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O L.5.7 o July 14, 1969 Selected Deposit Data, All Member Banks, Weekly Reporting Banks, and 15 Largest Weekly Reporting Banks Outstanding July 2, 1969 Changes from prior dates Week 4 Weeks __ aeo___ ago Year ago Changes 1 Week 4 Weeks Report of Deposits--Weekly Averages of Daily Figures All member banks Total deposits Total demand Savings 1/ Other time— total Over 5 million Under 5 million 336,696 179,152 75,541 82,003 64,569 17,434 +3 ,760 +4 ,165 + 82 - 487 - 523 36 + + 857 + 3,018 + 43 - 2,204 - 2,291 + 87 +5,453 +4,722 + 294 + 437 + 416 + 21 + 7,816 + 7,526 + 411 121 227 + 106 Reserve city banks 2/ Total deposits Total demand Savings 1/ Other time--total Over 5 million Under 5 million 194,331 113,167 35,438 45,726 44,834 892 +3 ,274 +3 ,757 + 54 537 - 537 - + 370 + 2,604 67 - 2,167 - 2,165 2 +4,099 +3,662 + 132 + 305 + 310 5 + 5,700 + 5,762 182 + 244 239 5 Country banks Total deposits Total demand Savings 1/ Other time--total Over 5 million Under 5 million 142,365 65,985 40,103 36,277 19,735 16,542 + + + + + + + + + - +1,354 +1,060 + 162 + 132 + 106 + 26 + 2,116 + 1,764 + 229 + 123 12 + + 111 +4 ,466 +4 ,212 60 + 314 + 577 - 140 80 43 + 253 + 301 48 + 6,456 + 6,373 + 105 22 + 656 392 241 45 + 56 + 165 109 486 408 28 50 14 36 - + 487 414 110 37 126 89 Weekly Reporting Banks--Wednesday Figures All reporting banks Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time— total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others Note: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 238,920 135,809 47,525 55,586 40,903 9,354 4,401 928 14,746 8,866 5,880 +6,351 +7,199 25 - 823 - 366 - 417 44 + 4 - 525 - 349 - 176 4* 2,876 + 5,625 162 2,587 1,395 - 1,075 86 31 - 1,874 - 1,279 595 4/ Hypothecated deposits are excluded from all of these figures. Includes Christmas savings and similar accounts, Reserve City banks include New York City, Chicago City and other Reserve City Banks. Negotiable time certificates of deposit issued in denominations of $100,000 or more and outstanding included in time deposit totals above. These figures reflect changes due to consolidation. Q Q "Outstanding Z7n37Zl July 2, 1969 Changes from prior dates Week 4 Weeks ago____ __ ago Year ago Changes 1 Week 4 Weeks Weekly Reporting Banks--Wednesday Figures (Cont'd) 15 Largest banks Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time— total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 97,751 59,724 16,702 21,325 13,890 3,185 3,727 523 4,674 2,788 1,886 + 3,987 + 4,384 + 50 447 251 137 59 -250 181 69 + 2,339 + 3,772 9 - 1,424 876 419 108 21 980 785 195 + 2,271 + 2,005 + 13 + 253 + 386 16 75 42 + 198 + 255 57 + 3,713 + 3,517 + 127 69 + + 435 77 224 65 + 91 + 179 88 7 Largest Banks-New York Dist, Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time--total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 51,751 38,6.78 4,403 8,670 5,187 446 2,592 445 2,344 1,189 1,155 + 2,794 + 3,119 1 324 194 101 30 + 1 189 134 55 + 1,952 + 2,911 27 932 697 155 67 13 748 591 157 + 1,351 + 1,275 + 5 + 71 + 161 11 48 31 130 + + 168 38 + 2,666 + 2,593 + 11 62 + + 213 + 64 160 55 + 77 + 118 41 3 Largest Banks-Chicago Dist. Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time--total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 11,410 6,539 1,959 2,912 2,212 398 277 25 781 473 308 + + - 208 285 9 68 42 15 10 1 48 42 6 + + - 133 301 13 155 89 54 5 7 128 101 27 + + + + + + + - 126 43 35 118 125 4 10 1 71 78 7 + + + + - 5 Largest Banks-San Fran. Dist. Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time--total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 34,590 14,507 10,340 9,743 6,491 2,341 858 53 1-,549 1,126 423 + + + 985 980 60 55 15 21 19 — 13 5 8 + + + 254 + 560 + 31 + 337 + 90 + 210 36 1 104 93 + 11 1“ 794 687 43 64 100 9 17 10 3 9 12 + + + - “ - - - - + + “ - + - + - 301 236 28 93 113 13 7 — 53 59 6 746 688 144 86 109 128 57 10 39 2 41