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' L.5.6 CONFIDENTIAL (F. R.) February 3, 1967 1', Table I Transactions of Major Reserve Cityfcankswith U . S . Government Securities Dealers for the Week Ended January 25, 1967 (in millions of dollars) f 8 banks in 30 banks 5 banks 33 other 46 banks New York outside in Chicago banks New York City e 1. Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. Made original ly in Federal funds b. Made originally in Clearing House funds l/ # 1,700 882 818 19 799 255 255 XX XX XX 38 7 38 7 XX XX XX XX XX XX 54 54 XX XX XX 50 50 XX XX XX — — — — - - " 2. Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. Gross purchases from dealers (-) b. Gross sales to dealers # 3. Clearing bank balances a. Net Federal funds supplied to dealers b. Net Federal funds acquired from dealers (-) e 4. $ Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) (-) Net loans - 1,111 818 19 1/ These data are included in terms of the day on which reserve balances are "" business day after the loans are made. Not# —Averages of daily figures. e # 1,929 799 Table H Footnotes net sales of net selling banks. \t Includes Federal funds borrowed, the net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities to dealers subject to repurchase), resale agreements, *na borrowings secured by Government or other issues. 4/ Based upon reserve balances including all adjustments applicable to the reporting period. Carryover reserve deficiencies, if any, are deducted. This figure is shown in parentheses on Thursdays. L.$.6(a# # CONFIDENTIAL fF.R.) Table H Dally Federal Ponds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks Week Ended January 2 5 , 1967 (in millions of dollars unless otherwise noted) Reporting banks and date 4b banks Jan. 19 20 E 25 0 banks in New York City Jan. 19 20 U 25 30 banks outside New York Jan. 19 20 1 Federal funds transactions i Related transactions vith U. S. Government Gross interbank Total Net interbank transactions securities dealers transactions 2-way Purchases Sales Net pur- Loans BorrowEffectrans- of net tive to ings of net chases Net PurSales actions buying rate dealers or selling from loans chases 1/ dealers banks sales(-) 2 / banks 3/ j XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX ! 3,100 3,372 3,150 i;i| *',& ill 626 706 1,232 I'257 1,067 1,303 1,894 1,859 1,715 25 5 banks in Chicago Jan. 19 402 XX 20 440 XX 470 23 XX 422 24 XX 25 432 XX All other banks Jan. 19 1,466 XX 20 1,622 XX 23 , 1>24 XX 24 1,437 XX 25 1,283 XX Fear footnotes see reverse of !».$ 6 I'Ml 2,218 \-m 190 96 595 281 571 2,048 m 1,582 1*211 a 66 109 2,045 1.975 P 52 66 109 92 22 457 130 422 606 6o4 267 318 80 1,325 l?6 98 . 73 1,442 436 1,280 151 150 1,130 86 114 Hi J? 316 3 28 21 3 285 305 353 275 357 242 342 310 1,224 1 281 1,114 1,119 920 % 1,223 i;§S- 862 l,l4o 932 -426 529 538 595 585 117 147 75 309 Wo448 510 8 801 is 73 363 698 626 724 448 502 il! 295 360 67 18 S? i 'Mi 1,003 989 773 2,258 Reserve excess or deficiency (-) y -427(21) 238 - 91 JS§ 1,360 1,113 1,200 - 85( 8) 202 -235 11 -153 998 998 -342(12) k I I 725 i'Mo 1,209 1,251 96 52 725 19 11 —- 27 11 979 810 714 A6 92 301 Borrowings from Reserve Banks 150 492 465 410 269 lit ig 269 19 17 26 27 11 - 76(—) 12 45 - 52 95 150 300 300 200 160 i 810 714 -267(12) 24 99 144 206 192 165 210 109 --