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Frances Perkins, Secretary
Isador Lubin, Commissioner


Labor O ffices in th e U n ited States
and in Canada

Bulletin TSfo. 621

For sale b y the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D . C.

Price 10 cents







B u lletin o f the

Bureau o f Labor Statistics
N um ber 621


August 1936

Labor Offices in the U nited States and in Canada
W ith the steadily broadening concept o f labor it becomes more
and more difficult to attach the word “ labor” to particular laws,
administrative offices, or public activities in general. F or instance,
the Federal Social Security A c t is very generally regarded as labor
legislation, but it covers not only unemployment insurance and oldage annuities but also assistance to the blind and to crippled children.
A gain , the concern o f the Prison Industries Reorganization Adm inisstration is the problem o f prison industries, but this involves as one
o f its essentials the problem o f prison labor.
F or these reasons a list o f Federal and State offices concerned with
the administration and enforcement o f laws in any way relating to
or affecting labor would be extremely voluminous. The present bul­
letin is much more modest in its scope. I t seeks to present merely a
list o f those offices and agencies which are primarily and immediately
concerned with labor and labor problems, such agencies, for instance,
as departments and bureaus o f labor, employment offices, unemploy­
ment and accident compensation commissions, minimum-wage boards,
factory-inspection services, and arbitration and conciliation boards.
W ith in these limitations, the list as given is as complete and accurate
as it has been possible for the Bureau o f Labor Statistics to make it.
The material regarding each agency was submitted to the appro­
priate authority prior to publication, and in practically all cases
satisfactory replies were received.

The Bureau, however, will be

very glad to be informed o f any errors, as also o f any changes or
additions, for incorporation in later editions o f this bulletin.


List o f Offices in the U nited States
Department of L abor:
Hon. Frances Perkins, Secretary.
Hon. Edward F. McGrady, the Assistant Secretary.
(Vacancy), Second Assistant Secretary.
Turner W. Battle, Executive Assistant to the Secretary.
Richardson Saunders, Assistant to the Secretary.
Charles O. Gregory, Solicitor.
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Isador Lubin, Commissioner.
Children’s Bureau: Katharine F. Lenroot, Chief.
Conciliation Service: Hugh L. Kerwin, Director.
National Steel Labor Relations B oard: Telfair Knight, Acting Adminis­
trator and Counsel.
Textile Labor Relations Board:
Col. Frank P. Douglas, Special Commissioner.
Telfair Knight, Acting Administrator.
Samuel R. McClurd, Acting Administrator.
Division of Labor Standards: Verne A. Zimmer, Director.
Employment Service: W. Frank Persons, Director.
Immigration and Naturalization Service: Daniel W. MacCormack, Com­
United States Housing Corporation: Turner W. Battle, President.
Women’s Bureau: Mary Anderson, Director.
Bituminous Coal Labor Board:
John O’Leary, representing labor, Chairman.
Lee C. Gunter, representing producers.
Telfair Knight, General Counsel.
Address of Department: Fourteenth Street and Constitution
Avenue, Washington, D. C.
Employees’ Compensation Commission:
Mrs. Jewell W. Swofford, Chairman.
Harry Bassett.
John M. Morin.
William McCauley, Secretary.
Address of Commission: Old Land Office Building, Seventh and F
Streets NW., Washington, D. C.
Federal Emergency Administration of Public W orks:
Board of Labor Review:
Lindsay Rogers, Chairman.
James A. Wilson.
E. J. Russell.
Address of Board: Potomac Park Apartments, Twenty-first and O
Streets NW., Washington, D. C.
National Labor Relations B oard:
J. Warren Madden, Chairman.
John M. Carmody.
Edwin S. Smith.



Benedict Wolf, Secretary.
Charles Fahy, General Counsel.
Address of B oard: Denrike Building, 1010 Vermont Avenue NW.,
Washington, D. C.
National Mediation B oard:
James W. Carmalt, Chairman.
William M. Leiserson.
Otto S. Beyer.
Address of Board: New Department of Justice Building, Ninth Street
and Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, D. C.
Railroad Retirement Board:
Murray W. Latimer, Chairman.
James A. Dailey.
Lee M. Eddy.
Address of Board: Tenth and U Streets NW., Washington, D. C.
Social Security B oard:
John G. Winant, Chairman.
A. J. Altmeyer.
Vincent M. Miles.
Frank Bane, Executive Director.
Address of Board: 1712 G Street NW., Washington, D. C.
Department of labor:
Robert R. Moore, commissioner.
Lewis Bowen, chief clerk.
Mrs. Daisy Donovan, chief child labor inspector.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) :
Graves L. Duncan, Jr., director.
Address of department: State Capitol, Montgomery.
Workmen’s compensation division (under bureau of insurance) :
Frank N. Julian, ex officio commissioner, superintendent of insurance.
Geo. H. Thigpen, workmen’s compensation clerk.
Address of division: State Capitol, Montgomery.
Unemployment compensation commission:
J. L. Kaufman, chairman.
Lucien Brown, associate commissioner.
James A. Lipscomb, associate commissioner.
Address of commission: Montgomery.
Board of coal-mine inspectors: W. B. Hillhouse, chief inspector, Birmingham.
Industrial commission:
J. Ney Miles, chairman.
L. C. Holmes.
Sam W. Proctor.
Address of commission: Phoenix.
State inspector of mines: Tom C. Foster, Phoenix.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Ray
Gilbert, director, 417-418 Security Building, Phoenix.
Bureau of labor and statistics:
E. I. McKinley, commissioner.
H. C. Malcom, deputy commissioner.



Nelson Sadler, statistician.
J. D. Newcomb, Jr., chief boiler inspector.
Industrial welfare commission:
E. I. McKinley, ex officio member and chairman.
Claude M. Burrow.
Elmer Grant.
Mrs. C. H. Hatfield.
Mrs. Maud Walt, secretary.
Address of bureau: State Capitol, Little Rock.
Mine inspection department: Claude Speegle, State mine inspector, Fort Smith.
Department of industrial relations:
Timothy A. Reardon, director.
Archie J. Mooney, special representative.
Mary F. Ward, chief accounting officer.
Division of industrial accidents and safety:
Timothy A. Reardon, chairman of industrial accident commission.
Frank C. MacDonald, member of industrial accident commission.
Charles A. Son, member of industrial accident commission.
C. H. Fry, superintendent o f safety.
Frank J. Burke, secretary.
R. W. Harbaugh, M. D., acting medical director.
Everett A. Corten, attorney.
State compensation insurance fund: C. B. Day, manager.
Division of immigration and housing:
A. E. Montieth, chief.
J. Earl Cook, member of commission of immigration and housing.
Melville Dozier, Jr., member of commission of immigration and housing.
Mrs. Mattie W. Richards, member of commission of immigration and
Division of labor statistics and law enforcement: Edward L. Nolan, chief.
Division of industrial w elfare:
Mrs. Mabel E. Kinney, chief (member of industrial welfare commis­
Walter Haas, chairman of industrial welfare commission.
Mrs. Robert H. Donaldson, member of industrial welfare commission.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd, member of industrial welfare commission.
Division of fire safety: Jay W. Stevens, chief, 433 California Street, San
Address of department, except where otherwise noted: State Building,
San Francisco.
Department of employment:
Carl L. Hyde, director.
Administrative agency, California unemployment reserves:
J. L. Matthews, chairman, representative of the State and the public
at large.
John F. Chambers, member of commission, representing labor.
John S. Horn, member of commission, representing labor..



Samuel Leask, Jr., member of commission, representing the independ­
ent merchants and small employers.
C. B. Tibbetts, member of commission, representing large employers.
M. P. McCaffrey, rules and regulations officer.
Division of unemployment compensation:
A. G. Motsch, chief of division.
Jesse W. Wooldridge, regional district supervisor, area no. 1, Sacra­
Harlie R. Norris, regional district supervisor, area no. 2, San Francisco.
Herbert R. Harnish, regional district supervisor, area no. 3, Los Angeles.
Division of accounts and statistics: W. F. French, chief.
Division of State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment
Service) : Roy S. Stockton, chief.
Address of department, except where otherwise noted: State Capitol,
Industrial commission:
W. H. Young, chairman.
William E. Renshaw, commissioner (in charge of boiler and factory
George Lewis, commissioner (in charge of public and private employ­
ment agencies and wage claims).
Feay B. Smith, secretary.
David F. How, Jr., referee.
State compensation insurance fu n d :
Herbert C. Wortman, manager.
Hockley T. Hamill, assistant manager.
William R. Shaw, actuary.
Harold Clark Thompson, director of claims.
Felix Pogliano, chief inspector of industries.
Address of commission: State Office Building, Denver.
Coal-mine inspection department:
Thomas Allen, chief inspector, Denver.
W. M. Laurie, deputy inspector, district no. 1, Trinidad.
James W. Graham, deputy inspector, district no. 2, Lafayette.
Hugo H. Machin, deputy inspector, district no. 3, Canon City.
George Dalrymple, deputy inspector, district no. 4, Grand Junction.
Bureau of mines (metal mines) :
John T. Joyce, commissioner, Denver.
George Becker, inspector, district no. 1, Denver.
Herrick McLeod, inspector, district no. 2, Colorado Springs.
R. J. Murray, inspector, district no. 3, Salida.
(Vacancy), inspector, district no. 4.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : O. S.
Wood, director, 401 Kittredge Building, Denver.
Department of labor and factory inspection:
Joseph M. Tone, commissioner in charge of factory inspection.
William J. Fitzgerald, deputy commissioner.
Morgan Mooney, deputy labor commissioner.
Address of department: State Office Building, Hartford.



Board of compensation commissioners:
Leo J. Noonan, chairman, 54 Church Street, Hartford.
E. T. Buckingham, 955 Main Street, Bridgeport.
James J. Donohue, 43 Broadway, Norwich.
Charles Kleiner, 151 Court Street, New Haven.
James M. Lynch, Courthouse, Waterbury.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Helen
Wood, director, 254 State Office Building, Hartford.
Labor commission:
Helen S. Garrett, chairman.
Thomas C. Frame.
John H. Hickey.
George A. Hill.
Leon H. Ryan.
Marguerite Postles, secretary.
Child-labor division: Charles A. Hagner, chief.
Women’s labor division: Marguerite Postles, assistant.
Address of commission: Wilmington.
Industrial accident board:
Robert K. Jones, president.
Charles H. Grantland.
Barry V. Lyons.
James B. McManus, secretary.
Address of board: Equitable Building, Ninth and Market Streets,
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Howard
P. Young, director, Public Buildings, Wilmington.
Unemployment compensation board: John A. Marshall, director, 470 Indiana
Avenue NW., Washington, D. C.
United States Employment Service:
District of Columbia Public Employment Center: Edgar Young, manager,
480 Indiana Avenue NW., Washington, D. C.
State labor inspector: John PI. Mackey, Jacksonville.
Industrial commission:
Wendell C. Heaton, chairman.
R. A. Gray, secretary of state.
W. Y. Knott, treasurer.
Address of commission: Capitol Building, Tallahassee.
Department of industrial relations:
Hal M. Stanley, chairman (commissioner of commerce and labor.)
Robert S. Elrod (representing employees).
William F. Slater (representing employers).
Sharpe Jones, secretary-treasurer.
Elizabeth Ragland, assistant secretary.



C. W. Roberts, M. D., medical examiner.
H. L. Spahr, chief statistician.
Address of department: Atlanta.
City and County of Honolulu

Industrial accident board :
E. B. Clark, chairman.
Robert Anderson.
L. W. Jongeneel.
H. W. Laws.
A. J. Wirtz.
Andrew F. Schmitz, secretary.
Address of board: Honolulu.
County of Maui

Industrial accident board:
Paul F. Lada, chairman.
M. Hamasaki.
H. Perry Moritz.
Mrs. W. M. Weddick.
Ralph H. Wilson.
Mrs. Frances S. Wadsworth, secretary.
Address of board: Wailuku.
County of Hawaii

Industrial accident board:
Dr. Harold B. Elliot, chairman.
C. J. Hoogs.
H. K. Kellner.
C. J. Orcutt.
James Webster.
Mrs. L. Hazel Bayly, secretary.
Address of board: Hilo.
County of Kauai

Industrial accident board:
J. M. Lydgate, chairman.
J. P. Clapper.
G. M. Coney.
L. L. Patterson.
D. Thomas.
Mrs. H. D. Lydgate, secretary.
Address o f board: Lihue.
Industrial accident board:
Frank Langley, chairman (acting director for unemployment insurance).
W. L. Robison.
G. W. Suppiger.
P. H. Quirk, secretary.
Address of board: Boise.



State insurance fund: P. C. O’Malley, manager.
Safety inspection department: W. H. Gess, safety inspector.
Address of fund: Boise.
Inspector of mines: Arthur Campbell, Boise.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : John
Foreman, director, 323-326 Idaho Building, P. O. Box 877, Boise.
Department of labor:
Martin P. Durkin, director.
A. L. Mclnerney, assistant director.
Address o f department: State Capitol, Springfield; 205 West Wacker
Drive, Chicago.
Division of factory inspection: John M. Falasz, chief State factory inspector,
205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago.
Division of private employment agencies : Frank Walkowiak, chief inspector,
205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago.
Industrial commission:
Peter J. Angsten, chairman.
August J. Hummert (representing employers).
Anton Johansen (representing employees).
Joseph Lisack (representing employers).
Anderson M. Thompson (representing employees).
Address o f commission: 205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago.
Division of statistics and research: Dr. Peter T. Swanish, chief, 205 West
Wacker Drive, Chicago.
Division of minimum wage for women and minors:
Kate F. O’Connor, chief supervisor.
Anne S. Davis, assistant chief.
Address of division: 205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago.
Illinois State employment service (affiliated with the U. S. Employment
Service) : Dr. A. H. R. Atwood, director, 205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago.
Department o f mines and minerals:
James McSherry, director, State Capitol, Springfield.
Enoch Martin, assistant director, 447 North Union Street, Decatur.
State mining board:
James McSherry, ex officio chairman.
Peter H. Proctor, mine officer, Marseilles.
J. W. Starks, mine officer, Taylorville.
L. A. Wasson, mine officer, Harrisburg.
George A. Knox, secretary, Hillsboro.
Miners’ examining board:
Edward Maher, president, Lincoln.
John Rancilio, member, Herrin.
John B. Schmacker, member, Collinsville.
Stanley Ingerski, secretary, Minonk.
Inspection service:
Joseph B. Casassa, district no. 1, Spring Valley.
George H. Deemy, district no. 2, Peoria.
F. M. Guthrie, district no. 3, Farmington.
Harry Roberts, district no. 4, Edinburg.
Thomas McKenna, district no. 5, Danville.



Joseph Firth, Jr., district no. 6, Benld.
T. Alvin Scully, district no. 7, Troy.
David T. Stuart, district no. 8, Belleville.
Leonard Forester, district no. 9, Percy.
William J. Johnson, district no. 10, Christopher.
Loren A. Belt, district no. 11, Harrisburg.
Fred Schoonover, district no. 12, Carterville.
Benn Pitts, economic investigator, Odin.
Homer Harris, fluorspar inspector, Rosiclare.
Oscar Saunders, special investigator, Du Quoin.
Mine rescue station superintendents:
Arthur Bradbury, Belleville.
Leo Chitty, Springfield.
Larry McGonigal, LaSalle.
Barney T. McSherry, Herrin.
Joseph Morris, Du Quoin.
Michael Taggart, Eldorado.
Houston W. Webb, Johnston City.
Ray Williams, Benton.
Address o f department: State Capitol, Springfield.
Department of commerce and industry: Clifford W. Townsend, administrative
Industrial board division:
Ira M. Snouffer, chairman.
Dr. Horace M. Evans, member.
William A. Faust, member.
Edgar A. Perkins, Sr., member.
Sam P. Vogt, member.
Edward F. Beggs, secretary.
Department of factories, buildings, and workshops: Thomas R. Hutson,
chief inspector.
Department of boilers: James Donohue, chief inspector.
Department of women and children: Mrs. Mary L. Garner, director.
Division of mines and mining:
A. G. Wilson, chief inspector.
Fred Ferguson, assistant mine inspector, Oakland City.
Patrick McGuigan, assistant mine inspector, Carbon, R.
Edward F. Rogers, assistant mine inspector, Linton.
Henry S. Wallace, assistant mine inspector, Shelburn.
John Silcock, superintendent Indiana Mine Rescue Station, Terre
Loretta S. Taylor, secretary.
Address of department: 307 Statehouse, Indianapolis.
Unemployment compensation division (under State department of treasury) :
C. A. Jackson, director.
Unemployment compensation board:
Wilfred Jessup, president, representing State and public.
Alex E. Gordon, vice president, representing labor.
John W. Crise, representing large employers.



Theodore B. Griffith, representing independent merchants and small
Carl H. Mullen, representing labor.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) :
Martin F. Carpenter, director, 320 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis.
Address of division, except where otherwise noted: Statehouse, Indian­
Bureau of labor:
Frank E. Wenig, commissioner.
J. D. Seaman, deputy commissioner.
Harley R. Rhoads, statistician.
Address of bureau: Des Moines.
Workmen’s compensation service:
A. B. Funk, industrial commissioner.
Ralph Young, deputy commissioner.
Ora Williams, secretary.
Oliver J. Fay, M. D., medical counsel.
Address of service: Des Moines.
State bureau of mines:
E. A. Farnsworth, inspector, first district, Centerville.
R. T. Rhys, inspector, second district, Ottumwa.
J. E. Jeffreys, inspector, third district, Des Moines.
Phil R. Clarkson, secretary, Des Moines.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Frank E.
Wenig, director, Statehouse, Des Moines.
Commission of labor and industry:
G. Clay Baker, chairman.
J. H. Jenson, commissioner.
George E. Blakeley, commissioner.
Department o f workmen’s compensation:
G. Clay Baker, chairman.
J. H. Jenson, commissioner.
Department o f labor:
George E. Blakeley, commissioner of labor in charge of factory and
mine inspection, free employment, and women’s and children’s
State employment service: George E. Blakeley, commissioner of labor.
Address of commission: Statehouse, Topeka.
Department of agriculture, labor, and statistics:
Garth K. Ferguson, commissioner.
T. W. Pennington, chief labor inspector.
J. M. Bains, deputy labor inspector.
Mrs. Marie K. Dickson, deputy labor inspector.
J. M. Hunt, deputy labor inspector.
Mrs. Hallie B. Williams, deputy labor inspector.
Address of department: Frankfort.



Department of mines and minerals:
John F. Daniel, chief.
A. D. Sisk, mine and scale inspector.
W. A. Vinson, mine and scale inspector.
Roy H. Gonia, district mine inspector.
H. N. Smith, district mine inspector.
W. E. Wheeler, district mine inspector.
D. J. Jones, geologist.
Address of department: Lexington.
Department of industrial relations: W. 0. Burrow, commissioner.
Workmen’s compensation board:
James B. Milliken, chairman. (Temporary appointee.)
W. J. Fields. (Temporary appointee.)
S. D. Mulligan, secretary. (Temporary appointee.)
A. H. Mitchell, actuary. (Temporary appointee.)
Address of department: Frankfort.
Bureau of labor and industrial statistics:
E. L. Engerran, commissioner.
Mrs. M. V. Kirby, secretary.
Address of bureau: New Orleans.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Joseph
J. Ferguson, director, 206 Pan American Building, New Orleans.
Department of labor and industry: Charles O. Beals, commissioner.
Division of boiler inspection: Edward K. Sawyer, chief inspector.
Safety engineering service: Walter J. Brennan, safety engineer.
Address of department: Augusta.
Industrial accident commission:
Donald D. Garcelon, chairman.
Helen N. Hanson.
Earle L. Russell.
Charles O. Beals (ex officio), commissioner of labor.
Wilbur D. Spencer (ex officio), insurance commissioner.
Address o f commission: Augusta.
State board of arbitration and conciliation:
Edward F. Gowell, chairman, Berwick.
Ernest McLean, Augusta.
Charles M. Taylor, 453 Congress Street, Portland.
Commissioner of labor and statistics: Henry Lay Duer, 16 West Saratoga
Street, Baltimore.
Bureau of mines: John J. Rutledge, chief mine engineer, 22 Light Street,
Mine and examining board: John J. Rutledge, chairman, 22 Light Street,



State industrial accident commission:
William F. Broening, chairman.
Edmund Budnitz.
Robert H. Carr.
Omar D. Crothers.
Charles S. Warner, D. D. S.
Albert E. Brown, secretary.
Adolph F. Schuch, administrative assistant.
Miss R. O. Harrison, director of claims.
Robert P. Bay, M. D., chief medical examiner.
Gladys M. Tunstall, statistician.
State accident fu n d: James E. Green, Jr., superintendent.
Address of commission: Equitable Building, Baltimore.
Department of labor and industries:
James T. Moriarty, commissioner.
Mary E. Meehan, assistant commissioner.
Associate commissioner (constituting the board of conciliation and arbi­
tration and the minimum-wage commission) :
Thomas F. Curley, chairman.
Raymond Y. McNamara (representing employers).
John L. Campos (representing labor).
Veronica A. Lynch, secretary to the commissioner.
Division of industrial safety: John P. Meade, director.
Division of statistics: Roswell F. Phelps, director.
Division of standards: John P. McBride, director.
Division of minimum wage: Mary E. Meehan, acting director.
Division of the necessaries of life : Ralph W. Robart, director.
Division of occupational hygiene: Manfred Bowditch, director, 23 Joy
Street, Boston.
Address of department, except where otherwise noted: Statehouse,
Department of industrial accidents:
Joseph A. Parks, chairman.
William S. Conroy.
James Farrell.
Chester E. Gleason.
Frank Prestera.
Daniel J. Sullivan.
Mrs. Emma S. Tousant.
Edward P. Doyle, secretary.
Francis D. Donoghue, M. D., medical adviser.
Address o f department: Statehouse, Boston.
Unemployment compensation commission:
Emil E. Fuchs, chairman, Statehouse, Boston.
Frank G. Allen, commissioner.
Robert J. Watt, commissioner.
M. Joseph McCartin, executive secretary.
Division of public employment offices (affiliated with U. S. Employment
Service) : Frederick J. Graham, director, 100 Nashua Street, Boston.
Address of commission, except where otherwise noted: 31 Milk Street,



Department of labor and industry:
Frank F. Ford, chairman.
Betty W. Allie, compensation commissioner.
William H. Wise, compensation commissioner.
Frank B. Wade, labor commissioner.
Theodore M. Jacka, statistician.
Leo J. Herrick, auditor.
W. F. Doyle, secretary.
Address of department: 630 State Office Building, Lansing.
State accident fund (under supervision of department of insurance) : John W.
Haarer, manager, Lansing.
Department of labor and industry:
Industrial commission:
F. T. Starkey, chairman.
Niels H. Debel.
J. D. Williams.
Emery C. Nelson, secretary.
Emily L. Olson, assistant secretary.
Division of workmen’s compensation: H. O. Halverson, chief.
Division of accident prevention: A. E. Smith, chief.
Division of boiler inspection: George Wilcox, chief.
Division of women and children: Florence A. Burton, superintendent.
Division of statistics: Carl E. Dahlquist, statistician.
Division for the d e a f: Mrs. Petra F. Howard, chief.
Address of department: State Office Building, St. Paul.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Walter
H. Stoll, (acting) director, 137 State Office Building, St. Paul.
Bureau of industrial hygiene and factory inspection:
J. W. Dugger, M. D., director.
Margaret Powell, secretary.
Address of bureau: Mississippi State Board of Health, Jackson.
Unemployment compensation commission:
Leon L. Wheeless, chairman.
Carl Freiler, commissioner, middle district, Canton.
Birney Imes, commissioner, northern district, Columbus.
George C. Scutt, assistant to chairman.
John Holloman, legal counsel.
R. L. Lambright, field supervisor.
Address of commission: P. O. Box 1692, Jackson.
Department of labor and industrial inspection:
Mrs. Mary Edna Cruzen, commissioner.
Ethel M. Kuever, chief clerk.
Roy E. Sibley, statistician.
Isabelle Dawe, deputy labor commissioner, Kansas City.



Lottie C. Walsh, deputy labor commissioner, St. Louis.
Lucille Duvall, labor supervisor, St. Joseph.
Jesse J. Roberts, labor supervisor, Springfield.
Address of department: Capitol Building, Jefferson City.
Workmen’s compensation commission:
Edgar C. Nelson, chairman.
Jay J. James.
Orin H. Shaw.
Spencer H. Givens, secretary.
Address of commission: Jefferson City.
State bureau of mines:
Arnold Griffith, chief inspector, Excelsior Springs.
Alice Moss Ferris, secretary, Jefferson City, care of Bureau of Mines.
Frank K. Bunch, deputy inspector, Richmond.
George E. Callahan, deputy inspector, Flat River.
Evan Jones, deputy inspector, Higbee.
Address of bureau: Capitol Building, Jefferson City.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Mrs. Mary
Edna Cruzen, director, Capitol Building, Jefferson City.
Department of agriculture, labor, and industry: A. P. Bruce, commissioner
Division of labor and industry: Edward O’Byrne, chief.
Address of department: Helena.
Industrial accident board:
J. Burke Clements, chairman.
J. J. Holmes, State auditor, member.
A. P. Bruce, State commissioner of agriculture, member.
G. G. Watt, secretary.
Nell O’Connell, assistant secretary.
Harold O. Mead, chief accountant.
Bureau of safety inspection: Nona McRae, chief clerk.
Address of board: Helena.
Department of labor: Vincent B. Kinney, commissioner.
Bureau of inspection: Vincent B. Kinney, chief.
Address of department: State Capitol, Lincoln.
Workmen’s compensation court:
Frank M. Coffey, presiding judge.
Charles E. Jackman, judge.
Lawrence F. Welch, judge.
Address of court: State Capitol, Lincoln.
Office of labor commissioner: James Fitzgerald, commissioner, Nevada Indus­
trial Commission Building, Carson City.
Industrial commission:
Dan J. Sullivan, chairman.
James Fitzgerald.
Alex L. Tannahill.
A. J. Hood, M. D., chief medical adviser, Reno.
Address of commission: Carson City.



Inspector of mines:
Matt Murphy, Carson City.
Thomas W. Kendall, deputy, Las Yegas.
Jack B. Purdy, deputy, Ely.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : James T.
Fitzgerald, director, Nevada Industrial Commission Building, Carson City.
Bureau of labor:
John S. B. Davie, commissioner.
William H. Riley, factory inspector, Concord.
Harold I. Towle, factory inspector, Laconia.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Elkins, minimum-wage administrator.
Unemployment compensation division:
Gordon P. Eager, administrator.
F. Gordon Kimball, deputy administrator.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Mrs.
Abby L. Wilder, director, 11 School Street, Concord.
Address o f bureau, except where otherwise noted: Concord.
State board of conciliation and arbitration:
Walter F. Duffy (representing manufacturers), Franklin.
J. R. McLane (representing public), Manchester.
K. E. Merrill (representing labor), Hudson.
Department of labor: John J. Toohey, Jr., commissioner.
Bureau of general and structural inspection and explosives: Charles H,
Weeks, deputy commissioner of labor.
Bureau of hygiene, sanitation, and mine inspection: John Roach, deputy
commissioner of labor.
Bureau of electrical and mechanical equipment: Charles H. Weeks and
John Roach, acting chiefs.
Bureau of statistics and records: James A. T. Gribbin, chief.
Bureau of women and children: Mary C. McGowan, chief clerk.
Bureau of engineers’ license, steam boiler, and refrigerating-plant inspec­
tion : Joseph F. Scott, chief examiner.
Bureau of employment (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Russell
J. Eldridge, director, 1060 Broad Street, Newark.
Bureau of workmen’s compensation:
John J. Toohey, Jr., commissioner.
William E. Stubbs, deputy commissioner and secretary.
Charles E. Corbin, deputy commissioner.
Daniel A. Spair, deputy commissioner.
John J. Stahl, deputy commissioner.
John W. Kent, supervisor of informal hearings.
John C. Wegner, referee.
Thomas J. Holwerda, investigator.
Harry H. Umberger, investigator.
Frank C. Mobius, investigator and acting referee.
Harry F. Monroe, investigator and acting referee.
William J. Wilkie, investigator and acting referee.
Maurice S. Avidan, M. D., medical adviser.
88706 ° — 36‘----------- 3


James C. Keeney, M. D., medical adviser.
William C. Stuart, M. D., medical adviser.
Address o f department, except where otherwise noted: Trenton.

Labor and industrial commission:
Charles Lembke, chairman, Albuquerque.
H. H. Williams, member, Raton.
Frank Ortiz, secretary, Santa Fe.
Labor commissioner: F. Charles Davis, Santa Fe.
Address all communications to labor commissioner, as commission is not
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : F. Charles
Davis, director, 211-214 Galisteo Building, Santa Fe.
Department of labor:
Elmer F. Andrews, industrial commissioner.
William J. Picard, deputy industrial commissioner.
Maud O. Swartz, secretary.
Industrial board:
Richard J. Cullen, chairman.
John J. Carroll.
James A. Corcoran.
Edward W. Edwards.
Nelle Swartz.
Labor publications editor: William T. Whittemore.
Bureau of accounts: George H. Tobler, chief accountant.
Division of self-insurance and bureau o f finance:
Matthew T. Howard, finance officer.
Albert C. Dilworth, supervising self-insurance examiner.
Division of workmen’s compensation: Michael J. Murphy, director.
Bureau of medical examination: Raphael Lewy, M. D., chief medical
Compensation medical registration unit: Hugh J. Murphy, registrar.
Division of inspection: James L. Gernon, director.
Bureau of factory inspection: John Hofmann, chief.
Bureau o f mercantile inspection:
Charles B. Ash, chief.
George C. Daniels, chief inspector of up-State factories and mer­
cantile establisments, Albany.
Bureau o f boiler inspection: William H. Furman, chief, Albany.
Bureau of mines, tunnels, quarries, and explosives: John J. Daly, chief,
Bureau of building constructions and public assembly: Charles J.
Denning, supervising inspector.
Division of engineering: Daniel E. Bellows, director, Albany.
Division of placement and unemployment insurance: Glenn A. Bowers,
executive director, 342 Madison Avenue, New York City.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) :
William H. Lange, director, 342 Madison Avenue, New York City.
Bureau o f junior placement: Claire L. Lewis, chief, 342 Madison Ave­
nue, New York City.



Division of statistics and information: Dr. Eugene B. Patton, director.
Division of women in industry and minimum wage: Frieda S. Miller,
Bureau o f homework inspection: Alexander Bell, chief.
Bureau of enforcement o f woman- and child-labor laws: Elizabeth B.
Coleman, supervising inspector.
Division of bedding: Louis A. Havens, director, 124 East Twenty-eighth
Street, New York City.
Division o f industrial hygiene: Leonard Greenburg, M. D., executive
Division o f industrial relations:
A. J. Portenar, director.
Bureau o f mediation and arbitration:
Andrew C. Doyle, supervising mediator, Albany.
James Largay, supervising mediator, New York City.
Bureau o f labor w elfare: Lillian R. Sire, chief.
Division o f industrial code:
George P. Keogh, referee.
Edward J. Pierce, referee.
State insurance fu n d: Charles G. Smith, manager, 625 Madison Avenue,
New York City.
Address of department, except where otherwise noted: 80 Centre Street,
New York City.

Department of labor: A. L. Fletcher, commissioner.
Division of statistics: Mrs. Pauline W. Horton, chief statistician.
Division o f standards and inspections: Forrest H. Shuford, chief inspector.
Division of service to World War veterans:
Maj. Graham K. Hobbs, commissioner, North Carolina veterans’ loan
Jack P. Lang, service officer.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) :
Mrs. May Thompson Evans, director.
Address of department: Raleigh.
Industrial commission:
Buren Jurney, representing employers, chairman.
J. Dewey Dorsett, representing employers.
T. A. Wilson, representing employees.
E. W. Price, secretary.
John C. Root, chief claims examiner.
W. C. Horton, M. D., medical director.
Advisory medical committee:
H. F. Eason, M. D., chairman, Raleigh.
J. Donnelly, M. D., Huntersville.
G. W. Murphy, M. D., Asheville.
Address o f commission, except where otherwise noted: Raleigh.

Department of agriculture and labor:
Theo. Martell, commissioner.
Jack Hammelsmith, deputy commissioner.
Minimum-wage department: Mrs. E. Dupuis, secretary.
Address of department: Bismarck.



Workmen’s compensation bureau:
It. H. Walker, chairman.
W. C. Preckel.
P. B. Sullivan.
J. E. Pfeifer, secretary.
J. P. Axt, underwriter.
P. A. Tinbo, chief claim clerk.
Laura Schlechter, cashier.
Milton K. Higgins, attorney.
W. H. Bodenstab, M. D., medical director.
Address of bureau: Bismarck.
Department of mine inspection: Sylvester Binek, inspector, Bismarck.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : F. W.
Hunter, director, International Harvester Building, Bismarck.

Department of industrial relations:
O. B. Chapman, director.
Lloyd D. Teeters, assistant director and chief, division of adminis­
Division of labor statistics and employment offices (affiliated with U. S.
Employment Service) : James Wittenbrook, chief.
Division of factory inspection: Edgar W. Brill, chief.
Division of boiler inspection: Carl O. Myers, chief.
Division of examiners of steam engineers: Carl R. Daubenmire, chief.
Division of mines: James Berry, chief.
Division of minimum w age: Elaine Sheffler, superintendent.
Address of department: State Office Building, Columbus.
Industrial commission:
Thomas M. Gregory, chairman.
John W. Beall.
Will T. Blake.
Albert D. Caddell, secretary.
William N. Gableman, supervisor of personnel.
William H. Mahoney, supervisor of claims.
W. K. Merriman, assistant supervisor of claims.
Evan I. Evans, supervisor actuarial section.
G. L. Coffinberry, auditor and statistician.
Sidney McCurdy, M. D., supervisor medical section.
Roy J. Secrest, M. D., assistant supervisor medical section.
Charles C. Core, supervisor legal section.
Division of safety and hygiene:
Thomas P. Kearns, superintendent.
Carl C. Beasor, chief statistician.
Address of commission: State Office Building, Columbus.

Department of labor:
W. A. Pat Murphy, commissioner.
James Hughes, assistant commissioner.
Bureau of factory inspection: Fred Kemp, chief inspector.
Bureau of boiler inspection: W. L. Newton, State boiler inspector.
Division of women and children in industry: Zelda Harrel, inspector.



Bureau of labor statistics: Adah E. Mauldin, statistician.
State board of arbitration and conciliation:
W. A. Pat Murphy, chairman.
James Hughes, secretary.
Address o f department: Oklahoma City.
Industrial commission:
T. B. Lunsford, chairman.
Mat McElroy, vice chairman.
Ed Bason, commissioner.
Address of commission: Oklahoma City.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : W. A.
Pat Murphy, director, State Capitol, Oklahoma City.
Bureau of labor:
C. H. Gram, commissioner, Statehouse, Salem.
Charles H. Elrey, deputy commissioner, Madison Building, Portland.
State welfare commission:
Thomas Graham, Jr., chairman, 3575 Northeast Morris Street, Portland.
Gladys M. Everett, American Bank Building, Portland.
Rev. John B. De Launey, Portland University, Portland.
C. H. Gram, executive secretary, Madison Building, Portland.
Mrs. Mary K. Brown, investigator, Madison Building, Portland.
State industrial accident commission:
Albert R. Hunter, chairman.
T. Morris Dunne, commissioner.
J. C. Joy, commissioner.
E. W. Rockey, M. D., chief medical examiner, Portland.
Address of commission, except where otherwise noted: State Office
Building, Salem.
State unemployment compensation commission:
T. Morris Dunne, chairman.
Albert R. Hunter.
J. C. Joy.
D. A. Bulmore, administrator-secretary.
J. D. Berwick, comptroller.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Guy
Y. Lintner, director, 204 Old Post Office Building, Portland.
Address o f commission, except where otherwise noted: State Office
Building, Salem.
State board of conciliation:
O. M. Plummer, chairman, 210-211 American Bank Building, Portland.
Phil Brady, 404 Labor Temple, Portland.
Charles N. Ryan, 226 State Street, Salem.
Department of labor and industry: Ralph M. Bashore, secretary.
Industrial board:
Ralph M. Bashore, chairman.
Morris Harrison.
John A. Phillips.
Herbert Sanders.



Mrs. George B. Wood.
J. S. Arnold, secretary.
State workmen’s insurance board:
Ralph M. Bashore, chairman.
Owen B. Hunt, insurance commissioner.
Charles A. Waters, State treasurer.
State workmen’s insurance fund: Oscar Deckard, manager.
Workmen’s compensation board:
David L. Ullman, chairman.
Norbert J. Fitzgerald.
D. Ferd Swaney.
Ralph M. Bashore (ex officio).
John R. Torquato, secretary.
Bureau of inspection: Raymond Nicaise, director.
Bureau of workmen’s compensation: Austin L. Staley, director.
Bureau of industrial standards: Raymond Nicaise, acting director.
Bureau of women and children: Mrs. Gertrude Emery, director.
Bureau of rehabilitation: A. S. Beshore, director.
Bureau of research and information: Tensard DeWolf, acting director.
Bureau of employment (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Tensard
DeWolf, director, Room 434, South Office Building, Harrisburg.
Bureau of mediation: Clarence J. Moser, director.
Address of department: Harrisburg.
Department of mines:
Michael J. Hartneady, secretary.
Joseph J. Walsh, deputy secretary, anthracite division.
Address of department: Capitol Building, Harrisburg.
Department of labor:
Ramon Torres, secretary.
Faustino Aguilar, under secretary.
Jose Figueras, inspector general of labor.
Cesareo de Leon, chief, department office.
Bureau of labor:
(Vacancy), director.
(Vacancy), assistant director.
Law division: Juan L. Lanting, chief.
Division of public defenders: Juan L. Lanting, chief.
Miscellaneous division: Rosendo Regalado, chief.
Division of labor statistics: Rosendo Regalado (ex-officio), chief.
Workmen’s compensation division: Nieves Baens del Rosario, chief.
Marine and placement division: Albino C. Dimayuga, chief.
Address of department: Manila.

Department of labor:
Prudencio Rivera Martinez, commissioner.
William D. L6pez, assistant commissioner.
Ricarda L. de Ramos Casellas, secretary and chief clerk.
Board of examiners o f social workers:
Beatriz Lassalle, president.
Carmen Rivera de Alvarado
Felicia Boria.



Manuel Cabranes.
Rafaela Espino.
Mediation and conciliation commission:
Luis Villaronga, chairman.
Jaime Annexy, Jr., representing employers.
Gabriel Blanco, representing organized labor.
Lupercio Colberg, representing employers.
Jose C. Menendez, representing organized labor.
Division of economic social research and investigation: Vicente Geigel.
Polanco, director.
Wage protection and claim bureau: Pedro Santana, Jr., chief.
Bureau of women and children in industry: Felicia Boria, directress.
Homestead division:
William D. L6pez, chief (ex officio).
Eduardo Larroca, chief, labor settlements.
Harry B. Llenza, chief, farming section.
Division of inspection, investigation, and diffusion of labor law s: Sandalio
E. Alonso, chief.
Division of accounts, property, and statistics: Artemio Pilar Rodriguez,
Employment service:
Pablo L. Sosa, chief (Puerto Rico).
Jose M. Vivaldi, assistant chief (New York, N. Y.)
Industrial commission:
M. Leon Parra, chairman.
F. Paz Granela, commissioner.
Juan M. Herrero, commissioner.
Joaquin A. Becerril, secretary.
Address of department: San Juan.
Department o f labor: L. Metcalfe Walling, director.
Division of labor relationships: Joseph T. Cahir, chief.
Division o f industrial inspection: Abraham S. Friedman, chief.
Division of women and children: Mrs. Louise Q. Blodgett, chief.
Division of unemployment compensation:
George E. Bigge, chairman.
Joseph H. Cull.
John H. Powers.
Bureau o f State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment
Service) : Thomas H. Bride, Jr., director, 506 Federal Building.
Bureau of fuel regulation: Joseph D. Hurley, chief inspector.
Bureau of weights, measures, and balances: Edward R. Fisher, chief
Bureau of employment and census statistics: Charles S. Bolwell, chief
Address of department: Providence.
Division of industrial hygiene (under department of public health) : James P,
Deery, M. D., director, 319 State Office Building, Providence.
Department of labor :
John W. Nates, commissioner.
Address of department: 1028 Sumter Street, Columbia.



Board of conciliation and arbitration:
(The duties of this board will be performed by the department of
labor pending appointment of members.)
Industrial commission:
John H. Dukes, chairman.
P. M. Camak.
John W. Duncan.
I. L. Hyatt.
Coleman C. Martin.
William C. Johnston, secretary.
Address o f commission: Columbia.
Unemployment compensation commission:
A. M. Scarborough, chairman.
A. J. Hatfield.
E. C. Lewis.
Address of commission: Columbia.
Office of industrial commissioner :
Walter Conway, industrial commissioner.
J. T. McCullen, Jr., deputy industrial commissioner.
Address of office: Pierre.
Department of labor:
W. E. Jacobs, commissioner and State fire marshal.
Gladys Lynch, secretary.
Division of factory inspection: R. O. Ross, chief inspector.
Division o f mines: A. W. Evans, chief inspector.
Division of hotel inspection: W. B. Cowen, inspector.
Division of workmen’s compensation: Dave Hanly.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) :
W. C. Frierson, director, 610 Cotton States Building.
Address of department: Nashville.
Bureau of labor statistics:
F. E. Nichols, commissioner.
C. E. Mick, first assistant to the commissioner.
Lawson Wimberly, chief deputy.
Address o f bureau: Austin.
Industrial accident board:
Earle P. Adams, chairman.
A. M. Graves, member.
H. Fred Martin, member.
W. D. Collins, secretary.
Address of board: Austin.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : F. E.
Nichols, director, 719 Scarbrough Building, Austin.
Industrial commission:
William M. Knerr, chairman.
O. F. McShane.



B. D. Nebeker.
Carolyn I. Smith, secretary.
State insurance fu n d: Charles A. Caine, manager.
Coal-mine inspector: John Taylor.
Metal-mine inspector: E. A. Hodges.
Unemployment compensation law administration: Ray R. Adams, director.
Address of commission: State Capitol, Salt Lake City.
Office of commissioner of industries:
Howard E. Armstrong, commissioner, Montpelier.
Charles A. Root, factory inspector, Burlington.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) :.
E. Reynold Johnson, director, 82 State Street, P. O. Box 433, Montpelier.
Department of l-abor and industry:
John Hopkins Hall, Jr., commissioner.
H. W. Furlow, assistant commissioner.
Virginia H. Currie, secretary.
Division of mines: C. P. Kelly, chief.
Division of factory inspection: S. A. Minter, chief.
Division of women and children: Carrie B. Farmer, director.
Division of research and statistics: Dr. R. H. Barker, director.
Address of department: Richmond.
Department of workmen’s compensation, industrial commission:
W. H. Nickels, Jr., chairman.
Parke P. Deans.
C. G. Kizer.
W. F. Bursey, secretary.
F. P. Evans, statistician.
W. L. Robinson, examiner.
Address of commission: State Office Building, Richmond.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Mrs.
M. L. West, director, State Office Building, Richmond.
Department of labor and industries :
E. Pat Kelly, director.
Division of industrial insurance:
Fred J. Englert, supervisor of industrial insurance and medical aid.
William Steele, M. D., chief medical adviser.
Nels Merrick, claim agent.
Division of safety:
Jay Olinger, supervisor of safety.
J. E. Bergin, mine inspector.
Division of industrial relations:
Jay Olinger, supervisor of industrial relations.
J. H. Conners, labor commissioner.
R. M. Van Dorn, industrial statistician.
E. E. Stark, secretary of labor and industries.



Industrial welfare committee:
E. Pat Kelly, director of labor and industries, chairman.
Fred J. Englert, supervisor of industrial insurance.
Jay Olinger, supervisor of industrial relations.
It. M. Van Dorn, industrial statistician.
Address of department: Olympia.
Unemployment compensation commission: (Appointments not yet made.)
Department of labor:
Clarence L. Jarrett, commissioner.
Frank W. Snyder, assistant chief.
Address of department: Charleston.
Workmen’s compensation department:
Albert G. Mathews, commissioner.
B. C. Downing assistant to commissioner.
Chauncey B. Browning, examiner.
J. Bankhead Banks, M. D., chief medical examiner.
Harry C. Davis, actuary.
Paul V. Sutherland, chief of claim department.
C. P. Wilson, chief of disbursing department.
Address of department: Charleston.
Department of mines: N. P. Rhinehart, chief, Charleston.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : James H.
McGinnis, director, 805 Peoples’ Exchange Bank Building, Charleston.
Industrial commission:
Voyta Wrabetz, chairman.
Harry R. McLogan, commissioner.
Peter A. Napiecinski, commissioner.
Helen E. Gill, acting secretary.
Safety and sanitation department: R. McA. Keown, engineer.
Workmen’s compensation department: H. A. Nelson, director.
Apprentice department: Walter F. Simon, supervisor.
Woman- and child-labor department:
Taylor Frye, director.
Maud Swett, field director, Milwaukee.
Statistical department: Orrin A. Fried, statistician.
Unemployment relief: P. D. Flanner, director.
Unemployment compensation department: Paul A. Raushenbush, director.
Address of commission: Madison.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Harry
Lippart, director, 602 Insurance Building, Madison.
Department of labor and statistics:
Lloyd Starkey, commissioner.
Clement Gilleard, deputy commissioner.
Address of department: Cheyenne.
Child labor board:
Lloyd Starkey, secretary.
Dr. G. M. Anderson.
R. L. Markley.
Address of board: Cheyenne.



Coal-mine inspection department:
Hugh McLeod, chief, Rock Springs.
Andrew J. Hamilton, deputy, Rock Springs.
Thomas Harrison, deputy, Sheridan.
Workmen’s compensation department (under State treasurer’s office) :
J. Kirk Baldwin, State treasurer.
C. B. Morgan, deputy treasurer.
P. J. Coady, assistant deputy and department manager.
W. J. Dankowski, assistant manager.
Address of department: Cheyenne.
State employment service (affiliated with U. S. Employment Service) : Tracy N.
Shaw, director, Old Federal Building, P. O. Box 840, Casper.

List o f Offices in Canada
Department o f labor:
Hon. Norman McL. Rogers, Minister.
W. M. Dickson, B. A., Deputy Minister.
Gerald H. Brown, Assistant Deputy Minister.
M. S. Campbell, Chief Conciliation Officer.
R. A. Rigg, Director o f Employment Service.
E. G. Blackadar, Superintendent of Dominion Government Annuities.
C. W. Bolton, Chief of Statisticial Branch.
H. Hereford, Dominion Commissioner of Unemployment Relief.
Address of department: Ottawa, Ontario.
Bureau of labor:
W. Smitten, commissioner of labor.
F. W. Hobson, chief boiler inspector.
H. M. Bishop, chief factory inspector.
G. P. Barber, chief theater inspector.
A. A. Millar, chief mine inspector.
W. F. Howard, industrial standards officer.
Employment service: William Carnill, director.
Minimum-wage board:
A. A. Carpenter, chairman.
W. Smitten, commissioner of labor, secretary.
Address of bureau: Administration Building, Edmonton.
Government employment bureau:
William Carnill, director, Edmonton.
A. A. Colquohoun, superintendent, Drumheller.
W. G. Paterson, superintendent, Edmonton.
A. R. Redshaw, superintendent, Lethbridge.
L. J. Ricks, superintendent, Calgary.
J. W. Wright, superintendent, Medicine Hat.
Workmen’s compensation board:
Dr. Victor W. Wright, chairman.
F. D. Noble, secretary.
Address of board: Administration Building, Edmonton.
Department of labor:
Hon. George S. Pearson, minister.
Adam Bell, deputy minister.
Robert Morrison, assistant deputy minister and chief inspector.
H. Douglas, chief inspector of factories, Vancouver.




Employment service: J. H. McVety, general superintendent, Vancouver.
Board of industrial relations administering the Male Minimum Wage Act,
Female Minimum Wage Act, and Hours of Work A c t:
Adam Bell, deputy minister o f labor, chairman.
Dr. W. A. Carrothers, member, Victoria.
Mrs. Rex Eaton, member, Vancouver.
C. J. McDowell, member, Victoria.
James Thomson, member, Vancouver.
Miss M. A. Cameron, secretary, Victoria.
Apprenticeship branch: Hamilton Crisford, inspector of apprenticeship,
Address of department, except where otherwise noted: Parliament
Buildings, Victoria.
Workmen’s compensation board:
E. S. H. Winn, K. C., chairman.
J. H. Pillsbury, commissioner.
Parker Williams, commissioner.
F. P. Archibald, secretary.
R. B. Fulton, assistant secretary.
Old-age pensions department: H. L. Greenwood, secretary.
Boiler and machinery inspection department: L. Duckett, chief inspector.
Electrical-energy inspection department: H. L. Taylor, chief inspector.
Address of board: 411 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver.
Department of labor:
W. R. Clubb, minister o f public works and labor.
Arthur MacNamara, assistant deputy minister of public works and
deputy minister o f labor.
Bureau of labor:
Edward McGrath, secretary.
R. A. Stewart, chief inspector.
W. T. Davies, inspector in charge of accident prevention.
Fair-wage board:
Arthur MacNamara, chairman.
E. Claydon.
F. Fraser.
C. J. Harding.
Thomas J. Williams.
Minimum-wage board:
Arthur MacNamara, chairman.
Miss A. E. Andrew.
E. R. Kennedy.
Mrs. Edna M. Nash.
James Winning.
Board of examiners— cinema projectionists:
Edward McGrath, chairman.
V. Armand.
George A. Graham.
Elevator and hoist board:
Edward McGrath, chairman.
S. E. Howarth.



A. Steventon.
W. J. Westbrook.
Board of examiners—Electricians’ License A ct:
Farquar McIntosh.
George Newman.
J. H. Schumacher.
Board of examiners—steam and stationary engineers:
T. M. Power, chairman.
William Coburn.
B. A. Stewart.
Employment service of Canada: J. Neish, Provincial superintendent, King
and William Streets, Winnipeg.
Address of department, except where otherwise noted: Legislative Build­
ings, Winnipeg.
Workmen’s compensation board:
C. K. Newcombe, commissioner.
George E. Carpenter, director.
J. L. McBride, director.
A. J. Fraser, M. D., chief medical officer.
Nicholas Fletcher, secretary.
P. V. E. Jones, assistant secretary.
Old-age pensions branch: T. S. Hamilton, superintendent.
Address of board: Winnipeg.
Department of labor:
Hon. William F. Roberts, M. D., minister of health and labor.
Horace R. Pettigrove, fair-wage officer.
Address of department: Fredericton.
Workmen’s compensation board:
John A. Sinclair, chairman.
Eugene R. Steeves, vice chairman.
Robert B. Irving, acting commissioner.
Department of factory inspection: William Golding, inspector.
Address of board: Provincial Building, St. John.
Forest operations commission:
G. F. G. Bridges, chairman.
W. H. Miller.
J. H. Wallace.
Address of commission: Fredericton.
Department of labor:
Hon. Michael Dwyer, minister.
Earle B. Paul, deputy minister.
Hours of labor board:
Earle B. Paul, chairman.
Minimum-wage board:
G. A. Redmond, chairman, Halifax.
Miss Alice Hatfield, member, Yarmouth.
Mrs. Marion Murphy, member, Sydney.
William H. Ross, member, New Glasgow.



George A. Smith, member, Halifax.
Miss E. B. Spruin, secretary.
Employment service of Canada:
F. O. Schaefer, superintendent, men’s division, Halifax.
Miss Elda L. Caldwell, superintendent, women’s division, Halifax.
M. H. Morrison, superintendent, men’s division, Sydney.
Miss Helen Calver, superintendent, women’s division, Sydney.
W. Jollymore, superintendent, men’s division, New Glasgow.
Miss E. Bundle, superintendent, women’s division, New Glasgow.
Address of department, except where otherwise noted: Halifax.
Department of public works and mines:
Hon. Michael Dwyer, minister.
Norman McKenzie, deputy minister.
Address o f department: Halifax.
Workmen’s compensation board:
F. L. Milner, K. C., chairman.
F. W. Armstrong, vice chairman.
John T. Joy, commissioner.
M. D. Morrison, M. D., chief medical officer.
O. G. Donovan, M. D., medical officer.
John McKeagan, assessment officer.
N. M. Morison, claims officer.
Miss M. M. Skerry, secretary.
Address of board: Halifax.
Department of labor:
Hon. David Croll, minister of labor, public welfare, and municipal
J. F. Marsh, deputy minister.
Boger Irwin, secretary.
Louis Fine, industrial standards officer.
H. C. Hudson, general superintendent, Ontario government employ­
ment offices.
J. M. Brown, chairman, board of examiners of operating engineers.
J. B. Prain, chief inspector.
Apprenticeship branch: A. W. Crawford, chief inspector of apprenticeship.
Minimum-wage board:
A. W. Crawford, chairman.
Patterson Farmer, member.
Miss Margaret Stephen, member.
Address of department: East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
Workmen’s compensation board:
George Wilkie, K. C., chairman.
Earl Hutchinson, vice chairman.
D. J. Galbraith, M. B., Commissioner.
N. B. Wormith, secretary.
T. Norman Dean, statistician.
F. W. Graham, claims officer.
D. E. Bell, M. D., chief medical officer.
J. M. Bremner, M. D., medical officer.
J. F. Hazelwood, M. D., medical officer.
Address of board: Canada Life Building, 330 University Avenue,



Department of labor:
Hon. Edgar Rochette, C. R., minister, Quebec.
Gerard Tremblay, deputy minister, Parliament Buildings, Quebec.
J. O’Connell-Maher, secretary, Parliament Buildings, Quebec.
Alfred Robert, chief inspector of industrial and commercial establish­
ments and public buildings, 97 Notre Dame Street, East, Montreal.
Clovis Bernier, deputy chief inspector, 97 Notre Dame Street, East,
J. N. Mochon, chief examiner of electricians and director of the inspec­
tion of service of electrical installations, 96 St. James Street, East,
N. S. Walsh, chief examiner of stationary enginemen and chief inspector
of pressure vessels, 88 St. James Street, East, Montreal.
Maxime Morin, K. C., registrar of the board of conciliation and arbi­
tration, Parliament Buildings, Quebec.
Joseph Ainey, general superintendent of Provincial employment bu­
reaus, 92 St. James Street, East, Montreal.
Achille Latreille, fair-wages officer, 97 Notre Dame Street, East,
Pierre A. Gosselin, fair-wages officer, 231 St. Paul Street, Quebec.
Gordon Heitshu, chief examiner of pipe mechanics, 231 St. Paul Street,
Women’s minimum-wage commission:
Gustave Francq, chairman, 89 Notre Dame Street, East, Montreal.
Alfred Crowe, secretary, 229 St. Paul Street, Quebec.
Quebec workmen’s compensation commission:
Robert Taschereau, K. C., president.
Simon Lapointe, K. C.
O. E. Sharpe.
O. G. Molleur, secretary.
Addresses of commission: 73 Grande-Allee, Quebec; 89 Notre Dame
Street, East, Montreal.
Bureau of labor and public w elfare:
Hon. R. J. M. Parker, minister.
Thomas M. Molloy, commissioner.
G. E. Tomsett, general superintendent, employment service.
Address of bureau: Regina.
Minimum-wage board:
Thomas M. Molloy, chairman, Regina.
Mrs. J. F. Cairns, Saskatoon.
Mrs. T. E. Campbell, Moosejaw.
W. W. Champ, Regina.
Ralph Heseltine, Regina.
Workmen’s compensation board:
W. F. Dunn, K. C., chairman.
A. W. Heise, commissioner.
Ralph Heseltine, commissioner.
Thomas L. Elliott, secretary.
Address of board: 7 Farmers’ Building, Twelfth Avenue, Regina.

List o f Bulletins o f the Bureau o f Labor Statistics
The following is a list of all bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics published since
July 1912, except that in the case of bulletins giving the results of periodic surveys of the
Bureau only the latest bulletin on any one subject is here listed.
A complete list of the reports and bulletins issued prior to July 1912, as well as the bulle­
tins published since that date, will be furnished on application. Publications, which are not
available for free distribution, indicated in this list by an asterisk, can in some cases be ob­
tained by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Wash­
ington, D. C.; all can be consulted at libraries which are Government repositories.
Collective agreements.


Collective bargaining in the anthracite coal industry.
Collective agreements in the men’s clothing industry.
Trade agreement in the silk-ribbon industry of New York City.
Collective bargaining by actors.
Trade agreements. 1927.


Conciliation and arbitration (including strikes and lockouts).
♦No. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the building trades of Greater New York.
♦No. 133. Report of the industrial council of the British Board of Trade on its inquiry
into industrial agreements.
♦No. 139. Michigan copper district strike.
♦No. 144. Industrial court of the cloak, suit, and skirt industry of New York City.
♦No. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of
New York City.
No. 233. Operation of the Industrial Disputes Investigation A ct of Canada.
♦No. 255. Joint industrial councils in Great Britain.
♦No. 283. History of the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 1917 to 1919.
♦No. 287. National W ar Labor B o ard : History of its formation and activities, etc.
♦No. 303. Use of Federal power in settlement of railway labor disputes.
♦No. 481. Joint industrial control in the book and job printing industry.

♦No. 313. Consumers’ cooperative societies in the United States in 1920.
♦No. 314. Cooperative credit societies (credit unions) in America and in foreign coun­
♦No. 437. Cooperative movement in the United States in 1925 (other than agri­
No. 531. Consumers’ , credit, and productive cooperative societies, 1929.
No. 598. Organization and management of consumers’ cooperative associations and
clubs (with model bylaws).
♦No. 606. Organization and management of cooperative gasoline and oil associations
(with model bylaws).
♦No. 608. Organization and management of cooperative housing associations (with
model bylaws).
No. 612. Consumers’ , credit, and productive cooperation in 1933.

Employment and unemployment.
♦No. 109. Statistics of unemployment and the work of employment offices [in the
United States].
♦No. 172. Unemployment in New York City, N. Y.
♦No. 183. Regularity of employment in the women’ s ready-to-wear garment industries.
♦No. 195. Unemployment in the United States.
♦No. 196. Proceedings of Employment Managers’ Conference, held at Minneapolis,
Minn., January 19 and 20, 1916.
♦No. 202. Proceedings of the conference of Employment Managers’ Association of
Boston, Mass., held May 10, 1916.
♦No. 206. The British system of labor exchanges.
♦No. 227. Proceedings of Employment Managers’ Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., April
2 and 3, 1917.
♦No. 235. Employment system of the Lake Carriers’ Association.
♦No. 241. Public employment offices in the United States.
♦No. 247. Proceedings of Employment Managers’ Conference, Rochester, N. Y., May
9 -1 1 , 1918.
♦No. 310. Industrial unemployment: A statistical study of its extent and causes.
♦No. 409. Unemployment in Columbus, Ohio, 1921 to 1925.
No. 542. Report of the Advisory Committee on Employment Statistics.
♦No. 544. Unemployment-benefit plans in the United States and unemployment insur­
ance in foreign countries.
No. 553. Fluctuation in employment in Ohio, 1914 to 1929.
♦No. 555. Social and economic character of unemployment in Philadelphia, April 1930.
No. 610. Revised indexes of factory employment and pay rolls. 1919 to 1933.
No. 611. Unemployment insurance and reserves in the United States : A selected list
of recent references.
No. 613. Average annual wage and salary payments in Ohio, 1916 to 1932.


♦No. 158. Government aid to home owning and housing of working people in foreign
No. 263. Housing by employers in the United States.
No. 295. Building operations in representative cities, 1920.
No. 545. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States [1921] to 1930.
♦No. 608. Organization and management of cooperative housing associations (with
model bylaws).

Industrial accidents and hygiene (including occupational diseases and poisons).
♦No. 104. Lead poisoning in potteries, tile works, and porcelain-enameled sanitary
ware factories.
No. 120. Hygiene of the painters’ trade.
♦No. 127. Dangers to workers from dusts and fumes, and methods of protection.
♦No. 141. Lead poisoning in the smelting and refining of lead.
♦No. 157. Industrial accident statistics.
♦No. 165. Lead poisoning in the manufacture of storage batteries.
♦No. 179. Industrial poisons used in the rubber industry.
♦No. 188. Report of British departmental committee on the danger in the use of lead
in the painting of buildings.
♦No. 201. Report of the committee on statistics and compensation insurance costs of
the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Com­
♦No. 209. Hygiene of the printing trades.
♦No. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives.
♦No. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories.
♦No. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories.
♦No. 231. M ortality from respiratory diseases in dusty trades (inorganic dusts).
♦No. 234. The safety movement in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1917.
No. 236. Effects of the air hammer on the hands of stonecutters.
♦No. 249. Industrial health and efficiency. Final report of British Health of Muni­
tion Workers’ Committee.
♦No. 251. Preventable death in the cotton-manufacturing industry.
♦No. 256. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building.
No. 267. Anthrax as an occupational disease.
No. 276. Standardization of industrial accident statistics.
♦No. 280. Industrial poisoning in making coal-tar dyes and dye intermediates. [1921.]
♦No. 291. Carbon monoxide poisoning.
No. 293. The problem of dust phthisis in the granite stone industry.
No. 298. Causes and prevention of accidents in the iron and steel industry, 1 9 1 0 -19 .
No. 392. Survey of hygienic conditions in the printing trades.
No. 405. Phosphorus necrosis in the manufacture of fireworks and in the preparation
of phosphorus.
No. 427. Health survey of the printing trades, 1922 to 1925.
No. 428. Proceedings of the Industrial Accident Prevention Conference, held at
Washington, D. C., July 14—16, 1926.
No. 460. A new test for industrial lead poisoning.
No. 466. Settlement for accidents to American seamen.
[1 9 28 .]
No. 488. Deaths from lead poisoning, 1925—27.
♦No. 490. Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States to the end of 1927.
♦No. 507. Causes of death, by occupation.
No. 582. Occupation hazards and diagnostic signs : A guide to impairments to be
looked for in hazardous occupations.
(Revision of Bui. No. 306.)
♦No. 602. Discussions of industrial accidents and diseases at the 1933 meeting of the
International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commis­
sions, Chicago, 111.

Industrial relations and labor conditions.


Industrial unrest in Great Britain.
Chinese migrations, with special reference to labor conditions.
Industrial relations in the west coast lumber industry.
Labor relations in the Fairmont (W . Va.) bituminous-coal field.
Post-war labor conditions in Germany.
Works council movement in Germany.
Labor conditions in the shoe industry in Massachusetts, 192 0 -24 .
Labor relations in the lace and lace-curtain industries in the United States.
No. 483. Conditions in the shoe industry in Haverhill, Mass., 1928.
No. 534. Labor conditions in the Territory of Hawaii, 1 9 29-30.

Labor laws of the United States (including decisions of courts relating to labor).
♦No. 211. Labor laws and their administration in the Pacific States.
♦No. 229. Wage-paying legislation in the United States.
♦No. 285. Minimum-wage laws of the United S ta te s : Construction and operation.
♦No. 321. Labor laws that have been declared unconstitutional.
No. 322. Kansas Court of Industrial Relations.
No. 343. Laws providing for bureaus of labor statistics, etc.
No. 370. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto.
No. 408. Laws relating to payment of wages.
♦No. 581. Laws relating to employment agencies in the United States, as of January
1, 1933.

Labor laws of the United States (including: decisions of courts relating: to labor)— Continued.
No. 583. Proceedings of the National Conference for Labor Legislation, held at
Washington, D. C., February 14 and 15, 1934.
No. 590. Labor legislation, 1931 and 1932.
No. 592. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1931 and 1932.
No. 596. Laws relating to prison labor in the United States, as of July 1, 1933.
♦No. 603. Comparative digest of labor legislation for the States of Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee.
♦No. 609. Discussions of labor laws and their administration at the 1933 convention
of the Association of Governmental Officials in Industry of the United
States and Canada, Chicago, 111.

Labor laws of foreign countries.
♦No. 142. Administration of labor laws and factory inspection in certain European
No. 494. Labor legislation of Uruguay.
No. 510. Labor legislation of Argentina.
No. 529. Workmen’s compensation legislation of the Latin American countries.
No. 549. Labor legislation of Venezuela.
No. 554. Labor legislation of Paraguay.
No. 559. Labor legislation of Ecuador.
No. 569. Labor legislation of Mexico.

Labor organizations.
♦No. 342. International Seamen’s Union of America : A study of its history and prob­
No. 461. Labor organizations in Chile.
♦No. 465. Beneficial activities of American trade-unions.
♦No. 618. Handbook of American trade-unions : 1936 edition.

Minimum wage.
♦No. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries.
♦No. 176. Effect of minimum-wage determinations in Oregon.
♦No. 285 Minimum-wage laws of the United S ta te s : Construction and operation.
♦No. 467. Minimum-wage legislation in various countries.
[ 1928. ]

Old-age care, pensions, and insurance.
♦No. 386. Cost of American almshouses.
♦No. 465. Beneficial activities of American trade unions.
No. 477. Public-service retirement systems, United States, Canada, and Europe.
♦No 489. Care of aged persons in the United States.
No." 505. Directory of homes for the aged in the United States.
No. 561. Public old-age pensions and insurance in the United States and in foreign
[1 9 32 J

Prison labor.
No. 372. Convict labor in 1923.
No. 595. Prison labor in the United States, 1932.
No. 596. Laws relating to prison labor in the United States, as of July 1, 1933.

Proceeedings of annual conventions of the International Association of Governmental Labor


Seventh, Seattle, W ash., July 1 2 -1 5 , 1920.
Eighth, New Orleans, La., May 2 -6 , 1921.
Ninth, Harrisburg, Pa., May 2 2 -2 6 , 1922.
Tenth, Richmond, Va., May 1 -4 , 1923.
Eleventh, Chicago, 111., May 1 9 -2 3 , 1924.
Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 13—15, 1925.
Thirteenth, Columbus, Ohio, June 7 -1 0 , 1926.
Fourteenth, Paterson, N. J., May 31 to June 3, 1927.
Fifteenth, New Orleans, La., May 21—24 ,1928.
Sixteenth, Toronto, Canada, June 4 -7 , 1929
Seventeenth, Louisville, K y., May 2 0 -2 3 , 1930.
Eighteenth, Boston, Mass., May 3 8 -2 2 , 1931.
Nineteenth, Chicago, 111., September 1 4 -1 5 , 1933.

Proceedings of annual meetings of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards
and Commissions.
No. 210.
♦No. 248.
No. 264.
No. 273.
No. 281.
No. 304.
No. 333.
♦No. 359.
No. 385.
♦No. 395.
No. 406.
No. 432.
No. 456.
No. 485.

Third, Columbus, Ohio, April 2 5 -2 8 , 1916
Fourth, Boston, Mass., August 2 1 -2 5 , 1917.
Fifth, Madison, W is., September 2 4 -2 7 , 1918.
Sixth, Toronto, Canada, September 2 3 -2 6 , 1919.
Seventh, San Francisco, Calif., September 2 0 -2 4 , 1920.
Eighth, Chicago, 111., September 19—23, 1921.
Ninth, Baltimore, Md., October 9 -1 3 , 1922.
Tenth, St. Paul, Minn., September 2 4 -2 6 , 1923.
Eleventh, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 2 6 -2 8 , 1924.
Index to proceedings, 1914—1924.
Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utah. August 17—20, 1925.
Thirteenth, Hartford, Conn., September 14—17, 3926.
Fourteenth, Atlanta, Ga., September 2 7 -2 9 , 1927.
Fifteenth, Paterson, N. J., September 1 1 -1 4 , 1928.


Proceedings of annual meetings of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards
and Commissions— Continued.


Sixteenth, Buffalo, N. Y ., October 8 -1 1 , 1929.
Seventeenth, Wilmington, Del., September 2 2 -2 6 , 1930.
Eighteenth, Richmond, Va., October 5—8, 1931.
Nineteenth, Columbus, Ohio, September 2 6 -2 9 , 3932.
Twentieth, Chicago, 111., September 1 1 -1 4 , 1933.

Proceedings of annual meetings of the International Association of Public Employment
♦No. 192. First, Chicago, December 19 and 20, 1 9 1 3 ; second, Indianapolis, September
24 and 25, 1 9 1 4 ; third, Detroit, July 1 and 2, 1915.
220. Fourth, Buffalo, N. Y ., July 20 and 21, 1916.
311. Ninth, Buffalo, N. Y ., September 7 -9 , 1921.
337. Tenth, Washington, D. C., September 1 1 -1 3 , 1922.
355. Eleventh, Toronto, Canada, September 4 -7 , 1923.
400. Twelfth, Chicago, 111., May 1 9 -2 3 , 1924.
414. Thirteenth, Rochester, N. Y., September 1 5 -1 7 , 1925.
478. Fifteenth, Detroit, Mich., October 25—28, 1927.
501. Sixteenth, Cleveland, Ohio, September 18—21, 1928.
538. Seventeenth, Philadelphia, Pa., September 2 4 -2 7 , 1929 ; eighteenth, Toronto,
Canada, September 9 -1 2 , 1930.


Productivity of labor and technological unemployment.
No. 356. Productivity costs in the common-brick industry.
No. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 pairs of shoes, 1923.
No. 407. Labor cost of production and wages and hours of labor in the paper boxboard industry.
♦No. 412. Wages, hours, and productivity in the pottery industry, 1925.
No. 441. Productivity of labor in the glass industry.
No. 474. Productivity of labor in merchant blast furnaces.
No. 475. Productivity of labor in newspaper printing.
No. 550. Cargo handling and longshore labor conditions.
No. 574. Technological changes and employment in the United States Postal Service.
No. 585. Labor productivity in the automobile-tire industry.
No. 593. Technological changes and employment in the electric-lamp industry.

Retail prices and cost of living.


Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer.
Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer.
Butter prices, from producer to consumer.
Foreign food prices as affected by the war.
Cost of living in the United States.
The use of cost-of-living figures in wage adjustments.
Retail prices, 1890 to 1928.

Safety codes.


Safety code for the protection of industrial workers in foundries.
Rules governing the approval of headlighting devices for motor vehicles.
Safety code for the construction, care, and use of ladders.
Safety code for laundry machinery and operations.
Code of lighting school buildings.
Safety code for paper and pulp mills.
Safety code for power presses and foot and hand presses.
Safety code for rubber mills and calenders.
Safety code for forging and hot-metal stamping.
Safety code for mechanical power-transmission apparatus— first revision.
Textile safety code.
Code for identification of gas-mask canisters.
Safety code for woodworking plants, as revised 1930.
Safety code for the use, care, and protection of abrasive wheels, as revised
No. 556. Code of lig h tin g : Factories, mills, and other workplaces.
(Revision of
No. 617. Safety codes for the prevention of dust explosions.
to Bulletin No. 562.)

Vocational and workers’ education.
♦No. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners, and a factory school experiment.
♦No. 162. Vocational educational survey of Richmond, Va.
♦No. 199. Vocational education survey of Minneapolis, Minn.
♦No. 271. Adult working-class education in Great Britain and the United States.
No. 459. Apprenticeship in building construction.

Wages and hours of labor.
♦No. 146. W ages and regularity of employment and standardization of piece rates in
the dress and waist industry of New York City.
♦No. 147. W ages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry.
♦No. 161. W ages and hours of labor in the clothing and cigar industries, 1911 to 1913.
♦No. 163. Wages and hours of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad
cars, 1907 to 1913.


Wages and hours of labor—Continued.
•No. 190. W ages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907
to 1914.
•No. 204. Street-railway employment in the United States.
•No. 225. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries.
•No. 265. Industrial survey in selected industries in the United States, 1919.
•No. 297. Wages and hours of labor in the petroleum industry, 1920.
No. 356. Productivity costs in the common-brick industry.
•No. 358. W ages and hours of labor in the automobile-tire industry, 1923.
No. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 pairs of shoes, 1923.
No. 365. W ages and hours of labor in the paper and pulp industry, 1923.
No. 407. Labor cost of production and wages and hours of labor in the paper boxboard industry.
•No. 412. Wages, hours, and productivity in the pottery industry, 1925.
•No. 416. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous-coal mining, 1922 and
No. 484. W ages and hours of labor of common street laborers, 1928.
•No. 502. Wages and hours of labor in the motor-vehicle industry, 1928.
No. 514. Pennsylvania Railroad wage data. From Report of Joint Fact Finding
Committee in wage negotiations in 1927.
No. 523. Wages and hours in the manufacture of airplanes and aircraft engines, 1929.
No. 525. Wages and hours of labor in the Portland cement industry, 1929.
No. 532. W ages and hours of labor in the cigarette-manufacturing industry, 1930.
No. 534. Labor conditions in the Territory of Hawaii, 1 9 2 9 -30 .
No. 539. Wages and hours of labor in cotton-goods manufacturing, 1910 to 1930.
No. 547. Wages and hours of labor in the cane-sugar refining industry, 1930.
No. 567. W ages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1931.
No. 568. Wages and hours of labor in the manufacture of silk and rayon goods, 1931.
No. 570. Wages and hours of labor in foundries and machine shops, 1931.
No. 571. Wages and hours of labor in the furniture industry, 1910 to 1931.
No. 573. Wages and hours of labor in metalliferous mining, 1924 to 1931.
No. 575. Wages and hours of labor in air transporation, 1931.
No. 576. W ages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry,
No. 578. Wages and hours of labor in gasoline-filling stations and motor-vehicle repair
garages, 1931.
No. 579. Wages
and hoursof
labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1910
to 1932.
No. 580. Wages
and hours of
labor in the baking industry— bread and cake depart­
ments, 1931.
•No. 584. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1932.
No. 586. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber industry, 1932.
No. 587. Wages and hours of labor in rayon and other synthetic yarn manufac­
turing, 1932.
No. 588. Wages and hours of labor in the dyeing and finishing of textiles, 1932.
No. 589. Wages and hours of labor in the leather industry, 1932.
No. 591. W ages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industry, 1932.
No. 594. Wages and hours of labor in the men’ s clothing industry, 1932.
•No. 600. Union scales of wages and hours of labor, May 15, 1933.
No. 601. Wages
and hoursof
labor in bituminous-coal mining, 1933.
•No. 604. History of wages in the United States from colonial times to 1928. Revi­
sion of Bulletin No. 499, with supplement, 1 9 2 9 -33 .
No. 613. Average annual wage and salary payments in Ohio, 1916 to 1932.
No. 620. Wages, hours, and working conditions in the folding-paper-box industry,
1933, 1934, and 1935.

Welfare work.
•No. 123. Employers’ welfare work.
•No. 222. W elfare work in British munition factories.
•No. 250. W elfare work for employees in industrial establishments in the United
No. 458. Health and recreation activities in industrial establishments, 1926.
No. 565. Park recreation areas in the United States, 1930.

Wholesale prices.
* No. 284. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign coun­
•No. 453. Revised index numbers of wholesale prices', 1923 to July 1927.
No. 572. Wholesale prices, 1931.

Women and children in industry.
•No. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in
selected industries in the District of Columbia.
117. Prohibition of night work of young persons.
118. Ten-hour maximum working day for women and young persons.
119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin.
122. Employment of women in power laundries in Milwaukee.
160. Hours, earnings, and conditions in labor of women in Indiana mercantile
establishments and garment factories.
•No. 175. Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage earners in
the United States.
•No. 176. Effect of minimum-wage determinations in Oregon.
•No. 180. The boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts as a vocation for women.
•No. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of
Boston, Mass.
•No. 193. Dressmaking as a trade for women in Massachusetts.
•No. 215. Industrial experience of trade-school girls in Massachusetts.



Women and children in industry— Continued.
♦No. 217. Effect of workmen’s compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of
industrial employment of women and children.
♦No. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war.
* [1917.]
No. 253. Women in the lead industries.
No. 467. Minimum-wage legislation in various countries.
No. 558. Labor conditions of women and children in Japan.
[1 9 31 .]

Work of Federal and State departments of labor.
No. 319. The Bureau of Labor S tatistics: Its history, activities, and organization.
♦No. 326. Methods of procuring and computing statistical information of the Bureau
of Labor Statistics.
♦No. 479. Activities and functions of a State department of labor.
♦No. 599. W hat are labor statistics for?
No. 614. Bulletins and articles published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics: A
selected list of references.

Workmen’ s insurance and compensation (including laws relating thereto).


♦No. 243.
♦No. 301.
No. 312.
♦No. 379.
♦No. 423.
♦No. 496.
No. 529.

Care of tuberculous wage earners in Germany.
British National Insurance Act, 1911.
Sickness and accident insurance law of Switzerland.
Law relating to insurance of salaried employees in Germany.
Compensation for accidents to employees of the United States.
Proceedings of the conference on social insurance called by the Interna­
tional Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions,
Washington, D. C., December 5 -9 , 1916.
Workmen’ s compensation legislation in the United States and foreign coun­
tries, 1917 and 1918.
Comparison of workmen’s compensation insurance and administration.
National health insurance in Great Britain, 1911 to 1912.
Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States, as of
January 1, 1925.
Workmen’s compensation legislation of the United States and Canada, as of
July 1 1926.
Workmen's compensation legislation of the United States and Canada, as of
January 1, 1929.
(W ith text of legislation enacted in 1927 and 1928.)
Workmen’s compensation legislation of the Latin American countries.

Miscellaneous series.
♦No. 174. Subject index of the publications of the United States Bureau of Labor
Statistics up to May 1, 1915.
♦No. 208. Profit sharing in the United States.
♦No. 242. Food situation in central Europe, 1917.
♦No. 254. International labor legislation and the society of nations.
♦No. 268. Historical survey of international action affecting labor.
♦No. 282. Mutual relief associations among Government employees in Washington,
D. C.
♦No. 346. Humanity in government.
[1 9 2 3 .]No. 401. Family allowances in foreign countries.
[1 9 26 .]
No. 518. Personnel research agencies: 1930 edition.
♦No. 599. W hat are labor statistics for?
No. 605. Labor through the century, 1 8 3 3 -19 3 3 .
No. 607. Growth of legal-aid work in the United States. Revised edition, 1936.
No. 615. The Massachusetts system of savings-bank life insurance.
No. 616. Handbook of labor statistics: 1936 edition.
