United States. Women's Bureau. "Suggestions to Employers in Regard to … Hiring Older Women, Leaflet 12," Leaflets of the Women's Bureau (1958). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/6825/item/624818, accessed on March 20, 2025.

Title: Suggestions to Employers in Regard to … Hiring Older Women, Leaflet 12

Date: 1958
Page 1
image-container-1 Older Women in the Work Force The number of women workers 45 years of age and over has been increasing stead- ily. It rose to 8 million in 1957 and is ex- pected to reach 10 million by 1965. At present, more than a third of all women workers are at least 45 years of age. These · older women are a regular part of the work force. They measure up very well to the average of all women workers in pro- ductivity and in regularity of attendance. Many of them rate above average, espe- cially in such qualities as reliability, judg- ment, and sense of responsibility. Yet when it comes to hiring a new worker, some employers still hesitate to select a woman over 45-or, perhaps, over 40 or even 35 years of age. The United States Department of Labor has been studying the employment prob- lems of older workers, both men and women. It has surveyed their adjustment to labor-market practices in seven urban areas, their job performance, their status under collective bargaining and under private pension plans, and the counseling and placement services provided for them. It has found that- Older women job seekers, in terms o J their job experience, have the most difficult prob- lems o J obtaining continuous employment. This leaflet deals with some questions that employers ask about older women workers and offers a few suggestions for improv- ing the situation. 2
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