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JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary



* *

No. 395





JUNE, 1925







H A Y * B





A S H I N G T O N ,

D .

C .



E N T S '


NO. 395


JUNE, 1925

1914 TO 1924

The proceedings of the first convention of the International Association of
Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions were published in the National
Compensation Journal for May, 1914. References to this publication in this
index are designated “N. C. J.” The proceedings of the special and the second
meetings were published by the association. References to these proceedings
in this index are designated “Special meeting” and “Second meeting.” The
proceedings of subsequent meetings have been published by the United States
Bureau of Labor Statistics, and references to such proceedings in ibis index are
designated by bulletin number.
A name index follows the subject index.

Accident prevention:
(Cohen). Bui. 248, P- 38-42.
(Holman). Second meeting, pp. 2171232.
Accident experience, individual plants. Bui. 264, pp. 14-16, 20, 36, 46, 132; Bui. 281, p. 43.
Carelessness. Bui. 212, p. 281; Bui. 333, pp- 188,192-198.
Compensation, relation to (Crownhart). N. C. J., p. 7-10,^6; Second meeting, p. 16; Bui. 210, p. 60;
Bui. 212, pp. 193, 244-245. 283-285, 575.
Cooperative methods to promote safety (French). Bui. 210, pp. 145-151.
Definition. N. C. J., p. 8; Bui. 248, p. 172.
Education (Holman). Bui. 210, p. 128-143.
-----(Regula). Bui. 333, pp. 201-205.
-----Value (Roach). Bui. 304, pp. 67-71.
-----N .C .I., pp. 42-43; Second meeting, pp. 219, 222, 224, 228, 233-235, 265, 266; Bui. 210, pp. 151-157;
Bui. 212, pp. 921-922; Bui. 248. pp. 19, 45, 48, 49; Bui. 264. pp. 9, 20,27, 37-39, 45, 46; Bui. 273, p. 14;
Bui. 281, pp. 14, 15, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35, 42-43; Bui. 333, pp. 191, 203-205; Bui. 359, p. 119.
General Electric Co., safety work. Bui. 333, pp. 199-200.
Industrial commissions, what they can do to prevent accidents (W illiams). Bui. 264. pp. 45-47.
Industrial safety problem (Cameron). Bui. 359, pp. 117-120.
Inspection and schedule rating of coal mines as a means of preventing mine accidents (W ilson). Bui.
212, pp. 273-282.
Laws, adm inistration. Bui. 304, pp. 80, 85-108.
Mechanical safeguards (Beyer). But. 248, pp. 16-26.
-----Elevator safety devices, test of, by U. S. Bureau of Standards. Bui. 385, p. 3.
-----Importance compared with educational work. Bui. 210, pp. 128-135.
-----Penalty for noncompliance with orders. Bui. 264. pp. 9, 20; Bui. 333, pp. 192-198.
-----Second meeting, pp. 76, 173, 174, 175, 191, 207, 219, 220, 221, 223. 224, 233. 261; Bui. 210, pp. 128-135;
Bui. 248, pp. 45-49, 173; Bui. 264, pp. 17-18, 19, 21, 29-33, 37. 45; Bui. 273, p. 405; Bui. 281, p. 35; Bui.
333. pp. 188,190-191,197, 267.
Moving pictures. Second meeting, pp. 212, 224; Bui. 264, pp. 20, 27, 28, 36, 38; Bui. 281, pp. 15-18,
32, 42; Bui. 333, p. 204.




Accident prevention—Continued.
Plant safety organization (Sanford). Bui. 333, pp. 199-200.
Rates, effect of standardization (W hitney). N. C. J., pp. 11-13.
Safety and health promotion, committee of I. A. I. A. B. C. on. Bui. 210, p. 190.
Safety committees. Second meeting, p. 230; Bui. 264, pp. 25,39; Bui. 333, p. 199.
Safety museums. Second meeting, pp. 222, 224; Bui. 212, p. 270; Bui. 264, pp. 27, 36; Bui. 281, pp. 13,
31; Bui. 304, pp. 74-75.
Shop safety committee (Palm er). Bui. 248, pp. 27-29.
States and provinces—
California (Brownell). Bui. 264, pp. 25-28.
-----(French). Second meeting, pp. 205-210; Bui. 212, pp. 267-272.
-----(W olflin). Bui. 281, pp. 13-19.
-----Bui. 210, p. 146; Bui. 264, p. 9.
M assachusetts (Kennard). Bui. 264, pp. 41-42.
-----Second meeting, pp. 223-224, 226-229.
M innesota (Lescohier). N . C. J., pp. 27-29.
New Jersey. Bui. 304, pp. 70-71, 74-75.
New York (Gemon). Bui. 264, pp. 29-34.
----- Second meeting, pp. 224-225.
Ohio. Second meeting, p. 230; Bui. 264, pp. 14-16,36.
Ontario (Kingston). Bui. 264, pp. 43-44.
Oregon. Bui. 281, p. 253.
Pennsylvania (ConneUey). Bui. 281, pp. 27-39.
-----(Young). Bui. 264, pp. 37-40.
W ashington (Kelly). Bui. 281, pp. 40-43.
Wisconsin (Hembrecht). Bui. 264, pp. 17-24.
-----(Price). Second meeting, pp. 261-268.
-----N. C. J., p. 8; Bui. 212, pp. 921-922.
W artim e, importance in (Noonan). Bui. 264, pp. 35-36.
Miscellaneous. Second meeting, pp. 217-235; Bui. 210, pp. 17-19, 128-135; Bui. 212, pp. 264, 283-291;
Bui. 248, pp. 13-14, 43-50; Bui. 264, p. 129; Bui. 273, pp. 80, 349; Bui. 304, pp. 62-67, 71-75,78-81; Bui.
333, p. 201.
(See also Accident statistics; Factory inspection; Fatigue; Insurance carriers; Lighting; M erit rating;
Safety codes; Schools; Women in industry.)
Accident reporting. (See Procedure; Statistics and compensation insurance cost, committee of I. A. I. A.
B. C. on: Standardization of definitions, etc.)
Accidents, industrial:
Conference called by Secretary of Labor. Bui. 385, p. 3.
Cost (W illiams). Bui. 304, pp. 58-62.
-----Second meeting, p. 219; Bui. 248, pp. 101-105; Bui. 264, p. 33; Bui. 273, p. 344.
Cost of living, effect on. Second meeting, p. 218.
Definition. Bui. 273, p. 300; Bui. 276, p. 17.
Fatigue, effect. Special meeting, pp. 41, 42; Bui. 210, pp. 139-143; 153-155; Bui. 248, p. 40; Bui.
333, p. 208.
Inexperience, relation to. Special meeting, pp. 42-43; Bui. 248, pp. 190, 195, 203; Bui. 264, pp. 8, 9.
Iron and steel industry. Bui. 248, pp. 30-37, 192-207, 210.
Language, relation to. Bui. 248, p. 190; Bui. 281, p. 33.
Rates since 1914 (Kennedy). Bui. 248, pp. 192-207, 208, 210, 211.
States and Provinces—
California. Second meeting, p. 210; Bui. 210, p. 150; Bui. 212, pp. 271-272.
M assachusetts. Second meeting, pp. 219, 227; Bui. 212, pp. 23, 360; Bui. 248, pp. 13, 20.
Michigan. Bui. 212, p. 361; Bui. 385, p. 18.
M innesota. N. C. J., p. 27.
New York. Bui. 248, pp. 21, 295; Bui. 385, p. 137.
Ohio. Bui. 210, p. 27.
Ontario. Bui. 273, p. 133.
Oregon. Bui. 248, p. 21.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 281, pp. 28, 32.
United States. Second m eeting, p. 222; Bui. 212, pp. 267,360; Bui. 248, pp. 223-224; Bui. 333, p. 213.
W ashington. Bui. 281, p. 40.
Wisconsin. Bui. 281, p. 167.
(See also Intoxicants: M ilitary casualties; Mining; Railroad workers.)
Accident statistics:
Accident experience, study of (Hatch). Bui. 273, pp. 378-385.
Accident prevention, use in (Burhop). Bui. 210, pp. 101-105.
— N. C. J., pp. 9, 27; Second meeting, p. 157; Bui. 210, p. 92; Bui. 212, pp. 283-284; Bui. 248, pp.
180-193; Bui. 264, pp. 14rl6,48-50; Bu). 304, pp. 66-67.



Accident statistics—Continued.
Accident rates since 1914 (Kennedy). Bui. 248, pp. 192-207, 208, 210, 211.
Accident records, some showings .from (Chaney). Bui. 248, pp. 30-37, 43, 47.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States, publication by. Special meeting, pp. 2, 25; Bui. 210, pp.
5-7, 90, 98, 99; Bui. 248, p. 192.
Central bureau. N. C. J., p. 32; Special meeting, pp. 26-28.
Collection by States. Special meeting, pp. 31, 32; Bui. 273, pp. 353, 378-385, 386; Bui. 281, pp. 431-432;
Bui. 359, p. 44.
Exposure, amount of, as fundamental in accident study (Chaney). Bui. 264, pp. 109-116,11.
Frequency and severity rates, standard method of computing. Bui. 276, pp. 68-77.
Hollerith machine. Special meeting, pp. 32, 49; Bui. 264, p. 15.
Industrial safety through statistics (Verrill). Bui. 248, pp. 189-191.
I. A. I. A. B. C. special meeting on. Special meeting, pp. 1-58.
M assachusetts, use of individual records. Second meeting, pp. 226-227.
M ilitary casualties. Bui. 248, pp. 217-220.
National Civic Fede.ation. N. C. J., p. 32; Special meeting, pp. 1, 4, 26-28.
National Workmen’s Compensation Service Bureau. Special meeting, pp. 5,6.
Need for (Hatch). Bui. 273, pp. 378-385.
-----(Thompson). Bui. 264, pp. 195-196.
-----N. C. J., p. 32; Special meeting, pp. 27, 28; Bui. 210, pp.. 12, 92; Bui. 248, pp. 187-188, 192-193;
Bui. 264, pp. 11, 48-53; Bui. 273, pp. 24, 83-84, 140, 349-350, 381, 384r-385, 386, 394, 397.
New York. Special meeting, pp. 49, 50-51.
Ohio’s plan of reaching the employer through monthly statistical reports (W atson). Bui. 264, pp. 14-16.
Ontario. Bui. 212, pp. 56-57.
Standard accident and compensation tables, use of (Burhop). Bui. 264, pp. 126-132.
-----Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bui. 276, pp. 55-68.
Standardization. Special meeting, pp. 3-15, 23, 27, 40-45; Bui. 210. pp. 23, 78, 90, 91-100; Bui. 248, pp.
99, 107-115, 192-193, 196, 209, 210, 222-223; Bui. 273, p. 381; Bui. 281, pp. 174-183.
Text book. Special meeting, pp. 4,10,
Wisconsin. Bui. 264, pp. 126-131.
W hy and how of uniform industrial accident statistics for the United States (Meeker). Bui. 210,
pp. 91-100.
W hy tabulate noncompensated accidents? (Hatch). Bui. 264, pp. 11, 117-125.
(See also Statistics and compensation insurance cost, committee on.)
Adm inistration:
Adm inistrative boards, lim itation of authority by rules of procedure. Bui. 385, pp. 11, 15, 16.
Committee on forms and procedure, recommendations. Bui. 385, pp. 10-12.
Cost. N. C. J., p. 38; Bui. 212, p. 147; Bui. 276, pp. 80-88; Bui. 281, pp. 177-178,190-192.
Defects (McSweeney). Bui. 248, pp. 282-286.
Efficiency in, tests of (H ookstadt). Bui. 273, pp. 342-354.
How to secure full compensation to injured workers (Andrus). Bui. 281, pp. 395-398.
Should compensation commissions adm inister accident prevention and other labor laws? (Pillsbury).
Bui. 304, pp. 80, 85-108.
Statistics as an aid in (Burhop). Bui. 264, pp. 48-53.
Court justice, variation in. Bui. 281, p. 178; Bui. 304, p. 240.
Court system, attitude of I. A. I A. B. C. to. Bui. 212, pp. 28, 917-918; Bui. 273, pp. 23-24,
33-34, 198-199, 419; Bui. 281, p. 377; Bui. 304, pp. 107-110, 117.
Court system in Alabama (Owen). Bui. 304, pp. 114-115.
Court system in Louisiana (W ood). Bui. 304, pp. 115-117.
Court system in M innesota (Gardiner). Bui. 304, pp. 110-113.
D istrict system (Chandler). Bui. 212, pp. 26-31.
Industrial accident board system (Donahue). Bui. 212, pp. 20-25.
Industrial commission system (Wilcox). Bui. 212, pp. 917-925.
States and Provinces—
Alabama. Bui. 273, p. 198; Bui. 304, pp. 114-115.
Alberta. BuL 385, p. 146.
British Columbia. Bui. 385, p. 146.
California. Bui. 304, pp. 85-89,180.
Connecticut. Bui. 212, pp. 26-31; Bui. 304, p. 102.
Delaware, troubles in (G rantland). Bui. 304, pp. 230-236.
Illinois. Bui. 281, pp. 395-398.
Kansas. Bui. 212, p. 376.
Louisiana. Bui. 304, pp. 115-117.
M anitoba. Bui. 385, p. 146.
M aryland. Bui. 212, pp. 376, 377; Bui. 304, p. 108.
M assachusetts. Bui. 212, pp. 20-25, 377; Bui. 248, p. 286.



Adm inistration—Continued.
States and Provinces—-Continued.
Michigan. Bui. 304, pp. 86,102-103,180.
M innesota. Bui. 304, pp. 110-113.
Nebraska. Bui. 212, p. 376; Bui. 304, pp. 97-98.
New Brunswick. Bui. 385, p. 146.
New Hampshire. Bui. 212, p. 376.
New Jersey (B ryant). Bui. 304, pp. 82-84; Bui. 212, pp. 376-377; Bui. 273, pp. 198-m
New York, adm inistrativereorgam zation (Sayer). Bui. 304, pp. 7-11;
-----(Connor). Bui. 273,pp. 71-77; Bui. 304, pp. 85, 98-402,186, ,219-211.
-----(Cullen). Bui. 385, pp. 133-137.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 385, p. 146.
Ohio. Bui. 212, pp. 62-65; Bui. 304, pp. 94-96.
Ontario (Kingston). Bui. 212, pp. 47-61; Bui. 385, p. 146.
-----(Price). Bui. 273, pp. 315-323.
Pennsylvania (M ackey). Bui. 312, pp. 32-36; Bui. 281, pp: 267-268.
Tennessee. Bui. 273, p. 198.
W ashington. Bui. 304, pp. 16-20,180.
Wisconsin (Wilcox). Bui. 212, pp. 917-925; Bui. 304, p p ;5,105-108.
Typeof. various countries. Bui. 333, pp. 8-9.
(See also C lam procedure.)
As factor in perm anent disability ratings. Bui. 212, pp. 56, .58-59, 176, 177; Bub 264, p. 213; Bui. 281,
pp. 65, 66, 67, 91, 92, 93, 97, 103; Bui. 304, pp. 119, 126, 127, 128, 133; Bed. 333,pp. 74,. 77-79, 87, 88-89,
91-92, 94, 98, 125,427, 129, 142-448,.236^-237; Bui. 369, pp. 16, 17, 2Q> 23-25, 27-20, 32-46.
Earning capacity from age 16 to 74,:table. • Bui. 333, p. 236.
Elderly men, compensation, claims of (Gunderson). Bui. 385, pp. 113-114. .
Rehabilitation, relation to. Bui. 281, p. 153.
(See also Old age; Old age and invalidity insurance.)
Agreements, voluntary. (See Direct settlem ents.)
Agricultural labor, status, U nited States and foreign countries- (Stew art); Bui. 333, pp. 298-386.
-----Bui. 210, pp. 242-243; Bui. 212, pp. 33,146,366-368; Bui. 273, pp. 15,16,26,27,39,195;,Bui. 281, pp. 117,
167; Bui. 304, pp. 45,46-47, 50; Bui. *333, pp. 113, 392-306; Bui. 359, p. 6,
Alcoholism. (See Intoxicants.)
Aliens, paym ent of compensation to:
Alien enemy. Bui. 248, p. 273.
Alien dependents residing abroad (Homer). Bid. 385,.pp. 128-130.
Lim itation, constitutionality of. Bui. 385* p, 129.
National Association of Legal Aid Organizations. Bid. 385,. pp. 129,. A38.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 273, pp. 16-17; Bui 304*.p,&.
States and Provinces—
Canada. Bui. 385, p. 131.
Colorado. Bui. 385, p. 128.
Delaware. Bui. 385, p. 128.
Georgia. Bui. 385, p. 129.
Idaho. Bui. 385, p. 128.
Illinois. Bui. 386, pp. 131-132.
Kansas. Bui. 385, p. 129.
Kentucky. Bui. 385, p. 128.
M aine. Bui. 385, p. 128.
M assachusetts. N . C. J., p. 42.
M ontana. Bui. 385, p. 128.
Nevada. Bui. 385, p. 129.
New York. Bui. 385, p. 132*133.
Ontario. Bui. 248, p. 273.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 34, 41; BuL 348, :pp. 70, 71; Btfl. 885, pp. 12SHt3D, 182, m ,
U tah. Bui. 385, p. 128.
Virginia. Bui. 385, p. 129.
W ashington. N. C. J., p. 41; Bui. 385, p. 128.
Wisconsin. Bui. 385, pp. 131, 132, 133.
Wyoming. Bui. 385, p. 128.
(See also Lump-sum settlem ents.)
American Association for Labor Legislation:
H ealth insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 551-555.
Uniform compensation legislation. Bui. 273, p. 36.
American Association of Public Employment © ffi^jofotTEleetfog w ith. Bid. 278* p. 9&
American Engineering Standards Committee. ( Sc& Bafetycodes^



American Federation of Labor:
Federal compensation law, railroad workers. Bui. 273, p; 189;
Health insurance. Bui. 212, p. 559-571.
American Medical Association. Committee on estimating compensation for eye injuries:
Reports. Bui. 333, pp. 172-173, 178; Bui. 359, pp. 77-85, 86; Bui. 385, pp. 68-74.
Committee of I. A. I. A. B. C. to cooperate with. Bui. 333, pp. 173, 174, 177, 179; Bui. 359, pp. 88,
89; Bui. 385, p. 81.
American Red Cross. First aid instruction (Parker). Second meeting, pp. 72-96.
Alliances. (See Association of Governmental Labor Officials of United States and Canada.)
Anthrax. Bui. 212, p. 380; Bui. 248, p. 190; Bui. 264, p. 184.
Apoplexy (cerebral, hemorrhage). Bui. 264, pp. 166, 167.
Appeal, right of:
Constitutional necessity for, and appropriate method (Wilcox). Bui. 210, p. 28.
California. Bui. 210, pp. 30-31.
Canada. Bui. 273, p. 24.
Idaho. Bui. 333, p. 50.
Illinois. Bui. 248, pp. 82, 83.
Iowa. Bui. 273, pp. 202-203.
M aryland. Bui. 304, pp. 205-206.
M assachusetts. Bui. 210, p. 30; Bui. 212, p. 21.
New York. Bui. 210, p. 31; Bui. 304, p. 215.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 248, pp. 85-86.
Ohio. N. C. J., pp. 35, 38; Bui. 210, p. 29; Bui. 212, pp. 64, 83; Bui. 273, p. 150.
Oklahoma. Bui. 304, p. 209.
Ontario. Bui. 210, p. 31; Bui. 212, pp. 60-61; Bui. 248, p. 261; Bui. 273, pp. 315,317-318.
Oregon. Bui. 212, p. 147; Bui. 281, p.-107.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 40-42.
United States. Bui. 248, p. 261; Bui. 273, p. 24.
W ashington. N. C. J., p. 17; Bui. 210, p. 29.
Appendicitis. Bui. 333, pp. 162-163.
Arising out of and in course of employment:
(Kingston). Bui. 264, pp. 60-72.
Bui. 212, p. 33; Bui. 264, p. 12; Bill. 273, pp. 27; 41-51, 53, 104,112-113, 114, 419; Bui. 304, p. 218.
Provisions, various States. Bui. 248, pp. 264-266.
Arteriosclerosis. Bui. 264, pp. 163, 166-167, 184; Bui. 385, pp. 113-114.
A rthritis:
Bui. 210, pp. 206, 208; Bui. 264, pp. 157, 160-163, 184; Bui. 333, pp. 154, 166; Bui. 385, p. 83.
Spinal hypertrophic arthritis—its relation to compensable injuries (Eager). Bui. 385, pp. 86-88, 89,
Assessments, how made:
Nova Scotia (Armstrong). Bui. 304, p. 23-25, 43. Ontario. Bui. 304, pp. 33; Bui. 385, pp. 146-147.
Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada:
Alliance with. Bui. 264, pp. 13, 78, 79-80, 108; Bui. 273, pp. 60-61. Joint meeting with. Bui. 273,
pp. 60-61.
Employment of. Second meeting, pp. 173-174, 175,176, 177,180, 181; Bui. 248, p. 85; Bui. 273, pp. 321322, 352; Bui. 281, p. 197; Bui. 304, pp. 234-235, 238; Bui. 385, pp. 123, 134.
Fees, supervision. Bui. 248, p. 83; Bui. 273, p. 69, 110; Bui. 281, p. 416, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429; Bui 304,
p. 210; Bui. 385, p. 120, 124-128.
Trade-unions. Bui. 248, p. 83; Bui. 273, p. 166, 183, 184, 187.
(See also Legal- aid.)
Auditing pay rolls. Policy. Bui. 333, pp. 313-316; Bui. 359, pp. 115-116.
Autopsy findings, value in clearing u p fatal industrial accidents (Leary). Bui. 248, pp. 117, 126, 130.
Adequacy. Bui. 212, p. 205; Bui. 248, pp. 231, 242; Bui. 273, pp. 21-23, 27-28, 143; Bui. 281, pp. 203, 211;
Bui. 304, p. 121.
An adequate weekly maximum (Kelly). Bui. 333, pp. 287-293.
-----Bui. 212, p. 59; Bui. 281, pp. 192-197, 203, 211.
Basis of compensation (Sherman). Bui. 212, pp. 184-192;
-----N. O. J., p-. 33; Btd. 273, pp. 101,102,138,146,191-193,315,316,400-404,419; Bui. 281, pp. 179-183,251.
Change: Bui. 273, p. 258; Bui. 385, pp. 11, 18-19.
Emergency payments before final settlem ent of claim. Bui. 248, p. 290; Bui. 304, pp. 202, 208, 212.
Em ployer's liability compared w ith workmen's compensation. Bui. 273, pp. 169-170. .
Failure to pay, penalty. Bui. 304, p. 213.
Review. Bui. 385, p. 10.
Schedules (W hitney). Bui. 212, pp. 193-197.



Term ination. Bui. 210, p. 223; Bui. 273, pp. 352-353; Bui. 281, p. 417; Bui. 333, pp. 35-36, 49; Bui. 385,
p. 11-17.
To whom paid. Bui. 212, p. 53; Bui. 333, pp. 21, 41,44, 49-50, 53.
(See also Claim procedure; Death benefits; Permanent disabilities.)
Back conditions:
Back pains, etiology, diagnosis and treatm ent (Acker). Bui. 385, pp. 82-86.
-----Bui. 248, p. 136; Bui. 281, pp. 310, 336, 412-413, 423; Bui. 304, p. 147; Bui. 333, pp. 165-166.
Back pains, w ith special reference to sacroiliac lesions and the application of physiotherapy in treat­
ment (W right). Bui. 385, pp. 100-112.
Diagnosis (Sever). Bui. 248, pp. 139-152; Bui. 333, pp. 165-169. *
Lumbago. Bui. 264, pp. 176-177; Bui. 385, pp. 87, 90-91, 109.
Preexisting conditions. Bui. 273, pp. 222-223, 224.
Spine, fractures. Bui. 248, pp. 139-152; Bui. 333, pp. 167-169; Bui. 385, pp. 85-86, 87-88, 91.
Spinal hypertrophic arthritis. Its relation to compensable injuries (Eager). Bui. 385, pp. 83, 86-88,
Bell System, benefit fund work. Bui. 212, pp. 535-536, 537.
Benefit societies. (See H ealth insurance.)
Benefits, compensation. (See Awards; Death benefits; Permanent disabilities.)
Bone diseases. Bui. 210, pp. 207-211.
(See also Back conditions.)
Brain, concussion and contusion, w ith postconcussional conditions (Plummer). Bui. 304, pp. 148-152.
B right’s disease (nephritis). Bui. 264, p. 176.
British Industrial Safety First Association. Adoption of I. A. I. A. B. C. schedule for perm anent disability
awards. Bui. 333, pp. 148-149.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (See United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.)
Cancer, w ith special reference to sarcoma. Its relationship to traum a (Lewy). Bui. 273, pp. 238-244.
-----Bui. 212, p. 388; Bui. 273, pp. 245-246; Bui. 385, p. 83.
M alignant disease w ith reference to traum as of industry (Bloodgood). Bui. 333, pp. 151-157.
Carcinoma. (See Cancer.)
Carroll-Dakin treatm ent. (See Infection.)
Casual workers. Bui. 212, pp. 33,370-371; Bui. 273, pp. 16,26,196; Bui. 333, pp. 238,239,309.
Cataract. (See Eye injuries.)
Cause-of-injury code. Bui. 276, pp. 85-97.
Census Bureau. (See United States Census Bureau.)
Claim procedure:
Checks, to whom paid. Bui. 212, p. 53; Bui. 333, pp. 21,41,44,49-50,53.
Claim adjustm ents under workmen’s compensation (Kuechle). Bui. 248, pp. 287-290.
. -----Special meeting, pp. 29-22, 45; Bui. 248, p. 42; Bui. 273, p. 24, 359-351; Bui. 281, p. 345-347.
Committee on forms and procedure. Appointment and continuance. Bui. 304, p. 246; Bui. 333, p. 26;
Bui. 359, pp. 110-112.
-----Recommendations on standardization of claim procedure. Bui. 333, pp. 14-41, 41-59; Bui. 385,
pp. 10-12,12-21.
Emergency payments before final settlem ent of claim. Bui. 248, p. 290; Bui. 304, pp. 202,208,212.
Establishm ent of claim. N. C. J., p. 40; Second meeting, pp. 177-179.
Forms. Special meeting, pp. 44-45; Bui. 276, pp. 19-26; Bui. 281, pp. 245-248, 384-394; Bui. 304,
pp. 182-187; Bui. 333, pp. 23-41,46-47; Bui. 385, pp. 12-14.
How to secure full legal compensation to injured workers (Archer). Bui. 281, pp. 375-377.
-----(Andrus). Bui. 281, pp. 395-398.
-----(Gleason). Bui. 281, pp. 378-394.
M ethods of accident reporting and claim procedure (20 States) (Hookstadt). Bui. 304, pp. 176-201,
202- 221.

Notification to employee as to rights. Bui. 333, pp. 20,37-38, 46-47, 58-59.
Promptness of claim settlem ent. Bui. 212, pp. 26-27, 29; Bui. 273, pp. 71-72, 76, 77, 156, 351, 356-357;
Bui. 281, pp. 178,199-202, 210-211, 250-251, 396-397; Bui. 304, pp. 189-191, 204, 205, 207, 232.
Receipts for payments. Bui. 273, p. 351; Bui. 304, pp. 196-198,221; Bui. 333, pp. 20-21,35; Bui. 385, pp.
States and Provinces—
British Columbia. Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
California. Bui. 248, pp. 65-66, 273,369-361; Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
Colorado. Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 394, pp. 176-201.
Connecticut. Bui. 281, pp. 245-248.
Delaware. Bui. 304, pp. 230-231.



Claim procedure—Continued.
States and Provinces—Continued.
Idaho. Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
Illinois. Bui. 248, pp. 81-84; Bui. 273, p. 357; Bui. 281, pp. 210, 395-308; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
Indiana. Bui. 273, pp. 361-362; Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
Iowa. Bui. 273, p. 69.
M aryland. Bui. 273, pp. 120-121; Bui. 281, pp. 210,414-415; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201, 203-207; Bui. 359,
pp. 109-112; Bui. 385, p. 13.
M assachusetts. Bui. 273, pp. 99,100,102-103; Bui. 281, pp. 210,378-394; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201; Bui.
385, pp. 13,14-15,19.
Michigan. Bui 248, pp. 67-68; Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 14,176-201; Bui. 385, pp. 16-17,18-19.
M ontana. Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
Nevada. Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
New Jersey. Bui. 304, pp. 82-84.
New York. Bui. 273, pp. 71-77, 357; Bui. 281, pp. 210, 375-377; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201, 210-215; Bui.
385, pp. 13-14, 133-136.
North Dakota. Bui. 304, pp. 220-221.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 248, pp. 84-86; Bui. 281, pp. 257-258; Bui. 304, pp. 23-25.
Ohio. N. C. J., p. 40; Bui. 212, pp. 62-03; Bui. 273, p. 156; Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201,
215-218; Bui. 385, p. 20.
Oklahoma. Bui. 248, p. 74; Bui. 304, pp. 208-210; Bui. 333, pp. 45-47.
Ontario. Bui. 212, p. 53; Bui. 273, pp. 316-318; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201; Bui. 385, pp. 15-16.
Oregon. Second meeting, p. 175; Bui. 273, p.104; Bui. 281, pp. 210,259-262; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, p. 38-39; Bui. 273, pp. 33-34; Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201, 202;
Bui 333, pp. 48-50; Bui. 385, pp. 19-20.
Tennessee. Bui. 273, pp. 127-129.
United States. Bui. 248, pp. 258-259.
Utah. Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
W ashington. Bui. 248, p. 78; Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
West Virginia. Bui. 281, p. 210; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201, 218-220.
Wisconsin. Second meeting, pp. 167-172; Bui. 212, pp. 919-925; Bui. 248, pp. 287-290; Bui. 273,
pp. 105-106; Bui. 304, pp. 176-201.
Wyoming. Bui. 248, pp. 74-77.
(See also Statistics and compensation insurance cost; Hearings.)
Claims, establishment of. N. C. J., p. 40; Second meeting, pp. 177-179.
Collective liability system. (See M utual insurance.)
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. (See Statistics and compensation insurance
Commutations. (See Lump-sum settlem ents.)
Compensation. (Sec Workmen’s compensation.)
Competitive insurance. (See Insurance carriers.)
Compromise settlem ents. Bui. 273, pp. 357,359-360, 361-362.
Compulsory insurance. N. C. J., pp. 24-26; Bui. 210, p. 243; Bui. 212, p. 60; Bui. 273, pp. 26-27, 38-39, 78,
197-198; Bui. 385, pp. 30-31.
Congenital defects. Bui. 273, pp. 221-222, 247-249, 255, 256, 262; Bui. 385, pp. 53-54, 57, 58-59, 65-66.
Constitutionality of laws. (See Legislation, workmen’s compensation.)
Cooperation of employers. (See Employers, cooperation of.)
Corrective operations:
(W hite). Bui. 210, pp. 112-118.
Surgical treatm ent to prevent and minimize permanent disabilities (Donoghue). Bui. 264, pp. 147151; Bui. 385, pp. 94-96.
Cost of insurance. (See Insurance carriers.)
Cost of living, effect on industrial accidents. Second meeting, p. 218.
Coverage. Bui. 212, pp. 359-374; Bui. 273, pp. 15-17, 26-27, 195-197, 205, 419; Bui. 281, p. 117; Bui, 304,
pp. 43-51; Bui. 359, p. 5; Bui. 385, pp. 31-32.
(See also Agricultural labor; Arising out of and in course of employment; Casual workers; Domestic
workers; Occupational diseases; Railroad workers.)
Cripples, industrial:
Comparison of industrial with m ilitary casualties (Rubinow). Bui. 248, pp. 217-225.
Corrective operations (W hite). Bui. 210, pp. 112-118.
How to deal with crippled workers (Dean). Bui. 264, pp. 201-206.
Investigation. Recommendations, committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bui.
273, pp. 392-393, 396, 397; Bui. 276, p. 67.
Problem of the crippled man in industry (Hookstadt). Bui. 264, pp. 212-224.
Problem of the handicapped man (Holman). Bui. 212, pp. 348-357.
Reconstruction and the hospital (Cotton). Bui. 248, pp. 153-158.
Reemployment. Bui. 212, pp. 200, 209-211, 217, 353-357; Bui. 264, pp. 58, 213-215, 216, 220-223, 224;
Bui. 273, pp. 14,108,154,194,353,359,386; Bui. 281, pp. 72-73, 95-96, i52-153; Bui. 359, pp. 129-131.



Cripples, industrial—Continued.
Statistics. Bui. 248, p. 222.
Surgical treatm ent to prevent and minimize perm anent disabilities (Bonagbue). Bid. 264, pp.
(See also Perm anent disabilities; Physical exam ination; Rehabilitation; Second injuries,)
Cripples, m ilitary. (See M ilitary casualties.)

Deafness. Bui. 273, pp. 221, 222.
Death benefits:
An adequate death-benefit schedule (French). Bui. 333, pp. 284-286.
M assachusetts. Bui. 359, p. 45.
Ontario. Bui. 281, pp. 425-426.
Problem of dependency (A. J. Pillsbury). Bui. 281, pp. 348-374.
Resolution of I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 281, pp. 433,434.
Time lim it. Bui. 273, p. 193.
(See also Dependents.)
Decisions of compensation boards and commissions:
Judicial review. Bui. 281, pp. 189-190.
Publication. Bid. 304, pp. 237-238.
California study. Bui. 281, pp. 357-364.
Ontario. Bui. 212, pp. 53-56, 59.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 34-35.
Problem of dependency (United States and foreign) (A. JV PiRsbory). Bui. 281, pp. 348-374.
Proof of dependency. Bui. 281, pp. 420-427.
Stepmothers, paym ent of compensation to. Bui. 273, pp. 30-31,41.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 273, pp. 30, 31,151; Bui. 281, pp. 409-410, 417.
Diabetes. Bui. 212, p. 388; Bui. 264, p. 177.
Direct settlem ents:'
XWilcox). Second meeting, pp. 163-169.
Committee on forms and procedure, recommendations. Bui. 333, p. 32; Bui. 385, p. 11.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 273,j>p. 119-126; Bui. 281, pp. 204-206; Bui. 304* pp. 178,194-195; Bid. 385, pp. 20-21.
States and Provinces—
Colorado. Bui. 273, p. 74.
Connecticut. Bui. 273, pp. 74,123; Bui. 304, pp. 241-242.
Illinois. Bui. 273, pp. 73, 209-210; Bui. 281, p. 397.
Indiana. Bui. 273, pp. 74, 361.
Iowa. Bui. 273, pp. 69, 74.
Kentucky. Bui. 273, p. 73.
M aine. Bui. 273, p. 73.
M aryland. Bui. 273, p. 120; Bui. 304, p. 206.
M assachusetts. Bui. 273, pp. 73-74,91,98, 99; Bui. 281, p. 117; Bid. 385, pp. 14/19.
Michigan. Bid. 273, p. 74; Bid. 385, pp. 18; 17-18,19.
M innesota. Bui. 273, p. 73.
New Jersey: Bid. 273, p. 74; Bui. 304, p. 84.
New York. Bui. 212, p; 1(B; Bid. 273, pp. 72-75, 198; 200; Bui. 281, p. 117; RuL 304, pp. ^ Bal.
385, p. 17.
Ohio. Bui. 304, pp. 216-217.
.Oklahoma. Bui. 273, p. 110; Bui. 304, pp. 209-210.
Ontario. Bui. 212, p. 53; Bui. 273, p. 319.
Oregon. Bui. 273, p. 103.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 33, 40-41; Bui. 273, pp. 73, 124^125; B ui. 304/ ffe 202; Bid. 333,
pp. 48-49.
South Dakota*. Bid. 273,: p. 74.
Tennessee. Bui. 273, pp. 127-129.
Vermont. Bui. 273, p. 74.
W isconsin. Bui. 273, p. 105.
Disfigurement. Bui. 212, p. 202; Bui. 281, pp. 66, 82, 118; Bui. 359, pp. 43, 49; Bui. 385, pu 335.
Comparison of awards in different jurisdictions. Bill. 333, pp. 100-492.
Effect on employment. Bui. 333, pp. 89-90; Bid. 359; p. 21.
M ultiple. Bui. 333, p. 112.
Perm anent partial disability ratings. Bui. 248, p. 223; Bid. 264, pp. 2T2-r213; Bui. 281, pp. 77-78, 86;
Bui. 333, pp. 72-82.
Domestic workers. Bui. 210, p. 243; Bui. 212, pp. 83, 360; Bid. 273> pp. 15, tH, 25.
Double injuries. Bui. 273, p. 354.
Dual insurance. Bid. 359, pp. 107-109.



Earning capacity. (See Perm anent disabilities; Wages.)
Education. (See Accident prevention; First-aid; Sanitation; Schools.)
Elderly men, compensation claims of (Gunderson). Bui. 385, pp. 112-114.
Elective insurance. N. G. J., p. 31; Bui. 273, pp. 26-27, 36.
Employers, cooperation of. Second meeting, pp. 118-119; Bui. 273, p. 365; Bui. 304, pp. 80-81; Bui. 333,
p. 314.
Employers’ liability acts. Benefits under, compared with workmen’s compensation. Bui. 273, pp. 169170, 170-179.
(See also Legislation.)
Epilepsy. Bui. 273, p. 224.
Extraterritorial jurisdiction:
(Yaple). Second meeting, pp. 23-45.
How Nova Scotia handles its extraterritorial problems, w ith special reference-to longshoremen (Paton).
Bui. 385, pp. 21-26.
Interstate and foreign commence (Clads). Bui. 273, pp. 165-181.
Uniform extraterritoriality provisions m workmen’s compensation laws (Clark). Bui. 333, pp. 2G8-282.
Miscellaneous. Second meeting, pp. 45-66; Bui. 210, p. 18; BuL 212, p. 370; Bui. 273, pp. 68-69, 108.
Eve injuries:
(Trebilcock). Bui. 273, pp. 261-266.
Cataract. Bui. 248, pp. 271, 272, 273,274-276,278, 280-281; Bui. 273, pp. 256-260, 263, 264-266; Bui. 281,
pp. 47, 52, 55, 61, 62, 63, 81, 83.
Committee on forms and procedure, recommendations. Bui. 333, pp. 34,183.
Compensation (Black). Bui. 385, pp. 68-74.
-----(Donoghue). Bui. 333, pp. 180-185.
-----(Kingston). Bui. 248, pp. 269-277.
-----(Tarum ). Bui. 333, pp. 170-173.
-----American Medical Association, recommendations of committee. Bui. 359, pp. 77-85,86; Bui. 333,
pp. 172-173, 178; Bui. 385, pp. 68-74.
-----Bureau of War Risk Insurance, United States. Bui. 281, pp. 57-58.
------Committee of I. A. I. A. B. C. Second meeting, p^ 124; Bui. 333, pp. 173,174, 177, 179; B ui.359,
pp. 88, 89; Bui. 385, p. 81.
—— Medical committee report. Bui. 281, pp. 46-53.
-----Table, by States. Bui. 333, pp. 184-185.
-----Miscellaneous. Second meeting, pp. 200-201; Bui. 248, pp. 278-281, 292, 295-296; Bui. 264, p. 159;
Bill. 273, pp. 99,108-109,256-271,410-411; Bui: 281, pp. 53-63,81,82-83,86,98-99; Bui. 304, pp. 233-234;
Bui. 333, pp. 101, 173-179; Bui. 359, pp. 77-89; Bui. 385, pp. 74-81.
Congenital defects. Bui. 273, pp. 221,256,262.
Eye, construction. Bui. 278, p. 259.
Eyesight conservation (Burch). Bui. 359, pp. 69-76, 87-88.
First-aid treatm ent. Second meeting, p. 95; Bui, 359, pp. 73-74,86.
Glasses. Bui. 281, pp. 52, 100-104,106; Bui. 359, pp. 72-73; Bui. 385, p. 80.
Keyhole pupil. Bui. 273, pp. 260, 262.
Loss of remaining eye. N. C. J., p. 44; Bui. 333, pp. 173-17-4; Bui. 385, pp. 76, 79.
(See also Permanent disabilities.)
Occupational loss. N. C. J., p. 45; Second meeting, pp. 123-124; Bttl. 281, pp. 46-48, 50, SI, 61-62r 83.
Prevention. Bui. 333, p. 169; Btkl. 359, pp. 69-76.

Factory inspection:
Accident prevention. N. C . X , pp. 7, 28; Second meeting, pp. 226, 264-265; Bui, 212, pp. 283-284;
Bui. 264, pp. 19-20; Bui. 333, pp. 187-198.
Mine accidents (W ilson). Bui. 212, pp. 273-282.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 281, pp. 142,151.
Value (Gemon). Bui. 333, pp. 187-198.
M assachusetts (M ulready). Second meeting,, p. 226; Bui. 248, pp. 171-173.
M innesota. N. C. J., p. 29; Bui. 281, pp. 142,151.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 38, 274-282; Bui. 333, p. 191,
U tah. Bui. 333, p. 195.
Wisconsin. Bui. 264, pp. 18-19; Bui. 333,.pp, 191-194.
Efcrm Labor. (See Agricultural labor.)
Fatigue, effect on accidents. Special meeting, pp. 41*42; Bui. 210, pp. 139-143, 153-155; Bui. 2®, p. 40;
Bui. 333, p. 208.
Federal Board for Vocational-Education, work of. Bui. 281, pp. 157,. 158.
( Feet, injuries. Bui. 273, pp. 223-224, 248, 253, 255.



First aid:
American Red Cross instruction (Parker). Second meeting, pp. 72-96.
Eye injuries. Second meeting, p. 95; Bui. 359, pp. 73-74, 86.
Norton Grinding Co. Bui. 210, p. 213.
Miscellaneous. Special meeting, p. 21; Bui. 248, pp. 124, 127, 191, 285; Bui. 273, pp. 252, 254; Bui. 333,
p. 221.
Ford factory:
Labor turnover, reduction. Bui. 212, p. 893.
Training and employment of disabled workmen (M ead). Bui. 359, pp. 129-131.
Forms and procedure. (See Claim procedure.)
(Powell). Bui. 273, pp. 307-309.
Colle’s fracture. Bui. 210, pp. 123,125, 209; Bui. 264, pp. 149,197-198; Bui. 273, pp. 307-309.
First-aid treatm ent. Second meeting, pp. 89-93. •
Lane plate. Bui. 210, pp. 119,120, 127; Bui. 281, pp. 288, 329.
The management of difficult fractures (Bay). Bui. 210, pp. 109-111.
-----Bui. 210, pp. 119-127; Bui. 248, pp. 119-120, 121, 127, 139-152; Bui. 264, pp. 135, 148-149, 158, 159,
195; Bui. 273, pp. 221, 307-309; Bui. 281, pp. 286-287, 310-312, 335, 337; Bui. 333, pp. 167-169.
P o tt’s fracture. Bui. 210, pp. 124, 210; Bui. 264, p. 198; Bui. 281; pp. 286, 329.
Fraternal societies and sick benefit funds. (See Health insurance.)
Fraudulent claims, penalty for making. Bui. 333, p. 22.
Frostbite. Bui. 212, p. 388.
Funeral expenses, adequacy. Bui. 333, pp. 285-286.
Goiter. Bui. 273 p.225.
Gonorrhea. Bui. 212, p. 340; Bui. 264, pp. 160,184; Bui. 273, pp. 51-52; Bui. 333, p. 153.
Goodrich, B. F., Co. (See Health insurance.)
Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada. (See Association of.)
Handicapped, physically. (See Cripples, industrial )
Injuries. Bui. 210, p. 180; Bui. 264, pp. 148-150; Bui. 273, p 224; Bui. 281, p. 153; Bui. 3.4, p. 138.
Injuries of tendons and their repair (Gibson). Bui. 385, pp. 96-100.
Industrial. N . C. J., p. 37; Bui 212, p. 273; Bui. 248, pp. 100-105; Bui. 264, pp. 121-122, 129-130; Bui.
273, pp. 15, 26-27.
Of life. Bui 210, p. 237; Bui. 212, pp. 16, 912.
Healing period. Bui. 212, p. 177; Bui 248, p. 270; Bui. 333, pp. 72-73, 82, 83-86, 98-99, 131-133; Bui. 359,
pp. 16,18-19.
H ealth of workers. (See Medical supervision of employees.)
H ealth insurance:
Bell system. Bui. 212, pp. 535-536.
California Social Insurance Commission. Bui. 212, pp. 521-524.
Commercial. Bui. 212, pp. 437-441.
Cost. Bui. 212, pp. 584,625, 684.
Establishm ent sick-benefit funds. Bui. 212, pp. 452-460, 630, 639.
Existing agencies (Sydenstricker). Bui. 212, pp. 430-475, 476-547, 419-429, 626-632, 639
. Extent of, in United States. Bui 212, pp. 431-436.
Federation of carriers. Bui. 212, pp. 604-605.
Fraternal societies and sick-benefit funds. Bui 212, pp. 441-452, 630-631, 639.
Goodrich, B. F ., Co. Bui. 212, pp. 345-347.
Group insurance (Day). Bui. 212, pp. 421-429.
Industrial-benefit societies. Bui. 212, pp. 467-469.
International Harvester Companies, employees* benefit association (Ranney). Bui. 212, pp. 482-490.
Joint-stock company health insurance (Potts). Bui. 212, pp. 512-518.
Legislation. First law. Bui. 210, p. 241.
-----Proposed (Andrews). Bui. 212, pp. 549-559.
-----------(Ham ilton). Bui. 212, pp. 659-571, 572-644, 646, 659-675.
-----Standard bill, tentative draft. Bui. 212, pp. 659-675.
Medical services and preventive work (Davis). Bui. 212, pp. 676-683, 543, 546, 552-553, 579-582, 585,
601-602, 604, 607, 608, 614-615, 637-638,640-641, 684-686, 691-699.
Medical services, organization (Lam bert). Bui. 212, pp. 645-675, 676-683, 686-690, 696-699, 700-702,
702-711, 711-712, 715, 716-717, 717-721, 721-722, 723-725, 725-726, 726-728.
M edical services under health insurance (Rubinow). Bui. 212, pp. 684-694.
Medical supervision versus sickness insurance (Dresser). Bui. 212, pp. 572-588.
-----Bui. 212, pp. 611-612, 616-617, 620-621, 625, 626, 640-641, 713-714.



Health insurance—Continued.
M utual benefit funds (Landis). Bui. 212, pp. 497-504, 555, 558.
Need for. Bui. 212, pp. 549-550, 583, 598-599, 600-601, 623-633, 635-636, 638-639.
Pennsylvania Railroad Voluntary Relief Departm ent (H unt). Bui. 212, pp. 491-496.
Physicians, remuneration. Bui. 212, pp. 646, 654-659, 690-694, 719.
Sickness prevention. Bui. 212, pp. 554, 572-588, 637, 653, 681-683, 684, 685-686, 697-698, 700, 702-704,
708-710, 711, 715, 722-725.
Some fundamental considerations (Frankel). Bui. 212, pp. 598-605.
Students’ health insurance at University of California (Legge). Bui. 212, pp. 505-511.
Trade-unions. A ttitude. Bui. 210, pp. 248-249.
-----Sickness insurance (Perkins). Bui. 212, pp. 476-481.
-----------Bui. 212, pp. 460-467, 631-632, 639.
Voluntary subsidized insurance. B u\ 212, p. 632.
Women, problems of (Van Kleeck). Bui. 212, pp. 589-597.
Workmen’s compensation, relation to. Bui. 210, pp. 237, 247-249.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, pp. 17, 327-329, 330-331, 333-334, 842; Bui. 273, pp. 139, 364-365.
{See also Social insurance.)
Committee on forms and procedure, recommendations. Bui. 333, pp. 22-23, 31, 36, 43, 44, 56-57, 58.
California. Bui. 248, pp. 65, 66; Bui. 385, p. 17.
Illinois. Bui. 248, pp. 82-83.
Maine. Bui. 273, p. 73.
M assachusetts. Bui. 304, p. 228; Bui. 385, p. 17.
Michigan. Bui. 385, pp. 17,18.
New York. Bui. 304, pp. 178, 213-214; Bui. 385, pp. 13-14, 17, 134-135, 138.
Ohio. Bui. 304, p. 217.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 42-43; Bui. 385, p. 138.
Wisconsin. Bui. 212, pp. 922-923.
Bui. 304, p. 178.
H eart disease:
Influence of industrial accidents (Holmes). Bui. 304, pp. 168-173.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, pp. 207-208, 340, 391, 392; Bui. 248, p. 128; Bui. 264, pp. 163-166, 184; BuL
273, p. 221.
(Duxbury.) Bui. 333, p. 308.
(Lewy.) Bui. 385, pp. 65-67.
(McDougall.) Bui. 385, pp. 51-54.
(Mowell.) N. C. J., pp. 15-17, 34.
Causation or aggravation (M cGlannan). Bui. 333, pp. 158-164.
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost, recommendations. Bui. 248, p. 116.
Definition of types. Second meeting, pp. 242-243; Bui. 385, p. 65.
Golf. Bui. 333, pp. 161-162.
Traumatic. Bui. 385, pp. 51-52, 54, 55, 56, 66-67.
Miscellaneous. N. C. J., p. 40; Second meeting, pp. 123,124-125,128-129,195,196,198,242-244; Bui. 212.
pp. 216, 217, 340; Bui. 264, pp. 51, 174r-175, 184, 187; Bui. 273, pp. 68,112,114,154-155,221; Bui. 281, pp.
283, 289, 292, 337-341, 412, 417-418, 423; Bui. 333, pp. 158, 162, 308; Bui. 385, pp. 54-65.
Hollerith machine. Special meeting, pp. 32, 49; Second meeting, p. 157; Bui. 264, p. 15.
Hookstadt, Carl, death of. Bui. 385, pp. 2, 4, 5, 166-168.
Horseplay. (See Arising out of and in course of employment.)
Hospital. ( See Cripples, industrial: Reconstruction and the hospital (Cotton).
Hours, relation to sickness. Bui. 212, pp. 595, 596.
Hysteria. ( See Nervous conditions.)

Im partial examinations. ( See Medical service.)
Industrial relations:
Employee representation (Young). Bui. 273, pp. 367-375.
-----Second meeting, pp. 212-213, 225; Bui. 273, pp. 365, 375-377.
Industry, history of, in United States. Second meeting, p. 217.
Infantile paralysis. ( See Paralysis.)
Carroll-Dakin treatm ent. Bui. 273, p. 292.
Infections of the upper extremities (Bendixen). Bui. 273, pp. 229-237.
-----(Lewy). Second meeting, pp. 97-105.
Standard table. Recommendations, committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. BuL
248, pp. 99,113; Bui. 276, p. 62.
Miscellaneous. Second meeting, pp. 106-109, 114-115, 117, 122, 126^127, 131; Bui. 210, pp. 112-113;
Bui. 248, pp. 99, 113, 126-127, 191; Bui. 264, pp. 136, 137, 155-156; Bui. 273, pp. 229-237, 253-255;
Bui. 281, pp. 306, 336; Bui. 385, p. 83.



Insanity. (See M ental conditions.)
Insurance carriers:
Comparative insurancehrstes tmder different systems (W atson). Bui. 273,.pp. 325-341‘.
Comparison ofinsuraneesystem s as to oos^ service, andvsecurity (Armstrong).. Bui. 231, pp* 254-260.
-----(Hookstadt). Bui. 281, pp. i85-211.
— (M arshall); Bui. 281, pp* 249^-253:
-----(W hitney). Bui. 281, pp. 212-220.
-----Bui. 212, pp. 66-93, 94-104,116-118,120-121,161~168;Bul.248, pp. 288-289? Buh 273*,pp, 339, 342^349,
404-405; Bui. 281, pp: 175-177, 187-200, 212-220,- 223, 258* 260*272.
Compensation costs (Fellows). Bui. 281, pp. 232-238.
-----Proposed method of comparing under, various laws (Dean). Bui. 273,. pp* 399-405, .345*
Competitive plan of workmen’s compensation insurance- (Greene). Bui. 212? pp< 14JM6Q; Bui,- 210,
p. 239; Bui. 385, p. 30.
Competitive State insurance, what it is (Archer). Bui. 385, pp. 35-40, 43-46*
Different methods of workmen’s.compensation insurance (Lott). Bui. 212, pp* 94-104.
-----Bui. 273, pp* 18-19,199^200.
M assachusetts system of savings-bank life insurance (Qrady). Bui. 212,.pp; 896-903;
M erits and demerits of the different forms of writing workmen’s compensation insurance (Rowe).
BUT. 212; pp. 6^93.
Promptness of claim settlem ent under different systems* (S e t Claim procedure.)
Resolution of I. A. I. A. B. C. on. Bui. 273, p. 419.
(See also M utual insurance; Stock insurance; Self insurance; State fund.)
Interinsurance. Bui. 281, p. 224.
International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions-:
Association of Governmental'L abor- Officials ofthe'U nited States and Canada. Amalgamation w ith.
Bui. 264, pp. 13, 78, 79-80, 108; Bui. 273, pp. 60-61.
-----Joint meeting with. Bui. 273, pp. 60-61.
Bulletin, issuance of, by association. Bui. 304, p. 244; Bui. 333, p; 8.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States. Membership of. Special meeting, pp. 22; 54.
-----Value of connection with. Bui. 248, pp. 93, 94; Bui. 264, p. 107; Bui. 273, p. 412; Bui. 281* p 110;
Bui. 304, pp. 2, 246.
Central office, estim ated'b udget"for maintenance. BUl. 264,'p : 80;5Bul. 273* p. 57.
Clearing house, use as. Bui. 304, pp. 242-243.
Committees. Appointment and report, convention committees. Special meeting, p. 58; Second;
meeting, pp. 17, 67-68, 244, 259, 260; Bui. 210, pp. 20-23, 185, 180^191, 196-197/ Bub 948* p- 117;
Bui. 273, pp. 63, 161, 406, 408, 414-415; Bui. 281, pp. 109, 113; Bui. 304* p. 57; Bull 383, pp; 18* 149;
Bui. 359, pp. 14*-140; Bui. 385, pp. 2, 165, 168.
— Expenses, payment. Bui. 281, p. 439; Bui. 304, p. 245; Bui. 359* *p. 140:
— Standing committees. Second’meetifcg, pp; 269-270; BUl: 273, pp: 59-60; BUi. 287, pp. 485; 440-441;
Bui. 338, pp. 329-330J'BUI; 359, pp. 141-142; BUI. 385, p. 100.
— (See also Claim procedure; Eye-injuries; Statistics and compensation insurance cost; and' c o m ­
mittees u nder specific subjects.)
Constitution. Adoption. Bui. 248, pp. 96-98.
—— Amendments* Second meeting; p: 249;:Bril: 273; pp; 63-66* 161; Bui; 281, pp. 303; 485; BUl; 304,
pp . 81, 246; 253-254;
-----D raft. Bui. 248/pp; 96^98; BUl. 273, pp. 416-418; Bill. 28T, pp. 442-44$ Bui. 301, pp. 247-24$ Bui.
333, pp. 331-332; Bui. 369, pp: 143-144? BUl; 386/pp. 176-171.
Conventions. Invitations to attend. Brazil.* Bui; 210, p. 76.
-----------Central and South American Governments. Bull 359, p: 10; Bu!;385*p. 5.
-----------Mexico. Bul.-338; p .7/
— Papers, publication prior to. Bui. 210, pp. 189* 192; BUl: 273/pp. 58-50:
-— Persons attending, list. Second meeting, pp. 5-6, 67-69; Bill. 210, pp; 253^254/ Bui*. 248* pp:
304-306; Bui. 273, pp. 313-314,420-424; Bui. 281, pp. 444-447; Bui. 304, pp. 249-251; Bui. 333, pp. 333-336;
Bui. 359, pp. 145-148; Bui. 385, pp. 172-174.
— Programs. Copy of. N. C. J., p. 4; Second meeting, pp. 3-4; Bui. 210, pp. 3-4/Bul: 248* pp*- 3^7[
Bui. 264, pp. 3-5; Bui. 273, pp. 3-7; Bui. 281, pp. 3-7; BUl. 304* pp: Itt-VF, Bui* 3&, pp*. *-inj Bui.
359, pp. m -iv; Bui. 385, pp. I-IV.
-— ----- Medical session. Bui. 273, p; 305.*
---------Subjects. Bui. 359, pp. 7-8.
— Time and place of holding. Special meeting, p. 54; Second meeting, p. 245-248, 251, 259; BUi; 2$0}
p. 197, 198; Bui. 248, p. 226; Bui. 264, p. 106; Bui. 273, p. 14*-14&
Dues. Special meeting, pp. 58fc54;BttI. 210; p; 185; But; 248*- pp; 90-94* 97; BUL 273, pp«: 55/57, 68^161163, 408; Bui. 304, p. 53; Bui. 359, p. 13; Bui. 385, p. 168.
Financial statem ents. (See I. A. I. A.- B. C.: Seeretary-tressurar. Hbporte.)
History. Bui 210, pp. 5-7
Liberty loan* bonds,-investment. Bbk 273/p* 55**62:
M edical-sections Seeond*meeting, ppv268“2f0;B iih 210/pp. 24,190;-




International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions—Con tinued.
Membership. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States. Special meeting, p. 22
-----Eligibility for. Second meeting, pp. 16, 245; Bui. 248, pp. 93-96.
-----Extension to South American Republics. Bui. 273, p. 61.
-----List of members. (See I. A. I. A. B. C.: Secretary-treasurer. Reports.)
Name, change from National Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Second
meeting, pp. 245, 248, 249.
Object. N. C. J;, p. 4; But. 248, p. 96.
Officers. N. C. J., p. 4; Special meeting, p. 58; Second meeting, pp. 244, 249, 250; Bui. 210, pp. 196-199,
Bui. 248, pp. 97, 226; Bui. 264, pp. 12-13, 106; Bui. 273, p. 414; Bui. 281, p. 440; Bui. 333, pp. vm, 7,
329; Bui. 359, p. VI, 141; Bui. 385, p. vn.
Perm anent organization. Special meeting, p. 53; Bui. 210, pp. 19> 23, 157, 225-226.
President. Relation to place of holding convention. Bui. 210, pp. 197-198-.
-----Succession from vice presidency. Bui. 273, p. 410. (See ah<y Presidents’ addresses.)
Proceedings; First animal convention, Lansing, M ich., April 14-15, 1914, National Compensation
Journal, M ay, 1914.
-----Special convention, Chicago, 111., January 12-13,1915, published by I. A. I. A. B. C.
-----Second annual convention, Seattle, Wash-., September 30 to October 1-2,1915, published by I. A.
I. A. B. C.
-----Third annual convention, Columbus, Ohio, April 25-28, 1916*, Bulletin 210.
-----Fourth annual convention, Boston, M ass., August 21-25,1917, Bulletin 248.
-----Fifth annual convention, Madison, W is., September 24-27,1918, Bulletin 264*.
-----Sixth annual convention, Toronto, Canada, September 23-26, 1919, Bulletin 273.
—— Seventh annual convention, San Francisco, Calif., September 20-24,1920, Bulletin 281.
-----Eighth annual convention, Chicago, 111., September 19-23, 1921, Bulletin 304.
-----N inth annual convention, Baltimore, M d., October 9-13,1922, Bulletin 333.
-----Tenth annual convention, St. Paul, M inn., September 24-26,1923, Bulletin 359.
-----Eleventh annual convention, Halifax, N. S., August 26-28, 1924, Bulletin 385.
-----Publication. Special meeting, p. 57; Second meeting, pp. 255,256; Bui. 210, p. 185, 190;* Bui. 264,
pp. 73-77, 80; Bui. 273, pp. 57, 58.
-----Value as record of adm inistrative problems. Bui. 304, p. 3; Bui. 359, p. 3; Bui. 385, p. 1.
Resolutions committee, report. Second meeting, pp. 252-253; Bui. 210, pp*. 189-195; Bal. 248, pp.
300-301; Bui. 264, pp. 106-108; BUl. 273, pp. 406-413,419; Bui. 281, pp. 432-434; Bui. 304, p. 246; Bui. 333,
p. 282; Bui. 359, pp. 138-140; Bttl. 385, pp. 166-167. (See also other resolutions v m d e r specific subjects.)
Safety and health promotion, section on. Bui. 210, p. 190.
Secretary-treasurer. Bonding. Bui. 359, pp. 8,138.
-----Clerical expenses. Bui. 264, p. 107; Bui. 281, pp. 248-249; Bui. 333, p. 282; Bui. 359; p. 140; Bui.
385, p. 168.
-----Honorarium. Bui. 273, pp. 408-409; Bui. 281, p. 438; Bui. 333, p. 282; Bui. 359, p. 140; Bui, 385,
p. 168;
-----Reports. Bui. 210, p. 186-189; Bui. 248, p. 90-93; Bui. 264, pp. 73-83; Bui. 273, pp. 55-60; Bui. 281;
pp. 109-113; Bui. 304, pp. 52^57; Bui. 333, pp. 6-13; Bui. 359> pp. 9-13; Bui. 385, pp. 2-9:.
Special meeting, purpose. Special meeting, p. 1; Second meeting, p. 13.
International compensation conference suggested. Bui. 333, pp. 8-9.
International Harvester Co., industrial relations. Bui. 273, pp. 371-375.
Interstate commerce. (See Extraterritorial jurisdiction; Jurisdictional conflict.)
Interstate employees. (See Legislation; Railroad workers.)
Intestinal diseases. Bui. 264, p; 170-174.=
Alcohol, influence in prolongation of disability (Brickfey). Bui. 248, p. 122.
Relation to accidents and disease. Bui. 210, pp. 136-139, 155-156, 215-216; But. 248y pp. 124,125,131,
162, 164, 170.
Webb-Kenyon Act. Bui. 210, pp. 51, 52, 53; Bui. 248, p. 238.

IbvaM dity-insu^asce.. (S&'OM age and invalidity*insurance.)

Jurisdictional conflict, Federal and State jurisdictions:
(A. J. Pillsbary) Bui. 210, pp. 33-57; Bui. 248, pp. 227-50.
Committee, I. A. I. A. B. C., on elimination. Bui. 248, pp. 229,242,243, 301; Bud. 273, pp. 88', 409-410.
Problem in United States and Canada. Bui. 385, pp. 21-24, 26-27.
Resolution, I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 210, pp. 190-191, 194-195; Bui. 248; p. 229.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 210, pp. 16-17; Bui. 273; pp. 59^00, 210^21]; Bid. 281, pp. 119; 424;
(See also Legislation; M aritim e workers; Railroad workers:)
Knee injuries. Dislocated semiuinar cartilage. Bui. 264, pp. 182-183.




Labor turnover. Bui. 212, pp. 889-893.
Effect on accidents. Bui. 248, p. 190; Bui. 281, p. 33.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 264, pp. 214, 219.
Laws. (See Legislation.)
Lawyers. (See Attorneys.)
Lead poisoning. Second meeting, pp. 123; Bui. 212, pp. 379, 391; Bui. 248, pp. 190, 255, 259-260, 262.
Legal aid:
Committee. Bui. 385, pp. 123,124.
National Association of Legal Aid Organizations (Bradway). Bui. 385, pp. 114-123.
Legislation, workmen's compensation:
Awards, provisions for, by States. Bui. 210, p. 181.
Compulsory legislation, value. N . C. J., pp. 24-26; Bui. 212, p. 60.
Constitutionality. Bui. 212, pp. 35-37, 136-137; Bui. 248, pp. 285-286; Bui. 273, pp. 71, 170, 177-178,
197,198; Bui. 281, p. 98; Bui. 385, p. 129.
Countries having, list. Bui. 333, pp. 8-9.
Defects and suggested changes (Fisher). Bui. 212, pp. 359-377.
-----(French). Bui. 273, pp. 143-148.
-----(Funk). Bui. 273, pp. 202-206.
-----(M itchell). Bui. 273, p. 190-200.
-----N. C. J., pp. 33-34; Bui. 210, pp. 241-249; Bui. 212, pp. 295, 297-418; B ui. 273, pp. 114-117, 148157, 203-204, 206-207.
Employers' liability acts. Bui. 210, pp. 37-51, 191, 194-195; Bui. 273, pp. 165-167, 170; Bui. 281, pp.
. 119-121.
Extraterritoriality provisions (Clark). Bui. 333, pp. 268-282; Bui. 273, p. 409.
First in United States. N . C. J., p. 7; Bui. 212, p. 288.
Georgia. Bui. 304, p. 12.
Health insurance, standard bill. Bui. 212, pp. 551-555, 558, 568, 594.
Indiana coal mining. Bui. 273, p. 361.
Interstate workers. Bui. 210, pp. 54-55; Bui. 273, pp. 165-167, 170-179,182-189, 196-197, 211, 214-217;
Bui. 281, p. 119, 433.
M aritime workers. Bui. 273, pp. 179-181; Bui. 281, pp. 120-122, 405-406, 432, 433; Bui. 304, p. 246.
M edical service provisions. Bui. 210, pp. 180; Bui. 212, pp. 300-304.
M ichigan. Bui. 304, pp. 12-14.
M inimum requirements (Meeker). Bui. 273, pp. 11-24.
M innesota. Bui. 304, pp. 14r-15.
Model law. Bui. 281, p. 71.
Model law, resolution, I. A. I. A. B. C., on desirable features. Bui. 273, p. 419
New York, new legislation and adm inistrative reorganization (Sayer). Bui. 304, pp. 7-11; Bui. 385,
p. 137.
Noncompliance w ith, penalty for. Bui. 304, pp. 206-207; Bui. 333, p. 309-312.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 248, pp. 84-85.
Ohio. N. C. J., pp. 35-39.
Oklahoma. Bid. 304, pp. 20-21.
Ontario. Bui. 273, pp. 315-316.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 33-37.
Perm anent disability awards, U nited States and Canada. Bui. 333, pp. 102-107.
Progress (Andrus). Bui. 304, pp. 2-7.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 281, pp. 114-116, 156-158.
Uniform ity (Andrus). Bui. 273, pp. 35-40.
-----(Bohlen). Bui. 273, pp. 26-34.
-----(Lee). Bui. 333, pp. 2-6.
-----N. C. J., pp. 31-32; Special meeting, p. 53; Bui. 210, pp. 15-16,36, 96, 97, 147,159-183,241,244-245;
Bui. 248, pp. 51-52, 228, 236, 269-270, 282; Bui. 264, p. 13; Bui. 273, pp. 9-13,36, 47,137, 206, 409; Bui
333, pp. 2-6, 97-108; Bui. 359, pp. 4, 7.
Uniform State laws, nation^ conference of commissioners on. Bui. 273, pp. 35-36.
United States. Bui. 248, pp. 88-89.
Vermont. Bui. 304, pp. 15-16.
Vision, loss of, provisions as to. Bui. 333, pp. 184-185.
W aiting period, provisions as to. Bui. 210, p. 181.
W ashington. N . C. J., pp. 17,25-26; Bui. 304, pp. 16-20.
(See a i m . Coverage; M edical service; Remarriage; Second injuries.)
H fe expectancy. Bui. 212, pp. 54r-55,639; Bui. 248» pp. 44,102; Bui. 281, p. 176; Bui. 33, pp. 136,236; Bui.
359, p. 29.
Life insurance:
M assachusetts system of savings-bank life insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 896-910.
M utual benefit associations. Bui. 212, p. 901.



Life pensions. Factor in permanent disability ratings. N. C. J., p. 28; Bui. 212, pp. 178-179; Bui. 304,
pp. 122,133; Bui. 333, pp. 73, 88,128, 133; Bui. 359, pp. 16,19, 43-44,133.
Lighting, industrial, as an accident hazard:
(E lliott). Bui. 333, pp. 206-213.
Shop lighting as a means of accident prevention (Price). Bui. 248, pp. 213-216.
-----Second meeting, p. 264; Bui. 264, p. 23; Bui. 333, p. 219-220; Bui. 359, pp. 70-71.
Longshore labor. Jurisdiction in compensation cases. Bui. 210, p. 16; Bui. 248, p. 246; Bui. 273, pp.
59-60, 179, 197; Bui. 385, pp. 21-26, 27.
Lumbago. (See B ack conditions.)
Lump-sum settlem ents:
(Archer). Bui. 212, pp. 220-225; Bui. 248, pp. 51-58.
(Crownhart). Bui. 248, pp. 59-64.
(Grandfield). Bui. 212, pp. 226-230.
(French). Bui. 248, pp. 65-67.
(Funk). Bui. 273, pp. 68-70.
(M ackey). Bui. 248, pp. 69-73.
(Stewart). Bui. 333, pp. 317-322.
(W ilson). Bui. 248, pp. 78-81.
Aliens. N. C. J., p. 41; Bui. 212, p. 222; Bui. 248, pp. 67, 70, 71.
Committee on forms and procedure, recommendations of. Bui. 385, p. 12.
Foreign countries. Bui. 281, pp. 349-350; Bui. 359, p. 67.
States and Provinces—
British Columbia. Bui. 333, p. 317.
California. Bui. 248, pp. 65-67; Bui. 281, pp. 265, 366; Bui. 333, p. 317.
Connecticut. Bui. 212, pp. 27, 28; Bui. 273, pp. 117-118.
Illinois. Bui. 248, p. 84; Bui. 273, p. 357; Bui. 333, p. 317.
M aine. Bui. 333, p. 146.
M aryland. Bui. 304, p. 206.
M assachusetts. N . C. J., p. 45; Bui. 273, pp. 98, 351; Bui. 281, p. 382; Bui. 333, p. 147.
M ichigan. N . C. J., p. 45.
M innesota. Bui. 281, p. 142.
New Jersey. Bui. 333, pp. 317, 318.
New York. Bui. 264, pp. 10-11, 59; Bui. 273, p. 76; Bui. 281, p. 84; Bui. 333, p. 317; Bui. 385, pp.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 248, p. 86.
Ohio. N. C. J., p. 37; Bui. 273, pp. 155-156.
Oklahoma. Bui. 248, pp. 73-74; Bui. 273, p. 110; Bui. 304, p. 210.
Ontario. Bui. 248, p. 273; Bui. 333, pp. 83, 136, 317, 318.
Oregon. Bui. 273, p. 103; Bui. 281, pp. 86-87.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, p. 41; Bui. 248, pp. 69-73; Bui. 333, p. 317.
Tennessee. Bui. 273, p. 129.
United States. Bui. 281, pp. 75, 76, 77-80.
W ashington. N . C. J., p. 45; Bui. 210, p. 20; Bui. 248, pp. 78-81.
Wisconsin. Bui. 248, p. 59-64; Bui. 273, pp. 107-108.
Wyoming. Bui. 248, pp. 75, 76.
Miscellaneous. Special meeting, p. 48; Bui. 210, p. 216; Bui. 212, pp. 41, 223; Bui. 264, pp. 8, 222,
223; Bui. 273, pp. 117-118, 227, 351-352; Bui. 281, p. 154; Bui. 304, p. 157; Bui. 333, p. 95; Bui.
359, pp. 67,123-124.


Malingering. Bui. 210, pp. 125; Bui. 212, pp. 192, 208-209, 223, 530; Bui. 248, pp. 56, 296-297; Bui. 264,
p. 143; Bui. 273, pp. 20, 22, 23, 144, 249, 250, 252-253, 274-275; Bui. 281, pp. 61, 297; Bui. 304, pp. 41, 155-156,
174-175; Bui. 333, p. 95; Bui. 359, pp. 58-66, 67.
M aritime workers:
California. Bui. 248. pp. 234-235; Bui. 273, p. 179; Bui. 281, pp. 400-409.
M aryland. Bui. 333, pp. 326, 327.
New York. Bui. 273, pp. 179-181; Bui. 333, pp. 323-325.
Resolution, I. A. I. A. B. C., uniform Federal law. Bui. 281, p. 432; Bui. 304, p. 246.
Status of, under workmen’s compensation (W. H. Pillsbury). Bui. 281, pp. 400-409.
-----(Sayer). Bui. 333, pp. 323-327.
-----Bui. 248, pp. 231, 233-235, 236-237, 240-241, 245-249; Bui. 273, pp. 59-60, 179-181, 196-197; Bui. 281,
pp. 120-122.
M aternity benefits:
European countries (Harris). Bui. 212, pp. 780-784.
United States Children’s Bureau, study. Bui. 212, p. 781.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, pp. 609, 618-619, 664, 785-793.
(See also M other’s pensions; Social insurance.)

47323°—251—Bull. 395-----2



Mechanical safeguards;. (See Accident prevention; Safety codes.)
Medical efficiency:
Better treatm ent for industrial accident cases (M agnuson). Bui. 264, pp. 140-146.
Hospital defects. Bui. 212, pp. 307, 352; Bui. 248, p. 154.
Hospital efficiency and the end result system (Codm&n). Bui. 248, p. 158.
Medical competence and hospital efficiency (Donoghue). Bud. 248, pp. 132-13$.
Physicians, competency. Second meeting, p. 128; Bui. 212. pp. 021. 040-641; Bui. 248, pp. 123, 125,
132-138,176,177, 178; Bui. 264, pp. 140-144; Bui. 273, pp. 278-283, 285-287, 289, 295, 299-301; Bol. 281,
pp. 306-312.
Medical fees. Bui. 210, pp. 105, 224; Bui. 212, pp. 294-295, 300, 310-313; Bui. 273, pp. Ill, 118-119,.290,203294, 299; Bui. 281, pp. 262-263, 277, 278, 282-283, 285-286, 290, 291, 296, 315-310; Bui. 394, pp.37,40, 235236.
(See also Health insurance.)
Medical problems, separate organization of I. A. I. A. B. C. on. Bui. 210, pp. 190, 193.
Medical service:
B etter treatm ent for industrial accident cases (Magnuson). Bui. 264 pp* 140-146.
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Standard tables on medical aid. Special
meeting, p. 15; Bui. 276, p. 65.
Contract system. Bui. 273, pp. 298-299; Bui. 281, pp. 197,274, 299; Bui. 304, pp. 37-40.
Cost of medical and hospital treatm ent, standard table. Bui. 276. p. 65.
Economy of proper medical treatm ent (Gibbons). Bui. 281, pp. 318-321,
-----(Kingston). Bui. 281. pp. 313-317.
-----(M agnuson). Bui. 281, pp. 306-312.
-----Bui. 212. p. 194; Bui. 281, pp. .321-344.
How can medical service be improved? (G«fer)„ Bid. 273, pp. 284r287,
-----(Gibbons). Bui. 273, pp. 288-294.
-----(Thompson). Bui. 273, pp. 295-299.
Haw medical aid is paid (G ill). Bui. 304, pp. 35-37.
Im partial examinations. Bid. 248, pp. 133, 134, 153; Bui. 264, pp. 189-191; Bid- 273, p. 100;. Bui. 281.
pp. 277-278, 279-280. 282, 291-292, 381; Bui. 385, p. 136.
Medical attention in connection w ith rehabilitation of injured employees (Parks). Bui. 385. pp. 91-96.
Medical problems under workmen’s compensation acts (Donoghue). Bui. 304, pp. 142-143.
-----(Lescohier). Bui. 210, pp. 221-224.
Medical services and medical and hospital fees under workmen’s compensation (Donoghue). Bui.
212, pp. 305-313.
-----(W illiams). Bui. 212, pp. 292-304.
Provisions for, various States and Provinces. Bui. 210, p. 180; Bid. 212, pp, 301-304.
Refusal to take treatm ent or subm it to operation. Second meeting, pp, 127-128; Bui. 281, p. 340.
Resolution, I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 273, pp. 4Q6-407,419.
Should medical service be lim ited in compensation cases? (Lemon). Bui. 264, pp. 133-139.
-----(Lewy). Bui. 264, p. 154.
-----(W illiams). Bui. 264, pp. 152-153.
-----Bui. 264. pp. 154, 219; RoL 273, pp. 21,143,193-194, 297, 322-333; Bill. 281, p. 94: Bui. 385, p. 44.
Systems of medical service (Mowell). BaL 281, pp. 274-275.
The securing of proper medical service for injured persons (Trask). Bui. 273, pp. 278-283.
W hat constitutes adequate medical service in compensation eases (Clark). Bid. 248, p. 122.
Miscellaneous. N . C. J„ p. 49; Bol. 210; p. 199; Bad. 212, p, 201; B id. .248, pp.. 279, 284-285; Bui. 264,
pp. 11-12; Bui. 273, pp. 14, 21, 145-146, 218-219, 354; Bui. 281, p. 229.
States and Provinces—
Alaska. Rid. 212, p.~ 301.
Arizona. BuL 210, pp. 102,180; Bui. 242, p. 301.
California. Bui. 210, pp. 162, 180; Bui. 212, p. 301; Bid. 248, p. 85; Bui. 281, pp. 291-294, 320, 330,
Colorado. Bui. 210, pp. 163,180; Bid. 212, p. 301.
Connecticut. Bui. 210, pp. 163, 180, 221; Bui. 212, pp. 294-300,30.1; Bui. 264, pp, 152-153; Bui. 281,
pp. 332, 333; Bui. 304, p. 39.
Hawaii. Bui. 212, p. 301.
Idaho. Bui. 281* pp. 204-296.
Illinois. Bui. 210, p. 163, 180; Bui. 212, p. 301; Bui. 264, pp. 144-146.
Indiana. BuL 21Q>.pgh 103,180; Bid. 212, p. 301.
Iowa. Bui. 210, pp. 163, 180; Bui. 212, p. 301.
Kansas. Bui. 210, pp. 164, 180; Bui. 212, p. 302.
Kentucky. Bui. 212, p. 302.
Louisiana. Bui. 210, pp. 164, 180; Bui. 212, p. 302.
M aine. Bui. 210, pp. 164-165,180; Bui. 212, p. 302.
M aryland. Bui. 210, pp. 165,180; Bui. 212, p. 302; Bid. 281, p. 340.



Medical service—Continued.
States and Provinces—Continued.
Massachusetts. How medical questions are handled under compensation act (Kennard). Bui.
264, pp. 189-191.
----------- Bui. 210; pp. 166, 214; Bui. 212, pp. 295, 302, 310-311; Bui. 246, pp. 13, 122, 176r 283; Bui.
264, p. 147; Bid; 281, pp. 294, 300-301, 341, 342,344, 380-381; Bui. 359, pp. 44-45; Bui. 386, pp. 92-96,
-----System of medical service under workmen's compensation act (Donoghue). Bui. 281, pp.
Michigan. N. C. J., p. 23; Bui. 210, pp. 166, 180; Bui. 212, p. 302.
Minnesota. Problems of medical treatment under compensation act (Gardiner). Bui. 273,
pp. 158-160.
-----------Bui. 210, pp. m , 180, 221-224; Bui. 212, p. 302; Bui. 281, pp. 146-147, 327-328;
Montana. Bui. 210, pp. 167, 180; Bui. 212, p. 302.
Nebraska. Bui. 210, pp. 167, 180; Bui. 212, p. 302;
Nevada. Bui. 210, pp. 168, 180, 222; Bui. 212, p. 303, Bui. 281, pp. 296-297, 322, 329.
New Hampshire. Bui. 210, p. 180; Bui. 212, p. 303.
New Jersey. Bui. 210, pp. 168, 180; Bui. 212, p. 303.
New York. How medical questions are handled under compensation law (Archer). Bui. 264,
pp. 192-194.
-----------Bui. 210, pp. 169,180; Bui. 212, p. 303; Bui. 385, pp. 136, 143.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 248, p. 87; Bui. 273, p. 272.
Ohio. Second meeting, p. 128; Bui. 210, pp. 112-118; 169, 223; Bui. 212, p. 303,
Oklahoma. Bui. 210, pp. 169, 180; Bui. 212, p. 303; Bui. 248, p. 291.
Ontario. Bui. 210, pp. 162, 180; Bui. 212, p. 58; Bui. 385, p. 35.
Oregon. System of medical service (Thompson). Bui: 281, pp. 285-290.
----------- Bui. 210, p. 180; Bui. 212, p. 303; Bui. 273, pp. 293-294, 296, 297, 298; Bui. 281, pp; 250,
293, 294.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 210, p. 170, 180; Bui. 212, pp. 33, 303;. Bui. 281, pp, 297-298, 342-343, 344; Bui.
385, p. 35.
Porto Rico. Bui. 333, p. 296.
Rhode Island. Bui. 210, pp. 171,180; Bui. 212, p. 303. %
Texas. Bui. 210, pp. 171, 180; Bui. 212, p. 303.
United States. Bui. 273, pp. 281-283.
Vermont. Bui. 210, pp. 172, 180; Bui. 212, p. 303.
Washington. How medical questions are handled und er workmen’s compensation act (Brislawn).
Bui. 264, pp. 185-188.
-----------Bid. 210, pp. 173, 180; Bui. 212, p. 303; Bui. 273, pp. 293-294, 296; BUl. 281, pp. 40-41, 274275, 293, 294, 323-325, 341; Bui. 3C4, pp. 35-42.
West Virginia. Bui. 210, pp. 174, 180; Bui. 212, p. 304.
Wisconsin. Bui. 210, p. 180; Bui. 212, pp. 295-296, 300, 304; Bid. 248, pp. 289-290; Bid. 264, p. 139.
Wyoming. Bui. 210, pp. 175, 180; Bui. 212, p. 304; Bui. 248, p. 77.
(See also Corrective operations; Health insurance; Medical efficiency; Medical few.)
Medical statistics:
Need of, for compensation purposes (Thompson). Bui. 264, pp. 195-196.
-----Bui. 248, p. 125; Bui. 264, pp. 118-119; Bui. 273, p. 386.
Standard table, committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bid. 276, p. 65.
Medical supervision-of employees:
Medical supervision versus sickness insurance (Dresser). Bui. 212, pp. 572-588, 611-612, 616-617,
620-621, 625, 626, 640-641, 713-714.
Physical examination and medical supervision of employees (Clark). Bui. 212, pp; 317-326.
-----(White). Bui. 212, pp. 327-334, 335-347.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, pp. 285-287, 291, 485-488, 611-612.
(See also Physical examinations.)
Meningitis. Bui. 264, pp. 177-178, 184.
Mental conditions:
Epilepsy. Bui. 273, p. 224.
Insanity. Bui. 264, pp. 180-182.
Low mentality. Bui. 273, pp. 225-2261
Mental nervous cases. Bui. 273, p. 297.
Need of recognition of, and better treatment for mental and neevaus injuries (Donoghue). Bui. 273,
pp. 272-277.
Psycasthenia. Bui. 273, pp. 275, 276-277.
Review of industrial accident board cases examined at the psychopathic hospital (Southard). Bui.
248, pp. 159-170.
CSm aim Nervous conditions::Psychological; examination.)
Merit rating:
(Kingston). Bui. 304,pp. 25-35.
(Watson). Bui. 210, pp. 58-75.



Merit rating—Continued.
Experience rating versus schedule rating (Beyer). Bui. 212, pp. 249-266.
-----(Senior). Bui. 333, pp. 252-267.
-----N. C. J., pp. 11-13; Special meeting, p. 9; Bui. 212, pp. 243-247; Bui. 281, pp. 269-270.
Schedule rating, coal mines, effect on accident prevention (Wilson). Bui. 212, pp. 273-282.
Miscellaneous. N. C. J., pp. 30, 37; Second meeting, p. 229; Bui. 210, pp. 18-19; Bui. 248, p. 88; Bui.
264, pp. 15-16, 44; Bui. 273, pp. 327-328; Bui. 281, pp. 41, 42, 217-218; Bui. 304, pp. 26, 134; Bui.
385, pp. 147, 150, 156, 158-159.
Mexico’s greetings to Association. Bui. 359, pp. 13-14.
Military casualties:
Comparison with industrial accidents (Rubinow). Bui. 248, pp. 217-225.
Rehabilitation. Bui 212, pp. 349-352; Bui. 248, pp. 183-184, 221, 301-303; Bui. 264, pp. 203-204,. 207-208
Bui. 273, pp. 292-293, 375; Bui. 333, pp. 127-128.
Military reservations, workers on. Bui. 281, p. 409.
Accident prevention. Second meeting, pp. 206-207, 210; Bui. 212, pp 267-268, 271, 273-282; Bui. 281,
p. 14.
Accidents. Bui. 248, p. 209; Bui. 273, p. Ill; Bui. 281, p. 17.
Liability for payment of premiums on pay roll. Second meeting, p. 143
Premium rate. Bui. 248, pp. 86-87; Bui. 273, p. 337.
Special compensation legislation, Indiana. Bui. 273, p. 361.
Minor injuries. Bui. 212, p. 191; Bui. 333, pp. 130, 139; Bui. 359, pp. 27, 44.
Mothers’ pensions:
Administration. Illinois (Abbott). Bui. 212, pp. 818-834.
-----Massachusetts (Barr). Bui. 212, p. 834.
-----New Jersey (Wittpenn). Bui. 212, pp. 805-810.
-----New York (Matthews). Bui. 212, pp. 811-817.
Books on, references to. Bui. 212, p. 304.
Theory and development of movement (Kingsley). Bui. 212, pp. 794-804.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, pp. 841-842, 835-837; Bui. 273, p. 139; Bui. 281, p. 426.
(See also Maternity benefits.)
Moving pictures:
Accident prevention. Second meeting, pp. 212, 224; Bui. 264, pp. 20, 27, 28, 36, 38; Bui. 281, pp.
15-18, 32, 42; Bui. 333, p 204.
Education—schools. Bui. 333, p. 149.
Rehabilitation, California—resolution, I. A. I. A. B. C., on buying. Bui. 281, p. 437.
Multiple injuries. Bui. 333, p. 112.
(See also Second injuries.)
Mutual insurance:
(Black). Bui. 281, pp. 221-231.
(Bucklin). Bui. 212, pp. 111-124.
Accident prevention. Bui. 281, pp. 226-229, 231.
Cost. Bui. 212, pp. 97, 115, 117; Bui. 273, p. 345; Bui. 281, pp. 176, 198, 210, 229-231; Bui. 385,
p. 32.
Massachusetts attempt at exclusive mutual carriers. Bui. 273, pp. 89-90.
Merit rating. Bui. 212, pp. 263-264, 266.
Promptness of claim settlement. Bui. 281, pp. 201-202, 210-211, 225, 226, 396, 397.
Security. Bui. 212, pp. 69-70, 94; Bui. 281, pp. 222-224, 225, 231.
Service. Bui. 212, p. 71; Bui. 281, pp. 226-229, 231.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, pp. 154-156, 162; Bui. 273, pp. 81, 89-90; Bui. 281, p. 186.
(See also Insurance carriers.)
National Association of Legal Aid Organizations (Bradway). Bui. 385, pp. 114r-123.
National Association of Machine-Tool Builders. Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 572-588.
National Association of Manufacturers:
Accident prevention work. Bui. 212, p. 851.
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 572-588, 849-851.
Workmen’s compensation, report on. Bui. 212, pp. 849-850.
National Civic Federation:
(Phillips). N. C. J., pp. 31-32; Special meeting, pp. 1, 4, 26-28.
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 521; 525.
Uniform compensation legislation. Bui. 273, p. 36.
Welfare exhibit. Bui. 212, p. 287.
National Consumers’ League. Health insurance. Bui. 212, p. 609.
National Industrial Conference Board. Book on “ Workmen’s Compensation Acts in United States.”
Bui. 273, p. 411.
National Safety Codes Committee. Organization and work (Rosa). Bui. 281, pp. 20-24.



National Safety Council. Accident prevention. Second meeting, pp. 210, 211; Bui. 210, pp 131, 148;
Bui. 212, p. 267; Bui. 264, pp. 20, 39, 46, 47, 84; Bui. 304, p. 58.
National Workmen’s Compensation Service Bureau. Computation of rates. Special meeting, pp. 5, 6;
Bui. 212, pp. 112-113,121-122; Bui. 273, p. 403.
(See also Stock insurance.)
Nephritis (Bright’s disease). Bui. 264, p. 176.
Nervous conditions:
Differential diagnosis between organic and functional nervous conditions following injury (Hamilton).
Bui. 359, pp. 58-66.
Hysteria. Bui. 210, pp. 126, 200, 203, 204, 206, 211; Bui. 248, pp. 279-280; Bui. 273, pp. 226, 276-277;
Bui. 304, pp. 152, 157, 160-161.
Need of recognition of and better treatment for mental and nervous injuries (Donoghue). Bui. 273,
pp. 272-277.
Neurasthenia: A problem of compensation (Thompson). Second meeting, pp. 241-242; Bui. 210, pp.
200-211; Bui. 212, p. 388; Bui. 248, pp. 56, 67,151, 152, 161, 169; Bui. 264, p. 182; Bui. 273, pp. 226, 249,
250, 255, 300, 301-302; Bui. 281, pp. 84, 332; Bui. 333, pp. 321-322; Bui. 385, p. 101.
Neuroses: Their handling from an industrial commission standpoint (Pollock). Bui. 304, pp. 152-161.
(See also Mental conditions.)
Neurasthenia. (See Nervous conditions.)
Neuritis. Bui. 273, p. 224.
Neuroses. (See Nervous conditions.)
New Jersey State Board of Children’s Guardians. Mother’s pensions, administration of. Bui. 212,
pp. 805-810.
Noninsurance, problem of (Bryant). Bui. 273, pp. 348-349; Bui. 333, pp. 309-312.


Occupation. (See Permanent disabilities.)
Occupational diseases:
Books on, references to. Bui. 212, p. 389.
Compensation for occupational diseases (Little). Bui. 248, pp. 251-257.
Occupational disease code. Bui. 276, pp. 100-103.
Omission of occupational diseases as a defect in workmen’s compensation laws (Edsall). Bui. 212,
p. 377.
-----(Hoffman). Bui. 212, pp. 383-397.
-----Second meeting, p. 221; Bui. 212, pp. 373-374, 527-530, 557, 575,712-713; Bui. 248, pp. 253-254,263264,259-267,283-284; Bui, 264, p. 208; Bui. 273, pp. 17,36, 205; Bui. 276, pp. 98,99; Bui. 281, pp. 16-17,
18,118, 412, 418, 420-423, 429-430; Bui. 304, p. 4; Bui. 333, p. 5.
Occupational therapy. Bui. 273, pp. 290-293; Bui. 281, pp. 147, 162; Bui. 385, p. 94.
Old age:
Dependency, extent. Bui. 212, p. 773.
Elderly men, compensation claims (Gunderson). Bui. 385, pp. 112-114.
Miscellaneous. N. C. J., p. 44; Second meeting, pp. 110, 115, 240, 241; Bui. 212, pp. 17, 206-207; Bui.
273, pp. 226, 250, 253, 255; Bui. 359, p. 35.
(See also Old age and invalidity insurance.)
Old age and invalidity insurance:
Books on, references to. Bui. 212, p. 776.
Invalidity and old-age pensions and retirement allowances (Alexander). Bui. 212, pp. 763-774.
Massachusetts Commission on Old-Age Pensions. Bui. 212, p. 770.
Massachusetts system of savings-bank insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 896-915.
Old-age pensions (Crowell). Bui. 212, pp. 775-777.
Pennsylvania Railroad voluntary relief department (Hunt). Bui. 212, pp. 491-496.
Service pensions and pension funds (Dawson). Bui. 212, pp. 730-741.
Trade-union benefit funds (Scott). Bui. 212, pp. 747-755.
United States Steel and Carnegie Pension Fund (Erskine). Bui. 212, p. 742-746.
Workmen’s compensation, relation to. Bui. 210, p. 237.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 210, pp. 246-247; Bui. 212, pp. 427-428, 478-479, 527, 529, 530, 535, 735, 778-779,
842-844; Bui. 273, pp. 364-365; Bui. 281, p. 426.
(See also Social insurance.)
Owners’ liability for premiums on pay rolls of contractors and lessees (Marshall). Second meeting,
pp. 141-145.
Diagnosis. Bui. 359, pp. 65-66.
Infantile. Bui. 264, p. 178.
Pay rolls, policy with respect to auditing:
(Gill). Bui. 333, pp. 313-316.
Bui. 359, pp. 115-116.
Pennsylvania Railroad voluntary relief department. (See Old-age and invalidity insurance.)



Femnanenfc disabilities:
British Industrial Safety-First A ssociation,adaptionofL A .L iL .E .0. rec^nimenda^ions fey. Bal.
333,, pp. 14&-I49;
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost- Accident severity, computation. Bui.
248, pp. 100-105; Bui. 333. p. 148.
— ■ Standard definitions. Bui. 248, p. 106.
-----Standard permanent disability schedule. Adoption. Bui. 359, p. 137.
—— -----Authorization. BuiL 304, pp. 14fl* 24ft..
-----------First draft. Bui. 333, pp. 70-96,108-148.
-----------Revised dfcaft. BuI.359*.pp..I6r49,.13a-13k
Comparision of the treatment of permanent partial disability cases (Kingston^. But. 21$, pp. 159-183;
BUl. 333, psp-..97^-108.
-----Bui. 333, pp. 75-76,108-121.
Court system ruling. Bull 304, pp. 1X1-112.
Criticism, of: American schedules. B eeL 212„ p.196..
Factors entering, into ratings Adaptability. Bui. 2801, pp.. 96, 91, 32;.93-94.
-----Age.. Bilk. 212, pp. 56, 58-59,176,177; Bui. 264yp. 213,- Bsul. 281, pp; 65, 36, 6T, 91, 92; 93,97r 103;
Bui. 304, pp. 119, 126, 127, 128, 133; Bui. 333, pp. 74, 77-79, 87, 91-92, 94, 98, 125, 137,129,. 142-148,
236-237; Bui. 359, pp. 16,17, 20,23-25, 27-29, 32-40.
-----Dependents. Bui. 333, pp. 113,129.
-----Earning capacity. Special meeting, p. 14; Bui. 212, pp. 184-192,196* 199,201;; Bui. 273, pp.. 184-186?
Bui. 284,.- ppL87,104s; BuL. 333,. p; 73-74*. 87,124r-125c,. 129,143, 23.6; Bui. 359, pp. 15,16, 19, 29, 27-29,
33-34, 35,40-42,43,46-49; Bui. 385, pp. 140-142,143-144.
•---- Healing period. Bad.. 212, p. 177; Bark 248, p. 270; BuL. 333, pp*. 72-73* 82, 83r-86* 98-99,131-133?
Bui. 359, pp. 16,18-19.
— Life pensions. N. C. J., p. 26; Bui. 212, pp. 178-179; Bui. 304, pp. 122,133; Bui. 333, pp. 73, 86,
128,133; Bui. 359, pp. 16, 19, 43-44, 133.
■---- Occupation. Bui. 212, pp. 175, 178, 201-204; Bui. 281, pp. 64, 65, 83-84; BuL 333, pp. 74, 92-94,
124,127; Bui. 359, pp. 16, 18, 21, 31-32, 37-49; Bui. 385, pp. M0> 141.
— Percentage of impairment. Special meeting, p. 15; Bui. 248, pp. 99; 112? Bid. 338, pp. 73, 79-80,
81, 86, 129,134-140; Bui. 359, pp. 16-17,19-20, 21-27; Bui. 385, pp. 138-139.
-----Relative severity, upper and- lower limb injuries. Bui. 264, pp. 2 1 % 2X3, 2X5-217? Bid. 28T, pp.
91-93,153; Bui. 333, pp. 78-80; Bui. 359, pp. 23-27.
How should permanent partial disability be compensated? (Mitehel>. Bui. 264, pp. 54-59;
Legal provisions, by States and' Provinces. BuL 383, pp. 102^167.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 248, pp. 79; 86,81.
Number. Bui. 248, pp. 223-4; Bui. 28X, p. 181.
Schedule rating for permanent disabilities (A. J. Pilfebary). Bui. 212, pp. X75-KJ&
Statistics, necessity for. N. C. J., p. 32; Bui. 273, p. 353.
Systems of compensation for permanent partial disability in United' Staten (Hoekstadt)'. Bui. 281, pp.
United States war risk insurance, awards under. Bid. 333, pp. I25-12&
Unscheduled injuries. Bui. 273, p. 153.
States and Provinces—
Alabama. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 103.
Alberta. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102.
Arizona. Bal. 210, pp. 162,189.
British Columbia. Bui. 281, pp. 90-94,105; Bid. ©8, pp. 103, 280.
California. Schedule rating for permanent dfeabiStres (A. J5. FiUsbury). Bid; 212, p. 175^183.
-----System of rating permanent disabilities (Naftzger). BuL 2B1, pp. 04-79.
----------- (A. J. Pillshury>. Bui. 364, pp. HM2L
------------Second meeting, pp; 158-159; Bui. 210; pp. 161, 162, 176*, 177, 178, 179; 180; Bui. 212, pp.
188, 197, 201, 203-205, 212, 213, 214; Bui. 248, pp. 66, 223; BuL 264, p. 216; Bull 273; pp. 360-361;
Bui. 281, pp. 64-70; 91-93, 90-98, 99466; Bid. 804, pp; 117-139, BuL 333, pp. 93-9L 97, 100-102,
104, 124; Bui. 359, p. 18.
-— Treatment et permanent n^isries under ther workmens compensation act of California
(Leslie). Second meeting, p. 146-157.
Colorado. Bui. 210, pp. 162-163,176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,104.
Connecticut. Bui. 216, pp. 108, I7B, 177, 178, 179, 186? Bui; 330, pp. IOO-162,164, lid.
Delaware. Bui. 273, p. 193; Bui. 304, pp. 232-234; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102.
Georgia. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,118.
Idaho. Bui. 281, pp. 100, 101-102; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,104.
Indiana. Bui. 210, pp. 163, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 333, pp. 169-102* 104.
Iowa. Bui. 210, pp. 163, 176, 177, 178, 179,180; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,104.
Kansas. Bui. 210, pp. 164, 177, 180; Bui. 212, p. 214.
Louisiana. Bui. 210, pp. 164, 176, 177, 178,179,180.



Permanent disabilities—Continued.
States ami Provinces—Continued.
Maine. Bui. 210, pp. 164-105, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bid. 333, pp. 100-102, 104, 109-110, 111-112,
110-120, 145, 146.
Manitoba. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 103; Bui. 359, pp. 48-40.
Maryland. Bui. 210, pp. 165, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 248, p. 223; Bui. 281, pp. 102,
107; Bui. 304, pp. 137-138; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 104.
Massachusetts. Bui. 210, pp. 160, 161, 165, 176, 177, 178, 179,180; Bui. 212, p. 215; Bui. 248, p. 223;
Bui. 264, p. 216; Bui. 273, pp. 98, 99, 100, 102, 388; Bui. 281, p. 90; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 104-105,
116-118, 147; Bui. 359, p. 46; Bui. 385, pp. 141-143.
Michigan. Bui. 210, pp. 166, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, pp. 188,214; Bui. 248, p. 223; Bui. 333,
pp. 100-102, 105, 112; Bui. 385, pp. 18-19.
Minnesota. Bui. 210, pp. 166, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 248, p. 223; Bui. 281,
p. 106; Bui. 304, pp. 111-112, 135; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 105.
Montana. Bui. 210, pp. 167, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 248, p. 223; Bui. 333, pp.
Nebraska. Bui. 210, pp. 167, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,105.
Nevada. Bui. 210, pp. 167, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 248, p. 223; Bui. 333, pp.
100- 102, 105.
New Brunswick. BuL 333, pp. 100-102,103.
New,Hampshire. Bui. 210, pp. 168, 178, 180; Bid. 273, p. 193.
New Jersey. Bui. 210, pp. 168, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, pp. 213, 214; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,
New Mexico. Bui. 273, p. 192; Bui. 281, p. 108.
New York. How should permanent partial disability be compensated (Mitchell). Bui. 264, pp.
-----System of compensation for permanent partial disabilities (Archer). Bui. 281, pp. 81-84.
-----Bui. 210, pp. 169, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, pp. 188, 198; Bui. 248, p. 223; Bui. 264,
pp. 10, 216; Bui. 273, pp. 192, 193; Bui. 281, pp. 90, 98; Bui. 304, p. 137; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,105^
112, 121-122; Bui. 385, pp. 140-141, 143.
North Dakota. Bui. 333, pp. 97,100-102,106, 112-113, 128-130; Bui. 359, p. 134.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 103.
Ohio. N. C. J., p. 38; Bui. 210, pp. 169, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 273, p. 153; Bui. 281, p. 90;
Bui. 304, pp. 135, 136; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 106; Bui. 885, pp. 143-144.
Oklahoma. Bui. 210, pp. 169, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 333, pp. 46-47, 100-102.
Ontario. Bui. 210, pp. 159-162, 176, 177, 178,179,180; Bui. 212, pp. 54-56, 58-59; Bui. 281, pp. 98-99,
103, 104-105; Bui. 304, pp. 130-139; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,103,112, 143; Bui. 359, p. 47.
Oregon. System of compensation for permanent partial disabilities (Ferguson). Bui. 281. pp.
-----------Bui. 210, pp. 169, 176, 177,178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p.188; Bui. 273, p. 192; Bui. 281, pp. 106,
107, 108; Bui. 333, pp. 97, 100-102, 106, 113.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 210, pp. 170, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 281, pp. 98, 99, 106, 181; Bui. 333, pp. 98,
101- 102, 106, 111.
Rhode Island. Bui. 210, pp. 171, 176, 177, 178,179,180; Bui. 273, p. 193; Bui. 333, p. 108.
South Dakota. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 106.
Tennessee. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,106.
Texas. Bui. 210, pp. 171, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180.
Utah. Bui. 304, p. 138; Bui. 333, pp. 97,100-102,107, 113,144; Bui. 359, p. 134.
United States. Compensation of permanent partial disabilities under Federal compensation act
(Verrill). Bui. 281, pp. 71-80.
-----------Bui. 273, pp. 387-388; Bui. 281, pp. 89-90; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102, 106.
Vermont. Bui. 210, pp. 172, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 273, p. 193; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,107.
Virginia. Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,107.
Washington. N. C. J., pp. 26, 45; Second meeting, pp. 158-159; Bui. 210, pp. 172-173, 176, 177,
178, 179, 180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 248, pp. 79,80,81,223; Bui. 304, p. 138; Bui. 333, pp. 97,100-102,
West Virginia. Bui. 210, pp. 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,107, 112.
Wisconsin. Practical administration of permanent partial disability (Tarrell). Bui. 385, pp.
-----------Bui. 210, pp. 174, 177, 178, 179, 180; Bui. 248, p.223; Bui. 273, p. 192; Bui. 333, pp. 100-102,
107,113; Bui. 359, pp. 37-38, 39; Bui. 385, pp. 138-140.
Wyoming. Bui. 210, pp. 174hl75,176, 177,178,179,180; Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 248, p. 77; Bui. 333,
pp. 100-102,113.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, pp. 211-216; Bui. 273, pp. 204-205, 410.
(See also Cripples, industrial; Second injuries.)
Phosphorus poisoning. Bui. 248, p. 190.



Physical examination:
Attitade of commissions. N. C. J., pp. 43-45; Second meeting, pp. 122, 123, 185-205; Bui. 210, pp. 20,
205; Bui. 212, pp. 209, 216, 117-226, 335-347, 380-381, 485-488, 491-492, 495, 528, 537-538, 563, 569-570,
605,617, 640, 702; Bui. 264, p. 210; Bui. 273, p. 227; Bui. 281, pp. 322-323; Bui. 359, pp. 72-73.
Compulsory physical examination of employees (White). Bui. 212, pp. 314-316.
Physical examination and medical supervision of factory employees (Clark). Bui. 212, pp. 317-326.
-----(White). Bui. 212, pp. 327-334.
Students. Bui. 212, pp. 508-509, 527, 533, 534, 577, 578.
(See also Medical supervision.)
Conferences. Bui. 281, p. 32.
Disagreement among. Bui. 273, pp. 159-160, 300-301; Bui. 281, p. 107.
Selection of, in compensation cases (Lewy). Bui. 264, p. 200.
-----(Mowell). Bui. 264, pp. 197-199.
-----Bui. 212, pp. 201, 295-296, 300,311-312; Bui. 248, pp. 122,174-179, 289; Bui. 264, p. 11; Bui. 273, pp.
69, 76, 298, 319, 322-323; Bui. 281, pp. 276, 285, 290, 291, 292, 295, 297-298, 314, 331, 333; Bui. 304, pp.
Physiotherapy. Bui. 273, pp. 289-293; Bui. 281, pp. 250,287-288,290,293-294,301; Bui 385, pp. 100-112.
Pneumonia. Bui. 264, pp. 171-172, 184.
Politics. Bui. 210, pp. 21, 231, 234, 235, 236; Bui. 212, pp. 31,49-52, 64-65, 70, 82,88,123,141,147-148, 352-353,
574; Bui. 248, pp. 87, 285; Bui. 273, pp. 88,157,185,199, 320, 323-324, 413; Bui. 281, pp. 38,189, 234, 239, 245;
Bui. 304, pp. 82, 94-96; Bui. 333, p. 5; Bui. 359, pp. 5,135.
Porto Rico. Workmen's compensation insurance (Carmona). Bui. 333, pp. 294-298.
Preexisting conditions:
Compensation of disability due to preexisting disease aggravated or accelerated by accident or injury
(Lissner). Bui. 264, pp. 155-184.
Disabilities as aggravated by preexisting conditions (Mowell). Bui. 273, pp. 220-227.
Preexisting and subsequent diseases complicating disabilities the result of accident (Mowell). Second
meeting, pp. 110-114.
Preexisting diseases, list. Bui. 273, p. 225.
Tuberculosis, syphilis, old age, post traumatic neurosis, and hernia (Lewy). Second meeting, pp.
Miscellaneous. Second meeting, pp. 115, 116, 120-121, 125-127, 198, 199; Bui. 212, pp. 188, 207-208, 528;
Bui. 248, pp. 120-121, 162, 168; Bui. 264, pp. 12, 155-184; Bui. 273, pp. 247-248; Bui. 281, pp. 296-297,
419, 423; Bui. 304, pp. 173, 241, 242; Bui. 333, pp. 153, 155-156,166.
(See also Congenital defects; Heart disease; Hernia; Gonorrhea; Physical examinations; Syphilis;
Group system. Bui. 273, pp. 79-80.
Liability of owners (Marshall). Second meeting, pp. 141-145.
Presidents’ addresses:
(Andrus). Bui. 304, pp. 2-7.
(Armstrong). Bui. 385, pp. 1-2.
(Daggett). Bui. 210, pp. 14-21.
(Duxbury). Bui. 359, pp. 1-8.
(French). Bui. 281, pp. 114-122.
(Holman). Bui. 248, pp. 11-15.
(Kingston). Bui. 273, pp. 136-141.
(Kinnane). N. C. J., pp. 6, 39; Second meeting, pp. 11-16.
(Lee). Bui. 333, pp. 2-6.
(Wilcox). Bui. 264, p. 7.
(Yaple). Bui. 210, pp. 8-12.
Procedure. (See Claim procedure.)
Promptness of claim settlement. (See Claim procedure.)
Psycasthenia. (See Mental conditions.)
Psychological examination, value in dealing with cases of industrial accident (Pressy). Bui. 248, pp.
162-167. (See also Mental conditions.)
Public employees. Bui. 273, pp. 15,16.
Railroad workers:
Accidents. Bui. 210, pp. 33-36, 50.
Attitude toward Federal compensation (Cease). Bui. 273, pp. 182-189, 59, 217.
Attorneys. Bui. 273. pp. 166,183. 184, 187.
Employees engaged in interstate and foreign commerce (Clark). Bui. 273, pp. 165-179. „
Coverage. Bui. 273, pp. 196-197.
Federal law, resolution. I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 281, p. 483.



■ Railroad workers—Continued.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 210, pp. 33-55,190-191; Bui. 212, pp. 368-369; Bui, 248, pp. 228-231, 232-233,
235-236, 239, 244-245; Bui. 273, pp. 164-182, 207, 209, 210; Bui. 281, pp. 119-120, 121, 304; Bui. 385, pp.
21-24, 26-27.
Old age pensions. Bui. 212, pp. 739-740.
Pennsylvania Railroad voluntary relief department (Hunt). Bui. 212, pp. 491-496.
Premium, liability for payment. Second meeting, p. 142.
Status, United States and Canada. Bui. 385, pp. 21, 26-27.
(See also Legislation, workmen’s compensation; Interstate workers.)
(Doblc). N. C. J., pp. 18-21. 39.
Accident prevention, effect on. N. C. J., pp. 11-14,19, 23.
Adequacy. Bui. 212, pp. 156-158, 238; Bui. 248, pp. 298-300; Bui. 273, p. 400; Bui. 385, p. 37.
Assessments (Armstrong). Bui. 304, pp. 23-25.
Comparison under different systems of insurance (Watson). Bui. 273, pp. 325-333.
-----N. C. J.. pp. 32. 34; Bui. 210, p. 230; Bui. 273, pp. 79, 337-341.
Computation of, principles and methods (Cowles). Bui. 212, pp. 231-237.
-----(Kingston). Bui. 359. pp. 90-97.
-----(Senior). Bui. 212, pp. 238-248.
-----N. C. J., pp. 18-21, 39; Bui. 212, p. 265; Bui. 248, pp. 86, 87-88; Bui. 273, pp. 403-404; Bui. 281, pp
Factors entering into rating. (See also Permanent disabilities.)
Law differential. Bui. 212, pp. 240-241, 265; Bui. 248, p. 61; Bui. 273, p. 400-401.
Method of rate making. Canadian Provinces (Dean). Bui. 385, pp. 146-148.
-----Exclusive State-fund State (Duffy). Bui. 385, pp. 148-151.
-----New York State insurance fund (Hatch). Bui. 385, pp. 151-153.
-----Pennsylvania (Qosline). Bui. 385, pp. 153-158.
National Workmen’s Compensation Service Bureau, manual. Special meeting, pp. 5-6.
-----Computation of rates. Special meeting, pp. 5, 6; Bui. 212, pp. 112-113, 121-122; Bui. 273, p. 403.
Standardization (Whitney). N. C. J., pp. 11-14, 23.
Supervision. N. C. J., pp. 19-21, 39; Bui. 212, pp. 156-158; Bui. 273, pp. 345, 346; Bui. 281, pp. 207, 209;
Bui. 385, pp. 157-158.
Various States. Table. Bui. 210, p. 181.
-----N. C. J., pp. 37, 38; Bui. 212, pp. 168-169, 170-171; Bui. 359, pp. 41, 42; Bui. 385, pp. 35, 48, 158160.
(See also Merit rating.)
Reciprocal insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 76-78; Bui. 273, p. 362.
(Albee). Bui. 359, pp. 127-129.
(Blankinship). Bui. 359, pp. 125-127.
(Dean). Bui. 248, pp. 180-188; Bui. 264, pp. 201-206.
(Donoghuc). Bui. 210, pp. 212-220.
(Hawkins). Bui. 281, pp. 157-166.
(Kennard). Bui. 273, pp. 92-97.
(Mock). Bui. 264, pp. 207-211.
(Sullivan). Bui. 281, pp. 141-156; Bui. 359, pp. 121-125.
Definition of. Bui. 248, p. 172.
Federal aid. Bui. 264, p. 146; Bui. 281, pp. 115,157, 158,159.
Ford plant (Mead). Bui. 359, pp. 129-131.
Forms. Bui. 281, p. 149.
Insurance companies. Bui. 212, p. 353; Bui. 248, pp. 154, 225; Bui. 273, pp. 98, 102; Bui. 281, pp. 95,
152-153, 218, 255, 256-267, 270; Bui. 359, p. 45.
Medical attention in connection with rehabilitation of injured employees (Parks). Bui. 385, pp. 91-96.
Moving picture, California man, purchase of. Bui. 281, p. 437.
Reconstruction and the hospital (Cotton). Bui. 248, pp. 153-158,284.
Resolution of I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 248, pp. 301, 303; Bui. 264, p. 224; Bui. 281, pp. 267, 432; Bui. 359,
pp. 138-139
War cripples. Bui. 212, pp. 349-352; Bui. 248, pp. 183-184, 221, 301-303; Bui. 264, pp. 203-204, 207-208;
Bui. 273, p. 375; Bui. 281, pp. 157-158; Bui. 333, pp. 127-128.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 212, p. 309; Bui. 248, p. 95; Bui. 264, pp. 12, 219-220, 223, 224; Bui. 273, pp. 14,
139, 159,194, 297-298, 299; Bui. 281, pp. 76, 96,105,114-116,167-172, 301, 374; Bui. 304, p. 135; Bui. 359,
pp. 40-41.
Alabama. Bui. 333, p. 112.
California. Bui. 273, pp. 146-148, 353; Bui. 281, pp. 97-98, 169, 435-437
Illinois. Bui. 264, p. 146; Bui. 273, p. 353; Bui. 281, p. 115.
Massachusetts. Bui. 248, p. 137; Bui. 273, pp. 91-97, 101, 353; Bui. 281, pp. 96, 115, 168; Bui. 359,
p 40; Bui. 385, pp. 45-46, 92-96.



States -Continued.
Minnesota. Bnl. 273, pp. 159, 353; Bui. 281, pp. 115,141-156; Bui. 359* pp. 121-125.
New Jersey. Bui. 273, p. 353; Bui. 281, p. 115; Bui. 359, pp. 127-129.
New York. Bui. 281, p. 115; Bui. 304, p. 64; Bui. 359, p. 124; Bui. 385, pp. 141,143.
Oregon. Bnl 281, pp. 115, 168, 250, 252, 288-289.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 273, p. 353; Bui. 281, pp. 33-34, 115, 171.
United States. Bui. 264, p. 12; BuL 281, pp. 76,157-166.
Vir^nia. Bui. 304, pp. 236-237; Bui. 359, pp. 125-127.
Wisconsin. Bui. 281, pp. 167-168, 169; Bui. 385, p. 140.
(See also Stock insurance.)
Remarriage of widows:
American experience table. BuL 273, pp. 393, 396; Bui. 333, pp. 247-248; Bui. 359, pp. 97-102; Bui.
385, pp. 8-9.
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost, recommendations. Bui. 273, *pp. 393, 396;
Bui. 276, p. 68.
Legal provisions, various States. Bui. 281, p. 355.
New York. Bui. 273, p. 30.
Ontario. Bui. 212, pp. 54-55; Bui. 281, p. 417.
Royal Dutch remarriage table. Special meeting, pp. 47-48; Bui. 333, p. 247; Bui. 359, p. 98; Bui. 385,
p. 8.
Statistics. Special meeting, p. 4.
Washington. N. C. J^,.p. 41.
Adequacy. N. C. J., pp. 22-23; Bui. 273, p. 346.
Amount required to pay $1 per month life pension, different ages. Bui. 210, p. 183.
Basis. Bui. 212, p. 158.
Classes. N. C. J.., p. 22.
Computation) proper method. (Mothersill). Bui. 359, pp. 112-115.
-----(Pennock). BuL 333, pp. 244-251.
-----N. O. J., pp. 18-21; 22, 23, 39.
Investment of, Ohio. N. C. J., p. 38.
Michigan. N. C. J., pp. 19, 20, 22.
* Ohio. N. C. J.„pp. 37-38; Bui. 385, pp. 150,159.
Ontario. Bui. 212, p. 53; BuL 385, p. 148.
Utah State fund (Caine). Bui. 304, pp. 42-43.
Washington. Bui. 248, pp. 79-80.
Safety codes:
I. A. I. A. B. C. Work on. Bui. 304, pp. 52-54; Bui. 333, pp. 9-10; Bui. 359, p. 10; Bui. 385, pp. 4-5.
-----Resolution. Bui. 281, p. 432.
Organization and work of the National Safety Codes Committee (Rosa). Bui. 281, pp. 20-24.
Preparation of safety codes under the auspices of the American Engineering Standards Committee
(Lloyd). BuL 333, pp. 225-231.
Uniform safety standards (R. McA. Keown). BuL 304, pp. 75-78.
-----BuL 264, pp. 13,21-26,47,83; BuL 281„pp. 24-26,37-38,42; Bui. 304, pp. 75-80; Bui. 333, pp. 226-227.
What Pennsylvania is doing for safety and safety codes (Connelley). Bui. 281, pp. 27-38*
Safety devices. (See Accident prevention; Safety codes.)
Safety and health promotion, committee of I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 210, p. 190.
Sanitation, industrial:
(Hubbard). Bul. 333, pp.,217-221.
Bui. 212, pp. 285-287, 291; Bui. 304, p. 16; Bui. 333, pp. 221-224.
Instruction. Bui. 333,. pp. 221-222.
Sarcoma. (See Tumors.)
Savings-bank life insurance, Massachusetts system (Grady). Bui. 212, pp. 896-915.
Safety-first instruction. N. C. J.,pp.9,45; Second meeting, pp. 224-225,235; Bui. 210, pp. 17-18, 149;
Bui. 281, pp. 34,35, 39,172,436-437; Bui. 304, pp. 67, 71-72; BuL 333, p. 64.
Sanitation, instruction on. Bui. 333, pp. 221-222.
Workmen's compensation, instruction on (Kizer). Bui. 359, pp.. 50-56.
-----(McHugh). Bui. 333,rpp. 60-69.
-----Committee. Bui. 333, pp. 67, 69, 149; Bui. 359, p. 50.
Second injuries:
Probability of (Hookstadt). Bui. 273, p. 354.
Provisions in various laws. Bui..273, p. 355.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 212, pp. 206, 210, 217-219; Bui. 273, pp. 319,357; Bui.
281, pp. 95, 105; Bui. 333, pp. 173-174; Bui. 359, p. 27.



Second injuries—Continued.
States and Provinces—
California. Boll 212,. ^ 1188; BuL 27^ p. 3531
Cetorado. Bui.. 212, p. 188.
Idaho. Bui. 281, p. 419.
Illinois- Bui. 212-p. 188.
Indiana. Bui. 212, p. 188.
Maine. Bui. 212;. p.. 188.
Maryland. Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 281, pp. 413-414; Bui. 304, p. 64.
- Michigan. Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 273, p. 353.
Minnesota. Bui. 212, p. 188.
Montana. Bui. 212, p. 188.
Nebraska. Bui. 212, p. 188.
Nevada. Bui. 212, p. 188;. Bui. 281,. p. 423.
New York. Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 273, p. 353; Bui. 281, p. 98; Bui. 304, p, 64.
North Dakota. BuL 273, p. 353,
Ohio. Bui. 273, pp. 154, 353.
Oklahoma. Bui. 212, p. 188.
Ontario. Bui. 273, p. 359.
Oregon. Bui. 212, p. 188; Bui. 273, pp. 104, 250, 353.
Rhode Island. Bui. 212,. p. 188..
Utah. Bui. 273, p. 353; Bui. 281, pp. 415-416; Bui. 304, p. 63; Bfel. 333; pp. I13> 174.
Washington. BUI. 212; p; 188.
Wisconsin. Bui. 212, p4188; Bui.. 264, pp.. 220-221; BUI. 273!, pp. 108-109* 353, 354, 358-359; Bui.
333, p. 113.
Wyoming. Bui. 212,. p. 188.
(See also Ci’ipples; Eye injuries.)
Security. (See Insurance carriers;. Self insurance; State fund.)
(Kennedy.) BuL.212, pp. 105-110.
Cost. BUL 212, p. 167; Bui. 273, p. 345.
Promptness of claim.settlement. Bui. 281, pp. 291, 210Regulation of self-insurers (McBride). BuL 385, pp.. 160HL61,161-165.
Security. Bui. 212, p. 94; Bui. 273, pp. 111, 347-348; Bui. 281, pp. 209, 211; BuL 385, pp. 160-161,162,
Service. Bui. 212, pp. 297-298; Bui. 281, p. 210.
Miscellaneous. N. C. J., p. 36; Bui. 210*. p. 2S4; BuL. 212, pp* 119, 162-168, 169,173; Bui. 273,. pp* 69,
152-153, 329;. Bull 281, pp. 241-212, 261.-262, 268; BuL 304, p. 218; Bui. 385, pp. 35-3&
(dee also Insurance carriers.)
Shop committees. (See Industrial relations.)
Shoulder injuries. Bui. 281, p. 311.
Cost. Bui. 248, p. 14.
Extent. Bui. 212, pp. 331-334, 642-643, 678.
Hours, relation to. Bui. 212, pp. 595, 596; BuL, 248, p.14.
Sickness insurance. (See Health insurance.)
Social insurance:
(Gompers). Bui. 212, pp. 845-849.
(Wilson, W. B.). Bui. 212, pp. 841-844.
California* Sbcial ihsuranee Gommittee-. Bui. 212;. pp; 521-524,
Conference- Persons attending. BuL. 212,. pp* 926-935.
-----Proceedings. Bui. 212..
-----Program. Bui. 212, pp. 3-11.
-----Purpose. Bui. 212, pp. 14-18.
-----Resolution calling for. Bui* 210, p. ISO; BuL 2112;. p* 13Massachusestta, committee. BuL. 248; p* 9.
Porto Rico. Bui. 333, pp. 295-297.
Substitute for word “ compulsory.” Bui. 212;.pp. 888-889,.893,.894-89ffc
Workmen's compensation, relation to (Meeker). Bui; 210; pp.. 237-251.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 210, pp. 48-49, 24$. 247,. 249-251; Bui. 212,. pp. 849h85I, 887-888; Bui. 248, pp; 237238, 293-294, 298; Bui. 281, pp. 14$. 148.
Spinal hypertrophic arthritis—its relation to compensable injuries. (Eager) ( S e e Back, conditions^
Spine, fractures; (See Back. conditions*)State fund:
Administrative problems. Bui. 304, pp, 22-51; Bui. 359, pp\ 9fL-116.
California. Bui.. 212, pp. 88-89; Bui. 281, pp. 233-2381
Committee on forms and procedure. Bui. 359, pp. 109-110.



State fund—Continued.
Competitive State fund (Baldwin). Bui. 212, pp. 124-140; Bui. 273, pp. 73-01.
-----Bui. 212, pp. 151-153; Bui. 273, p. 345; Bui. 281, pp. 186,187-190, 198, 210; Bui. 385, p. 42-43.
Cost. N. C. J., p. 38; Second meeting, pp. 159-160; Bui. 210, p. 230; Bui. 212, pp. 48-49,123,144,147,148;
Bui. 273, pp. 325,326,329,341,345,404; Bui. 281, pp. 187,191-192,198,210,239-240,252-253,258,264-265;
Bui. 333, pp. 99-100,121; Bui. 359, pp. 97,108; Bui. 385, pp. 32, 33, 39, 40-41, 41-42, 48,137.
Interest earnings. Bui. 273, pp. 334-335.
Jurisdictions having. Bui. 210, pp. 125, 243; Bui. 273, pp. 137-138; Bui. 281, pp. 188-187; Bui. 385, p. 30.
Maryland. Bui. 281, p. 415.
Massachusetts. Bui. 385, pp. 46-47.
Michigan. N. C. J., p. 23.
Monopolistic State funds (Duffy). Bui. 212, pp. 141-145.
-----(Marshall). Bui. 212, pp. 146-148.
-----Bui. 212, pp. 95, 127-128,151; Bui. 273, p. 103; Bui. 281, pp. 186, 188-189, 213-217, 259; Bui. 385, pp.
41-42, 46-47, 47-50.
New York. Bui. 212, pp. 83-85; Bui. 273, p. 75; Bui. 385, pp. 36,37, 39,137.
North Dakota. Bui. 385, pp. 47-50.
Nova Scotia. Bui. 248, p. 84; Bui. 281, p. 255.
Ohio’s experience (Duffy). Bui. 210, pp. 227-236.
-----(Yaple) N. C. J., pp. 35-39
-----N. C. J., pp. 30, 32; Bui. 212, pp. 79-83, 141-145, 172, 173; Bui. 264, p. 16; Bui. 281, pp. 271; Bui.
385, pp. 36, 39, 41-43, 46, 50.
Ontario. Bui. 212, p. 48; Bui. 273, pp. 315-324; Bui. 385, pp. 30-32, 33-34, 39, 40-41.
Oregon. Second meeting, pp. 181-182; Bui. 212, pp. 146-148; Bui. 281, pp. 249, 252-253.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 212, pp. 44-45, 85; Bui. 281, pp. 267-269.
Politics. Bui. 212, pp. 97, 123, 138-139, 141, 147-148, 164; Bui. 273, p. 320; Bui. 385, p. 48.
Porto Rico. Bui. 333, pp. 294-295, 297-298.
Promptness of claim settlement. Bui. 281, pp. 201, 202, 210-211, 225-226, 240, 250-251, 269; Bui. 385, pp.
Rates. Bui. 212, pp. 231-233, 237, 263-264, 266; Bui. 273, pp. 318-319; Bui. 359, pp. 102-109.
Security. Bui. 212, pp. 69, 78-79, 80, 82-83, 87-88, 100, 101, 119-120, 124, 143-144, 147, 151, 172, 173; Bui.
273, pp. 346-347, 355, 405; Bui. 281, pp. 187, 208-209,211, 224-225,235,252, 259-260; Bui. 385, p. 34.
Service. Bui. 212, p. 71; Bui. 273, p. 272; Bui. 281, p. 187; Bui. 385, p. 43.
Washington. N. C. J., pp. 24-26; Bui. 212, pp. 78-79,101.
Weaknesses. Bui. 212, pp. 78-89.
West Virginia. Bui. 212, p. 83.
What a State fund system is (Kingston). Bui. 385, pp. 28-34.
Miscellaneous. N. C. J., p. 39; Second meeting, pp. 197-198; Bui. 210, pp. 158, 232; Bui. 212, pp. 94,
126-127, 144-145,148, 163-164; Bui. 273, pp. 18-19, 83, 126-127, 199-200, 315, 323, 403; Bui. 281, pp. 116,
203, 220, 257-258; Bui. 304, p. 22; Bui. 385, pp. 41, 50,162.
( See also Insurance carriers; Rates; Reserves.)
Statistics and compensation insurance cost, committee of I. A. I. A. B. C.:
First report. Monthly Labor Review, November, 1915, pp. 28-37.
-----Discussion of. Second meeting, pp. 18-20, 134-140.
Second report. Bui. 210, pp. 77-90. ( Complete report in B u i . 201.)
Third report Bui. 248, pp. 98-116.
Fourth report. Bui. 264, pp. 83-106.
Fifth report. Bui. 273, pp. 388-398.
Sixth report. Bui. 281, pp. 174-183,302-303.
(R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s contained in first to sixth reports, inclusive, were revised a n d published in Bui. No .
276; therefore n o references, by subjects, are included in this index for r e c o m m e ndations m a d e prior to those
published in Bui. 276.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s in Bull. 276 are still in effect.)

Seventh report. Bui. 333, pp. 70-96, 108-148.
Eighth report. Bui. 359, pp. 31-49, 132-138.
Accident rates. Decision of conference called by Secretary of Labor. Bui. 385, p. 3.
Cause-of-injury code in use by United States Employees’ Compensation Commission and several
States. Bui. 276, pp. 85-97.
Classification of causes of accidents. Bui. 276, pp. 32-51.
Classification of industries. Bui. 276, pp. 26-32.
-----Summary of divisions, schedules, and groups. Bui. 276, pp. 29-32.
Compensation cost, methods of comparing, Bui. 276, pp. 78-84.
Frequency and severity rates, standard method of computing. Bui. 276, pp. 68-77.
Historical review of the work of the committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bui.
276, pp. 5-16.
Location and nature of injury and extent of disability. Bui. 276, pp. 52-55.
Occupational disease. Code. Bui. 276, pp. 100-103.
-----Compensation. Bui. 276, pp. 98, 99.



Statistics and compensation insurance cost, committee of LA.LA.B. C.—Continued.
Organization of permanent committee. Bui. 276, pp. 10-16.
Standardization of definitions and industrial accident reports* Bui. 276, pp. 10-26
Standard permanent disability schedule. First draft. Bui. 333, pp. 70-96, 108-148.
-----Revised draft. Bui. 369, pp. 16-49, 132-138.
-----Adoption. Bui. 369, p. 137.
Standard tables for accident and compensation statistics. Bui 276; pp. 55-68.
Statistics, value. (See Accident statistics; Health insurance; Medical statistics; Permanent disabilities.)
Stock insurance:
Accident prevention. N. C. J., pp. 11-14, 32; Bui. 273, pp. 217, 368; Bui. 281, pp. 207, 211, 217.
Activities against competitors. Bui. 212, pp. 113-114, 132-138, 144, 168-169, 170-171; Bui. 273, pp. 82-84,
150-157; Bui. 281, pp. 230-237, 259.
Connecticut. Bui. 281, pp. 241-248.
Cost. Bui. 212, pp. 74-76, 111, 115,117, 128; Bui. 273, pp. 176, 230, 318, 325-341, 345, 357-358, 404; Bui.
281, pp. 191-192, 198, 210, 213-215, 220; Bui. 333, pp. 99-100,121; Bui. 385, pp. 32-35, 48, 49.
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp 512-518, 556, 557-558, 603, 604-605, 607, 608, 614-616, 620, 628, 630, 638,
Honesty of. Bui. 212, pp. 127-128; Bui. 304, p. 220; Bui. 385, p. 44.
Illinois, investigation of. Bui. 281, pp. 205-207.
Medical service. Bui. 212, pp. 298-299; Bui. 248, pp. 119, 122,133-135, 289-290; Bui. 264, pp. 134-135;
Bui. 273, pp. 238-289, 291; Bui. 385, pp. 92-96.
National Workmen’s Compensation Service Bureau. N. C. J., pp. 11—13; Special meeting, p. 5; Bui.
273, pp. 327, 332, 334-341.
New York. Bui. 304, pp. 9-11.
Ohio. N. C. J., p. 36.
Old age pensions. Bui. 212, pp. 760-761.
Politics. Bui. 212, pp. 70,171.
Promptness of claim settlement. Bui. 281, pp. 201, 202, 210-211.
Rates. N. C. J., pp. 18-21,39; Bui. 210, p. 230; Bui. 212, pp. 165, 233-237; Bui. 273, pp. 327,332, 334-341;
Bui. 281, pp. 177, 182.
Security. Bui. 212, pp. 70, 96, 154, 156-157; Bui. 248, pp. 287-289; Bui. 273, pp. 345-347, 355-356, 405;
Bui. 281, pp. 207-208, 211, 258-259; Bui. 333, p. 295; Bui. 385, p. 34.
Service. Bui. 212, pp. 71-74, 98; Bui. 273, p. 339; Bui. 385, pp. 45-46.
Miscellaneous. N. C. J., pp. 11-14,23,29-30,32,42,43; Second meeting, pp. 12-13; Bui. 210, pp. 238-239,
243, 244; Bui. 212, pp. 92-93, 132-138, 153-154, 162, 909, 912-915; Bui. 248, pp. 59-63, 67, 286-289, 296;
Bui. 264, p. 224; Bui. 273, pp. 18-19, 40, 78-90, 102,126, 200, 210,345-346; Bui. 281, pp. 83,186,204-207,
211,256-257, 402-403; Bui. 304, pp. 240, 241; Bui. 385, pp. 43-44.
(See also Insurance carriers; Rehabilitation.)
Sunstroke. Bui. 304, p. 227.
Supervision. (See Medical supervision of employees.)
Surgical treatment. (See Corrective operations.)
Second meeting, pp. 238-239; Bui. 212, p. 340; Bui. 248, pp. 128,130, 131, 161-162, 168, 170; Bui. 264, pp.
157-159, 181, 184; Bui. 273, p. 224; Bui. 281, pp. 280-290, 293; Bui. 333, p. 153.
Wasserman test, importance of. Bui. 248, pp. 161-162.
Tabes dorsalis (locomotor ataxia). Bui. 273, p. 224.
Tendons, injuries to, and their repair (Gibson). Bui. 385, pp. 96-100.
Tenure of office, administering officials. Second meeting, p. 180; Bui. 210, pp. 20-21; Bui. 212, pp. 49-52,64;
Bui. 248, pp. 86-87, 285; Bui. 273, pp. 24, 199, 323-324; Bui. 281, p. 189; Bui. 359, pp. 5,135.
Attitude of railroad transportation organizations toward Federal compensation (Cease). Bui. 273,
pp. 182-189.
Attorneys, railroad unions. Bui. 273, pp. 166, 183, 184, 187.
Benefit funds (Scott). Bui. 212, pp. 747-755.
-----Bui. 212, pp. 631-632, 639; Bui. 273, p. 289.
Social insurance. Bui. 210, p. 249; Bui. 212, pp. 845-849.
-----Health insurance (Hamilton). Bui. 212, pp. 559-571.
-----------(Perkins). Bui. 212, pp. 476-481.
-----------Bui. 210, pp. 248-249; Bui. 212, pp. 532, 557, 558, 620, 624, 845, 848.
-----Old age pensions. Bui. 212, pp. 756-759, 762, 779.
-----Unemployment insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 845, 848, 857, 860, 881-883.
Appendicitis. Bui. 264, pp. 160, 161; Bui. 333, pp. 162-163.
Cancer, with special reference to sarcoma in its relationship to trauma (Lewy). Bui. 273, pp. 238-244.



Committee (I. A. I. A. B. C.) on preparation of work on etiological relation between traurosand the
various known diseases. Resolution authorizing; Bui. 385, p. 166.
Malignant disease with reference to traumas of industry (BiOodgood% Bui; 333’>pp. 151-157,
(See also Hernia; Preexisting conditions.)
Tuberculosis. Second meeting, pp. Ill, 112,120-121,122, 129-130, 198-199,237-238; BuL 212;. pp. 333, 340,
388, 389, 485-486, 527, 529? Bui. 248-, pp. 120-121,126,131; Bui. 284, pp; 157r 109-171, 184; Bui. 281, p. 153;
Bill; 333, pp, 153, 223.
Tumors. Bui. 264, pp. 178-180, 184; Bui. 273, pp. 240-246; Bui. 333, pp. 152-153, 154-155,156; 157; But. 385,
p. 83.


Unemployment. Bui. 212, pp. 17, 837-838; Bui. 304, p. 160.
Unemployment insurance:
British system (Halsey). Bui. 212, pp. 874-876.
-----(Lasker). Bui. 212, pp. 855-873.
Workmen's compensation, relation to. Bui. 210, p. 237.
Miscellaneous. Bui. 210, pp. 240, 249; Bui. 212, pp. 530. 887-895.
Uniformity. (See Legislation; Statistics.)
United Mine Workers (Illinois). Legal service. Bui. 248, p. 83;
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Accident statistics, compilation. Special meeting, pp. 2, 25, 51-52; 58-57; Bui. 210, pp. 5-7, §0, 98, 99;
Bull 248, pp. 36-37, 192.
Aid to I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 248, pp. 93, 94; Bui. 264, p. 107; Bui. 273, p. 412; Bui. 281, p. 110; Bui.
304, pp. 2, 246.
Membership in I. A. I. A. B. C. Special meeting, pp. 22, 54.
National Industrial Conference Board report on workmen’s compensation. Bui. 273, p. 411.
Proceedings, I. A. I. A. B. C., publication by. Bui. 264, pp. 73-77; Buk 273, p. 57.
Sick leave record. Bui. 304, pp. 174475.
Workmen’s compensation, systems of''insurance. Bui. 273, p. 342; Bui. 281, pp. 185-211.
United States Census Bureau. Special meeting, pp. 31-32, 33, 39; Bui. 333, p. 292.
United States Employees’ Compensation Commission:
Cause-of-injury code. Bui. 276, pp. 85-97.
Compensation of permanent disabilities-under Federal compensation act (Verrill)-. Bid. 281, pp. 71-80.
----- Bui. 273, pp. 387-388; Bui. 281, pp. 89-90; Buk 333, pp. 100-102, 106.
Industrial diseases, attitude toward. Bill. 248, p. 256.
Medical service. Bui: 273; pp. 281-283.
United States sailors and soldiers. Bui. 248, pp. 211, 301-303r Bui. 383, pp. 125-127.
(See also Eye injuries; Federal Board for Vocational Education; Military casualties; Permanent dis­
abilities; Rehabilitation.)
United States Steel and Carnegie Pension Fund. (Set Old age and invalidity insurance.)
United States Steel Corporation. Accident prevention work. Second meeting, pp. 224-222, 266;
United States War Risk Bureau. Bui. 281, pp. 27-29, 63; Bui. 333, pp. 125-127.


Varicose veins and ulcers. Bui. 264. pp. 167-168, 184.
Vocational education. (See Federal Board for Vocational Education; Rehabilitation.)
Cmsputetien, Uniterm method: (Hoeksfeadt). Bui. 33% pp; 23&-243F,
-----Bui. 212kppv 1M-1881 BuL. 248*. p{298>.BlaL 27%. pp;.98,.10M<&; Bui. 281,,pp. 2&-®2*39%.419h80,
424; Bui. 333, pp. 3, 49, 233, 239-243; Bui. 385, p. 11.
Index, 1840<to l920i Bilk 3S8^p..2a&.
Part-time employees. Bui. 385, p. 11.
States and Provinces—
California. Bui. 333, p. 243.
Idaho. Bui. 281, pp. 419-420.
Illinois. Bui. 273, p. 210; Bui. 281, p. 3081
Massachusetts. Bui. 273, p. 98.
Nevada. Bui. 281, p. 424.
New York. Bui. 33%. p.. 243..
Oklahoma. Bui. 333, pp. 240-241.
Ontario. Bui. 333, p. 242.
Oregon. Bui. 281, pp. 251-252.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 333, p. 49.



Waiting period:
Legal provision, table of, by States. Bui. 210, p. 13k
Length. Bui. 212, pp. 195, 374-376; Bui. 243, p. 297; Bui. 264, p. 120; Bui. 273, pp. 19-20, 194-195, 407,
419; Bui. 333, pp. 99, 293.
States and Provinces—
Arizona. Bui. 210, pp. 162, 169, 181.
California. Bui. 210, pp. 162,181.
Colorado. Bui. 210, pp. 162,181.
Connecticut. Bui. 210, pp. 163,181.
Illinois. Bui. 210, pp. 163,181; Bui. 273, p. 407.
Indiana. Bui. 210, pp. 163,181.
Iowa. Bui. 210, pp. 163,181; Bui. 273, p. 205.
Kansas. Bui. 210, pp. 164,181.
Louisiana. Bui. 210, pp. 164,181.
Maine. Bui. 210, pp. 164-165, 181.
Maryland. Bui. 210, pp. 165,181; Bui. 304, pp. 203-204.
Massachusetts. Bui. 210, pp. 165,181; Bui. 212, p. 375.
Michigan. Bui. 210, pp. 166,181; Bui. 248, p. 68; Bui. 385, p. 17.
Minnesota. Bui. 210, pp. 166,181.
Montana. Bui. 210, pp. 167,181.
Nebraska. Bui. 210, pp. 167,181.
Nevada. Bid. 210, pp. 167,181.
New Hampshire. Bui. 210, pp. 168,181.
New Jersey. Bui. 210, pp. 168,181.
New York. Bui. 210, pp. 169,181; Bui. 248, p. 297.
Ohio. N. C. J., p. 35; Bui. 210, pp. 169,181.
Oklahoma. Bui. 210, pp. 169, 181; Bui. 304, p. 208.
Ontario. Bui. 210, pp. 161,181; Bui. 212, pp. 57-58; Bui. 273, p. 315; Bui. 333, p. 90.
Oregon. Bui. 281, p. 251.
Pennsylvania. Bui. 210, pp. 170,181; Bui. 212, p. 33.
Rhode Island. Bui. 210, pp. 171,181.
Texas. Bui. 210, pp. 171,181.
United States. Bui. 273, p. 20.
Vermont. Bui. 210, pp. 172,181.
Washington. Bui. 210, pp. 173,181.
West Virginia. Bui. 210, pp. 173,181.
Wisconsin. Bui. 210, pp. 174,181; Bui. 212, p. 375.
Wyoming. Bui. 210, pp. 174,181.
War Labor Board. Bui. 273, pp. 368-369.
War with Germany, resolution on. Bui. 264, p. 107.
Webb-Kenyon Act. (See Intoxicants.)
Weekly maximum. (See Awards.)
Welcome, address of:
(Ferris). N. C. J., p. 5.
(Daggett). Second meeting, pp. 7-10.
(Thatcher). Bui. 210, p. 13.
(Willis). Bui. 210, pp. 25-28.
(Wilson). Bui. 212, pp. 839-840.
(McCall). Bui. 248, pp. 9-10.
(Church). Bui. 273, pp. 311-312.
(Cody). Bui. 273, pp. 131-134.
Response (French). Bui. 273, pp. 134-135*
(Maguire). Bui. 273, pp. 312-313.
(Stephens). Bui. 281, pp. 10-12.
(Kessinger). Bui. 304, p. 22.
(Saltiel). Bui. 304, p. 22.
Response (Lee). Bui. 304, p. 22.
(Broening). Bui. 333, p. 1.
(Ritchie). Bui. 333, p. 1.
Response (Taylor). Bui. 333, p. 1.
(Nelson). Bui. 359, p. 1.
(Preus). Bui. 359, p. 1.
Response (Kingston). Bui. 359, p. 1.
(Armstrong, E. H.). Bui. 385, p. 1.
(Murphy). Bui. 385, p. 1.
Response (Duxbury). Bui. 385, p. 1.



Widows, remarriage. (See Remarriage of widows.)
Women in industry:
Accidents. Bui. 212, pp. 287-291; Bui. 264, p. 8.
Employment. Bui. 212, pp. 589-591; Bui. 304, p. 162.
Married women. Bui. 212, pp. 608-610, 618-619, 641, 787-792,836; Bui. 304, p. 167.
Medical aspects of ills (Seippel). Bui. 304, pp. 162-168, 174-175.
Sickness insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 589-597, 608-610, 618-619, 641-643.
(See also Maternity benefits.)
Workmen’s compensation:
Compensation costs (Fellows). Bui. 281, pp. 232-238.
-----Special meeting, pp. 8-15, 34, 47; Bui. 248, pp. 21, 99,110, 111; Bui. 273, pp. 190-192, 343-345; Bui.
281, pp. 174-184, 190-199, 210, 232-238.
-----Methods of comparing. Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bui. 276,
pp. 78-84.
-----Proposed method of comparing under various laws (Dean). Bui. 273, pp. 399-405.
Definition. Bui. 210, pp. 47-48; Bui. 248, pp. 53, 172.
History (French). Bui. 281, pp. 114-122.
-----Bui. 210, pp. 8-12, 240.
Industrial relations, effect on. Second meeting, pp. 8,12.
Insurance rates, effect on. N. C. J., p. 34.
National Association of Manufacturers, report. Bui. 212, pp. 849-850.
Purpose. Bui. 210, p. 213; Bui. 248, p. 287; Bui. 273, pp. 14,144,190-191, 202-278; Bui. 281, p. 405; Bui,
304, pp. 62,179.
Responsibility for payment. Bui. 212, pp. 329-330; Bui. 248, pp. 251, 262-263, 293-295; Bui. 273, pp.
144-145, 191, 344; Bui. 281, pp. 197, 244; Bui. 359, pp. 42, 44.
Safety, relation to (Crownhart). N. C. J., pp. 7-9.
%Social insurance, relation to (Meeker). Bui. 210, pp. 237-251.
Theory and practice (Archer). Bui. 210, p. 158; Bui. 273, p. 205.
(See also Accident prevention.)
Standardization and interpretation (Donoghue). Bui. 304, pp. 143-144.
-----(Potter). Bui. 304, pp. 144-147.
X-ray diagnosis as an aid to efficient administration of the workmen’s compensation act (George).
Bui. 248, pp. 118-122.
-----Bui. 248, pp. 124,127,130,139,142,151; Bui. 273, pp. 246-247,280,294, 298, 309; Bui. 281, pp. 284, 292
296, 334-335, 343; Bui. 304, pp. 41-42; Bui. 333, pp. 153,166; Bui. 359, pp. 67, 74,109, 110,119, 120; Bui.
385, pp. 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 106, 109,112.

Abbott, Edith (Illinois):
Administration of Illinois “ Funds to Parents” laws. Bui. 212, pp. 818-834,
Abrams, Carle:
Alcohol and accidents. Bui. 210, p. 155.
Physical examinations. Second meeting, pp. 196-199.
Physicians’ fees. Bui. 210, p. 106.
Acker, Dr. T. B. (Nova Scotia):
Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of back pains. Bui. 385, pp. 82-86,89-90,91.
Adriance, W. M. (New Jersey):
Rate making. Bui. 212, p. 265.
Albee, Fred H. (New Jersey):
New Jersey rehabilitation service. Bui. 359, pp. 127-129.
Alexander, Magnus W. (Massachusetts):
Compulsory invalidity and old-age pensions, insurance, and retirement allowances. Bui. 212, pp.
Allen, Albert L. (Pennsylvania):
Insurance carriers. Bui. 212, p. 161-164.
Allen, Louis J. (Tennessee):
Direct settlements. Bui. 273, pp. 127-129.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 273, p. 129.
State fund. Bui. 273, p. 127.
Anderson, C. E. (Illinois):
Remarriage. Bui. 359, p. 101.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui, 359, p. 36.
Anderson, Eunice G. (Wyoming):
Claim procedure in Wyoming. Bui. 248, pp. 74-75, 76,77.
Andrews, John B. (New York):
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 549-558, 636-640.
Andrus, Charles S. (Illinois):
Arising out of and in course of employment. Bui. 273, p. 43.
Administration, board method. Bui. 373, p. 207.
Compromise settlements. Bui. 273, p. 357.
Death benefits Bui. 281, p. 434.
Direct settlements. Bui. 273, pp. 209-210.
Dues, I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 273, p. 408.
Eye injuries. Bui. 273, pp. 266-269, 410-411.
How to secure full compensation to injured workers. Bui. 281, pp. 395-398.
Interstate employees. Bui. 273, pp. 207-209.
Legislation. Progress (Presidential address). Bui. 304. pp. 2-6.
-----Uniform. Bui. 273, pp. 35-40.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 273, p. 357.
Procedure, Illinois. Bui. 248, pp. 82-84, 357.
Waiting period. Bui. 273, p. 407.
Archer, William C. (Ohio and New York):
Accident prevention. Bui. 210, p. 152.
Aliens. N. C. J., p. 41; Bui. 385. pp. 132-133.
Appeal. Bui. 210, pp. 31, 32, 158.
Direct settlements. Bui. 385, p. 17.
Eye injuries. Bui. 385, pp. 75, 76 77.
Hernia. Bui. 385 pp. 57-58 60.
How medical questions are handled under compensation law in New York State. Bui. 264, pp. 192-194.
How to secure full legal compensation to injured workers. Bui. 281, pp. 375-377.
Insurance companies. N. C. J., pp. 14, 29-30, 32.
Jurisdictional conflict—longshoremen. Bui. 385, p. 27.
Legal aid, National Association of Legal Aid Organizations. Bui. 385, p. 124.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 212, pp. 220-225; Bui. 248, pp. 53-58; Bui. 333, pp. 319-320.
Ohio State fund, investments. Bui. 385, p. 50.
. Permanent partial disabilities. Bui. 385, pp. 140-141,143.
-----New York system of compensation. Bui. 281, pp. 81-84.
Procedure, New York. Bui. 385, pp. 13-14.
Self-insurers. Bui. 385, p. 165.
What competitive State insurance is. Bui. 385, pp. 35-40.

47323°—251—Bull. 395-----3




Armstrong, E. H. (Nova Scotia):
Address of welcome. Bui. 385, p. 1.
Armstrong, F. W. (Nova Scotia):
Assessments. Bui. 304, pp. 23-25, 43.
Coverage. Bui. 304, p. 46.
Direct settlements. BuL 2T3, pp. 125-127.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 264, p. 8.
Medical aid. Bui 248, p. 87.
Nova Scotia system of compensation. Bui. 248, pp. 84-86.
Occupational disease. Bui. 248, p. 266.
Permanent disability rating. Bui. 304, pp. 136-137.
Bates, computation. BmL 350, pp. 96-07.
Kehabilitation. Bui. 359, pp. 120-121.
Policy with respect to auditing pay rolls. Bui 359, pp. 115-116.
Service, cost, and security under different systems of compensation. Bui. 281, pp. 254-200.
Tenure of office, administering officials. Bui. 248,. pp. 8fH£7.
Ashe, S. W. (Massachusetts):
Cripples* employment of. BaL 212, p. 217,
Hernia. Bui. 212, pp. 216, 217.
Mutual benefit association, reserve. Bui. 212, pp. 545-546.
Physical examination. Bui. 212, p. 216.
Women workers, accidents. Bui 212, p. 289.
Baldwin, F. Spencer (New York):
Handicaps of competitive State funds. Bui. 212, pp. 123-140; Bui. 273, pp. 78-90.
Barr, Mary A. (Massachusetts):
Experiences in administration of mothers’ pensions. Bui. 212, p. 834.
Bartlett, Seldon D. (Massachusetts):
Savings-bank life insurance. Bui. 212, p. 905.
Bay, Dr. Robert P. (Maryland):
Hernia. Bui. 333, p. 161; Bui. 385, pp. 55-56.
Management of difficult fractures. Bui. 210, pp. 209-111.
Bay, Dr. William (Ohio):
Hysteria. Bui. 210, p. 126.
Medical examiners. Bui. 210, pp. 119-122.
Neurasthenia. Bui. 210, pp. 204, 205, 206.
Beckwith, Harvey (Oregon):
Attorneys. Second meeting, pp. 181,182.
Extraterritorial rights. Second meeting, pp. 47, 48, 59-60.
Safety devices. Second meeting, pp. 174, 175.
Beeks, Gertrude (New York):
National Civic Federation, welfare work. Bui. 212, p. 287.
Women workers. Bui. 212, pp. 287-288.
Sickness insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 530-533, 543.
Beers, George E. (Connecticut):
Attorneys. Bui. 212, pp. 413-414.
Committee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, pp. 42-44,57.
Direct settlements. Bui. 273, pp. 114-117,123-124.
Hernia. Bui. 273, p. 114.
Horseplay. Bui. 273, pp. 113-114.
Interstate employees. Bui. 273, pp. 212-213.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 273, pp. 117-118.
Medical fees. Bui. 273, pp. 118-119.
Schools—dissemination of workmen’s compensation information. Bui. 333, pp. 67, 69.
Standard permanent disability schedule.. Bui. 333, pp. 84,131,133,135-136,137, 140, 143-144.
Bendixen, Dr. P. A. (Iowa):
Infections of upper extremities. Bui. 273, pp. 229^-237,253-254.
Benson, William K. (Michigan):
Accident prevention. N. € . J., p. 43.
Beyer, David S. (Massachusetts):
Experience rating versus schedule rating. Bui. 212, pp. 249-260.
Mechanical safeguards. Bui. 248, pp. 16-26,46,47.
Private stock insurance companies—activities against mutuals. Bui. 212,, pp. 17CKL71.
Billings, Dr. Frank (Illinois):
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 699-702.
Physical examinations. Bui. 212, p. 702.

Binckley, Dr. A. W. (Ohio):
Hernia. N. C. J., p. 40.
Medical examination. N. C. J., p. 40.
Bird, Dr. F. A. (Washington):
Eye injuries. Bui. 281, pp. 50-58.
Permanent disability rating, thumb injuries. Bui. 304, p. 138.
Black, S. Bruce (Massachusetts):
Mutual insurance. Bui. 281, pp. 221-231.
Black, Dr. Nelson M. (Wisconsin):
Compensation for eye injuries. Bui. 385, pp. 68-74, 76, 77-78, 79,80, 81.
Blanchard, Ralph H. (Pennsylvania):
Benefits, time limit. Bui. 212, pp. 414-415.
Merit rating. Bui. 212, pp. 261-262.
Permanent disability schedules. Bui. 212, pp. 210-216.
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 888-889.
Unemployment insurance. Bui. 212, p. 888.
Blankinship, D. M. (Virginia):
Review of rehabilitation work in Virginia. Bui. 359, pp. 125-127.
Blessing, W. L. (Oklahoma):
Jurisdictional conflict, resolution, I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 210, p. 195.
Bloodgood, Dr. Joseph (Maryland):
Malignant disease with reference to traumas of industry. Bui. 333, pp. 151-157.
Bohlen, F. H. (Pennsylvania):
Arising out of employment. Bui. 273, pp. 27,42, 43, 49,50, 51.
Attorneys. Bui. 212, pp. 400-402.
Direct settlements. Bui. 273, pp. 124-125.
Interstate employees. Bui. 273, pp. 210-212,213.
Legislation, some comparisons. Bui. 273, pp. 26-34.
Stepmothers, payment of compensation to. Bui. 273, p. 41.
Boswell, F. W. (Michigan):
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 537-539.
Bradbury, H. B. (New York):
Legislation, defects—coverage. Bui. 212, pp. 402-405.
Bradway, John S. (Pennsylvania):
National Association of Legal Aid Organizations. Bui. 385, pp. 114-123.
Brickley, Dr. J. W. (Massachusetts):
Alcohol, influence in prolonging disability. Bui. 248, p. 122.
Brislawn, J W. (Washington):
How medical questions are handled in Washington. Bui. 264, pp. 185-188.
Broening, Wm. F. (Maryland):
Address of welcome. Bui. 333, p. 1.
Brooks, M. A. (New York):
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 910-911.
Brown, H. LaRue:
Savings-bank life insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 906-909.
Brown, William C. (Michigan):
Administrative agencies, consolidation. Bui. 304, pp. 102-105.
Brownell, John R.:
California’s accident prevention work. Bui. 264, pp 9, 25-28; Bui. 281, pp. 38-39.
Bryant, Lewis T. (New Jersey):
Accident prevention. Bui. 212, pp. 283-285, 290-291.
Factory inspection. Bui. 212, p. 283.
Health of workers, protection. Bui. 212, p. 291.
New Jersey method of administering compensation law. Bui. 304, pp. 82-84.
Problem of noninsurance. Bui. 333, pp. 309-312.
Women workers, accidents Bui. 212, pp. 290-291.
Bryce, Joseph W. (Michigan):
Shop signs, effect. N. C. J., p. 42.
Bucklin, Walter S. (Massachusetts):
Employers' mutual associations. Bui. 212, pp. 111-122.
Burch, Dr. Frank E. (Minnesota):
Eyesight conservation in industry. Bui. 359, pp. 69-76, 87-88.
Burhop, W. H. (Wisconsin):
Accident statistics. Bui. 210, pp. 101-105; Bui. 264, p. 11.
Statistics as an aid in administration. Bui. 264, pp. 48-53.
Use of standard accident and compensation tables.' Bui. 264, pp. 126-132.




Burke, Dr. Joseph M. (Virginia):
Accident prevention. Bui. 248, p. 49.
Byphilis. Bui. 248, p. 130.
X ray. Bui. 248, p. 130.
Buttles, John S. (Vermont):
Legislation, Vermont. Bui. 304, pp. 15-16.
Cabot, Dr. Richard C. (Massachusetts):
Health insurance—medical service. Bui. 212, pp. 695-699.
Caine, Charles A. (Utah):
Reserves. Bui. 304, pp. 42-43.
Cameron, W. H. (Illinois):
Problem of industrial safety. Bui. 359, pp. 117-120.
Campau, Francis D. (Michigan):
Accident prevention work of insurance companies. N. C J., pp. 13-14.
Carmona, L. Santiago (Porto Rico):
Eye injuries. Bui. 333, p. 175.
Workmen's compensation insurance in Porto Rico. Bui. 333, pp 293-298,
Carnegie, Colonel (Great Britain and Canada):
Works councils. Bui. 273, pp. 375-377.
Carrow, T. H. (Pennsylvania):
Accidents, reduction. Bui. 212, p. 264.
Self-insurance. Bui. 212, p. 169.
Catheron, A. G. (Massachusetts):
Savings-bank life insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 905-906.
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 894-895.
Cease, D. L. (Ohio):
Attitude of railroad transportation organizations toward Federal compensation. Bui. 273, pp. 182-189.
Chaddock, John B. (Michigan):
Loss of one arm, rating for. N. C. J., p. 44.
Chamberlain, J. P. (New York):
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 541-542, 606-608.
Chandler, George B. (Connecticut):
Administrative agencies, consolidation. Bui. 304, pp. 96-97,102.
Cooperation of employers. Bui. 304, pp. 80-81.
Direct settlements. Bui. 304, pp. 241-242.
District system of administration. Bui. 212, pp. 26-31.
Forms and procedure, report of committee. Bui. 333, p. 56.
Insurance companies, admission of liability. Bui. 304, pp. 240, 241.
Medical aid. Bui. 304, p. 39.
Permanent disability ratings. Bui. 304, pp. 128, 138; Bui. 333, pp. 109,110, 111, 114.
Schools, dissemination of workmen’s compensation information in. Bui. 333, p. 68.
Chaney, Lucian W. (Washington, D. C.):
Accident rate. Bui. 248, p. 210.
Accident records, some showings from. Bui. 248, pp. 30-37.
Amount of exposure as fundamental in accident study. Bui. 264, pp. 109-116,11.
Hookstadt, Carl. Bui. 385, p. 167.
Industrial physicians, competency. Bui. 248, p. 178.
Safety devices. Bui. 248, p. 50.
Severity rates. Bui. 248, pp. 44, 50.
Church, Mayor (Ontario):
Address of welcome. Bui. 273, pp. 311-312.
Clark, J. D. (Ohio):
Ohio State fund. Bui. 281, pp. 238-239, 240, 271.
Clark, L. D. (Washington, D. C.):
Arising out of and in course of employment. Bui. 273, pp. 47-48.
Employees engaged in interstate and foreign commerce. Bui. 273, pp. 164-181, 215, 216, 217.
Permanent disability schedules. Bui. 273, pp. 211-214.
Remarriage. Bui. 273, pp. 47, 48.
Uniform extraterritoriality provisions in workmen’s compensation laws. Bui. 333, pp. 268-278.
Clark, W. Irving (Massachusetts):
Physical examination and medical supervision of factory employees. Bui. 212, pp. 317-326.
What constitutes adequate medical service in compensation cases. Bui. 248, p. 122.
Clifford, Edward (Washington):
Legislation, Washington. Bui. 304, pp. 16-20.
Codman, Dr. E. A.:
Hospital efficiency and the end result system. Bui. 248, p. 158.



Cody, Dr. J. D . (Ontario):
Address of welcome. Bui. 273, pp. 131-134.
Cogswell, John H . (M assachusetts):
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. Bui. 304, pp. 226-228.
Horseplay. Bui. 304, p. 227.
M assachusetts compensation experience. Bui. 304, pp. 222-223.
M edical fees. Bui. 304, p. 224.
M edical service, M assachusetts. Bui. 304, pp. 224-225.
Occupational diseases. Bui. 304, pp. 225-226.
Preexisting disease. Bui. 304, pp. 225-226.
Procedure, M assachusetts. Bui. 304, pp. 228-230.
Cohen, Barney (Illinois):
Accident prevention. Bui. 248, pp. 38-42.
Cole, Dr. H ills (N ew York):
H ealth insurance, medical organization. Bui. 212, pp. 725-726.
Commons, John R. (Wisconsin):
Politics. Bui. 212, pp. 398-399.
Connelley, Clifford B. (Pennsylvania):
Factory inspection. Bui. 333, pp. 189-191.
Forms and procedure, report of committee. Bui. 333, p. 47.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 281, pp. 171-172, 426.
Schools, dissemination of workmen’s compensation information in. Bul.J333, pp. 64, 66-67.
Unem ploym ent. Bui. 304, p. 160.
W hat Pennsylvania is doing for safety and safety codes. Bui. 281, pp. 27-38; Bui. 333, pp. 195,196.
Connor, Jeremiah F. (N ew York):
Compensation law administration. Bui. 273, pp. 71-77.
Conyngton, M ary (W ashington, D . C.):
Married wom en in industry. Bui. 212, pp. 787-792.
Cook (Ohio):
Alcohol and accidents. Bui. 210. p. 155.
Corbet, Dr. G. G. (N ew Brunswick):
Back pains. Bui. 385, p. 89.
Cotton, Dr. F. J. (M assachusetts):
Reconstruction and the hospital. Bui. 248, pp. 153-158.
Cowles, W alter G. (Connecticut):
Accident prevention. Bui. 212, p. 264.
Basic principles of rate making. Bui. 212, pp. 231-237.
M erit rating. Bui. 212, pp. 237, 265.
Craig, James D . (N ew York):
Savings-bank life insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 909-910.
Crawford, J. H . (Kansas):
Loss of use of member. Bui. 273, pp. 44-45.
Crowell, John F. (N ew York):
M aternity benefits. Bui. 212, pp. 792-793.
Old-age pensions. Bui. 212, 775-777.
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 893-894.
Crownhart, C. H . (W isconsin):
Lump-sum settlem ents. Bui. 248, pp. 59-64.
Relation of compensation to safety. N . C. J., pp. 7-9.
Cullen, Richard J. (N ew York):
W hat N ew York has done in improving administration of compensation law in 1923. Bui. 385, pp.
133-137, 138.


Daggett, Floyd L. (W ashington):
Accident prevention. Second meeting, pp. 232-233.
Address of welcome. Second meeting, pp. 7-10.
Aliens. N . C. J., p. 41.
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost, adoption of first report. Second meeting,
p. 136.
Compulsory insurance. N . C. J., pp. 24-26.
Cooperation of employers. Second meeting, pp. 117-119.
Extraterritorial rights. Second meeting, pp. 45, 46, 55, 56, 57, 58.
E ye injuries. N . C. J., p. 44.
Hernia. N . C. J., p. 40.
I. A. I. A. B. C .~
Change of name. Second meeting, p. 248.
Publication of proceedings. Second meeting, p. 256.
Secretary-treasurer’s report. Bui. 210, pp. 186-189.
Third convention, time of holding. Second meeting, p. 259.




D aggett, F loyd L . (W ashington)—Continued.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. N . C. J., pp. 41,45.
M edical departm ent. N . C. J., p. 40.
Physical examination. N . C.
45; Second m eeting, pp, 189-100.
Presidential address. B ui. 210, pp. 14-21.
Remarriage. N . C. J., pp. 41, 42R ight of em ployee to bring suit. N . C. J., p. 43.
D avis, H . C.:
Accident prevention work of insurance companies. N . C . J ., p. 13.
A liens. N . C. J., p. 41.
A ttitude of insurance adjusters. N . C. J., pp. 42-43.
Remarriage. N . C. J., p. 42.
D avis, Dr. M ichael M ., jr. (M assachusetts):
Existing conditions of m edical practice, forms of service under health insurance, askt preventive work.
Bui. 212, pp. 676-683.
D avis, Samuel (M assachusetts):
Private stock insurance companies, activities against m utuals. B ui. 212, p p ^ l£ 8 ,171.
D ay, W m . A. (N ew York):
Group insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 421-429.
D aw son, M iles M . (N ew York):
H ealth insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 539-541, 546, 619-620, 71^717.
Old-agecpensioas. BuL_212, pp. 778-779.
Service pensions and pension funds—old-age and invalidity. B ui. 212, pip. 729-741.
W idows’ andorphans' insurance. B u i. 212, pp. 835-835,837.
D ean, T. Norm an (Ontario):
Accident rates. Bui. 248, pp. 47, 211.
H ow to deal w ith erippled workers. B ui. 264, pp. 201-206.
M ethod of rate m aking in the Canadian Provinces. B u i. 365, pp. 146-148.
Physician’s fees. Bui. 218, p. 105.
Proposed m ethod of comparing workm en’s compensation costs under various laws. Bui. 273, pp.
Rehabilitation of cripples. Bui. 264, p. 12, 201-206.
Restoring the disabled to industry. Bui. 248, pp. 180-188.
State fund versus stock insurance. B ui. 281, pp. 265-268.
Dearth, Elmer H .:
Accident prevention work of insurance companies. N . O. J., p. 13.
D elphey. D r. Eden V. (N ew York):
H ealth insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 621-623, 717-721.
D oble, R. R.:
Rates and reserves under a compensation law. N . C . J„:pp. 18-20
Donoghue, Dr. Francis D . (M assachusetts):
Cancer. Bui. 273, pp. 245-246.
E ye injuries. B ui. 248, p. 276,278,279-280; B ui. 281, pp. 46-53,62-63.
------Compensation from a medical point of view . B ui. 833, pp. ISO-185
Hernia. B ui. 281, pp. 283, 337-341.
M edical advisers. B ui. 273, pp. 218-219; Bui. 281, p. 300.
M edical competence and hospital efficiency. Bui. 248, pp. 132-138.
M edical organization of I. A. I. A. B . C. Bui. 210, p. 193
M edical problems of workm en’s compensation. B ui. 304, pp. 142-143.
M edical services and medical and hospital fees. Bui. 212, pp. 305-313; BuL 281, pp. 332-337.
N ervous and m entai injuries, need of recognition and better treatment. BuL 273, pp, 272-277; B id. 359,
pp. 66-67.
Neurasthenia. B ui. 359, p. 67.
Perm anent disabilities of the hand. Bui. 264, p. 12.
Perm anent partial disabilities, percentage of impairment. B ui. 333, p. 137.
Physiotherapy. B ui. 281, p. 301.
Rehabilitation. B ui. 210, pp. 212-220; Bui. 281, p. 301.
Sarcoma. B u i. 273, p. 246.
Surgical treatm ent to prevent and m inim ize permanent disabilities. B ui. 264, pp. 147-151.
System of medical service under M assachusetts workm en’s compensation act. B ui. 281, pp. 272-284.
X -ray interpretation and standardization. B ui. 273, pp. 246-247; B u i..281, p. 284; Bud. 304, pp. 143-144.
Donohue, Dr. James J. (Connecticut):
E ye injuries. B ui. 359, pp. 85-86.
Hernia. B ui. 333, p. 162; Bui. 385, pp. 58-60.
Schools, dissem ination of workm en’s compensation information in. B ui. 859,.p. 55.
Standard permanent disability schedule. BuL 359, pp. 40-41, 42, 45-46, 43.

Donovan, Alfred W . (M assachusetts):
Accident prevention. B ui. 212, pp. 289^290.
H ealth insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 644-545.
H ealth of workers, protection of. Bui. 212, pp. 285-287.
W om en workers, accidents to. Bui. 212, pp. 288-289.
D ow ney, E . H . (Pennsylvania):
Accident reporting. Special meeting, pp. 20-21, 41, 42, 43, 44.
Classification of accidents. Special meeting, pp. 29, 30, 31, 33, 39, 40.
Com m ittee on accident prevention and com putation of accident cost. Special meeting, pp. 24-26.
Definition. Reportable accidents. Special m eeting, pp. 15,16,18,19,
------Tabulatable accidents. Special meeting, p. 19.
I. A. I. A. B . C., membership in. Special meeting, p. 23.
M edical service and first aid. Special meeting, p. 21.
M ethods of comparing com pensation costs. Bui. 281, pp. 174-183.
P ay rolls, report of. Special meeting, pp. 46, .47.
R ate making. Bui. 210, pp. 87, 88.
Statistics, standardization. Bui. 248, pp. 209-210.
Drake, Richard L. (M ichigan):
I. A . I. A. B . C. Com m ittee on classification of accidents. Special meeting, p. 25.
------M em bers of. Special meeting, pp. 22-23.
------Perm anent headquarters. Special meeting, pp. 52-53.
Dresser, Frank F.:
Assurance of health versus sickness insurance. Bud. 212, pp. 572-588,040-041.
D uffy, T . J. (Ohio):
Adm inistration, Ohio. B ui. 212, pp. 62-65.
A dm inistrative agencies, consolidation. Bui. 304, pp. 89-90, 94-96.
Appeal. B ui. 273, p. 156.
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. Bui. 273, pp. 41,42, 43.
Attorneys’ fees, Ohio. Bui. 385, p. 125.
Claims, delay in disposing of. Bui. 273, p. 156.
Coverage, num ber of em ployees. Bui. 304, pp. 44-45.
Court decisions, inadvisability of following. Bui. 273, pp. 52-53.
D irect settlem ents. B ui. 273, pp. 122-123, 125; Bui. 385, pp. 20-21.
Education in accident prevention. Bui. 210, pp. 152, 153.
E ye injuries, compensation for. Biff. 386, pp. 79, 80, 81.
Hernia. B ui. 273, pp. 154-155.
Insurance companies, activities against State fund. B ui. 212, p. 171; Buh 273, pp. T58-157.
Loss of use of member. Bui. 273, pp. 51-52.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. Bui. 273, pp. 155-156.
M ethod of rate making in an exclusive State-fund State. Bui. 385, pp. 148-151,1S8-159,160.
M onopolistic State insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 141-145; Bui. 385, pp, 46, 47.
Perm anent disability ratings. Bui. 304, pp. 135, 136, 137; Bui. 385, pp. 143-144.
Politics. Bui. 273, p. 157.
Procedure, Ohio. Bui. 304, pp. 215-218; Bui. 385, p. 20.
Second injuries. Bui. 273, p. 154.
Self-insurers. Bui. 273, pp. 152-153; Bui. 385, pp. 163-164.
State fund. B ui. 210, pp. 227-233; Bui. 212, pp. 172, 173; B ui. 273, p. 335; B ui. 385, pp. 41-43.
D unstan (Ontario):
W elcome to delegates. Bui. 273, pp. 53-56.
Duxbury, F. A. (M innesota):
Aliens. B ui. 385, pp. 132, 133.
Attorneys’ fees, M innesota. B ui. 385, pp. 124-125.
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, pp. 53-54.
Hernia. B ui. 333, p. 308; Bui. 385, p. 61.
I. A. I. A. B . C., length of conventions. Bui. 333, p. 328.
Legislation, M innesota. Bui. 304, pp. 14-15.
Perm anent disability ratings. Bui. 304, p. 129; B ui. 333, p. 139; Bui. 359, pp. 43,132,135-136,138.
Presidential address. B ui. 359, pp. 1-8.
W elcome, response to. Bui. 385, p. 1.
Eager, Dr. W . H . (N ova Scotia):
Spinal hypertrophic arthritis, its relation to compensable injuries. Bui. 385, pp. 86-88, 89, 90-91.
Eaton, John M cF . (M ichigan):
H ealth insurance. Bui. 212, p. 623.
Insurance adjusters. N . C. J., p. 42.
Edsall, Dr. D avid L. (M assachusetts):
Physical examination. Bui. 212, p. 337-338.
Omission of occupational diseases as a defect in workman’s compensation laws. Bui. 212, p. 377.




Elliott, E . Leavenworth:
Industrial lighting as an accident hazard. B ui. 333, pp. 206-213, 214, 215, 216.
Ernst, A. B . (W ashington):
Com m ittee on statistics and com pensation insurance cost, report. Second m eeting, pp. 22, 23.
Extraterritorial rights. Second meeting, pp. 48-49, 61, 64.
Investigation of accident b y commission. Second meeting, pp. 177, 178, 179.
Physical examination. Second meeting, pp. 199-200.
Erskine, J. B.:
U nited States Steel and Carnegie Pension Fund. B ui. 212, pp. 742-746.

Fellows, C. W . (California):
Compensation costs. B ui. 281, pp. 232-238.
Ferguson, J. W . (Oregon):
Oregon system of com pensation for permanent partial disabilities. B ui. 281, pp. 85-87* '
Ferris, Woodbridge N . (M ichigan):
Address of welcome. N . C. J., p. 5.
Fisher, George H . (Idaho):
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, pp. 50-53.
Dependency, proof of. B ui. 281, p. 420.
E ye injuries. Bui. 281, pp. 100,101-102.
Hernia. Bui. 281, pp. 417-418.
M edical service, Idaho. B ui. 281, pp. 294-296.
Occupational diseases. B ui. 281, p. 418.
Preexisting disease. B ui. 281, p. 419.
Second injuries. B ui. 281, p. 419.
Wages, com putation of. B ui. 281, pp. 419-420.
Fisher, W illard C. (N ew York):
Experience rating. B ui. 212, p. 263.
Legislation, first. Bui. 212, p. 288.
Some defects and suggested changes in workm en’s com pensation laws. B ui. 212, pp. 359-377.
Fisher, W illiam C. (Pennsylvania):
Accident prevention, adoption of recommendations of I. A . I. A . B . C ., b y British Industrial Safety
First Association. B ui. 333, pp. 148-149.
Accum ulation of experience for the construction of an American remarriage table. B ui. 359, pp
Coverage. B ui. 304, p. 49.
Direct settlem ents. Bui. 304, p. 202.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 333, pp. 122, 140; B ui. 359, pp. 45, 46, 137.
Fletcher, N . (M anitoba):
Standard permanent disability schedule. B ui. 359, pp. 48-49.
Frankel, Lee K . (N ew York):
H ealth insurance, some fundam ental considerations in. B ui. 212, pp. 598-605, 641-643.
Married wom en in industry. B ui. 212, p. 641.
M aternity insurance. B ui. 212, p. 641.
Fraser, D r. M . L. (N ova Scotia):
Hernia. B ui. 385, pp. 55-56.
French, W ill J. (California):
Accident prevention in California. B ui. 212, pp. 267-272.
A n adequate death-benefit schedule. Bui. 333, pp. 284-286.
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. Bui. 273, pp. 46-47.
Benefits. B ui. 273, p. 146.
California’s safety work. Second m eeting, pp. 205-210, 211, 212, 213.
Checking up injuries. Bui. 273, pp. 360-361.
Com pensation, w ho pays. Bui. 248, p. 263; B ui. 273, pp. 144-145.
Compromise settlem ents. B ui. 273, pp. 359-360.
Definition, tabulatable accident. Second m eeting, p. 139
Extraterritorial rights. Second m eeting, pp. 52, 53, 57-58.
E ye injuries, California schedule. Bui. 273, p. 271.
H ow claims are handled, w ith special reference to lum p-sum settlem ents. Bui. 248, pp. 65-67.
Interstate em ployees. B ui. 273, p. 213.
Jurisdictional conflict. B ui. 248, p. 227.
Larger idea in workm en’s compensation. Bui. 273, pp. 143-149.
Legislation, uniform. B ui. 273, p. 47.
M edical service. B ui. 273, pp. 145-146.
Occupational disease. B ui. 248, pp. 263-266.
Physical exam ination. Second m eeting, p. 193.
Presidency, acceptance of. B ui. 273, p. 412.



French, Will J (California)—Continued.

Private insurance com pany, failure of. B ui. 273, pp. 355-356.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 273, pp. 146-148.
Safety devices. Bui. 248, p. 48.
Trend of workm en’s compensation—A glance at compensation history, past and present (President’s
address). Bui. 281, pp. 114-122.
W elcome, response to. B ui. 273, pp. 134-135.
Funk, A. B (Iowa):
Legislation. B ui. 273, pp. 202-206.
Lump-sum settlem ents. B ui. 273, pp. 68-69.


Gardiner, John P. (M innesota):
Court system in M innesota. B ui. 304, pp. 110-113.
Disagreement among doctors as to percentage of loss of use. B ui. 281, p. 107.
M edical treatm ent. Econom y of. Bui. 281, pp. 325-329.
------Problems of under M innesota compensation act. B ui. 273, pp. 158-160.
Needed reform legislation. Bui. 273, pp. 206-207.
Occupational diseases. B ui. 281, pp. 420-422.
Rehabilitation. B ui. 281, p. 172.
Safety codes. B ui. 281, p. 25.
Vision corrected b y glasses. B ui. 281, p. 106.
Geier, Dr. Otto P. (Ohio):
H ealth insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 610-612, 721-722.
H ow can m edical service be improved? B ui. 273, pp. 284-287.
M edical supervision. B ui. 212, pp. 338-339.
Physical examination. Bui. 212, pp. 338-339.
George, Dr. Arial W . (M assachusetts):
X -ray diagnosis as an aid to efficient administration. B ui. 248, pp. 118-122.
Gernon, James L. (N ew York):
Accident prevention. Bui. 248, pp. 48-49.
Lighting. B ui. 333, p. 215.
M echanical safeguards. Bui. 264, p. 9.
Value of careful factory inspection. Bui. 264, p. 8; B ui. 333, pp. 187-189, 196-197.
W hat the N ew York State Industrial Commission is doing to prevent accidents. B ui. 264, pp. 29-34.
Gibbons, Dr. M orton R . (California):
Econom y of proper medical treatment. B ui. 281, pp. 318-321.
Hernia. Bui. 281, p. 292.
H ow can m edical service be improved? B ui. 273, pp. 288-294.
Gibson, D r. Alexander (M anitoba):
Injuries of tendons and their repair. B ui. 385, pp. 96-100.
Gill, E . S. (W ashington):
Coverage, number of em ployees. B ui. 304, p. 46.
H ow m edical aid is paid. Bui. 304, pp. 35-37.
H ysteria. Bui. 304, p. 159.
Legislation, W ashington. Bui. 304, pp. 16-20.
Policy w ith respect to auditing pay rolls. Bui. 333, pp. 313-316.
Gleason, Chester E . (M assachusetts):
H ow full compensation is secured to injured workers in M assachusetts. Bui. 2$1, pp. 378-394.
Gloster, Thom as B. (M ichigan):
Change of award. Bui. 385, pp. 18-19.
Direct settlem ents. Bui. 385, pp. 16,17-18,19.
Final settlem ent receipt. Bui. 385, pp. 16-17.
Procedure, M ichigan. Bui. 385, pp. 17-18.
Gompers, Samuel (W ashington, D . C.):
Compulsory social insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 845-849.
Gosline, J. V. (Pennsylvania):
M ethod of rate m aking in Pennsylvania. Bui. 385, pp. 153-158.
Grady, Alice H . (M assachusetts):
M assachusetts system of savings-bank life insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 896-903*
Graham, W illiam J. (N ew York):
Old-age pensions. Bui. 212, pp. 760-762.
Grandfield, Robert E . (M assachusetts):
Lump-sum settlem ents. Bui. 212, pp. 226-230. B ui. 333, pp. 319, 321*
Grantland, Charles H . (Delaware):
Adm inistrative troubles in Delaware. B ui. 304, pp. 230-236.
Graupner, A. E . (California):
Rehabilitation. B ui. 281, pp. 169-171.



Green, W illiam (Indianapolis):
Invalidity and old-age pensions. BuL.21% pp. 756-758.
Physical exam ination. B ui. 212, p. 316.
Greene, W . W . (Colorado):
The, com petitive plan- of workm en’s com pensation insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 149-160.
Gunderson, Dr. H arley J. (M innesota):
Compensation claim s of elderly m en. B ui. 385, pp. 112-114.
H adrich, F . H . (M ichigan):
Teaching safety in the schools. N . C. J., p. 45.
H alsey, Olga, S (N ew York):
British national system of unem ploym ent. B ui. 212', pp. 874-886.
H ealth insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 617-619.
M aternity benefits. B ui. 212; pp. 618-619.
Ham brecht, G. H . (W isconsin):
Accident prevention. B ui. 264, pp. 8-9.
W hat W isconsin is doing to prevent industrial accidents. B ui. 264, p p . 17-24.
H am ilton, D r. Alice (W ashington, D . C.):
H ealth insurance, substitute for. B ui. 212, pp. 620-621.
H am ilton, Dr. Arthur S. (M innesota):
T he differential diagnosis between organic and functional nervous conditions following injwry. B ui.
359, pp. 58-66, 67-68.
H am ilton, Grant (W ashington, D . C.):
Proposed legislation for health insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 559-571.
H anna, H ugh (W ashington, D . C.):
First report, com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Second m eeting, pp. 19-20,
Harris, H enry J. (W ashington, D . C.):
M arried wom en in industry. B ui. 212, pp. 836-837.
M aternity insurance and benefit system s. Bui. 212, pp. 780^-784.
Harris, Dr. Louis J. (N ew York):
H ealth insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 711-715.
Harrison, Rowena O. (M aryland):
Report of committee- on forms and procedure. B id. 333, pp. 14-41. B ui. 385, pp. 19-12,13.
State fund claim procedure. Bui. 359, pp. 109-111.
H atch, Leonard W . (N ew York):
Accident experience. Bui. 273, pp. 378-385.
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, am endm ent to report. B ui. 333, p. 54.
Com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost, nom inations to. B ui. 210, p. 184.
Coverage. Bui. 304, pp. 47-48.
D ividends versus low rates, or should com petitive State funds charge the same rates as private car­
riers? B ui. 359, pp. 102-109.
M ethod of rate m aking of the N ew York State insurance fund. B ui. 385, pp. 151-153.
Noncom pensable accidents. Bui. 264, p. 11.
Perm anent disability awards, comparison of. Bui. 333, pp. 110-111.
Perm anent disability rating, thu m b injuries. B ui. 304, p. 138.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 333, pp. 70-71, 84, 114-115, 123, 133-134, 135, 138-139,
148; B ui. 35ft, pp. 14-15, 31-32, 36, 37.
W hy tabulate noncompensated accidents? B ui. 264, pp. 117-125.
H aw kins, Layton S. (W ashington, D . C.):
Vocational rehabilitation for persons disabled in industry or otherwise. B ui. 281, pp. 157-166.
Henderson, H arold (Indiana):
Direct settlem ents. Bui. 273, pp. 361-362.
Reciprocal insurance. B ui. 273, p. 362.
Special legislation, coal m ining industry. Bid. 273, p. 361.
H iggins, James (M aryland):
Com m ittee on classification of accidents, report. Special m eeting, p. 55.
I. A . I. A. B. C. M em bership dues. Special m eeting, p. 54.
------M em bership of Bureau of Labor Statistics. Special m eeting, p. 23;
M erit rating. Bui. 212, pp. 262-263.
Hoffm an, Frederick L. (N ew Jersey):
Agricultural labor. Bui. 212, p. 417.
H ealth insurance. Bui. 212, pp*. 623-633.
Insurance companies, industrial insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 912-915.
Omission of occupational diseases as a defeet in workm en’s compensation laws. B ui. 212, pp. 377-397.
H older, Arthur E. (W ashington, D . C.):
P hysical exam inations. B ui. 212, pp. 341-342.



Holm an, D u dley M . (M assachusetts):
Accident prevention. Second meeting, pp. 217-232.
Alcohol and accidents. Bui. 210, pp. 136-139, 155.
Alien dependents. N . C. J., pp. 41,42.
Appeal. Bui. 210, p. 30.
Choice of physician. Bui. 248, pp. 176, 177.
Compensation benefits, adequacy of. Bui. 212, p. 205.
Defectives, em ploym ent of. N . C. J., p. 44; Bui. 212, pp. 209, 210;
Educational work in accident prevention. Bui. 210, pp. 128-143.
Fatigue and accidents. Bui. 210, pp. 139-143, 154.
I. A. I. A. B. C., relation of president and convention city. Bui. 210, p. 198;
Loss of arm. N . C. J., pp. 44, 45.
Loss of one eye. N . C. J., pp. 44, 45.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. N . C. J., p. 45.
Malingering. Bui. 212, p. 208.
Old age. Bui. 212, pp. 206-207.
Physical examination. Bui. 212, p. 209.
Preexisting disease. Bui. 212, pp. 207-208.
Presidential address. Bui. 248, pp. 11-15.
Problem of the handicapped man. Bui. 212, pp. 348-357.
Remarriage. N . C. J., pp. 41, 42.
Safety devices. Bui. 248, pp. 45, 46.
Second injuries, eye. N . C. J., p. 44; Bui. 212, p. 206.
Social insurance conference, purpose. Bui. 212, pp. 16-18.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 359, pp. 44-45.
Suggested am endm ents to M assachusetts act. N . C. J., pp. 33-34.
Holm es, Dr. W illiam H . (Illinois):
T he influence of industrial accidents in the production of cardiac failure. B ui. 304, pp. 168-173.
H ookstadt, Carl (W ashington, D . C.):
California permanent disability schedule. Bui. 304, p. 125.
Com m ittee on best method of procedure. Bui. 304, p. 201.
Com m ittee on forms and procedure. Continuance. Bui. 359, p. 112.
------Report. Bui. 333, pp. 57-59.
Comparison of compensation insurance system s as to cost, service, and security. B ui. 281, pp. 185-211.
Insurance rates, assessment plan of computing. Bui. 359, pp. 93, 94.
M ethods of accident reporting and claim proeedure under workmen’s compensation. B ui. 304, pp.
176-201, 202, 207.
Permanent disabilities. Bui. 264, p. 10^ Bui. 281, pp. 87, 108; Bui. 304, p. 138.
Problem of the crippled man in industry. Bui. 264, pp. 12, 212-224.
Safety devices. Bui. 248, pp. 47-48.
Second injuries. Bui. 273, pp. 353, 354, 355.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 333, pp. 82-83, 84, 86-06, 144-145; Bui. 359, pp. 33-31,
36, 37, 136-137.
System s of compensation for permanent partial disability in U nited States. Bui. 281, pp. 88-98.
Tests of efficiency in workm en’s compensation administration. Bui. 273, pp. 342-354.
Uniform m ethods of com puting average w eekly wages. Bui. 333, pp. 233-243.
Horner, W'illiam H . (Pennsylvania):
Alien dependents, paym ent of compensation to. Bui. 385, pp. 128-130, 132, 133.
Attorneys’ fees. Bui. 385, pp. 127-128.
Direct settlem ents. Bui. 385, pp. 19-20.
Dual insurance coverage, com petitive insurance. Bui. 359, pp. 107, 109.
M edical service, Pennsylvania. Bui. 385, p. 35.
National Association of Legal Aid Organizations, Pennsylvania. Bui. 385, p. 127.
Remarriage table. Bui. 359, pp. 101-102.
Schools, dissemination of workmen’s compensation information in. Bui. 359, p. 55.
Self-insurers. Bui. 385, p. 164.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 359, p. 34.
Hubbard, Dr. S. Dana (N ew York):
Hernia. Bui. 333, pp. 161-162.
Industrial sanitation. Bui. 333, pp. 217-221.
Huber, I. K. (Oklahoma):
Computation of average w eekly wages. Bui. 333, p. 240.
H unt, E. B. (Pennsylvania):
The Pennsylvania Railroad voluntary relief department. B ui. 212, pp. 491-496.



Jackson, W. C. (Oklahoma):
Direct settlem ents. Bui. 273, p. 11Q-.
Hernia Bui. 273, p. 112.
Horseplay. Bui. 273, pp. 112-113.
Lump-sum settlem ents. Bui. 273, p. 110.
M edical fees. Bui. 273, pp. 111-112.
Self-insurance. Bui. 273, p. 111.
Johnston, Frank P. (M ichigan):
Relation of compensation to safety. N . C. J., p. 9.


Kelley, Florence (N ew York):
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 608-610.
Married wom en in industry. Bui. 212, pp. 608-610.
K elly, Gregory C. (Pennsylvania):
An adequate weekly maximum. Bui. 333, pp. 287-292.
M erit rating—schedule versus experience. B ui. 333, pp. 264-267.
K elly, Harvey J. (W ashington):
The safety movement in the State of W ashington. Bui. 281, pp. 40-43.
Kennard, W illiam W . (M assachusetts):
“Arising out of.” Bui. 273, pp. 48-49, 61.
Casualty insurance, cost. Bui. 273, p. 334.
Direct settlem ents. Bui. 273, pp. 90-91, 97, 98.
Earning capacity. Bui. 333, pp. 140-141.
Healing period. Bui. 333, pp. 85, 131-132.
Hernia. Bui. 273, p. 112.
Impartial examinations. Bui. 273, p. 100.
H ow medical questions are handled under compensation act in M assachusetts. Bui. 264, pp. 189-191.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. Bui. 333, p. 147.
Replacing the injured man in industry. Bui. 273, pp. 91-97, 101, 102.
Report of accident. Bui. 273, pp. 99, 100.
Schools, dissemination of workm en’s compensation information in. B ui. 333, pp. 64, 69.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 333, pp. 115-116, 117-118.
W hat M assachusetts is doing to prevent accidents. Bui. 264, pp. 41-42.
Kennedy, D udley R. (Ohio).:
Accident rates since 1914. Bui. 248, pp. 192-207, 208, 209.
H ealth insurance, plan of B. F. Goodrich Co. Bui. 212, pp. 345-347.
Labor turnover. Bui. 212, pp. 889-893.
Physical examination. Bui. 212, p. 346.
Self-insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 105-110.
K ennedy, Frank A. (Nebraska):
Adm inistrative agencies, reorganization. Bui. 304, pp. 97-98.
Insurance companies, honesty of. Bui. 304, p. 220.
K ennedy, John S. (N ew York):
Benefit fund work, Bell system . Bui. 212, pp. 535-536, 537.
K eown, R. M cA. (W isconsin):
Uniform safety standards. Bui. 304, pp. 75-78.
K erby, Dr. W illiam J. (W ashington, D . C.):
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 419-420.
Kessinger, Harold (Illinois):
Address of welcome. Bui. 304, p. 22.
K ingsley, A. (Oregon):
Rigfrt of employee to bring court action. N . C. J., p. 43.
K ingsley, Sherman C. (Illinois):
Theory and development of the mothers’ pension m ovem ent. Bui. 212, pp. 794-804.
K ingston, George A. (Ontario):
Accident prevention in Ontario. B ui. 264, pp. 43-44.
Accident rate. Bui. 248, pp. 210-211.
Aliens. Bui. 385, p. 131.
Appeal. B ui. 210, p. 31; Bui. 248, p. 261.
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. Bui. 264, pp. 12, 60-72.
Assessm ent versus capitalized reserve m ethod of com puting insurance rates. Bui. 359, pp. 90-97.
Attorneys, State fund. Bui. 385, p. 124.
Attorneys’ fees. Bui. 281, pp. 426, 427.
Award, change of. Bui. 273, p. 258.
Back troubles. Bui. 304, p. 147; Bui. 385, pp. 89, 90, 91.
Choice of physician. Bui. 248, p. 178.



K ingston, George A. (O ntario)—Continued.
Com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost, continuance. Bui. 210, p. 183.
Coverage. B ui. 304, pp. 43-44, 45-46.
D ependency, proof of. B ui. 281, p. 427.
Dependents, death benefits to. B ui. 281, pp. 425-426.
Econom y of proper m edical treatment. Bui. 281, pp. 313-317.
Em ploym ent of one-eyed men. Second m eeting, pp. 200-201.
Extraterritorial rights. Second m eeting, pp. 51, 52, 55, 65.
E ye injuries. Second meeting, pp. 123-124; Bui. 248, pp. 260-277, 278,279, 280;Bui. 273, p. 267; B ui.
281, pp. 54-56, 63, 98, 99; Bui. 333, pp. 175-176, 177; B ui. 359, pp. 87,88;Bui. 385, p. 75.
Final settlem ent receipt. B ui. 385, pp. 15-16.
Hernia. Second meeting, pp. 123-124; B ui. 385, p. 56.
Industrial physicians, com petency. B ui. 248, p. 178.
Insurance com pany awards compared w ith State fund awards. B ui. 333, pp. 99-100, 121.
I. A. I. A. B. C. Adm inistrative problem, discussion. Bui. 248, p. 267.
------Canadian boards, membership of. Second meeting, p. 247.
------Change of name. Second m eeting, pp. 247, 248.
------Conventions. Bui. 210, pp. 192, 196, 252.
------Constitution, am endm ent. B ui. 281, p. 303.
------Dues, continuous paym ent. Bui. 359, p. 13.
------Executive com m ittee, expenses. B ui. 281, p. 439.
------ Officers. Second m eeting, p. 250; Bui. 210, pp. 198, 199.
------President, relation to convention city. B ui. 210, p. 197.
------Publication of bulletin. Bui. 304, p. 244.
------Secretarial work, appropriation. Bui. 281, pp. 438-439.
Jursidictional conflict. B ui. 248, p. 249.
M erit rating—schedule versus experience. Bui. 304, pp. 25-35; Bui. 333, pp. 261-262,. 263-264.
M erits and demerits of the Ontario system of workmen’s compensation. B ui. 212, pp. 47hB1. .
M others’ pensions. Bui. 281, p. 426.
Neurosis, lum p-sum settlem ents. B ui. 304, pp. 160-161.
Old-age pension. B ui. 281, p. 426.
Permanent disability ratings. Comparison of treatment of permanent partial disabilities. B ui. 210,
pp. 159-183; B ui. 333, pp. 97-114, 116, 118, 121-122.
------Bui. 210, pp. 210, 211; Bui. 212, p. 214; B ui. 304, pp. 130-138; Bui. 333, pp. 83, 84, 98-99, 121,132,
133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141-142, 143, 145, 148.
Physical exam inations. Second meeting, pp. 200, 201, 202.
Presidential address. B ui. 273, pp. 136-141.
Rehabilitation. B ui. 281, pp. 435, 437.
Remarriage table. B ui. 359, pp. 100, 101,102.
R esponsibility for compensation. B ui. 248, p. 263.
Schools, dissem ination of workm en’s compensation information in. Bui. 359, p. 55.
Severity rates. B ui. 248, p. 44.
State fund, Ontario. B ui. 385, pp. 40-41.
State fund system , what it is. B ui. 385, pp. 28-34, 35.
W aiting period. Bui. 333, p. 293.
Wages, com putation of. B ui. 333, pp. 242, 243.
W eekly m axim um . B ui. 333, p. 293.
W elcome, response to. B ui. 359, p. 1.
Kinnane, John E . (M ichigan):
Accident prevention. N . C. J., pp. 6,10; second meeting, pp. 233-235.
Accident reporting. Special meeting, pp. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44.
Aliens. N . C. J., p. 41.
Attorneys. Second m eeting, pp. 176, 177.
Classification of accidents. Special m eeting, pp. 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 55.
Com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Second meeting, pp. 138, 257-258.
Compensation cost, m ethod of figuring. Special meeting, p. 47.
Cost of injury to em ployee. N . C. J., p. 44. *
Education of the workingman. N . C. J., p. 43.
Evidence, taking of. N . C. J., p. 40.
Extraterritorial rights. Second meeting, pp. 54-55, 56, 57, 60, 63-64.
E ye injuries. N . C. J., p. 44.
Hernia. N . C. J., p. 40.
Infection. Second m eeting, pp. 114-115.
Insurance adjusters. N . C. J., p. 43.
I. A. I. A. B . C. D ues. Special m eeting, pp. 53, 54.
------M edical com m ittee. Second m eeting, pp. 269, 270.
— M embers. Special meeting, p. 22.



K innane, John E . (M ichigan)—-Continued.
------Proceedings, publication. . Second m eeting, pp.. 255, 257.
Loss of arm. N . C. J., p. 44.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. N . C. J., pp. 41, 45; special m eeting, p. 49.
P ay rolls. Special m eeting, p. 46.
Physical examination. N . C. J., p. 45; Second m eeting, pp. 192-193.
Preexisting disease. Second m eeting, pp. 115—lift.
Presidential address. Second meeting, pp. 11-16.
Reportable accidents. Special m eeting, pp. 17,1$, 19-20.
Schools, safety.instruction. N . C . J., p. 45.
Statistics. Special m eeting, pp. 1-2, 31, 56.
Tabulatable accidents. Special meeting, pp. 19-20; second m eeting, pp. 139-14(1
Kirk, W ill T . (Oregon):
Doctors, disagreement am ong. B u i. 281, p . 107.
E ye injuries. Bui. 281, p. 106.
Kizer, C. G. (Virginia):
H ow Virginia teaches the fundam entals of the workmen's com pensation law . B ui. 359, pp. 51-50.
Kloeber, D r. John S. (W ashington):
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. B ui. 273, p. 44.
K onop, Thom as F. (W isconsin):
Accident prevention. Bui. 281, p. 240.
California permanent disability schedule. B ui. 304, pp. 134-135
E ye injuries. B ui. 281, pp. 53-54, 60.
Rehabilitation. B ui. 281, p. 166-169.
Kuechle, B . E. (W isconsin):
Claim adjustm ents. B ui. 248, pp. 287-290.
E ye injuries. BuL.248, pp. 280-281.


Lam bert, D r. Alexander (N ew York):
Organization of medical benefits and services under proposed sickness insurance system . B id . 212,
pp. 645-675, 726-728.
Landis, Abb:
M utual benefit funds. B ui. 212, pp. 497-504.

Lasker, Bruno (New York):

British national system of unem ploym ent insurance in relation to other m ethods of dealing w ith unem ­
ploym ent. Bui. 212, pp. 855-873.
Lathrop, Julia (W ashington, D . C.):
M aternity benefits and insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 785-787.
Leary, D r. T im othy (M assachusetts):
Alcoholism. B ui. 248, p. 131.
A utopsy findings. B ui. 248, pp. 117,130.
Tuberculosis. B ui. 248, p. 131.
Lee, Robert E . (M aryland):
Accident prevention. Bui. 333, p. 197.
Accident reporting, M aryland. B ui. 304, p. 203.
Adm inistrative agencies—consolidation of. B ui. 304, pp. 90-94,108.
Appeal. Bui. 304, pp. 205-206.
Back strain. Bui. 281, p. 412-413.
'Claim procedure, M aryland. B ui. 281, pp. 414-415; B ui. 304, pp. 203-207.
Coverage. B ui. 304, pp. 47, 49-50.
Direct settlem ents. B ui. 304, p. 206.
Doctors, disagreement among. Bui. 281, p. 107
E ye .njuries, Bui. 281, pp. 61-62.
Hernia. B ui. 281, p. 412.
I. A . I. A. B. C., conventions. Bui. 833, p. 327.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. Bui. 304, p. 206.
Lack of uniform ity in com pensation legislation and future responsibility of com pensation boards
(presidential address). Bui. 333, pp. 2-6.
M aritime workers. Bui. 333, pp. 326, 327.
Occupational diseases. B ui. 281, p. 412.
Perm anent disability rating. B ui. 304, p. 137-140.
Prom ptness of claim settlem ent. Bui. 304, p. 204, 205.
Schools, dissemination of workm en's com pensation information in. "Bui. 333, p. 00.
Second injuries. Bui. 304, p. 64.
State fund, M aryland. Bui. 281, p. 415.
W aiting period. Bui. 304, pp. 203-204.
W elcome, response to. B ui. 304, p. 22.

1SAMM im m si


Leem ing, Dr.:
H ysteria. Bui. 304, p. 158.
Legge, Dr. Robert (California):
Students’ health insurance at U niversity of California. Bui. 212, pp. 505-511.
Lenon, Dr. Charles H . (W isconsin):
Should medical service be lim ited in compensation cases? B ui. 264, pp. 133-139.
Lescohier, Don. D . (M innesota):
Accident prevention in M innesota. N . G. J., pp. 27-29.
Com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bui. 210,. p. 184.
Jurisdictional conflict. B ui. 210, p. 195.
M edical fees. Bui. 210, pp. 105,106.
M edical problems under workm en’s compensation acts. B ui. 210, pp. 199, 221-224.
M utual and stock companies, conflict between. Bui. 210, p. 252.
Statistical reference table to industries. Bui. 210, p. 88.
Leslie, W illiam (California):
Com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Adoption of first report. Second meet­
ing, pp. 137-138.
Treatm ent of permanent injuries under workm en’s compensation act of California. Second m eeting,
pp. 146-157.
Lew y, Raphael (N ew York):
Alcoholism. B ui. 248, p. 125.
Autopsy findings. B ui. 248, p. 126.
Back injuries. B ui. 248, pp. 129-130.
Bone joints. Bui. 210, pp. 207, 211.
Cancer, w ith special reference to sarcoma in its relationship to trauma. B ui. €73, pp. 238^244.
First aid. B ui. 248, p. 127.
Flat feet. Bui. 273, p. 255.
Fractures. B ui. 210, pp. 122-126,127, 209-210, 211; Bui. 248, p. 127.
Heart disease. B ui. 248, p. 128.
Hernia. Second meeting, pp. 195-196,242-244; Bui. 385, pp. 65-67.
Industrial injuries, classes of. Second m eeting, pp. 97-99.
Infections of upper extremities. Second m eeting, pp. 97-105, 117, 131; B ui. 248, pp. 128-127; BuL 273,
pp. 254-255.
I. A . I. A . B. C. Association of medical officers. Second m eeting, pp. 268-269; B ui. 219, p. 193.
Neurasthenia. Second meeting, pp. 241-242; Bui. 210, p. 206; Bui. 273, pp. 255, 300-302.
Old age. Second meeting, pp. 240, 241; B ui. 273, p. 255.
Physicians. Bui. 264, p. 200; Bui. 273, pp. 299-301.
Preexisting disease. Second meeting, p. 129.
Should medical services be lim ited in compensation eases? Bui. 264, p. 154.
Syphilis. Second meeting, pp. 238-239; B ui. 248, p. 128.
Tuberculosis. Second m eeting, pp. 237-238; Bui. 248, p. 126.
Tuberculosis, syphilis, old age, post traumatic neurosis, and hernia. Second meeting, pp, 237-244.
X ray. Bui. 248, p. 127.
Lieber, George J.:
Insurance companies, accident prevention. N . C. J., p. 14.
Lipscomb, Dr. W . N .:
Red Cross first-aid demonstration. Second m eeting, pp. 74-96.
Lissner, Meyer (California):
The compensation of disability due to preexisting disease, aggravated or accelerated b y accident or
injury. Bui. 264, pp. 12, 155-184.
Little, R iley M . (W ashington, D . C.):
Occupational diseases. Bui. 248, pp. 251-257.
Procedure, United States Em ployees’ Compensation Commission. B ui. 248, pp. 258,259^ 260.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 264, pp. 12, 224.
Livdahl, G. N . (North Dakota):
Malingering. B ui. 359, p. 67.
Remarriage table. Bui. 359, p. 101.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 359, p, 134.
State fund. Bui. 385, pp. 47-50.
Llewellyn, Fred W . (W ashington):
Medical treatm ent, econom y of. Bui. 281, pp. 323-325.
M ilitary reservations, workers on. Bui. 281, p. 409.
Lloyd, Morton G. (W ashington, D . C J:
Lighting. Bui. 333, p. 215-216.
Preparation of safety codes under auspices of American Engineering Standards Com m ittee. B ui.
333, pp. 225-231.
Uniform safety standards. Bui. 304, pp. 79-80.



Lott, Edson S. (N ew York):
Different methods of workm en’s compensation insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 94-104.
Malingering. B ui. 212, pp. 208-209.
Lynch, James (N ew York):
Federal compensation law, railroad employees. B ui. 273, p. 189.


M ackey, Harry A. (Pennsylvania):
Attorneys’ fees. Bui. 281, pp. 428-429.
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, pp. 48-50.
Commutation of compensation awards under the Pennsylvania system . Bui. 248, pp. 69-73.
Direct settlements. Bui. 281, pp. 267-268.
Disposition of claims. Bui. 281, pp. 345-347.
E ye injuries. Bui. 281, pp. 58-59, 98, 99, 106.
M edical treatment. Bui. 281, pp. 342-343.
Occupational disease. Bui. 281, pp. 429-430.
Pennsylvania system of administration. Bui. 212, pp. 32-40.
Permanent disability awards, comparison. Bui. 333, p. 111.
Physician, choice. Bui. 281, pp. 297-298.
Self-insurance. Bui. 212, p. 173; Bui. 281, p. 268.
Sickness insurance. Bui. 212*, pp. 543-544.
State fund. Bui. 212, pp. 173; Bui. 281, pp. 268-269.
M aclean, Dr. Donald (Nevada):
Malingering. Bui. 281, p. 297.
M edical fees. Bui. 281, p. 296.
M edical treatment, econom y. Bui. 281, p. 321.
Preexisting disease. Bui. 281, pp. 296-207.
X ray. Bui. 281, p. 296.
M agnuson, Dr. Paul B. (Illinois):
Better treatment for industrial accident cases. Bui. 264, pp. 140-140.
Contract physicians. Bui. 264, p. 11.
Econom y of proper medical treatment. Bui. 281, pp. 306-312.
M agoun, W . N . (M assachusetts):
Accident reporting. Special meeting, p. 41.
Classification of accidents. Special meeting, pp. 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 49, 50.
Compensation cost. Special m eeting, pp. 3-15, 34.
M edical service and first aid. Special m eeting, p. 21.
P ay roll. Special meeting, pp. 46-47.
Statistics. Special meeting, pp. 32, 57.
Tabulatable accidents. Special meeting, p. 20.
Magruder, J. W . (M aryland):
H ealth insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 635-636.
M aguire (Toronto):
W elcome. Bui. 273, pp. 312-313.
M apel, John W . (W isconsin):
Self-insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 164-168.
M arlow, Dr. F. W . (Ontario):
H ospitals, paym ent of. Bui. 273, p. 303.
M edical advice. Bui. 273, pp. 302-303.
Physicians, com petency of. Bui. 273, p. 304.
W elcome to doctors. Bui. 273, p. 302.
Marr, Chester A. (North Dakota):
Procedure. Bui. 304, pp. 220-221.
M arshall, W illiam A. (Oregon):
Accident reporting. Bui. 273, p. 104.
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. Bui. 273, pp. 45,104.
D irect settlem ents. Bui. 273, p. 103.
Follow-up investigation of cases. Bui. 273, pp. 104-105.
Liability of owners for premiums on pay rolls of contractors and lessees. Second meeting, pp. 141-145.
Lump-sum settlem ents. Bui. 273, p. 103.
Physical examination. Second meeting, p. 123.
Schools, safety instruction in. Bui. 281, pp . 436-437.
Second injuries. Bui. 273, p. 104.
Service, security, and cost under the Oregon compensation law. Bui. 281, pp. 249-253.
State m onopoly of compensation insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 146-148; Bui. 273, pp. 103, 104.
Tabulatable accidents. Second meeting, p. 17.
Vocational reeducation. Bui. 281, p. 87.
M atthew s, W illiam H . (New York):
Experiences in administration of m others’ pensions. B ui..212, pp. 811-817.



M cBride, Andrew F. (N ew Jersey):
Regulation of self-insurers. Bui. 385, pp. 160-161.
M cC all, Samuel (M assachusetts):
Address of welcome. B ui. 248, pp. 9-10.
M cC urdy, Dr. S. M . (Ohio):
Physical examination. Bui. 212, pp. 339-341.
M cD onald, A . A . (Oklahoma):
Compensation, w ho pays for. B ui. 248, pp. 293, 294, 295.
E ye injuries. Bui. 248, p. 292.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. B ui. 248, pp. 73-74.
M edical service. B ui. 248, p. 291.
Social insurance. B ui. 248, pp. 293-294.
M cD ougall, D r. J. G. (N ova Scotia):
Hernia as a workm en's com pensation problem. B ui. 385, pp. 51-54, 52-65.
M cG lannan, D r. Alexius (M aryland):
Causation or aggravation of hernia. B ui. 333, pp. 158-164.
E ye injuries. B ui. 333, p. 177.
McGregor, T . H . (Texas):
Second injuries. B ui. 212, pp. 218-219.
M cH ugh, C. A . (Virginia):
Attorneys. Bui. 304, p. 238.
Cooperation of em ployers' B ui. 304, p. 81.
Court decisions as precedent. Bui. 273, pp. 151-152.
Decisions, publication of. Bui. 304, pp. 237-238.
Hearings. Bui. 273, pp. 149-151.
Partial dependents. B ui. 273, p. 151.
Plan for dissem ination of workmen's compensation information through the public schools of Virginia,
Bui. 333, pp. 60-64, 69.
Rehabilitation. B u.. 304, p. 236.
M cShane, O. F. (U tah):
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report of. B ui. 333, p. 53.
Coverage, num ber of em ployees. Bui. 304, p. 45.
E ye injuries. B ui. 333, p. 179.
Hernia. B ui. 385, pp. 56-57.
Perm anent disability ratings. Bui. 304, p. 138; Bui. 333, pp. 136, 144; Bui. 359, p. 33, 35, 42, 47, 132,
Preexisting disease. B ui. 304, p. 242.
Safety order, penalty for not obeying. B ui. 333, pp. 195-196.
Schools, dissem ination of workmen's com pensation information in. B ui. 333, pp. 67-68.
Second injuries. Bui. 304, p. 63; Bui. 333, p. 174.
W eekly wages, com putation of. Bui. 333, pp. 239-240.
M cSweeney, Edw ard F . (M assachusetts):
Defects in the administration of com pensation laws. B ui. 248, pp. 282-286.
H ealth insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 524-530, 533, 534.
Physical examination of school children. Bui. 212, pp. 533, 534.
M ead, Dr. J. E . (M ichigan):
Training and em ploym ent of disabled workmen in the Ford plant. B ui. 359, pp. 129-131.
Meeker, Royal (W ashington, D . C.):
Accident rate. Bui. 248, pp. 208-209.
Accident reporting. Special m eeting, pp. 22, 40, 41,42, 43, 45.
Adm inistrative problems. Bui. 248, pp. 267-268.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U nited States, handling of accident statistics by. Special meeting,
pp. 51-52, 56-57
Claim adjustm ent, delay. B ui. 273, pp. 356-357.
Classification of accidents. Special m eeting, pp. 24, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 55.
Com m ittee on N ational Conference on Standardization of Accident Reports and Tabulations.
Special m eeting, p. 23.
Com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bui. 210, p. 184.
E ye injuries. B ui. 273, p. 410.
Fatigue. Bui. 210, pp. 153, 154.
I. A. I. A . B. C. Conventions, publication of papers. Bui. 210, p. 192.
------D ues. Bui. 248, pp. 93-94.
----- M edical aid. Bui. 273, pp. 407, 408.
------M em bership. Special m eeting, p. 22; Bui. 248, pp. 94-96.
-— Perm anent organization, com m ittee on. B ui. 210, p. 23.
— Secretary-treasurer, report. Bui. 248, pp. 90-93; Bui. 264, pp. 73-83; Bui. 273, pp. 55-63.

47323°—25t—Bull. 395----- i



M eeker, R oyal (W ashington, D . C .)—Continued.
M edical program. B ui. 273, p. 305.
M inim um requirem ents in compensation legislation. B ui. 273, pp. 11-24.
N ational Industrial Conference Board, book on com pensation acts in U nited States. B ui. 273, p . 411.
Physicians, com petency of. B ui. 248, p. 177.
Railroad workers. Bui. 273, pp. 188, 215, 217.
Relation of workm en’s com pensation to old age, health, and unem ploym ent insurance. BuL 210,
pp. 237-251.
Reportable accidents. Special m eeting, pp. 17,19.
Severity rates. B ui. 248, pp. 43,44-45.
Social insurance. B ui. 210, pp. 237-251; Bui. 212, pp. 911-912.
Statistics, importance. B ui. 273, p. 386.
Tabulatable accidents. Special m eeting, p. 19.
U nem ploym ent, problem of. B ui. 212; pp. 837*838.
Uniform accident statistics. B ui. 210, pp. 89-99.
Uniform legislation. B ui. 273, pp. 9-13.
U nited States soldiers and sailors. Bui. 248, pp. 211-212.
M ichelbacher, G. F . (N ew York):
Casualty insurance rates, com putation. Bui. 273, pp. 334,835,336,337.
M itchell, John (N ew York):
Adm inistration, system s. Bui. 273, pp. 198-199.
Compensation. Advantage. Bui. 248, pp. 298-299.
------Purpose. Bui. 273, pp. 190-191.
Compensation benefits. B ui. 273, pp. 191-193.
Compulsory or elective laws. Bui 273, pp. 197-198.
Court system of adm inistration. B ui. 273, p. 198.
Coverage. Bui. 273, pp. 195-196.
Defects in workm en’s com pensation laws. B ui. 273, pp. 190-200. *
Direct settlem ents. B ui. 273, pp. 198, 200.
E ye injuries. B ui. 248, pp. 295 296.
Insurance companies. Bui. 248, p . 296.
Interstate em ployees. B ui. 273, pp. 196-197.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 248, pp. 244-247, 248, 249.
Malingering. Bui. 248, pp. 296-297.
M aritim e em ployees. B ui. 273, pp. 196-197.
M edical service. Bui. 248, p. 296; Bui. 273, pp. 193-194.
Perm anent disability, how should it be compensated? B ui. 248, pp. 296,297; B ui. 264, pp. 10-11,54-59
Rates, inadequacy of. B ui. 248, pp. 298-300.
Social insurance. B ui. 248, p. 2%.
Tenure of office. Bui. 273, p. 199.
W aiting period. Bui. 248, p. 297; B ui. 273, pp. 194-195.
M ock, D r. Harry E.:
Conservation of m an power and rehabilitation of the industrially disabled. B ui. 2&, pp. 207-211
Hysteria—unem ploym ent. Bui. 304, p. 160.
W om ens’ ills in industry. Bui. 304, p. 174.
M onson, W . P . (Utah):
A ttorneys’ fees. Bui. 281, p. 416.
D ependents, termination of compensation. B ui. 281, p. 417.
E ye injuries. Bui. 281, p. 101.
M edical fees. Bui. 281, pp. 262-263.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 281, p. 436.
Remarriage. Bui. 281, p . 417.
Second injuries. Bui. 281, pp 415-416.
Self-insurance. Bui. 281, pp. 261-262.
State fund versus stock insurance companies. B ui. 281, pp . 260-261.
W ages, com putation of. Bui. 281, p. 416.
M oriarty, Rose (Ohio):
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report. B ui. 333, p p . 41-42.
Schools, dissemination of workm en’s compensation information in. B ui. 333, pp. 65-66.
W eekly wages, com putation of. Bui. 333, p. 241.
M orley, R . B . (Ontario):
Accidents, effect of compensation on. Bui. 333, p. 198.
Factory inspection. B ui. 333, p. 198.
M othersill, R . V. (M innesota):
Proper m ethod of com puting reserves. B ui. 359, pp. 112-115.



M owell, D r. John W . (W ashington):
Aliens. N . C. J., p. 41.
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. Bui. 273, pp. 43» 51.
Disabilities as aggravated b y preexisting conditions. Bui. 273, pp. 220-227,
Extraterritorial rights. Second m eeting, p. 50.
Flat feet. Bui. 273, p. 253.
Hernia. N . C. J., pp. 15-17, 34.
Infections. Second m eeting, p. 109.
Loss of one eye. N . C. J., p. 45.
Old age. Bui. 273, p. 253.
Preexisting and subsequent diseases com plicating disabilities the result of accident-., Second m eeting,
pp. 110-114.
Selection of the physician under compensation! laws - BuL 264; pp. U,. 197-109.
System s of m edical service. Bui. 281, pp. 274-275.
Vision, percentage of. Bui. 273, pp. 269-270, 271.
M ulready, Edw in (M assachusetts):
M assachusetts factory: inspection. BuL. 246, ppj. 171-1731.
M urphy, John (N ova Scotia):
Address of welcome. Bui. 385, p. 1
M yers, H . C. (Oklahoma):
Tribute to W . C. Jackson. Bui. 281, pp. 433-434.


Naftzger, A . H . (California):
California system of rating perm anent partial disabilities. B ui. 281, pp. 64-70.
N eill, W illiam (M anitoba):
Occupational diseases. B ui. 248, p. 267.
Nelson, Arthur E. (M innesota):
Address of welcome. Bui. 359, p. 1.
N esbit, Charles F. (W ashington, D . C.):
H ealth insurance, W ashington, D . C. B ui. 212, pp. 519-521.
N evin, A. P. (N ew York):
Sickness insurance. B ui. 212; pp. 613-614.
Noonan, Victor T.'(Ohio):
Education in accident prevention. B ui. 210; pp. 151, 152, 156.
Vital importance of industrial accident prevention in war tim e. Bui. 264, pp. 9, 35-36;


O ’Grady, R ev. Father (W ashington, D . C.):
Invalidity and old age pensions. Bui. 212, pp. 758-759.
Orr, Robert K. (M ichigan):
Accident reporting. Special meeting, p. 42.
Bureau of Labor Statistics as central bureau. Special meeting,, p. 51.
Classification of accidents. Special meeting, pp. 23, 30, 34..
Com m ittee on statistics and compensation insurance cost, first report. Second meeting,, pp. 18? 19,

21, 22.

Infection. Second meeting; p . 117.
I. A. I. A. B . C. Dues. Special meeting, p. 54.
Lum p-sum settlem ents. Special meeting, p. 48.
Rates and reserves. N . C. J., pp. 20, 39.
Tabulatable accidents. Second meeting, pp. 17,140.
Otis, Stanley L, (N ew York):
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, p. 56.
Permanent disability awards, comparison,. Bui; 333, p. 121.
Procedure, N ew York. B ui. 304, pp. 210-215.
Ott, Lee (W est Virginia):
Constitution, I. A. I. A. B. C. Am endm ent. Bui. 304, p. 51.
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, p. 41.
Physical examination. Second m eeting, pp; 202-203
Procedure, W est Virginia. Bui. 304, pp. 219-220.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 359, pp. 37, 47, 134,136, 138*
Owen; Marie B* (Alabam a):
Compensation administration in Alabama. Bui. 304, pp. 114-115.


Palmer, Lew R. (Pennsylvania):
Shop safety committees. Bui. 248, pp. 27-29:
Parker, Clarence (W ashington):
Accident reporting. Second meeting, p. 172;
First-aid instruction of American Red Cross in W ashington. Second meeting, pp. 73-74.



Parker, Clarence (W ashington)—Continued.
Perm anent disability ratings. Second meeting, pp. 158-159.
Preexisting disease. Second m eeting, pp. 129-121.
State fund. Second m eeting, pp . 159-160.
Parks, Joseph A. (M assachusetts):
Com petitive insurance. B ui. 385, pp. 43-47.
E ye injuries. B ui. 385, pp. 80,81.
Final settlem ent receipts. Bui. 385, p. 13.
Hearings. Bui. 385, p. 138.
Hernia. Bui. 385, p. 62.
M edical attention in connection w ith rehabilitation. B ui. 385, pp. 91-96.
National Association of Legal A id Organizations. B ui. 385, p. 124.
Permanent partial disabilities. Bui. 385, pp. 139, 140,141, 142, 143.
Procedure, M assachusetts. B ui. 385, pp. 13,14-15,19.
Paton, V . J. (N ova Scotia):
Hernia. Bui. 385, pp. 60-61.
H ow N ova Scotia handles its extraterritorial problems, w ith special reference to longshoremen. . B u i.
385, pp. 21-26.
Patterson, D r. F . D . (Pennsylvania):
Alcohol. Bui. 248, p. 124.
First aid. Bui. 248, p. 124.
Industrial accidents. B ui. 248, pp. 123,125.
X rays. B ui. 248, p. 124.
Pennock, R . M . (N ew York):
Proper m ethod of com puting claim reserves. B ui. 333, pp. 244-251,
Perkins, Q. W .:
Trade-union siekness insurance. B ui. 212, pp. 476-481.
Philipp, Em anuel L. (W isconsin):
Address of welcome. Bui. 264, p. 7.
Phillips, Cyrus W. (N ew York):
Classification of accidents. Special meeting, pp. 4, 7,12.'
N ational Civic Federation and uniformity. N . C. J., pp. 31-32; Special m eeting, pp. 26-28.
Pillsbury, A. J. (California):
Accident prevention and dependents’ fund. Bui. 304, pp. 62-63.
Appeal, right of. Bui. 210, pp. 30, 31.
Conflict between Federal and State jurisdictions in accident cases. Bui. 210, pp. 33-56, 57, 195; Bui.
248, pp. 228-242.
Coverage. Bui. 304, pp. 50-51.
D eath benefits. Bui. 281, p. 434.
Dependency, problem of. Bui. 281, pp. 348-374.
Disagreem ent among doctors. Bui. 281, p. 107.
Ignorance of compensation law. Bui. 304, pp. 238-239.
Insurance company adjusters. Bui. 304, pp. 239-240.
M edical treatment. Bui. 231, pp. 330-332. '
Neurosis. Bui. 304, p. 159.
Perm anent disability ratings, California system . Bui. 212, pp. 175-183; Bui. 281, pp. 97-98, 99-100;
Bui. 304, pp. 117-130, 136, 137.
Preexisting disease. Bui. 304, p. 241.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 281, pp. 97-98.
Safety education. Bui. 304, pp. 72-73.
Should compensation commissions administer accident prevention and other labor laws? Bui. 304,
pp. 80, 85-89.
State fund versus stock insurance. Bui. 281, pp. 263-265.
W idows’ pension. Bui. 281, pp. 409-410.
Pillsbury, Warren H. (California):
Compensation acts and m aritim e workers. Bui. 281, pp. 400-409.
Plum m er, Dr. Samuel C. (Illinois):
Concussion and contusion of the brain, w ith postconcussional conditions. Bui. 304, pp. 148-152.
X rays. Bui. 304, pp. 147-148.
Pollock, Dr. Lewis J. (Illinois):
The neuroses: Their handling from an industrial-commission standpoint. Bui. 304, pp. 152-158, 161.
Pope, George:
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 849-854.
Potter, Dr. H ollis E. (Illinois):
X-ray standardization and interpretation. Bui. 304, pp. 144-147.
Potts, Rufus M . (Illinois):
Joint-stock com pany health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 512-518.



Powell, Dr. N . A.:
Fractures. Bui. 273, pp. 307-309.
Extraterritorial rights. Second m eeting, pp. 46, 60, 56, 62-63.
Physical examination. Second meeting, p. 122.
Preexisting disease. Second meeting, pp. 121-122,.125.
Pressey, Dr. Sidney L. (Indiana):
. R eliability of the psychological examination in dealing w ith cases of industrial accident. Bui. 248,
pp. 162-167.
Preus, J. A. O. (M innesota):
Address of welcome. Bui. 359, p. 1.
Price, C. W. (W ashington, D . C., and W isconsin)^
Shop lighting as a means of accident prevention. Bui. 248, pp. 213-216.
W isconsin plan of promoting safety. Second meeting, pp. 261-268.
Price, George M . (N ew York):
Physical examination. Bui. 212, p. 347.
Price, Samuel (Ontario):
M edical aid, resolution. Bui. 273, p. 407.
Some features of workm en’s compensation law and its administration. Bui. 273, pp. 315-323.


Ranney, George A.:
Em ployees’ benefit association of the International Harvester Co. Bui 212, pp. 482-490.
Raym ond, E. S.:
Rates and reserves. N . C. J., p. 21.
Accident prevention. N . C. J., p. 10.
Reaves, Ora E . (M ichigan):
Lump-sum settlem ents. N . C. J., p. 45.
Regan, Dr. W illiam H . (M assachusetts):
E ye injuries. Bui. 281, pp. 60-61,101.
Regula, A. S. (M assachusetts):
Safety education. Bui. 333, pp. 201-205.
Rendon, F . (Mexico):
M exico’s greetings. Bui. 359, pp. 13-14.
Ritchie, Albert C. (M aryland):
, Address of welcome. Bui. 333, p. 1.
Roach, John (N ew Jersey):
Accident statistics—accident prevention. Bui. 304, pp. 66-67.
Safety education, value of. Bui. 304, pp. 67-71, 74.
Sanitation, industrial. Bui. 333, pp. 221-224.
Roblin, M rs. F. L. (Oklahoma):
Com m ittee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, pp. 45-47.
Permanent disability awards. Bui. 333, p. 119.
W eekly wage, com putation of. Bui. 333, p. 241.
Rosa, E . B. (W ashington, D . C.):
Organization and work of the N ational Safety Codes Com m ittee. B ui. 281, pp. 20-24.
Rowe, J. Scofield (Connecticut):
M erits and demerits of the different forms of writing workmen’s compensation insurance. Bui. 212.
pp. 66-93.
Rowland, Dr. George A. (W ashington, D . C.):
Permanent disability ratings. Bui. 333, pp. 125-128.
R yan, H . E. (N ew York):
I. A. I. A. B . C., m embership in. Special meeting, p. 22.
Reportable accidents. Special m eeting, pp. 18, 20.
Tabulatable accidents. Special meeting, p. 20.
Rubinow, Dr. I. M . (N ew York):
Accident rate. Bui. 248, p. 211.
Choice of physician. Bui. 248. pp. 174-175,176, 177, 179.
Comparison of industrial w ith m ilitary casualties. Bui. 248, pp. 217-225.
Medical services under health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 684-694.


Saltiel, W illiam (Illinois):
Address of welcome. Bui. 304, p. 22.
Salz, Ansley K . (California):
Sickness insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 546-547, 614-616.
Social insurance commission of California. Bui. 212, pp. 521-524, 614-616.



Sampson, H enry E . (Iowa):
Arising out of and in course of em ploym ent. N . C . J., p. 40.
Remarriage of widow s. N . O. J., p. 42.
Sanford, G. E . (M assachusetts):
Plant safety organization. B ui. 333, pp. 199-200.
Saunders, Edward B . (M assachusetts):
Social insurance. Bui, 212, pp. 612-613.

Say®c,,HenryfD; (NewYork):;

Adm inistrative agencies—consolidation. Bui. 304, pp. 93-102.
Coverage. Bui. 304, pp. 48-49.
N ew legislation and adm inistrative reorganization in N ew York. Bttk.304,,pp. 7-11.
Second injuries. Bui. 304, pp. 64-65.
Status of m aritime employmemtS:imder. workm en’s-oompensataon. Bui.- 333, pp. 323-328.
Scanlan, W illiam M . (Illinois):
Aliens. Bui. 385, pp. 131-132.
Scattergood (N ew York):
Accident reports, standard blank. Special m eeting, pp. 41,42.
Classification of accidents. Special m eeting, pp. 36,37.
Statixtacalwork-of W orkm snfaC ompensation-. Bureau of N ew York.. Speoialm eetingipp. 49,.50^51.
Schereschewsky, Dr. J. W . (W ashington, D . C.):
M edical supervision. Bui. 212, pp. 336-337.
Physical exam inations. Bul..212,rpp. 335-336.
Schubm ehl, Dr. F . E . (M assachusetts):
Choice of physician. B ui. 248, pp. 174, 177.
F lat feet. B ui. 273, p. 252.
Infection. Bui. 273, pp. 251-252.
M edical supervision. B ui. 248, p. 174.
Scott, M arsden G.:
Trade-union benefit funds. B ui. 212, pp. 747-755.
Segsworth, W . E . (Ontario):
Rehabilitation. B ui. 273, p. 375.
Seippel, D r. Clara P . (Illinois):
M edical aspect of wom en’s ills in industry. Bui. 304, pp. 162-168.
Senior, Leon S. (N ew York):
Principles and m ethods of rating com pensation risks. B ui. 212, pp. 238-248.
Schedule versus experience rating. Bui. 333, pp. 251-260, 262-263.
W eekly wages, com putation of. B ui. 333, pp. 242-243.
Sever, D r. James W . (M assachusetts):
Diagnosis of industrial back conditions. B ui. 248, pp. 139-152) B ui. 333, pp. 163-169.
Sherman, P . Tecum seh. (N ew York):
T he basis of com pensation. B ui. 212, pp. 184-192.
Sim onds, Robert W . (Vermont):
Burden of proof. Second m eeting, pp. 184, 185.
Extraterritorial rights. Second m eeting, pp. 61, 63, 64, 63.
Slate, S. J. (Georgia):
Perm anent disability awards. B ui. 333, p. 118.
W orkm en’s com pensation, Georgia. B ui. 304, p. 12.
Sligh, Charles R . (M ichigan):
Insurance companies. N . C. J., p. 23.
Sm ith, Dr.:
Neurasthenia. B ui. 210, p. 203.
Sm ith, George D . (N evada):
Accident reporting. B ui 281, p. 424.
A ttorneys’ fees. Bui. 281, p. 424.
Back strain. B ui. 281, p. 423.
Hernia. B ui. 281, p. 423.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 281, p. 424.
M edical treatm ent, supervision. B ui. 281, p. 329.
Occupational diseases. B ui. 281, p. 423.
Preexisting disease. Bui. 281, p. 423.
Second injuries. Bui. 281, p. 423.
W ages, com putation. Bui. 281, p. 424.
Sm ith, H al H . (M ichigan):
Casual workers. B ui. 212, pp. 411-412.
Com pensation, purpose. B ui. 212, p. 412.
Coverage. B ui. 212, pp. 4aiM&l.
Farm labor. B ui. 212, p. 411.



Smith, Hal H. (Michigan)—Continued.
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 633-634.
Insurance companies, accident prevention work. N. O. J., p. 14*
Occupational diseases. Bui. 212* p. 412.
Smith, William M. (Michigan):
Accident reporting. Bui. 248, pp. 67-68.
Choice of physician. Bui. 248, pp. 178-179.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 248, p. 243.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 248, pp. 61-52.
Mining, premium rate. Bui. 248, p. 87.
Southard, Dr. E. E. (Massachusetts):
Review of industrial accident board cases examined at the psychopathic hospital. Bui. 248, pp. 169-170.
Spencer, Edna Lawrence (Massachusetts):
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 887-888.
Stanley, H. M. (Georgia):
Hernia. Bui. 385, p. 62.
Regulation of self-insurers. Bui. 385, pp. 161-163,164, 165.
Stearns, R. B. (Wisconsin):
Health insurance legislation. Bui. 212, pp. 634r-635.
Stephens, William D. (California):
Address of welcome. Bui. 281, pp. 10-12.
Stewart, Ethelbert (Washington, D. C.):
American remarriage table. Bui. 359, p. 100; Bui. 385, pp. 8-9.
Committee on forms and procedure. Bui. 359, pp. 111-112.
Coverage, number of employees. Bui. 304, pp. 43, 44, 47.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 333, pp. 317-322.
Malingering. Bui. 304, pp. 174-175.
Permanent disability ratings. Bui. 333, p. 85; Bui. 359, pp. 34, 43,137.
Schools, dissemination of workmen’s compensation information in. Bui. 333, pp. 64-65; Bui. 359, p. 55.
Secretary-treasurer, I. A. I. A. B. C., reports. Bui. 304, pp. 52-57; Bui. 333, pp. 6-13; Bui. 359* pp. 9-13,
Bui. 385, pp. 2-9.
Statistics—a plea for better State records. Bui. 281, pp. 431-432.
Status of farm labor under workmen’s compensation in the United States and foreign countries. Bui.
333, pp. 298-306.
Struthers, Dr. W. E. (Ontario):
Flat feet. Bui. 273, p. 248.
Nervous disease. Bui. 273, pp. 249-250, 251.
Old age. Bui. 273, p. 250.
Preexisting conditions. Bui. 273, pp. 247-251.
Sullivan, Oscar M. (Minnesota):
Benefits. Bui. 273, p. 101.
Permanent disability rating. Bui. 304, p. 135.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 281, pp. 141-156, 266-267; Bui. 359, pp. 121-125.
Sydenstricker, Edgar (Washington, D. C.):
Existing agencies for health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 428-475.
Tarrell, L. A. (Wisconsin):
Accident reporting. Second meeting, p. 172.
Aliens. Bui. 385, pp. 131, 132, 133.
Attorneys’ fees. Bui. 385, p. 126.
Committee on dissemination of workmen’s compensation information through schools, report. Bui.
359, p. 50.
Committee on forms and procedure, report. Bui. 333, pp. 54-55.
Factory inspection. Bui. 333, pp. 191-194, 196, 198.
Legal aid society. Bui. 385, p. 126.
Practical administration of permanent partial disability. Bui. 385, pp. 138-139, 140, 141.
Secretary-treasurer, report. Bui. 210, pp. 186-189.
Tarun, Dr. William (Maryland):
Compensation for injuries to the eye. Bui. 333, pp. 169-179.
Taylor, Baxter (Oklahoma):
Direct settlements. Bui. 304, pp. 209-210.
Earning capacity—permanent disability ratings. Bui. 333, p. 14t
Legislation, Oklahoma. Bui. 304, pp. 20-21.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 304, p. 210.
Procedure, Oklahoma. Bui. 304, pp. 208-210.
Safety education. Bui. 304, p. 73.
Weekly wages, computation. Bui. 333, p. 241.
Welcome, response to. Bui. 333, p. 1.



Thatcher, A. J. (Ohio):
Address of welcome. Bui. 210, p. 13.
Thayer, Arthur L. (Maine):
Permanent disability ratings. Bui. 333, pp.84,100-110, 111, 119-120, 137,138, 145, 146.
Thom, J. H. (Ohio):
Rates and reserves. N. C. J., pp. 21, 39.
Thompson, Dr. Frederick H. (Oregon):
Congenital defects. Bui. 273, p. 256.
Eye injuries. Bui. 281, pp. 59, 60.
Fractures. Bui. 210, p. 119.
Hernia. Second meeting, pp. 124-125.
How can medical service be improved? Bui. 273, pp. 295-299.
Infections. Second meeting, pp. 106-109.
Lead poisoning. Second meeting, p. 124.
Medical fees. Bui. 273, pp. 293-294, 295.
Medical organization, I. A. I. A. B. C. Bui. 210, p. 24.
Medical service, supervision of. Bui. 273, p. 294.
Need of medical statistics for compensation purposes. Bui. 264, pp. 195-196.
Neurasthenia: A problem of compensation. Bui. 210, pp. 200-203.
Oregon system of medical service. Bui. 281, pp. 285-290.
X ray. Bui. 273, p. 294; Bui. 281, p. 343.
Trask, Dr. John W. (Washington, D. C.):'
Physicians, competency of. Bui. 273, pp. 304-305.
The securing of proper medical service for injured persons. Bui. 273, pp. 278-283.
Trebilcock, Dr. F. C. (Ontario):
Eye injuries. Bui. 273, pp. 250-266, 267,268, 269.
Van Keuren, Charles (Michigan):
Rates and reserves. N. C. J., pp. 20-21.
Van Kleeck, Mary (New York):
Some problems of sickness insurance for women. Bui. 212, pp. 589-597.
Vaughn, J. B. (Illinois):
President and convention city. Bui. 210, pp. 197,198.
Verrill, Charles H. (Washington, D. C.):
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Bui. 273, pp. 395-398.
Compensation of permanent partial disabilities under the Federal compensation act. Bui. 281, pp.
Coverage. Bui. 212, pp. 406-409.
Industrial safety through statistics. Bui. 248, pp. 189-191.
Permanent disability ratings. Bui. 273, pp. 387-388; Bui. 281, pp. 71-80; Bui. 333, pp. 123-125, 132-133,
Second injuries. Bui. 273, p. 355.
United States Employees’ Compensation Act. Bui. 248, pp. 88-89.
Wagaman, Charles D. (Maryland):
Arising out of employment. Bui. 273, p. 53.
Direct settlements. Bui 273, pp. 119-121,122.
Warren, Dr. B. S. (Washington, D. C.):
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 702-711.
Waterman, Homer F. (Michigan):
Compensation and safety. N. C. J., p. 9.
Watson, Emile E. (Ohio):
Accident prevention. Bui. 264, p. 8.
Comparative insurance rates under different systems. Bui. 273, pp. 325-333, 334, 335, 336,337-341.
Merit rating. Bui 210, pp. 58-75.
Ohio’s plan of reaching the employer through monthly statistical reports. Bui. 264, pp. 14-16.
Tenure of office. Bui. 273, pp. 323-324.
Wehe, L. J. (North Dakota):
Extraterritoriality. Bui. 333, pp. 281-282.
Forms and procedure, report of committee on. Bui. 333, p. 57.
Permanent disability ratings. Bui. 333, pp. 85-86, 128-130, 139, 143.
Weller, John H. (Michigan):
Physical defects of employees. N. C. J., pp. 43-44,45.
Westerman, W. S. (Michigan):
Value of workmen’s compensation. N. C. J., pp. 10,26.
White, John P.:
Compulsory physical examination of employees. Bui. 212, pp. 314-316.



White, Dr. W. H. (Ohio):
Corrective operations. Bui. 210, pp. 112-118.
Neufasthenia and hysteria. Bui. 210, pp. 203, 204.
Physical examination and medical supervision of employees. Bui. 212, pp. 327-334.
White, William P. (Massachusetts):
Choice of physicians. Bui. 248, pp. 175-176.
Coverage. Bui. 212, p. 416.
Cripples, employment of. Bui. 212, p. 210.
Invalidity and old age pensions. Bui. 212, pp. 750-760.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 248, pp. 247, 24®, 249.
Occupational diseases. Bui. 248, p. 262.
Physical examination. Bui. 212, pp. 342-344.
Second injuries. Bui. 212, p. 217.
Sickness insurance. Bui. 212, p. 344.
Whitney, Albert W. (New York):
Compension schedules of awards. Bui. 212, pp. 198-197.
Cost, service, and security under various systems of insurance. Bui. 281, pp. 212-220.
Experience rating. Bui. 281, pp. 269-270.
Promptness of payment. Bui. 281, p. 269.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 281, p. 270.
Second injuries. Bui. 212, pp. 217-218.
Standardization of rates and its effects on accident prevention. N. C. J., pp. 11-13.
Standardization, safety codes Bui. 281, pp. 25, 26.
Wilcox, Fred M. (Wisconsin):
Accident reporting. Second meeting, pp. 170,171, 172; Bui. 273, p. 106.
Administrative agencies, consolidation. Bui. 304, pp. 105-108.
Appeal, right of. Bui. 210, p. 28.
Arising out of and in course of employment. Bui. 273, pp. 45-46, 51.
Attorneys. Second meeting, pp. 173-174, 175, 176,177,181.
Claims, period of filing. Bub 273, p. 106.
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Second meeting, pp. 134-135, 258; Bui.
210, p. 184.
Conflict between stock and mutual companies. Bui. 210, p. 251.
Court system of administration. Bui. 304, pp. 109-110.
Direct settlements. Second meeting, pp. 162-169, 179,180,183, 184; Bui. 273, p. 105.
Double injuries. Bui. 273, p. 354.
Dual insurance coverage. Bui. 359, p. 109.
Extraterritorial rights. Second meeting, pp. 53-54,62; Bui. 273, p. 108.
Eye injuries. Bui. 273, pp. 270-271, 410, 411.
Industrial commission system of administration. Bui. 212, pp. 917-925.
I. A. I. A. B. C. as clearing house for information. Bui. 304, pp. 242-243.
Interstate employees. Bui. 273, pp. 213-215.
Investigation of accident by commission. Second meeting, pp. 178, 179.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 210, pp. 194,195; Bui. 273, p. 409.
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 273, pp. 107,108.
Medical advice. Second meeting, p. 162.
Medical aid, limitation of. Bui. 273, pp. 406-407.
Neurosis. Bui. 304, pp. 159-160.
Permanent disability ratings. Second meeting, p. 162; Bui. 273, pp. 410, 411; Bui. 304, pp. 137, 139;
Bui. 359, pp. 34-35, 37-39, 41-42, 43-44.
Physical examinations. Second meeting, pp. 162,185-188,189, 190,191,193-195,200,201,202.
Presidential address. Bui. 264, p. 7.
Safety devices. Second meeting, pp. 173,175.
Second injuries. Bui. 273, pp. 108-109, 358-359.
Williams, Frederic M. (Connecticut):
Aliens. Bui. 385, p. 132.
Attorneys’ fees. Bui. 385, pp. 126-127.
Extraterritoriality. Bui. 333, pp. 280-281.
Eye injuries. Bui. 359, p. 86.
Hernia. Bui. 385, p. 58.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 385, pp. 26-27.
Medical services and medical and hospital fees. Bui. 212. pp. 292-304.
Preexisting disease. Bui. 385, p. 139.
Self-insurers. Bui. 385, p. 163.
Service, security and cost under different systems of compensation. Bui. 281, pp. 241-248.
Should medical service be limited in compensation cases? Bui. 264, pp. 152-153.
Standard permanent disability schedule. Bui. 359, pp. 132-133.
Total disability, definition of. Bui. 333, p. 148.



Williams, Nathan B. (Washington, D. C.):
Attorneys. Bnl. 212, p. 415.
Elective compensation. Bui. 212, p. 416.
Williams, Richard &. (Massachusetts):
Sickness insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 616-617.
Williams, S. J. (Illinois):
Accident prevention. Bui. 264, p. 9.
Accident statistics, inadequacy of. Bui. 304, p. 65.
How much do industrial accidents cost? But. 304, pp. 53-62.
Schools, safety instruction in. ^Bui. 304, p. 72.
What industrial commissions can do to prevent accidents. Bui. 264, pp. 45-47.
Willis, Frank B. (Ohio):
Address of welcome. Bui. 210, pp. 25-28.
Willison, Sir John:
Canada. Relations with United States. Bui. 273, pp. 363-366.
Employees and employers, conferences between. Bui. 273, p. 365.
Wilson, Herbert M.- (Pennsylvania):
Inspection and schedule rating of coal mines as a means of preventing mine accidents. Bui. 212, pp.
Merit rating. Bui. 212, pp. 263-264.
Wilson, J. M. (Washington):
Lump-sum settlements. Bui. 24$, pp, 78-81.
Premium rate. Bui. 248, pp. 87-88.
Wilson, William B. (Washington, D. C.):
Social insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 841-844.
Wilson, W. G. (Ohio):
Stock insurance companies, activities against State funds. Bui. 212, p. 170.
Wilson, Woodrow (Washington, D. C.):
Address of welcome. Bui. 212, pp. 839-840;
Winship, John T. (Michigan):
Necessity for adequate reserves under the compensation act. N. C. J., pp. 22-23.
Withall, Ernest (Illinois):
Report of committee on forms and procedure. Bui. 333, pp. 44-45.
Wittpenn, Mrs. H. Otto (New Jersey):
Experiences in administration of mothers' pensions. Bui. 212, pp. 805-810.
Wolfe, S. Herbert (New York):
Defectives, employment of. Bui. 212, p. 200.
Loss of earnings as basis of permanent disability awards; Bui. 212, p. 199.
Medical service. Bui. 212, p. 201.
Overinsurance. Bui. 212, p. 198.
Wolflin, H. M. (California):
The safety movement in California. Bui. 281, pp. 13-19:
Wood, Frank E. (Louisiana):
Court methods of operation of workmen's compensation in Louisiana. Bui. 304, pp. 115-117.
Woodward (New York):
Classification of accidents. Special meeting, pp. 37,38.
Compensation cost, method of figuring. Special meeting, pp. 47-48.
I. A. I. A. B. C. Dues. Special meeting, p. 54.
—— Membership in. Special meeting, p. 28;
Lump-sum settlements. Special meeting, pp. 49.
Outstanding liability—report of indemnity paid. Special meeting, p. 47.
Remarriage. Special meeting, pp. 47-48.
Reportable accidents. Special meeting, pp. 16,18,19.
Tabulatablo accidents. Special meeting, pp. 18-19.
Woodward, Dr. William C. (Washington, D. C.):
Health insurance. Bui. 212, pp. 722-725.
Wright, A. W. (Ontario):
Accident prevention. Bui. 24®, p. 49.
Occupational disease. Bui. 248, pp. 259-260, 261.
Rehabilitation. Bui. 248, pp. 301-303.
Responsibility for compensation. Bui. 248, p. 262.
Wright, Dr. C. Stewart (Ontario):
Back pain, with special reference to sacrolumbar and sacroiliac lesions and the application of physio­
therapy in treatm ent Bui. 385, pp. 100-112.



Yaple, Wallace D. (Ohio):
Aliens. N. C. J., p. 42.
Appeal, right of. Bui. 210, pp. 28, 29, 30.
Committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost. Second meeting, pp. 136-137; Bui. 210,
p. 184.
Doctors' fees. Bui. 210, p. 108.
Evidence, taking of. N. C. J., p. 40.
Extraterritorial operation of State workmen’s compensation acts. Second meeting, pp. 23-45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65.
Eye injuries. N. C. J., p. 44.
Hernia. Second meeting, pp. 128-129.
Improper medical treatment. Second meeting, p. 128.
I. A. I. A. B. C. Conventions. Second meeting, pp. 245-247, 251; Bui. 210, p. 192.
----- Change of name. Second meeting, p. 248.
Jurisdictional conflict. Bui. 210, pp. 56-57.
Physical examinations. Second meeting, pp. 204-205.
Preexisting and subsequent disease. Second meeting, pp. 125-127.
Presidency, resignation from. Bui. 210, p. 197.
Refusal to take medical treatment. Second meeting, p. 128.
State insurance. Bui. 210, pp. 234-235.
State insurance experience in Ohio. N. C. J., pp. 35-39.
Workmen’s compensation. Bui. 210, pp. 8-13.
Young, A. II. (Illinois):
Principle and practice of cooperation in industrial relations, as embodied in plans of employee repre­
sentation. Bui. 273, pp. 367-375.
Severity rates. Bui. 248, p. 43.
Young, Ralph (Iowa):
Extraterritoriality. Bui. 333, p. 279.
Young, Robert D. (Pennsylvania):
What Pennsylvania is doing to prevent accidents. Bui. 264, pp. 37-40.


The publication o f the annual and special reports and o f the bim onthly bulletin was
discontinued in July, 1912, and since th a t tim e a bulletin has been published a t irregular
intervals. Each num ber contains m atter devoted to one o f a series o f general subjects*
These bulletins are num bered consecutively, beginning w ith No* 101, and up to No* 236 they
also carry consecutive num bers under each series* Beginning w ith No. 237 the serial n u m ­
bering has been discontinued. A list o f the series is given below. Under each is grouped
all the bulletins which contain m aterial relating to the subject m atter o f th a t series. A list
o f the reports and bulletins o f the Bureau issued prior to July 1, 1912, will be furnished on
application. The bulletins m arked th u s * are ou t o f print.
Wholesale Prices.
*Bul. 114. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1912.
Bui. 149. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1913.
*Bul. 173. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign countries.
*Bul. 181. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1914.
♦ Bui. 200. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1915.
*Bul. 226. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1916.
Bui. 269. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1919.
Bui. 284. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign countries. Revision of
Bulletin No. 173.]
Bui. 296. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1920.
Bui. 320. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1921.
Bui. 335. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1922.
Bui. 367. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1923.
Bui. 390. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1924. [In press.]
Retail Prices and Cost of living.
*Bul. 105. Retail prices, 1890 to 1911: Part I.
Retail prices, 1890 to 1911: Part II—General tables.
♦ Bui. 106. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1912: Part I.
Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1912: Part II—General tables
Bui. 108. Retail prices, 1890 to August, 1912.
Bui. 110. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1912.
Bui. 113. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1912.
Bui. 115. Retail prices, 1890 to February, 1913.
♦ Bui. 121. Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer.
Bui. 125. Retail prices, 1890 to April, 1913.
♦ Bui. 130. Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer.
Bui. 132. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1913.
Bui. 136. Retail prices, 1890 to August, 1913.
♦ Bui. 138. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1913.
*Bul. 140. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1913.
Bui. 156. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1914.
Bui. 164. Butter prices, from producer to consumer.
Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war.
♦ Bui. 184. Retail prices, 1907 to June, 1915.
Bui. 197. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1915.
Bui. 228. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1916.
Bui. 270. Retail prices, 1913 to December, 1919.
Bui. 300. Retail prices, 1913 to 1920.
Bui. 315. Retail prices, 1913 to 1921.
Bui. 334. Retail prices, 1913 to 1922.
Bui. 357. Cost of living in the United States.
Bui. 366. Retail prices, 1913 to December, 1923.
Bui. 369. The use of cost-of-living figures in wage adjustments. [In press.]
Wages and Hours of Labor.
Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries
in the District of Columbia.
♦ Bui. 118. Ten-hour maximum working-day for women and young persons.
Bui. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin.
♦ Bui 128. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1890 to 1912.
♦ Bui. 129. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1890 to 1912.
♦ Bui. 131. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, 1907 to 1912.

♦ Supply exhausted.


Wages and Honrs of Labor—‘Continued.
•Bui. 134. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe'and hosiery and knit goods industries, 1890
to 1912.
•Bui. 135. Wages and hours of labor in the cigar and clothing industries, 1911 and 1912.
137. Wages’and hours of labor in the building, an&repairmg.of steam railroadears* 1890to 1912.
Bui. 143. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1913.
*BuJv 146i Wages? and regulaitity •of employment and standardfeat«)Bt ofpieceratee iflthe dress and
waist industry oi New York City.
*Bak 147. Wages and regularity •of employment in the dtaafc, suit, and -skirt industry.
*Bi&<.15Qw Wagesand botfraoS labor m the cottony weeiea1, and silk Industries; 190T to 1943.
•Bad. 151. Wages.aad hours-©t labor in the-iron and steel industry in the1United States, I§07 to 1912*.
Bulk 153* Wagesand hiours ©t labor in the lumber; millwork, and furniture industries, 1907 to 1913.
•'Bill.154. Wages* and hours of labor in the boot andshoe and hosiery and underwear industries, 190T
Bui. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of' labor of women in Indiana mercantile? establishment
and garment factories.
Bui. 161. Wages and hours of labor in the clothing and cigar industries, 1911 to 1913.
Bui. 163. Wages and hours of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad cars, 1907 to 1913.
Bui. 168. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry,. 1907 to 1913.
•Bui. 171. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 1,1914.
Bui. 177. Wages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industry, 1907 to 1914.
Bui. 178. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1914.
*Bul. 187. Wages and hours of labor in the men’s clothing industry, 1911 to 1914.
*Bul. 190. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907 to 1914.
•Bui. 194. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 1,1915.
Bui. 204. Street railway employment in the United States.
Bui. 214. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1916.
Bui. 218. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1915.
Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories.
Bui. 225. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1915.
Bui. 232. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1916.
Bui. 238. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1916.
Bui. 239. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing and finishing, 1916.
Bui. 245. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, M ay 15,1917.
Bui. 252. Wages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1917.
Bui. 259. Union scale of wages and hours* of labor, M ay 15,1918.
Bui. 260. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1918.
Bui. 261. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1918.
Bui. 262. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing and finishing, 1918.
Bui. 265. Industrial survey in selected industries in the United States, 1919. Preliminary report.
•Bui. 274. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1919.
Bui. 278. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1967 to 1920.
Bui. 279. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mining’: Anthracite, 1919 and 1920;
bituminous, 1920.
Bui. 286. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, M ay 15rd920.
Bui. 288. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing, 1920.
Bui. 289. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1920.
Bui. 294. Wages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry in l92L
Bui. 297. Wages and hours of labor in the petroleum industry, 1929.
Bui. 302. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1921.
Bui. 305. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 190? to 1920.
Bui. 316. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mmrng--aathractte, January* 1922,
bituminous, winter of 1921-22.
Bui. 317. Wages and hours of labor in lumber manufacturing, 1921.
Bui. 324. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1922,
Bui. 325. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15, 1922.
Bui. 327. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1922..
Bui. 328. Wages and hours of labor in hosiery and underwear industry, 1922.
Bui. 329. Wages and hours of labor in the men’s clothfng industry, 1922.
Bui. 345. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing, 1922.
Bui. 348. Wages and hours of labor in the automobile industry, 1922.
Bui. 353. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1982,
BuL 354. Union seal©, of wages and horns of labor, May I5-, 1923*
Bui. 356. Productivity in costs, common-brick industry.
Bui. 358. Wages and hours of labor in the automobile-tire industry, 1923.
Bui. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 piairs of shoes.
Bui. 362. Wages and hours of labor in foundries and machine shops, 1923,
Bui. 363. Wages and hours of labor in lumber manufacturing, 1923,
Bui. 365. Wages and hours of labor in the paper and pulp industry.
• Supply exhausted.


Wages and Hours of Labor—Continued*
Bui. 371. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing, 1924.
Bui. 373. Wages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1923.
Bui. 374. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1924.
Bui. 376. Wages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industry, 1907 to 1924.
Bui. 377. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1924.
Bui. 381. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1924.
Bui. 387. Wages and hours of labor in the men's clothing industry.
Bui. 388. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1924. fin press.]
Bui. 394. Wages and hours of labor in metalliferous mines, 1924. [In press.]
Employment and Unemployment.
♦ Bui. 109. Statistics of unemployment and the work of employment offices in the United States.
Bui. lie. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries
in the District of Columbia.
Bui. 172. Unemployment in New York City, N. Y.
*Bul. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston, Mass.
♦ Bui. 183. Regularity of employment in the women's ready-to-wear garment industries.
Bui. 192. Proceedings of the American Association of Public Employment Offices.
♦ Bui. 195. Unemployment in the United States.
Bui. 196. Proceedings of the Employment Managers' Conference held at Minneapolis, Minn., Janu­
ary, 1916.
♦ Bui. 202. Proceedings of the conference of Employment Managers' Association of Boston, Mass.,
held May 10,1916.
Bui. 206. The British system of labor exchanges.
Bui. 220. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Public Employ­
ment Offices, Buffalo, N. Y., July 20 and 21,1916.
Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war.
'Bui. 227. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., April 2 and 3,
Bui. 235. Employment system of the Lake Carriers' Association.
*Bul. 241. Public employment offices in the United States.
Bui. 247. Proceedings of Employment Managers' Conference, Rochester, N. Y., May 9-11,1918.
Bui. 310. Industrial unemployment: A statistical study of its extent and causes.
Bui. 311. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public Em­
ployment Services, held at Buffalo, N. Y., September 7-9,1921.
Bui. 337. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public Em­
ployment Services, held at Washington, D. C., September 11-13,1922.
Bui. 355. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public
Employment Services, held at Toronto, Canada, September 4-7, 1923.
Women in Industry.
Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries
in the District of Columbia.
♦ Bui. 117. Prohibition of night work of young persons.
♦ Bui. 118. Ten-hour maximum working-day for women and young persons.
Bui. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin.
♦ Bui. 122. Employment of women in power laundries in Milwaukee.
Bui. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile establishments
and garment factories.
♦ Bui. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries.
♦ Bui. 175. Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States.
♦ Bui. 176. Effect of minimum-wage determinations in Oregon.
♦ Bui. 180. The boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts as a vocation for women.
♦ Bui. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston, Mass.
Bui. 193. Dressmaking as a trade for women in Massachusetts.
Bui. 215. Industrial experience of trade-school girls in Massachusetts.
♦ Bui. 217. Effect of workmen's compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employ­
ment of women and children.
Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war.
Bui. 253. Women in the lead industries.
Workmen's Insurance and Compensation (Including laws relating thereto).
♦ Bui. 101. Care of tuberculous wage earners in Germany.
♦ Bui. 102. British national insurance act, 1911.
Bui. 103. Sickness and accident insurance law of Switzerland.
Bui. 107. Law relating to insurance of salaried employees in Germany.
♦ Bui. 126. Workmen's compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries.
♦ Bui. 155. Compensation for accidents to employees of the United States.
♦ Bui. 185. Compensation legislation of 1914 and 1915.
♦ Bui. 203. Workmen's compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries, 1916.
• Supply exhausted.

< n i)

Workmen’s Insurance and Compensation—Continued
Bui. 210. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Columbus, Ohio, April 25-28,1916.
Bui. 212. Proceedings of the conference on social insurance called by the International Association of
Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, Washington, D. C., December 5 to 9,1916.
Bui. 217. Effect of workmen’s compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employ­
ment of women and children.
*Bul. 240. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States up to December 31,1917.
Bui. 243. Workmen’s compensation legislation in the United States and foreign countries, 1917 and 1918.
Bui. 248. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Boston, Mass., August 21-25,1917.
Bui. 264. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Madison, Wis., September 24-27,1918.
Bui. 272. Workmen's compensation legislation of the United States and Canada. 1919.
*Bul. 273. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Toronto, Canada, September 23-26,1919.
Bid. 275. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States and Canada up to Jan­
uary, 1920.
Bui. 281. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at San Francisco, Calif., September 20-24,1920.
Bui. 301. Comparison of workmen’s compensation insurance and administration.
Bui. 304. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Chicago, 111., September 19-23,1921.
Bui. 312. National health insurance in Great Britain, 1911 to 1920.
Bui. 332. Workmen’s compensation legislation of the United States and Canada, 1920 to 1922.
Bui. 333. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Baltimore, Md., October 9-13,1922.
.... Bui. 359. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards and Commissions, held at St. Paul, Minn., September 24-26, 1923. *
Bui. 379. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States as of January 1, 1925.
Bui. 385. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial
Accident Boards andCommissions^ield at Halifax,Nova Scotia, August 26-28,1924.
industrial Accidents aid Hygiene.
♦ Bui. 104. Lead poisoning in potteries, tile works, and porcelain enameled sanitary ware factories.
Bui. 120. Hygiene of the painters' trade.
„ *Bul. 127. Dangers to workers from dust and fumes, and methods of protection.
♦ Bui. 141. Lead poisoning in the smelting and refining of lead.
*Bul. 157. Industrial accident statistics.
♦ Bui. 165. Lead poisoning in the manufacture of storage batteries.
♦ Bui. 179. Industrial poisons used in the rubber industry.
Bui. 188. Report of British departmental committee on the danger in the use of lead in the painting
of buildings.
♦ Bui. 201. Report of committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost of the International
Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. [Limited edition.]
Bui. 205. Anthrax as an occupational disease.
♦ Bui. 207. Causes of death, by occupation.
♦ Bui. 209. Hygiene of the printing trades.
♦ Bui. 216. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building.
Bui. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives.
Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories.
Bui. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories.
♦ Bui. 231. Mortality from respiratory diseases in dusty trades (inorganic dusts).
♦ Bui. 234. Safety movement in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1917.
Bui. 236. Effect of the air hammer on the hands of stonecutters.
Bui. 251. Preventable death in the cotton manufacturing industry.
Bui. 253. Women in the lead industries.
Bui. 256. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building. (Revision of Bui. 216.)
Bui. 267. Anthrax as an occupational disease. [Revised.]
Buk 276. Standardization of industrial accident statistics.
Bui. 280. Industrial poisoning in making coal-tar dyes and dye intermediates.
Bui. 291. Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Bui. 293. The problem of dust phthisis in the granite-stone industry.
Bui. 298. Causes and prevention of accidents in the iron and steel industry, 1910 to 1919.
Bui. 306. Occupational hazards and diagnostic signs: A guide to impairment to be looked for in haz­
ardous occupations.
Bui. 339. Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States.
Bui. 392. Hygiene of the printing trades. [In press.]
♦ Supply exhausted.

Conciliation and Arbitration (including strikes and lockouts).
•Bill. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the building trades of Greater New York.
*Bu! 133. Report of the industrial council of the British Board of Trade on its inquiry into industrial
♦ Bui. 139. Michigan copper district strike.
i$al. 144. Industrial court of the cloak, suit, and skirt industry of New York City.
Bui 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of New York City.
Bui. 191. Collective bargaining in the anthracite coal industry.
♦ Bui. 198. Collective agreements in the men’s clothing industry.
Bui. 233. Operation of the industrial disputes investigation act of Canada.
Bui. 303. Use of Federal power in settlement of railway labor disputes.
Bui. 341. Trade agreement in the silk-ribbon industry of New York City.
Labor Laws of the United States (including decisions of courts relating to labor).
♦ Bui. 111. Labor legislation of 1912.
♦ Bui. 112. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1912.
♦ Bui. 148. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto
♦ Bui.-152. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1913.
♦ Bui. 166. Labor legislation of 1914.
♦ Bui..169. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1914.
♦ Bui. 186. Labor legislation of 1915.
♦ Bui. 189. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1915.
Bui. 211. Labor laws and their administration in the Pacific States.
♦ Bui. 213. Labor legislation of 1916.
Bui. 224. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1916.
Bui. 229. Wage-payment legislation in the United States.
♦ Bui. 244. Labor legislation of 1917.
Bui. 246. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1917.
♦ Bui. 257. Labor legislation of 1918.
Bui. 258. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1918.
♦ Bui. 277. Labor legislation of 1919.
Bui. 285. Minimum-wage legislation in the United. States.
Bui. 290. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1919-1920
Bui. 292. Labor legislation of 1920.
Bui. 308. Labor legislation of 1921.
Bui. 309. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1921
Bui. 321. Labor laws that have been declared unconstitutional.
Bui. 322. Kansas Court of Industrial Relations.
Bui. 330. Labor legislation of 1922.
Bui. 343. Laws providing for bureaus of labor statistics, etc.
Bui. 344. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1922.
Bui. 370. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. [In press.]
Bui. 391. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1923-1924. [In press.]
Foreign Labor Laws.
♦ Bui. 142. Administration of labor laws and factory inspection in certain European countries.
Vocational Education.
Bui. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of New York City.
♦ Bui. 147. Wages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry, with plans for
apprenticeship for cutters and the education of workers in the industry.
♦ Bui. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners, and a factory school experiment.
♦ Bui. 162. Vocational education survey of Richmond, Va.
Bui. 199. Vocational education survey of Minneapolis, Minn.
Bui. 271 Adult working-class education (Great Britain and the United States).
Labor as Affected by the War.
Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war.
Bui. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives.
Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories
Bui. 222. Welfare work in British munition factories.
Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war.
Bui. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories.
Bui. 237. Industrial unrest in Great Britain.
Bui. 249. Industrial health and efficiency. Final report of British Health of Munition Workers
Bui. 255. Joint industrial councils in Great Britain.
Bui. 283. History of the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 1917 to 1919.
Bui. 287. History of National War Labor Board.
Supply exhausted.

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Safety Codes.
Bui. 331. Code of lighting factories, mills, and other work places.
Bui. 336. Safety code for the protection of industrial workers in foundries.
Bui. 338. Safety code for the use, care, and protection of abrasive wheels.
Bui. 350. Rules governing the approval of headlighting devices for motor vehicles.
Bui. 351. Safety code for the construction, care, and use of ladders.
Bui. 364. Safety code for mechanical power-transmission apparatus.
Bui. 375. Safety code for laundry machinery ami operations.
Bui. 378. Safety code for woodworking machinery.
Bui. 382. Code of lighting school buildings.
Miscellaneous Series.
*Bul. 117. Prohibition of night work of young persons.
*Bul. 118. Ten-hour maximum working day.for women and young persons.
*Bul. 123. Employers’ welfare work.
*Bul. 158. Government aid to home owning and housing of working people in foreign countries.
*Bul. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners and a factory school experiment.
*Bul. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries.
Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war.
*Bul. 174. Subject index of the publications of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistic-up to
May 1,1915.
Bui. 208. Profit sharing in the United States.
Bui. 222. Welfare work in British munition factories.
Bui. 242. Food situation in central Europe, 1917.
*Bul. 250. Welfare work for employees in industrial establishments in the United States.
Bui. 254. International labor legislation and the society of nations.
Bui. 263. Housing by employers in the United States.
Bui. 266. Proceedings of Seventh Annual Convention of Governmental Labor Officials of the United
States and Canada, held at Seattle, Wash., July 12-15,1920.
Bui. 268. Historical survey of international action affecting labor.
Bui. 271. Adult working-class education in Great Britain and the United States.
Bui. 282. Mutual relief associations among Government employees in Washington, D. C.
Bui. 295. Building operations in representative cities in 1920.
Bui. 299. Personnel research agencies: A guide to organized research in employment management,
industrial relations, training, and working conditions.
Bui. 307. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor
Officials of the United States and Canada, held at New Orleans, La., May 2rfi, 1921.
Bui. 313. Consumers’ cooperative societies in the United States, 1920.
Bui. 314. Cooperative credit societies in America and foreign countries.
Bui. 318. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States.
Bui. 320. The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Its history, activities, and organization.
Bui. 323. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor
Officials of the United States and Canada, held at Harrisburg, Pa., May 22-26, 1922.
Bui. 326. Methods of procuring and computing statistical information of the Bureau of Labor Sta­
Bui. 340. Chinese migrations, with special reference to labor conditions.
Bui. 342. International Seamen’s Union of America: A study of its history and problems.
Bui. 346. Humanity in government.
Bui. 347. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in 1922.
Bui. 349. Industrial relations in the West Coast lumber industry.
Bui. 352. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Convention of Governmental Labor Officials of the
United States and Canada, held at Richmond, Va., May 1-4,1923.
Bui. 361. Labor relations in the Fairmont (W. Va.) bituminous coal field.
Bui. 368. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in 1923.
Bui. 372. Convict labor in 1923.
Bui. 380. Post-war labor conditions in Germany.
Bui. 383. Works council movements in Germany.
Bui. 384. Labor conditions in the shoe industry in Massachusetts, 1920 to 1924.
Bui. 386. The cost of American almshouses. [In press.]
Bui. 389. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor
Officials of the United States and Canada, held at Chicago, 111., May 19-23,1924. [In
Bui. 393. Trade agreements, 1923 and 1924. [In press.)


Description of occupations, prepared for the United States Employment Sendee, 1918-19.

♦ Boots and shoes, harness and saddlery, and tanning.
♦ Cane-sugar refining and flour milling.
Coal and water gas, paint and varnish, paper, printing trades, and rubber goods.
♦ Electrical manufacturing, distribution, and maintenance.
Hotels and restaurants.
♦ Logging camps and sawmills.
Medicinal manufacturing.
Metal working, building and general construction, railroad transportation, and shipbuilding.
♦ Mines and mining.
♦ Office employees.
Slaughtering and meat packing.
Street railways.
♦ Textiles and clothing.
• Watei • transportation.