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April 28, 2014

New Data Sources: A Conversation with Google's Hal Varian

New Data Sources: A Conversation with Google's Hal Varian
In recent years, there has been an explosion of new data coming from places like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Economists and
central bankers have begun to realize that these data may provide valuable insights into the economy that inform and improve the
decisions made by policy makers.
As chief economist at Google and emeritus professor at UC Berkeley, Hal Varian is uniquely qualified to
discuss the issues surrounding these new data sources. Last week he was kind enough to take some time
out of his schedule to answer a few questions about these data, the benefits of using them, and their
Mark Curtis: You've argued that new data sources from Google can improve our ability to "nowcast." Can
you describe what this means and how the exorbitant amount of data that Google collects can be used to
better understand the present?
Hal Varian: The simplest definition of "nowcasting" is "contemporaneous forecasting," though I do agree
with David Hendry that this definition is probably too simple. Over the past decade or so, firms have spent
billions of dollars to set up real-time data warehouses that track business metrics on a daily level. These
metrics could include retail sales (like Wal-Mart and Target), package delivery (UPS and FedEx), credit card expenditure
(MasterCard's SpendingPulse), employment (Intuit's small business employment index), and many other economically relevant
measures. We have worked primarily with Google data, because it's what we have available, but there are lots of other sources.
Curtis: The ability to "nowcast" is also crucially important to the Fed. In his December press conference, former Fed Chairman Ben
Bernanke stated that the Fed may have been slow to acknowledge the crisis in part due to deficient real-time information. Do you
believe that new data sources such as Google search data might be able to improve the Fed's understanding of where the economy
is and where it is going?
Varian: Yes, I think that this is definitely a possibility. The real-time data sources mentioned above are a good starting point. Google
data seems to be helpful in getting real-time estimates of initial claims for unemployment benefits, housing sales, and loan
modification, among other things.
Curtis: Janet Yellen stated in her first press conference as Fed Chair that the Fed should use other labor market indicators beyond
the unemployment rate when measuring the health of labor markets. (The Atlanta Fed publishes a labor market spider chart
incorporating a variety of indicators.) Are there particular indicators that Google produces that could be useful in this regard?
Varian: Absolutely. Queries related to job search seem to be indicative of labor market activity. Interestingly, queries having to do
with killing time also seem to be correlated with unemployment measures!
Curtis: What are the downsides or potential pitfalls of using these types of new data sources?
Varian: First, the real measures—like credit card spending—are probably more indicative of actual outcomes than search data.
Search is about intention, and spending is about transactions. Second, there can be feedback from news media and the like that
may distort the intention measures. A headline story about a jump in unemployment can stimulate a lot of "unemployment rate"
searches, so you have to be careful about how you interpret the data. Third, we've only had one recession since Google has been
available, and it was pretty clearly a financially driven recession. But there are other kinds of recessions having to do with supply
shocks, like energy prices, or monetary policy, as in the early 1980s. So we need to be careful about generalizing too broadly from
this one example.
Curtis: Given the predominance of new data coming from Google, Twitter, and Facebook, do you think that this will limit, or even
make obsolete, the role of traditional government statistical agencies such as Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics in
the future? If not, do you believe there is the potential for collaboration between these agencies and companies such as Google?
Varian: The government statistical agencies are the gold standard for data collection. It is likely that real-time data can be helpful in
providing leading indicators for the standard metrics, and supplementing them in various ways, but I think it is highly unlikely that
they will replace them. I hope that the private and public sector can work together in fruitful ways to exploit new sources of real-time
data in ways that are mutually beneficial.
Curtis: A few years ago, former Fed Chairman Bernanke challenged researchers when he said, "Do we need new measures of
expectations or new surveys? Information on the price expectations of businesses—who are, after all, the price setters in the first
instance—as well as information on nominal wage expectations is particularly scarce." Do data from Google have the potential to fill
this need?
Varian: We have a new product called Google Consumer Surveys that can be used to survey a broad audience of consumers. We
don't have ways to go after specific audiences such as business managers or workers looking for jobs. But I wouldn't rule that out in
the future.




Curtis: MIT recently introduced a big-data measure of inflation called the Billion Prices Project. Can you see a big future in big data
as a measure of inflation?
Varian: Yes, I think so. I know there are also projects looking at supermarket scanner data and the like. One difficulty with online
data is that it leaves out gasoline, electricity, housing, large consumer durables, and other categories of consumption. On the other
hand, it is quite good for discretionary consumer spending. So I think that online price surveys will enable inexpensive ways to gather
certain sorts of price data, but it certainly won't replace existing methods.
By Mark Curtis, a visiting scholar in the Atlanta Fed's research department

April 28, 2014 in Economics, Forecasts, Technology, WebTech | Permalink