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Injuries and Accident Causes in Plumbing Operations A Detailed Analysis o f Accidents Experienced by Plumbers During 1948 and 1949 Bulletin No. 1079 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR M aurice J. T o b i n , Secretary B U R E A U O F L A B O R ST A T IST IC S E w a n C la g u E, C om m issioner Injuries and Accident Causes in Plumbing Operations Bulletin No. 1 0 7 9 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Maurice J. T obin , Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS E w an Clague , Commissioner For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 25 cents 1 Letter of Transmittal U nited S tates D epartment of Labor, B ureau of Labor S tatistics, Washington, D. C., February 28, 1952. The S ecretary of Labor : I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on the occurrence and causes of work injuries experienced by plumbers. This report constitutes a part of the Bureau’s regular program of com piling work-injury information for use in accident-prevention work. The statistical analysis and the preparation of the report were performed in the Bureau’s Branch of Industrial Hazards by Frank S. McElroy, George R. McCormack, and Francis J. Rafferty. The specific accident-prevention sug gestions were prepared by Roland P. Blake of the Division of Safety Standards of the Bureau of Labor Standards. E wan Clague, Commissioner. Hon. Maurice J. T obin , Secretary of Labor. Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... The injury record ...................................................................................................................................... Scope and method of survey ................................................................................................................. Injury rates (definitions of terms and procedures) ............................................................ Injury-frequency rate ............................................................................................................. Average time charge per disabling injury ..................................................................... Injury-severity rate ................................................................................................................. Accident-cause analysis (definitions of terms and procedures) ........................................ Agency of injury .................................................................................................................... Accident type ............................................................................................................................ Hazardous condition ................................................................................................................. Agency of accident ........................................................................................ Unsafe act .................................................................................................................................. Hazards of the occupation ..................................................................................................................... Kinds of injuries experienced ............................................................................................................... Accident analysis ........................................................................................................................................ Agencies of in ju ry ............................................................................................................................ Accident types .................................................................................................................................... ii Page v 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 8 Contents— Continued Page Accident causes ......................................................................................................................................... Hazardous working conditions ..................................................................................................... Hazardous working procedures ......................................................................................... Defective agencies .................................................................................................................... Lack of personal protective equipment ........................................................................... Inadequately guarded agencies ............................................................................................ Poor housekeeping.................................................................................................................... Unsafe acts .......................................................................................................................................... Gripping objects insecurely ................................................................................................. Inattention to footing ............................................................................................................ Inattention to surroundings ................................................................................................. Assuming an unsafe position ............................................................................................. Exerting excessive pressure ................................................................................................. Failure to secure or warn ................................................................................................... Accident prevention suggestions ........................................................................................................ Case descriptions and recommendations .................................................................................. Appendix—Statistical tables ................................................................................................................ 10 10 10 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 22 Tables Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States, 1949, classified by nature of injury and— Table 1. Occupation of injured ...................................................................................................... Table 2. Location of accident .......................................................................................................... Table 3. Activity of injured ......».................................................................................................... Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States, 1949, classified by part of body injured and— Table 4. Occupation of injured ...................................................................................................... Table 5. Location of accident ......................................................................................................... Table 6. Activity of injured ............................................................................................................ Table 7. Nature of injury ............................................................................................................... Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States, 1949, classified by type of accident and— Table 8. Agency of injury ................................................................................................................ Table 9. Occupation of injured ...................................................................................................... Table 10. Location of accident ........................................................................................................ Table 11. Activity of injured ............................................................................................................ Table 12. Hazardous working condition ........................................................................................ Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States, 1949, classified by hazardous working condition and— Table 13. Agency of accident ............................................................................................................ Table 14. Occupation of injured ...................................................................................................... Table 15. Location of accident ........................................................................................................ Table 16. Activity of injured ............................................................................................................ Table 17. Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States, 1949, classified by type of accident and unsafe a c t .......................................... 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 34 Charts Chart 1. Agencies of injury .......................................................................................................... 7 Chart 2. Major types of accidents ................................................................................................. 9 Chart 3. Major types of unsafe working conditions ............................................................... 11 iii Abstract Data from a previous study, covering the year 1948, indicate that plumbers experience fewer work injuries than most of the workers in construction trades. Their injury-frequency rate, however, is considerably higher than the rates for most manufacturing activities. The previous survey also established that plumbers working on new construction had a higher injury-frequency rate than those working on repairs, but that the repair work produced a much higher proportion of serious injuries. On new con struction the frequency rates for residential and nonresidential work were identical, but the injuries tended to be more severe in nonresidential work. On repair work, both the frequency of injury and the general severity of the injuries were higher for residential projects than for nonresidential work. The present study indicates that the most common injuries experienced by plumbers, in order of frequency, were: Sprains, cuts, bruises, fractures, burns, foreign bodies in the eye, and hernias. Three-fourths of the injuries resulted from four general types of accidents: Struck by moving objects (28 percent); overexertion (22 percent); bumping or striking against objects (14 percent); and falls (12 percent). The major physical or mechanical causes of plumbing accidents were found to be: Hazardous working procedures; defective agencies; the lack of personal protective equipment; inadequately guarded agencies; and poor housekeeping. The leading personal causes in many instances directly associated with the physical hazards, were: Gripping objects insecurely; inattention to footing; inatten tion to surroundings; taking an unsafe position; exerting excessive pressure; and failure to secure materials or warn others of material movement. Accident-prevention suggestions, prepared by the Division of Safety Standards of the Bureau of Labor Standards, indicate that most accidents in plumbing opera tions could be prevented through the application of simple precautions. V Injuries and Accident Causes in Plumbing Operations The Injury Record Employees of plumbing, heating, and airconditioning specialty contractors experienced an average of 28.5 disabling injuries1 for every million employee-hours worked during 1950. This was a slight improvement over the corre sponding average of 30.7 for 1949 and 30.6 for 1948. Time lost because of injuries in 1950 averaged 1.7 days for every 1,000 employeehours worked or more than 3 days for each full-time worker in this division of the con struction industry.2 In comparison with the injury rates for other types of construction work, the injury-fre quency rate3 for plumbing, heating, and air conditioning in 1950 was relatively low. The all-construction rate, for example, was 41.0; the rate for general contracting operations was 44.5; and the average rate for all types of special-trades contracting was 33.4. The com parison with other construction activities in respect to injury severity was also favorable. The all-construction severity rate3 (3.8) was more than double, and the average time charge per injury3 (93 days) was half again as high as the corresponding averages for plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning operations. Comparison of the 28.5 injury-frequency rate 1A disabling work injury is any injury, occurring in the course of and arising out of employment, which (a) results in death or any degree of permanent physical impairment, or (b) makes the injured person unable to perform the duties of any regularly established job open and available to him, throughout the hours corresponding to his regular shift on any day after the day of injury, including down. Sundays, holidays, and periods of plant shut 2See Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 975, Work Injuries in the United States During 1948; and press release, 1950. dated December 23, 1951, Work Injuries Rise in for plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning with most nonconstruction activities was much less favorable—it was about double the 14.7 rate for all-manufacturing in 1950. The acci dental death rate was also three times that of all-manufacturing, but workers in manufactur ing had a much higher ratio of permanent im pairments. Injury-rate data for 1949 and 1950 are avail able only as totals covering all employees in the plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning di vision of the construction industry. Therefore, it is not possible to present injury rates for the specific occupation of plumbers for those years. The Bureau’s survey of work injuries in con struction during 1948,4 however, did include occupational details. The relationships among the various construction occupations and the general injury patterns indicated at that time probably are reasonably accurate representa tions of current conditions. In 1948, plumbers5 employed by plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning specialty contrac3The injury-frequency rate is the average number of disabling work injuries for each million employee-hours worked. The severity rate is the average number of days lost or charged on account of disabling injuries per 1,000 employee-hours worked. The average time charge is computed by adding the days lost for each temporary-total disability to the standard time charges for fatalities and permanent dis abilities, as given in Method of Compiling Industrial Injury Bates (approved by the American Standards Asso ciation, 1945), and by dividing the total by the number of disabling injuries. For further discussion of these definitions, see chapter on Scope and Method, p. 2. 4See Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 1004, Work Injuries in Construction, 1948-49. 5Includes journeymen, apprentices, helpers, and plumbers’ supervisors. l 2 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS tors had an injury-frequency rate of 28.6, some what lower than the average for all workers in this division of the construction industry. The employment of plumbers is, of course, highly concentrated in this segment of the in dustry, and the record of this group may be generally accepted as representative of the in jury experience of the occupation. The survey indicated, however, that the injury rates for plumbers employed in other divisions of the construction industry tended to be somewhat higher so that the average frequency rate for all plumbers, regardless of where employed, was 29.5. The highest injury-frequency rate for any group of plumbers in 1948 was 50.4 for those employed by heavy and marine construction. These workers, however, experienced relatively few serious injuries. There was little difference between the frequency rates for plumbers em ployed by general building contractors (27.8) and for those working for plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning contractors. The latter group, however, had the higher proportion of serious injuries. Plumbers working on new construction in 1948 had a substantially higher injury-frequen cy rate than those working on repairs, but the repair work produced a much higher propor tion of serious injuries. On new construction, the frequency rates for residential and nonresidential work were identical, but the injuries tended to be more severe in the nonresidential work. On repair work, both the frequency of injury and the general severity of the injuries were higher for residential projects than for nonresidential work. Scope and Method of Survey The Bureau of Labor Statistics has compiled annual injury rates since 1938 for the construc tion industry as a whole and for each of the three primary types of construction—building, heavy engineering, and highway. Most of the reports received in the surveys before 1948 came from general contractors, although some reports were received from special-trades con tractors in each classification. In 1948 the coverage and detail of the survey were enlarged and injury rates were presented in occupational detail for a wide range of spe cial-trades operations. The occupational break downs were not continued in subsequent years, but separate injury-rate information was com piled for a number of special-trades contracting operations in 1949 and 1950. All the data as sembled in the injury-rate surveys have been collected by mail. Reporting is entirely volun tary. Injury Rates The injury-rate comparisons presented in this report are based primarily upon injuryfrequency and severity rates compiled under the definitions and procedures specified in the American Standard Method of Compiling In dustrial Injury Rates, as approved by the American Standards Association in 1945. These standard rates have been supplemented by an additional measure of injury severity designated as the average time charge per disabling injury. These measures are computed as follows: Injury-frequency rate .—The injury-frequen cy rate represents the average number of dis abling work injuries occurring in each million employee-hours worked. It is computed accord ing to the following formula: Frequency rate= Number of disabling injuries X 1,000,000 Number of employee-hours worked Average time charge 'per disabling injury .— The relative severity of a temporary injury is measured by the number of calendar days dur ing which the injured person is unable to work at any regularly established job which is open and available to him, excluding the day of in jury and the day on which he returns to work. The relative severity of death and permanent impairment cases is determined by reference SCOPE AND METHOD OF SURVEY to a table of economic time charges included in the American Standard Method of Compiling Industrial Injury Rates. These time charges, based upon an average working-life expectancy of 20 years for the entire working population, represent the average percentage of working ability lost as the result of specified impair ments, expressed in unproductive days. The average time charge per disabling injury is computed by adding the days lost for each temporary injury and the days charged accord ing to the standard table for each death and permanent impairment and dividing the total by the number of disabling injuries. Injury-severity rate. — The injury-severity rate weights each disabling injury with its corresponding time-loss or time-charge, and ex presses the aggregate in terms of the average number of days lost or charged per 1,000 em ployee-hours worked. It is computed according to the following formula: Severity rate= Total days lost or charged X 1>000 Number of employee-hours worked Accident-Cause Analysis The individual accident case records collected for this study were obtained from State work men’s compensation files. This method repre sents a deviation from the Bureau’s regular practice in similar surveys for other industries in which the data are obtained from the rec ords of individual employers. A basic charac teristic of the construction industry dictated this change in the method of data collection. Most firms employing plumbers are relatively small and, even though the injury rate is com paratively high, the number of injuries experi enced by employees in any one establishment is also small. The number of visits to individual establishments necessary to obtain an adequate volume of case records for analysis, therefore, would have been prohibitive both in terms of time and expense. Use of the compensation files as the source of the data placed some limitations upon the 3 analysis, particularly the degree of detail in which the findings could be presented. It is believed, however, that the greater volume of case records obtained by this collection method compensates in large measure for the lack of additional details which could have been ob tained through discussion of the individual cases with the employers, supervisors, or work ers who might have been familiar with the un reported circumstances associated with the ac cidents. The workmen’s compensation agencies of 13 States made their files available for this survey. These States—Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachu setts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia—constitute a cross section of the country, insuring the reflection of all possible variations in hazards introduced by differences in climate or construction proce dures as well as by the differences arising from State safety codes and safety-enforcement prac tices. Records were obtained of 2,719 individ ual accidents. The primary basis of selection was occupational—the injured person in each instance was either a journeyman plumber, an apprentice plumber, a plumber’s helper, or a plumbing supervisor. In the great majority of cases the injured person was employed by a special-trades contractor engaged in the instal lation or repair of plumbing, heating, and airconditioning equipment. Some accidents to plumbers employed by contractors in other branches of construction were included. Acci dents involving steam fitters, plumbers’ helpers, and plumbers employed as maintenance men outside the construction industry were ex cluded. The selected cases were taken from the records for the years 1948 and 1949. For each case selected, a representative of the Bureau of Labor Statistics transcribed from the records, insofar as the data were available, the following items of information: Place of accident; work being done by the injured at the time of the accident; nature of injury; part of body injured; and a description of how and why the accident occurred. The accident-cause analysis procedure used in this study differs in some respects from those specified in the American Standard Method of INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS 4 Compiling Industrial Accident Causes. The de viations from the Standard include the intro duction of an additional analysis factor—the "agency of injury”—and the modification of the standard definitions of some of the other factors in order to permit more accurate cross classifi cations. Agency of injury. —The standard classifica tion provides for the selection of only one “agency” in the analysis of each accident. By definition, this agency may be either (a) the object or substance which was unsafe and which thereby contributed to the occurrence of the accident, or (b) in the absence of such an unsafe object or substance, the object or sub stance most closely related to the injury. Under this definition, therefore, a tabulation of “agen cies” for a group of accidents will include ob jects or substances which may have been inher ently safe and unrelated to the occurrence of the accidents, as well as those which because of their condition, location, structure, method of use, or other unsafe characteristic led to the occurrence of accidents. The development of the classification “agency of injury” represents an attempt to classify separately these two “agency” concepts. As used in this study, the “agency of injury” is the object, substance, or bodily reaction which actually produced the injury, selected without regard to its safety characteristics or its influence upon the chain of events constitut ing the accident. Accident type.— As used in this study, the accident-type classification assigned to each ac cident is purely descriptive of the occurrence which resulted in the injury and is related specifically to the agency of injury. It indicates how the injured person came into contact with or was affected by the previously selected agency of injury. This represents a change from the standard procedure in two respects: First, the accident-type classification is speci fically related to the previously selected agency of injury; and, second, the sequence of select ing this factor is specified. Hazardous condition. — Under the standard definition, the hazardous condition indicated in the analysis is defined as the “unsafe mechani cal or physical condition of the selected agency which could have been guarded or corrected.” This implies the prior selection of the “agency,” but does not provide for recognition of any relationship between the unsafe condition and accident-type classifications. Nor does the standard provide for any definite relationship between the “agency” and “accident type” classifications. To provide continuity and to establish direct relationships among the various analysis fac tors so as to permit cross classification, the standard definition was modified for this study to read: “The unsafe mechanical or physical condition is the hazardous condition which permitted or occasioned the occurrence of the selected accident type.” The hazardous-condi tion classification, therefore, was selected after the determination of the accident-type classifi cation and represents the physical or mechani cal reason for the occurrence of that particular accident without regard to the feasibility of guarding or correcting the unsafe condition. Elimination of the condition “which could have been guarded or corrected” is based upon the premise that statistical analysis should in dicate the existence of hazards, but should not specify the feasibility of corrective measures. Agency of accident.—For the purpose of this survey, the agency of accident was defined as the “object, substance, or premises in or about which the hazardous condition existed.” Its selection, therefore, is directly associated with the hazardous condition which led to the oc currence of the accident. In many instances the agency of injury and the agency of accident were found to be identical. The double agency classification, however, avoids any possibility of ambiguity in the interpretation of the “agency” tabulations. Unsafe act.—The unsafe act definition used in this survey is identical with the standard definition, i. e., “that violation of a commonly accepted safe procedure which resulted in the selected accident type.” HAZARDS OF THE OCCUPATION 5 Hazards of the Occupation In common with most construction trades, plumbers face many hazards which arise more in their work environment than from the spe cific operations characteristic of their trade. Most of their work is performed away from their employer’s shop on premises where neither the employer nor the workman can exercise full control over the physical working conditions. Much of the plumber’s work is performed in new, partially completed structures, where housekeeping problems are particularly prev alent. The premises around the structure are often muddy, slippery, rutted, cut by open trenches, obstructed by piles of dirt or ma terials, cluttered with the equipment of many trades, and littered with scrap materials. The possibility of injury from a slip or fall or from contact with sharp or rough materials, there fore, arises as soon as the worker enters the construction area. These hazards become most serious when the plumber is moving his tools, equipment, and materials to or from the work place. The materials are frequently heavy, bulky, or awkward to handle, and, because they usually are moved manually, the operation pre sents considerable possibility for strains, sprains, or other injuries arising from over exertion. The hazardous surface over which they must be moved multiplies these possibil ities. Inside the structure there are many possibili ties of slips, falls, and overexertion because of unfinished floors (which are frequently rough, irregular, and cluttered with materials or scrap), unguarded floor openings, open stair ways, and rough access ladders. Falling ma terials, originating in the operation of other trades on the premises as well as in their own, constitute another important hazard for plumb ers on new construction. Many items installed by plumbers must be fitted into relatively inac cessible places. This frequently involves work ing in cramped or awkward positions where it is difficult to control either the materials or the tools which must be used, and often leads to the use of inadequate scaffolds or work plat forms. Bumps, cuts, falls, and crushing in juries frequently occur in these circumstances. In repair work also, the plumber encounters many hazards arising from poor housekeeping conditions, and frequently finds it necessary to work in tight and extremely inaccessible quar ters. The use of hand tools, which normally presents little possibility of injury, can become very hazardous under such conditions. The inherent hazards of plumbing opera tions, as contrasted with those created by the environment in which the work is performed, arise primarily in the manual handling of heavy materials and in the use of hand tools. Traffic accidents experienced in moving from job to job also constitute an important source of injuries to plumbers. Kinds of Injuries Experienced Strains and sprains (excluding hernias) were the most common injuries reported for plumbers—nearly a third of the cases—fol lowed by cuts and lacerations (19 percent), bruises and contusions (17 percent), and frac tures (10 percent). Of lesser prominence, burns and scalds represented 7 percent of the injury volume; foreign bodies in the eye, 6 percent; and hernias 3 percent. (See appendix tables 1, 2, and 3.) More than half the strains and sprains were cases involving the back and nearly a fourth were foot and leg injuries. Cuts and lacera tions occurred most commonly on the hands and fingers (about half the total) and on the feet and legs (about a fourth). Bruises were com mon on all parts of the body, but were most frequently reported as leg injuries. The frac tures included a relatively high proportion of foot, toe, finger, and rib cases as well as sev eral very serious cases of back and skull frac tures. The burns and scalds were primarily hand, eye, and foot cases. More than 40 percent of the reported injuries occurred when the workers were lifting, mov ing, or placing objects; 30 percent while the 6 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS workers were using hand tools; and 11 percent while they were simply moving about in the workplace. Injuries which happened while mov ing materials included most of the hernias, well over half the strains and sprains, about half of the fractures, about a third of the bruises, and about a fifth of the cuts and lacerations. In contrast, the injuries experienced while us ing hand tools included most of the eye cases, over a third of the cuts and bruises, and many strains, sprains, and fractures. Nearly half the injuries experienced when the workers were moving about the work site were strains or sprains, most of which resulted from trips, slips, or falls on irregular surfaces. Bruises and cuts from contact with rough or sharp ma terials occurred frequently in this activity and many falls resulted in fractures. Accident Analysis Accident reports frequently are very defi cient in specifying the basic causes for injuries. In many instances, the only available informa tion comes from the injured person himself, or from witnesses who lack either the skill or the opportunity to fully investigate the event in order to determine the actual cause of acci dent. It is common, therefore, to find a high proportion of accident reports which are inade quate for complete cause analysis. This was particularly true of the reports analyzed in this study, inasmuch as they were prepared pri marily to satisfy the reporting requirements of the various State workmen’s compensation boards. In this type of reporting, injury in formation is stressed much more than the acci dent details. Despite these limitations, however, the ana lyst can draw much useful information from even the most sketchy accident description. Al most invariably an accident description tends to follow the normal line of thinking on the part of an interested person who hears that a friend or acquaintance has been injured. The first thought is of the injury itself. Was it a burn, a cut, a bruise, a strain, or something else? Then, what produced the injury and how did it happen? These are all descriptive facts which are readily apparent to the witnesses. The more analytical question—Why did it hap pen?—usually arises only after the desire for descriptive information has been satisfied. It frequently goes unanswered, either because of preoccupation with the descriptive factors, or because the answer may not be readily appar ent. The direct approach in accident analysis, therefore, is to obtain pertinent information in the order in which it is recorded. The facts should indicate which objects or substances most commonly produce injuries, how they produce the injuries, and should suggest the action necessary for accident-prevention. Agencies of Injury Expressed in broad categories, the principal agencies of injury—i. e., the objects, sub stances, or bodily reactions which actually in flicted the injuries—were plumbing fixtures, hand tools, working surfaces, hot substances, and flying particles. (See appendix table 8.) Nearly a third of the injuries resulted from contact with the materials of the trade, such as pipes, tubs, heaters, and sinks. About half these cases were strains or sprains experienced in handling of materials. Bruises and cuts from bumping into, rubbing against, or being struck by the fixtures were common. About 11 percent of the injuries were in flicted by hand tools, mostly wrenches and hammers. The most common injuries in this category were bruises, resulting from the in jured person’s striking himself with his own hand tool, followed by strains and sprains due to overexertion in applying the tools. Contact with working surfaces produced about 9 percent of the injuries. Most commonly these contacts resulted from falls, causing, in many instances, severe bruises, contusions, or fractures. Surprisingly, about 7 percent of the injuries were burns resulting from contact with hot substances such as molten lead, soldering irons, the flame or heated parts of plumbers’ fur naces, steam or hot water, and pipes carrying ACCIDENT ANALYSIS 7 CHART 1. AGENCIES OF INJURY IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS hot liquids. These generally were not serious injuries, but in the aggregate they accounted for a substantial amount of lost time. Flying particles produced another 7 percent of the injuries, and came mostly from the use of impact tools such as hammers, chisels, picks, and jackhammers, or high-speed power tools such as saws, buffers, or drills. Wind-borne particles of unknown origin, however, were relatively common sources of injury. Practic ally all the injuries inflicted by flying particles were eye injuries, none of which was serious. The possibility of permanent disability from this source, however, should not be minimized. Impact goggles undoubtedly would have pre vented practically all of these injuries. Wider use of these protective devices in operations which produce flying particles is indicated. 8 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS About 6 percent of the injuries were strains or sprains resulting from bodily reactions rather than from contact with any particular object or substance. These occurred most fre quently when the injured person slipped or lost his balance on an irregular surface and over exerted himself in trying to avoid a fall. Lumber, chemicals, chips, splinters, and ve hicles separately were responsible for relatively few injuries, but in the aggregate they were the agencies of injury in about 10 percent of the cases. occurred when the tools slipped from the object to which they were being applied; others were simply cases in which the tools were misdi rected. Here again the apprentices experienced more than their proportionate share of these accidents. Overexertion accidents occurred primarily in the course of lifting, carrying, pulling, or push ing heavy objects, and secondly, in exerting pressure on wrenches or other hand tools. A high proportion of these accidents occurred on steps or stairways—they were even more com mon than falls at these locations. Accidents in this category were frequently experienced by Accident Types all classes of plumbing workers, but were the leading source of injury for plumbing super The great majority of the reported accidents intendents and foremen. fell into four general categories. Accidents in Accidents of the “striking against” type ac which the injured persons were struck by mov counted for one in every seven of the reported ing objects accounted for over 28 percent of injuries. About half of these were simple cases the injuries; overexertion accidents were re of workers bumping against machines, working sponsible for 22 percent. Accidents in which surfaces, lumber, or hand tools. Poor house the injured person bumped into or struck keeping and cramped working spaces led to against objects produced 14 percent of the in many of these accidents. Most of the other juries, and falls accounted for another 12 per cases in the group were accidents in which cent. (See appendix tables 9, 10, and 11.) In about half the accidents in the “struck- workers stepped on nails or wires, or rubbed by” group, pipes, tubs, radiators, and other against rough or sharp objects. Many of the plumbing fixtures, hand tools, and lumber were latter accidents occurred in the course of han the agencies of injury. In a majority of in dling burred pipe, plumbing fixtures, or hand stances the injury-producing objects were tools. Knee abrasions resulting from kneeling dropped by the injured person himself. These on rough surfaces were common. Falls produced a wide range of relatively se accidents usually resulted in crushing injuries to the feet or hands. In proportion, helpers rious injuries. In about a third of these acci and apprentices experienced more accidents of dents the injured person slipped or tripped and fell to the surface on which he had been walk this type than the journeymen plumbers. Another important segment of the “struck- ing or standing. Wet, muddy, or icy surfaces, by” group consisted of cases involving flying inadequate plank walkways, and loose ma objects, i. e., objects propelled by a force other terials or scrap contributed to many of these than gravity. Most of these objects were small accidents. In many instances the workers were particles thrown off by hand tools and most of carrying bulky or heavy objects when they fell, the injuries affected the eyes. In a number of which not only helped to bring about the fall cases, however, the agencies of injury were but also tended to increase the severity of the wind-blown particles or dusts or larger objects resulting injuries. dislodged and carried by the wind. Apprentices Many falls were from elevations such as lad appeared to be particularly susceptible to in ders, joists, or other open structural members; jury by flying particles originating in hand-tool from regular or makeshift scaffolds or plat operations. forms; and on roughed-in stairways. Journey The third major group of struck-by accidents men and supervisory plumbers had a higher consisted of cases in which the workers were ratio of falls than did helpers or apprentices. struck by their own hand tools. Many of these Among the less prominent types of accidents, ACCIDENT ANALYSIS Chart 2. 9 MAJOR TYPES OF ACCIDENTS IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS O 10 PERCENT OF ALL DISABLING INJURIES 20 30 40 Struck by moving objects Striking against objects Contact with extreme temperatures Falls from elevations Caught in, on, or between moving objects Slip s (not fa lls) Falls on same level Other UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS the most important were: Those involving contact with hot substances; those in which the injured person was caught and crushed between two objects; and those in which the worker slipped or stumbled and strained himself in avoiding a fall. The “hot substances” cases 10 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS consisted primarily of burns inflicted by molten lead, soldering irons, and hot liquids. The “caught in, on, or between” cases con sisted largely of finger and toe injuries while setting down or moving heavy objects. How ever, a number of accidents occurred in which the injured person was crushed between mov ing materials or moving vehicles and fixed objects. The most common trench accidents were those in which workers were caught under sliding dirt when unsupported trench walls collapsed. Injury-producing slips and stumbles most commonly were attributed to poor housekeep ing or to the use of makeshift working sur faces. They occurred most frequently on the grounds outside buildings under construction, and on stairways and ladders inside buildings. Accident Causes Modern accident prevention is based upon two premises—first, that there is an identifiable cause for every accident; and, second, that when an accident cause is known, it is gen erally possible to eliminate or to counteract that particular cause as the probable source of future accidents of the same character. In many instances, a variety of circumstances contributes to the occurrence of an accident, and the most desirable accident prevention pro cedure may be in question because of the many possible alternatives. Generally, however, every accident is traceable to some unsafe working condition, to the commission of an unsafe act by some individual, or to a combination of these accident-producing factors. For the purpose of establishing an effective safety program, there fore, it is essential to identify those elements in the chain of circumstances leading to the acci dents. Concentration and emphasis upon the elimination of the unsafe conditions and prac tices identified by such analysis, will almost invariably result in improved safety records. The correction of unsafe working conditions generally is entirely within management’s pow ers. The avoidance of unsafe acts, on the other hand, requires cooperation and understanding by both management and workers. Manage ment must take the lead, however, by provid ing safety-minded supervisors and by making certain that all workers know the hazards of their operations and are familiar with the means for overcoming them. Hazardous Working Conditions Three general groups of hazardous condi tions were found to be responsible for most of the plumbing accidents: Hazardous working procedures, 38 percent; defective agencies, 22 percent; and the lack of personal safety equip ment, 18 percent. Two other groups — inade quately guarded agencies and poor housekeep ing—each accounted for approximately 9 percent of the accidents. (See appendix tables 14, 15, and 16.) Hazardous working procedures .—The princi pal hazard of this group—inadequate help in lifting—grows out of the heavy and bulky na ture of many plumbing fixtures, and from the impracticability of using mechanical equipment to move materials on most plumbing jobs. The necessary manual lifting and carrying of ma terials, moreover, frequently must be per formed under very adverse conditions. On new construction the surfaces over which the ma terials must be moved are usually rough and irregular and may be slippery or littered with debris. On both new construction and repair work the materials frequently must be maneu vered through or into very tight quarters where it is difficult for more than one or two men to participate in the operation. This combination of circumstances, which make up the general hazard designation—inad equate help in lifting—produced a very high proportion of the overexertion accidents, most of which resulted in strains, sprains, and her nias. A considerable number of “struck-by” accidents, in which the workers dropped mate rials on their feet while lifting or carrying them, were also attributable to this hazard. Inadequate help in lifting was the most com mon accident cause for all classes of plumbing workers. It was the basic cause of 37 percent ACCIDENT CAUSES 11 CHART 3. MAJOR TYPES OF UNSAFE WORKING CONDITIONS IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS Hazardous working procedures Slippery floors and other defective agencies fl\ * Lack of personal safety equipment Improperly guarded agencies Poor housekeeping Hazardous arrangements Other ONITID STATES DEPARTMENT OP LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS of the accidents involving supervisors, 35 per cent of those involving helpers, 32 percent of the apprentices’ accidents, and 27 percent of the accidents involving journeymen. The hazardous condition of working without adequate scaffolds or walkways was of less im portance in terms of the number of accidents, but was of great importance in terms of the seriousness of the accidents. Specifically, the principal hazards lay in the lack of scaffolds or platforms for overhead work and in the lack of adequate walkways across open joists, floor openings, and ditches. Most of the accidents resulting from these hazardous conditions were falls. Inadequate planning or lay-out of work, re quiring men to operate in unnecessarily crowd ed quarters, also resulted in many accidents in 12 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS most of which the workers bumped into objects or overexerted themselves in moving materials or equipment while in cramped positions. Defective agencies. — Nearly half the acci dents attributed to defects in materials and equipment arose from internal defects which might have been detected during thorough in spection, but which were not of such nature as to be obvious to the workers in normal opera tions. Ranking high among these hidden de fects were: Crystallized metal in chisels, ham mers, or other impact tools, which threw off particles when struck; structurally defective ladders and scaffolds, which collapsed under normal loads; weak pipes, which burst under pressure; hot surfaces or flames in unexpected places; internally defective hand tools which broke in normal use; and defective electrical connections in power equipment. The most se rious accidents resulting from these unsafe con ditions were the falls precipitated by defects in ladders and scaffolds. Among the more obviously defective agencies found to be responsible for accidents, the most important were slippery surfaces, rough or un even surfaces, sharp-edged materials, and pro truding wires and nails. Most of the accidents ascribed to slippery, rough, or uneven surfaces were slips or falls— mainly on the grounds adjacent to new build ings rather than inside the structures. In a number of these accidents, however, workers dropped or lost control of materials which were slippery with oil. The accidents attributed to sharp-edged ma terials were mostly those in which workers bumped into or rubbed against the edges of fix tures or pieces of metal which they were handling or around which they were working. Projecting nails, wires, and sharp slivers of wood constituted an extensive hazard for plumbers. A great many accidents were attrib uted to projecting nails in scrap lumber, par ticularly to pieces of scrap which had been discarded and left lying about the working premises. For purposes of analysis, these cases were classified in the poor housekeeping cate gory, although they merit consideration along with other cases that fall in the general group of defective agencies. Most of the accidents in the latter group were those in which the plumbers bumped into or rubbed against nails projecting through the joists or other framing lumber of the buildings in which they were working. Although the in jury possibilities of projecting nails and wires are generally recognized and avoided in spaces of ready access, many workers assume that no hazard exists when the nails or wires project into spaces which are normally inaccessible. Plumbers, however, must run their pipes be tween the joists under the floors and between the studding in partitions, spaces which are ordinarily considered inaccessible. Many of the accidents attributed to projecting nails or wires occurred while the plumbers were installing or repairing pipes in these areas. Lack of personal protective equipment.—The use of personal protective equipment is not common in the plumbing industry, although the record is replete with cases in which the use of protective devices, such as safety shoes, impact goggles, gloves, safety hats, or knee pads, would have prevented or minimized injuries. Wider use of these devices is unquestionably desirable. In a great majority of cases, how ever, the use or nonuse of these devices bears no relation to the accident itself. Therefore, because accident analysis is primarily con cerned with determining the factors which led to the accident as contrasted with the injury which resulted from the accident, the absence of personal protective devices is seldom indi cated as a hazardous working condition. There are, however, certain operations per formed by plumbers involving inherent hazards which can be overcome only through the use of proper protective equipment. Typical of such operations are the breaking, chipping, drilling, or hammering of concrete, stone, or metal. These operations frequently throw-off fast-fly ing chips or particles capable of inflicting seri ous eye injuries unless the eyes are protected by a face shield or goggles. Similarly, burns are inevitable unless proper gloves and other protective clothing are worn while handling ACCIDENT CAUSES hot substances, particularly when those sub stances are liquid or molten and can spill or splash onto the person. Plumbers frequently find it necessary to assume a kneeling position and as a result get cuts and abrasions on their knees from contact with rough surfaces. Knee pads probably would prevent most of these injuries. Most of the accidents ascribed to the lack of personal protective equipment in this analysis occurred in operations of the types described above. In more than half the cases the deficien cy was a lack of goggles or face shields. In most of the other cases it was the lack of gloves, knee pads, or protective boots. It was recog nized that steel-toed safety shoes would have prevented many toe injuries, but their non-use was not considered an accident cause. Inadequately guarded agencies. — Because plumbers do not customarily work at great heights, the scaffolds and platforms which they use for overhead work are frequently without railings or toeboards. Also, their ladders fre quently have neither safety shoes nor any means by which they can be anchored to pre vent slippage. These factors were directly re sponsible for many accidents in which plumbers fell from scaffolds, platforms, or ladders, and for many others in which materials fell from scaffolds or platforms and struck workers be low. A high proportion of all accidents expe rienced in trench work resulted from inade quate shoring. Poor housekeeping. — Poor housekeeping at the job site was a major source of slips and falls and was the direct cause of many in juries resulting from stepping on projecting nails in scrap lumber. Haphazardly placed ma terials and scattered debris lying about the workplace present serious hazards to all per sons entering the area. These hazards, more over, are greatly intensified when it is neces sary to carry heavy or bulky materials through the area. About half the accidents ascribed to poor housekeeping occurred when workers stepped on projecting nails and most of the remainder were slips or falls resulting from stepping on or stumbling over loose materials or scrap. 13 Unsafe Acts For the purpose of this analysis an unsafe act was defined as that “violation of a com monly accepted safe procedure which occa sioned or permitted the occurrence of the in jury-producing accident.” Literally, this defini tion means that no personal action should be designated as unsafe unless there is a reason able and less hazardous alternative procedure. For example, the use of a ladder which was not equipped with safety shoes when a properly equipped ladder was not provided was classi fied as a hazardous condition and not as an unsafe act. On the other hand, the use of a nail keg or other makeshift platform as a working surface was classified as an unsafe act because other safe means of reaching overhead work are generally available. The analysis, however, does not imply that the alternative safe procedure was known to the person who acted in an unsafe manner, nor that his act was the result of a considered choice between two possible procedures. In some instances the individual knew the safe procedure, but consciously decided not to follow it; in others the person acted unsafely simply because he did not know the alternative safe method. There are, therefore, two essential steps in any program designed to eliminate un safe acts. The first is educational—to make sure that all workers are thoroughly instructed in the safe methods of performing their duties and that they are familiar with the hazards connected with deviations from them. The sec ond step is enforcement—to exercise strict supervision to see that safe procedures are followed. Generally speaking, the accident reports available for this study were inadequate for a satisfactory unsafe-act analysis. Only about one in every five reports contained sufficient de tails to permit accurate conclusions regarding the possible commission of an unsafe act. The results of the analysis, therefore, cannot be con sidered as establishing the general pattern of unsafe acts in plumbing operations. The fact that 80 percent of the reports contained no information pointing to the commission of an unsafe act does not mean that unsafe acts are 14 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS a factor in the occurrence of only 20 percent of plumbing accidents. Despite the limitations of the data, which prevent quantitative conclusions, it is possible to draw from the material a generalized pic ture of some of the most common types of un safe acts which lead to plumbing accidents. In broad categories the most prominent unsafe acts consisted of: Gripping objects insecurely; inattention to footing; inattention to surround ings ; taking an unsafe position; exerting exces sive pressure; and failing to secure materials or warn others of material movement. (See appendix table 17.) Gripping objects insecurely .—Reflecting the preponderance of manual operations in the plumbing field, a large proportion of the acci dents were directly related to improper meth ods of handling tools and materials. In many instances, workers dropped objects on their own toes or set objects down on their fingers simply because they had not taken or maintained a proper grip on the materials. In other instances, workers were struck by their own hand tools because they were not holding the tools prop erly to keep them under control. In some cases, the fault lay in attempting to lift too many objects at one time or in using one hand instead of two. In still other cases, workmen attempted to lift irregular, slippery, or hot objects by grasping only a small section and found it im possible to hold them because they were unbal anced. Inattention to footing .—Because of the irreg ular surfaces and poor housekeeping conditions so frequently encountered in the areas where plumbers must work, the primary safety ad monition “Watch your step” should have spe cial significance to these workers. The number of missteps into openings and stumbles over misplaced materials which should have been quite visible, however, indicates that this pre cept is frequently forgotten. Cases in which workmen stepped on loose objects and fell while getting down from ladders or descending stairs were quite common. Inattention to surroundings .—Many reports indicated that the injured workers had simply walked into piled materials, posts, or parts of the buildings in which they were working. Others apparently forgot where they were and walked over the edge of platforms. Still others swung their tools too widely or raised their heads too sharply while working in confined spaces, and were injured when they struck obstructions. Unsafe conditions contributed to most of these accidents, but they generally re sulted from the combination of a hazardous condition and an unsafe act. Assuming an unsafe position .—The unsafe acts in this group consisted primarily of apply ing hand tools in such a manner that a slip would direct the tool against the user’s body or against the person of another worker. Also included were cases of working or standing directly under overhead operations; jumping from platforms or other elevations instead of climbing down; working or standing in the line of moving objects; working from makeshift supports; and climbing on open structural members or walking on open joists. Exerting excessive pressure. — Most of the cases in this group are workers who attempted to perform alone, heavy tasks in which they obviously should have had assistance. These accidents frequently occurred in the use of wrenches to tighten fittings, or in the use of pry bars to move heavy equipment. Failure to secure or warn .—A high propor tion of these accidents resulted in injury to per sons other than those who committed the un safe acts. These included cases in which work ers started machines or vehicles, or moved heavy materials without first making sure that every one in the vicinity was in the clear, as well as cases in which materials were placed in positions from which they could roll or fall, and were left without proper blocking. ACCIDENT PREVENTION SUGGESTIONS 15 Accident Prevention Suggestions To illustrate the general hazards encountered by plumbers, a number of typical accidents were selected for specific comment. These acci dents were analyzed by a member of the Divi sion of Safety Standards in the Bureau of La bor Standards of the United States Department of Labor and suggestions were made as to how they might have been prevented. The purpose of this portion of the report is not to make all-inclusive recommendations, nor to make authoritative safety rules for the in dustry, but rather to point to a simple approach in the prevention of nearly every type of acci dent. Many safety engineers, no doubt, would attack the problems involved in these acci dents in different ways and would achieve equally good results. The method of prevention is of little importance as long as it accom plishes its purpose. Brief descriptions of the selected accidents accompanied by the comments and recommen dations of the Bureau of Labor Standards’ safe ty specialist are given on the following pages. Case Descriptions and Recommendations 1. A plumber was installing pipes in a cellar. As he entered an unlighted area under a stair way, he stepped on a rusty nail protruding from a piece of lumber. (a) Before starting work, a plumber should inspect the area in which he will work. He should make a note of all existing hazards and, where possible, correct or eliminate them. Workmen should never enter unlighted areas without flashlights or other lighting equipment. (b) Good housekeeping is essential for safe ty, not only for plumbers but also for all other construction workers and for householders as well. Loose lumber should never be left lying on floors or walkways. (c) A basic safety rule is that all nails in scrap lumber should be removed or bent into the wood before the piece is discarded. 2. A helper was loading used lumber onto a truck. A nail projecting from one of the boards punctured his hand. Projecting nails should be removed or bent into the lumber as it is removed from service. 3. A plumber was installing pipe in a bath room. While he was crawling on the rough con crete, he bruised his knee and infection devel oped. Knee pads probably would have prevented this injury. 4. A helper was using a snake to free a clogged sewer. The cable broke and cut his thumb. Investigation disclosed that the cable was frayed because of extended use. All equipment should be inspected before it is placed in service. In this case, an inspection should have disclosed the frayed cable and it should have been replaced. 5. A plumber was riding on top of a load of pipe. During transit, the load shifted, throwing him to the ground. Part of the load then fell on him, striking his shoulder and arm. Inves tigation disclosed that the load had not been secured against unexpected movements. (a) Truckloads should be tied or otherwise secured against unexpected movements during transit. (b) Employees should never ride on top of the load. Instead, they should ride in the cab of the truck or, if there is not sufficient room, in a second vehicle. 6. A plumber was working in a ditch. A stone fell from the bank and struck his arm. Investigation disclosed that the stone had been removed from the ditch and placed on the bank. The weight of the stone gradually loos ened the dirt under it, permitting the stone to fall. Material removed from a ditch should be piled at least 18 inches from the edge of the ditch. 7. A plumber was using an electric drill on a piece of metal which he was holding in his hand. When the drill pierced the metal it lac erated his hand. A drill should never be applied to hand-held material. The material should be held in a clamp or vise. 8. A plumber was using a portable vise fas 16 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS tened to a joist. When he removed a fitting from the vise, the vise pulled loose from the joist and fell on his toes. Investigation dis closed that the plumber had neglected to fasten the vise securely. (a) Obviously the vise should have been dam ped securely. The basic training of any worker should develop an ability to recognize hazards of this nature and emphasize the need for proper precautions. (b) Steel-toed safety shoes would have pre vented the injury. 9. A truck driver and a plumber's helper were carrying a bathtub from the stockroom in a warehouse to a truck. When the tub slipped from the truck driver's hands, the helper lost his grip and the tub fell, striking the helper's knee. (a) Mechanical equipment should be used for heavy or large loads ivherever practicable. In this case, the use of a hand truck to move the tub would have been feasible. (b) Training in material-handling operations should emphasize taking and maintaining a firm grip on the materials handled. 10. A plumber was working under a scaffold being used by a brick mason. When a load of concrete blocks was placed on the scaffold, the scaffold collapsed, pinning the plumber under it. Investigation disclosed that the scaffold had been overloaded. (a) Load lim its should be determined for every scaffold. Adequate supervision should be provided to assure that the limit is not ex ceeded. (b) Whenever practicable, work assignments should be planned to avoid anyone's having to work in unprotected areas while other opera tions are being performed overhead. 11. A plumber was moving a piece of pipe. It slipped through his hands, which were cov ered with oil, and fell on his foot. (a) Employees should be carefully instructed in the safe method of lifting heavy and large objects. When their hands are oily or greasy, they should never attem pt to lift objects. (b) Workmen handling heavy objects should wear steel-toed safety shoes. 12. A plumber was working on the ground floor of a building while a carpenter was lay ing subflooring on the second floor. A board slipped from the carpenter's hands, fell through the joists, and struck the plumber on the head. (a) Whenever practicable, assignments should be planned to avoid work in unprotected areas while other operations are being per formed overhead. In this case, the plumbing should have been delayed until the subflooring on the second floor was completed. (b) All construction workers should be en couraged to wear safety hats while they are on the job. 13. A plumber attempted to lift a piece of pipe which had a thin coating of oil on it. The pipe slipped from his hands and dropped on his foot. Investigation disclosed that the oil had been placed on the pipe to prevent rusting. (a) This is a particularly difficult hazard to overcome. Gloves generally are not the answer, because they become slippery when they absorb oil. A common and fairly successful practice in operations other than the piling of pipe is to use a clean wiping rag as a hand pad in taking a grip on the oily material. (b) Employees engaged in this work should wear steel-toed safety shoes. 14. A workman was using a hammer and chisel to cut a length of cast-iron pipe. A sec tion of the pipe shattered and a small piece of the pipe lodged in his eye. Cast iron is brittle and very likely to break or shatter ivhen struck. For this type of work, goggles or protective face shields are neces sary. 15. An apprentice was using a hammer and chisel to remove scale from a boiler. A piece of rust from the boiler lodged in his eye. For this type of work, goggles or other suit able eye protective devices are necessary. 16. A plumber was using a hammer and chisel to cut through a concrete wall. A piece of the chisel broke off and punctured the work man's knee. Investigation disclosed that the head of the chisel was badly mushroomed and the metal had crystallized. ACCIDENT PREVENTION SUGGESTIONS (a) All tools should be inspected frequently on a regular schedule. Chisels with mush roomed heads should be removed from service and should not be returned to service until they are properly dressed. (b) Employees engaged in this ivork should be provided w ith, and required to wear, impact goggles. 17. An employee was using an electric drill on a pipe. A small piece of steel flew from the pipe and lodged in his eye. Power drills, both fixed and portable, fre quently throw off chips or sharp particles when used on metal. Goggles or face shields should always be worn while drilling metal. 18. A plumber was using a wrench to tighten a pipe on a water heater. A piece of rust flew from the pipe and lodged in his eye. (a) Rust should be removed from any pipe before the jaw s of a wrench are placed over it. (b) Safe practice demands eye protection on dll work of this type. 19. A plumber's helper was using a sledge hammer to break a large stone so that it could be removed from a ditch. A small piece of the stone flew from the rock and lodged in the helper's eye. Employees engaged in this work should be furnished with, and required to wear, protec tive goggles. 20. An apprentice was using a pocket knife to cut linoleum. The blade of the knife closed suddenly, cutting his finger. Apprentices should be carefully instructed in the safe performance of their duties. A springblade knife should never be used in this work; instead, a one-piece knife, properly guarded, should be used. 21. A plumber was operating a threading machine. While he was adjusting a short piece of pipe in the jaws of the machine, the front of his overalls caught the switch, closing it. As a result, the automatic jaws of the machine closed and mashed his fingers. The switch should be located or protected so as to prevent unintentional contact with it. 17 22. A plumber pulled the belt of a well pump to start it. When the pump started, his fingers were caught between the belt and the pulley. (a) This illustrates the need for guarding all nip points, even on small belts of this type. Had this pulley been properly guarded, nothing more than a slight bruise or scratch would have resulted. (b) In any event, no belt should ever be moved manually when the power is on. If the motor will not start it, the power should be cut off and an inspection made to determine the trouble. 23. A plumber was using an electric drill to remove a stud. The leg of his trousers caught in the drill and, before he could open the switch, the drill had lacerated his leg. All power drills should be equipped with “dead-man controls,” which will automatically cut the power when the operator relaxes his grip. 24. An apprentice was shoveling dirt from a ditch which was 12 feet deep. The brace holding the sides of the ditch broke, and the ditch caved in, causing the employee a sprained shoulder. Investigation disclosed that the ditch was in filled ground and that the soil was unstable. The ditch was shored and braced, but in this kind of soil it should have been sheet-piled for maximum protection. The shoring probably would have been inadequate to hold the soil even if the brace had not failed. 25. A worker was helping to carry a bath tub up a stairway. His fingers were squeezed between the wall and the tub and badly lacer ated. Infection developed. Investigation dis closed that he grasped the tub at the sides in stead of the end. Careful instruction and close supervision are necessary to prevent accidents of this type. Workmen who are required to lift heavy or large objects should be instructed in working as a team. In this case, the workman should have grasped the tub at the end instead of at the sides. 26. A plumber was descending a ladder. As 18 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS he stepped to the floor, he slipped on some small pieces of wood near the foot of the ladder and fell against the wall, bruising his shoulder. Investigation disclosed that the small pieces of wood were waste material from carpentry oper ations and that the working surface had not been cleaned when the carpenters completed their work. A case of poor housekeeping and inattention to footing. A ll working crews should be re quired to clean up their own scrap. The plumb ing supervisor should have made certain the working surface was clear before his man start ed work. Furthermore, anyone using a ladder should make certain the surface at the base of the ladder is clear before going up. In descend ing a ladder the handhold should never be re leased nor the full weight shifted from one foot to the other until a firm footing, for the foot taking the weight, is assured. 27. An apprentice was carrying a box of supplies from a truck when he stepped in a hole in the ground and fell, spraining his ankle. Investigation disclosed that the workman could not see the hole because he was carrying the box in front of him. (a) A ll plumbers should be carefully in structed in the safe method of handling mate rials. In this case, the workman should have carried the box in such a position that he could observe the surface on which he was walking. (b) Before engaging in this work, an inspec tion should have been made of the surface. Holes should have been filled in or covered by an adequate walkway. 28. A plumbing superintendent stood on a steel girder to direct the moving of a tank. He fell from the girder and struck a pump 13 feet below, experiencing multiple contusions and lacerations. A girder is not a safe working platform. In this case, the superintendent probably could have selected a safer position from which to direct the operation or, if it was necessary to stand on the girder, a lifeline could have been used for his protection. 29. A plumber stood on a chair to hang a one-half-inch pipe. When he stepped to the edge of the chair, it tipped, throwing him to the floor. Chairs should never be used as working sur faces. A properly constructed scaffold or a working platform should have been provided for this work. 30. A plumber was sitting on the floor joists installing copper pipe. He slipped and fell be tween the joists, cutting his arm on an electric receptacle as he fell. Employees should not be perm itted to work from floor joists. Planks laid across the floor joists would provide a suitable working surface. 31. An apprentice plumber was working on the third floor of a house under construction. He stepped backward and fell through an open ing which had been made for a stairway. He fell to the basement and suffered multiple bruises. A ny tem porary opening in the floor of a building under construction should be enclosed by a guardrail and toeboard or should be cov ered until it is to be used. 32. A sewer was being installed for a new home. A 10-inch plank had been placed between the ground and the doorstep to permit con struction workers to cross the ditch which had been dug for the sewer. As a plumber’s helper was walking on the plank, a strong wind caused him to lose his balance and he fell into the ditch. The walkway was entirely too narrow. Two or more planks, cleated together, should be pro vided for the walkway. 33. An apprentice was standing on a ladder installing a pipe. The ladder slipped and the employee fell against a wall. Investigation dis closed that the ladder was neither equipped with safety treads nor anchored at the top. (a) All ladders should be equipped w ith safe ty treads and, if possible, anchored at the top. (b) This accident emphasizes the importance of training all workers to do their work safely. Unless the journeyman practices safety in his work, the apprentices assigned to him are likely to adopt his unsafe habits. ACCIDENT PREVENTION SUGGESTIONS 34. A plumber was standing on a nail keg “roughing in” plumbing. He fell from the keg and fractured his wrist. Nail kegs should never he used as working surfaces. A properly constructed scaffold or a working platform, should have been provided for this work. 35. A plumber stood on a sawhorse to solder an overhead pipe. His foot slipped from the sawhorse and he fell. Sawhorses should never be used as working surfaces. A properly constructed scaffold or a working platform should be provided for this type of work. 36. A plumber stepped on joists to reach a ladder. He lost his balance and fell through the joists to the floor below. Workmen should not walk on joists. Ade quate walkways should be constructed by lay ing planks across the joists. 37. A helper tripped and fell down the stairs in a new house. Investigation disclosed that the steps had been covered with paper held in place by fiberboard. A strip of paper near the top of the stairs had not been fastened. It rolled up and tripped the helper. Temporary treads should always be fastened in place. A regular and system atic inspection of the premises would probably have revealed this unsafe condition. 38. A plumber stepped on the rail of a stock bin to get a piece of pipe from the top of the bin. The rail loosened and the employee fell, spraining his ankle. (a) Stock bins should be located so they can be reached from the floor. (b) Where stock bins cannot be reached from the floor, a working platform or a step ladder should be provided. 39. A plumber was checking floor measure ments with the superintendent. He stepped from a soil pipe to a nail keg which overturned and threw him to the floor. Investigation dis closed that the area was littered with plumbing supplies. (a) Good housekeeping is essential to safety 19 in any operation. Plumbing supplies should be safely stored in an orderly manner. Periodic inspections and adequate supervision should be maintained to enforce this rule. (b) Construction workers should not use soil pipes, nail kegs, boxes, sawhorses, chairs, or other makeshifts as substitutes for adequate ladders or working platforms. In this case, the superintendent should have ordered the place cleaned up and should have stopped the plumber from climbing on the soil pipe and keg. Supervisory indifference to haz ardous conditions encourages workmen to take unnecessary chances. 40. A plumber erected a scaffold from used lumber which he found at the job site. When he mounted it, one of the planks broke and he fell to the ground. Investigation disclosed the plank to be badly split. Lumber used in the construction of scaffolds should be sound and straight-grained. Periodic inspections and close supervision should be pro vided to enforce this rule. 41. As an apprentice was climbing a ladder, a rung broke and he fell to the ground, bruising his heel. Infection developed. Investigation dis closed that the ladder had been made at the job site and the rung had split through a knot. Lumber used in the construction of ladders should be sound, straight-grained, and free from knots. Regular inspections and adequate supervision should be provided to enforce this rule. 42. A plumber was on a scaffold installing pipes, when he misstepped off the end, and fell to the ground. Investigation showed no guard rail or toeboard on the scaffold. Scaffolds should be constructed with guard rails and toeboards. 43. While walking across the floor of the shop, a plumber stepped on a short piece of pipe. The pipe rolled and the employee twisted his back trying to maintain his balance. Inves tigation disclosed that a helper had cut the end from a pipe and dropped it on the floor. It had then rolled into the passageway. All employees should be carefully instructed INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS 20 in the need for good housekeeping. In this case sure all workers know and follow safe-lifting a scrap box placed near the work table might procedures. had led to better housekeeping and might have 48. A plumber walked across the floor joists prevented the accident. 44. A plumber was using a pipe wrench to remove a union from a section of pipe. While pulling on the wrench he placed his foot on a second wrench which he was using to steady the pipe. His foot slipped off the second wrench and he strained his back. Workmen should be carefully instructed in the safe method of using hand tools. In this case the plumber should have grasped a wrench in each hand. If additional force teas neces sary, a second employee should have been as signed to hold the second wrench. 45. While he was kneeling, a plumber lifted a cast-iron soil pipe and strained his back. In vestigation disclosed that the section of pipe weighed 120 pounds. Thorough instruction in the safe handling of materials should be a part of the training given every plumber. Even under the best conditions a 120-pound lift generally should be a 2-man operation; from a kneeling position, 120 pounds is obviously too heavy for any man to lift. 46. A plumber on a scaffold attempted to lift a section of soil pipe being handed up to him. The section weighed approximately 120 pounds. As he was pulling the pipe onto the scaffold, he twisted his back. Thorough instruction in safe handling of ma terials should be a part of the training given every plumber. In this case a block and fall probably should have been used to lift the heavy pipe. 47. A plumber and his helper were lifting a bathtub onto a truck. The helper set his end down without warning, throwing the weight onto the plumber. As a result, the plumber strained his back. Coordination of effort is essential for safety whenever two or more persons are lifting to gether. One person in the team should signal each move and the others should carefully fol low his instructions. Supervisors should make to deliver a pot of hot lead. When he stepped on a loose joist, it turned and he dropped the pot. The lead splashed and burned his eye. Investigation disclosed that the carpenters had overlooked nailing the joist. Workmen should never walk on floor joists. A properly constructed walkway should be pro vided. 49. A plumber was running a lead joint in a soil pipe. Water in the pipe caused the molten lead to explode and the employee’s face and head were severely burned. All w ater and moisture should be removed from the pipe before this work is started. Su pervisors should be responsible for determining when the operation can be safely undertaken. 50. A plumber was using a wrench to tighten a bolt on a hanger. When the wrench slipped, the workman brushed against a hot valve and burned his arm. Investigation disclosed that the employee had not adjusted the jaws of the wrench properly. Thorough instruction in the safe method of using hand tools should be a part of the train ing given every plumber. Wrenches should be properly adjusted before any pressure is ap plied. 51. While a plumber was engaged in wiping a joint, some hot solder fell from it and burned his arm. Sleeves of leather or fireproof duck should be worn in this work. 52. A plumber was adjusting the gas burn ers on a steam table. When he struck a match and opened the gas line, an explosion occurred. Investigation disclosed that the manufacturer of the steam table had neglected to place a cap on the end of the gas line. All new equipment should be carefully in spected before it is placed in service. 53. A plumber’s helper was carrying hot lead in a ladle. He tripped over a piece of ACCIDENT PREVENTION SUGGESTIONS lumber and fell, spilling the lead into his shoes. Investigation disclosed that the lumber was left by carpenters who had just completed laying the floor. (a) Good housekeeping is essential to safety in any operation . The piece of lumber should have been removed from the working surface before the helper engaged in this work. (b) The use of personal protective devices such as gloves, goggles, etc., is desirable for workmen handling hot lead. 54. A plumber was melting lead. When he dropped a piece of cold lead into the pot, hot lead splashed from the melting pot into his eye. Employees engaged in this ivork should wear protective goggles or face shields . 55. A plumber was carrying a can of hot tar up a ladder. He tipped the can and spilled the hot tar on both hands. Employees should never attem pt to carry ob jects up ladders. A hand line should have been used to raise the hot tar. 56. A plumber poured molten lead into a ladle which had small beads of moisture on it. An explosion resulted and the plumber's face was burned. To eliminate moisture, ladles should be pre heated before molten metal is poured into them. 57. When a foreman plumber entered a well to set a pump, he was overcome by gas fumes. Two men attempted to rescue him but during the rescue they dropped him back into the well. The foreman suffered a sprained and bruised back. A test for gas should be made before any workman enters a well or other confined space. Safe practice dictates that a supplied-air res pirator should be used in any contaminated 21 area or in any confined space which has not been tested for the presence of gas. 58. An apprentice was working in the base ment of a new house. Fumes from an open salamander caused congestion of his respira tory passages. Investigation disclosed that the basement was closed and no ventilation had been provided. Salamanders should never be used in closed or unventilated areas. 59. An employee was using a hammer to fasten a pipe hanger into place in the basement. While he was doing this, the hammer jarred several pieces of plaster loose from cracks in the subflooring. The plaster fell, burning the workman's eyes. Goggles are desirable for eye protection in any form of construction work and are partic ularly important on overhead construction work. 60. A plumber suffered flash burns of both eyes while working near arc welding opera tions. (a) Welding operations should be properly shielded or enclosed. (b) Employees tvorking near arc ivelding operations should be provided with, and re quired to wear, protective goggles. 61. A plumber received a slight shock while using an electric hammer in an overhead posi tion. This shock caused him to relax his grip, and the hammer fell, striking him on the head. Subsequent inspection of the tool revealed a short in the wiring. (a) All electrical tools should be effectively grounded. (b) All tools, electrical or not, should be given periodic inspections on a regular sched ule and should be withdrawn from service if they are defective in any way. 22 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS A ppendix— Statistical T ables T able 1.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by nature of injury and occupation of injured Nature of injury All workers J ournej/men Apprentices Superintendents, foremen Helpers Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Total........................................- ............... Amputations, enucleations.................... Bruises, contusions----- ------- -----------Without infection............................ With infection................................. Burns, scalds............... — Chemical bums......... ................-..........Cuts, lacerations................. Without infection............................ With infection------------------------Foreign bodies, not elsewhere classified. Fractures.................... .............................. Hernias............... ...................................... Industrial diseases...................................Strains, sprains........................................ Other------ -----------------------------------Unclassified; insufficient data.............. 2,719 12 467 404 63 195 30 527 405 122 170 268 78 40 880 22 30 100.0 .4 17.4 15.1 2.3 7.3 1.1 19.6 15.1 4.5 6.3 10.0 2.9 1.5 32.7 .8 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. T able 2. 2,040 11 343 296 47 151 22 386 289 97 132 206 53 29 668 19 20 100.0 .5 17.0 14.7 2.3 7.5 1.1 19.1 14.3 4.8 6.5 10.2 2.6 1.4 33.2 .9 245 100.0 49 42 7 18 1 43 36 7 18 23 10 3 75 2 3 20.3 17.4 2.9 7.4 .4 17.8 14.9 2.9 7.4 9.5 4.1 1.2 31.1 .8 402 1 70 61 9 24 7 95 77 18 19 37 13 7 123 1 5 100.0 .3 17.6 15.3 2.3 6.0 1.8 23.9 19.4 4.5 4.8 9.3 3.3 1.8 30.9 .3 32 100.0 5 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 14 2 16.7 16.7 6.7 10.0 10.0 3.3 6.7 6.7 3.3 46.6 * Percents are based on classified cases only. —Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 1 3 States,1 1 9 4 9 , classified by nature of injury and location of accident Number of accidents occurring— Nature of injury On floors On ground (except excavations) On ladders In ditches or other excavations Under houses On steps or stairs Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total..........................- .................................................... 246 100.0 Amputations, enucleations_____________________ 54 22.3 Bruises, contusions.............................................. .......... Without infection........................... ........... .......... 43 17.8 11 4.5 With infection____________________________ 7 2.9 Burns, scalds_________________________________ 2 .8 Chemical bums_______________________________ Cuts, lacerations.......................................................— 85 35.1 Without infection........................................ .......... 69 28.5 With infection......... ............................................16 6.6 4 1.7 Foreign bodies, not elsewhere classified__________ 10 4.1 Fractures.......................................................................... 6 2.5 Hernias______________________________________ Industrial diseases____________________________ 74 30.6 Strains, sprains................... .......................................... Other_______________________________________ 4 Unclassified; insufficient data___________________ 112 100.0 17 15 2 15.2 13.4 1.8 26 24 2 12 1 56 23.2 21.4 1.8 10.7 .9 50.0 1Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 102 100.0 27 24 3 4 6 5 1 21 2 42 26.5 23.6 2.9 3.9 5.9 4.9 1.0 20.6 2.0 41.1 101 100.0 1 1.0 19 18.8 17 16.8 2 2.0 6 5.9 14 13.9 11 10.9 3 3.0 1 1.0 17 16.8 1 1.0 2 2.0 40 39.5 97 100.0 77 100.0 18 11 7 3 2 14 6 8 10 2 16 30 2 11 11 14.5 14.5 4 2 2 6 3 52 1 5.3 2.7 2.6 7.9 3.9 68.4 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 18.6 11.4 7.2 3.1 2.1 14.4 6.2 8.2 10 3 2.1 16.5 30.8 2.1 23 APPENDIX — STATISTICAL TABLES T able 3. —Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by nature of injury and activity of injured Activity when injured Nature of injury Using hand tools Walking, stepping, etc. Carrying objects Lifting objects Placing objects Other Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total............................................................ ............... .. Amputations, enucleations_____________________ Bruises, contusions........................................................ Without infection__ ______________________ With infection........................................................ Burns, scalds.................................................................. Chemical burns_______________________________ Cuts, lacerations............................................................. Without infection.................................. ................ With infection......... ............................................... Foreign bodies, not elsewhere classified__________ Fractures................................................. ........................ Hernias______________________________________ Industrial diseases____________________________ Strains, sprains.............................................................. Other_______________________________________ Unclassified; insufficient data___ _______________ 623 100.0 4 .6 110 17.8 95 15.4 2.4 15 47 7.6 9 1.5 150 24.2 123 19.8 4.4 27 108 17.4 54 8.7 1.0 6 1 .2 126 20.4 4 .6 4 239 100.0 47 38 9 2 60 52 81 23 2 102 2 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. T able 19.8 16.0 3.8 .8 25.4 22.0 3.4 .4 9.7 .8 43.1 481 100.0 1 .2 48 10.1 46 9.7 2 .4 4 .8 35 7.4 6.3 30 5 1.1 2 .4 38 8.0 44 9.2 304 63.9 5 245 100.0 43 38 5 2 21 16 5 26 16 134 3 118 100.0 1 .9 32 27.6 29 25.0 3 2.6 2 1.7 17 14.7 14 12.1 3 2.6 2 1.7 24 20.7 3 2.6 1 .9 34 29.2 2 17.8 15.7 2.1 .8 8.7 6.6 2.1 10.7 6.6 55.4 345 3 55 52 3 85 15 59 42 17 20 34 4 7 55 4 4 100.0 .9 16.1 15.2 .9 24.8 4.4 17.3 12.3 5.0 5.9 10.0 1.2 2.1 16.1 1.2 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 4.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,11949, classified by part of body injured and occupation of injured Part of body injured All workers Journeymen Apprentices Helpers Superintendents, foremen Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent2 Number Percent1 Total............................................................................. .......... 2,719 401 Head..........................................-............................................... 274 Eye..................................................................................... Brain or skull_________________________________ 32 Other________________________________________ 95 802 Trunk------- --------------------------------------------------------Chest, lungs, ribs, etc............ ........................................ 107 Back..........................— ................................................... 504 96 Abdomen........................................................................... Shoulder____________ ______ _____ ________ 66 29 Other...........................................- .................................... 671 Upper extremities-------------- ----------------------------------Arm_______ ____ _______ — --------------------------138 262 Hand____ ____ _______________________________ Finger ______________________________________ 271 706 Lower extremities.................................................... ........... 284 Leg........ .................................................... .......... ........... 310 Foot......................... .......................................................... 112 Toe...................................... ............. ........................... .. 123 Body—general...... ................................................................... 16 I T f if ’la fw a ifip .d ‘ i n s n f lf ip .i f v n t H a t ft 100.0 14.8 10.1 1.2 3.5 29.7 4.0 18.6 3.6 2.4 1.1 24.8 5.1 9.7 10.0 26.1 10.5 11.5 4.1 4.6 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 2,040 300 206 25 69 606 85 385 64 52 20 509 110 201 198 523 218 230 75 93 9 100.0 14.8 10.2 1.2 3.4 29.7 4.1 18.8 3.2 2.6 1.0 25.1 5.4 10.0 9.7 25.8 10.7 11.4 3.7 4.6 245 42 29 2 11 70 9 40 13 5 3 59 5 25 29 63 19 31 13 10 1 100.0 17.2 11.9 .8 4.5 28.7 3.7 16.5 5.3 2.0 1.2 24.2 2.0 10.2 12.0 25.8 7.8 12.7 5.3 4.1 402 58 38 5 15 112 11 72 15 9 5 98 20 34 44 112 42 47 23 17 6 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 100.0 14.6 9.5 1.3 3.8 28.2 2.8 18.0 3.8 2.3 1.3 24.7 5.0 8.6 11.1 28.2 10.6 11.8 5.8 4.3 32 1 1 100.0 3.2 3.2 14 2 7 4 1 5 3 2 8 5 2 1 3 1 45.2 6.5 22.6 12.9 3.2 16.1 9.6 6.5 25.8 16.1 6.5 3.2 9.7 24 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS T able 5. —Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by part of body injured and location of accident Number of accidents occurring— Part of body injured On floors On ground (except excavations) On ladders In ditches or other excavations Under houses On steps or stairs Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total................................................................................. Head................................................................................. Eye_____________________________________ Brain or skull........... ................................_............ Other....................................................................... Trunk............................................................................... Chest, lungs, ribs, etc................................ .......... Back......................................................................... Abdomen________________________________ Shoulder................................................................... Other___________________________________ Upper extremities........................................................... Arm.......................................................................... Hand.......................................................... .............. Finger....................................................................... Lower extremities.......................................................... Leg............................................................................. F oot..................................... .................................. Toe_________________________ ____________ Body—genera]............................................................... Unclassified; insufficient data-__________________ 246 100.0 157 6.1 2.9 2 .8 2.4 6 62 25.2 14 5.7 34 13.9 6 2.4 1.2 35 2.0 37 15.0 12 4.9 14 5.6 4.5 11 126 51.3 52 21.1 74 30.2 6 2.4 112 100.0 2 1.8 2 32 4 22 2 2 2 11 2 5 4 65 19 45 1 2 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. T a b le 1.8 28.6 3.6 19.6 18 1.8 1.8 9.8 1.8 4.4 3.6 58.0 17.0 40.1 .9 1.8 102 100.0 2 2.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 33 32.7 5.9 6 16 15.9 2 2.0 7 6.9 2 2.0 23 22.8 14 13.9 8 7.9 1 1.0 37 36.6 17 16.8 20 19.8 6 5.9 1 97 100.0 19 19.8 12 12.5 2.1 2 5.2 5 28 29.2 2.1 2 23 24.0 3.1 3 14 14.6 7 7.4 6.2 6 1 1.0 22 22.9 20 2.8 2.1 2 13 13.5 1 101 100.0 7.9 8 2 2.0 6 5.9 40 39.7 5 5.0 24 23.8 2 2.0 7 6.9 2 2.0 18 17.8 3 3.0 7 6.9 7.9 8 28 27.7 13 12.8 12 11.9 3 3.0 7 6.9 77 1 100.0 1.3 1 32 2 20 3 5 2 10 3 3 4 29 9 19 1 4 1 1.3 42.0 2.6 26.3 3.9 6.6 2.6 13.2 3.9 3.9 5.4 38.2 11.8 25.1 1.3 5.3 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 6.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,11949, classified by part of body injured and activity of injured Activity when injured— Part of body injured Using hand tools Walking, stepping, etc. Lifting objects Carrying objects Placing objects Other Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total................................................................................. Head............... ................................................................ Eye.......................................................................... Brain or skull- ___________________________ Other............................................. ....................... Trunk.......................... ..................................................... Chest, lungs, ribs, etc......................................... . Back....................................................................... Abdomen................................................................. Shoulder................................................................. O ther................................. .................................... Upper extremities........................................................ Arm. ........................................................................ Hand................... ...................................... ........... Finger___________________________________ Lower extremities............. ............................................ Leg........................................................................... Foot__________________ __________________ Toe_............................ ............................................ Body—general................... ........................................... Unclassified; insufficient data...................................... 623 100.0 183 29.5 1613 25.95 19 3.1 110 17.7 4.0 25 63 10.1 1.3 8 11 1.8 3 .5 229 36.8 6.4 40 82 13.2 107 17.2 88 14.2 7.8 48 25 4.0 15 2.4 1.8 11 2 239 100.0 9 3.8 .4 41 17 4 1.7 43 18.0 12 5.0 19 8.0 1 .4 4 1.7 7 2.9 15 6.3 3.3 8 4 1.7 3 1.3 156 65.2 49 20.5 105 43.9 2 .8 16 6.7 A rkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 481 100.0 2.3 11 4 .84 2 5 1.1 315 66.0 14 2.9 225 47.2 52 10.9 3.3 16 8 1.7 70 14.6 3.1 15 27 5.6 5.9 28 80 16.7 28 5.8 24 5.0 28 5.9 2 .4 3 245 100.0 6 2.5 1 .4 5 2.1 127 52.5 11 4.5 79 32.8 7.4 18 16 6.6 3 1.2 26 10.7 3 1.2 14 5.8 9 3.7 81 33.5 23 9.5 37 15.3 21 8.7 2 .8 3 118 100.0 5 4.3 1.7 22 1.7 1 .9 35 29.9 8.5 10 19 16.2 3.4 4 11 .9 .9 36 30.8 6.0 7 9.4 11 18 15.4 37 31.6 12 10.3 6.8 8 17 14.5 3.4 4 1 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 345 79 491 29 55 11 35 6 3 107 16 53 38 65 23 31 11 37 2 100.0 23.0 14.2 .3 8.5 16.0 3.2 10.2 1.7 .9 31.2 4.7 15.4 11.1 19.0 6.7 9.1 3.2 10.8 APPENDIX — STATISTICAL TABLES 25 T a ble 7.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,11949, classified by part of body injured and nature of injury Part of body injured T o ta l............................................................ Head ....................................... -............ . Eye_____________________________ Brain or skull____________________ Other___________________________ Trunk _ ______________________ Chest, lungs, ribs, etc.____________ Rack __ _ __ ______ Abdomen________________________ Shoulder ________________________ _ ____ O ther _ _____ Upper extremities.____________________ Arm _ _______________________ Hand __ _ _ ___________ Fjnger _ _ __________ T,OWf*r extrem ities _ ___ _____ Leg _______________________ F<"»r>t - - _ - - ___ T ne _ __________ Body—general _ _ Unclassified* insufficient data .. Nature of injury Foreign Total Ampu Unclas Indus bodies, num tations, Bruises, sified, Cuts, not ber enu con Burns, Chem else Frac Hernias trial ical lacera where Other insuffi dis Strains, of scalds tures sprains cient clea tusions burns tions eases in classi data juries tions fied 12 22 2,719 467 30 527 170 78 40 30 195 268 880 1 6 3 7 3 35 401 59 25 76 170 16 1 1 1 12 23 274 25 170 35 6 1 32 8 3 20 1 1 15 2 3 2 95 24 31 16 3 802 68 2 6 3 10 78 47 585 1 4 2 38 4 107 30 28 1 1 478 2 6 504 16 1 1 1 2 96 78 13 1 1 8 7 66 49 4 2 4 2 29 17 133 10 62 671 4 297 5 2 5 85 68 36 42 138 16 20 24 262 48 3 39 99 23 4 2 2 42 1 1 49 10 7 2 3 271 156 42 1 195 706 142 8 30 3 125 202 1 117 1 284 5 47 3 18 92 45 310 25 90 5 36 109 1 33 112 5 2 71 1 4 1 123 36 41 2 5 23 10 1 5 16 10 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. to T a b le 8 . —Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by type of accident and agency of injury Oi Agency of inury Total...................................................................... 2,719 375 190 Sharp-edged or rough objects____ 97 Other objects___________________ 93 Rubbing against objects_____________ 90 Stepping on nails, wires, etc._________ 88 Other______________________________ 7 Struck by moving objects................................ 751 Falling objects__________ ___________ 335 From hands of workers____ ______ 185 From other sources______________ 150 Flying objects______________________ 247 Small particles__________ _____ 232 Other_______________ __________ 15 Hand-ODerated or -wielded objects___ 150 Other______________________________ 19 Caught in, on, or between. ______________ 147 Moving parts of equipment________ . 25 Rolling or falling objects_____________ 39 Moving equipment and other objects___ 32 Objects being handled_______________ 44 Other objects__________________ ___ 7 Falls—on same level.......................................... 125 Due to slips________________________ 59 Other................................. ....................... . 66 Falls—from elevations______________ ___ 194 From ladders_______________________ 68 From scaffolds, stagings, etc_________ 29 From other elevations_____________ . 97 Slips and stumbles (not falls).......................... 127 593 Overexertion due to_____________________ Carrying objects____________________ 111 Lifting objects_______________ _______ 328 Pulling or pushing objects____ _______ 103 Other operations____________________ 51 Contact with extreme temperatures_______ 194 Hot liquids_________________________ 118 Flames___________ _________________ 71 Other______________________________ 5 Other types___ _______________________ 157 Unclassified; insufficient data.......................... 56 70 123 245 146 1 9 44 24 3 14 8 3 4 2 6 10 1 6 22 13 4 2 1 4 163 31 62 70 6 3 20 29 6 2 17 25 1 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 129 ~_24~ 58 47 1 1 2 17 8 9 3 3 80 15 5 1 4 7 1 2 1 3o 5 828 387 115 101 51 174 294 101 1 jp 7~ 6 100 66 168 1 5 4 21 5 62 39 13 1 3 8 5 2 30 18 1 5 5 3 3 32 21 3 1 34 24 7 8 1 4 3 215 198 125 73 6 6 9 2 45 1 14 26 4 18 8 10 6 1 1 4 7 435 105 276 23 31 2 2 132 117 67 50 5 5 8 2 22 7 11 4 7 4 3 4 1 1 2 6 149 18 105 15 11 1 1 12 12 12 4 4 5 2 3 23 23 14 9 8 8 7 1 8 1 3 4 1 1 1 11 4 7 1 1 1 1 92 33 48 1 10 63 17 40 2 4 40 38 25 13 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 13 1 1 1 8 96 30 57 5 4 1 1 1 64 32 32 132 57 20 1 55 93 4 73 16 1 1 3 55 1 54 19 188 183 164 132 5 90 1 139 1 4 1 2 1 74 1 2 183 32 11 27 7 11 20 2 172 172 2 2 1 7 7 4 37 16 21 82 41 8 33 3 19 13 6 45 15 12 18 31 3 12 16 1 1 3 8 3 5 5 1 4 1 105 1 1 59 58 2 2 56 56 56 5 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 188 118 70 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 60 5 1 1 35 7 26 2 O1 60 £© O 57 454 0 117 0 87 2 47 4 40 230 1 9 93 2 68 1 27 1 41 8 4 4 2 8 5 9 33 52 21 25 321 4 2 3 34 2 14 1 20 3 51 9 1 7 2 35 9 3 61 0 1 46 2 5 4 3 Unclassified; insufficient data T3 2 o u© rO o Vehicles ©2 § W j Chips, splinters 1 1m 1O S ■g OQ oo 'S o H j Chemicals Hm 00 I Lumber stock 1 Bodily motion p<5. £ Foreign bodies not elsewhere classffied 'cS O 56 3 34 56 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS Total number of acci dents Hot substances Accident type Working surfaces Hand tools Plumbing fixtures 27 APPENDIX — STATISTICAL TABLES T a ble 9.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,11949, classified by type of accident and occupation of injured Accident type All workers Apprentices Superintendents, foremen Helpers Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent 21 Number Percent 2 Total......................................................................................... 2,719 Striking against objects.......................................................... 375 190 Sharp-edged or rough objects................................ 97 Other objects_____________ ________________ 93 Rubbing against objects.................. .............................. 90 88 7 Struck by moving objects...................... - ----------------751 Falling objects................................................................. 335 From hands of workers------------ ------------------185 From other sources......................... ..... ................ 150 Flying objects................................................................ 247 Small particles........................ .......................... . 232 Other_______________________________ _ 15 H and-operated or -w ielded objects 150 Other_____________________________ 19 Caught in, on, or between.................................................... 147 Moving parts of equipment__________ 25 Rolling or falling objects_________ ______________ 39 Moving equipment and other objects_____________ 32 O bjects being handled 44 7 ___ Other objects______________________ Falls on samel evel............. .................................................-125 Due to slips.............................................................. 59 Other ___ 66 Falls from elevations................................................. ............ 194 From ladders........................................................ ........-68 29 From scaffolds, stagings, etc......................................... From other elevations.................... ............................-97 Slips and stumbles (not falls)------------------------- -------127 593 Overexertion due to................................................................. 111 Carrying objects.............................................................. 328 Lifting objects_______ _________________________ 103 Pulling or pushing objects...............— ............ . ....... Other operations................................................ ........... 51 194 Contact with extreme temperatures..................................... 118 Hot liquids............................. ............................ ........... Flames__ ____ __________________ 71 O ther _ __ _ _ _ ___ 5 157 Other types...............................................- ............................ 56 Unclassified; insufficient data_______________ _______ 100.0 14.1 71 3.6 3.5 3.4 33 .3 28.1 12.5 6.9 5.6 9.3 8.7 .6 5.6 .7 5.5 .9 1.5 1.2 1.6 .3 4.7 2.2 2.5 7.3 2.6 1.1 3.6 4.8 22.3 4.2 12.3 3.9 1.9 7.3 4.4 2.7 .2 5.9 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. Journeymen 2,040 294 159 80 79 72 585 536 230 127 103 183 173 10 109 14 105 20 28 22 29 6 107 50 57 157 55 25 77 101 434 70 247 84 33 150 89 57 4 113 43 100.0 14.7 7.9 3.9 4.0 3.6 29 .3 26.7 11.4 6.3 5.1 9.1 8.6 .5 5.5 .7 5.3 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.5 .3 5.4 2.5 2.9 7.9 2.8 1.3 3.8 5.1 21.7 3.5 12.3 4.2 1.7 7.5 4.4 2.9 .2 5.7 245 23 7 2 5 5 101 85 38 19 19 27 25 2 18 2 14 1 3 55 100.0 9.5 2.9 .8 2.1 2.1 4.1 .4 35.3 15.8 7.9 7.9 11.2 10.4 .8 7.5 .8 5.8 .4 1.2 2.1 2.1 6 3 3 15 5 1 9 7 56 11 31 7 7 18 12 5 1 17 4 2.5 1.2 1.3 6.2 2.1 .4 3.7 2.9 23.2 4.6 12.8 2.9 2.9 7.5 5.0 2.1 .4 7.1 402 56 24 15 9 12 20 100.0 14.2 6.1 3.8 2.3 3.0 5.1 125 63 37 26 36 33 3 23 3 26 4 7 4 10 1 11 5 6 16 7 2 7 18 94 29 44 11 10 24 15 9 31.5 15.8 9.3 6.5 9.1 8.3 .8 5.8 .8 6.6 1.0 1.8 1.0 2.5 .3 2.8 1.3 1.5 4.1 1.8 .5 1.8 4.6 23.8 7.3 11.2 2.8 2.5 6.1 3.8 2.3 25 7 6.3 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 32 2 100.0 6.7 1 1 5 4 2 2 1 1 3.4 3.3 16.7 13.4 6.7 6.7 3.3 3.3 2 1 1 6.7 3.4 3.3 1 1 3.3 3.3 6 1 1 4 1 9 1 6 1 1 2 2 20.0 3.3 3.3 13.4 3.3 29.9 3.3 20.0 3.3 3.3 6.7 6.7 2 2 6.7 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS 28 T able 10.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by type of accident and location of accident Number of accidents occurring— Accident type On floors On ground (except excavations) On ladders In ditches or other excavations On steps or stairs Under houses Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total......... ....................................................................... Striking against objects................... ............................ Bumping against.................................................... Other objects____________________ ___ Struck by moving objects. . . __________________ Flying objects____________________________ Small particles__________________ ___ Other_______________________________ Hand-operated or -wielded objects_________ Other____________________________________ Caught in, on, or between_________________ ____ Moving parts of equipment________________ Rolling or falling objects__________________ Moving equipment and other objects________ Objects being handled_____________________ Other objects_____________________________ Falls on same level........................................................ Due to slips............................................................. Other___________________________________ Falls from elevations..................................................... From ladders_____________________________ From other elevations_____________________ Slips and stumbles (not falls)...................................... Overexertion due to....................................................... Carrying objects__________________________ Lifting objects_________________ __________ Pulling or pushing objects_________________ Other operations_ ________________________ Contact with extreme temperatures_____________ Hot liquids_________ _____________________ Flames_____________________________ ___ Other ty p es.________________________________ t- * Unclassified; insufficient data___________________ 246 100.0 88 36.2 8.2 20 11 4.5 9 3.7 15 6.1 51 21.1 2 .8 23 9.4 9 3.7 7 2.9 2 .8 10 4.1 9 3.7 1 .4 4 1.6 3 1 1 1 43 15 28 20 20 32 16 2 6 5 3 5 4 1 14 2 112 100.0 29 26.1 7 6.3 4 3.6 3 2.7 4 3.6 18 16.2 8 4 2 2 7.2 3.6 1.8 1.8 1 3 1 .9 2.7 .9 1 .9 19 12 7 7 7 35 12 3 1 3 5 17.1 10.8 6.3 6.3 6.3 31.6 10.8 2.7 .9 2.7 4.5 1.2 .4 .4 .4 17.6 6.1 11.5 8.2 8.2 13.1 6.6 .8 2.6 2.0 1.2 2.0 1.6 .4 5.7 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 1 102 100.0 7 6.9 3 2.9 3 2.9 4 4.0 101 100.0 9 9.1 5 5.1 3 3.1 2 2.0 2 2.0 2 2.0 17 10 2 8 4 3 1 2 17.2 10.2 2.0 8.2 4.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 22 2 19 22.1 2.0 19.1 1 1.0 1 2 2 2.0 2.0 68 68 66.7 66.7 14 4 13.7 3.9 3 4 4 2.9 3.9 3.9 3 2.9 1 1.0 5 2 3 3 3 9 21 1 8 12 6 4 2 7 2 1.0 5.1 2.0 3.1 3.0 3.0 9.1 21.2 1.0 8.1 12.1 6.1 4.1 2.0 7.1 97 100.0 25 26.1 20 20.9 7.3 7 13 13.6 5.2 5 15 6 2 4 7 7 1 1 2 15.6 6.2 2.1 4.1 7.4 7.4 2.1 1.1 1 1.0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 14 5 8 14.6 5.2 8.4 3 2 3.1 2.1 34 35.5 1 1 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 100.0 2.6 2.6 2.6 6 6 4 2 7.9 7.9 5.3 2.6 1 1.3 1 1.3 3 2 18 18 14 28 24 2 2 3.9 2.6 1.3 23.7 23.7 18.4 36.9 31.7 2.6 2.6 4 5.3 1.0 1.0 1 1 77 2 2 2 1.0 1 1.0 1 29 11.-— Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by type of accident and activity of injured APPENDIX — STATISTICAL TABLES T a ble Activity when injured— Accident type Using hand tools Walking, stepping, etc. Lifting objects Carrying objects Placing objects Other Num- Per- Num- Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total................... ............................................ Striking against objects................................ Bumping against...................— .......... Sharp-edged or rough objects — Other objects.................................. Rubbing against objects....................... Stepping on nails, wires, etc............... Other................................... .................... Struck by moving objects. ..................... .. Falling objects........................................ From hands of workers............ From other sources....................... Flying objects.............................. .......... Small particles------ ---------------Other_______________________ Hand-operated or -wielded objects... Other........................................................ Caught in, on, or between........................... Moving parts of equipment................. Rolling or falling objects...................... Moving equipment and other objects Objects being handled................ ......... Other objects.......................................... Falls—on same level..................................... Due to slips______________________ Other........................................................ Falls—from elevations................................ From ladders___ ________________ From scaffolds, stagings, etc............. From other elevations........................... Slips and stumbles (not falls)............. ........ Overexertion................................................... Contact with extreme temperatures_____ Hot liquids..................... ........................ Flames___________ _______________ Other............................... ........................ Other types.................................................... Unclassified; insufficient data...................... 623 100.0 68 11.1 53 8.6 4.2 26 4.4 27 2.5 15 332 42 20 22 161 158 3 126 3 25 5 5 13 2 13 6 7 11 4 7 4 95 45 28 161 19 11 54.2 6.9 3.3 3.6 26.2 25.7 .5 20.6 .5 4.1 .8 .8 2.2 .3 2.1 1.0 1.1 1.8 .7 1.1 .7 15.5 7.4 4.6 2.6 .2 3.1 239 100.0 78 33.1 23 9.7 9 3.8 5.9 14 4 1.7 46 19.6 5 2.1 11 4.7 5 2.2 2.2 5 1 .4 1 .4 1 .4 4 1.7 2 .8 2 25 17 8 48 11 7 30 45 .8 10.6 7.2 3.4 20.3 4.7 3.0 12.6 19.1 2 2 .8 .8 25 3 10.6 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 481 100.0 22 4.6 13 2.7 1.4 7 1.3 6 1.3 6 3 .6 245 100.0 7.4 18 2.5 6 2 .8 4 1.7 2.1 5 7 2.8 118 100.0 12 10.2 3.4 4 2 1.7 2 1.7 6.0 7 1 .8 40 37 28 9 2 2 1 34.0 31.5 23.9 7.6 1.7 1.7 .8 17 2 7 8 14.4’ 1.7 5.9 6.8 5 1 4 7 2 3 2 4 28 2 1 1 4.2 .8 3.4 5.9 1.7 2.5 1.7 3.4 23.7 1.7 .9 .8 3 2.5 86 75 62 13 4 3 1 4 3 17 2 4 1 10 18.0 15.8 13.1 2.7 .8 .6 .2 .8 .6 3.6 .4 .8 .2 2.2 56 52 49 3 23.0 21.4 20.2 1.2 3 1 7 2 5 1.2 .4 2.9 .8 2.1 8 3 5 5 1.7 .6 1.1 1.0 15 6 9 7 6.2 2.5 3.7 2.9 5 8 324 4 1 3 1.0 1.7 67.8 .8 .2 .6 7 26 111 2 2 2.9 10.7 45.7 .8 .8 4 3 .8 1 2 .4 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 345 40 16 13 3 19 3 2 74 34 7 27 30 24 6 7 3 51 13 5 28 4 1 10 3 7 23 5 2 16 9 19 87 54 32 1 27 5 100.0 11.8 4.7 3.8 .9 5.6 .9 .6 21.8 10.0 2.1 7.9 8.8 7.0 1.8 2.1 .9 15.0 3.8 1.5 8.2 1.2 .3 2.9 .9 2.0 6.8 1.5 .6 4.7 2.6 5.6 25.6 15.9 9.4 .3 7.9 T a b le 12.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by type of accident and hazardous working w condition ° Hazardous working condition 65 2 2 41 14 14 3 11 1 2 1 10 2 8 40 17 23 5 2 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 £ 2 1 1 12 8 3 3 2 3 39 25 14 42 9 16 17 41 2 1 1 67 5 61 1 3 4 1 3 33 8 15 10 63 1 1 1 60 55 35 35 20 4 4 4 5 2 2 3 7 7 23 23 4 4 23 1 1 ■©g O '3 Ho 42 27 25 333 38~ 3~ 2 49 1 15 17 2 17 2 2 1 13 19 34 1 2 1 9 129 2 1 7 1 7 129 129 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 2 17 6 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 £tD CD £ 3 T3Cc3O a 8a W =181 44 12 1 1 11 36 24 36 ’ 14 1 13 22 123 4 123 123 4 4 oIP 101 9 JO 48 162 160 1 IT 90 1 9 1 8 1 1 2 80 1 1 2 38 32 32 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 36 16 19 101 9 65 4 60 1 2 103 1 102 1 1 35 35 21 201 23 23 24 24 3 42 23 7 1 11 1 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. as O O PQ 1 3 1 2 67 32 13 22 6 2 2 6 4 2 1 j o 50 41 3~ 3 1 2 39 38 38 1 5 5 1 21 10 11 4 4 40 2 1 1 3 Unclassified; insufficient data a a s $ 3Ml l-i *8 g■ ©*s o © M ■S3a O ja Pm m Poor housekeeping Hazardous arrangement 6“ 53 420 203 5 3 104 2 60 4 1 57 3 1 3 1 1 40 1 3 1 33 103 83 13 35 21 7 13 6 6 22 15 46 46 38 38 8 8 19 18 13 1 4 3 4 19 10 1 1 6 5 2 1 9 4 4 10 1 9 „E «* m © TJ s -1-3 3o H Laok of personal safety equipment 847 105 84 24 60 13 3 5 342 156 106 50 70 655 109 7 61 8 4 21 24 4 48 19 29 29 9 20 32 1181 17 80 20 § 4 5 41 47 56 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS Total..................................................................... 2,719 706 547 Striking against objects__________________ 375 21 2~ Bumping against_______________ ___ 190 18 97 Sharp-edged or rough objects________ 4 93 14 Other objects______________ _______ 90 Rubbing against objects.................................... 2 3 88 Stepping on nails, wires, etc_____ — 7 Other__________________________________ Struck by moving objects________________ 751 99 63 Falling objects______________________ 335 74 61 From hands of workers____ ______ 185 66 59 150 From other sources.................... — 2 8 Flying objects_________________ ___ 247 Small particles__________________ 232 15 Other._________________________ Hand-operated or -wielded objects......... 150 21 1 19 1 Other_____________ ___________ ___ 4 Caught in, on, or between________________ 147 25 19 25 1 Moving parts of equipment__________ 39 Rolling or falling objects_____________ 5 4 32 Moving equipment and other objects----2 44 16 15 Objects being handled___________ — 7 1 Other objects_______________________ 125 Falls—on same level____ _____________ -14 3 59 2 Due to slips________________________ 4 66 10 1 Other----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------Falls— from elevations__________________________________ . . 194 42 2 68 17 From ladders__ _______________ __________ 29 From scaffolds, stagings, etc_________ 97 25 From other elevations............................ ............... 2 1 Slips and stumbles (not falls)____________ _______________ 127 6 Overexertion due to _____________________ 593 471 457 Carrying objects_______________ _ . . 111 109 109 Lifting objects______________________________________________ 328 311 309 Pulling or pushing objects_________________________ 103 23 13 51 28 26 Other operations___________________________________________ Contact with extreme temperatures____ _______ 194 8 3 Hot liquids_. _____ — ______________________________________ 118 3 71 Flames_____________________________________________________________ 5 2 Other............................................................................. ..................... .................. Other types___________________________________________________________ 157 20 56 Unclassified; insufficient data _____ _____________________ Defective agencies Improperly guarded agencies Accident type Hazardous working procedures -ao Total yaa number © §« of c® °8 2.S acci q j u -i O e3 *§ £ dents o S' Y a1 < 4 4 P °a gS 3o 1 3 &c te bfi§ *o g© H o o T able 13.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,11949, classified by hazardous working condition and agency of accident Agencies of accident Hazardous working condition P rojectin g n a ils, w ires, slivers R ough or uneven Other Lack of personal safety equipment___ Goggles_________ ______ __ _ Gloves__________ ______ Knee pads______ _______ B o o t s _____ _____ Other Improperly guarded agencies__ _____ Poor housekeeping____________ _____ Hazardous arrangement......................... Other.......................................... .............. Unclassified; insufficient data........... .. 2,719 706 547 65 41 53 420 203 63 60 42 27 25 333 181 44 36 24 48 162 160 50 41 847 620 497 481 2 9 5 77 35 1 30 8 3 5 5 220 149 139 111 111 110 6 4 37 14 1 18 4 1 13 6 28 99 82 80 2 13 12 1 48 43 42 142 112 110 1 1 1 23 8 10 3 2 4 1 2 1 5 5 23 3 1 4 1 3 357 22 20 2 100 19 42 1 6 23 9 44 33 11 43 148 191 17 17 35 4 18 5 1 7 15 15 24 100 102 1 64 4 3 1 41 19 1 24 15 5 1 1 l 1 13 21 1 16 15 1 44 3 10 19 4 230 21 1 20 71 66 4 1 88 16 16 15 15 132 122 9 57 54 2 1 3 1 3 142 5 103 2 1 4 56 51 4 1 75 68 7 3 54 3 3 2 48 4 3 1 7 2 5 8 7 1 3 35 8 1 7 19 8 2 9 32 14 7 1 10 101 34 20 23 24 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 75 30 3 27 36 1 1 18 29 8 8 344 113 56 13 30 14 138 66 13 25 17 4 13 19 11 3 3 2 38 4 9 23 853 6 6 847 APPENDIX — STATISTICAL TABLES Lack of adequate help in lifting........ Lack of scaffolds, walkways, etc.. Congested or confined working Other . __ _ . Defective agencies H id den defects Slippery_______ ______________ Sharp-edged Working surfaces Plumbing fixtures Total Hand tools Un Ex number Hot classi of sub Lad Chem cava Lum acci Total Pipes Bath Heat Sinks Other Total Floors Ground Other Total Chis Other stances ders icals tions ber Other fied els dents tubs ers CO INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS 32 T able 14.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by hazardous working condition and occupation of injured Hazardous working condition All workers Journeymen Apprentices Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2Number Percent 2 Number Percent 2 402 245 100.0 Total........................... ............................- .................. ....... 2,719 100.0 2,040 100.0 Hazardous working procedures........ .................................. 706 37.7 501 36.0 41.2 127 68 Lack of adequate help in lifting.................................. 102 547 29.2 384 27.5 52 31.6 Lack of scaffolds, walkways, etc................................. 51 3.0 65 3.5 3.7 5 8 Congested or confined working area ______________ 65 3.6 41 2.2 116 53 2.7 . 3.0 2.8 2937 2.1 323 23.2 33 20.0 Defective agencies.......... ............ .................. .................... 59 420 22.4 150 10.7 23 14.0 Hidden defects........ ......... ............ .............................. 203 10.9 29 Slippery.................................... .................................. 63 50 3.6 2 1.2 3.4 50 60 3.2 3.6 1086 Sharp-edged_________________________________ 42 32 2.3 2.2 4 2.4 Projecting nails, wires, slivers__________________ 19 Rough or uneven.......... .............................................. 27 1.4 3 4 1.4 1 1.8.6 22 2 Other_______________________________________ 25 1.3 1.6 333 259 18.6 Lack of personal safety equipment.................................... 17.8 29 17.6 40 9.6 135 9.7 Goggles------------------- ---------------- -----------------181 203 12.2 2.3 2.4 32 44 Gloves------------------- --------------------------- ---------1.8 2571 34 2.4 1.9 Knee pads__________________ _______________ 36 24 1.3 19 1.4 3 Boots..................... ............................................. ......... 1.8 3 39 61 Other_______________________________________ 48 2.6 2.8 1.8 122 8.8 14 8.5 23 162 Improperly guarded agencies............................................... 8.7 13 Poor housekeeping________________________________ 160 119 8.5 8.5 7.9 28 Hazardous arrangement _.................................................... 50 37 2.7 7 2.7 5 3.0 3 7 Other _____ _ _______________________________ 41 2.2 31 2.2 1.8 Unclassified; insufficient data_______________________ 111 847 648 80 1 Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. T able Superintendents, foremen Helpers 100.0 43.7 35.1 2.7 2.1 3.8 20.3 10.0 2.7 3.4 2.1 1.4 .7 13.7 8.6 2.4 .3 .3 2.1 7.9 9.6 2.4 2.4 32 100.0 5 1 3 20.8 4.2 1 4.2 109 1 41.7 37.5 4.2 12.4 211 1 5 20.8 4.2 8.2 4.2 4.2 3 12.5 1 8 4.2 15.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by hazardous working condition and location of accident Number of accidents occurring— Hazardous working condition On floors On ground (except excavations) On ladders In ditches or other excavations On steps or stairs Under houses Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total..........................-.............................................. Hazardous working procedures................................. Lack of adequate help in lifting. ...................... Lack of scaffolds, walkways, etc....................... Congested or confined working areas________ Other.................................. ............................... Defective agencies................................... ................... Hidden defects.................................................. Slippery..................................... ..................... Sharp-edged................................... ..................... Projecting nails, wires, slivers_____________ Rough or uneven........ .......................... ............ Other.................................................................... Lack of personal safety equipment_____________ Goggles....................................................... ....... Gloves............................................................... . Knee pads_____________ ___________ ___ Boots___________ ____ _______ _____ ____ Other.... ..................................................... ......... Improperly guarded agencies........................... ......... Poor housekeeping..................................................... Hazardous arrangement............................................ Other................................ ......... ................................ Unclassified; insufficient data.......................... .......... 246 100.0 38 18.1 15 7.1 16 7.7 3 1.4 4 1.9 41 19.5 10 4.8 17 8.0 5 2.4 4 1.9 1 .5 4 1.9 21 10.0 3 1.4 1 .5 15 7.1 1 .5 1 .5 16 7.6 93 44.3 1 .5 36 112 100.0 8 9.0 7.9 7 1 40 18 2 19 1 3 1.1 45.0 20.3 2.2 21.4 1.1 3.4 3 3.4 2 35 1 2.2 39.3 1.1 23 1Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 102 100.0 28 33.3 1 1.2 27 32.1 10 8 11.9 9.5 1 1 5 2 1 2 35 6 1.2 1.2 6.0 2.4 1.2 2.4 41.7 7.1 101 100.0 18 25.4 10 14.2 3 4.2 1 1.4 4 5.6 10 14.1 4 5.6 5 7.1 1 1.4 6 1 1 4 8.5 1.4 1.4 5.7 26 8 2 1 30 36.5 11.3 2.8 1.4 97 100.0 28 36.3 51 6.5 1.3 22 28.5 61 1 2 1 1 184 13 1 2 1 22 18 20 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. 7.8 1.3 1.3 26 13 1.3 23 4 5.2 16.9 1.3 2.6 1.3 28.6 77 32 31 100.0 61.5 59.6 1 12 2 1.9 23.1 38 7.8 4 2 77 3.8 3 4 5.8 7.7 1 25 1.9 4 APPENDIX — STATISTICAL TABLES T able 33 16.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,1 1949, classified by hazardous working condition and activity of injured Activity when injured— Hazardous working condition Using hand tools Walking, stepping, etc Lifting objects Carrying objects Placing objects Other Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 ber cent 2 Total............................................................................ 623 100.0 239 100.0 481 100.0 245 100.0 118 100.0 Hazardous working procedures________ _______ 40 12.5 23 12.8 347 88.0 150 73.1 47 55.3 Lack of adequate help in lifting........................ 4 1.3 41 48.1 339 85.9 147 71.6 Lack of scaffolds, walkways, etc. ................ .35 12 2 2 2.4 3.8 166 8.8 1 1.0 8 2 2 Congested or confined working areas________ 2.4 2.5 3 4 Other................................... ............ ................... 4.9 1.3 2 2.4 1 .6 5 1 .5 16 Defective agencies..................................................... 93 29.2 41 22.9 27 13.2 16 18.8 27 6.9 Hidden defects................................................... 4 2.0 72 22.6 9 5.0 7 8.2 9 2.3 11 Slippery________________________________ 2 6 6 7 3.4 6.2 1.5 Sharp-edged......................................................... 3.2 2 2 1.0 10 2.0 1.1 8 Projecting nails, wires, slivers_____________ 1.2 81 2.5.3 102 5.6 1.1 21 .3.5 111 5.3.5 711 8.2 Rough or uneven................................................. 1.2 7 1 2 1.0 Other___________________________ _ ___ .3 3.9 Lack of personal safety equipment........................... 162 50.8 16 8.9 2 .5 1 .5 3 3.5 44.3 Goggles___________________________ ___ 141 11 1 .3 1 1.2 1.2 3.4 Gloves_________________________________ 1 3 Knee pads______________________________ .9 12 6.6 1 3 Boots___________ ___ _ _____ _ ___ .9 .6 Other_____________________ ____________ 4 1.3 3 1.7 1 .2 1 .5 1 1.1 Improperly guarded agencies_________ ________ 16 5.0 20 11.2 6 1.5 5 2.4 8 9.4 Poor housekeeping................................................... 3 20 9.8 4 4.7 .9 74 41.4 5 1.3 2 1.1 7 1.8 2 1.0 6 7.1 Hazardous arrangement............................................ 5 1.6 1 1.2 Other_____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 3 1.7 Unclassified; insufficient data _ _ _ _ 304 33 40 60 87 1Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, 2 Percents are based on classified cases only. Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. 345 31 108 4 9 85 45 13 7 121 7 87 33 14 114 25 24 7 5 5 101 100.0 12.7 4.1 3.3 1.6 3.7 34.8 18.4 5.3 2.9 4.9 .4 2.9 35.8 13.6 5.8 1.6 4.5 10.3 9.8 2.9 2.0 2.0 T able 17.—Disabling work injuries reported by plumbers in 13 States,11949, classified by type of accident and unsafe act Unsafe acts Accident type -fr u . S . G O V E R N M E N T P R I N T I N G O F F I C E ; 1952- OfVipr TTfl.n^-npprpfpH r»v nhjpots Dt.hpr f>n nr ^pf'yirppn nv!ncr part.s of pqiiipTnpnt nr falling nbjpo.tft Moving equipment ojid other objects Objpnts hping h^nrllpd Offipf rvjijppts TTfl.lJc*—on 1evel T)lie f.o slips Other TTplIp-- from plpvnf.ions Tfrom 1 Hpm TTrom sonffolrls stnirinprs pf.p li’rnm other elevations pihps find stum hies (not falls) flynrpYprf.ion Hup to nprrjring ohjeets Tufting ohjeets Pi^llipg or pushing ohjeets Of.her operations Oont.flo.t with evtreme temperatures TTot. ljrpiirjsa Ti’lfimep Other Other types _ __ _ _ ____ Up classified *inpi;ffieient dp.t,s. 2,719 189 23 11g 190 97 2 93 90 12 887 751 133 335 107 185 107 150 21 247 232 i 15 150 231 19 147 142 25 2 39 32 10 447 125 59 66 194 68 29 97 127 593 111 328 103 51 194 118 715 157 56 78 282 6 61 657 11 63 63 63 41 20 20 1 201 6 62 1 5 4 1 1 7 1 2 11 101 4 11 4 22 3 21 50 8 231 5 93 7 31 2 4 60 — 1 1 2 20 19 21 1 1 2 16 — 1 17 3~ 21 1 1 29 24 24 11 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 124 41 8 3 1 22 101 22 10 1 11 111 36 20 2 2 88 4 22 1 4 1 3 9 7 15 11 I 1 1 1 8 10 10 8 8 8 2 2 4 1 3 4 Taking unsafe posi tions 54 40~ 40 9 31 21 1 2 24 3 3 2 21 3 4 21 9 9 3 8 2 2 41__ 2 2 1 1 1 14__ 60 4 5 i l 11 17 17 1 16 3 1 1 9 38 7 38 1 31 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 Arkansas, C alifornia, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, K entucky, M aine, M assachusetts, M issouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, V erm ont, and W est Virginia. 44__ Un Exert Failure Work classi ing ing to fied; exces secure Other at insuffi sive cient pres or unsafe data sures warn speeds 2 1 1 1 11 1 105 5 22 21 27 5 1 1 1 7 5 2 1 21 1 5 1 28 14 1 13 4 4 7 2,193 291 129 75 54 78 83 1 565 203 77 126 243 229 14 102 17 115 19 36 29 26 5 108 55 53 160 57 28 75 88 511 110 313 53 35 172 99 685 128 55 INJURY AND ACCIDENT CAUSES IN PLUMBING OPERATIONS Total.................................................................... Inattention to footing Gripping objects insecurely In Total atten While stepping to or from number tion of to sur On Other round Hand acci Other floors dents Total Pipes tools Other Total Total Stairs Lad ings sur ders faces