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October 5, 2016

The Slump in Undocumented Immigration to the United States

Immigration is a challenging and often controversial topic. We have written some on the economic benefits and costs associated with
the inflows of low-skilled (possibly undocumented) immigrant workers into the United States here and here . In this macroblog
post, we discuss some interesting trends in undocumented immigration.
There are no official records of undocumented immigration flows into the United States. However, one crude proxy for this flow is the
number of apprehensions at the U.S. border. As pointed out in Hanson (2006) , the number of individuals arrested when attempting
(DHS), is likely to be positively correlated
to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, provided by the Department of Homeland Security
with the flows of attempted illegal border crossings (see chart 1).

The apprehensions series displays spikes that coincide with well-known episodes of increased illegal immigration into the United
States, such as after the financial crisis in Mexico in 1995 or during the U.S. housing boom in the early 2000s. Importantly, the series
also shows a sharp decline in the flows of illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border during the last recession, and those flows
have remained at historically low levels since then.
A better proxy for illegal immigration from Mexico would adjust the number of apprehensions for the intensity of U.S. border
enforcement (for example, the number of border patrol officers). The intuition is straightforward: for the same level of attempted
illegal crossings, greater enforcement is likely to result in more apprehensions. Chart 2 shows the border patrol staffing levels as an
indicator of enforcement intensity.

As the chart shows, the sharp decrease in apprehensions after the Great Recession occurred despite a remarkable increase in




border enforcement, indicating that the decline in migration flows in recent years may have been even more abrupt than implied by
the (unadjusted) border apprehensions shown in chart 1.
The measure of inflows shown in chart 1 is largely consistent with estimates of the stock of undocumented immigrants in the United
States, such as those provided by a new study
by the Pew Research Center based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
After having peaked at 12.2 million in 2007, the stock of unauthorized immigrants fell during the Great Recession and remained
stable afterwards, most recently at 11.1 million in 2014. Also, the composition of this stock has shifted since the Great Recession.
Although the population of undocumented Mexican immigrants fell by more than one million from its 6.9 million peak in 2007, the
number of undocumented immigrants from Asia, Central America, and sub-Saharan Africa remained relatively steady as of 2014 and
even increased in some cases. For example, the population of unauthorized immigrants from India rose by about 130,000 between
2009 and 2014. However, a lot of this type of unauthorized immigration is a result of overstayed visas rather than from people
crossing the border without a visa.
What do these numbers suggest about the future? It is likely that the flows of undocumented immigrant labor between Mexico and
the United States reflect differences in demographic patterns and economic opportunities between the two economies. In the United
States, the baby boom came to an abrupt halt in the 1960s, causing a notable slowdown in the native-born labor supply two decades
later. In contrast, Mexico's fertility rate remained high for much longer, hovering at 6.7 births per woman in 1970 versus 2.5 in the
United States (see chart 3).

Mexico's labor force expanded rapidly during the 1980s, which, juxtaposed with the Mexican economic slump of the early 1980s,
unleashed a wave of Mexican migration to the United States (Hanson and McIntosh, 2010 ). Also encouraging this flow was the
steady U.S. economic growth during the "Great Moderation" period from the mid-1980s up through 2007 (Bernanke, 2004 ). More
recently, however, Mexico's fertility rate has fallen (as in some Central American economies), and economic growth there has mostly
outpaced that of the United States. Therefore, it is perhaps not too surprising that demographic trends—along with greater
enforcement—have caused the inflows of undocumented migration at the U.S.-Mexico border to slow in recent years. Shifts in
demographic and economic factors across countries are likely to continue to influence undocumented immigration in the United
Note: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta or Boston.
Federico By Federico S. Mandelman, a research economist and associate policy adviser in the in the Atlanta Fed's research
department, and
Andrei Zlate , a senior financial economist in the Boston Fed's Risk and Policy Analysis Unit

October 14, 2016 in Deficits, Trade | Permalink