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•jiui R E S E R V E B A N K of KANSAS C5TY MAY 31 COHFIDEHTIAL (PR) L>k^rY Research Table 1. Reserve Positions of Major Banks Reserve Period Ended May 15, 196 3 (All dollar figures are daily averages, in millions) Reserve city banks 45 reserve 8 New York 37 banks city banks City banks outside NYC # e 1. Reserve excess or deficiency (-) # -8 18 13 ( 2) 2. Less: Carry-over reserve deficiency 2 3. Less: Borrowings from Reserve Banks 86 37 49 7 Less: Net Federal funds purchases or sales (-) 2/ 476 480 -4 -137 (-134) -554 -525 -29 143 ( 132) -6 -15 128 ( 121) k. # 10 Four nanreserve . city banks*/ 2 — — — — ( » ) ( 4) 5. Equals: Net "basic reserve surplus or deficit (-): a. In millions of dollars b. As per cent of average required reserves l/ Second half of reserve computation period. are those for the full reserve period. 2/ For details, see following table. Figures in parentheses L. Y. 6(a) COSFIDEHTIAL (FR) Table 2. Federal Funds Activity of Major Banks For the Week Ended May 15, 19&3 (All figures are daily averages, in millions) Reserve city banks 45 reserve ti New York 37 banks city banks City banks outside NIC # lour nonaeserre city banks t>. With Government securities dealers: (1) Purchases (2) Sales (3) Net purchases or sales (-) # • 2. tro-W t m W " actions2 1,567 996 936 483 H # U> a. With banks1: (1) Purchases (2) Sales (3) Net purchases or sales (-) 13 147 571 453 CO 1. Gross transactions: -134 136 41 40 13 1 123 3 -95 27 -122 -3 757 496 261 5 851 480 37i 8 375 145 -4 -137 3* Total net transactions # e a. Wet purchases of net buying hanks b. Net sales of net selling banks c. Net purchases or sales (-) 375 476 480 l/ May include modest amounts of transactions with other than domestic commercial banks (e.g., foreign bank agencies, mutual savings banks). 2/ Each week's offsetting purchases and sales by the same bank. Note that gross purchases •™~ in the bank and Government securities dealer categories less two-way transactions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, total gross sales less twoway transactions equals net sales of net selling banks. e L. 5.6(b) Table 3 Daily Federal funds Activity of Major Banks Week Ended May 15, 1963 (in millions of dollars) COMPHMSHTOAL (PR) Reporting banks and date Transactions with banks 1/ Effective rate (per cent) All respondents May 9 May 10 May 13 May 14 May 15 Fife Banks May 9 May 10 May 13 May 14 May 15 37 Reserve City fiai&s Outside fee May 9 May 10 May 13 May 14 May 15 4 Ncnreserve City Banks May 9 May 10 May 13 May 14 May 15 3 3 3 3 3 Transactions vith Government securities dealers Total transactions Net Net Net Two-way purchases sales of purchases net or trading of net sales buying selling 5/ (-) banks banks Borrowings from Reserve Banks Purchases Sales Purchases Sales 1,725 1,608 1,397 1,596 1,515 1,310 1,226 980 1,139 911 22 75 l? 23 199 150 92 122 .100 811 792 619 689 477 935 891 792 930 1,042 698 583 453 572 543 237 308 339 358 499 24 18 99 43 431 903 922 854 1,028 -999-. 616 536 391 463 299 22 75 10 23 20 18 5 10 578 553 396 461 226 347 444 467 590 773 58 289 443 467 578 700 5 257 805 670 527 552 516 553 515 427 566 504 159 131 87 112 109 233 239 222 228 251 571 431 309 324 269 479 407 L,:,; 450 92 24 17 -126 -91 24 8 84 33 174 16 16 16 16 l4l 174 161 110 108 20 -» •=» 16 16 16 16 161 174 161 110 108 -145 -158 -145 -94 -108 10 10 10 .. mm mo «*«"» 5 *»c» m» em «=» «=» *» — — — " •" 1 12 73 '•-'2 « « 1/ May include modest amounts of transactions with other than domestic commercial banks (e.g., foreign bank agencies, mutual savings banks). 2/ Each day's offsetting purchases and sales by the same bank. Note that gross purchases in the bank and Government . securities dealer categories less two-way transactions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, total gross less two-way transactions equals net sales ^f net selling banks.