 7.1 0.2 14.0 5.3 4.9 17.6 14.7 6,8 8,5 0,2 12.3 7.5 6.7 18.0 6.0 6.7 9.5 1.0 15.3 6.4 5.5 23.1 11.8 5.9 6.1 " 7.4 6.6 35.0 1.8 9,4 0.7 1.1 2.5 5.4 7.6 36.5 1.2 6.7 0,3 1.4 3.1 7.8 6.5 35.3 1.9 10.2 0.8 1.0 1.9 8.9 5.7 32.2 2.2 10.4 0.7 1.3 3.6 6.4 3.5 32.2 2.0 9.9 1.0 1.4 4.2 8.6 9.6 28.9 1.7 11.6 0.3 0.9 6.7 10.0 4.7 33.8 2.5 9.9 0,7 1,4 1.9 9.1 2.2 1.4 15.8 1.1 2.5 6.6 2.7 1.0 10,5 1.0 1.4 12.2 0.8 2.4 14.4 3.3 3.7 9.0 0.8 0.5 17,4 0.3 0.6 20.6 0.1 0.4 15.1 0.4 0.8 20.0 0.2 0.3 23.2 0.2 0.4 21.5 0.5 0.2 17.9 0.1 0.2 . 89.5 73.0 95.0 91.7 91.5 78.7 93.8 71.8 66.4 71.0 80.7 81.5 66.6 87.4 PROFESSIONAL-TECHNICAL . . . . . M A N A G E R S AND ADMINIST R A T O R S , E X CEPT FARM .................... SALES. .............................. C L E R I C A L ............................ C R A F T ................................. O PERATIVES, E X C E P T T R A N S P O R T . . TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT OPERATIVES . LABORERS, EXCE P T F A R M ............. P R I V A T E H O USEHOLD. . ............. SERVICE, EXCEPT PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD . . . . . . FA R M E R S AND FARM MANA G E R S . . . . FARM L A B O R E R S AND SUPE R V I S O R S . . 14.9 11.8 16.2 13.0 11.9 8.9 14.2 13.5 14.2 13.4 13.0 13.6 7.6 15.4 14.5 5.3 5.3 19.8 10.3 4.8 4.9 ” 6.7 4.1 6.0 13.4 9.9 3.8 7.2 0.1 17.4 5.7 5.1 22.0 10.2 5.1 4.0 “ 13.9 5.6 4.7 20.0 11.5 5.6 5.9 0.1 13.3 4.7 4.0 16.7 13.9 6.2 7.1 0.1 10.3 6.1 4.5 15.5 5.4 4.5 7.5 0.6 14.7 6.0 5.1 22.4 11.3 5.4 5.0 " 6.5 3.2 26.7 1.4 8.5 0.3 0.8 0,9 4.9 3.2 26.0 0.9 5.6 0.2 0.8 0.9 6.5 3.1 26.7 1.5 9.2 0.3 0.7 0.6 8.1 3.4 27.6 1.9 9.6 0.5 1.1 1.6 6.0 2.2 27.3 2.0 9.2 0.6 1.3 1.8 6.9 3,9 22.1 1.0 9.7 0.1 0.7 2.7 9,6 3.6 30.5 2.3 9.6 0.6 1.3 1.0 6.6 2.0 1.1 7.5 0.9 1.5 5.9 2.5 0.9 9.2 0.9 1.3 10.3 0.8 2.3 10.4 1.9 3.3 8.4 0.7 0.5 9.5 0.2 0.3 9.4 0.1 0.1 8.2 0.2 0.5 13.6 0.1 0.2 17.1 0.1 0.3 11.5 0,3 0.2 13,3 . 10.5 27.0 5.0 8.3 8.5 21.3 6.2 28.2 33.6 29.0 19.3 18.5 33.4 12.6 P R O F E S S I O N A L - T E C H N I C A L .......... M A N A G E R S AND ADMIN I S T R A T O R S , E X CEPT FA R M . . . . . . . . . SALES. . . . . . . ............... CLE R I C A L . . ....................... C R A F T ......................... .. O P ERATIVES, E X CEPT T R A N S P O R T . . TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT OPERATIVES . LABORERS, E X CEPT F A R M ............. PRI V A T E H O U S E H O L D .................. SERVICE, EXCEPT PR I V A T E H O U S E H O L D ............. F A R M E R S AND FARM M A NAGERS. . . . FARM L A B O R E R S AND SUPER V I S O R S . . 1.2 2.1 0.9 1.2 0.5 2.1 1.3 3.7 2.5 4.9 1.6 2.0 1.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.6 1.5 0.1 0.6 1.9 2.8 1.8 2.2 1.0 4.9 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.7 0,6 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6 1.4 0,1 2.1 1.4 2.3 2.4 0.5 2.2 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.5 1.1 1.0 3.4 8,3 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.3 1.6 0.4 4.4 10.5 0.3 0.9 0.2 0.7 2.3 1.3 3.4 8.7 0.4 1.0 0.5 0.3 1.2 0.8 2.4 4.5 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.1 2.0 0.4 1.3 4.8 - 0.8 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.1 2.3 1.7 5.6 6.9 0.6 1.9 0.2 0.2 4.0 0.4 1.1 3.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.9 2.6 0.2 0.3 8.3 0.2 1.0 0.7 0.3 0.1 1.3 0.2 0.1 1.9 4.0 1.5 0.5 0.6 7.9 0.2 0.2 11.2 0.1 0.3 7.0 0.2 0.3 6.4 0.1 0.1 6.1 0.1 0.1 10.1 0.2 0.1 4.6 0.1 P R O F E S S I O N A L - T E C H N I C A L .......... M A N A G E R S AND ADMIN I S T R A T O R S / E X C E P T FARM . .................. SALES, .............................. C L E R I C A L ............................ C R A F T ................................. OPERATIVES/ EXCEPT T R A N S P O R T . . TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT OPERATIVES . LABORERS/ E X C E P T FARM. . . . . . PRI V A T E HOUSEH O L D . . . . . . . . SERVICE, EXCE P T PR I V A T E H O U S E H O L D ............. FAR M E R S AND FARM M A NAGERS. . . . FAR M L A B O R E R S AND SUPER V I S O R S . . F U L L -T IM E ' ALL O C C U P A T I O N GROUPS, TOTAL 0.2 P A R T -T IM E 2 ALL O C C U P A T I O N GROUPS, TOT A L See footnotes at end of table. - - • - - Tabl® B-4. Continued—IMajor ©eouipation group of employed persons 16 years old and over by full- or part-time status, marital status, sex, and race, March 1981 (Percent distribution) WOM E N MEN MAJ O R O C C U P A T I O N GROUP AND F U L L - T I M E OR PART - T I M E E M P L O Y M E N T S T ATUS TOTAL MARRIED. SPOUSE NEVER M A RRIED P R ESENT O' HER EVE R M A RRIED MARRIED, DI SPOU S E WIDOWED VORCED TOTAL ABSENT MARRIED, SPOUSE NEVER MA R R I E D P R ESENT TOTAL TOTAL O' HER EVER MARRIFt DI MARRIED, SPOUSE W I DOWED V O RCED ABSENT W H IT E ALL O C C U P A T I O N G R O U P S NUMB E R (THOUSANDS) P E R C E N T ............ P R O F E S S I O N A L - T E C H N I C A L .......... M A N A G E R S AND ADMI N I S T R A T O R S , E X C E P T FA R M . .................. SALES, .......... .................. C L E R I C A L ............................ C R A F T ................................. O PERATIVES, E X CEPT T R A N S P O R T . . T R A N S P O R T E Q U I P M E N T OP E R A T I V E S . LABORERS, E X CEPT F A R M ............. P R I V A T E H O U S E H O L D .................. SERVICE, EXCE P T P R I V A T E H O U S E H O L D ............. FAR M E R S AND FARM M A NAGERS. . . . FARM L A B O R E R S AND SUPER V I S O R S . . 34,4 7 3 100.0 4,372 100.0 1,193 100.0 17.4 15.7 14.1 16.1 6.8 5.3 21.6 11.2 6.0 6.1 0.1 8.4 15.7 12.0 4.7 12.2 0.2 18.7 6.5 5.4 23.1 10.1 5.1 3.9 - - 15.7 6.5 4.1 18.3 12.9 5.6 7.8 0.2 8.2 2.A 1.3 14.4 1.2 2.6 6.0 2.9 0.9 8.9 1.2 1.2 A , 651 100.0 1,381 100.0 2,436 100.0 834 100.0 50,373 100.0 11,529 100.0 16.6 14.3 16.0 6.5 6.0 21.3 10.6 5.1 6.0 7.7 6 .6 416 100.0 2,762 100.0 3 7 ,370 100.0 8,858 100.0 21,587 100.0 13.1 16.8 17.5 17.2 14.8 8.7 7.3 18.0 5.5 7.2 7.1 - 16.4 6.6 5.5 23.5 11.3 5.9 5.2 - 7.9 7.1 35.7 1.8 9.0 0.7 1.1 2.0 5.6 7.9 36.1 1.2 6.1 0.3 1.5 3.0 11.5 1.1 2.2 11.8 3.5 2.9 7.4 0.9 0.4 16.3 0.4 0.6 361 100,0 81 100.0 392 100.0 6,925 100.0 1,179 100.0 18.4 15.0 16.5 9,8 17.2 8.2 6.9 36.1 1.9 9.8 0.9 1.5 10.0 6.6 33.8 2.4 10.1 0.7 1.2 2.2 7.8 4.5 35.9 2.2 8.6 1.1 1.7 1.5 9,7 10.8 30.9 1.9 12.1 0.3 0.9 4.3 10.9 5.2 34.6 2.7 9,6 0.8 1.2 1.3 20.5 0.2 0.4 14.3 0.5 0.8 17.3 0.2 0.3 19.4 0.3 0.5 18.5 0.6 0,2 16.2 0.1 0.3 4,507 100.0 1,192 100.0 1,810 100.0 1,505 100,0 596 100.0 313 100.0 596 100.0 1.0 1,927 100,0 3,819 100,0 B LA C K ALL OCCUPATION G R O U P S N U M B E R (THOUSANDS) PERCENT. . . . . . P R O F E S S I O N A L - T E C H N I C A L .......... M A N A G E R S AND A D M I N I S T R A T O R S , E X C E P T FA R M .................... S A L E S ................................. C L E R I C A L ............................ C R A F T ................................. O PERATIVES, E X C E P T T R A N S P O R T . . TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT OPERATIVES . LABORERS, E X C E P T F A R M ............. PRI V A T E H O U S E H O L D .................. SERVICE, EXCEPT PR I V A T E H O U S E H O L D ............. FA R M E R S AND FARM M A NAGERS. . . . FARM L A B O R E R S AND SUPE R V I S O R S . . 8.6 10.3 9.0 4.5 3.4 - 6.4 14.3 11.7 17.1 12.9 14.1 7.5 14.6 6.4 2.2 8.1 17.4 15.4 9.8 11.5 0.3 3.7 1.9 11.3 11.5 13.4 6.9 12.4 0.4 7.4 2.0 7.2 20.7 15.9 12.2 10.4 9.6 1.2 6.9 16.3 21.1 11.1 12.3 - 1.7 2.4 7.8 5.4 6.0 19.9 15.7 5.5 11.8 3.4 3.0 30.6 1.4 11.6 0.6 1.1 7.3 3.7 4.7 39.1 0.8 11.5 0.4 3.0 2.7 29.1 1.7 12.5 0.8 0.8 6.7 3.8 2.0 25.7 1.4 10.6 0.5 1.4 10.3 3.2 1.5 25.8 1.7 11.8 0.9 0.1 8.0 3.3 5.8 17.8 17.4 7.8 13.0 0.6 9.3 2.2 2.7 18.5 0.7 7.9 0.4 0.8 20.6 5.3 2.0 29,5 1.3 10.7 0,1 2.2 5,8 17.9 0.3 2.0 26.4 0.1 1.6 12.6 0.5 2.0 18.9 0.2 2.6 15.3 26.5 22.3 25.3 0.4 31.3 30.3 ■= 0.4 38.7 - 28.4 * 14.3 9.2 4.4 22.6 6.1 29.2 1.5 8.6 - 2.8 ' Full-time workers are persons who during the survey week worked 35 hours or more and those who usually work full time but worked 1 to 34 hours. - - 20.2 0.1 1.2 1.0 4.5 - - 0,2 0.2 - 0.2 1.0 1Part-time workers are persons who usually work 1 to 34 hours and worked 1 to 34 hours during the survey week. Persons with a job but not at work are olassitied by whether they usually work full or part time. 14 Tab!© B-5. Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age and presence and age of own children, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) LAB O R F O R C E AND MA R I T A L S T ATUS ALL E V E R - M A R R I E D WOMEN NEVER-MARRIED WOMEN MARRIED, H U SBAND PR E S E N T LABOR FORCE LABOR PARTIC F O RCE IPATION RATE TOTAL P R E S E N C E AND ASE OF OWN C H I L D R E N AND ASE OF WOMEN POPULA TION LABOR FORCE PARTIC POPULA TION IPATION RATE L A BOR F O RCE LABOR FORCE LABOR FOR C E POPULA P A R T I C TION IPATION RATE A LL PERSONS 18,674 11,626 62.3 70,585 34,787 49.3 49,883 2 5 ,460 51.0 NO OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 Y E ARS , . 16 TO 34 YEARS, T O T A L ............ 16 TO 19 YEARS .................. 20 TO 24 YEA R S . . . . . . . . 25 TO 34 YEA R S . . . . . . . . 35 Y E ARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . . . 35 TO 44 Y E A R S .......... .. . . 45 Y E ARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . . 45 TO 54 Y E ARS ............... 55 Y E ARS AND O V E R ............ 17,567 15,126 7,321 5,176 2,628 2,441 613 1,829 511 1,317 11,048 9,763 3,581 3,893 2,288 1,286 509 777 391 387 62.9 64.5 48.9 75.2 87.1 52.7 83.0 42.5 76.4 29.4 39,964 6,031 411 2,168 3,453 33,932 2,555 31,378 7,158 24,219 16,944 5,037 237 1,791 3,009 11,907 1,922 9,985 4,507 5,479 42.4 83.5 57.7 82.6 87.1 35.1 75.2 31.8 63.0 22.6 24,666 4,681 346 1,814 2,521 19,985 1,704 18,281 5,456 12,824 11,426 3,890 202 1,507 2,181 7,535 1,209 6,326 3,250 3,077 46.3 63.1 58.3 83.1 86.5 37.7 70.9 34.6 59,6 24,0 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, TOT A L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TO 34 YEARS, TOTAL. . . . . . 16 TO 19 YEARS . . . . . . . . 20 TO 24 Y E A R S .......... .. . . 25 TO 34 Y E A R S .......... .. . . 35 Y E A R S AND OVER, TOTAL . . . . 35 TO 44 YEA R S ................. 45 YEARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . . 45 TO 54 YEA R S . . . . . . . 55 YEA R S AND OVER. .......... 1,107 954 76 367 511 153 115 38 35 3 579 495 30 160 304 84 67 17 16 1 52.3 51.9 39.7 43.6 59.6 55.2 58.5 P ) <1 > 30,621 15,962 376 2,974 12,612 14,660 10,098 4,561 3,948 613 17,843 8,911 130 1,438 7,343 8,932 6,406 2,526 2,276 249 58.3 55.8 34.5 48.3 58.2 60.9 63.4 55.4 57.6 40.7 25,217 13,234 324 2,513 10,398 11,982 8,334 3,649 3,200 448 14,035 7,037 106 1,158 5,773 6,997 5,070 1,928 1,770 158 55.7 53,2 32,7 46.1 55,5 58,4 60.8 52,8 55.3 35,3 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17 YEARS, NONE YOUNGER, TOTAL . . . , . 16 TO 34 YEARS, TOTAL. . . . . 16 TO 19 YEARS . . . . . . . 20 TO 24 YEARS ............... 25 TO 34 YEA R S . . . . . . . 35 Y E ARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . . 35 TO 44 Y E A R S .......... .. . 45 YEARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . 45 TO 54 Y E ARS . . . . . . 55 YEARS AND O V E R .......... 389 268 3 28 237 121 84 37 34 3 252 187 1 18 168 65 48 16 15 1 64.6 69.7 (’ ) P ) 70.8 53.3 57.2 <1 > P> (1 > 17,158 4,542 18 119 4,405 12,616 8,189 4,427 3,821 607 11,238 3,233 6 90 3,137 8,005 5,543 2,462 2,215 248 65.5 71.2 75.4 71.2 63.4 67.7 55.6 58.0 40.8 13,492 3,314 16 83 3,214 10,178 6,6 3 8 3,540 3,096 445 8,432 2,244 5 57 2,182 6,188 4,311 1,877 1,720 156 62.5 67.7 (1 ) 69,2 67,9 60.8 65.0 53,0 55.6 35,2 717 686 74 339 273 32 31 1 1 328 308 29 142 136 20 19 1 1 - 45.7 44.9 P 1 42.0 49.9 (1 > <1 ) P ) P ) 13,463 11,420 359 2,855 8,207 2,043 1,909 134 128 6 6,605 5,678 124 1,348 4,207 927 864 63 62 2 49.1 49.7 34.5 47.2 51.3 45.4 45.2 47.3 48.2 P ) 11,725 9,921 308 2,430 7,183 1,804 1,696 108 105 4 5,603 4,793 101 1,101 3,591 809 758 51 49 2 47,8 48.3 32.9 45.3 50.0 44,9 44,7 47.2 47.1 P > 245 231 6 105 120 14 13 1 1 * 134 128 3 59 67 6 5 1 1 - 54.7 55.4 5,290 3,996 17 595 3,384 1,293 1,189 104 98 6 2,973 2,349 4 358 1,987 624 577 47 45 2 56.2 58.8 4,351 3,2 1 4 13 421 2,781 1,137 1,052 85 82 3 2,383 1,843 2 242 1,599 540 503 38 36 2 54,8 57.3 472 454 68 234 153 18 18 - 193 180 26 83 70 14 14 8,174 7,424 342 2,260 4,823 750 720 30 30 * 3,633 3,329 120 990 2,220 304 287 17 17 “ 7,374 6,707 295 2,009 4,402 667 644 23 23 3,219 2,950 99 859 1,993 269 256 13 13 * TOT A L ........................... WITH OWN CHIL D R E N UNDER 6 YEARS, T O T A L .................... 16 TO 34 YEARS, T O T A L .......... 16 TO 19 YEA R S . . . . . . . 20 TO 24 YEA R S . . . . . . . 25 TO 34 YEA R S . . . . . . . 35 YEA R S AND o v e r , TOTAL . . . 35 TO 44 YEA R S ............... 45 YEARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . 45 TO 54 YEARS . . . . . . 55 YEARS AND OVER. . . . . WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 3 TO 5 YEARS, NONE U N DER 3 . . . . . 16 TO 34 YEARS, TOTAL. . . . 16 TO 19 Y E ARS . . . . . . 20 TO 24 Y E ARS ............ 25 TO 34 YEARS . . . . . . 35 YEA R S AND OVER, TOTAL . . 35 TO 44 YEARS ............. 45 YEARS AND OVER, T O TAL . 45 TO 54 YEARS . . . . . 55 YEA R S A n d OVER. . . . WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 3 YEA R S .......... . . . . . . 16 TO 34 YEARS, TOTAL. . . . 16 TO 19 YEA R S ............. 20 TO 24 YEARS ............. 25 TO 34 YEARS ............ 35 YEA R S AND OVER, TOTAL . . 35 TO 44 YEARS . . . . . . 45 YEA R S AND OVER, TOTAL . 45 TO 54 YEA R S . . . . . 55 YEARS A n d OVER. . . . P> P> 55.9 55.4 P ) P ) P ) P > 41.0 39.5 <11, 35.7 45.6 P ) P> - . - See footnote at end of table. 15 P ) P ) 60.3 58.7 48.2 48.5 44.7 45.9 P) 44.4 44.8 35.1 43.8 46.0 40.5 39.8 P) Pl> ( 1) 57,5 57.5 47,5 47,8 44,5 44.4 (4) 43,7 44.0 33.6 42,7 45.3 40,3 39,7 P i) (IP Table B-5. Continued-Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age and presence and age of own children, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) “ ““ , L A BOR f o r c e a n d m a r i t a l s t a t u s ALL OTHER E V E R - H A R R I E D WOMEN , SPOUSE ABSENT W I DOWED DIV O R C E D labor LABOR LABOR LABOR P O P U L A LABOR P O P U L A LABOR FORCE FORCE FORCE POPULA LABOR FORCE P A R T I C TION FORCE P A R T I C TION P A R T I C TION FORCE PARTIC FORCE IPATION IPATION IPATION IPATION RATE rate RATE RATE TOTAL P R E S E N C E AND AGE OF OWN C H I L D R E N AND AGE OF WOMEN POPULA TION married LABOR FORCE A LL PERSONS ............................ 20,7 0 2 9,327 45.1 3,412 2,076 60.8 10,845 2,416 22.3 6,445 4,835 75.0 NO OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 18 YEA R S . . 16 TO 34 YEARS, T O T A L ............. 16 TO 19 YEARS .................. 20 TO 24 Y E ARS .................. 25 TO 34 YEARS .................. 35 Y E ARS AND OVER, T O TAL . . . . 35 TO 44 Y E ARS ................. 45 YEARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . . 45 TO 54 YEA R S ............... 55 Y E ARS AND O V E R ............. T O TAL 15,297 1,350 64 354 932 13,947 850 13,097 1,702 11,395 5,518 1,147 35 284 828 4,372 713 3,659 1,257 2,402 36.1 84.9 P> 80.3 88.8 31.3 83.8 27.9 73.8 21.1 1,601 479 47 178 253 1,122 218 905 328 577 959 372 25 133 214 587 172 415 222 194 59.9 77.6 ( 1) 74.7 84.3 52.3 79.0 45.9 67.6 33.6 10,196 32 8 24 10,164 107 10,057 545 9,513 2,024 26 5 21 1,998 75 1,923 374 1,549 19.9 P ) P) (i) 19.7 70.5 19.1 68.7 16.3 3,500 839 16 168 655 2,661 526 2,135 830 1,305 2,535 749 9 146 593 1,786 466 1,320 661 659 72.4 89.2 P) 87.2 90.5 67.1 88.5 61.9 79.7 50.5 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, TOTAL .............................. 16 TO 34 YEARS, T O T A L ............. 16 TO 19 YEARS .................. 20 TO 24 Y E ARS .................. 25 TO 34 Y E ARS .................. 35 Y E ARS AND OVER, T O TAL . . . . 35 TO 44 YEARS .................. 45 Y E ARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . . 45 TO 54 Y E ARS ............... 55 YEARS AND O V E R ............. 5,405 2,727 52 461 2,214 2,677 1,765 913 748 165 3,808 1,874 24 280 1,570 1,934 1,337 598 506 91 70.5 68.7 P ) 60.7 70.9 72.3 75.8 65.5 67.7 55.3 1,811 1,057 33 213 811 753 548 206 174 32 1,116 623 17 107 499 494 371 123 107 17 61.7 58.9 (1 ) 50.2 61.5 65.5 67.6 60.0 61.2 (1 ) 649 123 15 108 527 188 339 250 89 392 70 60.3 57.2 P ) (1 ) 59.4 61.0 62.8 60.0 65.2 45.3 2,945 1,547 19 233 1,295 1,397 1,029 368 324 45 2,300 1,181 7 167 1,007 1,119 848 271 237 34 78.1 76.3 P > 71.6 77.8 80.1 82.4 73.6 73.2 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17 YEARS, NO N E YOUNGER, T O TAL .......... 16 TO 34 YEARS, T O T A L .......... 16 TO 19 Y E ARS ............... 20 TO 24 Y E ARS ............... 25 TO 34 Y E ARS . ............. 35 Y E ARS AND OVER, T O TAL . . . 35 TO 44 Y E ARS ............... 45 YEARS AND OVER, T O TAL . . 45 TO 54 Y E ARS ............. 55 YEA R S AND O V E R .......... 3 , 667 1,228 1 36 1,191 2,439 1,552 887 725 162 2,806 989 1 33 955 1,817 1,231 586 494 91 76.5 80.5 1,016 356 10 345 660 457 203 171 32 711 258 7 251 452 329 123 106 17 70.0 72.7 356 46 - 63,0 46 310 108 201 161 40 2,086 805 1 26 778 1,281 930 352 309 42 1,740 685 1 25 658 1,055 793 262 227 34 83.4 85.0 (1) P ) 565 68 .. . 68 497 164 333 245 88 WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 6 YEARS, T O T A L .................. 16 TO 34 YEARS, T O T A L .......... 16 TO 19 YEA R S ............... 20 TO 24 YEA R S ............... 25 TO 34 YEARS ............... 35 YEA R S AND OVER, TOT A L . . . 35 TO 44 YEARS ............... 45 YEARS AND OVER, TOTAL . . 45 TO 54 YEA R S ............. 55 YEARS AND O V E R .......... 1,738 1,499 51 425 1,023 239 213 26 23 3 1,003 885 23 247 615 118j 105 12 12 - 795 702 33 203 466 93 90 3 3 406 364 17 100 248 42 41 1 1 51.0 51.9 85 55 36 24 P) P ) P > P ) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) 65.4 66.9 ( 1) 68.4 67.5 55.6 55.3 - 6 18 12 9 2 2 561 496 6 141 349 65 55 10 10 - 15 41 29 23 6 5 1 858 742 18 207 517 116 99 17 15 2 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 3 TO 5 YEARS, NONE UND E R 3 . . . . 16 TO 34 YEARS, TOTAL. . . . 16 TO 19 YEARS ............. 20 TO 24 YEA R S ............ 25 TO 34 YEA R S ............ 35 YEARS AND OVER, T O TAL . . 35 TO 44 YEA R S ..................... 45 YEARS AND OVER, TOT A L . 45 TO 54 YEARS ................. 55 YEARS AND OVER. . . . 936 782 5 174 603 157 137 19 16 3 589 506 2 116 388 83 74 9 9 191 163 2 36 125 28 28 53.9 54.0 (1 1 56 34 30 20 4 16 10 8 2 2 76 248 45 38 7 7 75.2 72.3 55.2 - 9 25 22 17 4 4 1 527 446 3 101 342 82 68 14 11 2 69.9 72.6 P ) P ) P ) ( 1) t 1) P) <1) ( 1) ( 1) P) 368 323 <1 ) P > P > 355 302 2 64 236 53 52 1 1 - 800 717 47 251 420 82 76 7 7 413 379 21 131 227 34 31 4 4 “ 51.7 52.8 (1 ) 52.2 54.1 41.9 40.9 t1 ) (' ) <1 ) 440 400 31 139 230 40 38 2 2 " 214 201 15 64 123 13 13 28 21 6 4 _ 2 2 2 2 P ) P ) 331 297 16 106 175 34 31 3 3 “ 192 173 6 66 102 20 16 3 3 58.1 58.3 (1 ) 61.8 58.0 P ) (') P ) P ) WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 3 Y E ARS ....................... 16 TO 34 YEARS, TOTAL. . . . 16 TO 19 YEA R S ............. 20 TO 24 Y E A R S ............ 25 TO 34 YEARS ............ 35 YEARS AND OVER, TOT A L . . 35 TO 44 YEA R S ............. 45 YEARS AND OVER, TOTAL . 45 TO 54 YEARS .......... 55 YEARS AND OVER. . . . P ) P > 80.2 74.5 79.4 66.0 68.2 56.3 57.7 59.0 P> 58.2 6 0 .1 49.3 49.5 P > P > P ) 6 2.8 64.8 P > 67.0 64.3 53.1 54.2 « . - - " Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. 16 - P ) 72.7 68.5 72.0 60.6 62.0 P) 49.1 53.2 44.5 45.4 P ) P ) - 52.9 ( 1) P ) P ) P ) 48.7 50.4 P ) 45.7 53.6 (1 ) P ) P ) P ) “ - 6 15 7 6 2 2 “ 6 64 321 118 203 163 40 _ _ - _ ~ (t ) “I P ) 62.3 66.0 60.4 65.7 45.7 42.2 P ) P ) P ) > ) ) ) P P P P P ) P> 84,6 82.3 65.3 74.4 73.5 P ) ( 1) ( 1) p) P ) ( 1) (1) p j pi Table B-6. Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age, presence and age of own children, race, and Hispanic origin, SViareh 1981 (Numbers in thousands) L A B O R F O RCE AND M A R I T A L S T ATUS ALL E V E R - M A R R I E D WOMEN NE V E R - M A R R I E D ___ WOMEN TOTAL AGE OF WOM E N BY P R ESENCE AND AGE OF OWN C H I L D R E N AND RACE POPULA TION LABOR FORCE LABOR FORCE PARTIC POPULA IPATION TION LABOR FORCE rate MARRIED* HU S B A N D PR E S E N T LABOR LABOR FORCE F O RCE PARTIC IPATION RATE LABOR FORCE POPULA P A R T I C TION IPATION RATE W H IT E 14*999 9*744 65.0 62*218 30*2 3 0 48.6 45*351 22*807 50,3 NO OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 18 Y E ARS . . 16 TO 34 YEARS . . . . . . . . . 35 YEA R S AND O V E R ................. 14*577 12*473 2*104 9*537 8*439 1*098 65.4 67.7 52.2 35*775 5*480 30*295 15*075 4*630 10*446 42.1 84.5 34.5 22*811 4*330 18*481 10*476 3*627 6*849 45.9 83,8 37,1 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 18 YEARS* TOTAL . ............... .. 16 TO 34 Y E A R S ............... .. . 35 YEA R S AND O V E R ................. 422 381 41 207 185 22 49.0 48.4 <1 ) 26*443 13,735 12*708 15*155 7*499 7,656 57.3 54.6 60.2 22*541 11*775 10*766 12*330 6*130 6*201 54,7 52.1 57,6 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17* NO N E YOUNGER* TOTAL .......... 16 TO 34 YEARS . . . . . . . . 35 Y E ARS AND O V E R ............... 136 101 35 86 67 19 63.1 65.9 <1 ) 14*822 3*833 10*989 9*616 2*690 6*926 64.9 70.2 63.0 12*136 2*929 9*206 7*508 1*955 5*553 61,9 66,7 60,3 WITH OWN Y E ARS 16 TO 34 35 YEA R S 286 280 6 121 118 3 42.3 42.1 (1 ) 11*621 9,902 1*719 5*539 4*808 730 47.7 48.6 42.5 10*405 8*8 4 5 1*560 4*822 4*174 648 46,3 47.2 41,5 T O TAL ................................. . C H I L D R E N UNDER 6 .................... .. Y E A R S ............ .. AND OVER. . . . . . . . BLACK ............................ .. 3*206 1*614 50.3 6*833 3*731 54.6 3*379 2*010 59,5 NO OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEA R S „ . 16 TO 34 YEA R S ............. .. 35 YEA R S AND O V E R .................. 2*541 2*250 292 1*253 1*101 152 49.3 49.0 51.9 3*533 391 3*141 1*555 305 1*250 44.0 77.9 39.8 1*455 231 1*225 733 189 545 50.4 81.8 44,5 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS* TOT A L ....................... .. 16 TO 34 YEA R S .................. .. 35 Y E ARS AND O V E R ................. 664 554 110 361 300 62 54.4 54.0 56.0 3*301 1*781 1*519 2*176 1*185 992 65.9 66.5 65.3 1*924 1*078 846 1*277 721 556 66,4 66,9 65,7 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17* NO N E YOUNGER* TOTAL .......... 16 TO 34 YEARS . . . .......... 35 YEARS AND O V E R ............... 248 164 84 162 117 45 65.4 71.5 53.5 1*918 614 1*304 1*333 480 853 69.5 78.2 65.4 1*025 318 707 699 247 452 68,2 77,9 63.9 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 6 Y E A R S ................. .. 16 TO 34 YEARS .................. .. 35 YEA R S AND OVER. . . . . . . . 417 391 26 199 182 17 47.8 46.7 (V ) 1*383 1*168 216 843 705 138 61.0 60.4 64.2 899 761 139 578 474 104 64.3 62.3 75,1 TOTAL H IS P A N IC O R IG IN . 1*104 568 51.4 3*503 1*620 46.2 2,487 1*170 47,0 NO OWN CHI L D R E N U N D E R 18 YEA R S . . 16 TO 34 Y E ARS . . . . . . . . . 35 YEA R S AND OVER. . . . . . . . 1*001 895 106 535 480 55 53.5 53.6 52.2 1*260 262 997 543 183 360 43.1 69.8 36.1 746 201 544 347 139 208 46,5 69,1 38,2 103 82 22 32 22 10 31.2 26.9 (1 ) 2*243 1*299 944 1*077 613 464 48.0 47.2 49.1 1*741 1*020 721 823 478 345 47.3 46,9 47,9 TOTAL .............................. .. WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS* TOT A L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TO 34 YEARS . . . . . . . . . 35 Y E A R S AND O V E R ................. WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17* none younger* total . . . . . 16 TO 34 Y E A R S ............... . 35 YEA R S AND OVER. . . . . . . 32 12 19 13 4 9- (O <1 ) l' > 1*019 286 733_ 555 173 382 54.4 60.4 52*1 736 186 -551 WITH OWN Y E ARS 16 TO 34 35 Y E A R S 71 69 2 20 18 2 (1 > (1 > <1 > 1*224 1*012 212 522 441 82 42.7 43.5 38.7 1*005 835 171 C H I L D R E N UNDER 6 . . . . ................. Y E ARS .................... AND O V E R ................. See footnote at end of table. 17 387 52,6 110 59,5 271- . 50,2 436 368 69 43,4 44,0 40.2 Table B-6. Continued—Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age, presence and age of own children, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) AGE OF WOM E N BY P R E S E N C E AND AGE OF OWN C H I L D R E N AND RACE LABOR F O RCE AND MA R I T A L STATUS' ____________________________________________ ALL OTHER EV ER-MARRIED WOMEN TOTAL MARRIED, SPOUSE ABSENT W I DOWED D I VORCED labor LABOR LABOR LABOR POPULA P O P U L A LABOR LABOR force FORCE P O P U L A LABOR FORCE P O P U L A LABOR FORCE TION FORCE partic TION FORCE P A R T I C TION FORCE P A R T I C TION FORCE PARTIC ipation IPATION IPATION IPATION rate RATE RATE RATE W H iTE T O T A L ...................................... 16*867 7*424 44.0 2*147 1*327 61.8 9*371 2*031 21.7 5*348 4*066 76.0 NO OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 18 YEARS . . ............ 15 TO 34 YEARS . . . 35 YEARS AND O V E R .................. 12*964 1*150 11*814 4*599 1*003 3,596 35.5 67.2 30.4 1*070 369 701 661 304 357 61.8 82.5 51.0 8,915 29 8*885 1*751 24 1*728 19.6 (1 > 19.4 2*980 752 2*228 2 / 187 675 1*511 73.4 89.8 67,8 WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 18 YEARS, TOTAL . . . . .................... 16 TO 34 YEARS . . . . . . . . . 35 YEARS AND O V E R .................. 3*902 1*960 1*942 2*825 1*369 1*456 72.4 69.8 75.0 1*077 641 437 666 370 296 61.8 57.8 67.8 457 75 382 279 47 233 61.2 62.5 60.9 2*368 1*245 1*123 1^879 952 927 79.4 76.5 82.5 WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17, NONE YOUNGER, TOTAL .......... 16 TO 34 YEARS ................. 35 YEARS AND O V E R ............... 2*686 904 1*782 2*108 735 1*373 78.5 81.3 77.1 594 211 383 420 151 269 70.6 71.3 70.3 407 43 364 263 33 230 64,8 P ) 63.3 1*685 649 1*036 1*425 551 874 64.6 84.9 84.4 WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N U N D E R 6 y e a r s ............................ 16 TO 34 YEARS .................. 35 YEA R S AND O V E R ............... 1*216 1*057 160 716 634 82 58.9 60.0 51.7 483 430 54 246 219 27 51.0 51.1 (1 ) 50 32 18 16 13 2 <1 ) (' ) P> 683 595 87 454 401 53 66.5 67.4 60.7 T O T A L ...................................... 3*454 1*721 49.8 1*171 702 59.9 1*307 348 26.6 976 671 68.8 NO OWN C H I L D R E N U N D E R 18 YEA R S . . 16 TO 34 YEA R S .................... 35 YEARS AND O V E R ................. 2*077 161 1*917 822 116 705 39.6 72.4 36.8 483 92 391 276 58 217 57.1 63.3 55.6 1*133 2 1*130 244 2 242 21.6 P > 21.4 461 66 396 302 55 246 65.3 P > 62.2 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 18 YEARS, TOTAL .............................. 16 TO 34 YEARS .................... 35 YEA R S AND O V E R .................. 1*377 703 674 899 464 436 65.3 66.0 64.7 688 390 298 426 240 185 61.9 61.6 62.3 174 47 127 104 23 81 59.6 (’) 63.6 515 265 249 370 200 170 71.8 75.4 68.1 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17, NO N E YOUNGER, TOT A L .......... 16 TO 34 YEARS .................. 35 Y E A R S AND O V E R ............... 893 296 597 634 232 401 71.0 78.5 67.3 397 137 260 277 106 172 69.9 77.1 66.1 141 25 116 84 13 72 59.9 (1 ) 61.6 355 134 221 272 114 158 76.6 84.8 71.6 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 6 Y E ARS ............................ 16 TO 34 YEARS ................. 35 Y E ARS AND O V E R ............... 484 407 77 266 231 34 54.9 56.8 44.6 291 253 38 148 135 14 51.0 53.2 P ) 34 23 11 19 10 9 P ) P ) P ) 160 131 28 98 86 11 BLACK 61.2 65.8 (1 ) HISPAN IC ORIGIN 1*016 450 44.3 369 148 39.9 283 63 22.3 363 239 65.8 NO OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 18 YEA R S . . 16 TO 34 YEARS .................... 35 YEARS AND O V E R ................. 514 61 453 196 44 152 38.1 P ) 33.5 127 34 93 57 23 34 44.7 P ) 36.7 233 1 232 42 1 41 18.2 17.7 154 26 128 97 20 77 63.1 P ) 59.9 WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, TOTAL .............................. 16 TO 34 YEARS .................... 35 Y E ARS AND O V E R .................. 502 279 223 254 135 118 50.6 48.6 53.1 243 158 85 91 54 37 37.5 34.3 43.3 50 15 35 21 6 15 P ) P ) P ) 209 106 103 142 75 67 67.9 70.9 64.8 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17, NONE YOUNGER, TOTAL .......... 16 TO 34 YEARS .................. 35 YEARS AND O V E R ............... 283 101 182 167 62 105 59.3 62.1 57.7 104 40 63 52 19 32 49.7 P ) <1 ) 37 6 31 17 3 14 P ) P ) P ) 142 55 87 99 40 58 69.4 P ) 66.9 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 6 YEARS ............................ 16 TO 34 YEA R S .................. 35 YEARS AND O V E R ............... 219 178 41 86 73 13 39.4 **1.0 P > 139 117 22 39 35 4 28.4 29.8 P ) 13 9 4 4 3 1 P ) P ) P ) 67 51 15 43 35 8 P ) P ) P ) T O T A L ...................................... ' Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. 18 (R) Table B-7. Labor force participation rates of married women, husband present, 16 years ©id and over by 1980 income of husband, age, and presence and age of own children, March 1981 (Participation rate) AND AGE OF OWN C H I L D R E N $3,000 $3,000 TO $9,999 $5,000 TO $6,999 $7,000 TO $9,999 under TOTAL INCOME OF HU S B A N D $10,000 $ 1 3,000 $ 1 5,000 $ 2 0,000 $25,000 $ 3 5,000 $ 5 0,000 TO TO TO TO TO AND TO $12,999 $19,999 $ 1 9,999 $2 9 , 9 9 9 $ 3 9,999 $ 9 9,999 OVER A LL PERSONS TOTAL, 16 YEARS AND OVER. . . . . . . . 51,0 96.2 33.8 36.8 99.5 53.9 57.9 59.6 57.6 53.9 96,9 39.9 NO OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, T O T A L ............. 96.3 91.2 28.9 30.9 37.8 98.1 53.3 58.3 57.7 53.7 95.0 33.7 16 TO 3<* YEARS, TOTAL 1 / ............... 16 TO 19 YEA R S 1/. . . 20 TO 29 YEA R S . . . . 25 TO 39 Y E A R S . . . . 35 YEARS AND OVER. . . . 95 Y E ARS AND OVER. . . 83.1 58.3 83.1 86.5 37.7 39.6 72.8 (2) 78.5 78.7 33.8 30.5 76.1 (2) (2) <2 > 29.6 23.3 73.9 (2 ) 80,6 75.6 29.5 22.9 80.8 (2) 89.8 82.3 29.5 27.1 85.2 (2) 85.6 89.8 36.9 33.9 83.7 (2) 81.7 87.5 92.3 38.9 87.5 (2 ) 89.5 90.8 96.8 99.0 85.9 (2) 83.6 87.0 99.0 95.7 86.6 (2) 79.0 89.9 97.7 99.9 77.7 (2) (2) 76.3 91,6 37.1 (?) (2) (2) (2 > 31.0 29.1 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N U N DER 18 YEARS, TOTAL . . . . 55.7 53.5 99.9 50.0 55.9 59.8 61.6 60.6 57.5 53.3 98.9 39.9 16 TO 39 YEARS, T O TAL 1/. . . . . . . 16 TO 19 Y E ARS 1/. . . 20 TO 29 Y E ARS . . . . 25 TO 39 Y E ARS . . . . 35 Y E ARS AND OVER. . . . 95 YEARS AND OVER. . . 53.2 32.7 96.1 55.5 58.9 52.8 50.7 (2) (2) 57.7 56.6 50.5 50.5 (2) (2) 53.9 98.1 (2) 97.0 (2) (2) 53.3 59,6 59.1 52.9 (2 ) 98,3 56.8 59,8 59.1 57.0 (2 ) 53.1 59.9 69.3 58.6 60.5 (2 ) 99.8 69,5 63.3 56,8 58.7 (2) 97.7 61.7 63.9 59.5 59.0 (2) 92.7 56.0 61.2 53.8 99.9 (2) (2) 96,2 59.5 52.9 93.5 (2) (2 ) 99.1 50.6 97,3 31.9 (2) (2) (2 > 36.2 39.1 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17 YEARS, NONE YOUNGER, TOTAL. . . . 62.5 59.8 53.2 57.9 69,9 67.7 66.7 68.2 65.2 62.2 • 53,9 39.9 16 TO 39 YEARS, TOTAL 1 / ............ 16 TO 19 YEARS 1/. . 20 TO 29 YEA R S . . . 25 TO 39 YEA R S . . . 35 YEARS AND OVER. . . 95 YEARS AND OVER. . 67.7 (2) (2) 67.9 60.8 53.0 tTl> (2) (2 ) <2 ) 58.1 52.3 (2) (2) (2) (2) 50.9 (2 ) (2) (2) (2) (2) 56.1 53.9 73^7 (2 ) (2 > 72.9 60.9 53.6 72.2 ( 2) (2) 72.3 65.7 58.9 72,3 (2) (2) 73.3 69.9 56.3 73.6 (2) (2 > 73.8 65.9 59.1 69,5 (2) (2) 69.9 63.7 53.9 61.1 (2) (2) 61.6 62.9 53.2 51.9 ( 2.) (2) (2) 53.7 98.3 (?) (2) (?) (2 > 39.8 39.8 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 19 TO 17, NONE Y O UNGER . . . . . . 63.3 58.6 (2) 63.7 69.2 68.1 66.5 69.9 69.9 62.1 58.0 95.2 16 TO 39 YEARS, TOT A L 1/. . . . 16 TO 19 YEA R S 1/. . . . 20 TO 29 YEARS . . 25 TO 39 YEARS . . 35 YEARS AND OVER. . 95 YEARS AND O V E R ............. WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 13, NONE YO U N G E R ............. 16 TO 39 YEARS, TOTAL 1/. . . . 16 TO 19 YEA R S 1/. . . . 20 TO 29 Y E ARS . . 25 TO 39 Y E ARS . . 35 YEARS AND OVER. . 95 Y E A R S AND O V E R ............. WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 6 Y E ARS . . . . 16 TO 39 YEARS, TOTAL 1/. . . . . 16 TO 19 YEARS 1/. 20 TO 29 Y E ARS . . 25 TO 39 Y E ARS . . 35 YEARS AND OVER. . 95 YEARS AND OVER. . . . . . . 75.9 <2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) ( 2> (2) (2) (?) (?) (2) (2 ) 78.0 62.8 (2) (2) (2) 58.8 (2) (2) (2) <2) (2) (2) (2) 62.2 (2) (2) (2) 62.9 (2) (2) <2 > 67.9 (?) (2) (2) 69.9 ( 2) (2) ( 2> 69.6 (?) (2) (2> 69.9 (?) (2) (2) 62.1 (?) (2) (2) 57.2 (?) (2) (2) 99.7 55.9 (2) (2) <2 ) 56,8 59.6 (?) 62.7 56.7 53.8 98.9 (2) 62.1 60.9 53.5 59.2 69,5 67.9 66.8 67.5 65.5 62.2 51.2 36.1 67.9 (2) (2) (2 ) 72.9 72.1 71.0 73.5 69.5 61.1 (2) (2) (2J (2) 67.9 59.9 (2) (2) <2) 57.7 (2) (2) (2) (2 ) ("2) (2) < 2> 50.5 (2) (2) 71.8 58.9 (2) (2) 72.2 63.9 (?) (2 ) 71.5 69.0 (2) (2 ) 73.8 63.3 (?) (2 ) 69.9 63.2 (?) (2) 61.7 62.6 (2) (2) (2) 51.7 (2) (2) (.2) 36.6 99.0 (?) (?) (2) (2) (J ) (2) 52.2 99.6 52.3 (2 ) (2) 97.8 96.5 95.2 93.5 98.1 53.0 57.9 53.2 97.7 39.3 37.8 25.7 98.3 (2) 95.3 50.0 99,9 (2) 96.1 (2) (2) 53.1 (2) (2) 97.1 (2) (2) (2) ( 2) < 2> 93,5 (2 ) (2) 99,5 (2) (2) 97.2 (2) 96.0 99.7 ( 2) ( 2) 52,6 (2 ) 52.9 53.2 56.8 (2 ) 57.3 (2) 99.3 61.2 (2) (2) 53.7 (2) 97.0 56.5 99.0 ( 2) 98.0 (2 ) 91.2 99.8 96.3 (2) 38.5 (?) (2 ) 39.9 92.3 (2 ) 39.9 (2) (2 ) 90.7 (2 ) (2 ) (?) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2 > 1May include wives 14 and 15 years old. 2Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. 19 Table B-8. Work experience in 1980 of married women, husband present, 16 years o!d and over by presence and age of own children, and race, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) ITEM T O TAL W I VES _________________ WO R K E X P E R I E N C E OF WIFE D U R I N G YEAR_____________________________ W I VES WITH WORK PE R C E N T D I S T R I B U T I O N OF W I V E S WI T H WO R K E X P E R I E N C E E X P E R I E N C E _____________________ _______________________________ FULL TIME 1/ WITH NO PART TIME 2/ PE R C E N T 50 TO 27 TO WORK 1 TO 27 1 TO OF P O P TOTAL EXPERI n u m b e r TOTAL 52 49 26 WEEKS TOT A L 26 UL A T I O N WEEKS WEEKS WEEKS ENCE OR WEEKS MORE A LL PERSONS 49,8 8 3 21,194 28,689 57.5 100.0 67.2 44.1 12.5 10.6 32.8 21.3 11.4 24,666 4 , 223 5 , 683 14,761 11,960 378 1,770 9,812 12,706 3,845 3,913 4,949 51.5 91.0 68.9 33.5 100.0 100,0 100.0 100.0 73.1 82.8 74.8 64.4 52.5 57,1 55.6 46,4 12.3 16.5 11.2 10.0 8.3 9.1 7,9 8.0 26.9 17.2 25,2 35,6 19.2 10.4 19.0 26.2 7.7 6.8 6.3 9,5 2 5 ,217 9,234 15,983 63.4 100,0 62.6 37.4 12.7 12.5 37,4 23.0 14,4 13,492 4,316 9,176 68.0 100,0 63.2 42.5 11.3 9.4 36,8 25.4 11.4 11,725 4,918 6,807 58.1 100.0 61.8 30,5 14.6 16.7 38,2 19.8 18.5 4,351 1,737 2,614 60.1 100.0 62.4 37,8 12.1 12.6 37.6 22.4 15.2 7,3 7 4 3,181 4,192 56.9 100,0 61.4 25.9 16.1 19.3 38.6 18.1 20.5 45,351 19,503 25,849 57.0 100.0 66.3 43.3 12.4 10.6 33.7 21.9 11.9 22,811 3,911 5,180 13,719 11,128 318 1,631 9,179 11,683 3,593 3,549 4,540 51.2 91.9 68.5 33.1 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 73.2 82.8 74.4 64.6 52.6 57,4 55.3 46.8 12.3 16.4 11.2 9.9 8.3 9.1 7.9 7.9 26.8 17.2 25.6 35.4 19.1 10.4 19.2 25.8 7.8 6.8 6.4 9.6 22,541 8,375 14,166 62.8 100.0 60.5 35,6 12.5 12.5 39.5 24.2 15.3 12,136 3,915 8,221 67.7 100.0 61.4 40.9 11.1 9.4 38.6 26.4 12.2 10,405 4,460 5,945 57.1 100,0 59.4 -28.2 14.4 16.8 40.6 21.1 19.5 3,833 1,595 2,238 58.4 100.0 59.0 34,6 11.6 12.7 41.0 24.3 16.7 6 , 572 2,865 3,707 56.4 100,0 59.6 24.4 16.0 19.2 40.4 19.2 21.2 . 3,379 1,248 2,131 63.1 100,0 74.9 51.2 13.3 10.5 25.1 17.5 7.6 NO OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, TOTAL ....................... HUS B A N D UNDER 35 YEA R S .......... HUS B A N D 35 TO 54 YEARS .......... H U S B A N D 55 YEA R S AND OVER. . . . 1,455 200 396 859 666 29 105 533 789 171 291 327 54.2 85.6 73.5 38.0 100.0 100,0 100,0 100.0 69.2 79.4 76.6 57.2 49.1 54.8 57.3 38.9 12.3 16.8 11.5 10.6 7.8 7.9 7.7 7.8 30,8 20.6 23,4 42.8 23.3 10.3 18.8 34.1 7.5 10.3 4.6 8.7 1,924 582 1,342 69.8 100,0 78.3 52,4 13.8 12.0 21.7 14.0 7.7 1,025 310 715 69.8 100,0 79.3 57.6 13.2 8.5 20.7 16.4 4.3 899 272 627 69.8 100.0 77.0 46.5 14.5 16.1 23.0 11.4 11.6 370 90 281 75.8 100,0 83.5 56.0 15.6 11.9 16.5 10.2 6.3 529 182 347 65.6 100.0 71.8 38,7 13.6 19.5 28.2 12.3 15.9 T O T A L .............................. NO OWN C H I L D R E N U N D E R 18 YEARS, T O TAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . HU S B A N D UND E R 35 YEARS .......... HU S B A N D 35 TO 54 YEA R S . . . . . HU S B A N D 55 Y E ARS AND OVER. . . . WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, TOTAL. ......................... . WITH O W N C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17 YEARS ONLY. . . . . . . ............ WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 6 YEARS, T O T A L ............................ WITH OWN C H I L D R E N 3 TO 5 YEARS, NONE UND E R 3 YEA R S . WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 3 Y E A R S ...................... WHITE T O T A L .............................. NO OWN C H I L D R E N U N D E R 18 YEARS, TOT A L . . . ....................... H U S B A N D U N DER 35 YEA R S .......... H U S B A N D 35 TO 54 YEA R S .......... H U S B A N D 55 YEA R S AND OVER. . . . WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, TOTAL. . . ....................... WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17 YEARS O N L Y ......................... WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 6 YEARS, TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N 3 TO 5 YEARS, NONE U N D E R 3 YEA R S . WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 3 YEA R S . . .................. BLACK T O T A L ......................... .. WITH OWN CHIL D R E N UNDER 18 YEARS, T O T A L .............................. WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N 6 TO 17 YEARS O N L Y .............................. WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 6 YEARS, TOT A L ............................ WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N 3 TO 5 YEARS, NONE U N DER 3 YEARS . WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 3 YEARS ....................... 1Usually worked 35 hours or more per week during a majority of weeks worked. 1Usually worked less than 35 hours per week during a majority of weeks worked. 20 Table B-9. Work experience in 1980 of married women, husband present, by work experience of husband in 1980; presence and age of own children and race, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) WORK E X P E R I E N C E OF H U S B A N D AND P R E S E N C E AND AGE OF OWN C H I L D R E N TOT A L WIVES W DRK E X P E R I E N C E OF WIFE D U R I N G YEAR P E R C E N T D I S T R I B U T I O N OF W I V E S WITH WO R K E X P E R I E N C E W I V E S W TH WORK EXPER ENCE PART TIME 2/ FU L L TIME 1/ WITH NO 1 TO 27 TO 27 50 TO 1 TO PERCENT WORK WEEKS 26 26 49 TOTAL TOT A L 52 OF p o p TOTAL E X P E R I NUMBER WEEKS WEEKS OR WEEKS WEEKS ulation ENCE MORE A L L W IV E S . 4 9 ,883 21,194 28,689 57.5 100.0 67.2 44,1 12.5 10.6 32,8 21.3 11.4 HU S B A N D W O R K E D D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 W E EKS .................... F U L L - T I M E 1/ .................... P A R T - T I M E 2/ .................... 1 TO 49 WEEKS, T O T A L .......... .. 27 TO 49 WEE K S . . . . . . . . WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. , . . 1 TO 26 W E E K S .................... WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . HU S B A N D DID NOT WOR K D U R I N G YEAR . 4 0 ,810 32,372 31,322 1,049 8,438 5 , 606 3,166 2,832 1,237 8,454 14,504 11,254 10,760 494 3,250 2,020 1,054 1,230 410 6,473 26,306 2 1 ,118 20,562 556 5,188 3,586 2,112 1,602 827 1,981 64.5 65.2 65.6 53.0 61.5 64.0 66.7 56.6 66.9 23.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 67.2 66.2 66.5 56.0 71.2 70.5 71.8 72.7 73.3 67.4 44.2 45.7 45.8 41.6 38.2 37.3 37.2 40.2 40.1 45.1 12.5 11.3 11.4 8.8 17.4 19.1 18.9 13.6 14.2 11.8 10.5 9.2 9.3 5.6 15.6 14.1 15,8 18.9 19.0 10.5 32,8 33,8 33.5 44,0 28.8 29.5 28,2 27,3 26.7 32.6 21.4 22.7 22.5 32.6 15.8 16.5 14.4 14.4 13.3 22.5 11.4 11.0 11.0 11.4 13.0 13.0 13.7 12.9 13.5 10.1 2 4 ,666 11,960 12,706 51.5 100,0 73.1 52.5 12.3 8.3 26,9 19.2 7.7 16,989 13,095 12,347 748 3,894 2,346 1,000 1,548 422 7,525 5,945 4,400 4,017 383 1,545 825 246 720 107 5,977 11,044 8,695 8,330 365 2,349 1,522 754 827 315 1,547 65.0 66.4 67.5 48.8 60.3 64.9 75.4 53.4 74.7 20.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100,0 100.0 74.1 73.8 74.6 55.7 75.3 75.7 78.8 74.7 76.6 65.7 53,7 55.9 56.5 42.6 45.7 45.2 45.7 46.6 51.2 45.1 12.4 11.1 11.2 9.4 17.0 19.6 20.4 12.1 11.4 10.9 8.0 6.7 6.9 3.7 12.7 10.9 12.7 16.0 14.0 9.7 25,9 26.2 25,4 44.3 24,7 24,3 21.2 25.3 23.4 34.3 18.5 19.5 18.8 35.4 14.8 14,8 12.1 14.7 11.7 24.5 7.4 6.7 6.6 8.8 9.9 9.5 9.1 10,6 11.7 9.7 2 5 ,217 9,234 15,983 63.4 100.0 62.6 37.4 12.7 12.5 37,4 23.0 14.4 23,821 19,276 18,975 301 4,544 3,260 2,166 1,285 815 929 8,559 6,854 6,743 111 1,705 1,195 808 510 303 495 15,262 12,423 12,232 191 2,839 2,064 1,358 775 512 434 64.1 64.4 64.5 63.3 62.5 63.3 62.7 60.3 62.8 46.7 100.0 100.0 100,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 62.2 60.9 61.0 56.5 67.8 66.7 68.0 70.6 71.2 73.4 37.3 38,5 38,5 39,6 32.0 31,4 32,4 33.4 33,3 45,0 12.6 11.4 11.5 7.8 17.8 18.8 18.0 15.1 15.9 15.0 12.3 11.0 11.0 9.2 18.0 16.5 17.5 22.1 22.0 13.3 37.8 39,1 39.0 43.5 32,2 33.3 32,0 29,4 28,8 26,6 23.4 25.0 24.9 27.2 16.7 17.7 15.7 14.0 14.3 15.1 14.4 14.1 14.1 16.3 15.6 15.6 16.3 15.4 14.5 11.6 TOTAL, 16 YEA R S AND OVER 3/. NO OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 18 YEARS, T O T A L 3 / .......... HU S B A N D W O R K E D D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 WEEKS . . . . .......... F U L L - T I M E 1/ .................... P A R T - T I M E 2/ .................... 1 TO 49 WEEKS, T O TAL ............. 27 TO 49 WEEKS .................. WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . 1 TO 26 WEEKS. . . ............. WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . H U SBAND DID NOT WORK D U R I N G YEAR . WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UND E R 18 YEARS, T O TAL 3 / .......... H U S BAND W O RKED D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 WEEKS . . . . . . . . . F U L L - T I M E 1/ . . . . . . . . . P A R T - T I M E 2/ .................... 1 TO 49 WEEKS, T O TAL ............. 27 TO 49 WEEKS . . . . . . . . WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . 1 TO 26 W E E K S .................... WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . H U SBAND DID NOT WORK DURI N G YEAR . WHITE . 45,351 19,503 25,8 4 9 57.0 100.0 66.3 43.3 12.4 10.6 33.7 21.9 11.9 H U SBAND W O RKED D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 WEEKS . . . . . . . . . F U L L - T I M E 1/ .................... P A R T - T I M E 2/ .................... 1 TO 49 WEEKS, T O TAL . . . . . . 27 TO 49 WEE K S . . . . . . . . WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . 1 TO 26 W E E K S .................... WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . HU S B A N D DID NOT WORK D U R I N G YEAR . TOTAL, 16 YEA R S AND OVER 3/. 37,271 2 9 ,743 2 8 ,799 944 7,528 5,004 2,780 2,524 1,089 7,586 13,418 10,461 10,003 459 2,956 1,839 949 1,117 366 5,915 23,8 5 3 19,281 18,796 485 4,572 3,165 1,832 1,407 723 1,671 64.0 64.8 65.3 51.4 60.7 63.2 65.9 55.7 66.4 22.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100,0 100.0 100.0 100,0 100.0 100.0 66.1 65.0 65.3 55.4 70.4 69.4 70.6 72.6 72.6 68.7 43.3 44.7 44,7 41.4 37.6 36.6 36,1 40.1 39,4 45,6 12.3 11.2 11.3 9.1 17.1 18.6 18.5 13.7 14.1 12.5 10.4 9.2 9.3 4.9 15.6 14.2 15.9 18,9 19.1 10.7 33.9 35.0 34.7 44.6 29.6 30,6 29.4 27,4 27,4 31,3 22.0 23.5 23.2 33.6 16.0 16.9 14.4 14.1 13.3 21.2 11.9 11.5 11.5 11.0 13.6 13.8 15.0 13.3 14.1 10.0 . . . . 22,811 11,128 11,683 51.2 100.0 73.2 52.6 12.3 8.3 26.8 19.1 7.8 HU S B A N D W O R K E D D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 WEEKS . . . . . . . . . F U L L - T I M E 1/ . . . ............. P A R T - T I M E 2/ .................... 1 TO 49 WEEKS, TOT A L ............. 27 TO 49 WEEKS ................. WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . 1 TO 26 WEEKS. . . . . . . . . WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . HU S B A N D DID NOT WORK D U R I N G YE A R . 15,812 12,231 11,537 695 3,581 2,157 907 1,424 384 6,872 5,553 4,115 3,752 363 1,438 764 219 673 100 5,548 10,260 8,116 7,785 332 2,143 1,393 688 751 284 1,323 64.9 66.4 67.5 47.7 59.8 64.6 75.9 52.7 74.0 19.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100,0 100.0 73.8 73.5 74.2 55.7 75.3 75.0 78.3 75.8 78.3 67.8 53.6 55.6 56.2 43.0 46.1 45,5 46.0 47.3 51.8 46.1 12.2 11.1 11.2 9.2 16.3 18.5 19.2 12,4 11.1 11.9 8.0 6.7 6.8 3.5 12.8 11.0 13.1 16.2 15.3 9.7 26.2 26.5 25.8 44.3 24.7 25.0 21,7 24,2 21.7 32.2 18.7 19.8 19.1 34.6 14.6 14.9 11.7 13.9 10.3 22.7 7.5 6.8 6.7 9.7 10.2 10.1 10.0 10.3 11.5 9.6 WITH OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 18 YEARS, TOT A L 3/. . . . . 22,541 8,375 14,166 62.8 100.0 60.5 35,6 12.5 12.5 39.5 24.2 15.3 HU S B A N D WORKED D U RING YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 WEEKS . . . . . . . . . F U L L - T I M E 1 / ............... P A R T - T I M E 2/ . . ............. .. 1 TO 49 WEEKS, TOT A L ............. 27 TO 49 WEEKS ................. WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . 1 T'O 26 W E E K S .................... WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . H U SBAND DID NOT WORK DURI N G YEAR . 2 1 ,459 17,512 17,262 250 3,9 4 7 2,847 1,874 1,100 705 715 7,865 6,347 6,251 96 1,518 1,075 730 444 266 367 13,593 11,165 11,011 154 2,428 1,772 1,144 656 439 348 63.3 63.8 63.8 61.6 61.5 62.2 61.0 59.7 62.2 48.7 100.0 100,0 100.0 100,0 100.0 100,0 100,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.2 58.9 59.0 54.6 66.0 65.0 65.9 68.9 69.0 72.4 35.5 36,7 36,7 38.1 30.2 29,5 30.2 31.8 31.4 43,4 12.4 11.3 11.3 8,8 17.7 18.7 18.1 15.1 16.0 14.6 12.2 11.0 11.0 7.8 18.1 16.7 17.6 21.9 21.5 14.3 39,8 41.1 41.0 45,4 34.0 35,0 34.1 31.1 31,0 27,6 24.6 26.1 26.1 31.6 17.3 18.4 16.1 14.3 15.3 15.9 1 5 03 14.9 15.0 13.8 16.7<» 16.7 18.0 16.8 15.7 11.7 NO OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 18 YEARS, TOT A L 3/. See footnotes at end of table. 21 Table B-9. Continued-Work experience in 1980 of married women, husband present, by work experience ©f husband in 1980; presence and age of own children and race, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) WORK E X P E R I E N C E OF HUS B A N D AND P R E S E N C E AND AGE OF OWN CHIL D R E N TOTAL WIVES WORK EX P E R I E N C E OF WI F E D U R I N G YEAR WIVES WITH WORK PE R C E N T D I S T R I B U T I O N OF W I V E S WITH WORK E X P E R I E N C E EXPERIENCE WITH NO FU L L TIM E 1/ PART TIME 2/ PE R C E N T WORK 50 TO 27 TO 1 TO 27 1 TO OF POPTOTAL 52 26 EXP E R I - NUMBER TOTAL 49 WEEKS TOTAL 26 WEEKS WEEKS WEEKS UL A T I O N OR ENCE WEEKS MORE BLACK . 3,379 1,248 2,131 63.1 100.0 74.9 51.2 13.3 10.5 25.1 17.5 7.6 HU S B A N D W O RKED D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 WEEKS . . . . . . . . . F U L L - T I M E 1/ . . . . . . . . . P A R T - T I M E 2/ . . . . . . . . . 1 TO 49 WEEKS, TOT A L . . . . . . 27 TO 49 WEEKS . . . . . . . . WIT H U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . 1 TO 26 WEEKS. . . . . . . . . WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . H U S B A N D DID NOT WO R K D U R I N G YEA R . 2,621 1,929 1,852 77 692 456 290 236 121 692 792 575 545 30 217 132 76 84 35 434 1,829 1,354 1,307 47 476 324 214 152 86 258 69.8 70.2 70.6 60.7 68.7 71.0 73.9 64.3 71.2 37.3 100,0 100,0 100,0 <6 > 100.0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 77.9 79.0 79.7 (5 ) 74.7 77.2 77.1 69.5 78.1 57.0 53,3 56,7 57,1 (5 ) 43,6 44,3 44,9 42,0 44,9 40.3 14.1 12.5 12.5 (5) 18.7 21.8 19.8 12.0 15.2 7.1 10.5 9.8 10.0 (5 ) 12.5 11.0 12.4 15.5 17,9 9.6 22,1 21,0 20,3 (5 ) 25,3 22,8 22,9 30,5 21.9 43.0 15.6 15.1 14.5 <5) 17.0 15.8 17.9 19.4 13.9 31.7 6.6 5.9 5,7 (5) 8.3 7.0 5.0 11.1 8.0 11.3 . . . . 1,455 666 789 54.2 100,0 69.2 49,1 12.3 7.8 30,8 23.3 7.5 H U S B A N D W O R K E D D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 WEE K S . . . . . . . . . F U L L - T I M E 1/ . . . . . . . . . P A R T - T I M E 2/ . . . . . . . . . 1 TO 49 WEEKS, TOT A L . . . . . . 27 TO 49 WEE K S . . . . . . . . WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 47. . . . 1 TO 26 W E E K S .................... WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . H U S B A N D DID NOT WO R K D U R I N G YEAR . 898 655 614 41 243 146 71 97 31 544 313 226 207 19 87 48 22 39 4 351 585 429 406 23 156 98 48 58 27 193 65.2 65.5 66.2 (5 3 64.3 67.2 t5 > 60.1 C 6> 35.5 100,0 100,0 100,0 <6 ) 100.0 100,0 <s > («■> (5) 100.0 75.2 76.4 78.1 (= ) 71.8 81.3 {*•> <6 ) (5) 51,5 52.8 57.0 58,6 (5 ) 41,4 43,8 (5) (5 ) (5 > 38,4 14.8 11.1 10.7 (5) 25.0 33.3 (5) != ) (5) 4.2 7.5 8.3 8.8 (5) 5.3 4.3 (5) (5) (5 ) 9.0 24,8 23,6 21,9 (5) 28,2 18,7 (5) (5) (5) 48,5 18.8 18.1 16.1 6.1 5,6 5.9 (5) 7.5 2.8 (5) (5) (5) 11.1 TOTAL, 16 Y E ARS AND OVE R 3/. NO OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 18 YEARS, T O T A L 3/. WI T H OWN C H I L D R E N UNDER 18 YEARS, T O T A L 3 / .......... H U S B A N D W O R K E D D U R I N G YEAR, TOTAL. 50 TO 52 W E EKS . . . . . . . . . F U L L - T I M E 1/ . . . . . . . . . P A R T - T I M E 2/ . . . . . . . . . 1 TO 49 WEEKS, T O T A L . . . . . . 27 TO 49 WEE K S . . . . . . . . WI T H U N E M P L O Y M E N T 4/. . . . 1 TO 26 WEEKS. . . . . . . . . WITH U N E M P L O Y M E N T 47. . . . H U S B A N D DID NOT WO R K D U R I N G YEAR . 1,924 582 1,342 69.8 100,0 78.3 52,4 13,8 12.0 21,7 14.0 7.7 1,723 1,273 1,238 35 449 310 219 139 90 148 479 349 338 11 130 84 53 46 31 83 1,244 925 901 24 319 226 166 94 59 65 72.2 72.6 72.7 <5 ) 71.1 72.8 75.6 67.2 65.6 43.8 100,0 100,0 100,0 <5 > 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 (5) (5) 79.1 80.2 80.4 (5) 76.2 75.4 76,4 78,2 <5 ) <5 > 53,5 56,5 56,5 (5) 44,6 44,6 44,2 44,7 (5 ) (5) 13.8 13.2 13.4 (5 ) 15,6 16.9 16.7 12.6 (5) (5 ) 11.9 10.5 10.6 (5) 15.9 13,9 15.5 20.8 (5) (5) 20.9 19,8 19,6 (5 ) 23,8 24.6 23.6 21.8 (5) 14.1 13.7 13.9 (5) 15.1 15,8 17.1 13.4 (5) (5) 6,8 6.1 5,7 (5) 8.7 8.8 6.5 8.5 (5) (5) ' Usually worked 35 hours or more per week during a majority of weeks worked. 2Usually worked less than 35 hours per week during a majority of weeks worked. “Total includes wives whose husbands are in the Armed Forces living with their families. (5) 20,8 15,8 <5 > <5 ) !5 ) 37.3 4Unemployment major reason for part-year work. 5 Percent not shown where base is less than 75,000. 22 (5) Table B-10. Number of earners 16 years and over and relationship by family income in 1980; type of family and race, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) INCOME OF FAMILY number of earners AND R E L A T I O N S H I P TOTAL UNDER $1,000 $2,000 TO $2,999 $1,000 TO $1,999 $3,000 TO $4,999 $7,000 TO $9,999 $5,000 TO $6,999 $10,000 TO $12,999 M E DIAN $1 3 , 0 0 0 $ 1 5,000 $ 2 0,000 $ 2 5,000 $35,000 $50,000 FAMILY TO TO INCOME TO TO AND TO DOLS.) OVER $ 1 4,999 $ 1 9,999 $ 2 4,999 $ 3 4,999 $49,999 A LL FAM ILIES TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 ,702 620 402 665 2,207 2,979 4,767 5,279 3,318 8 , 454 8,277 11,978 7,727 4,030 $21 003 49,316 5,903 13,900 11,621 1,707 573 22,446 19,742 2,285 419 7,067 5,815 350 198 130 39 67 25 19 11 1 8 1 140 38 73 55 13 5 25 22 2 1 3 3 198 92 76 62 9 5 29 28 2 1 1 925 491 280 201 66 13 150 129 11 10 4 1 1,717 835 580 417 125 39 279 241 20 19 22 13 3,199 1,231 1,193 910 236 47 703 620 58 25 72 43 3,900 1,019 1,587 1,224 289 75 1,171 1,031 98 41 122 86 2,594 456 976 764 160 52 1,044 933 88 23 118 94 6 , 933 688 2,351 1,952 288 111 3,454 3,064 326 65 440 364 7,206 352 2,263 1,988 207 68 3,909 3,530 307 73 681 582 11,025 279 2,451 2,192 173 86 6,401 5,649 666 86 1,894 1,574 7,275 131 1,113 1,023 50 41 3,756 3,292 419 44 2,275 1,912 3,855 93 825 796 24 6 1,504 1,193 288 24 1,433 1,141 1,095 157 - - - " “ 3 9 1 26 3 23 13 17 7 60 16 77 22 274 46 334 29 274 17 1,969 244 891 726 165 835 792 43 35 29 5 3 2 1 1 “ 7 4 3 1 2 - 25 12 11 11 74 16 46 40 6 12 11 135 51 61 42 20 23 16 7 216 40 122 93 29 54 51 3 211 38 125 107 18 48 44 4 122 18 54 39 15 50 50 “ 292 17 156 126 30 118 109 9 279 9 126 105 21 144 140 4 301 7 110 99 11 185 174 11 183 4 40 35 5 139 137 3 89 31 25 6 59 56 3 17 7 15 16 13 23 23 743 790 577 066 822 785 928 (2) 9,416 2,216 4,612 3,620 992 2,589 2,269 320 235 163 63 51 12 9 6 3 256 147 99 88 11 10 8 1 442 262 161 142 20 18 15 3 1,208 695 451 357 94 62 50 12 1,127 417 603 489 114 107 79 28 1,352 259 838 658 180 254 220 34 1,168 111 787 650 137 270 239 31 601 53 364 293 71 184 166 1,230 58 654 496 159 517 472 45 792 23 316 222 93 454 397 57 652 15 207 140 67 430 385 45 269 13 43 19 24 213 184 29 85 25 15 10 60 47 14 10 4 10 10 11 18 18 18 233 494 350 117 586 673 712 270 53,041 483 247 416 1,560 2,213 3,835 4,485 2,8 7 9 7,480 7,474 10,998 7,154 3 , 817 21 956 4 4 ,878 5,452 12,724 10,775 1,466 483 20,290 17,808 2,128 354 6,412 5,284 307 172 116 35 61 21 18 11 1 7 1 115 29 60 48 7 5 24 21 2 1 2 2 167 70 69 57 7 5 28 26 766 402 229 167 55 8 131 112 9 10 3 1 1,439 724 475 357 92 26 222 190 19 13 18 11 2,792 1,151 1,003 795 178 30 582 519 51 12 55 36 3,500 969 1,407 1,108 243 56 1,017 901 82 34 107 78 2,328 438 876 696 138 42 920 821 81 18 95 71 6,260 658 2,153 1,796 258 99 3,064 2,719 292 53 385 317 6,612 346 2,138 1,886 191 61 3,543 3,206 273 64 585 501 10,176 276 2,341 2,093 165 84 5,848 5,140 631 77 1,711 1,438 6,759 128 1,076 988 48 41 3,460 3,017 402 40 2,096 1,758 3,656 91 779 749 24 6 1,434 1,125 285 23 1,352 1,070 23 10 19 20 14 17 26 25 29 22 36 36 2 7 * 17 2 18 11 16 7 53 15 66 18 237 36 317 21 268 14 57 11 35 32 3 11 11 * 100 42 42 29 13 16 11 5 161 34 85 64 21 42 39 3 161 36 93 78 15 32 28 4 99 16 45 31 14 38 38 “ 254 17 133 106 27 104 98 6 233 7 102 87 15 124 119 4 273 7 100 89 11 166 156 10 158 4 36 31 5 118 116 3 80 31 25 6 49 46 3 18 9 16 17 14 24 24 782 374 706 258 664 302 396 (2 ) 737 407 293 239 54 36 31 5 673 242 371 307 63 60 45 15 882 166 564 430 134 152 135 17 823 86 557 459 98 180 167 13 452 49 267 210 57 136 122 13 966 56 512 372 140 398 372 26 629 23 261 176 85 346 313 33 549 15 178 116 62 356 318 38 237 13 41 17 24 183 159 24 81 11 4 11 10 13 19 19 21 695 855 127 694 075 710 586 160 H U S B A N D - W I F E FAMILIES T O T A L ................................. NO E A R N E R S .................... .. ONE E A R N E R . . . . . . . . . . HUS B A N D ONLY . . . . . . . . wife o nly . . . . . . . . . . OTHER R E L A T I V E ONLY. . . . . TWO e a r n e r s ............... H U S B A N D AND WIFE . . . . . . H U S B A N D AND OTHER R E L A T I V E . HU S B A N D NOT AN EARNER. . . . THREE EA R N E R S OR M O R E .......... HU S B A N D AND WIFE ............. HU S B A N D AN EARNER, NOT W I F E ............... .. . h u s b a n d is n o n e a r n e r . . . . - 23 10 19 20 13 16 25 25 28 21 36 36 263 187 368 472 612 148 684 466 462 142 152 147 37 734 27 951 O T H E R FAMILIES Maintained by m e n 1 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO E A R N E R S .......... .. ONE EARNER, T O T A L ............... HEAD O N L Y .................... .. OTHER R E L A T I V E ONLY. . . . . TWO e a r n e r s OR MORE, TOTAL . . HEAD A n d OTH E R R E L A T IVE(S) . HEAD IS N O N E A R N E R .......... .. - 2 2 “ Maintained by w o m e n 1 T O T A L ................................. NO E A R N E R S ....................... ONE EARNER, T O T A L ............... h e a d o n l y ....................... OTHER R E LATIVE, ONLY . . . . TWO E A R N E R S OR MORE, TOTAL . . HEAD A n d OTH E R R E L A T IVE(S) . HEAD IS NONEAR N E R . . . . . . W HITE T O T A L ........................... H U S B A N D - W I F E FAMILIES T O T A L ................................. NO E A RNERS ....................... ONE E A RNE R ...................... H U SBAND ONLY ................. w i f e o n l y . . .................. OTHER R E L A T I V E ONLY. . . . . TWO E A R N E R S .................... .. H U SBAND AND WIFE . . . . . . H U SBAND AND OTHER R E L A T I V E . HUSBAND NOT AN EARNER. . . . THREE EA R N E R S OR MORE. . . . . H U S BAND AND WIFE ............ H U S BAND AN EARNER, NOT W I F E .................... H U SBAND i s n o n e a r n e r . . . . - - 2 1 1 1,001 127 - - - 1 * “ 1,612 196 714 580 134 702 664 38 20 15 3 1 2 1 1 " 4 1 2 1 2 - 12 6 6 6 - - - - 6,551 1,357 3,265 2,513 752 1,929 1,731 197 157 106 43 37 6 7 6 1 128 67 53 48 5 8 8 - 603 538 935 870 305 472 020 737 035 126 733 589 39 005 26 910 O T H E R FAMILIES Maintained by m e n 1 TOTAL. . ............................ NO E A RNERS ...................... ONE EARNER, T O T A L .......... .. . head o n l y . . . . . . . . . . OTHER R E L A T I V E ONLY. . . . . TWO EA R N E R S OR MORE, TOTAL . . HEAD AND O T HER RELATIVEtS) . HEAD IS N O N E A R N E R ............. Maintained by w o m e n 1 T O T A L ............ .. NO E A RNERS . . . . . . . . . . ONE EARNER, TOTAL. . . . . . . h e a d o n l y .................... .. OTHER RELATIVE, ONLY . . . . TWO e a r n e r s OR MORE, TOTAL . . HEAD A n d OTHER R ELATIVE(S) . HEAD IS N O N E A R N E R ............ 237 126 100 87 13 10 9 1 See footnotes at end of table. 23 - 25 15 10 56 45 11 Table B-10. Continued—Number of earners 16 years old and over and relationship by family income in 1980; type of family and race, March 1981 (Number thousands) INCOME OF F A M I L Y number of UNDER $1,000 earners AND R E L A T I O N S H I P TOTAL $3,000 TO $4,999 $2,000 TO $2,999 $1,000 TO $1,999 $5,000 TO $6,999 $7,000 TO $9,999 MEDIAN $ 1 3,000 $15,000 $ 2 0,000 $25 , 0 0 0 $35,000 $ 5 0,000 F A M I L Y TO TO TO INCOME AND TO TO (DOLS.) $ 1 4,999 $ 1 9,999 $2 4 , 9 9 9 $ 3 4,999 $ 4 9,999 OVER $10,000 TO $12,999 BLA C K FA M ILIES T O T A L ........................... 6,371 107 143 236 591 697 818 693 377 810 645 745 400 3,400 363 889 617 205 68 1,687 1,506 128 53 462 375 25 15 9 4 3 2 ~ 25 20 5 4 1 137 80 42 29 8 5 13 12 2 1 - 237 93 87 46 32 9 53 47 1 5 4 2 336 60 164 97 53 14 98 81 6 12 14 7 322 44 141 93 31 17 123 102 16 5 15 8 217 13 84 57 19 7 103 95 4 4 17 17 535 23 156 120 28 8 313 274 30 10 44 39 461 3 90 73 12 4 294 258 29 6 74 63 634 3 68 60 8 - 17 7 10 4 6 - 426 393 25 7 137 104 356 2 17 14 2 221 205 13 2 117 103 43 39 2 1 40 33 70 17 - - - 1 2 6 1 5 2 - 4 " 9 2 28 5 10 3 6 2 <2 ) <2 > 297 37 147 117 30 113 108 5 10 8 2 2 - 3 3 - 11 6 5 5 - 16 5 11 7 4 - 45 4 29 22 7 13 13 34 20 18 3 13 10 3 19 8 19 14 6 17 17 - 9 9 “ 23 2 9 8 1 12 12 “ 20 ” 46 2 28 25 3 16 16 - 37 " 27 8 14 8 7 5 4 2 11 11 “ 19 19 “ 7 7 - 12 557 (2 ) 11 042 11 409 <2 ) 19 266 20 058 <2 > 2,673 819 1,250 1,023 227 604 490 113 73 51 20 14 5 2 2 123 79 43 37 6 1 1 200 133 59 52 7 8 6 2 438 274 138 102 36 26 19 7 432 165 222 172 50 46 33 12 437 88 248 205 44 100 83 17 325 23 221 -184 37 81 65 16 138 3 90 76 14 45 41 3 241 2 132 116 16 107 89 18 148 _ 51 44 7 97 76 21 91 25 2 25 20 4 66 60 7 2 2 _ 23 18 5 _ . 109 $12 589 H U S B A N D - W I F E FAMILIES T O T A L ................................. NO E A R N E R S ....................... ONE E A RNER ....................... HU S B A N D ONLY .................. w i f e o n l y ...................... OTHER R E L A T I V E ONLY. . . . . TWO E A R N E R S ....................... H U S B A N D AND WIFE . . . . . . HU S B A N D AND OTHER R E L A T I V E . HU S B A N D NOT AN EARNER. . . . THREE EA R N E R S OR MORE. . . . . HU S B A N D AND WIFE . . . . . . HU S B A N D AN EARNER, NOT WIFE. ............... .. HU S B A N D i s n o n e a r n e r . . . . - - - ” - 99 « 16 16 18 5 12 14 9 22 22 21 29 30 596 893 632 126 891 <2 ) 375 768 060 <2 625 005 O T H E R FAMILIES Maintained by m e n 1 T O T A L ................................ NO EA R N E R S . . . . . . . . . . ONE EARNER, T O T A L ............ .. head o nly . . . . . . . . . . OTH E R R E L A T I V E ONLY. . . . . TWO EA R N E R S OR MORE, TOTAL . . HE A D AND O T H E R R E L A T I V E (S ) . HEAD IS NONEA R N E R . . . . . . Maintained by w o m e n ’ T O T A L ................................ NO EA R N E R S ...................... ONE EARNER, TOTAL. . .......... HEAD ONLY. . . . . . . . . . OTHER R E LATIVE, ONLY . . . . TWO e a r n e r s OR m o r e , TOTAL . . HEAD A n d OTH E R R ELATIvE(S) . HEAD IS N O N E A R N E R .......... .. 1Includes only persons who are divorced, separated, widowed, or never married. 2 Median not shown where base is less than 75,000. Table B-11. Families by presence and number of own children under 18, number and relationship of earners in 1980, and family type, March 1981 (Numbers in thousands) With children under 18 Number and relationship of earners by family type Tota Q Tw tlarri p H f b d 0 Tw 11 b d b d U^b^d d wife d th r( ) not wife r r * . . Famllleo mai 1- . . . . y _ Tw Fam _ y _ No children under 18 4 or more 3 2 1 29,140 6,406 8,033 14,701 31,562 1,957 11,369 18,234 12,984 677 4,383 7,925 11,688 674 4,338 6,657 4,635 313 1,807 2,514 2,275 294 842 1,139 24,381 5,492 6,375 4,581 1,341 453 12,514 10,637 1,511 365 24,935 411 7,525 7,039 366 119 16,998 14,919 1,868 211 9,739 121 2,376 2,172 154 50 7,242 6,317 804 119 9,526 147 3,058 2,875 144 38 6,322 5,717 546 59 3,843 62 1,406 1,341 46 19 2,374 2,068 289 18 1,828 82 685 650 22 12 1,062 817 229 14 3,482 '728 1,246 1,508 5,935 1,488 3,366 1,081 2,839 519 1,740 580 1,949 518 1,132 299 728 246 353 129 419 204 141 173 1,278 186 412 679 692 58 478 155 407 37 267 103 193 9 148 36 64 5 48 11 28 8 16 4 11ncludes only families where householder Is a divorced, separated (married, spouse absent), widowed, or never-married person. Total 24 2 2 7 3 8 8 7 14 14 12 435 881 624 865 865 704 890 870 Appendix C. R@¥is@d tables for liareh 1980 Table C-1. Employment status of the population 16 years old and over by marital status, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, Wiarch 1980 (Numbers in thousands) Civilian labor force Marital status, sex, race, and Hispanic origin ALL P E R S O N S I I Employed Unemployed I I Labor | |Popula-| | tion | force | 1 | UnemI I Total |partic-| pationl Total | Full | Part | rotal | ployI I rate | time_l/ |timej2/ | | ment I I I rate I I 1 i i 1 1 Not in labor force | | Armed |Forces3/ | Both sexes, total.. 105,449| 63.2 98,314| 80,850| 17,464| 7,134| 6.8 61,505| 889 Men, total.................... 79,903| 60,514| 76.6 56,4131 50,470| 5,9431 4,101| 6.8 18,500| 889 22,191| 15,5901 49,714| 39,647| 7,999| 5,2771 2,094| 1,629| 1,977| 552| 3 , 928| 3,097| 70.6 13,5401 9,837| 80.9 |38,038l 36,212| 66.5 4,835| 4,4211 79.0 1,494| 1,381| 27.9 530| 416| 79.4 2,624! 2,8111 13.1 4.1 8.4 8.2 4.0 9.2 6,486| 9,356| 2,658| 432| 1,423! 803| 115 711 63 33 2 28 87,939| 44,934| 51.1 18,273| 11,242| 49,6991 24,9001 19,9671 8,792| 3,2431 1,9281 921 48| 10,758| 2,421| 5,966| 4,443| 61.5 50.1 44.0 59.4 51.9 22.5 74.5 Never-married............... Married, wife present...... Other ever married, total.. Married, wife present.... Widowed................... Divorced.................. Women, total.................. Never-married............ . Married, husband present... Other ever married, total.. Married, husband absent.. Married, husband absent in Armed Forces.... Widowed................... Divorced.................. 141,9011 30,3811 10,087| 6,785| 23,590| 16,912| 8,225| 6,683| 1,737| 1,450| 411 321 2,328| 1,571| 4,160| 3,662| 3,703| 2,0491 1,8261 1,610| 414| 442| 1341 113| 221 113| 188| 286| 11,521| 3,0331 3,3011 1,156| 6,6781 1,311| 1,541| 567| 287| 191| 8| 71 757| 931 497| 283| WHITE Never-married............... Married, wife present...... Other ever married, total.. Married, wife present.... Widowed................... Divorced.................. Women, total......... ........ Never-married............... Married, husband present... Other ever married, total.. Married, husband absent.. Married, husband absent in Armed Forces.... Widowed................... Divorced.................. Both sexes, total.. Never-married............... Married, wife present...... Other ever married, total.. Married, wife present.... Widowed................... Divorced............ . Women, total.................. Never-married............... Married, husband present... Other ever married, total.. Married, husband absent.. Married, husband absent in Armed Forces.... Widowed................... Divorced.................. Both sexes, total.. Never-married.............. Married, wife present...... Other ever married, total.. Married, wife present.... Widowed................... Divorced.................. Women, total.................. Never-married............. . Married, husband present... Other ever married, total.. Married, husband absent.. Married, husband absent in Armed Forces.... Widowed.......... ........ - 63.6 187 ,1041 71,4611 15,6431 5,589| 6.0 52,9781 744 77.6 |50,580| 45,2981 5,2821 3,303| 6.1 15,555| 744 18,4741 13,3431 45,243| 36,197| 6,466| 4,342| 1,472| 1,209| 1,642| 448| 3,351| 2,6851 8,512| 72.6 111,790| 81.1 |34,785| 33,112| 67.7 3, 67 4| 4,0051 83.6 1,1251 1,047! 27.3 4 2 81 338| 80.7 2,289| 2,4521 3,2781 1,554| 1,674| 1,412| 331| 338| 78| 841 90| 201 2341 1631 11.6 3.9 7.8 7.0 4.4 8.7 76,2321 38,810| 50.9 13 6,5241 26,163! 14,689| 9,429| 45,181| 22,286| 16,362| 7,095| 2,076| 1,253| 721 341 9,296| 2,070| 4 , 990| 3,772| 64.2 8,647| 5,735| 49.3 121,176| 14,9851 43.4 6,701| 5,443| 60.4 947| 1,141| 211 291 (4) 22.3 1,997| 1,359| 75.6 3,563| 3 , 137| 10,3611 2,286| 2,912| 781| 6,191| 1,110| 394| 1,258! 194| 112| 71 51 638| 721 426| 210| 5, 03 4| 8,451| 2,070| 237| 1,193| 640| 97 594 53 26 2 26 5.9 37,423| - 8.3 5.0 5.6 9.0 (4) 3.5 5.6 5,260| 22,895| 9,267| 823| 381 7,226| 1,2181 _ - - 1 17,820| 10,472| 59.2 9,0701 7,600| 13.4 7,229| 119 8,0031 5,3601 68.0 4,640| 4,1071 533| 7201 13.4 2,523| 119 3,123| 3,495| 1,384| 558| 3081 519 j 1,875| 2,654| 831| 373| 971 361| 60.4 78.1 60.3 67.4 31.6 69.9 1,413| 2,494| 734| 326| 95| 312| 1 ,073| 2,375| 659| 296| 731 290! 339| 119| 75| 30| 221 22 f 463| 160| 971 461 2| 491 24.7 6.0 11.7 12.5 2.1 13.5 1,230| 74 6 1 5471 180| 211| 156| 9,817| 5,1121 52.1 4,430| 3,4931 936| 682| 13.3 4,706| - 3,1131 3,4131 3,291| 1,092| 16| 1,3191 880| 1,5381 2,014| 1,5601 634| 11| 320| 605| 49.4 59.0 47.4 58.0 1,188| 1,848! 1,3931 556| 9| 301| 535| 894| 1,463| 1,1361 471| 9| 189| 477| 295| 385| 257| 86| 349| 166| 167| 2i 19 70| 6.0 11.6 1,576| 1,399| 1 ,731| 458| 5| 998| 275| _ 7| 22.7 8.2 10.7 12.2 (4) 24.3 68.8 1,4701 1 ,402| - | 112| 591 (4) 17 96 6 4 2 - - - 1 8,431| 5,348| 63.7 4,857| 4,1461 711| 491| 9.2 3,045| 37 4,080| 3,2591 80.6 2,988| 2,688| 300| 271| 8.3 784| 37 1,324| 2,3551 402| 191| 601 151| 922| 2,034| 30 3 1 163| 231 117| 70.0 87.5 75.7 85.3 (4) 78.3 805| 1,901| 2821 156| 191 106| 613| 1,8181 257| 141| 171 991 193| 82| 25| 15| 21 7| 117| 133| 221 12.6 6.5 7.1 4.2 (4) 9.5 396| 29 1 1 971 281 37 | 331 6 30 1 1 4,351| 2,089| 48.0 1,869| 1,458| 412| 1,098| 2,345| 908| 307| 71 291| 310| 591| 1,082| 416| 139| 31 76| 201| 53.9 46.1 45.8 45.3 ______ i 1Full-time workers are persons who during the survey week worked 35 hours or more and those who usually work full time but worked 1 to 34 hours. 2Part-time workers are persons who usually work 1 to 34 hours and worked 1 to 34 hours during the survey week. Persons with a job but not at work are classified by whether they usually work full or part time. 3Includes only male members of the Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post. _ - 92,6931 H I S P A N I C ORIGIN Men, total.................... - 7,031| 24,7991 11,175| 1,3151 441 8,337| 1,523l 70,1821 53,883| BLACK Men, total.................. . 43,0051 1 Both sexes, total.. Men, total.................... 6.7 10.3 5.3 6.4 9.9 (4) 3.8 6.4 25 (4) 26.3 64.7 5 1 41 983| 372| 115| H 741 184| 369| 770| 319| 961 1| 561 166| 145| 213| 531 191 11 17| 181 7| 41 111 I 220| 771 99| 441 241 21 31 171 10.5 2,262| 13.0 9.1 10.6 17.4 507| 1 ,263| 492| 168| (4) 3.6 8.5 4| 21 4 1 10 9 1 1 - - i _ _L X ______L Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. NOTE: The number in the labor force and the labor force participation rates and unemployment rates for males shown in this set of tables exclude male members of the Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post. Therefore, the numbers and rates of these tables are not comparable to those published for March 1975 and prior years. * Table C-2. Population and civilian labor force 16 years old and over by marital status, age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 (Numbers in thousands) Population, civilian labor force, and age TOTAL POPUL A T I O N 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 |Total 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1Never | mar 1 ried 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Hen Total, 16 years and over... 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 1 1 1 8,110 223| 471 6,968 2,8011 3641 4,501 11,7461 1,804| 929 10,0151 1,491| 667 9,029| 1 ,242| 530 8,327] 1,156| 485 7,572| 1 ,896| Median age (years)........ .. 22.1 1 1 45.1| 1 47.4| _ 43] 202| 2 612| 20 432| 47 348| 168 263] 397 194| 1,342 39.4| 1 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 4,582 207| 261 ye ar s.................. 5,501 2,570| 326| years.................. 3,894 11,1121 1,6621 ye ar s.................. 737 9,519| 1,344 | years.................. 494 8,4161 99 7 1 years.................. 284 6,281| years.................. 676| 97 1,541| and ov er............... ..| 1,885| 246] Median age (years)............ . CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION RATE 1 1 1 Total, 16 years and over... ..| 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years years........... . ye ar s.................. ye ar s.................. ye ar s.................. ye a r s ......... ........ years......... ........ and over........ ...... 22.9 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 42.0| 36.3| 1 1 59.2| 1 36.2] 70.0| 1 552 3,097| 44,934| 11,242| 24,9001 8,792| 1,928 | 2,421| 4,443 _ 2| 4,090] 3,660| 358| 721 144| 7,071] 3,824] 2,684| 563| 1,0831 12,258] 2,417| 7,547 | 2,293] 928| 8,5681 565| 6,188| 1,814] 392| 4,9101 1,704] 5871 7,007| 2 8 4 1 2,824| 1,652] 296| 4 , 760| 100| 69 2 1 5 8 1 1,1811 389| 1 20 37 130 216 147 59.6 38.4| 34.2| 22.6| 38.0| 43.1] 1 1 1 1 521 20 257| 293 12| 9 4 1 1,524 676] 456| 178| 1,180 2871 543] 875 158| 1,016] 478 421 577| 73 34.7| 58.9| 1 1 80.9] 66.5| 79.0| 27.9 79.4| 51.1| 61.5] 50.1| 44.0] 59.4| 22.5] 74.5 97.2| 96.6| 97.4| 97.0| 93.4| 75.4] 20.4| U) 1 92.6| 93.8| 91.0| 80.5| 58.5| 13.0| a) i 94.2| 93.9] 88.6| 80.3| 62.3| 21.8| _ a) i 91.4| 93.6| 92.4| 81.3] 59.7| 16.0| 48.9| 67.0| 66.0| 66.01 59.61 41.5| 8.3 ] 49.0] 72.2| 84.2| 78.5] 70.5] 54.5| 12.0| 47.7| 60.5| 59.3| 62.5] 55.7| 36.7| 7.2] 51.0] 68.5| 77.1] 76.4| 71.4| 50.7] 8.6 | 48.9| 62.3] 66.31 68.3| 60.0| 49.61 17.51 u) i (i) i 66.4 | 60.81 65.9] 46.7| 7.9| (i) 76.3 84.1 83.6 80.6 62.8 15.2 (i) a) a) 77.6 54.5 10.9 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i i 18,474 45,243| 6,4661 1,472| 6,814 2131 401 5,844 2,569| 313| 3,645 10,523] 1,498] 731 9,0721 1,167] 540 8,213| 949] 471 7,692| 906| 428 6,960] 1,592| ye a r s ................. years.................. ye ar s.................. years............ . years....... ........... years.................. and over........... . 22.1 1 1 47.3| 22.8 1 1 77.6| years.................. years.................. years......... ....... years........... . years............. . years.................. and over............. 1 1 41.4| 1 l 39.3| 37.6| 1,2091 23] 151| 417| 284] 183| 121] 291 35.5| 687| 124 ] 2] 6,965| 6,155| 693| 145! 8,893| 4,196| 4,005] 1,0311 15,768| 2,118] 11,3981 2,251| 834] 11,1591 534| 8,902| 1,723] 614| 10,2691 451| 8,0341 1,7 8 4 1 419| 10,2611 453| 7,134] 2,674| 307| 12,9181 782| 5,021| 7,1151 41.01 40.8] 21.4| 42.3| 448 _ 1 13 25 91 189 128 60.7 67.7| 60.1 80.7 89.0 82.4 77.5 53.5 21.0 97.1| 96.9| 97.8| 97.3| 93.8| 75.9| 20.3| a) i a) i 83.6] 95.2| 94.7| 94.4| 83.2| 72.0| 24.3| 1 2 1 3,637| 3,247| 621 329] 132| 6,117] 3,194] 2,431| 491| 967| 10,324| 1,860| 6,6631 1,801] 776| 7,312| 437| 5,497] 1,378] 495| 6,115| 336] 4,4351 1,344| 262| 4,2431 257| 2,584| 1,402| 5 1 1 1,061| 98| 346| 617| 38.1| 34.3] 22.3] 38.11 26 27.3 80.7| 50.9] 64.2] 49.3| - CD 93.1] 95.0| 93.8| 81.1| 62.5| 16.8| 52.2] 6c.8| 65.5] 65.5| 59.6| 41.3| 8.21 52.7| 76.1| 87.8| 81.9| 74.5] 56.6| 12.5] 47.9| 60.7| 58.5| 61.7| 55.2] 36.2] 6.91 (i) (i) a) 79.6 59.4 11.0 31 30 91] 329| 181 346 104] 1,527 6191 370| 195| 1,157 277| 627| 880 21 7 1 1,8211 635 416 1731 6,5261 35.0| 70.01 40.1 1 1 2,6851 38,8101 9,4291 22,2861 7,0951 1,2531 2,070| 3,772 1 81.1| 61.3| 1 1 72.6 1 70.0 3,351| 76,232| 14,6891 45,1811 16,362] 2,076] 9,296| 4,990 1 1 i 93.8| 94.9| 93.9| 81.4| 63.11 13.1| 1 1,642 _ 381 166| 2 454| 13 305| 29 221| 115 169] 319 121| 1,164 1 4,086 197| 251 2841 4,683 2,380] 3,218 10,022] 1,397| 599 8,654| 1,0851 416 7,6901 770| 252 5,8401 572] 90 1,414| 209| Total, 16 years and over... ..| See footnote at end of table. 45.3] 13,343 36,197| 4,342| ye ar s.................. years.................. ye ar s.................. ye ar s.................. years......... ........ years.................. and over........... . i 1 38.3 1 1 1 1 40.3 1 WHITE CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION RATE 21.6] 56.7 79.5 87.2 79.8 74.4 53.5 20.0 Median age (years).......... . to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 40.0| 70.6 Total, 16 years and over... 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 41.2] POPULA T I O N CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 750| 142| 106| 32 3] M 8,362] 7,470] 160| 10,557| 5,298| 4,437| 822| 413| 241 385 141| 1,813 1,171] 18,564| 2,871|12,719] 2,974| 1,020] 1,012|12,991| 720] 9,898| 2,374| 668| 293| 1,412 725| 11,7601 556] 8,817| 2,387| 478| 824| 1,085 496| 11,462| 521| 7,6851 3,257| 319| 2 , 176| 761 359| 14,241| 837] 5,393| 8,012] 239| 7,2951 477 76.6| Median age (years)............. 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 39.6| 241 181| 559| 378| 280] 1641 42] 1 57.7' Total, 16 years and over... 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 41.2| 1 1 1 1 70.0 1 3,9281 87,9391 18,2731 49,699] 19,967| 3,243]10,758| 5, 9 6 6 ’ 1 Total, 16 years and over... ..|60,514I15,590 39,6471 5,277| 1,6291 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 1 22,191 49 ,714| 7,999] 2,094| 1,977 years.................. years.................. ye ar s.................. years........... . ye ar s.................. years.................. and over....... CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E Women 1 Other ever-married | Other ever-married 1 Mar- | Mar- ] Tied, | | | |Never ]ried, I | | 1 spouse| | Mar- | Total | mar- |spousel | Mar- | 1 pres- |Total |ried, | Wid Di- | ried | pres- ]Total Iried, ] Wid- | Dient | |spouse| owed vorced| ent | |spouse| owed |vorced | |absent] ] |absent| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 43.7| 441 212] 423| 260] 181] 1031 28| 33.7| - | 18 71 272 79] 1,299 982 135| 431| 731 891| 408 5271 62 59.4| 1 1 1 1 43.4| 1 49.91 70.9| 80.0| 80.0| 75.3| 5 2 .41 8.7 | 1 60.4| 22.3| 48.51 64.6| 68.3] 70.3| 65.6| 47.6| 16.5 ] 1 75.8| 69.2| 68.7] 48.9| 8.1| 1 38.0 1 i (i) i 75.6 CD 78.7 85.0 84.9 83.1 64.2 15.0 Table C-2. Continued—Population and civilian labor force 16 years old and over by marital status, age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 (Numbers in thousands) Population, civilian labor force, and age BLACK POPULA T I O N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iTotal | 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 |Never | mar| ried 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Men Total, 16 years and over... 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 1,108| 922| 702| 180| 117| 481 471 Median age (years)............. CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E 22.5| 1 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 23.8| 1 i ye ar s.................. years.................. ye ar s.................. years.................. ye ar s.................. years.................. and over............... HISPANIC 1 1 PO P U L A T I O N 1 1 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 1 335| 541 i 1 1 1 Total, 16 years and over... 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 to 19 to 24 to 34 to 4 4 to 54 to 64 years ye ar s.................. ..1 years.................. years.................. years.................. years................. years.................. and over.............. 1 55.5! 1 | 71 1 | 46| 711 165| 66.6| 831| 373| - - | 361 231| 2341 200| 961 341 41.4| | 28| 122J 831 891 381 131 39.4| 2| 10| 125| 166| 951 741 471 42.4| 1,196| 1,1301 1,412| 9671 2,241| 650| 1,4781 1581 961 1,251| 1,0501 601 1,189| 531 35.4| 22.2| 491 333| 925| 726| 6061 452| 322| 171 111| 5941 550| 539| 8141 40.51 49.71 6661 1 151 76 1 3691 282| 190| 961 641 38.01 1 971 361| 5 , 112| , | 7| 121 351 261 171 - 53.31 1 1,0921 1,3191 1 - 1 1 1,5381 2,014| | 367| 8| 808| 101| 1,6001 139| 1,029| 771 745| 321 4471 4| 115| 40.1| 3321 539| 481| 110| 51| 22J 31 33.5| 24.01 25| 205| 6611 523| 371| 190| 401 37.2| 1,5601 10| 641 459| 396| 323| 2351 72) 41.21 634| 8| 401 237 | 187| 971 511 131 36.7’| 5| 351 811 181| 32 4 1 6921 65.81 1 1 320| _ 5| 141 331 102| 118| 49| 55.6| 1 67.4| 31.6| 69.9| 52.11 49.41 59.01 47.4| 58.01 37.9| 73.8| 80.9| 67.9| 59.0| (i) 1 (i) 1 a) 1 94.8| 94.8| 94.1| 88.7| 68.6| 20.6| a) 1 a) 1 88.1| 79.11 77.4| 40.8| 12.0| (o 1 a) 1 93.8| 72.5| 75.5| 42.51 a) 1 _ | - | a) 1 a) 1 a) 1 a) 1 10.2| (i) 1 a) 1 81.4| 84.9| 80.5| (i) 1 (i) 1 30.7| 57.3| 71.41 69.6| 59.5| 42.6| 9.61 29.4 | 55.7| 73.9| 69.6| 53.0| (i) 1 CD 1 Cl) 1 61.6| 71.4| 72.01 61.3| 42.01 12.4| CD 1 57.4| 68.9| 66.7| 58.8| 43.7| 8.9 | CD 1 52.2| 64.3| 66.41 51.1| 53.6| a) 1 a) 1 a) 1 40.6| 56.3| 36.4| 7.11 1 1 1 1 261 215| 743| 563| 400| 237| 1711 38.4| 31 331 112| 871 62| 441 621 41.2| 191| 21 28) 611 381 341 171 HI 36.1| 601 241 198| 691| 539| 369| 173| 401 36.9| 303 1 11 301 1041 771 55| 28| 91 - | 41 41 71 111 331 a) 37.2| 34.5| 231 70.0| 87.5| 75.7| 85.3| 53.7| 83.6| 88.2| a) 1 (i) 1 a) 1 (i) 1 (i) 1 96.4| 94.8| 96.0| 92.81 (i) 1 a) 1 93.2| 89.1| a) 1 a) 1 (i) 1 a) a) a) a) a) a) a) 73.01 23.51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 27 40.3| 33.0| - 117| 2,089| 1 41 41 51 71 3| a) 1 4641 299| 1971 551 381 27J 161 21.4| 631 3281 7461 5431 3511 204| 111| 35.7| 908| 151 731 195) 1641 1521 119| 189| 45.41 ! _ 1 1 i 1 1,0981 2,345| I 542| 5| 700| 4 7 1 1,139) 441 762| 2 | 5421 350| 1 | 181 316| 1 163| 1| 261 58 351 291 121 11 151| 4,351| - 1 310| 333| 203| 341 271 10| 5| 1 1 1 402| j 41 42 38| 201 91 5| 38.4| 2091 4011 6181 433| 283) 120| 261 31.8| 5911 1,0821 .1761 2041 135| 36| 241 131 3| 22.9| 26| 169| 362| 292| 162| 651 6| 34.6| 416| 71 281 121| 105| 97 | 421 16| 40.0| ~ 1 (i) a) a) (i) a) 1 1 1 1 1 _L_ 451 281 13| 34.3| 139| 78.3| 24.3| - 1 171 48| 341 271 6| 1| 34.7| 41.3 605 2 19 208 176 125 66 10 39.2 68.8 a) a) 79.4 76.2 69.5 55.8 (X) 310 1 17 90 87 60 36 19 61 91 15| 481 551 157| 66.2| 40.3 1 761 201 - 1| 71 7| 311 1 | 121 52.5| 10 67 63 39 17 4 38.6 1 1 48.0| 53.91 46.11 45.81 45.3| 26.31 - | 38.61 a) a) CD (i) a) a) 1 1 1 1 1 1 54.3| 56.8| 52.21 34.2| 8.11 37.9| 68.1| 68.6| (i) 1 (i) 1 (i) 1 (i) 1 CD 1 51.6| 48.5| 53.8| 46.1| 31.9| 5 . 41 CD 1 CD 1 61.81 63.9| 63.81 35.01 8.7 | a) 1 a) 1 49.6| a) 1 CD 1 a) 1 a) 1 1 a) 1 a) 1 (X) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 7.61 57.31 2 30 262 231 179 119 57 1 291| 61 1 1 1 1 141 49| 961 621 1 1 a) 307| 880 1 1 1 1 1 , 60.3| 1Rate or median not shown where base is less than 75,000. - 519| 9,817| 3,1131 3,413| 3,2911 1 78.1| 22.3| Median age (years).... ........ CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION RATE 44.61 1 Other ever-married 1 1 Mar- | |ried, | 1 1 |spousel Mar- | 1 pres- I ’0 tal |ried, | Wid- | Dispousel owed (vorced 1 ent | absentl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60.4| 9 2 2 1 2,034| ye ar s.................. ..| years.................. years.................. ye ar s.................. ye a r s .... ............. ye ar s....... ........... and o v er............... ••I 48.2J i Total, 16 years and over... to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 4| 321 130| 116| 117| 901 671 1 1 1 (Never | marI ried 1 1 1 1 3081 1 1 21.0| Median age (years).............. 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 40.4| 578| 401| 232| 421 321 131 251 years.................. years.................. years.................. ye ar s.................. ye ar s.................. ye ar s.................. and over............... CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E 9| 163| 798| 659| 559| 358| 108| 1,324| 2,355| Total, 16 years and over... 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 6| 431 262| 300| 259| 236| 279| 1 I Total, 16 years and over... to 19 to 24 to 34 to 44 to 54 to 64 years 5581 1 418| 677| 561| 1221 691 211 61 Median age (years)............. 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 44.0| 1,875| 2,654| years.................. years.................. ye ars.................. years.................. years.................. years.................. and over............... CIVILIAN L A B O R F O R C E PARTICIPATION RATE 91 197| 892| 7201 629| 521| 526| 1,384| i Total, 16 years and over... 16 20 25 35 45 55 65 1 3,123| 3,495| ye ar s .................. years.................. years.................. years.................. years............ . years.................. and over............... Women 1 Other ever- marriec 1 1 Mar- | |ried, | | 1 1 1 !spousel | Mar- | 1 1 total | pres- ITotal |ried, | Wid- | Di- | |spousel owed |vorced| i ent | I |absent| i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64.7 CD (X) 73.8 73.0 (X) (X) (X) Table C-3. Major occupation group of employed persons 1® years ©Id and over by marital status, sex, raee, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 (Percent distribution) Other ever-married Other ever-married Major occupation group ALL EMPLOYED PERSONS | jTotal | l I I I I |Never | mar| ried | I I i I |ried, | |spouse| | pres-|Total | ent | i I I I | | | | | Mar- | | |Total |ried, | Wid- | Di- | |spouse| owed 1vorced| [absent| 1 1 t i l I I I I |Never | mar| ried | 1 l | | | | 1 ied, | pousel pres- (Total ent | 1 1 | | | Mar- 1 |ried, 1 Wid- 1 Di |spouse| owed |vorced |absent| 1 1 ALL OCCUPATION GROUPS: I I 1 Number (Thousands)...... 156,413113,540138,0381 4,835| 1,4941 530| 2,811141,9011 0,087|23,590| 8,2251 1,737| 2,328| 4,160 Percent.................. | 100.01 100.01 100.0| 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.0 Professional and technical....... Managers and administrators, except f a rm..................... Sales............................. . Clerical........................... Craft.............................. Operatives, except transport..... Transport equipment operatives... Laborers, except fa rm............ Private household................. Service, except private household...................... Farmers and farm managers........ Farm laborers and supervisors.... WHITE l 15.8| i i 1 14.3| 1 6 . 01 1 6.6| | 21.0| | 11.2| 1 5.6| 1 6.9| i CD i 1 1 1 9.0| 1 2 . 31 1 1.41 1 12.9| 16.9| 14.7| 14.5| 12.01 6.5| 6.0| 9.1| 15.2| 13.2| 4.6| 12.8| .11 17.2| 5.9| 5.8| 23.0| 10.41 5.9| 4.81 a) i 13.0| 6.4 | 5.8 | 21.9| 11.3| 7. 0 1 .1| 11.8| 5.0| 3.91 21.7| 13.8| 6.21 9.2[ - l 13.01 8.8| 8.41 16.5| 7.71 6.21 8.11 .8] 15.6| 1.2| 2.81 6.41 2.8 | •9| 10.6| 1.41 1.21 10.8| 1.31 1.9 | 13.5| 3.01 1 . 91 6.61 1 15.3| 1 13.7| 6.8 1 6.31 22.91 10.71 6.91 5.7) - 1 l 9.91 1.21 .6| 17.21 17.2| 18.41 13.71 12.5| 10.11 16.1 7.01 6.5 1 35.31 1.61 10.01 .71 1.21 2.41 5.91 7.1| 36.4| 1 .5| 7 . 21 •3| 1.41 3.21 7.1| 6.51 35.71 1.7 | 10.6| .81 1.01 1.9| 8. 2 1 5.91 32.8| 1.7 | 11.81 .81 1.31 3.11 6.71 4.61 30.7| 1.91 12.81 1.31 1.01 2.9| 7.71 8.11 29.3| 1.7 | 12.21 .6| 1.0| 6.0( 9.1 5.3 35.6 1.7 11.1 .8 1.5 1.6 17.21 .31 .6| 19.3| .11 .51 15.21 .51 .81 20.2| .21 .21 24.81 .21 22.51 ,6| •3| 17.1 .1 .1 .6 1 1 ALL OCCUPATION GROUPS: 1 1 1 Number (Thousands).... . |50,580|11,790|34,7 8 51 4,0051 1,1251 4281 2,452136,524| 8,647|21,176l 6,701| 1,141| 1,9971 3,563 Percent.................. | 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.0| 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.0l 100.0| 100.0 Professional and technical....... Managers and administrators, except farm................... . Sales.................... ......... Clerical................. ......... Craft............ ................ Operatives, except transport..... Transport equipment operatives... Laborers, except farm............ Private household........... . Service, except private household............... . Farmers and farm managers........ Farm laborers and supervisors.... BLAQK | 16.3| 1 1 1 15.2| 1 6.3| 1 6.5| 1 21.4| 1 10.7| 1 5.31 1 6.3J i a) i 1 1 1 8.1| 1 2.51 1 1.31 1 13.7| 17.3| 15.9| 16.71 14.8| 7.0| 6.4 | 8.8 | 15.6| 13.0| 4.5| 12.2| .11 18.0| 6.21 5.71 23.2| 10 .01 5.51 4.41 a) i 14.3| 7.1| 6.0| 22.3| 10.2| 6.31 5.9| - | 13.41 5 . 31 3.31 23.4| 12.4| 5.0| 7.61 - | 15.5| 10.1| 9.5| 15.81 6.61 6.41 5.81 - | 14.5| 1.31 5. 8 1 2. 9 1 .8| 9. 4 1 1.6| 1.0 [ 9.6) 1.71 1.6| 10.9| 3.21 1.21 2 .8 1 1 15.81 1 14.51 7. 4 1 6.6 | 22.91 9.9J 6 . 81 5.1| - | i 9.1| 1.41 .61 17.61 17.8| 18.51 7.61 7.01 36.0| 1.7 j 9 .5| •7| 1.11 1 . 91 6. 3 1 7.51 36.11 6.2 | .31 1.41 3.11 7.51 6.9) 36.51 1.71 10.21 .91 1.0| 1.31 34.4] 1 . 81 11.31 .71 1.31 1.9| 16.0| .41 .6| 19.0| .11 .51 14.11 .51 .81 17.7[ •3| •2 1 1.61 14.41 13.9| 10.51 16.8 9.31 8.81 6.81 6.0| 33.5] 2.0! 11.51 8. 4 1 9.01 31.71 9.9 5.9 36.3 1.6 10.7 .8 1.5 1.0 .6 1 1.1| 1.01 20.6| .31 •7| 1.81 12.11 .51 1.11 4.0) 20.01 .61 .21 15.4 .1 .1 1 ALL OCCUPATION GROUPS: 1 1 1 5561 3011 Number (Thousands)...... | 4,640| 1,413| 2, 49 4| 734| 326| 95| 3121 4,430| 1,1881 1,8481 1,393| 535 Percent.................. | 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.0J 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.0 Professional and technical....... Managers and administrators, except f a rm........ ............. Sales.............................. Clerical................ ........... Craft.............................. Operatives, except transport..... Transport equipment operatives... Laborers, except fa rm.... ....... Private household................. Service, except private household..................... Farmers and farm managers........ Farm laborers and supervisors.... HISPANIC 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 7.9 | 1 5.21 7.51 18.5| 15.7| 9 . 71 13.2| .21 1 16.6| .3| 2.51 1 1 2 .8 1 6.7| 8. 6 1 7.8| 7.11 2.81 2.9| 11.4| 12.1| 14.2| 5.7 | 17.8| .11 6.51 2.5[ 5.91 21.8| 16.2| 12.3| 10.5| .1| 5.71 3.51 5.01 19.8| 17.0| 8.6 | 13.3| •5| 5 . 81 4.61 5.01 16.51 18.6J 9.41 15.41 - 1 1.41 3.11 4.01 21.11 23.3| •11 3.0| 12.8| •5| 2.3 | 16.51 •2| 2.1| 15.11 - | 23.7| 1.31 4.9 | 2 .6 1 1 1 805| 1,901| 282[ 156| Number (Thousands)...... | 2,988| Percent.................. | 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 ‘ rr Less than 0.05 percent.’; 1 7 . 71 1 1 1 7 . 31 1 3 . 21 1 7.0| | 20.3| 1 17.3| 1 6 . 41 | 12.1| 1 *11 1 1 1 13.9| 1 .4| 1 4.3| 1 - 1 11.61 5.71 18.8| 4.21 10.91 i 7.01 2 . 51 5.31 22.9| 16.81 8.6 1 9. 4 1 1 1 15.81 - | •7| 13.4| 12.9| 16.11 10.21 9.6| 8.51 11.7 2.5| 2.4} 28.61 1.01 13.31 .21 1.01 8.31 3.21 30.1| 1.31 13.51 .7| 1 . 21 7 . 41 2.91 3.6| 37.9| 1.3| 13.81 .71 1.41 4.11 13.61 1.5| 1.31 9.11 2.81 2.1| 26.0| 1.9| 14.7| 2.4 | 1.11 6. 5 1 2. 4 1 2.5| 14.41 .81 12.41 1.01 .51 19.4| 3.9 1.3 31.1 2.2 13.1 1.0 2.0 5.9 26.41 a) i .51 21.31 - 1 .3| 25.71 - 1 .91 31.71 .11 .21 32.51 - 1 .41 37.81 - 1 •4 | 27.5 .3 2.8 | 2 .6 1 1. 8 1 25.4| 1.8 1 1 ALL OCCUPATION GROUPS: Professional and technical....... Managers and administrators, except farm........ ............. Sales..................... ........ Clerical........................... Craft................. ............ Operatives, except transport..... Transport equipment operatives... Laborers, except fa rm............ Private household............... Service, except private household.................... Farmers and farm managers....... Farm laborers and supervisors... .21 1 106| 1,8691 514| 983| 191 (2) 1 100.01 100.01 100.01 100.01 6. 8 1 7.71 6.31 - | 3.9| 3. 6 1 10.1| 13.3| 17.1| 3. 6 1 14.3| “ 1 9.0| 3.0| 6.21 23.7| 17.2| 7.81 10.5| .11 5.8 [ 3.1| 4.1| 16.8| 18.5| 4.41 16.61 - |, 4.6 | 1.71 3.31 15.3| 25.8| 2.4) 19.01 - l “ - 1 1 | 1 | | 1 1 21.9| .21 5.21 10.0| •6| 4.21 17.6| (l) 1 2.71 18.6| .11 3.01 ~ 1 1 ' | 10.5| 17.61 1 8.6| 5.8) 4.61 19.91 9.6 1 7.51 11.5| - l 1 13.91 - 1 1.0| 1 741 184 (2) 1 100.0 9 . 11 10.0) 6.1| - | 12.8 5.11 4.8| 31.4| 2.71 23.5| .41 1.3| 4.31 4.7 | 5.51 37.0| 1.61 18.41 1 1.0| 6.5| 5.1| 4. 5 1 29.31 3.11 26.31 .6| 1 . 71 2.6( 5.3J 4.71 29.01 3.01 22.81 .51 .71 5.51 3.41 3.1| 27.7| 3.9| 27.21 I •8 1 6.3 | “ ~ 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.2 5.4 32.2 2.4 20.0 1.0 .9 2.8 16.41 a) i 1.11 14.81 - | .41 16.2| .11 1.71 19.11 - 1 .41 21.0| - 1 .51 - 1 1 17.3 - " | 8 . 81 2Percent not shown where base is less than 75,000. 28 372| 1151 100.0| 100.01 8.9 | Table C-4. Labor force and marina! status of women 16 years old and over by age and presence and age ©f own children, March 19Q0 (Numbers in thousands) Total women Presence and age of own children and age of women Popula- | tion | Labor force Never married Labor | force | partic ipation rate 1 Popula- | tion | i 1 1 1 18,273 | Labor force Married, husband present Labor | force | partic ipation rate Popula- | tion | Labor force Labor | force | partic ipation rate 87,939 | 44,934 | 51.1 11,242 | 61.5 49,699 | 24,900 | 50.1 No own children under 18 ye ar s........... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 ye ar s.................. ...... 20 to 24 years........................ 25 to 34 years........................ 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 years......................... 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years...................... 55 years and over................... 56,483 20,932 7,865 7,233 5,834 35,551 2,928 32,623 7,569 25,054 | | | | | | | | | | 27,144 14,484 3,916 5,539 5,029 12,660 2,262 10,398 4,690 5,708 | | | | | | | | | | 48.1 69.2 49.8 76.6 86.2 35.6 77.3 31.9 62.0 22.8 17,211 14,722 7,383 4,924 2,415 2,489 604 1,885 530 1,355 | | | | 1 | | | | | 10,690 9,420 3,628 3,668 2,124 1,269 503 766 385 382 | | | | | | | | | | 62.1 64.0 49.1 74.5 88.0 51.0 83.3 40.6 72.5 28.2 24,473 4,834 409 1,911 2,514 19,639 1,623 18,016 5,421 12,594 | | | | | | | | | | 11,246 3,893 245 1,552 2,097 7,353 1,192 6,161 3,114 3,047 | | | | | | | | | | 46.0 80.5 59.9 81.2 83.4 37.4 73.4 34.2 57.4 24.2 With own children under 18 years, total.. 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 years........................ 20 to 24 years............ *........... 25 to 34 years........................ 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 ye ar s........................ 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years............. ........ 55 years and ov er................... 31,456 16,552 498 3,324 12,730 14,904 10,063 4,841 4,192 649 | | | | | | | | | | 17,790 8,934 174 1,532 7,228 8,856 6,306 2,550 2,317 233 | | | | | | | | | i 56.6 54.0 35.1 46.1 56.8 59.4 62.7 52.7 55.3 35.9 1,063 918 88 374 456 145 116 28 26 3 | | | | | | | | | 1 553 481 32 156 293 72 62 10 8 3 | | | | | | | | I 1 52.0 52.4 36.4 41.7 64.1 49.9 53.3 a) a) Cl) 25,226 13,073 341 2,527 10,205 12,153 8,274 3,879 3,396 483 | | | | | | | | | | 13,654 6,696 113 1,132 5,450 6,958 4,996 1,962 1,797 165 | | | | | | | | l | 54.1 51.2 33.1 44.8 53.4 57.3 60.4 50.6 52.9 34.2 With own children 6 to 17 years, none younger, total................ ........... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 ye ar s........................ 20 to 24 ye ars........................ 25 to 34 ye ar s......................... 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 years.................... . 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years....................... 55 years and ov er................... 17,489 4,648 17 129 4,502 12,842 8,136 4,705 4,072 633 | | | | | | | | | | 11,252 3,293 13 85 3,195 7,959 5,458 2,502 2,270 232 | | | | | | | | | | 64.3 70.9 a) 65.8 71.0 62.0 67.1 53.2 55.7 36.6 359 248 6 25 217 111 83 28 26 3 1 | | 1 | | | | | | I 243 184 5 14 165 59 49 10 8 3 | | | | | | | | I 1 67.6 74.0 CD a) 76.0 53.3 59.0 CD CD a) 13,649 3,266 8 73 3,184 10,383 6,610 3,773 3,299 473 | | I | | | | | | | 8,428 2,212 5 49 2,158 6,216 4,292 1,924 1,758 165 | | | | | | | | | | 61.7 67.7 a) CD 67.8 59.9 64.9 51.0 53.3 35.0 With own children under 6 years, total... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 ye ar s........................ 20 to 24 years........................ 25 to 34 years......................... 35 years and over, total............... 35 to 44 years...................... . 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years............ ......... 55 years and over................... 13,966 11,904 481 3,194 8,229 2,062 1,927 136 120 16 | | | | | | | | | | 6,538 5,641 162 1,447 4,033 896 848 48 47 1 | | | | | | | | | | 46.8 47.4 33.6 45.3 49.0 43.5 44.0 35.7 39.3 a) 703 670 82 349 239 34 33 310 297 27 142 128 13 13 | | | | | | | | | 44.1 44.4 33.2 40.8 53.4 | | | | | | | | | | 5,227 4,484 108 1,083 3,293 743 704 38 38 | | | | | | | | | 45.1 45.7 32.4 44.1 46.9 42.0 42.3 36.1 39.8 a) With own children 3 to 5 years, none under| 3 ........................................ 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 years......................... 20 to 24 years......................... 25 to 34 years................... ..... 35 years and over, total............... 35 to 44 years......................... 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 ye ar s...................... 55 years and over.................. 5,459 4,167 30 708 3,428 1,292 1,196 97 89 7 | | | | | | | | | | 2,972 2,384 8 412 1,964 589 552 36 35 1 | | 1 | | | | | | 1 54.5 57.2 a) 58.1 57.3 45.5 46.2 37.5 38.9 a) 232 215 8 103 104 18 18 With own children under 3 years.......... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 ye ar s......................... 20 to 24 years.... ...... ............. 25 to 34 years........................ 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 years......................... 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years...................... 55 years and ov er................... 8,508 7,737 451 2,486 4,800 770 731 39 30 9 | | | | | | | 1 | I 3,365 3,257 154 1,035 2,0C8 308 296 12 12 | | | | | | | | | 41.9 42.1 34.1 41.6 43.1 40.0 40.4 a) 471 455 74 246 135 16 16 1 a) Total women.................... C D See footnote at end of table. 29 | | 1 | | | | | | 1 - 11,577 9,807 333 2,454 7,021 1,770 1,664 106 96 10 113 110 1 47 61 4 4 | | I | 1 1 I | | 1 48.8 51.1 a) 46.3 58.5 a) a) “ 4,310 3,211 17 454 2,740 1,099 1,024 75 72 3 | | | | | | | | | I 2,223 1,737 3 260 1,474 486 457 29 29 197 187 26 95 67 9 9 | | | | | 1 1 | 1 1 41.7 41.2 a) 38.5 49.4 a) a) - 7,267 6,596 316 1,999 4,281 671 640 32 24 7 | | | | | | | | | | 3,004 2,747 105 824 1,819 257 247 9 9 1 1 | I I | | | | | | 1 | | | | | 1 | | 1 1 a) u) - 1 | | 1 | | | | | | 1 | | | l | | | 1 1 1 51.6 54.1 a) 57.2 53.8 44.2 44.6 38.8 CD “ 41.3 41.6 33.1 41.2 42.5 38.2 38.7 a) ( u ~ Table 0-4. Continued—Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age and presence and age of own children, March 1980 (Numbers in thousands) [___________ Married, husband absent Presence and age of own children and age of women Total wo me n................... . 3,243 1 1 | 1,928 1 1 1 59.4 | l Popula| tion | | 1 1 1 1 1 10,758 | No own children under 18 ye a r s ........... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 ye ars........................ 20 to 24 years......................... 25 to 34 years......................... 35 years and over, total.............. . 35 to 44 years......................... 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 ye ar s...................... 55 years and ov er................... 1,502 518 62 195 262 983 176 808 284 524 | | | | | | | | | | 884 393 36 147 209 491 123 369 182 187 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 58.9 75.7 a) 75.6 79.8 50.0 69.9 45.6 64.0 35.7 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 10,054 39 2 7 30 10,015 76 9,940 556 9,385 With own children under 18 years, total.. 16 to 34 years, total.............. . 16 to 19 ye ar s................. ....... 20 to 24 years......................... 25 to 34 years....... ................. 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 years......................... 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 ye ar s...................... 55 years and ov er............ ...... 1,742 1,021 45 218 758 721 493 228 194 34 | | | | | | | | | | 1,044 593 16 no 467 452 334 118 105 13 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 i 60.0 58.0 a) 50.4 61.6 62.7 67.7 51.9 54.2 a) 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 703 129 2 16 111 574 218 357 270 87 With own children 6 to 17 years, none younger, total........................... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 years......................... 20 to 24 ye ar s......................... 25 to 34 years........................ 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 years........................ 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years...................... 55 years and ov er................... 957 318 1 15 301 639 417 222 190 32 1 | | 1 | | | | | | | 634 226 1 12 213 408 291 117 104 13 1 1 i 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 66.3 71.2 CD a) 70.8 63.9 69.8 52.8 54.9 a) With own children under 6 years, total... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 ye a r s ........................ 20 to 24 years............ ............ 25 to 34 years......................... 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 ye ar s..................... . 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years...................... 55 years and ov er................... 785 703 A3 203 457 81 76 6 A 2 | | | | | I | 1 I i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 52.2 52.1 o) 48.6 55.5 53.6 56.4 a) a) " With own children 3 to 5 years, none under| 3 ......................................... | 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 ye ar s......................... 20 to 24 years........ ................ 25 to 34 ye ar s......................... 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 years........ .. ............... 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 ye ar s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 years and over................... With own children under 3 years.......... 16 to 34 years, total................... 16 to 19 years................... . 20 to 24 ye ar s......................... 25 to 34 ye ar s......................... 35 years and over, total................ 35 to 44 years......................... 45 years and over, total............. 45 to 54 years...................... 55 years and over................... 1Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. Popula- | tion | Labor force 336 282 3 56 222 54 A9 5 3 1 | | 1 | | | | | 2 1 | A49 421 40 147 235 27 26 1 1 | | | | | | | | | 1 410 366 14 99 254 44 43 1 1 220 190 2 36 154 30 29 1 1 “ 190 177 12 65 100 13 13 - - Labor force participation rate 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Divorced Widowed 65.4 67.3 a) a) 69.2 a a a a ) ) ) ) “ 42.4 41.9 (i) 44.1 42.5 to u) - “ 30 2, A21 1 1 1 22.5 | | Popula| tion | | i i 1 1 1 5,966 1 | | I | | | | | | | 2,010 27 5 22 1,983 A9 1,934 373 1,561 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 20.0 (i) a) (i) 19.8 64.5 19.5 67.2 16.6 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1 1 3,244 820 10 196 613 2,424 450 1,974 779 1,195 | | I | | | | | | | 411 79 7 72 332 130 203 170 32 1 1 i i i i 1 1 i i 58.4 60.8 CD 64.6 57.9 59.5 56.9 63.1 37.5 1 1 i 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 602 | 77 | | | 77 | 525 | 186 | 340 | 258 | 82 | 366 55 55 311 114 197 166 31 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i i i 1 60.7 71.1 71.1 59.2 61.7 57.8 64.2 37.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 i 1 1 1 102 52 2 16 34 50 33 16 12 5 1 1 1 1 i i 1 i i i 44.7 a) (i) a) u) a) a) a) u) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1 1 | | 1 1 | | | | | I 1 60 | 27 | | 6 I 21 1 33 | 23 | 11 | 8 | 3 I 41 I 1 25 | 1 2 I 1 11 | 1 13 | 1 16 | 1 11 | 1 5 | 1 A i 1 2 I 1 .1 ______L Labor force participation rate Labor force 45 24 7 17 22 16 6 5 1 29 12 3 9 17 13 4 2 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i a) a) (i) a a a a a ) ) ) ) ) 1 1 a) 17 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 a) a) a) u) a) (i) a) a) 4 8 5 3 2 2 " 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Labor force partic ipation rate Labor force 4,443 1 1 1 74.5 1 1 i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 2,315 751 7 167 578 1,564 395 1,168 638 530 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 i i i 71.A 91.6 a) 8A.9 9A.2 6A.5 88.0 59.2 81.9 44.4 2,722 1,410 22 188 1,200 1,312 962 349 306 43 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,128 1,087 14 127 947 1,041 784 257 237 20 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 78.2 77.1 a) 67.3 78.9 79.4 81.5 73.6 77.4 a) 1,922 739 1 16 722 1,184 842 342 299 43 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1,582 617 1 11 605 965 712 254 234 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i 82.3 83.5 a) a) 83.8 81.6 84.6 74.2 78.2 a) 800 672 21 173 478 128 121 7 7 “ 521 432 2 89 341 ‘ 88 82 6 6 “ 279 240 19 83 137 40 39 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 J 546 470 13 116 342 76 72 3 3 ” 387 335 2 68 266 52 49 2 2 “ 159 135 11 48 76 24 23 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 68.3 70.0 CD 67.1 71.5 59.1 60.0 CD (1) " 74.4 77.6 CD 75.8 78.0 58.7 60.3 CD CD “ 56.8. 56.3 CD 57.8 55.3 CD CD CD CD " Table C-5. Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age, presence and age of own children, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1960 (Numbers in thousands) Age of women by presence and age of own children, race, and Hispanic origin WHITE 1 | 1 1 1 i 1 Populas tion i 1 1 i 1 | | Labor force Married, husband present Never married Total women Labor | force | partic ipation rate Popula- | tion 1 Labor force Labor force partic ipation rate Popula- | tion | Labor force La bor | force | partic ipation rate 1 1 1 Total..................................... 38,810 | 50.9 14,689 | 9,429 64.2 45,181 | 22,286 | 49.3 No own children under 18 years....... 16 to 34 years...................... 33 years and ov er................... 23,924 | 12,808 | 11,116 | 48.3 72.0 35.0 14,310 | 12,130 | 2,180 | 9,236 8,130 1,106 64.5 67.0 50.7 22,605 | 4,461 | 18,144 | 10,298 | 3,639 | 6,658 | 45.6 81.6 36.7 14,886 | 7,271 | 7,615 | 55.8 52.6 59.2 379 | 339 | 40 | 193 171 22 51.0 50.5 22,576 | 11,988 | 11,629 | 5,784 | 10,947 | 6,204 | 53.1 49.7 56.7 9,604 i 2,691 | 6,913 | 64.0 70.1 61.9 117 84 33 | | | 83 64 19 71.3 75.8 5,282 4,580 702 | | | 45.2 45.8 41.4 262 255 7 | | | 110 108 2 41.9 42.2 5,112 | With own children under 18 years, total.............................. 16 to 34 years...................... 35 years and over.......... ........ 1 With own children 6 to 17, none younger........................... 16 to 34 years.................... 35 years and ov er................. 1 1 1 With own children under 6 years.... 16 to 34 ye ar s.................... 35 years and ov er................. BLACK 1 1 1 i Total........................ ............ No own children under 18 years .......... 16 to 34 years...................... 35 years and ov er................... With own children under 18 years, total ................................. .......... 16 to 34 years .................................. 35 years and o v er ............................ 1 With own children 6 to 17, none younger. ....................................... 16 to 34 years.................... 35 years and ov er................. 1 i HISPANIC ORIGIN 1 a) a) 12,341 2,923 9,418 | | | 7,544 1,950 5,593 | | | 61.1 66.7 59.4 10,235 8,707 1,529 | | | 4,444 3,834 610 | | | 43.4 44.0 39.9 | 52.1 3,113 1,538 49.4 3,413 | 2,014 | 59.0 2,691 | 1,356 | 1,335 | 45.5 52.4 40.1 2,449 | 1,188 2,185 | 1,051 264 | 137 48.5 48.1 51.8 1,493 | 255 | 1,239 | 760 | 190 | 570 | 50.9 74.7 46.0 2,421 1,420 1,001 | | | 62.0 62.8 61.0 665 562 102 | | | 350 301 49 52.7 53.6 47.8 1,919 1,053 867 | | | 65.3 66.5 63.9 1,393 538 856 | | | 66.4 75.4 61.8 240 163 77 | | | 158 119 39 65.7 72.9 50.4 988 | 265 | 722 | 674 | 210 | 463 | 68.2 79.2 64.2 1,027 882 145 | | | 56.9 56.9 56.6 425 399 25 | | | 193 182 10 45.3 45.7 932 787 144 | | | 580 490 90 | | | 62.3 62.3 62.5 1,098 2,345 | 1,082 1 With own children under 6 years.... 16 to 34 years.................... 35 years and over................. a) (1) | | | 1,254 700 554 1 Total...................................................... 2,089 l 48.0 | 591 53.8 | 46.1 No own children under 18 ye ar s....... 16 to 34 ye ar s...................... 35 years and over........ ........... 1,078 | 665 | 414 | 48.8 58.8 38.4 978 | 864 | 114 | 544 478 66 55.6 55.3 58.2 728 | 201 | 527 | 332 | 138 | 194 | 45.6 68.7 36.8 1,011 | 564 | 447 | 47.2 45.1 50.1 120 | 96 | 23 | 47 37 10 39.5 38.9 (i) 1,617 | 935 | 682 | 749 | 419 | 331 | 46.3 44.8 48.5 532 | 163 | 369 | 55.5 61.5 53.2 35 | 15 | 19 | 16 7 9 a) a) a) 693 | 179 | 514 | 374 | 108 | 266 | 53.9 60.6 51.6 479 | 401 | 78 | 40.5 40.7 39.4 85 | 81 I 4 I 31 30 1 36.4 37.2 a) 923 | 756 | 167 | 375 | 310 | 65 | 40.6 41.0 38.9 With own children under 18 years, total.............................. 16 to 34 years...................... 35 years and over................... 1 With own children 6 to 17, none younger........................... 16 to 34 years.................... 35 years and ov er................. 1 1 1 With own children under 6 years.... 16 to 34 years.................... 35 years and over......... ....... 1 1 See footnote at end of tableJ 31 Table C-5. Continued—Labor force and marital status of women 16 years old and over by age, presence and age of own children, race, and Hispanic origin, March 1980 (Numbers in thousands) | | Age of women by presence and age of own children, race,and Hispanic origin WHITE Married, husband absent 1 i 1 1 1 Popula- | | tion | 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i i i Labor force Widowed Labor force partic ipation rate 1 1 Popula- | tion | 1 1 1 1 1 Labor force Divorced Labor | force | partic ipation rate 1 1 Popula- | tion | 1 1 1 1 1 Labor force Labor force partic ipation rate 1 2,076 | 1,253 60.4 9,296 | 2,070 | 22.3 4,990 | 3,772 75.6 No own children under 18 years........ 1 16 to 34 years....................... 1 35 years and over.................... 1 1,043 421 622 | | | 631 327 304 60.5 77.5 49.0 8,785 34 8,751 | | | 1,749 24 1,725 | | | 19.9 a) 19.7 2,791 748 2,042 | | | 2,011 688 1,323 72.1 91.9 64.8 With own children under 18 years, total....... ........................ 16 to 34 years....................... 35 years and over................ 1 1 | 622 353 269 60.2 57.2 64.8 511 93 419 | | 321 62 259 | 1 62.8 67.0 61.9 2,200 1,154 1,045 | | 1 1,033 617 416 1,762 901 861 80.1 78.0 82.4 With own children 6 to 17, none younger................... ........ 16 to 34 ye ar s...................... 35 years and ov er.................. 1 1 1 1 534 161 373 | | | 364 116 249 68.2 72.0 66.6 453 57 396 | | | 294 47 247 | | | 64.9 a) 1,566 614 951 | | | 1,319 514 805 84.2 83.7 84.6 With own children under 6 years..... | 16 to 34 years..................... 1 35 years and ov er.................. I 499 456 42 | 258 237 21 51.7 52.0 a) 58 35 23 | a) | (i) a) 634 540 94 | | | 27 15 12 | | | 443 387 56 69.8 71.6 59.6 1 1 | .1,092 | 634 58.0 1,319 | 320 | 24.3 880 | 605 68.8 No own children under 18 ye ar s........ 16 to 34 ye ar s....... ................ 35 years and over.................... 1 1 1 | | | 234 57 177 55.2 68.8 51.9 1,145 5 1,140 | | | 241 3 239 1 | 21.1 (i) 20.9 403 59 344 | | | 268 54 213 66.4 (i) 62.1 With own children under 18 years, total............................... 16 to 34 years........ ........ ...... 35 years and over................... i | 1 400 228 171 59.9 60.4 59.1 174 35 139 79 16 63 45.3 | | | | 668 378 290 | | 477 234 243 338 174 163 70.8 74.4 67.3 With own children 6 to 17, none younger..................... ...... 16 to 34 ye ar s..................... 35 years and over.......... ....... 1 1 1 1 407 151 256 | | | 259 107 152 63.5 70.6 59.4 136 19 117 | | | 63 7 56 | | | 46.4 With own children under 6 years.... 1 16 to 34 ye ar s..................... 1 35 years and over...... ............ 1 261 227 34 | 141 121 20 54.1 53.6 a) 38 16 22 | a) | | 16 9 7 | | | 1 | Total................................ . BLACK Total.................. ................... HISPANIC ORIGIN 1 1 | 1 1 425 83 342 i | | | | 1 1 | i | 62.4 | | 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 a) 45.4 1 | | | 1 327 114 213 | | | 240 94 146 73.4 82.9 68.4 150 120 30 | a) a) | | 97 80 18 65.0 66.3 (i) 26.3 310 | a) 47.9 l 1 1 307 | 139 45.3 291 | 76 201 64.7 No own children under 18 years........ 1 16 to 34 ye ar s........ . 1 35 years and over.................... 1 108 36 72 | | | 51 22 29 46.8 a) a) 244 4 241 | | | 55 4 51 | I I 22.6 (i) 21.3 148 25 123 | | | 96 23 73 64.6 a) 59.5 With own children under 18 years, total............................... 16 to 34 years....................... 35 years and over.................... 1 1 1 1 199 123 76 I | | | 88 49 40 44.5 39.6 52.5 46 12 34 1 | | | 21 4 17 | I I (i) a) a) 162 83 78 1 | | | 105 55 50 64.8 65.8 63.8 With own children 6 to 17, none younger............................ 16 to 34 years...................... 35 years and over.................. i 1 1 1 90 25 65 1 | 1 | 51 13 38 56.1 (1) (1) 35 3 31 1 | | I 17 2 15 | I (i) CD a) 106 42 64 1 | | | 74 32 42 69.8 a) (i) With own children under 6 years.... 16 to 34 ye ar s..................... 35 years and over.................. 1 1 1 1 38 36 2 34.8 36.6 (i) 12 9 3 4 2 3 I I I a) a) a) 56 42 14 31 23 8 a) a) a) Total...................................... 1Rate not shown where base is less than 75,000. 108 98 10 | | | 1 32 | 1 1 1 | | | 1 Table C-6. SMumber of earners 16 years old and over and relationship by family income in 1979; type of family and race, March 1980 (Numbers in thousands) Number of earners and relationship ALL FAMILIES Total ................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 |Total | | |Under |1,000 i i1,000 | to 1,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |59,9101 584 | 465 ARRIED-COUPLE FAMILIES I Income of family (In dollars) 1 1 2,000 |3,000 15, 000 |7,000 |10,0001 13 ,000| 15,000| 20,0001 25,0001 35,000| 50,000|Median to | to 1 to 1 to | to 1 to | to 1 to | to | and (family 2,999 |4,999 |6, 999 19,999 |12,9991 14 ,999| 19,999| 24,9991 34,9991 49,9991 over 1income 1 1 1 i 1 i 731 | 2,523 I Total................... . 14 9,1321 No earners............. 1 5,559| One earner............. |13,912| Husband on ly......... |11,934| Wife only............ 1 1,499| Other relative only.. | 480| Two earners............ 122,3591 Husband and w i fe.... |19,645| Husband and other 1 1 relative........... 1 2,287| Husband not an earner 1 4281 Three earners or more.. 1 7,301| Husband and wi fe..... 1 5,950| Husband an earner, not| | wife.............. . 1 1,1891 Husband is nonearner. 1 1631 ,060| 5,119| 5,8441 3 ,561| 8,9581 8,551| 11,376| 6,067| 3,070|19,503 1 289 163 105 61 37 7 19 13 - - | | | | | | | | | 6 I 2 I 1 1 | 1 i 147 50 71 50 19 2 20 19 267 128 89 72 15 2 46 38 1 2 6 3 2 6 4 1 1 - | 1,227| | 670| | 358| | 264| 791 | 151 1 | 177| | 153| i 191 1 51 1 221 1 141 I i | 3| | 5| OTHER FAMILIES 1 1 1 Maintained by m e n 1 1 I 1 Total..................... No earner........ . One earner, total...... Householder only..... Other relative only.. Two earners or more, total........ ....... Householder and other relative(s)........ Householder is nonearner.......... 1 1,769| 1 225| 1 788| 1 634| 1 1541 1 1 1 7551 1 1 1 710| 1 1 1 451 Maintained by w o m e n ' 1 Total........... ......... No earner............... One earner, total...... Householder only..... Other relative only.. Two earners or more, total................ Householder and other relative(s)........ Householder is nonearner.......... | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | WHITE 1 1 19 8 10 10 - 2 1 1 2 1 - 1 i 27 18 9 7 3 | | 1 | I | - | - i 1 9,009| 2 ,084| 4,3911 3,4551 9361 1 2,5341 1 2,246| 1 288| 270 209 59 46 13 | | | | | 298 166 127 99 28 35J 9| 311 211 85| 331 781 591 51 51 17 | 1| 951 351 381 301 71 1 22| 1061 301 611 491 1 | 178| 461 931 74 191 15| 391 201 1 151 2| - i 4,352| 926| 1,716| 1,391| 275| 511 1,533| 1,355| 122| 561 1771 139| 2 ,805| 3901 1,059| 852| 160| 48| 1,219| ],101| 841 341 1371 112| 23 1 151 236| 321 132| 108| 241 201 5| 7,6341 4561 2,5951 2,2851 2331 761 3,9991 3,574| 343| 811 5851 4741 861 251 7,642| 252| 2,223| 1,9701 1611 91| 4,275| 3,8311 10,5681 5,782| 2,936|21,545 163| 971 4 8 | 8,855 2,1601 887 | 686)18,073 1,9761 829| 666|18,850 109| 331 16|12,527 751 251 4 117,072 6,084| 2,692| 1,099123,474 5,360| 2,2991 867123,308 i 364| 6441 365| 222|26,361 801 801 281 9 |18,957 892| 2,161| 2,107| 1,103132,958 7 3 4 1 1,8131 1,749| 829|32,811 1 1341 312| 3281 258|34,725 241 15|24,964 361 301 117| 9| 68| 501 171 266| 171 1341 95 401 2261 7| 971 721 401 1151 123| 169| 143| 21 361 291 7| 1 105| 361 701 40| 1001 120| 158| 100| 3| 3| - 1 151 881 9| 31 255| 4| 821 72) 101 HI 2 I 6 2 1 6 - i - 1 1 1 1 75116,533 - 1 7,241 2 2 |14,347 20114,436 3|14,089 53|22,936 1 49123,001 i 31 (2) 5| 1 437 255 161 130 31 | 1,201 1,065| 1,3491 1,2571 l 6301 352| 20 4 1 121) | 597| 8901 495| 791| | 422| 479| 7371 649| 741 119| 152| 142| I 1 22 | 75 345| 115| 255) 1 18 | 661 2181 3201 911 1 101 241 4 | 381 251 638| 1,0581 441 381 348| 503| 2451 388| 102| 115| 6831 441 2271 1581 68| 5531 131 1551 801 75| 142| 81 246| 5171 412| 384| 111 1 | 1 nil 229| 459| 380| 3331 881 581 321 511 231 171 - 23 5 9 | 9,719 | 4,245 151 9,513 101 9,181 6111,157 43116,937 1 36|16,889 1 7 |17,316 1 1 470 | 290 421 | 1,775| 2 ,3361 4,1921 4,997| 3 123| 8,0571 7,803|10,466| 5,671| 2,933|20,388 254 138 98 57 34 7 17 10 124 37 61 42 17 2 20 19 209 95 73 62 9 2 38 30 1 Total...................... 144,7661 No earners............... 1 5,150| One earner............... |12,7851 Husband on ly.......... 111,061| Wife only............. 1 1,2901 Other relative only... 1 434| Two earners............. 120,1681 Husband and wife...... 117,6801 Husband and other 1 1 relative............ 1 2,135| Husband not an earner. 1 353| Three earners or more... | 6,663| Husband and wife...... 1 5,4171 Husband an earner, not 1 1 wife................. 1 1,1141 Husband is nonearner.. 1 132| 3,5931 1 ,297| 1,344| 1,0431 2 4 41 571 8 741 755| 1 1 Total ..................... |52,534| ARRIED-COUPLE FAMILIES | | | 1 1 25 18 5 2 2 1 ,8891 917| 618| 475| 116| 271 32 2 1 279| 1 i - - | | | | | | | | | 6 1 2 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 2 6 6 4 3 - 1 2 1 - | 1,0191 1 605| 3,1681 3,8881 2 524] 8881 | 5751 818| 1,221| 381| 954| | 2791 500| 1,1431 1,5531 8971 1,2651 7731 | 388| 211| 2401 57 | 881 2021 140) 1 111 24 441 491 411 1 7341 1 ,302| 1 080| | 148| 2591 | 1261 2221 633| 1,1601 9831 1 171 301 741 1031 721 1 51 71 1 28| 40| 261 | 171 281 109| 69 1441 201 101 501 111| 881 l 1 | 21 171 221 51 19| 51 31 121 3| 1 1| 6,9491 443| 2,4261 2,1411 210| 741 3,580| 3,192| 319| 68| 5001 4031 741 2 | 7,0291 2471 2,098| 1 ,873| 144| 811 3,8991 3,4981 334| 661 7851 645| 1221 181 9,768| 5,425| 2,806|21,881 961 481 9,160 163| 666|18,569 2,066| 868| 1,891| 8131 646|19,283 16112,989 1021 311 7 | 2 | 4 117,576 5,5721 2,4751 1,043|23,726 4,8891 2,1031 815|23,523 1 219|26,867 619| 3451 64 271 9119,288 1,050|33,494 1,966| 1,986| 788133,333 1,650| 1,6461 1 249|35,363 2871 316| 281 241 14)24,870 OTHER FAMILIES 1 1 1 1 Maintained by men' 1 1 1 1 Total...................... No earner................ One earner, total....... Householder only...... Other relative only... Two earners or more, total................. Householder and other relative(s)......... Householder is nonearner........... Maintained by w o m e n ' Total...................... No earner................ One earner, total....... Householder o n ly...... Other relative only... Two earners or more, total........ ........ Householder and other relative(s)......... Householder is nonearner........... 1 1,467| 1 190| 1 647| 1 520| 1 127 1 1 1 630| 1 1 1 590| l 1 1 401 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 6,302| 1,299| 3,100| 2,415| 68 4 1 1 1,903| 1 1,716| 1 187 1 18 13 3 2 | | 1 1 1 16 6 9 9 1 2 1 2 1 - i 1 19 | 11 1 9 1 7 | 2 I - | - | - i 731 30 271 20 71 1 161 1 151 1 2| 2271 17 117| 861 311 1941 71 871 791 8| 231| 41 7 | 6 | 10| 49| 331 931 100| 151| 871 4 | 331 821 971 141| 831 111 31 91 51 881| 361 430| 3241 106[ 5791 391 1971 135| 631 468| 131 138| 691 701 12 3 1 81 231 11| 121 188) 415| 343| 316| 92| 1801 3791 317| 2721 751 141| 361 721 571 1 | 141 321 141 30| 1 3| 3| 655| 2201 3701 2971 73 1 8 8 41 1581 574) 4721 102| 934| 99| 591| 484| 106| 499| 291 281| 1981 831 651 1521 2441 531 1351 230J " 175| 32) 941 751 191 " 1 124( 21 341 271 71 192 109 75 68 7 | | | | | | | | | | 151 79 69 53 15 2 1 3 8 I 2 1 3 7 198 159 37 30 7 | 1 1 683| 348| 2991 2651 341 1 35 1 291 1 6| - 7 2 117,518 | 8,111 21|15,518 18|15,952 3 11A ,423 1 5 2 |23,738 1 48|23,816 1 31 (2) 1 1 55|11,291 - 1 4,722 15|10,641 10|10,137 6|12,924 1 40|18,058 1 121 1 See footnote at end of table. 100| 91 571 421 151 771 231 401 331 71 33 171 141 8| 361 261 4 | 171 3 4 l17,895 1 5119,772 1 Table C-6. Continued— Number of earners 16 years old and over and relationship by fam ily income in 1979; type of family and race, March 1980 (Numbers in thousands)1 Number of earners and relationship B L A C K Total..................... 1 1 1 (Total | 1 1 I I i i i 1 1 1 | |Under 11,000 1 i i i i 6,238| MARRIED-COUPLE FAMILIES 1 Income of family (In dollars) | 1 |1,000 |2,000 ,000 |5 ,000 | to | to | to | to 11,999 |2,999 |4 ,999 |6 ,999 1 1 1 1 1 90 | 161 | 295 | 1 To ta l..................... | 3,436| No earners............. 1 3421 One earner......... . | 9 0 41 Husband only......... 1 673| Wife only........ 1 190| Other relative only.. 1 401 Two earners............ 1 1,731| Husband and wife..... 1 1,546| Husband and other 1 1 relative........... 1 120| Husband not an earner 1 651 Three earners or more.. 1 4591 Husband and w i f e ..... 1 391| Husband an earner, not| | wife....... 1 501 Husband is nonearner. 1 181 22 16 4 2 2 2 2 | | I 1 I | 1 I 16 8 8 6 2 - | I I I I | | | 51 27 15 9 6 8 8 I | | 1 1 | I I - | | | | - | | | | - | | | | - | - | - | “ 1 - 1 - i 690| 1 |7 ,000 | to |9 ,999 1 1 1 1 657| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |10,000|13,000|15 000|20,000|25,000|35,000|50,000|Median 1 to 1 to 1 :o | to | to | to | and |family |12,999|14,999|19 ,999|24,999|34,999|49,999| over lincome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 838| 729| 376| 761| 1 1 l 1 1 1 184| 90| 671 441 191 4| 241 241 i - | - | 3| 2| 1 1| - 1 241| 801 103| 7 | 271 3| 5 | 49| 1 5| 2| 3| 1| 1 - | 2| 360| 621 170| 121| 361 121 119| 105| 1 91 5| 8| 8| 1 - | 232| 91 5 6 41 91 139| 116| 211 2| 350| 314| i 241 13| 65| 591 1 i 386| 351 136| 100| 341 21 189| 157| 1 171 151 271 221 1 2| 31 - 861 621 181 6| ini 96| i 7| 8| 261 24 1 - | 21 61 - i 600| 701| 2841 L 1 1 476| 5| 101| 7 | 1 1 8| 2901 255| 1 241 10| 801 68| 1 101 2| 604| - | 56| 481 7| 2| 405| 379| i 1 | 121 143| 121| 1 17| 51 2471 - | 13| 10| 11 2| 150| 133| i 161 | 841 741 1 8| 21 OTHER FAMILIES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Maintained by men' 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l To ta l..................... No earner........ ...... One earner, total...... Householder only..... Other relative only.. Two earners or more, total................ Householder and other relative(s)........ Householder is 1 1 1 l l i 1 1 1 1 265| 301 126| 99 271 i 1091 1 1031 1 1 | 4| HI 10| - | 1 41 1 41 1 271 6| 1 | 141 5| 1 2| 1 21 1 291 9| 151 121 3| i 5| 1 51 1 521 - | 351 30| 5| i 18| i 1 | 1 | 10| 71 3| i 61 1 6| 1 381 - | 181 9| 91 i 201 i 171 1 281 - | 81 71 1| 1 201 i 20| i 221 - | 3| 3| - | 1 181 i 161 1 191 | 21 2| - | 1 171 1 171 1 Maintained by women' 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 487| 269| 181| 142| 39| 1 36| i 33 1 3| 1 389| 126| 215| 172| 431 i 481 i 361 i 121 i 4491 45| 303| 254| 481 i 101| 1 811 1 201 i 290| 1 | 181| 151| 30| i 93| i 821 1 111 128| 15| 62 44 181 1 52| 1 45 1 7| .. L 159| - | 70| 61| 9| 1 901 1 69 1 1 211 i 961 5| 28| 221 6| i 63| 1 58| i 5| i 3 2 1 1 - I i 1 | | - | - | 3 2 2 2 - 1 I I I | 8 I 7 | 1 | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | 16 - 57|U,490 1 51116,988 H 5,734 4111,778 4 |12,375 - 110,225 - 1 (2) 28|20,114 24|20,359 i 3|19,669 - 1 (2) 19|26,181 12|25,922 1 51 (2) 21 (2) 1 1 - - To ta l..................... No earner............... One earner, total...... Householder only..... Other relative only.. Two earners or more, total........ Householder and other relative(s)........ Householder is nonearner.......... 1 2,537| 1 7461 1 1,212| 1 9751 1 237| 1 1 1 580| 1 1 | 484| 1 1 1 96 i - i 141 84 56 43 12 | l 1 | | 237 142 81 59 22 | | I | | 65 43 22 16 5 | | | | | - | 2 I 13 | - | 2 I 11 | - | | 3 I - 11ncludes only families where householder Is a divorced, separated, widowed, or never-married person. 34 i - 7 | | 141 101 5| i 611 1 541 i 6| 1 2Median not shown where base is less than 75,000. 181 | | | | 1 18| i 13| i 5| . i - - 2 |12,119 1 (2) 2 | 11,059 2|10,929 1 (2) 1 |20,167 1 120,297 i 1 (2) 1 1 3 | 6,722 | 3,680 | 7,473 | 7,609 | 6,788 1 3|12,872 1 1112,912 i 2 |11,981 1 ©©©graphic Profile of Employment and Unemployment,, 1981 Here, in a single easy-to-use volume, are complete pictures of the labor force in four Census regions and nine divisions, all 50 States, 30 large metropolitan areas, and 11 central cities. The data report on the labor force by race, sex, age groups, occupation, The following BLS regional offices will expedite your order: Order form industry, full- and part-time status, reasons for unemployment, and reasons for part-time work. The volume includes charts, a description of sampling and estimation procedures, and sampling errors. 1603 JFK Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Suite 3400 1515 Broadway New York, NY 10036 1371 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30367 9th Floor Federal Office Building 230 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60604 2nd Floor 555 Griffin Square Building Dallas, TX 75202 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, MO 64106 450 Golden Gate Avenue Box 36017 San Francisco, CA 94102 Please send------------ copies of Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment, 1981, Bulletin 2156. GPO Stock No. 029-001 -02737-1. at $6.50 per copy. Enclosed is check or money order payable to the Superintendent of Documents for $__________ Charge $_________ to my GPO Account No. __________________ :_______ _________ ________ N a m e ________________________________________________________________________ __________ Organization (if applicable) Street a d d r e s s ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------City. State ZIP Code _________________________ ________________________________________________________ BLS Handbook of Methods 1982 Edition, Volume I* © Labor force, employment, and unemployment © Negotiated wage and benefit changes BLS statistics are used for many purposes, and sometimes data well suited to one purpose may have limitations for another. This Handbook aims to provide users of BLS data with the information necessary to evaluate the suitability of the statistics for their needs. Included are program descriptions for: © Occupational employment statistics © Employment Cost Indexes The following BLS regional offices will expedite orders. © Productivity measures © Consumer expenditures and income © Producer Price Indexes 0 Economic growth studies © International Price Indexes ^Volume II, a detailed explanation of methods used to prepare Consumer Price Indexes, is in preparation. © Occupational pay and supplementary benefits 1603 JFK Federal Bldg. Boston, Mass, 02203 1371 Peachtree St., N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30367 2nd Floor 555 Griffin Square Bldg. Dallas, Tex. 75202 Suite 3400 1515 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10036 9th Floor Federal Office Bldg. 230 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. 60604 911 Walnut St. Kansas City, Mo. 64106 P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 You may also send your order directly to: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 450 Golden Gate Ave. Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 Please send________ copies of BLS Handbook of Methods, Volume I, Bulletin 2134-1, GPO Stock No. 029-001-02729-0 at $6.50 each for a total o f_______________ Order form □ Enclosed is a check or money order payable to the Superintendent of Documents. □ Charge to my GPO Account No________________________________________ □ Charge to my MasterCard* Account No. Expiration date, □ Charge to my VISA* Account No Expiration date. * Available only on orders sent directly to the Superintendent of Documents Name Organization (if applicable) Street address City, State, ZIP © Occupational safety and health statistics Bureau off Labor S tatistics Regional O ffices Region SV 1371 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30367 Phone: (404) 881-4418 Regions VSS and VIII 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. 64106 Phone: (816) 374-2481 Region Si Suite 3400 1515 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) 944-3121 Region V 9th Floor Federal Office Building 230 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, III. 60604 Phone: (312) 353-1880 Regions IX and X 450 Golden Gate Avenue Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 Phone: (415) 556-4678 Region SSS 3535 Market Street P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 Phone: (215) 596-1154 Region VI Second Floor 555 Griffin Square Building Dallas, Tex. 75202 Phone: (214) 767-6971 Region S 1603 JFK Federal Building Government Center Boston, Mass. 02203 Phone: (617) 223-6761