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Uncertainty Still Hangs Over the Global Economy
March 21, 2016
The global outlook has rebounded from a low point in
January but remains weak due to volatile financial
markets and low commodity prices. In a speech to
the National Association for Business Economics, International Monetary Fund (IMF) First Deputy Director David Lipsky said, “The IMF’s latest reading of
the global economy shows once again a weakening
baseline … . Moreover, risks have increased further,
with volatile financial markets and low commodity
prices creating fresh concerns about the health of
the global economy.”

Chart 1
Global Growth Slows
Percent, year/year



Global Output Slumps

World (ex. U.S.)
Advanced (ex. U.S.)


Global growth is slowing (Chart 1). Fourth-quarter
real gross domestic product (GDP) growth in emerging markets was below 4 percent, its lowest level
since 2003, except for during the 2009 recession.
Advanced foreign economies slowed as well; consequently, global GDP growth is at its lowest since
2009. This global slowdown made U.S. exports to
emerging markets decline considerably, while exports to advanced economies grew slightly.
Dropping Energy Prices Create Downward Pressure on Prices
Excess oil supply has driven prices to levels not seen
in more than a decade. Consequently, headline inflation fell in all major country aggregates starting in
late 2014 (Chart 2). Although there has been a recent pickup in headline inflation, it still remains low
due to falling commodity prices. In contrast, inflation
in Venezuela is very high and nearing hyperinflation.
Whereas the falling price of energy has led to a
sharp drop in headline consumer price index (CPI)
inflation globally, core CPI inflation, which excludes
the volatile food and energy prices, has remained
fairly steady (Chart 3). The fall in energy prices is
impacting U.S. import price inflation, resulting in a 6
percent per year decline in import prices. The Organization of Economic Cooperation Development
(OECD) predicts U.S. import price inflation will remain negative through the end of 2017.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas












NOTES: Aggregated using U.S. trade weights. Shaded bar indicates global recession.
SOURCES: Database of Global Economic Indicators; Haver Analytics; author's calculations.

Chart 2
Headline Inflation Ticks Up
Percent, year/year

Emerging (ex. Venezuela)
World (ex. U.S.)


Advanced (ex. U.S.)












NOTES: Aggregated using U.S. trade weights. Shaded bar indicates global recession.
SOURCES: Database of Global Economic Indicators; Haver Analytics; author's calculations.

Differing Monetary Policies Create Currency Valuation Movements
Since the beginning of the year, the dollar has slightly depreciated against other advanced and emerging
economies’ currencies due to improving optimism
about the global economy. Most advanced economies
will likely continue their quantitative easing programs
as the Federal Reserve normalizes policy, strengthening the dollar against their currencies.

International Economic Update


Emerging Economies Combat Declining Capital
Capital inflows into emerging economies turned negative in late 2014 and picked up steam in late 2015
with the Fed’s decision to raise rates. Emerging economies have four options to combat this loss of capital
inflows: spend reserves to cover the balance of payments shortfall, allow the balance of payments deficit
to depreciate the currency, raise interest rates or
tighten capital controls.
Countries with the weakest balance of payment positions and lowest foreign reserves are likely to raise
interest rates (Chart 4). Since late January, South
Africa, Mexico and Colombia have each raised rates
by 50 basis points and Peru by 25 basis points. China
on the other hand, has an enormous stockpile of foreign exchange reserves, which it is using to counterbalance the downward pressure from declining capital
inflows. Chinese foreign reserves have fallen from $4
trillion in June 2014 to $3.2 trillion currently. In the
three months leading up to January 2016, Chinese
reserves fell by $100 billion per month. In February,
China went through $30 billion more. At this pace,
China needs between $1.6 trillion and $2.7 trillion to
curb currency pressures from capital outflows and will
be able sustain its actions for approximately the next
year to year and a half.

Chart 3
Global Core Inflation Steady, While U.S. Picks Up
Percent, year/year
Emerging (ex. Venezuela)

World (ex. U.S.)
Advanced (ex. U.S.)




NOTES: Aggregated using U.S. trade weights. Shaded bar indicates global recession.
SOURCES: Database of Global Economic Indicators; Haver Analytics; author's calculations.


Chart 4
Federal Reserve Rate Hike Spurs Rate Increases in Some Emerging Markets

Emerging (low reserves)
Emerging (high reserves)
World (ex. U.S.)
Advanced (ex. U.S.)

Dec. 16: Fed raises rates


Global Slowdown Affecting the Renminbi
Sharp declines in capital inflows to China combined
with low commodity prices have put significant pressure on the renminbi (RMB). However, allowing its
currency to depreciate so soon after it was included in
the IMF’s Special Drawing Right is as much a political
decision as an economic one.
Given that China does not have a lot of foreign currency-denominated debt, which allows the RMB to
depreciate, is not as damaging for China as it would
be for other emerging economies. China is instead
battling the pressures by selling foreign currency reserves. Falling reserves shrink the People’s Bank of
China’s (PBoC’s) balance sheet, indicating monetary
tightening. However, at the same time, China has
engaged in monetary easing and, since November
2014, has cut rates six times.

SOURCES: International Monetary Fund; Haver Analytics.

About the Author
Hinojosa is a research assistant at the Globalization
and Monetary Policy Institute at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas.

The global economy seems to be dancing on thin ice.
The divergence of monetary policy is creating uncertainty, while the global slowdown is causing turmoil
among emerging economies and their currencies.
–Arthur Hinojosa

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

International Economic Update