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ISADOR LUBIN, Commissioner

V/hdt are Labor Statistics for?
A series of pictorial charts prepared
by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
for the United States Department
of Labor exhibit at the Century
of Progress Exposition
Chicago 1933

B u lle t in o f t h e B u r e a u o f L a b o r S t a t i s t i c s
U n ite d S t a t e s D e p a r tm e n t o f L a b o r

No. 599



A T THE Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago, the
i l Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department
of Labor undertook to answer, in part, the questions it so fre­
quently encounters in its work—What are labor statistics and
what are they for?
The answer took the form of a series of pictorial charts, popularly
treated, presenting selected types of facts and figuresof interest to
the worker which the Bureau is organized to collect, and pointing
out the way in which such facts and figures promote the welfare
of American workers. These charts are reproduced in this book'
let, amplified by text which attempts a fuller and more specific
answer to the query: What are labor statistics for?
The collection and dissemination of statistics of labor through
bureaus established for that purpose have grown out of a very real
need. The development of those bureaus is part of the story of the
progress of the workers of the United States during the latter half
of the century 1833-1933. When the workers of Massachusetts
attempted just after the Civil War to secure an 8-hour day by law,
they bolstered up their arguments with a presentation of data
about hours and working conditions based upon study, observa­
tion, and their own daily experiences in the industries of that
State. The employers countered with facts about conditions in
the same industries based upon their records. The result was two
very contradictory sets of “ facts” and a bewildered legislature.
In an earnest effort to learn the truthabout industrial conditions,
the Massachusetts Legislature adopted a resolution in 1866 calling
for the appointment by the Governor of a commission “ to investi­
gate the subject of hours of labor, especially in its relation to the
social, educational, and sanitary condition of the industrial classes.”
Out of the findings of that commission and the political disturb­
ances which followed its report grew the first permanent govern­
mental agency in this or any country for systematic, continuous
9833 —33


study of working conditions and labor relations in industry. The
Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor was created in 1869
to “ collect, assort, systematise, and present in annual reports to the
legislature . . . statistical details relating to all departments of
labor in the Commonwealth.”
After a year spent in attempting a preliminary “ reconnoitering
of its almost limitless field of research ” , the bureau, which consisted solely of a chief and one deputy, stated in its first annual
report that “ an organized and efficient body would be necessary to
‘ gather up detailed statistics and positive facts.’ ” But the bureau
“ ventured to predict ” that the information made available by that
means would bring enlightenment and a new viewpoint on the
problems of labor and industry.
This pioneer “ standing committee of investigation” as its second chief, Carroll D. Wright, called it, had a stormy life during
the first few years, and resolutions calling for its abolition were
introduced in the legislature regularly. Discussing the service it
had rendered and might render, the Governor, in his annual
address to the legislature in 1873, said:
We ought approximately to know, for instance, how many grown persons
there are in the State, not prevented from labor by vice, indolence, or physical
infirmity, who cannot procure comfortable homes for themselves and their de­
pendents, fair education for their children, adequate provision for sickness and
old age, and sufficient leisure for the comprehension and discharge of the duties
of citizenship. The incapacity to procure this is poverty. We ought to know
whether the proportion of such persons is increasing or diminishing; whether our
legislation hastens or can be made to hasten the decrease or counteract the in
crease. If there is carried on in the State any business so unremunerative that it
will not permit the employers to pay those employed such wages as are necessary
to keep them from poverty, however desirable that business is it ought to cease.
And surely we ought to know, if it be possible to ascertain, whether there are
really among us employers who are laying up great riches for themselves by
keeping their employees in a condition of impoverished dependence.

The Massachusetts bureau was strengthened and enlarged, not
abolished, and became the model upon which State after State
organized agencies for the collection and dissemination of statist
tieal information concerning wage earners. Fifteen years after
Massachusetts began the experiment 11 States and the Federal
Government had created bureaus of labor statistics.

f 2|

The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department
of Labor, into whieh the first Federal Bureau of Labor evolved
as Federal activity in the interest of the workers expanded, is
primarily a fact-finding agency the statutory duty of which is “ to
collect information upon the subject of labor, its relation to capital,
the hours of labor and the earnings of laboring men and women,
and the means of promoting their material, social, intellectual, and
moral prosperity.” Labor statistics are the means used by the
Bureau in disseminating information upon the facts and conditions
it finds.


AGES constitute the means of livelihood of the worker
and his dependents. It might be argued that all the worker
needs to know about wage statistics is the figures on his pay en^
velop. Granting that that is his chief concern, it is not his only
interest. Questions arise in his mind and he is entitled to an
answer to them.
How do his wages compare with those received by workers in
the same occupation in other localities? How do his earnings and
his wage rate compare with similar work in other occupations in
his own community? Do other workers in the same or similar


occupations receive time and a half for overtime while he gets only
straight time? Are women doing practically the same work for
materially less pay, thus endangering his own job?
The workers themselves, especially where they are unorganised,
would find it exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to work out
the answers to these questions. Wage statistics, compiled and
analyzed by impartial Government agencies whose objective is
accurate information on wage rates and earnings as they find them,
afford everyone the means of knowing what wages are paid in
various industries, occupations, and localities, and of making the
comparisons necessary for wage adjustments.
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HE worker thinks of wages in terms of his earnings as stated
on his pay envelop. The economist sees two different kinds of
wages in die same pay envelop—money wages, that is, the money
actually received, and real wages, or what the amount of money he
receives means to the worker in terms of what it will buy and the
margin left him over and above his necessary expenditures for daily
living. To estimate the buying power of the worker’s wages it is
necessary to know what it costs him to live and how his living
costs vary from time to time; to know the relative importance in


the family budget of rent, food, fuel, clothing, and all the many
other expenditures for health and decent living.
Cost-of-living statistics and statistics of changes in the cost of
living, as compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, furnish a
basis on which wages can be considered in the light of what it
costs the worker and his family to live. As such they play an
important part in wage negotiations, in drawing up new agree­
ments, and in arbitration cases where the cost of living is an
important factor in the settlement of a dispute.
The chart above shows the great changes which have occurred in
the cost of living during the past several years, and indicates how
the purchasing power of money wages has been affected thereby.


UCH is said and written nowadays about the increased
output per worker and the displacement of labor resulting
from the use of machinery in industry. Facts and figures are
needed to know to what extent the individual worker’s output
is really increased by machinery, and how much of what is known
as “ technological unemployment” actually results when labor is
displaced because one man working on a machine produces a
volume of output which would require many men if machines
were not used. Statistics of productivity of labor furnish these
facts and figures in terms of output per worker per unit of time,

such as man-hour or man-day. They are also indicative of the
amount of work produced by the worker in exchange for his
The efficiency of new machines, new methods, and improved
technique in increasing labor output can be measured by the
record of comparative output per man-hour under conditions
prevailing before and after their adoption. Hence the story of
the mechanization of industry which is so characteristic of the
present era can be told in no more forceful and impressive way
than in actual figures showing how production and output per
worker per unit of working time have increased as mechanization
has progressed.
16 !

ACCIDENT statistics show up the danger spots in industry,
i l They record the accident and accident-prevention experience of employers, machines, and occupations. Any occupation or industry or machine concerning which figures show high
accident rates or a record of constantly mounting accidents in
relation to the number of workers employed, is shown by those
figures to demand correction in the interest of the workers.
A factory inspector in possession of statistics proving that a
factory or a machine is having more accidents than a neighboring
factory doing the same kind of work or using the same machines

is in a position to require the employer to take action at once to
make his plant at least as safe as his neighbor’s.
Accident statistics show to what extent protective devices are
serving their purpose of making work places safe. With such
data, based on the actual experience of the workers themselves,
safety engineers are enabled to improve and develop safety
devices and measures in the light of that experience.
Statistics showing the value of organized safety movements and
safety appliances as reflected in decreased accident rates record
the progress of those movements and are strong arguments in
support of the policy of “ safety first” in industry.


REASONABLE workday and increased leisure have been,
next to wages, the focal point of the struggle to improve
working conditions. The first use to which labor statistics were
formally put was to prove by records and figures that workers,
especially women and children, were working intolerably long
hours. These data on hours of- labor helped to secure for child
workers in Massachusetts the first law limiting working hours,
passed in 1842. Ever since then statistics showing actual hours
worked have been the basis for the enactment and the enforcement of legislation regulating working hours.


Hours of labor statistics have entered into negotiations for
wage scales and particularly for overtime pay, and, like wage
statistics, they play an important part in the adjustment of
industrial disputes.
Statistical proof of decreased hours per day and per week in
other localities and trades is an effective argument often used by
workers to secure shorter hours for their communities.
In short, the whole movement to break down the wall of the
long workday which shuts the workers out of needed recreation
and leisure time has depended from the first upon the facts and
figures showing actual conditions in employment which statistics
of hours of labor have presented.


ANY purposes may be served by statistics of strikes and
lockouts, which provide a record of the number of industrial
disputes, the number of workers directly and indirectly affected,
the issues and disagreements which led to the dispute, and the
manner and terms of its settlement.
A strike, as the worker sees it, is a symptom of economic ill
health in the industry or the plant, and data which show unusual
frequency and extent of industrial disturbances in a given industry
or locality point to conditions which need correction.


Every successful effort to adjust a labor dispute by mediation
makes it easier to handle the next similar situation by the same
method, and adds to the influence and prestige of the repre^
sentatives of Federal and State Governments who are trying to
maintain peace in industry. The idea suggested in this drawing
of dropping the tug-of-war under the friendly guidance of an
intermediary becomes rather more than a fanciful figure if atten­
tion is directed as well to the sharp decrease in the actual number
of industrial disputes as shown by the chart, in the years during
which definite efforts have been made to adjust differences before
they develop into open rupture.


ANY economists hold that the construction industry is the
gage of industrial activity—that employment and business
conditions reflect almost exactly and immediately fluctuations in
building. Hence it is important to know what the building out'
look is and what it promises in job opportunities and increased
buying power. Data on the number and location of building permits and the kind and extent of building contemplated furnish that
Building'permit and housing statistics as compiled by the Bureau
of Labor Statistics show the construction costs of the various types






















of dwelling per family provided for, and afford comparisons of
building costs in various parts of the country.
These data also constitute a record of the extent, location, and
kind of new housing for workers. They show the shifts in types
of housing, such as the trend toward apartment'house living
in some centers, the development of 2-family houses in others,
and the reverse movement in still other localities away from
congested areas into private dwellings.
Many of these changes in what might be called housing styles
are socially significant and information about them is vital to any
movement looking toward planned housing.for the workers.


MPLOYMENT statistics act in the manner of a clinical thermometer to indicate the state of economic health of the com'
munity, the industry, and the country. Measuring, as they do,
increase and decrease in the number of workers employed, they
furnish a basis for expansion and contraction of industrial and
commercial activity in relation to indicated changes in the labor
market and in purchasing power.
Scientifically gathered and intelligently applied, employment statistics can throw much light on seasonal and cyclical fluctuations,
and thus aid in establishing methods of stabilization and control.


From the worker’s point of view, employment statistics may be
of immense value in showing up labor surplus or labor shortage
in various localities and in different industries. Practical appli­
cation of information on the state' of the labor market through­
out the country could save workers from ill-planned and fruitless
migrations in search of work.
Statistics of unemployment have played an important part in the
past few years not only in directing attention to actual conditions
but in furnishing facts upon which relief programs were founded
and developed.
The chart shows how employment in manufacturing industries
declined after 1929. In 1932 it was only about 60 percent of what
it was in the relatively good years, 1926 to 1929.


EVELOPMENTS in industry, such as mechanization, the
introduction of altogether new industries and the decadence
of old ones, produce constant shifts in occupations and trades.
Statistics of occupations record these changes and their effect
upon the labor market and the number of workers employed in
given fields.
They can be used to show what occupations and industries are
overcrowded and what ones need workers; what positions for'
merly held by men are being taken over by women; the kinds of
job opportunities opening to women. Moreover they show, with

relation to established occupations and callings, whether the tend'
ency over a long period of time is toward expansion or recession.
For young persons who are trying to decide upon a trade or
profession, and for use in the vocational guidance movement,
actual figures showing which occupations are expanding and which
receding, and forecasting probable trends, are of the utmost impor*
tance. Similarly, the intelligent planning of courses in vocational
schools requires definite knowledge of the effect upon jobs and
job opportunities, of the growth and obsolescence of industries,
occupations, and professions.
The above chart is based on reports compiled by the U.S.
Bureau of the Census.
