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Mr. Tow t / / »• 'TT'iv. L-5-3 CONFIDENTIAL (PR) FROM FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS By Central Reserve and Reserve City Member Banks - Weekly computation period ended December 18, 1957 (Dollar amounts in millions - averages of daily f i g u r e s ) Central Reserve City Banks New Chicago York Amount of borrowings Number of banks borrowing 8 73 5 282 108 18 14 279 3,124 479 1,109 3,550 7,825 4,241 Ratio of borrowings t o required r e s e r v e s : Borrowing banks All banks in the group 6.8 5.0 Banks borrowing in excess of 20$ of required reserves; Amount of borrowings Number of banks Banks borrowing in 10-13 of past 13 weekst Amount of borrowings $ Ratio to t o t a l borrowings % Number of banks 15.3 ! 6.6 I 71 1 108 50.5 Number of banks borrowing during All of past 13 weeks 10 - 12 weeks 7 - 9 weeks 1 - 6 weeks Number not borrowing during past 13 weeks , NOTE j Most r a t i o s a r e computed from underlying Total 2l4 Total number of banks in group Required reservest Borrowing banks All banks in group (previous period) Reserve City Wanks 2 2 2 72 98.7 3 4 7.9 3.6 Boston New York 2 3 96 370 2.2 0.5 uu 42 2 San Francisco 52 14 13 6 34 12 59 24 13 7 5 3 46 19 8 4 32 8 10 7 23 23 20 67 20 9 40 26 25 143 205 316 462 1,005 695 168 306 446 593 948 127 398 48 184 240 489 59 548 759 2,323 4.7 3.4 4.0 2.8 7.4 5.2 7.6 2.9 11.1 19 2 1 12 91.6 3 22 42.3 7 11 86.1 4 28 83.3 8 1 1 2 1 7 6 1 5 4 4 3 9.9 6.2 7.6 11 1 13 1 6 3 9 6 89 5 7 3 2 5 4^ 84 2 6 l 3 f i g u r e s in thousands Details may not f o o t to t o t a l s because of 3 Minne- Kansas Dallas apolis City 13 4 2 30.2 20 Rich- Atlanta Chicago St, mond Louis 7 4 106 22 165 58.5 53 P h i l a - Clevedelphia land 2 3 26 7 30 51.8 5 1 5 7 22 32 6 rounding 10.1 10.6 2.7 5 2 1 1 31 6 50.4 3 5 100,0 43 1 3 3 9 4 6 1 2 3.3 3 19.3 9.4 14.1 1.5 8 92.2 16 10 6 7 6 11 4*3 1.4 — 6 74.9 3 *4 2 10 10 __ #— 5 13 7