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Politics Heightens Uncertainty, but Outlook Mostly Unchanged
June 17, 2016
Global output growth (excluding the U.S.) ticked up
to 2.6 percent year over year in the first quarter
(Chart 1).1 The outlook remains broadly unchanged,
with a slow expansion expected over the next two
Emerging-market growth increased to 4.2 percent
despite Brazil’s continued deep recession and China’s
slowdown. Advanced economies (excluding the U.S.)
grew 1.3 percent due to slow but stable expansion in
the euro area, increased economic activity in Canada
and weak growth in Japan.
Global risks include low inflation in advanced economies and uncertainty surrounding the upcoming U.K.
referendum to decide whether to exit the European
Union (Brexit).
Low Inflation Persists in Advanced Economies
Year-over-year inflation continues to be low in advanced economies at 0.7 percent in April (Chart 2).
Inflation in the euro area was negative for the fourth
consecutive month in May at -0.1 percent. As expected, the European Central Bank (ECB) kept interest rates unchanged at its policy meeting on June 2.
ECB officials have noted that they plan to allow time
for policies announced in March to go into effect this
month. The central bank started its corporate bond
purchase program on June 8, and a new program of
long-term loans to banks will start on June 22.
Japan’s year-over-year inflation rate was also negative in April at -0.3 percent. Prime Minister Shinzo
Abe announced a further delay in plans to increase
the national consumption tax from 8 to 10 percent.
The planned hike, scheduled for April 2017
(originally October 2015), has been postponed until
October 2019. The Bank of Japan kept its deposit
rate at -0.1 percent and the pace of its assetpurchase program unchanged at 80 trillion yen per
year at its monetary policy meeting June 15–16.
Monetary Policy Mostly Unchanged in Emerging
The Reserve Bank of India kept its main interest rate
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unchanged at its policy meeting on June 7 after lowering the rate by 25 basis points in April. The Bank of
Russia cut its key rate by 50 basis points to 10.5 percent at its meeting on June 10 after leaving it unchanged since last summer.
Brazil’s central bank kept its benchmark interest rate
at 14.25 percent at its meeting on June 8. The central bank is still trying to combat elevated inflation,
which came in at 9.3 percent year over year in May,
despite a deep recession. Brazil’s gross domestic
product contracted 5.1 percent year over year in the

International Economic Update


first quarter; on a quarter-over-quarter basis, it was
the fifth consecutive decline (Chart 3). Brazil is also
experiencing a political crisis, with President Dilma
Rousseff stepping down in May for her impeachment
Uncertainty Surrounds U.K. Referendum Vote
Geopolitical risks are also affecting economic activity
in advanced economies. A referendum to decide
whether the U.K. should remain in or leave the European Union will take place June 23. The latest polls
indicate a close call after the “leave” campaign gained
some ground, and the betting odds for Britain’s departure are around 40 percent. A “leave” vote would
not immediately change the status of the U.K. in the
EU, but uncertainty over the outcome of negotiations
could be disruptive. Possible benefits from exiting include increased trade deals and deregulation.
However, multiple economic studies by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of England,
and the U.K.’s Treasury suggest a negative impact on
the British economy, with possible global consequences. In the short run, uncertainty would have the largest impact on Britain’s economy, giving way to trade
implications in the long run. As the referendum date
nears, the pound has been volatile. The sterling onemonth implied volatility (the cost of insuring against
the sterling/dollar exchange rate) soared to 28.7 percent on June 14—its highest level in the past six
years and close to its 2008 peak (Chart 4).
Aside from the referendum, challenges to European
integration, including the refugee crisis and debt sustainability in Greece, will likely persist. After months
of delays, euro-area finance ministers and the IMF
agreed to a deal for Greek debt relief that postpones
action until 2018.
–Valerie Grossman
About the Author
Grossman is a senior research analyst in the Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.

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1. World (ex. U.S.), advanced (ex. U.S.) and emerging aggregate numbers come from a representative
sample of 40 of the largest economies, ranked and
weighted by their importance as U.S. trading partners. See “A New Database of Global Economic Indicators,” by Valerie Grossman, Adrienne Mack and Enrique Martínez-García, Journal of Economic and Social
Measurement, vol. 39, no. 3, 2014, pp. 163–97. For
the methodology used for dating global cycles, see “A
Contribution to the Chronology of Turning Points in
Global Economic Activity (1980–2012),” also by
Grossman, Mack and Martínez-García, Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 46, 2015, pp. 170–85.

International Economic Update